V 4 il 4 '. It- m Oregon City Iintcrprisc 10ML TRANSPORTATION LINES. TikiC11" I'""""- '" (Was llVl pOMTLAND (Comli M.) 43 'J 10 UJ K4J li:y 11 i J r. I tf m i )'J 1 45 hi uu LIAVI ontaoN city 7 "3 A. M. 7 S' M y iu.03 o Jo li:.VJ 11. m r. m. MJ l:ji J1 Ji 4 "3 4 So 6. JU 7"S J jo on!r to Mlla ankle M Oil 1 Jf to Mllwaukle V IJ i:.V II jo 011 1 lo Mllwaukla 3 only lo 4t WiMUTI BCMIOUll. DAILY 1 XCrPTMNDAY FAliM AM INI'1.1 r.M'KNCF. . kikamj.iih- TO 'aLTONA and POMONA I.K4VKI UBkCoN I ITV- toicu,ll i M (olngdo IJopM ll M.tY TmiK.(.O.N CITY ONLY. ,11.1 p t.aa.jua it v (DA M. U A M a) I I'. M If . V. ji T.w IIUUKI1K fAUJ M Y. a. 1 " a " n -C -J. -l -1 1 - it ( a. a 7 up a I a ik 111 -i " I U - 4. In IK " llliiM iMftirvif trnir until 9Vlnv a liilii,4.i " J.'it l !, V. A hlM-Ca. irV. THE LOCAL NEWS. j Wm r Momut. Tha Orron I ;j ti Uc li.Mjla i oin for Ilia (all I 4 trim nnt Munday and all j .'ill ara lo on Land ge.(.l!; o thai all can alart otk b hCaf. Kim tin hnpi. In W. Mr 1 Iv aiiii'iiiuira tliat no rl.ann liai o!a In tli dirUlonal linra tw ftttlia lUrclajr and l.aatlialn at'hoo'. i.!.U .,r tin. rllil Krada lll lrwit ' !U Utiiin at liml and llno In tha tDlli at II. I'.m lay aclio-il. Gin Jun At a inrrtlna' of tha atato ajJolalu. atem he I I at halfiti Tlim' r nuinU r ,, vai ani'iea aera tilled in tukiu of tha deaf rnuta lnl m. Ainuii tha Mltiuii ll'lcl it of IramiSer, lo which I. K. hliri 'J. oftlua rir a a elet le.1. Tha aim- Mja li) 4.r moiiilt. Tim ii x, Jen. Ona of Ilia hoard of I l Cijliilliiaaiolief ftlivu atkml lial( ttiDr lii tliat ila.i litiont rcflipd lint tn.iH.1 urlliiiB- tiling lia knew o( wa t ini'iiiUf ,( ilm romiiiiailon had 'Dilniikiiia tcr from the city malm prlririic to u r water. Il I lUi.; thonnh to aay Dial It ImJuJ Jmiim il,B atn rain. Ki. ii,.,, Tiiimi.F. J. Kellinif. aliofor yaia paat ha a luoml- t (arinrr of Waaliliiu-tua county, lt ? pur. haxid a live aero trad ol land "led near l'aik.laiT and a 111 build a lorn llmm to ei,j ,y thn fruit of lii 'or. To the Ikim.h uoty uiri.r more Ideal location than MO U (hiiihI an v Intro In Oreiron and a "lial KelcMiin await all cotueia. T frvur a CAi.i.uZii. W. II. pvla, preaident ol tlm Itadlcul colleue rliil.xnuth. ha ilecidnl to open a Mill Ihlaclty, j a ,a awiirod the "l''r hiiildliiK on u(iHr Seventh tret ""lliliavlnu U put In proir condition r f' iMirpoMca. for which II will tx uod. 1 "ill I a achool on thoroimhlv wform MCluiMlm, principle and the aim in 'lurtiii,!, II, H.nt In, 1 ruction fri from illlllinr.l I..II u... I .1... i .i.ii.i.. 111 n, r.i.ii.ii.a " . Nl ni,t Udrlf ftf .1.1. It. m, n,.l .tllltl..,1 - ".'IVJT HIV ,1V. Tl.v H.l, Ul.eiil.r l,M TI1K t.lll'K. Nl'll foniUy Kept, mil, t, board of U. H. p'fHl'lHiliited to gacerUin ami re- vort nn il... . ..... ... ""' anviHaiiiuty ol lue uvi. 'ent Imri'liHHln,. ,1., I....L. .1 ti.. r.n. R ... ii... nw ..." I "I Nd a tiineiitinu In Pnrltund In ilia- till) aulilnct. All who are IntereHto.l 1" nutli.p nru r ii.ulml lo tin iireMiint lnl an v mi,. ,i...i.t.. . 1 i, ...1.1.... j ..... .u niiiiiK lu iiiiiiiiv n; ii.,,n ror HL'iiiliMl the nronnalllnn will he f'ard. 1 ' 0tok I'CNi.Thubkycle ath 1 ""P'Mi.d into Mllwai.UIn which la an I It CUIl ii i II, U i.,i. .... ui'i'iiiint uf a ill IiiiiiIh. A a Ik imur atnmla the 'a" oll'ur a Klmd hlcyclo roal from Ore "n Wly lo Portland by ,IHiif the county ""I from ... . i i : "ki0 t0 Hellwood. A a aoon tin f rtil'tt,l . , ..., ,. .... . w i.i.ul u, rnvei a in un jmii. iiii 1 P"" and will tl,,i be uood enough "r anvin.i o ., ... .. (i. . 