Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 22, 1899, Image 1

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
i. ti.cini L.
, J -----
-.11 .rti l l"h "",,w '" ,uu 01
, pipc.ututumi.
....iiti.il'l 111! J 11 ff A I.I
( ill ; snr.Mitn ai i.a y
gtl iriiT uaauoa t-iTT, uaiuoH
i.k Ahlrta alTllta. U" 'sir. -!1
H.illt!" ' Uutfl
r C. BTItU KI.AM. M. P.
L ' ii, ,,fr.ililinl rli to III
f'.ul "'"' jr. hrlal
I n.i.iKiit l l atarru ami
MKM l VVtllailialU
' ,iiJli 0!llr liiHIftl IOUj l.'i. in ,
fl 1U . II t
t,i! cirv oitr.ooN
!. L. I. I K K FN M,
y.lnrat. All Operations
Oregon City, Or.
i t
Doii-tii HuMl.y's Drug hinit.
rit Oir , - lrii.
TT 'i,'" J'u-'- '--.. S-JK-Jl.jOx.. W,
Mor T T . .
vu x ou ueciaed
What You Would Liko
jr Your Now Suit, f
y-i c an fi,! it l,,r. U.lin Ullonng ially dona.
M. P. II ncnr tl. .. . ..
u.i,.m,. . mo roruana Tailor.
Frame HU mpU t Right a Hideous
Despite Talk of Hettlenient, all Indl
ration 1'vlnt to Declaration of
War at An; Minute,
mm m 1st Bs Si
They all mjt that
t ju.rtrra lor Hay, Undplaaler, Howls, Ktc.
Carrie tlm most complete stock
ol First-Class Urocerloa to bs
found In Ilia City.
or naitiioM mr
i Doom
iit-r i (tail. si-.i.m
u. !. kill. ll."iall. Mil, roj
4 kt. wll. . rhti on all wilai.
t .lu-i i.im, Kif aud lloi Konf
iriwt .iit!c( la chart Vauk
Linait loir
utui mt'ir. r-i.i.iem
r. i. turns (. .
Hailroa-l TkkctH U all points East at low rates, f
UE'i. JI'iKYK.
an tl(lT rk a Hrlallr. All
tMi atrf.i.l! a'l aUiallun
OT.ialhCaunaKl 111 h.
-.1 in. ml. n (Ir.n U Coonty Court
ami I'ful.aia bu.lii.aa.
CiUlr., omII llutitlta'i Hook
iVutl.kt Dbrofal.
Iftr.r MrKitirkk'a Hlioa Htora. naar
Ua liank of Ortm ( lljr.
1 ClTt
31. Mll.I.EIt.
U of Uih, (hIiI croatnt, all klmll ol
flllini! in J biltlfc'awork.
Jjib K titar il.t. OrKon City, Or.
Under n'w manamcnt Tho Kloctrio llotol
haalxcn thoruuKhlj refitted and in future
will bo conduct:! on a otrictly HrHt-cIass
Iaii. Kirftt-clauM Ulilo mTvice at as reason
alilc rates an can U hud in tho city. Prompt
and pecial attention given to banquets.
My many friends and tho general publioare
cordially invited to stop and seo mo.
JACOO CASSELL. Manacor, Oroon City, Oregon.
i. MtKMfiKlt,
fTar MrKlttrlrk'a Hhoa Htora, tirar
ua lUiikolOrrKonnty.
wom Cirr, . . Oaiooa.
T4TOnroraTT ruamiNao.
MMtloOr.!,,!! cut KnUrrri-ai
"' of th Northwontmn Unlve
Uv I)nt Hcliool, Chleairo.
American ('ullnun lii.nlal Hiirirnrv.
'Ilkllllltta ltln..b I f'llo
Nona, Foroclimnra of Mortuagoa,
a m-tu.rnl law hiiHlnona at
WihIoiJ to promptly.
LSj, FIrHl door 8otl ol Methodist
1111,1 Bartim Hons, in t citf.
