Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 29, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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Personal Mention
L .p on i"" "
t ,1 .11 l..ll I .1
yi jlury I;, .'luiiian tih.iwi av
..iifg Mf-. J- ,-4'v,t
fljll llll.il ' 'r"lu Corvellll
,i. Ilair.-U. of Portland, wat villi
UUI" H.l dy Hu.ly.
h,, iviuri, o'i
,nM4r ' ,""7 lr" Winliee.lay
Willi " " "'""I" l""i'in.
(iinpU.ll if tl.t clly, spoilt
K,f I'1" l'""!1 I" l'"tl't'.
u- II. Kv. Ceuby druggial,
in Orrgol, CllV lUr Wednneday,
H V. lt-r Itva-X. ' He Hand, In III"
, Thursday ami ma-la Hi" Milerpriae
. ... I . . I
U g, Hir k. ol .M"iy wat a pieaiant
4'.t tli Kill"'!"1' oITica W mines
L u,', I'mler, of Albany, formerly of
, i asking In " I I . lu i
."HI AH""'' l,'wr depailal
oil short bllllnM4 trip q
g.ti M.i Taikaberry, of Portland,
.ol XuikUt here I""! of Mis
gjipj Liiti an ! IImiU Ctro ol
Irl.nJ, i"il" friends In ll.l
i My.
f,T. Vli-ev herw from Nawbert
l.y Ming "' choir 4rx o(
J lit"!
,.. W. I.. W' I end M.m Nellie
Lttwt ul Portland spent Friday with
J.I' Uell.
gn ('. (. T. William and daughter,
u, ir iuiu(iim lo tifuiiuim
lf W, V:h(HlllC
MY Iliiun Mrholae and Mlaa Jtulh
ol Portland, tinted Inrndl n
inly h!t.r.!)f .
I WMir, Willi lor ........l
''"'r1;1,: ..r..K.
In I. liif.-r'
limr.ufr ili,,,,
. hi-umi ikn .motion
lon V,.,,..y vul((1) ,lU ,, ((f
Im.HU,,,. Mr. M. llrl.U I, c.t,
n.,t-,r.i A.i,.rig , ,., , ,.ofl
iimIom o,i,.,lU IHtf Ullll0Ii
l.kli 'rl v-. f-.,,KK..g Tit-i Uy
' 'ii. rir-iuiilMliwM
It (1(1 MM iif !..! I. ...I u. I i
- '"-'"IN, Will
iH.lnlof,vf, ))Mo()
.lilliiilonml lliiriMi'l!cr A Ainlinii'i
Jl,y () M.vera I-Iiih,., Uu-.l In
Ji iIi.ii fl.,U u ..hgujiy
Inlnr,..),,,! ,,rtlM. Mr. luvli
U imrrjl,,,N nm,!,:!,,, ,,! ,
U ireii i u l..r ,m un .ni,ie j
v o W x
To the Ladies
You aro cordially Invltwlto at
Uui'l a (J rami uiiiplay of
Imported Pattern Hats
Miss Celia Goldsmith
or V -.y v- .y ,
Locnl Kvci;l'.
Tli IteV. , K. lUiiilliotl I Will l.oM
"rlcl lUaver Ci.k unt huinUy
lirii.i.,i it a u'cliM'k.
Hul.jl ol Clitl.u.n M lrm-o iriyii
fliff ffiaal Ui...l.u II .. I It I . ..i ...
"7 "i i, Ar nui ium) I
til I Hi. II.
UilU.il ICau.l.ll, o N.""Kri. In J t
oMiU ol tiliuMe horiei killr Ut
frrk If t Urgn lre iriK Uuii lliem.
William Tliuimi, ol .Nu,y, ,M Mwn
lraa n to ., ai gnn.l Juror lor tin
Oi lolr Unm ol f. h. court to m ImM
In I'onlaiiJ.
