Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 06, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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Oregon City Enterprise
A-I...H and M M il 'i'm' :"",,
;'- for ll.n,
Hi I.11..I...I 7'"r"i ,
r..n rH lAII.W CmM
I, ftl.. j,t, U.
fuml.hrd Errr MVck hj the ( l ka.
ma Ab.frart A Trul ( vmpio;.
il'iv1 -
M'M-i.lA.U,.li,ri,rl,l,f Tl.. t-bolr '
'"V;" ...I .11 .ml,, .
T' . - - WW (
ji: N Pml.jr lo J Mjur., lot. I, 18,
I", 20, 21, 24 lo 4(1, blk 72; alio
lot. 1 V) 1.1, 31 to 29, blk 72, Min-
(Couch M )
thorn. 600
Makes Hie food more delicious and wholesome
. V. . ll.iftUml lo M L Morrli, mli
j In A Kturxe. cl.lin, t 4 , r
! 2
, K K Kr.m to K K Hj.ii-n, w,' of
' li f ne' c 27, 1 1 I f 4 o. . . .
IpD '
it U-11
7 I 'J A. M.
7 4"
10 jo
u o r. m.
I 31
4 SO
( M only to
10 Jo
11 y only lo
1 45
'I . ..
.il.vr.i osimi utv
ifljip.S uoa M Going down i:jo M
lfpAY TM'llj:(.ON CITY ONLY.
,. oamo. nvv
i or. u.
a 7.00
tuuutrt riuM air.
l it at.
1 '
I "
. M.
7 '
K "
I ft M.
I u -
4 v.
1 N
htfcr i w' kaur ui f t'tii
C A MI.Mft.ifr.
7X1 IT"' "7 ',e"rt'"1
"I "lill ll ll i,.,.t grmirxllig.
M11 itu M mm
Co, V. iii(jii4 iM,Mfllr.
-7 on 11- r m,,, uf v,f(, , .
un.t.l. I., U I,..,. Tl.urJ.y ,,,1,1 ,u . '
l-nllln cou.ii.hjr I. f 1,1, lc.!
r ""'""X'"l"".r,..r i fl.lc.go, .ml
ll'.m..l n.,ctim WM i1l
Upl. Mni.r l.rl.l tli u.iul
'l''rljr I n I.owbv,, ,,
rwi...ny i,,, . ,ul ciu,B a.
iMf.fir, l U l......(). (pf
M'.h.Lv ri.,.l.,g U .in m ,...
I i -
Urlllrr It (W III li,
M.li'j. i.l mil ini,(.f ,. fijj
ll.Si-il.lr.lt. Wl trv. Tl, v......
rlrIIIUnilr. ,y U ,.),lM0
Ui.ln Krlty kii, ;, , ( i,lU
C.t Mauurr I,., nnlcr r..iuiri.in
(l.ntlor -1.1 aotk l.jr tl.o chiMhii.j.
Il. I if .rr.iirtuiniu n U mIii
fi IIM-I lnrll, i Ui lli iiiimiiImt.
I !o (' i.iii.. -C.ly UiTunlrr
f'uny l,Mruiii.i-lr.. fine iii.h of tU
cliy rrlnvlrr;. Tl.t jilM t lnut Mm
ilr.twl i,). n. nr. r..lltr. n ln.
nmiiM iiuiinl i.f l.b-.f .u i rrrf, , ni our lun, anl l.icr elwtrlc liclit
lli.inulr.rrliirr. odfi.dlmti.it. Tti. I ',""t 'ut The w.ler in.iti.