'oinu uortiuiia oi tna pain 'avHo ,(, m.(Mj t0 kwp uma ir It Cllnnl I... .1 .... . .. . . fc. -"v nil IIOIIQ HI I IB liri'HUIIl COI1- P'Wl the f,l. I..... 1. ' ThhmI,, .,1,111,1. we.-... 1 . l"""lly.UUr. Ml. M 'r'lli'"C"''m. An 1 . ,,, ,M)l ( nllK,il,., , ,, '"' of dm rmupii .tid 1 ... " "r I'lli) till t in near In 11 and ii,1M,,, - - tlll'W 1111,1 aa 1 , lt..i.,l . Hirudin "I "Jll.kt"llr , ... .7 1 "' .ml rlnll UmUl 1.1. ..... . The (,,,.(1, ,,,.,, ,u (it)kn 111 iflll. ..... 1.1 "I . "Jinks" concluded dolt, t want any b..f, M TIL.-Tu-..a a....l... . of ',M, ,iM Hrf- (n ()f(ii(ii Uly, onn f (irm iu , ... h l!!llUK t ,V,)ri , ,1.M . ... t'l Kfnl Intl.... I I,,, il.,,.. ti . .. M.I l.y II,. mm ul ll,n ,,.,, N (,1 m I. ll.a HM that .firr wiarrlig. Ur I.H.I.....I , fi ,rr ,a, 0y ... cnilr ,.. u, , .. ai,,,, MlMrU, " ""iiiaii. M, ,a. Ufvt l,i.i-n "r. altl. ,,.. .r. . lioo lor ill '. til l a can I, of tin, ,ivi,i,-a rm.r,j l.oar.l thai , ,W.,JIB( ( la. kau,a nniiity. Tim man In ilia ,-a. U livii.a- in 0,1.,1, Cjir ,u, ,U .r-a ll.al ..iii.thina- l. . l t ,,,, f,j lirn alia 1Pf raiMi r.a ly. If alia colilinnaa ti n.amlr.l llm ili.jltion liuan Turlay a .., U auuml Hrf i-inti!!,!,,!, aaa i.,iil Ht t M a a.y lo "unniafrx" at II aito marry. Kiat ( uio a tju A. will , aren from a nutlra .iil.lltl,rd rWahrra Km nirt. haiila, or a graal majority of ll.ein, hV altfliad an alerlnrlil ti, rluaa their tiwr at S o'clot k . 111. rirrpt on Kal nrdax and pay day at (he W. ", A l mill. The ohjrrt of llila move ia to five clarka a ahort rMi.lle from tlmir etrrnl (rind. There II rct.al.lv no cla 4 lalior li. hum of urk ara lonifer or liio'a riti(llilii than am Id retail rl.ik and rlneti.e ha ahown that no hard j ahlp la w.'rkivl on the mrt liaaliia ullic I ty iliMilia. tha al.irra early and a ureal biirltU eecnrad lo Iherlerk. Tl.ey jtliut ha an oiirtuniiy lor recreation and In all way Ilia I mada mora lea ant and afieealile. On Mialf of the rleiki ( urcliMeft are urtf.d lo kindly rniianitx-r lo do their trading rally in the arming1 and not to ak merrharila lo hreak Ilia aifrreiiielil, a violation may I mi tha rauae of IhroaitiK inalUr hack In the old aay and attain )ritiiii the hoar of a rlaaaof ln worthy uf con aideratlon into cIki conta.-l aitlithe KUndatoiie. IF. tl I am a auR." lb. "tn.a ailj, "I 4 ! a,; aula I w I'll U4 Ik 'WI ,' a Ulll if. Aiul N l l.nx'ua tr I th.mli) Ui II I ! a aan." "If am juuili," IIm t!4 bm aui "I J arij all ihn.. Id u .Ui Omi uJaj '4 am ir lu II" lii(ii y'ni Ail tli k t k". aixl rk 1.1a fta II I ani a )uu(tt." "II Vfll fit fc." Ill IrKrtlltlt, "14 fla mj til t lh nnp-Jt, M a; il I J .'"