P11 Up Cnnlta.1, M).00a
'in!,.-- oaiatu . eisriam.
hi ' ' aao. . HniN.
I,.,,. " a. a. OAuriato,
ClnF '"!'" tra.iMdled.
'ku4 mi. - ""l0 Olkoouuttd.
'""'Il 4.. ,e Promptly.
""pkic rii-i01" lB r Pr ' W'1"1
''""to.flbu. n ,nl n Portlanil, Hao
Imperial Wheels.
1899 MODEL
FOR $25.00.
Wo havoafow 1899 Model High Grade
Imperial Wheels wo will close out at
$25.0) rather than carry thorn over.
Come and Examine Them.
Cor. 4th and Main Sts.
C2tfT, 3J.
For Perfection
In Baking ,
Use Patent Flour Manu
factured by the Portland
Flouring Mills Company,
Oregon City, Or. All our
Flour is Ground From
Old Wheat.
1- - - in'.M
rais, 8fpt. la. Ttio council of mlnla-
tor ilnclded tolay to oardon Capuln Al
fred Iriyfua, In principle). The pardon
will laka t ffutt in a few days. Dreyfni
haa rulin'iiiikliiHl tils appeal for a rerer-
sal of Ilia jmlirinnnt of the court-martial.
"In priucipla" la an Idiom inetiroes
Oaod In eeiijl-oflkial annouuemrnta of
fortlicomlnK actions. It teems to have
hut alight beariug on the matter, except,
perhapi, that It employs the fulfillment
of virion" formalltiei before the pardon
la actually iaaued, thereby qualifying the
announcement of the pardon with slight
tentativeneaa. It is not known yet
whether the pardon Inctudea amnesty.
There is much remark here on the
strange coincidence of the death of
Hcheiirtr Keatner, the first champion of
Dreyfus, and to whom Dreyfus will vir
tually owe his freedom, on the very day
the cabinet decided to pardon the pris
oner. The announcement that Dreyfus was
to be pardoned had already been dis
counted by predictions, and there was
absolutely no excitement along the
boulevards when newaboya ran along at
Iter alar KeptemberTermorthe Coontj
r. Marks, rlialrmani J. R, Mortoaj
B, Sevtt, aominla. loner..
alniut 3:15 p. m. with the first editions
containing thi statement that the cabi-j F Kleiaer, A Johnson and C A Ilines on
(Continued from I ant week)
In the matter of the report of viewers
on the petition of J A htroinKreen, et al
for a county road. In the matter of the
report of John Lewellen, V 11 Uuttridire
a nil A lacey, viewers appointed at the
lael term of this board to view and locate
a county road situated in Clackamas
county, Oregon, described In full on pane
211 of this journal, said viewers filed
their reoort allowing that they bad met
ou the Kith day of August, a day named
in the notice aerved upon them and were
duly sworn by subscribing to a written
oath ol office administered by J W
Meldrum, the deputy county surveyor,
alter w tilth they proceeded to the
designated place and did view and cause
to be surveyed by said deputy couut?
surveyor, the above described road.
They also filed the field notes and plat of
th survey. Held viewers report favor
ably to the eatabliahing ol said road aa
viewed and surveyed for the reason that
it is a good, practical route and of public
la the matter of the petition of Wil
liam Brohat, et al, for a count road.
In the matter ol the petition tiled by
William liroabet and more than 12
lioUfteholdurs of the county living in the
vicinity of the road described la the
petition, and prayinn viewers to be ap
pointed to view and locate a county road
situated in Clackamas county, Oregon
deacribed as follows: Beginning at the
sw corner of laud belonging to Elihea
Ilines ia sec 30, 1 3 s r 1 w, of the Wil
lamette meridian ; thence eael on the
division line of Eliheu Ilines and 8
FMmineton on one side and C Kleiser,
and plat of said survey be recorded ami
in all reepects approved and that said
view and survey he established aa a
county road and that the expense of
said via and survey be paid by Clacka
mas county and the clerk is hereby or
dered to issue the Decennary notice to
supervisor of the district or districts ia
which said road Ilea to open and work the)
M II RiebhoiT $3 00
W I Kirchem 3 00
C E Hpence 3 70
J M Norria 2 00
C Ferguson 2 00
John Keriruson 2 10
John W Meklrum 6 00
net had decided to pardon Dreyfus.