1 .. . 1 1.1 1
m.i no( 11.. tiirt iIm i,l of
Kidneys, Liver
and Bowels
Cleanses the ystem
im......,., . .DATinM
but e tenviHi - mint o ty
' - yi &
. a
fjr lot, Id. lor.tmn of gravr in f u h
lol .ui Ili.ronJiilon of gr.r.. Tti
ok of Invfi.tm, rVF.!. th. fact
Iti.l ouny of ll.. vr.VM r. In i njat
4rloil.l. ronlit.oii of hrglrrt, fur
I.Si h llirr. I .lmu.1 DO ririlM .1 .11,
O'l lliiilllj U lllrl. lvl to I'X llniM in
Urrvlwl. Minf of tli. lol. iliow e
dtirof lnliklng .nil loving r.m,
.ml ir fr.lly lirautilul In tli.ir profu.ton
ul r it irut. .ml fliiri. Willi
Hi. Ui.p Mr, (,'urrjr li.i lo ron.ulrl .
ro.fd of ilirdi, io tli.l on. ran Irll in
Irw nilr.utr tli. rtxl rot.ditlon of tvert
dlkt .inilr. r. ton. lug out of j lol In tli. rvmrlrrr ami will prov.
Itmuih ltir ron.liilun llitn , gtt.t tootilrnr. to Mii l..rr.
JUif lrn til-vrlixl.
1 ItUV TIIK lilt MUtTII.
Xlt. W. II. Vrl.ljrr, I'.rwrr Itr.l
dent .rtbUConntj U llrard I'roni.
ffua i tuaoiti. IVnlUl J.
I f rlb l.o ariiMl at KiUvrVm
u twk I'f ilmotmg h mil h In
i UJ hi t'i!lM.iii.f jf lie. ring l.l
itj 0'l .. xu.iillr illai li.rgr.l,
4riUB.. ttiunrj lliat III ilioollng
iniirvly y- lilrnial.
ar Uing d.riird ami trrU nii.rovril
and gr.dnl. Itr anotlirr yir we will
rank among Ilia "Mg rltln."
Ilobbrd thr (.rite.
A t. riling inridi'iilofwlikh Mr John
Olivrrof, l'liiUdnlilii, waitlie auhjrct
it narr.U'd by him aa IdIIo: "I waa
In u.wl drradful condition. My akin
m almmt yellow, fyra lunken, tongue
cuird, (win toiitlnually in bark and
idpi, no aiMtili gradually growing
wraker day by day. Tl.rve oliy.icl.nf
bal Ivrn me up. rortunalrly, a friend
advlrd "Klt-ctrld Ilium," and lo my
grral Joy and loipriw, the flrit bottle
made a drcidrd iiiiproveiiirnl I continued
tln'ir dm for three, werki and am now
a well man. I know they aarrd my life,
and rolihrd lb. giave of another v'ctim."
Noonealiould fail to try Ihrm. Only
Wo nla, mi.r.nti-rd at CJeo. A. H.rd
ntg'a lrug blore.
fu yutn'. Hi ihi.m. Ttie turn.
ttj li lit rounly butlhril for 8rjnn-
k'KiMti ll .ttl.c county rlrik rollnt rd
: S In rr. nd the rwoi.lrr'i otlu.
ctr-l I.' l.'i. Wamiiia were laiucd
plirtrrl fund lo the amount of
"Jut in ui." r.arT. The Jolly
mi .ill (,(!, the entlal araton with
IfM of a rir
Aft un Ik ..!. "Til. Tl.a rtnli
d tli fi Ii-j uf Kvervel'i orchr.-
Iilortlirir .niri and It la tbrlr Inten-
toout Ju ll.rlr iiii)riof la.l araaoo.
'toil I mi Hot . Koine bad
"ki la ll.r t Jo walk on the Weil aide
Hull itrrrt ninth ol Twrlftb have lrn
o tl.it iilutr!.in en again
WpMiat night. Theie are frw
U.l pl.m m othf r paria of lown
d riiili. thing In-fore aom.liody li
iN.nd Jamatio aulta In.lilued.