J, W, Walih loitnrr (IriitUl ol tlili
rlly, IxM-aitia IuvuIvihI in a iiiar,el at Ml-
verioo ilun.Uy anil hut W. U. hmitli
lliroiiKli id It U lian.l.
Viiri Mpyera ami Mr. ('., of
CtnJ u.lr. Mieora Mifjoria tod
Hi. iiMMh C. H M.irrli
oJ In H.lnn Ul erk, Tlirjf r-
1 borne Mun Uy.
UmM.i; M.Inijra rtturiiful huina
llr "er K.ii'lin Mveral rki
; liliiro la II, Haiam.
UiwVrt'a Hr.iiiitlikir,, b haa lHn
Inii1 In 1'ortlanil lt aovatal
i-intiirnp-l lioiiin lunUy.
iit. N'un (irilum and tlinyliter,
!irj, ul rortlati.), vlltl Mr. and
t It (iliMKMi over Hmnlay.
Un. N. K. I .a tig- an. I ain, Norman,
'titluiit; Mr N. It, I.ang't niothrr.
i. K, In (ukUn.l, Cal.
M.hHjKiI I.l..lt m,o It attending
rpjrtlinl Ara'lriiy iwnt KattirUy
I funJay aitli Mra. I. helling.
UitaVria 1 1 j I & If ft (or Silver Uka,
r. It riatunlar lirra alia a-
l-Utoreiiiim during tlialnU.r.
Tlnlrlnn li o( Hkhard (Ulnar ill l
.1 lo Lrar tint he It alovly recovrrlng
aiUdraaauf tyhuld fovtr.
tiffl. 0 If II. of fialetn, In the city
); living land ra lefora tlia
cUliolih, L. 8. land oni( hora.
Mr. Ilrma ('uriy Ml laat Saturday
F Heaiilv, l,er alia will rtmaln a
ipliolaoeki vl.ltlntf ih ralallvc.
Mr. yeri UkhI(IIo and datiulilpr.
fi, Uv ft'turned (,oin hop tilrklng.
7 t'lNiit tliat co i aro in good con
Uim Inin (in.Kw i.r r.n.Mi.i. ii.ii
loii.y r C'orvalllt where alio
iti-mlliig tha Oregon Agricultural
n'H HainiiiiMKl, a lltlili'lit of tlit H.
H-iil hiitulay with hit parviita,
!.imI Mra, r. K.
At a biieine iiiiH-iing o tha Congrv
yatloiial rbiinli on Wtdnra.Uy ulgiit it
an vutr.1 to Itold a to weekt prtitrtrl
al arrUt during lua fort part of Nov
Think About Tlil.
Among tha liJ!Wnt Inatliullona of the
clly ilin..rvlng il,a denrty iipMirt of the
niMrprlamg cltir.-m U the Young Men't
thrlitlan Aioi:laion. It it too often
thought o he eiduiively an aiaoclatlon
im-ruliii ilm am.i.i.rt ii. ..i.. ....i.,.. ....(
j ichriatlan ho.Io only. Hut when we
4 tke IriU) eonaideralion the fad that
the young men are here furnlahed with
! iuri.Mt.oi and pleaiant ent4trti(iuient
fun, ff.m the evil infliinncea that debauch
and make puhllo chargea of to many
reiiiltlng in large eipondlture of public
lun.lt, it becoiiitH, apparent that the
city and public it dirnt-lly and largely lo
mreaimj. The Kutirpriie thinkt it
wjiil.i m a move in the right direction
if the hualneaa mnu of the city would in
unity and at much at potiihle aaaitt thit
worthy organliation In paying olfltt
preMiii ImlebUi.JnpM created by the
erection of the new building corner of
Main and Fleventh at reel which la ham
(wring the work and preventing the mak
frig of much needed Improvement In and
about the building. Thit ' ia a tuhjuct
thai we ahould couiider and the Koter
.-riie deiirce to call the attention of ila
city readert to it at thla time at the
evrnlngtare Irngenthing and plaint of
rwreatlon and amuaeinent will toon be
ought by the young men of the city.