Everyone expected It, and the decision
met with no opposition.
The Droits del Homme, socialist organ
says : "Our task remains the same after
aa before the liberation of Dreyfus, to
continue the campaign againut all tboe
who are reaponaihle for the lamentable
adair, and unmank the forgers, traitors
and false witnesses, even though they
may be covered with glittering decora
tions." It is said that Dreyfus will be sent
abroad belore the promulgation of his
pardon, In order to avoid demonstrations.
Up to 0 o'clock this evening the ut
most calm prevailed throughout Paris.
The decision of the cabinet seemed to
have passed unnoticed. The only re
mark was, "We expected iu" The offi
cial announcement was made in the form
cabled to the Associated Press In order
to avoid demonstrations of any kind at
Hennes and In Paris. Dut the pardon of
Dreyfus is not merely imminent, but
was actually aigned this morning.
Measures have been taken in Rennes in
connection with it, and it will have a
good effect generally.
The newspapers now publish the first
semi-official announcement of the cabi
net'a decision without comment. The
Journal des Debate, however say a:
"We are assured that the family will re
ceive an order for Dreyfus to leave
Franco unperceived, shortly, during the
night. Too government does not know
or in any esse does not say, where Drey
fus Is going." The Journal des Debate,
however, follows the foregoing with the
report that Mrue. Dreyfus has taken a
villa at Folkestone, near Dover, England.
This report has been denied, but many
believe Dreyfus will go to England on
his release,whlch may take place tonight.
London, Sept. 20. Despite all out
ward show of calm, Great Britain ia in
practically the same condition today as
was the United States a few weeks be
fore the opening of the war with Spain.
Beneath the crust of diplomatic reserve,
the officials are working night and day
preparing for the signal to begin hostili
ties whether that comes or not.
England Is not going to be caught
nnppinir. any more than the Transvaal.
While Lord Salisbury is quietly at home
In Harfield house, Mr. Chamberlain is
buried in work at the colonial office,
and double forces at the royal arsenal
and dockyards are straining every nerve
to equip and transport troops to the Cape.
It may be said for certain that Great
Britain w ill do nothing to precipitate
matters, and the colonial office is far
from admitting that the case is hopeless.
The report that Great Britain had de
nmndod the dismantlement of the fort at
Johannesburg, together with a material
reduction in the armanent of the burg
hers, the colonial office today would
neither confirm nor deny, although it is
much doubted.
Meanwhile, the Marquis of Lansdowne
secretary of state for war, who returned
the oilier side to the section line between
sectioiia 2tt and 30; thence south on said
section line to the north line of land be
longing to William Mclntotib; thence on
said line to the ne corner of said land ;
thence H on the eat side of said land to
a stake marked "A" near the W bank
of a canyon ; thence E about 80 feet to
a stake marked "ii" (or to be decided
by the viewers); thence in a southerly
direction around the brow of a hill to a
stake marked "C", 8 feet from the
ceuter line of county road and a little
east of east end of bridge on said county
road to a slake marked "D", thence in
a southerly direction to a stake marked
"E" thence in a northeasterly direction
to a suke marked "1"', last named stake
being aituated four cLains, three roda
easterly from the se corner of land be
longing to Mrs. Mcintosh, a public land
ing place on the river bank. Said pe
titioner filed his affidavit of notices
posted respecting said road, showing
that there bad been posted: One on
the court house bulletin board and three
of the most public places in the vicinity
of the proposed road more than 30 days
frior to i be presentation of the petition,
la also filed a bond for f 100 conditioned
according to law. The board being
fully advised, it is ordered tbat S M
Kelso, Grant Lichentbaler and Charles
Hansen be and are hereby appointed
viewers to meet at place of beginning on
the 27ti inst and subscribe to a written
oath of office administered by J W
Meldrum. a skillful surveyor, he being
appointed by the board to survey said
road, before proceeding to view and
locate said road and report in writing at
the next regular term of this boaid.