Bimi lliki The runiaimof
liui Wllliiim, I ho young man who
taLlrntly killol at New I'ra tail
rk. er bnrlfd hi Mountain View
3'ltry hrrH. U.t K.i.ir.l.v. Hoy.
rtn.)tli-l.l It. am akM.IMal tlilih
niemlrd by a iitiinlwr of the young
ri men. li.
f'HX To Nai kiiV'llliam IWk. a
Harold ilxiv wIiom borne la at
"tlputil olllrtt Ur.im J.i.Ijb Itran
M"MUy lor examination aa lo hi
''"J- Hul,rirnt i-uiina . found lo
""nit him io tho Imano aayluni ami
"l UiukK t.K.k blin tu I hill liiitllll-
CUanoic (n H,..uv I'1,i.. ,u,m ho
"U lllllil Mini I.m. s.n.tiii'liul the
,kt7 on tiniM.r Snvunili irl. b.a
Jout llitt hiuinfHi to J, ....nli k'nnrtim.
'"""""""lbarKo of U Monday. Mr.
"n li an ol.l .ml renpuclcd cltlwn
and l.ia many friend.
itnuf iitiitiirlulc
AT (wnv Tl. H,i-.ilfiiiitn
jf,o'('iiliy hold open lionno tonight
"Umda uordiKl invllalioii to every
;ro( tie A, 0 u w BnJ tll((ir
r"""i to i.
rioT, Alaika, S'pl. 2l,
IM.tor Knierpr.M: A wonl from the
north may not I unwrlroiue to your
many rradna, now that the country
ha wttUI do.n alter tl.. rvlurnof the
"Oregon llo)."
We bate not bad aa nuirh rain a. it
rirtr-. frnrn Orrg-iri, but Will b.ve bad
iniii h more than lal .ir.r, and il I. at lit
raining. The ar.il.rr ! ii'it cold Jrt.
an.) my g.rdrn I. .till lull of flowm, but
thrre 1. tome now on lb mountiin
around Skigaay. W pnt kevoril
-i,i,...l.l- .Mk. .1 White l'.i. 12 in lei
of Mven d.ntlng j . , , , ..... .,,...
are line and plmtilul, and alio got aome
red rurr.nii whlrh are juit like the
culiiv.i.d one. at home, fully aa large.
The White 1'aM and Yukon railroad ll
now rompleti'J to Lake lirnnll and
connrrle with the Im! for Iaaan.
Done ate (he banhihlpa ubiili forinrrly
allemM a trip lo l.won. The formrr
ilruggle over an aliml tmttonilenalr.il
la over forever. To thte with little
money who prrlVr the trail, there U the
agon road lo While Peie. ami from
there on the Improved trail which olTura
liuU diillrultv. Men walk from Lake
llennelt lo hk.gaay in one day. It in
..I.I ih.t the water In the Yukon la
reaching i'a low atage, ami that the
travel In mi Pawun out munt atop until
the Ire forma. Thli w 1111 a dii.ppoint
ment lo many who are now getting
ready lo o in.
Wm. Matlock of I'endlelon, and well
known In Portlam!, and proprietor of
the Skngway brewery here, rilarted In to
Iawon a few weeka alnon with a load of
hamlino. ami Joat It all by the
awamplng of Ida now, but with ipih k
energy, he went to N-attlo ami attain
ouifllted, and atarlod for l).oii tw
daya alm-e.
Mr. Mclntyre la now In Dawaoii, ami
what be ha o far neenoi in
a il t .. t l..k mr ! 111?
country, lie win reiurn iu .
and develop "I'nH properly ba
oHiin.t Kelihikun.
Thli town la coiiHtanlly growing;
bulMing I uoinu on rapUly ami Improv
ing in cpiallty.