(Uvel lodg.., A. (. U. W. No.M, of
t'ahl.y will rnlprtaln r'alli City lo.)e,
N.i. &U. at I heir hall on (Motor nth. All
of H.e llgn ol that order in (he county
are inntr l to attend.
Hammond, ol thla
lidding Kelly, J. W. (Janong and
'' ,t"l'.n. ol 1'orlland and It. C.
Ului!. ol thit city wheel...! out to
'"oil Hiuidny.
rl,,ur (''lf wat over from Toreiit
foveon Wr,ludy of laat wet-k to
""""u loiitent fur Wanhlngton
tra.-l ul an,.
"'m All.n MrNanier, of ForeNt drove,
ln Hut city Unt Wediirtadar making
rojf on . ,.,Hnad luilure the
H lnd ollioe ulllclala.
I'-i'rk aho hat been the aleno
',llh,T in tin. Crown 'appr Mill hat re
'H'li puaitlon and will leave for
"franii-conoxt week.
UM. Alhrlirht
1 ruilcklli'ii I.V tin mwtiin.iAinuttL
i . . w ' flat a iiaiivitttt.viaaw
1,1 Alhrlghfa mother, Mra. Jerome
In... i
'"""Hly tick t that place.
Hliwei Vera ('iinn,.l,l ..,.1 imhi. Willi.
. - -! Vtllt
iir-t.itrt 'I' I. ir tm ami
I . .... IIVI LIHI 4 1111 l)U
uy Wihhart made a llylng trip to
""Oliver on their whoult Hunday.
''.Ulvort.of Huhlmrd,
t of
, wat a mom-
lurty that paated through here
f "Miliy on lila nu I.
liuckHlherrylng trip to Koaring
L?6'' kln.lmui( Halum'a all
ll,l"U, wl' won 11,9 bl"h Ju,nl1
'('In, r,'t",urI"l e ChauUiKjna, and
!im 'o from Balem, were
V c l Tuetday on their way to
i orllai"l awheel.
Tha rl.MM ariaon on China pheiuiiita
ttpirai Haturduy night and the lnoth
.lie blr.la are "if" hunday. Many a
man a III haaii,iurlaal bunneaa in the
c in ii i ry mi that day, hut then, (he temp
latloi, la great.
Morrla and Dldt have completed their
contra. t of bmlling the Unk Cret-k
bridge. The work IlKjKCled WeU-nea-lay
and f.mn I lo be fully up lo (ha
ipeciilradona and wat accepted by the
counly board.
Tim lerthea at the Congregational
rliurrh will n aolneahat varie! next
Hahhath. It wlil be llarveat Home lor
the morning arnica and Ually Iy for
tha Sunday ech.Hi!. Three arrvlrca will
be of H-ial intereit. In the evening
tha 1-tJ.lor will apeak on "I.taaont from
our Weaver." 1 he evening eervice will
hrrrmfler begin at 7;3a
The ChauUu.iia Circle will complete
lU orgatiiialion nril Monday evening at
(he home ol Mra. C. I!. Cauflnld. (juite
a number have been thinking ol Joining
Ihe circle for the winter woik but have
not yet given their oamet. The coil fm
the entire year't courae will not amount
lof-V let eveiy friend of the move
in rut be on hand to (hat no more time
need be toil bnlore Ihe regular work it
laki n op.
Wednesday, October 4ih, (he ladlet
auxiliary of the Y. M.C. A. will give
the flrtt eoolal of Ihe eeaaon at the at
aociatlon roomi. A literary and munical
program hat been irranged, after which
there will be a ahorl gvmnaiilum clan
drill and a few Inning of indoor bane
hall. Come and enjoy youmelf. There
will lie boot lit with lemonade and home
made candy for aale. At llu-re will be
eoclali from lime to time during the
winter for Junlort, children under HI will
not be admitted. There will be no ad
mlwilon fee charged.