In the matter of the application of
the Willamette Pulp and Paper Co for a
return of amount paid on taxes errone
ously. This matter coming on to be
heard npun application of the Wil
lamette Palp A Paper Co, for a return of
$7 75, being amount of taxes paid by
said company upon property described
on page 401), line 13 of tax roll of 189S,
as prt of Champion Pendleton D L 0 in
sections 29, 32, and 33, 1 3 a, r 1 e, con
sisting of 100 acres. And It appearing to
the board that said assessment was er
roneous and that said sum of (7 75 was
paid by said Willamette Pulp and Paper
Co iu error and further tbat aaid property
was propei ly aseewed on page 690, lines
1, 10 and 11 of said tax roll for 1S93, and
that the taxes for 181)8 have been paid
thereon ; on motion of Hedges & Griffith
it it ordered that the clerk of this board
issue to the said Willamette Pulp A
Paper Co, a warrant for said sum of
7 75.
In the matter of the report of viewers
in the petition of W S Lawton et al for a
county road. In the matter of the re
port of J 8 Kisley, A W Cooke and R S
McLaughlin, viewers, appointed at the
last term of this board to view and locate
a county road situated in Clackamas
county, Oregon, described on page 182
of this journal, said viewers filed their re
port showing on the 28 inat, a day named
in the notice served upon them and were
duly sworn by subscribing to a written
oath of office adminlatered by J W Mel
drum, the deputy county surveyor, after
which tbey proceeded to the designated
place and did yiew and cause to be sur
veyed by aaid deputy county surveyor.
the above described road. Tbey also
tiled the field notes and plat of the sur
vey. Said viewers reported favorably to
tne establishing ot said road as viewed
and surveyed, for the reasons that it is a
good, practical route and of public utility j
provided that the city build the road to
the city limits. It appearing to the
board that there are two remonstrances
and petitions of damair.es filed, and the
board not being fully advised, it is or
dered that the matter be laid over until
the October term of this board, the
county to pay expenses of survey as
followu to Wll.
A W Cooke I 3 60
this morning from Dublin, has held long
conferences with General Lord Garnet
Wolseley, field marshal, and General
Sir Evelyn Wood, adjutant-general to J 8 Kittley... 3 20
the forces, and the activity at head
quarters is reflected in the contract,
supply and transport departments.
Sick Headache absolutely and per
manently cured by using Mokl Tea. A
pleasant herb drink. Cures constipa
tion and indigestion, makes you eat,
sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction
guaranteed or money back. 25 cents
and 60 cents. Geo. A. Harding, agent.
R S McLaughlin 3 30
E E Charmaa 2 00
CWPope 2 00
John Meldrum 12 20
Total $20 30
The following further proceedings In
the matter of the John Ferguson road were
had aud it appearing to the board that
there is no remonstrance or petition for
damages filed, and being satisfied that
said road willl be of public utility, it is
ordered and adjudged tbat the field notes
Total 1 20 70
The following further Proceedings were
hsd in the matter of the petition of J. A.
Stromgreen for a county road. It ap
pearing to the board that there is no re
monstrance or petition for damages filed,
and being satisfied that aaid road will be
of public utility it ia ordered and adjudged
that the field notes and plat of aaid sur
vey be recorded and in all respects ap
proved, and that said view and survey
(x established as a county road, and
tbat the expense of said view and survey
be established aa a county road, pro
vided the surveyor corrects the error
made in his reports and his report of
viewer is now laid over until the Octo
ber term of this board for said correction
to be made.
John Lewellen ) 5 60
C II Uuttridge 6 GO
A Lacy 6 60
J A Htromgreen......... 4 00
Ola Hansen 4 00
Carl Stromgreen 4 00
John W Meldrum 15 20
Total $44 00
In the matter of the petition of John
Sims for vacation of "Et End Avenue"
in hims subdivision ef lota 3 snd 4, block
14 in Barlow s F irst Addition to Harlow.