Tho iiiliilnir " lu,J ttt Al"n
onthel5lliofS.pt., ami a at niainy
havacome out for tho winter. While
. . i... I. 1I..1 lllin Im.
the general opinion vm. -
n..t lurned out lo be aa gmu
JoM'ph 81'M'klord, Hoilglon, Me.,
hailed a aore running for eevenleen
year and cured hi. pile of long .land
ing by uaing IeWilt'a Wiich Il.tel
.Salve. It cure all akin diaea.ee.
lino. A. Hakimno.
1i:i.L Vol It MHTEIt.
A IWautilul Complexion i an ImooMi-
bilily without good pure blood, the wrt
that only rxl.ia in conniption with KJod
dike.tion, a healthy liver und bowela.
Kai I'a Clover Hoot Tea acta directly on
thebowela, livur and kidney, keeping
them in erlwi health. Price 2."i ct.
ami W cia. C. 0. Huntley. Pruggiol.
Million ol dollar., it the value pi ace. I
by Mra. May Ihrd, Harriiburg, I'a., on
the tile of her child, which, ahe a.ved
from croup by the une of One Minute
Cough Cure.
I-rwii claim, 1 2 a, r 1 e and tract
in Wliidnor
V. I'arker to J 8 Hrnlth, lota 3, 4
I'arkerllill add. and tract Join
ing T lirandori toll F liaker, 77.71
acre mc 10, 1 3 a, r 1 e... .
It Koehler fj 0 C It It Co, .Co acrea
in Canemah 1
1' II Marlay to A K Wilaon mi
aw '4' ai;c 2J, 1 1 a, r 3 1
C McCown lo J I'.ittner, tract on
Ural at reel, Oregon City 100
8 M McCown to C McCown, tract
on Front itret-t 1
F llabvlt lo A Itunh, lot I, blk 13,
Falla View, lo.. 5. B, blk 107, O C
F limi'li to A lSue. li, loll 3, 4, 6,
blk 107, O C
O C Kinney to A 0 Hayworxl, lot 6
M A li.ker lo H T linker, lota 1, 2,
6 itui kinanu'e tracta, t 3 I. r 1
U II Aahton lo L I) Keyaer, 20 feet
lot 4 ; 40 feet, lot 3, blk 20, Oiwego
Holton Land Co to J J Cooke, trua.
lot 17, blk 32, Bolton
J II Kuerten lo F. A. Toetilemaon
lol 2, blk 12S, 0 C 1000
T It A Mlwood, to J A Dowling,
blk 0, S.-II wood add to Milwaukie
C I'libkenilorfer to M Ilellen, 25
acrea, aec 31, tli, r 3 o
H (ilick, to K F Itiley, ae' of nw
and of nw4 aec 30, 1 4 a, r
3 e
E KUmi to K Huabanda 10 of nw
of ne'4' and ne.4 of nw'4', 6 1 6 a
r2e; aloaw.'4 of ne,'4 and m
of and Iota 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
8, aec 31, t 4 i, r 2
II J Mintl.orn to A L Toole, blk 20,
37, 4S.49, Minlhorn
J Fonvlhe lo L Welch, m)i lw'4'
ec L'0, 1 1 a, r 3
A E Fonytheto A K Wilaon, wf
o(w'4'iec20,tli. r3e
I Farr to Jamei McFarland, lot 8
blk 67, O C
O W Hlurgei to M L Morri. IracU
aec 31 , 1 4 i, r 2 e and aec 6, t 5
i, r 2 e
Sunday Services.
TKL'KT CO. are the owner of the copy
right to (he Thome lyatera of abetract
indexei, for Clackania county, and have
the only complete aet of abetracta io the
County, can furninh information aa to
title to land at once, on application.
Loam, Investment, real eatate, abatracti
etc. Oltlce over Bank of Oreeon City.
Call and inveatigate. Addreai box 377
Oregon City Oregon.
"If yoo ecour the world yon w ill never
find a remedy eu.ua! to One Minute
Cough Cure," eaya Editor Fackler, of
the Mieanopy. Fla. "HuBtler."' Il cured
hia family of La Uripie and laves thou
tamla from pneumonia, bronciiitia,
croup and all throat and lung trouble.
