OltKOON CITY ENTEKI'MRK, FMDAY. FKITKMRKIt 1, 1890. PA1ICNCB ( .,. i 1l,,"r"' ,,. II"." I"' r,iu' """'"a '0 h. III" ,,.. f"" Hi I'uttUfiili'i cry van .i.r IrW itn are, ',. hid t'" ,l",,, a secret of lli .....ii I"1 in iii Toniiy J lllfl II 1'" - , ,. id lo iMirn, lne (iiulu In perfect pear lll.l", rrev.1, fur lll' h th.y ,ir.ii.ly '' , , . . i I'm u "u" '" '"-fcnin. HOW THE CLI1TCK GOT Tilt NEWS. TwoCbitJrrn Play (If Mof Married, ftbhn IriJi lo Scrloui Risullt r as k .. a a - , W(, nfMi I, l.fm n wru I fur tl lri" l,mtt ,n ,m,,r Bnri t ... ..(iL'nkftul III rtir.M.tlrtli tf t r4 IIKI " - ar - jrrtil i" i'0 ,M,"t their remem .,. .. ..Hi, a i.rfliniHliimlly Bid juiiii". " " - ' - - ,.,ir lull a lit year' almanac In I- tmii'l fltfured a tho officiating ..1:1.. IS. II ulll, a I.I..... T " . . null" iH'iutitf over iht neaii ami u.ii i 'f ha.-hcl.ir'B button lu If ,y the bride. i lii"l lliiprt-ire pnn oi ui rrr- . - . I in ilii lr mind. t) tli throw of rice a'i'1 '" ft'!" tho d.- -ilnC rniipli'. and th" InauriiiouiilabU vtiltt nf llllriiduclllg till feat urn t.'irir n-pru lu.tl.m caused them Ui.trvae. i lr.ii-. Cully complained, roulitu'i lltiniw flu- at lirrM-if, Ka I'sul tt.mttii Ii infJM a hark or tmin t u( i.,ini jmi, lo inaka llio .( fi,ii,i'l, ( It waa at latt rrluo Mj dii'Wll lu urn II tills uiuat lutT- H iarf i'f Hio marrlaeo. U wi-t'llhrf iriM'raUll, CDIHlilrUolii i trirt:tit uTik'lil Id Ilia mat(r of '.rtl-criui. a oil Ilia imlut of Mat O'imu H0 laru. wIhto llio ol inklUtf I'laif. wliro y mi ii if it Jrui. lulu ilia yant, an, I. Iilii l.lna borw, raua ll I'll lo lojulra fur m'M (ruM II ll(l atati-r. x i uiiuuia Hit rlillilrro (am) al ii oiln-r I tie 1'ir n'iim lu r t h'm. tin n lirllllaui leli-a airui 1 i tlmuliaiirxiiuly. ()(T rauia I'lilly't . mil il"u wrui I'atilluo'a Ixxik. rut'i ( harli-y Hiusliaiii rums le ildcr lu Mdn." SanMl 1'ulljf, li.f up au.l iliiwu lu ilflljlil. , I kw II." Mid I'aulluo virlifitljr. I t l,aru'i a miauls l l. You . t't'.it u;i lu llio linUMt ainl gi-t all rw ou t au au'l I'll lrruw Kmir U tX-Ia.-l.l-.ra " Hi. VI rt ll'rrlk." alio aiiiml it!.l-.. Ir, a few iiiluuli' In I it, aa railun) IbIu lint Uity'a !', 'l yuti lia li uto Ua ii r rtt.r, rliil l, w tint 1u yu nl of - ? V.i air nut having a iitlii al r li.mw, iir )ouT" t'-t, ii.a'iun. nn,l i'li an liurrj, or II l l'i l.iti." liui liii I it furT l'r him. r Hur: alioiiipl Paulino. n lii i, hi imirh of a hurry tu for iliilM.iuIn r-1 pin im( lull, ainl l Ui i i.i iii.i l I'ully, w liu hail Urn I link lu II ii J a I m if of I ho atuff b !:.' nut r hail l-f t ou llio kllrli 'Iiy. In tii'i ihry krpi tlmt prftiy at ir" lii ti!iit Mr. Ili'rrU-k of l'r 'f. Mn Hiultti, aa a hi ilrkis up LiilKinir. nuil Ixilli Imllfa ilrvw r rl.air lu lln window oil Cite lc f In l In' Ivti'ra' luiiiw tu wati'U llio of c fitta) inoro ilum ly, Tlim. j;,mh fnrwm HIMrcthr' n iuii) Mm Hinlili. Ami aiirv -uoub t rrviTi inl lii'iiiti-mnn waa awn com iluan