-a arari. Awl (um.Iik t l I ai.ul.1 uir (rl II I ! il h." A4 U. II all lh" nm Irua. 1 ariwun man, lh man a outh, Tu r ' m" Hih-llu-n all In Iruih, Tk4 a.ilJ a.w.il U, k.n mi fa Ulaufh, Ju.1 u II U! ,Ju (i).mhrlm la Maw Vara Oua. Hireirktna to Real. Wheu a limtl la llrwt. ho trrrhe hi arm and leu and yawna. Mini and animal, an far a ponlMe. folUw hi ciniil... Ulr.U itviid their (twihem and alto yaveu: they oM.n ttirtr mouth alowly till they are round, the bone of the hetid MtH'tu to Ioomii and the gllU tHietl. Some uttialclnn ret nlonr on llrlr cheek, but the cornUt ilepellda 0U hi llpa-l'hlhldelpliln llllllctlu. Tho avernee wnlklnu face of a healthy mnn or woman la auld to be 73 atepa a minute. Lyddito. to nne a theatrical phrune, BpM-ar to have "m-orM il Hiiccemi." It kill morn men than either nitroglycerin or dymiinlto. In the luiitfuaKo of ecleu tillo men. "it nren of d.wtrnction Is much renter than uf any other explo itive." It wan lined exteuidvcly in tlm Hudan cHinpiilKii. and its cfllclencr In blowing piiKaiw into atom wan trium phantly attested. Chritlua warriors uru no longer appallml at the f.onudity of tha heathen. They cun now kill a thousand of them while Utf r ',n vertinK ('" Neveral i th hlK""' acleiitifla nnthoritleti are reprwntwl as ruhhiiiK their hand- toother with ifreat glim BiidconKriitulntinKinuiildudon the important art that lyddito will Jhiy In tho futuro clvilir.ati(,n of the world. Tho New York boorU of hiHh hae roceived from tho Medora DraaaaJ Beef anniHinyof the Went ieaeei to be allowed to ahip drewd home meat to NowYiprlc hiuI m II it there. The peti tion ret forth that horBeffeeh haa been nuientillcally proved to bo Mjwrior to biK in nutrition and m mianeptiblo to certain dhwawa. NVhnt the action of the l-oard health will be la not yet known, but there in no pnwvuou of law that prevent the wiling of horse fleah for food. It may not be tctenUly known that in Helium uu.re horsefleah thaa bauf a avW-i U' OREGON CITY i ACTSOtNTLY ON THE Kidneys, Liver and Bowels CtfANSES THE YSTEM ris EFFECTUALLY OVERCOMEj f NtTUAt WNST'PATIOM PrPMANrWTtV ; IT5 Bfu 'oc"- rrTS l,tFICIAL Ef rt ru m tu Mnavn ru ninvm Itellrf Kur Our Young Women. Boim tlilnif will priwutlr hava to b &'w for the relief of our yonnx women who mmt k p op to data. Home of them look a If they were ready to anap at any moment The (train of being "In tonch" with the tim i wearing nine of them down to Dervon ghaNtll t)i. The young Imly who U abrat of thlnir haa to n-ad all the new book, aee all the Duw picture, bear all the ItU-at tiitiaic. atU-nd all the new play. 11m all the lntit hero. drern for all Die iwrll rmeption. take a data at all the Imrgaln cotiuter. ctudy all the fohln 11x1- and bold hena-lf In readi 6ea Ut drea for dinner or deliver an ray at ahort notice. Nothing la ao rruidiiug to the op to date cnatnre aa to m kiHl with a tone of contempt If ho han't read Zola' or Tolntoi'a lat book, or anen Tit'a laat picture, or ant out the luat Pyinphony concert tlmt I to My, If ahe himn t And to do all thew thinjf the need Ave mort hntir on the day. which alio ha to tak frmil the nlht. I low, ahe axk herwdf. am I to keep np thi dreadful pace and ooiitinne ti dnwi fr dinner. fr the atrert and for the opera? She haa tc Iran i four rad at t nee. the funhionu lle. thn int.'ll.vtunl. the ii-sthetic and thn auriiiMe. and iw alio diNW not wuk np till 10 o'clock her rouku are not all COVere.L Thecnaeof Mra. Titua, bridge kep rr, U indicative of the eickly ecnti mentality that Htirronuil female ruflhtn lam. Mr. Titu. who ha kept a conn try drnwhrldft'o for 40 year, wa con aidered aotnewhat inefficient by the an thorltiee, and an awiNtant wa apixiint rd to