. Uko. A. Uakdino.
On the 10th of Pecember, 1898, Rev.
S. A. Donahoe, pastor M. E. Church,
It cure all cougha, cohl South, Pt. Pleasant, V. Va., contracted
and throat ami lung trouble.
Uko. A. Uakdi.su
preHout. Tim Cauby
am niuul i..,i...i..iHa.a mi.. I
. . '".i uiuiriimiiDia
( i? "'' occaaion will be a roe-
""eakor. Thuxr..i I at uf an
'""llrHlllliif . .i.. .
i. . "un uino iiiorv iiomo
( '""r In the county bo hoard.
ICS? '"i1 "u,r,4ry
wt by big aupper and the wholu
j 'WKiluda witl,, , biK ,Unce.
KtiKaiNlKKriN(,i-TI'0 nn,ml con
hi I of the ProabytorlRii
V m held Momluv nlnir. J. O.
W And A llolillrt.lin linnl rn.lltitl!il
report IndioHted, Hill the yellow metal
. .i .... i.. nm..imt uiiantlty to en-
im Liuiro in -
another year
will be
fnvorablflt tbo
e..nrie many W return
when it I boped the aeanon
i....... ...d law more favor
mining eHon tho tmnt summer, oiwnlng
aolnt that practically little con d be
dotor.nlne.1, and thore wai a grout deal
of confusion reH.ilti.m from the pamase
of the alien law, which kept many o
the clulmi from really being worked
this year. It ii hoped all tbone dilllcul
tloa will bo overcome by Mother year.
Th, bur., of the -wbUI b haard la
I w lull to ex pre my thanka to the
niannfactoreri of Chamlrlaln'f Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, for hav
ing pul on the market uch a wonderful
medicine, "eaya W. W. Masslnmlliol
lh-anmont, Texa. There are many
thou.anda of mother whose children
have been saved from attat ka of tlyson
lory and cholera infantum whomiiMtal
ao ((Nil thanklul. It I for tale by U. A.
Harding, druggist.
Dual Tob.fr Spit 1.4 RatoVi Trar l.lla inij.
To quit tol'icco e.nlly ami forever, loninf
nrlto, lull of Ilia, nervi anil vigor, Hike No To
Iluo. tin wonder -worker, that make, weak men
trong. Alt driiKBll,0oorll. Curejuarun
lenl lliMiklet and auinpl. (roe. AMrri
Kiurlltig Hciuody t o., Clilco or New York.
a eevere cold which was attended from
the lgiuning by violent coughing. He
aya: "After resorting to a number of
so-railed 'specifics,' usually kept in the
houne, lo no purpose, I purchased a
bottle of Chamberlain'! Cough Remedy,
which acted like a charm. I most cheor
tally recommend It to the public." For
sale by li. A. Harding.
Having sold out my business to Q. W.
Draco, I must have money to settle my
buHiues and all persons owing nie will
please call at tho store and settle ac
counts. Pan Wii.i.iami.
Wanted, to Rent.
A ranch of 50 to 100 acres with good
hoube and burn ; three acres must be In
cultivation. Will lease for a term of
years and pay cash rent. Call or ad
dress at once
Otto Hockrnsmitii,
310! First St., Portland, Or.
Farmer Store
Formerly occupied by II. Straight, has
been rebuilt and enlarged, and will open
in a few days with a first class stock of
groceries etc. at rock bottom prices, by
V. Harris.
Agents for the bost machine on earth
E l plenty, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will j Improved New Goodrich
divest what you eat. It cures all forms
of dyspepsia and stomach troubles. E.
It. Gamble, ernon, lex., says, "It
relioved mo from the st.irt and cured mo.
It Is now my everlasting friend."
Gi;o. A. IIaroino,
University of Oregon.
Tulliou Freo.