Now comes John Sims, petitioner, above
by bis attorney H E Croaa and presents
the petition in writing asking for the va
cation of East Ead Avenue in what ia
known as Sims subdivision of Iota 3 and
4 in block 14 in Barlows first addition to
Barlow aituated in section 6. tp 4 s. r 1 e
of the Willamette meridian in Clackamas
county, Oregon. Ana.it appearing to
the board that due notice of the pen
dency of thia petition and application
waa duly posted upon the premines to be
vacated more than 30 days prior thereto.
and that the petitioner is the owner of
more than two-thirds of the property in
said addition, and no objections being
made, it is ordered and decreed that the
prayer of the petitioner be granted, and
East End Avenue is hereby vacated.
In the matter ol the petition of E B
Albright, et al, for tbe vacation of a
county road. In the matter of the peti
tion tiled by E B Albright and more than
12 nous holders living la the vicinity of
the road deacribed in the petition and
praying viewers to be appointed to yiew
and vacate a county road in Clackamas
county Oregon described in full aa fol
lows : Commencing in the center of tbe
Uribble prairie and Poland's mill road
at the 8 V corner of the Eliia Weddle
D L C running thence in a sooth,
and westerly direction along said road to
the S E corner of the A Marquam DLO
intptfs. rleof Willamette meridian,
Clackamas county Oiegon. Said peti
tioner filed bis affidavit of notices posted
respecting said road, showing tbat there
had been posted ; one on the court house
bulletin board, and three in three of tbe
most public places in vicinity of tbe pro
posed road more than 30 days prior to
tbe presentation of this petition. Heal-
so filed a bond for $100 conditioned ac
cording to law. The board being fully
advieed.it is ordered that Sick Birtchett,
rt ilium tJird and oamuel Irons be and
are hereby appointed viewers to meet at
tbe place ot beginning on Monday, the
2nd day ot October, 1899, and subscribe
to a written oath of office administered
by J W Meldrum, deputy county sur
veyor, (he being appointed by the board
to survey said road) before proceeding to
view and vacate aaid road and report In
writing at tbe next regular term ot tbia
board. .
In the matter of the report of bicycle
path supervisors for August, 1890, tbe
board having examined said reports and
being fully satisfied, it is ordered tbat
the clerk be authorised to draw warrants
on the bicycle fund tor tbe several
amounts and in favor of the following:
named pei sons:
E H Cowing x 1 00
H B Giilman 9 00
E II Buttemiller 9 00
Fed Hargreaves 9 00
J R Seaver 9 00
0 W Will 8 25
E W Bumnell 9 00
R S Jackson 9 00
W Rardin 9 00
Fed Hinder 7 20
E Himler 8 25
H Jackson 2 60
H Faubion 7 60
P B Miller 7 60
J Broetje 3 00
F Hetzler 4 60
Barnhard 75
Fred Himler 1 20
R S Jackson 6 75
Barnhard 25
0 Wissinger 4 25
E A Smith 14 00
Total... $139 90
In the matter of the petition ot Stella
M Ohlsen for ' vacation ot SO feet road in
"Clackamas Fruit Lands." Now cornea
Stella M Ohlsen by her attorney and
presents her petition in due form asking;
for tbe vacation of said "30 foot road,'
and it appearing from the said petition
that two thirds of the property in
said addition is represented in said
petition ; that due and proper notice has
been given of the pendency of this peti
tion as by law required, and the board
being fully advised, it is ordered and de-
the same is hereby vacated.
In the matter of the petition of M A
Beach for a tax rebate. Now cornea
said M A Beach before the board, and
asks for a rebate of taxes on an erro
neous aBsessmeBt for 1898, and the board
being fully advised In tne premises it is
ordered that said rebate be granted lens
the state and special school tax.
M A Beach $1 7ft
(concluded on page eight.)