relievo her of some of her labors. She ananlted him and threw him efl the bridgi. divlurintf that ahe would take tho life of any man who interfered; with her jnh. A large admiration of her valor liegun to aprend over tho imme diate community. Her pictnro bloomed out widely. She ww a valiant old lady, a turdy protector of her righto, etc, but hn wa arretted for assuult with aomo difficulty. Magiiitrato Toole of Hew York city looked at her adiuirhig ly and mud there were self reliance and character written nil around hi jaws, lie then diNcharged her, and the court attendant gave threo cheer. Thi re call a former cko beforo a New York police jnxtico, iu which a mniill hnrglar had attacked a large citicen on the street and robbed him. Tho only thing that tho police justice snw vn tho dis crepancy in riizo, ho ho reprimanded the big mau for coming to court and dis charged tho Biniill man for his bravery. Such method have been in voguo iu tho New York polico courts for years. Personal violence nlwHys gets off with a tip, but tho thief who steal a loaf of bread in a giutlemauly fimhion il A J Qnlle a Mrnairerla. "Yea," nald tho excited umn, "ho ( tried to act the hog and trout me like a dog, but I soon showed him he wa plnylug borne with the wrong man when bo monkeyed with me!" Indlnn apolls Journal University of Oregon. Tuition Free. First term begins Sept. 18,1800. Ex cellent courses in Ancient and Modern Languages, Sciences, Mathematics, etc. Graduates from the tenth grade and from all accredited schools admitted without examination. Students not fully prepared to enter can take stmll.'S in winch they are de ficient, In the Eugene City High School. For catalogues and further informa tion, address the President or Hon. J. J. Walton, Sec. Eugene, Oregon. ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1899 Hot Ilia hl. T0 HlfllilMTM of a well tMIi..I firm tlmt doi' liualrifan in il,u wlioli milo illHirlcl linluljjfd f tho following (1IiiIoki' llo oilier afternoon: Junior rurtiii-r-U'liy didn't you jflv tlmt innn a cliniicv? We m-fd ariollior cliTk licrc, and I nitlicr Ilka hi look. Ki-nlor former-1 liked LI look, too, Mil lii) a 110 g-oo.1. Junior I'artiier-ffow do you know tlmt? enior runner-When a man who I look Inn for a Job come to ui and )', "I iiiiom you don't want to hlro any one today, do your that' enoiiifli, f hf 1,11. 1 aiiythiiiii In lliliii. j he'd romn rl.'hi out ami any what ho inennL If Im uo(oei wt didn't want to hlr any one. why did fit wate our time and hi dy eomlnif In to bother U?-ChlcflKo Tlinea llerohL Trlampkaaf. "When you get Iu a crowd, my dear," said air. Winkle to hi wife, "always look out for pickpocket." "I'm not afraid of them, dearest," anawered Mr. Wluklca. "They can't pick my pocket." "That's JiiHt like you women," Bald air. Winkle, "always ao sure. I'ray tell me why you couldn't hava your pocket picked." "IWniiKe imven't got ony." answer ed Mr. Winkle proudly.