First term begins Sept. 18,1809. Ex
cellent courses in Ancient and Modern
Languages, Sciences, Mathematics, etc.
Graduates from the tenth grade and
from all accredited schools admitted
without examination.
Students not fully prepared to enter
can take studies In which they are de
ficient, in the Eugene City High School.
For catalogues and further Informa
tion, address the President or Hon. J. J.
Walton, Sec. Eugene, Oregon.
Oregon City Auction House.
Bsantki ylto Kind Yon Hart Always Bought
Eureka Harneu Oil la th. hut
preservative of new le"(hr
and the lient renovator of old
leather. It oIIb, nortens, black
naand protect. Use
Harness Oil
on your bmt hintm, your old har
nnn, Mid your crrlwlop. and they
will uol only look lieltrr but wear
nutter. Poht everywhere In raim aU
IIm from half flnta to Ave Ktjluu.
V Ma b; ITlSUlKll OIL CO.
KikMIi .nil J. Ad. ins iirrrli; Iter
EriiMt J. W. Mi' k, pi.ior. biindiy trUtm.
at OA. M., weekly wrvirv every lluirxliy
at S I'. U. Oerii.iii mliool tvrry Halurda)
from 9 to 11 Everybody Inviud.
ST. JOHN S CllfKCfl riTHOMr.-l( A
Hiu.liiAkD, f.aVir. On Muod.y raanaal . and
10 M .. n. Kverr ;nd .ud fourth auodai
(iertnaa aermou .Iter th S o'elork mat
At all other Ullvl Kuallah Irimnni. MnmUa
S h(Mil .1 M r. at. Vtir, (Klo(tlcaJ
UUIeri .04 bodlctloo .1 7J0r. at.
ii. urierir, raator. Mnrnliif .ervlc. at 10
8utiday ftcbool at )0 00. Claae BiMtltil altM
momiiii aarvK-a. evemiK aervlo .1 7 JO
Kpworth Lea.il met-tim Hu.dav arenlnr ai
JO; Prayer Mrrtln Thurad.y TeulH al'jt
atr.nfer eordlallv Invited.
Muot(omrT. failor Mnu-a ai II a and
7 JO r. H, Sabbath Bbool it 10 .. m. Vuo.ui
Paoplt'aMontety of CkrUtl.0 Eoduvor meet
very Sunday .renluf it I SO. Ihmaday
Tum prayer neeting .17 JO. eeali ire.
r.lKlilli and Mailiion lrxl. Itrv H. Copley
l.ior. Hervk. vrry Hal.aalh .1 11 a. ni
and 7:iS p. ni. Bund. Hchool 10 a. m
Prayer mecilng 8 p. m. All are w.lcoiu.
Kv. V. K. liaminond, Hector. tVrvicr
very Hu.nl. y at 11 a. m, and 7:30 p. ro.
Hiiod.y acliool at 10 o'rlork, Htrvic. twtri
Friday evttilng at7:.V. Other tervicr a
may be announced. All m.u free, btraiig
r cordially invited.
grrKational cliurcn. Kev. F. back, paalor.
Hervioe .very Humfar at 11 A. M. Bu
cliool at 10 A. M.
At. Hund.y
tv.rner of M.ln and Eleventh itrecta I'-ev.
K. M. Itoliliimr, paatnr. Morning aervic.
10:30: Sunday School 12: Junior Endeavor
5; Y. P. ti. C. K. prayer meeting 6:30;
evening aervlce 7:30.
Cbriitian Science meetings at Vvillarn-
etle ball, Sunday morning service, 11
o'clock ; Sunday school, 12; weekly meet
ing. Wedneedajr evening at 8, except
firat week of each month, when meeting
ill be held on Thursday evening at I
The Excitement Sot Over.