A ricanaut A fTalr.
The membert ol Multnomah lodge A.
V. A A. M. and Pioneer Chapter, 0. E.
H. , of thla city trtve a reception in honor
of heigeanl J. W. Mollutt and lA.nter P.
Hmllh, two cK-volunter meiiiliert of Co,
I. Mra.Thoa. F. Uyan, worthy matron
in iido the addrr-ia of welcomo In behalf
of the Chapter and abort ep.echet were
mitde by Menam. MolTutt and Smith and
Col. Itoht. A. Miller In renwniHfl to a re
jiieit for a apeech, In a few well choHcn
wmdt explained the objecti of Maeonry.
The liall wat prettily decorated with
national colore and the all'air wan ol a
.octal nature and wat marked by an
abaence of Iho leelingof roatralnt and
reaerve which generally attemlt gathei
Ingauf thit kii.d,wl,rch ello. t wh du
to ihe maaterly manner in which tue
chairman of the coinmitlee In charge,
Hon. Thot. F. Kyan. arranged the waual
featuret and presided over the gathering.
There wat a abort inuHicaJ program
con.lHtlng of vocal aoloa by Mm. It. U
(lanong, Mian Imoueiio Harding and
Miat Mary Convert; piano aolo . by B j.
I. I, Porter and a reoitatiou by Loe
Walker. Kefrethmenta wore ecrvett,
The ladlcH.
The pli-aaant effect and perfect eafoty
with which ladiet may tine Syrup of Figs,
under all condition", makea it their
favorite remedy. To get the true and
genuine article, look for the name of the
California Fig Syrup Co. printed ntar
the bottom of the package. For aale by
all drugglnta.
Ilow'a Tbitf
We otTer One Hundred Italian lie
ward for any caie of catarrh that cannot
be cured oy llall't Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Ciumkv & Co.,
Prone , Toledo, 0.
We, the onderiignrd, have known F.
J. Cheney (or the lat 15 yeara, and be
lieve him wr(eclly honorable in all but
inea tranaacliotia and financially able to
carry out any obligation! made by their
Waar A Tuvai, Wholeiale Druggutt,
Toledo, O.
Wai.wku, Ki.hxam A Maevik, Whole
aale HrutigiaU, Toledo, U.
Haifa Catairh Cure it taken Internally,
a-tjng directly upon the blood and mu
coua aurfaci't ol the tyttein. Price 75c
er bottle. Sold by all druggiata. Teiti
moniala free.
llall't Family Pillt are the beat.
flfy Trraaurcr'a 5llre,
Notice It hereby given that there are
uflliient fundi In the general fund of
Oregon City to pay all outstanding war
ranta endoraed prior to March 1, 18!(H.
Intereit ceawta with the date of thit
notice. If. K. Ktkaoiit,
City Treaturer.
Oregon City, Kept, 14, 1WJ.
For Hale.
One tpan of hornet and a tpan of
broke mulct for tale.
It. J, flaoww,
New Era.
Wheat Wanted
Highett market price paid for old and
new wheat. Wheal ttored Ireo until
AuguHt Itt l!KX). Kackt furniihed free.
Fain P, HcaiT,
Aurora Holler Milla, Aurora, Or.
A black Kheppird dog, long hair, a pot a
over eyea, light on breatt and fore lege,
three broken teeth in front, f 10 reward
for return of tame and no queationa
LiKiiaxr & 8oxt,
Carua, Oregon.
To thoae who promlaed lo bring In
wood lo Ihe Enterprise we can aaaura
you that there ia room In the abed for a
few more cord. Good wood it what we
Tearher'i Jfwflng.