-Harper's 1 !ii wir. Ploaaaet a II IJi llv.rr. ' The p1 nineUT wn l;i:rd at work at hi lli ak whell a N I i L.' 1 t II,, i' cUUNl'd Mill to rnlxe hi. eyea, and ho (Uncover ii a bliiahln inn ill. -a of IU with a money order which ahe v.nnt. il cohIi.1. Khe luilideil It with ii I aahful smile to the olllclnl. who, rft'-r doey exainln lug It, gave her the money It culled for. At the Mime time he UMkcd her If she Lad rt-ad what wa written on the margin of the order. "No. I hove not," ahe replied, "for I cannot make It out. Will you please read It for me?" The jMiatnmaier rend as follows: "I scud you 15 and a dozen koine." (ilanrlng at the bnahful girl, he said, "Now I have paid you the money, I supjiORe you want the kles?" "Ye," ! aald. "If he haa sent ma any kUne. I want them too." It la hardly neceary to say to tbooe who are acquainted with Uncle Barn's olllclnl that the balance of the order wa paid In a scientific manner. On reaching home the delighted maiden remarked to her mother: "Mother, thl poMtofilce system of our I a great thing, developing more and more every year, and each new fea ture aectna to be beat. Jimmy sent me a dotcu kle along with a money order, and John gave me 20. It beats the ciHH-lal delivery system all hol low." Marcus News. War Waalr Saaall Cbaas. It was Saturday, and be was on bli way home. Stepping to the showcase In the ci gar store, he carefully surveyed the good that were displayed In the boxes. "Are tboe three for a quarter?" he anked, pointing out a brand that seem ed to pleUHe him. "Yea." aald the man behind the coun ter. "We're making a ixcial sale of them this week. They hove always been 10 cents straight." "AH right." said the customer. "Let me have throe of them." A handful of the cigars was laid on top of the catto, and he carefully ae-J lected three of them, after which he handed out a half dollar. The shopkeeper played a little tune upon his cash register and passed back a quarter. "Say." aald the man who had bought the cigars, "cau't you give me some smaller change? My wife wants me to go to church 'with her tomorrow, and I'll need something, for the con tribution plate. I B'pose 1 might give up a quarter; but, by George, I have to work hard for every cent I get" Chicago Tliues-llerald. I A I ' No Itigkt to Ugliness. The woman who la lovely in face, foim and temper will always have friends, but one who would be attractive must keep her health. If she ia weak, sickly and all run down, she will be nervous and rritable. If she has constipation or kidney trouble, her impure blood will caiiHe pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched complexion. Electric Bitters is the best medicine In the world to regulate stomach, liver and kidneys and to purify the blood. It gives strong nerves, bright eyes,!smootri velvety skin, rich complexion. It will make a good looking, charming woman of a run-down invalid. Only 60 cents at J. A. Hard ing's Drug Store. YOU TKY IT. IfShilob'a Cough and Consumption Cure, which is sold for the small price of 25 cents and 50 cents and $1.00, does not cure take the bottle back and we will re fund your money. Sold for over fifty yearB on this guarantee. Price 25 ceuta and 50 cents. C. G. Huntley, the Druggist. I tWi 11 It'acasyto M pVaS- H ,hau! a big M wy5y biK hil1 if I M 05V you grease I Ita ... the wagou S IR i MICUxliGrcasi I I I Ort a hoi and Iwn why Ifa tha lit, I I hrt ari-ane eviT put on an axlu. I I J Hold evurywlivr. &lad bjr I ( I HTAMIAKU OIL, CO. I I 1 IB. r Absolutely Pure Makes tho food more delicious and wholesome M M,aa Sunday Services. fiKKMAS KVANOKI.ICAL LUTH ERAN IM MANUAL CtlLKCif-Cornai Kiglilii anil J. Q. A'lsins (reta; ilev. KrnMi J. W. Mack, aalor. Hun'lay trhool at l'l A. M., aeekljr srrvicra vrjr Tlmraday at a r, M. uarman U'i every BaturJaj iroru y khz, cveryoooy mviicd. ST. JOHK'i HrRCIf.CATHOLIC.