The rush at the drug store still con
tinues and daily scores of people call for
a bottle of Kemp's Balaam for the Throat
and Lungi for the Throat and Lungs for
the cure of Coughs, Colds, Asthma,
Bronchitis and Consumption. Kemp's
Balsam, the standard family remedy, is
sold on a goarsntee and never fails to
give entire satisfaction. Price 2-'c and
Patent Record.
"Money to patent good ideas may be
secured by onr aid, address The Patent
Record, Baltimore, Md."
Has she lost her beauty T If so. Con
stipation, Indigestion, Sick Headache
are the principal causes. Karl's Clover
Root Tea has cured these ills for halt a
century. Price 23 cts. and 50 cti.
Money refunded if results are not satis
factory. C. G. Hnntley, Druggist.
New veilings at Miss Goldsmith's.
Tor Infanti and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
1 A. O. V. XV. nieeti every flat irday
! evening In the A. O. U. XV. Temple.
Geo. R. CalifT. secretary.
Rebekaha Willamette Kebekah Lodge
No. 2 meeti second and fourth Friday of
each month at I. 0.0. F. Temple.
Malta Godfry, secretary.
Court Robin Hood No. ft, Foreaters of
America, meeta first and third Friday la
th month in Red Men's Hall. W. B.
Stafford secretary ; F. T. Rogers, chief
Meade Post No. 2. G. A. K., meeU
first Monday evening and third Paturdiy
afternoon in each month at Wilametle
Hall. G. A. Harding, con n.ander.
Clsckamn Chapter No. 2, R. A. M.,
meeta on the third Monday of each
month io Masonic Hall. M. Bollack.
Pioneer Chapter No. 28. 0. E. 8. meeta
the second and fourth Tuesdays la each
month at Masonic Hall. Mine Jennie
Rowen, secretary.
Oregon Lodge No. 3. 1. 0. 0. F., meeta
every Thursday in Odd Fellows' 1111.
T. F. Ryan, secretary.
Falla Encampment No. 4, 1. O. O. F.
meeta first and third Tuesday in each
month. J. A. Stnart, secretary.
Redmen Wacheno Tribe No. 13, Imp,
0. R. M., meets Saturday evening 7:30,
at Red Men's Hall. N. M. Moody, C.
of R.; Chaa. Woodward Sachem.
- Multnomah Lodge No. 1, A. F. A. M.,
meets first and third Satnrdaya In each
month at Masonic Hall. T. F. Ryaa,
Mead Relief Corps No 18, meets at
Willamette Hall the first Monday in
every month at 2 o'clock p. m. and the
third Monday in every month at 7.30
o'clock p. m The Auxiliary meets at
the Armory building the 1st and 3rd
Saturday in each month at 3 o'clock p.
m. Mrs. Rosina Fonts, president. Mn.
Mary L. Bradley, secretary.
Artisans meets first, second and fourth
Thursdays in each month at Red Men'a
11.11. J. T. Searle, secretary.
Catholic Knights of America St. John's
Biancb No. 617, meets every Tuesday of
the month.
Tualatin Tent, K. O. T. M , meets ia
Red Men's Hall, on second and fourth
Wednesdays U. H. Hyatt, record
Willamette Falls Camp No 143, XV. 0.
W. meets 2nd and 4th Fridays in the
Willamette Hall. Clerk J. K. Morris.
Lone Pine Lodte, No. 53, A. F. & A.
M., Louan, Or., meets on the second
Saturday in each month from the 1st ol
May to 1st of November at 2 p. m. and
from 1st of November to 1st of May at
10 a. m. A. E. Lewellen, XV. M., Geo.
C. Armstrong, Sec.
Dr. William' Indian Pne
lOintuient will euro U.iud.
OierJiiiir and I't'hliot
iPtlt'3. It ulisiiri the tumors.
allay th. iu-bliiK at owe, acta
as a poultice, utvta Instant re
lict. Dr. WlllUitnH'lmt.anPileO.nt-
ment lunrt-oarrJ for rilraanJ Itch-
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