Clackamat County Teacher'a Aanotia-
tlon will meet at Kprlngwater on Sep
tember 30th, 18W, at 10:30 a.m. The
program it at folio wt:
Muiic in the Country Kcboola"
Mrt. J. II. Htrickler
Compoaition Writing", . Prof, Sialnake r
1 :30 p. m. Solo Mrt, Strickler
Our Course of Study, How to Make it
EfTec-ive" Prof. T. J. Gary
Piacuaaion General
Value of Pioleaaional Heading by
L. L Moore and Mra. U. M. Strange
TbeN, E, S" Fannie Porter
Mualc Spring-water claea
Program Committee Mint Eaonle
Porter, T. J, (iary, N. W. Bowland.
Proprloior lyooum Shell Oyttor Parlor, of Itoohontor, NYm
Obtalnod $2,000 LI to Inturanoo Polloy.
"My builncM a proprietor of the Lyceum Shell Oyster Parlor, 14) Main
utreet, Kotheater, N, Y., writea Mr. Cbarlit W, liabcock, "wu to confinlnjf
that my luntf tiecame affected. My docurtold me I'd havo to leave the atoro
an.) ko to work at aome
thiiiKOiitdoora, Huaid
my lunjji were in bad
thape, and 1 knew it
jiiat at well at he did.
1 he trouble hod been
(rowing1 on me for a
ong time. Like mot
other people, 1 tried to
make mvnclf believe
the trouble waa not in
the luni. 1 called it
atomach trouble? or ner- ,
vout disorder, but I
kept couching, apitting'
and waiting away right
along. I lout in weight,
falling from 140 to 11
pound. Somehow or
other, I got hold of Ack
er'a Emiliaa Remedy
for Throat and Lung trouble!, and after taking it according to direction!, I wa
at well at any man in New York State. I waa healthier and atronger than be
fore 1 took the cold which came to near killing me, I now weigh 150 pound
ten pound more than ever. After recovering, I applied for a life insurance
policy. When the doctor began examining me, I waa afraid be would discover
that my lungt had once been affected, but he didn't. I passed all right, and
was pronounced in a first-claj condition. If that isn't proof of the moat posi
tive kind that Acker's Knghah Remedy is a great mclitlne. I don't know what
you call proof. I give it my wannest endorsement My addreat ia given above.
Anyone who wishes may write me personally about my case."
Sold at 35c, 50c. and$t a bottle, throughout the United States and Canada;
and in England, at is. ad., a. 3d., 4s. 6d. If you are not satisfied after baying,
return the bottle to your druggist, and get your money back.
M r auihortst the alrm guartnl. W. II. HOOKER It CO., Toprfctor. .Vrw York.
For tale by Geo. A. Harding.
A Ward te Xotbera.
Mothers of children affected with croup
or a severe cold need not hesitate to ad
minister Chamberlain'! Cough remedy.
It containt no opiate nor narcotic in any
form and may be given at confidently to
the babe aa to the adult. The great suc
cess that hat attended lit use in the treat
ment of coldt and croup hat won for it
the approval and praise it bat received
throughout the United Statea and In
many foreign lands. For aale by Geo. A.
Harding, Druggiet.
JIw An Tar IMwra f
TV rtobM'SnroPllUforllUldDTlll.S0
BlafnM. Adi BMihtm tUCMilf Cu..CttuMuur " "
E. E. Turner, Compton, Mo., waa
cured of pilea by DeWitt'a Witch Uatwl
Salve after iiifTVring seventeen yeara and
trying over twenty remediea. PLyiiilant)
and surgeons endorse it. Beware of
dangerona counterfeita.
Gao. A. HiaDiso.
IteMW tt raa hlMr ftm nia Oi.
a.r.B.i.ina unwrniy lull, 1.1
.ut i,rn.ii dutTM. tiiMti,
umm, rr.. ift. biooo, r
mi Mil IIkU
Hn'atUl IllVru,
r-V. I If i
la ..H
I. 400.00a
rtcurd a.r
lOlll HaCfroo
UlToafor&t.B. .1 wit
111, pUaU. rr.l.Wat. (M
r ... Tin., I .1
mruwvd I41 Mi r.. twm -.fu.il bom.
aiiniiifU,we. aTM.sj.s.