-i A HiLLIaa an. faauir. On Hiiodar maat ai a anil Mail a. At. Evarr an4 and fourth BuodaT uarman aannon arier in a o eiocs mil AI all other maaava Kiirllah a.rmooa. Hunilaa aWio.il at -1M r. m. Vipri, apfilufaUcaJ auoiecia aaa oaoaaicooo ai 7 aur. a. Mf-THOMHT KPIHCOPAL CH fkC II -R, II. OIra, Haator. Miirtilu acrrlc ai lb at Sunday Hrbool at 10 UU. C'laaa laflliif after morinng acrTie. ereairif terrlna at 7JU Kl.wnrtb Learn meetina Huudar areulna al .J; hrayar M.etlni Tburidajr arculni at) JO Iranian cordially lovlled. firht pkehhYtkhia m riimrif n a 1. UiiDlfiitnfrf, faaUir. Bernret al II a a. and 7 BO T. a. Haubath MrhiKil at 10 a. a. Voon V iKiplc'a SVirlaty ol Cbrlatlaa Kndearor Bieei trrf nunaay arenlnf at 6 80. I lunula; aieuiai urajrar mteubi ai7.w. aeaia ire. KVAXOP:i.ICAL OIUKni-Orner of KiK'iih and Ma.lnon itrert. Ur H. Copley paaior. bervicr every BaM.alli at II a. ni and 7:15 p. m. Buiida Kchoiil 10 a. ui Prayer meeting g p. m. All are atlcom 8T PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CliUP.CH Rev. P. K. Hammond, Jtector. rWvicel every Hunday at It a. m, and 7:.'Wp. m. Hunilay school at 10 o'clock, tk'ice every I riday evening t7:.'(0. Other acrvlce at may be announced. All seat free, btrang era cordially invited. GERMAN LUTHERAN ZIOS'8 COS- f n-Kallonal churcn. Kev. r. hack, paator. tiervice every bnndar at 11 A. M. 8u undaj achool at IU A. M. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCn, corner of Main and Eleventh streata Rev. K. H. Bollingtr, paator. Morning aervica 10;); Hunday School 12: Junior Endeavor 5; Y. P. 8. V. K. prayer meeting 6:30; evening service 7:30. Christian Science meetings at Vvillam ette hall, Sunday morning service, 11 o'clock ; Sunday chool,12; weekly meet ings. Wednesday evening at 8, except first week of each month, when meeting will be held on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. The Latet Yarn. A Pitteburg drummer tells this new yarn: I always carry a bottle of Kemp's Balsam in my grip. I take cold easily and a few doaea of the Hal aam always makes me a well man. Everywhere I go I speak a good word for Kemp. I take bold of my custom en I take old men and young men, and tell them confidentially what I do when I take cold. At druggists, 25c and 50c. XASY A LOVER. Has turned with disgust from an otherwise lovable girl with an offensive breath, j Karl's Clover Root Tea purifies the breath by its action on the bowels, etc., as nothing else wilL Sold for years on absolute gusrautee. Price 25 cts, and 50 eta. C. U. Huntley the Druggists. Patent Record. "Money to patent good Ideas may be secured by onr aid, address The Tatent Record, Baltimore, Md." CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. Th8 Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of pecisaiL We have a large line of Ladies Tan and Black Vesting Top Shoes which we are offering at less than manufacturer's cost. These shoes are from a late shipment of this season and were rejected by us, but the manufac turers, F. P. Kirkendall A Co., have given us a reduction of 40 per cent. COME AND SEE THEM. When you see it in our add it is so. Our store will be closed on Sept. 13th at 4 :30 p. m. Wednesday and will reopen Friday Sept, 15th at 7 a. m. on account of holiday. The Star Clothing House. Harding Block, opposite A. Hr.ClIT.M Commercial Hank. Oregon City, Or. lUaager. kimball We Hava Some New Designs Organs in Stock. Prices From $30.00 up. Each Instrument Guar anteed for Five Years. SOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS. Burmeister & Andresen, aowfa . avw rmm. Lodge. A. 0. U. W. meets every Saturday evening In the A. O. U. W. Temple. Geo. It. Califf, secretary. Reoekah Willamette Rehekah Lodge. No. 2 meets second and fourth Friday of each month at I. O.O. F. Temple. Matta Godfry, secretary. Court Robin Hood No. 0, Forenteri of America, meeta first and third Friday ia the month in Red Men's Hall.TW. B. Stafford secretary; F. T. Rogers, chief ranger. Meade Post No. 2, G. A. R., meeU first Monday evening and third Sat urdsy afternoon in each month at WiUoictte Hall. G. A. Harding, commander. Clackamas Chapter No. 2, R. A. M., meets on the third Monday of each month in Masonic Hall. M. Bollack, secretary. Pioneer Chapter No. 28. 0. E. 8. meet the second and fourth Tuesdays io each month at Masonic Hall. Mias Jennie Rowen, secretary. Oregon Lodge No. 3. 1. 0. 0. F., meeta every Thursday in Odd Fellows' Hall. T. F. Ryan, secretary. Falli Encampment No. 4, 1. 0. O. F. meeta first and third Tuesday in each month. J. A. Stuart, secretary. Redmen Wacheno Tribe No. 13, Imp. O. R. M., meets Saturday evening 7:30, at Red Men's Hall. N. M. Moody, C. of R.; Chas. Woodward Sachem . Multnomah Lodge No. 1, A. F. A. M., meets first and third Saturdays in each month at Masonic Uall. T. F. Ryaa, secretary. Mead Relief Corps No 18, meeta at Willamette Hall the first Monday la every month at 2 o'clock p. m. and the third Monday in every month at 7:30 o'clock p. ra. The Auxiliary meets at the Armory building the 1st and 3rd Saturday in each month at 3 o'clock p. m. Mrs. Roeina Foots, president. Mra. Mary L. Bradley, secretary. Artisans meets first, second and fourth Thursdays in each month at Red Men's Hall. J. T. Eearle, secretary. Catholic Knights of America St. John's Bianch No. 647, meets every Tuesday of the month. ' Tualatin Tent, K. O. T. M., meets ia Red Men'a Hall, on second and fourth Wednesdays G. U. Hyatt, record keepei. Willamette Falls Camp No 148, W. 0. W. meets 2nd and 4ib Fridays in the Willamette Hall. Clerk J. K. Jlorria. Lone Pine Lodie, No. 5:5, A. F. & A. M., Lotran, Or., meets on the second Saturday in each month from the 1st ot May to 1st of November at 2 p. m. and from 1st of November to 1st of May at 10 a. m. A. E. Lewellen, W. M., Geo. C. Armstrong. Sec. - - '" 11 : i MOTT'S PENNYROYAL PILLS Titry oTtrfomi VTMktMuM. lrrt09 lavrtit ana oiulMiutka,tnrraaf c v irfor ftltll Davmtka ' plll ol ktf natniSa ' lun." Ibajy aw Llfte ftateiV tortrUat womftfihixMl. at Jinn d e jif luprotmt ol orym. and botijr. ho 1 f V known rwmtHlT fur woatn ola fe.' V jr thrn. Canmit it barm lifw N 'vH.'av com a plratir-. 91 nfr Imii tjT-SVaLV" T mrll. Hold bjr fruKffUtt, VtlawZ-wstCT 0TT CHEMlCaU.C0,w..eW,'i. For l9 bv C. G. Huntley, rfS aftH jQ -cfci-rfr, ftY organs on Kimball The Oregon City JEWELERS. i! -1