Ie Witt't Little Early Kieera erma-
nently cure chronic cunHtiiion, bilious-
nes, nervouaiiena and worn-out feeling;
cleanse and regulate the entire tvitem.
Small, pleaiiant, never gripe or sicken
"famous little pillt."
Gao. A. Haam.va.
' A 4?at-T Wr aV4 ' "w -
Write for CaUlogue and Prkea. PORTLAND, OREGON.
II" I A I.
(in uraae
If you are Intending to purchase a
piano or orgs,, in Ihe near future, now it j
the time aa all piano dealert have been
adviaed by the manufacturers of a
material advancement in the wholesale
coat of pianos, to be effected from the
first of the month. The Eilert Piano
House, of Portland now have on exhibi
tion at llurmeftter A Andresen'a Jewelry
store several high grade pianos, placed
(heir for the convenience of intending !
purchasers, residing in or near Oregon
City. The prices are exactly (he same'
aa If obtained In Portland, and ahould ;
terms for payment be desired Ihe tame
accommodation are accorded you that!
are enjoyed by the patrons of the houtte I
in Portland. Mr. Davit their represents-1
live, majr be seen any afternoon or eve
ning at Hurmeister & Andresen'a store. ,
"Wind Josie" will give an entertain
ment of rare excellence in the Congrega
tional church on Friday evening, Oct. G,
She sing coon songt to perfection and
imitates a baby's cry till mother feels
like hushing her. She will be assisted
by the newly organised Ladies' Quartette
and other local talent. Admission
adults 2c children 15c.
The great success of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Keuiedy
in the treatment of bowel complaints has j
mads it standard over the greater part of
tho civiliaed world. For sale by Geo, A.
Harding, Druggest.
For wounds, burnt, scalds, Bores, tkin j
diauaset and all irritating eruptions,
nothing ho toothing and healing at De-
Witt's Witch Htxel Salve. Mm.
Emma ttollea, Matron Englewood Nur
sery, Chicago, tayt 01 11; mien an
elno faila in healing our babies, it will
cure." Gko. A. Harding.
M'cpnya itrriiiluni Tor Clactin.
... .1 4T.I...
una t'oiimr nnn ""au
sold wily in
For the accommodation of our customers we quote the following prices:
6 cupt and saucers - - 45c
6 dinner plates - - 50c
6 sauce diahea - - 2oc
100-piece fine decorated dinner
set $3.50
All wool C. C. Carpet per yard -Rrusselt
Carpet per yard - -
Ingrain Carpet per yard - -
Washable Jute per yard - -
Hemp per yard - - -
Matting per yard - - - - -
Lace curtains per pair - - -
Table covers fringed 3 feet by 3
feet ------
- 50c
C7 il I V " x-r-1 .
Large Oak Center Tablet - $1.50
High Back Dining Chair - - 65c
Full Bize Bedetoada - - $1.50
Woven Wire Cota - - I1.S5
Wall Paper per double roll 13c.
Copier Bottom Tea Kettle
10 Quart Granite Pail -10
Quart Dish Pan
10 inch Granite Pan
6 knives and forks
6 Table Spoon a
I 4
We keep a full stock of Paints, Oil and
Glass and would like to give estim
ates of coat to our customers con-,
templating painting their houses.
. A.lt1lllll .,. .
Thit tramp can tell the difference between bread baked in a Charter Oak
Stove or any other kind of stove. The crust of bread baked in a Charter Oak
Stove will never be hard. Caution your friends not to buy a cooking stove betore
they have examined Into the merits of Charter Oak Stove's.
make all kinds of mat
tresses from $1.90 up.
Opposite Court BCouse.