I lin ati-in iii'xt (Itxir. hnvlng I a n!l iioiiu t,0 iwiiia' father. I Hi'MiKtit thnl wouhl h a match " Unix. Hut what aro Ihoao chll- i doiiis iiowr iiliiic niul I'ully. in thi'lr atiM-klna tu ro tying white hnlr rlMoiia on hurm-a' furcioia, ami two pnlra of 'II ulim a wi-rt awn ilnngllng umliT firrliii;i.. Thiy had lnrly fiolahi'd "( llio la kI knot ami aklniM'tl lulu l'rii after thrlr Imaa of rlo whon Uli'Klmni ciiliio out to Bet hi ti'tilll. aa n ili-xjirrn ti-ljr ahy young mnn nl caiH't'lnllr olmiTvlnir. Ilolmr ''lly iikIIiiI.iI. too. It la iloillitful tl r hu wouhl havit iiu(Ih1 hail hi f tunifil into a iirnnclng r.ilir dur III Uli.i.. mi, I la nut alrnniru f1 tliv rllihoim niul other diforntluiia wi ii i tract hi ntti'iitlon. f'ity MIhn Kii IVtitra nxt appoar o Ink,. h,,r tln0() ,ho CMrrinBo, Mr. ItliiL'hnm hftit limt pnlliinil nil r "'In pn punitory to n amrt wlion PiMliiirKt of rice .ivi'lnp.'d him. tlio I "' norm and a ko1 Iib" f Ihmii1(. ou tim atrifvt. f W llumo. A 1-tM.tlnaa atilnwil alnrlml 1 JlllllU. mill fnrtiutt Iffltni.ul liV Uuiinring rlhboiiH Imforo hi i-yi', M ';"ttn thn atrai't nt a ruimwny Tim hIiiwiu .ii,,,. i...,.i, .,..i ... ii. . an ...i, mi. ft n.ltl IVI III ir uiu cil IT tllirn for a. mm illalanoa n""y dropped off In front of tho ! e ' Of tllft Hmu.ylll.. ''II....... 1. . -i,,u wii.M-r, ui. n l'.r Ilf,T,,n ii'l... ,. . Iiu..l.. .....ll. 1 t , ' " ' " .'.in iiti-ijt .euuau- 1 niviUOrnuua ou nuei-in. m . ' "10 fact that etcrnnl vigilance i drc aald he kent nil hla records In " I'nce Of Itema nniil I, In nflulil ova .1... 0 v - i - lliai 1110 w Indow In limn in nla Ilia - '"" of tho flying carriage, tho rHpid work ond dully relaxation. . - k;iii i-nriii.H"i ow ll ttlU aluuia In f...... ... 1.1. ..111.... jji im iiuui v Ilia wtutu "ll on. .T..i,.. ... M...1 .1... Din -'., u- eilll.H. in llir nn. who hud Jtiat fliilHhed mnk- Hie MiiiiiK. ......i ...I. . 1... In h. 1 i" 1 uiuiicn iiiv lust , :"", Ul1'" out half a column of In win 0 mu k ,n a fow D1ln" " , I Ml 11 I . I . uo ruauod out, and, atrld- i-r ,, H,,.,ri;!;:;::n:l;.';,;;vtl,,if 1 " l il-Mir i,llf , ' I III II ll Ii. ii ' " "V " w M nr ii "'ililliia I wi r IH'fllll of " "Wliu iimirli'il tlicui 7" I ''I'"''"".! llll.lr,.,,,, .,, tf I.? "'if -''i it! If It Im.l.it Inh-u fur ih twin, T,.y Wi-r- m 1( .,, ,,.,. rnt nmJ oJ ah.-;, and g,,, ,,,,, gw ttlml waa ihHr rt,r ,,n..rM ,,Mk'"' J""1" lUpMntan. f..t hi ganulou. Infonnaiu hrought thfiii otil, j "Whli- du. k aklrt. p,,k ,,irt w.Ut' and a pin In whin, .nllor hat. Kh ,w,k- !. inn no otiu would an.. Im-4-I froui hi r itn-aa." Mr. IVirra wa among t, firt that pai-r. hut. wlPioi.t t.'pplng to .M,k at i louii.iu, wi'iidnl hi way hum., and to..,! tha ahwt Into hi wlf.t'a hip. ii-r". mi.ih.-r. I. Tli- llluiiilmitor.1 iiia un.riio iIRme tor Tho f;ilp,M.r. ii'-ir nrr inn lli,,7" "I put lh.Mii , -d." ald Mr. 'r-t-r. unfolding the ,,n,H.r. -ihat they might rvllt ,w naughty they wera thla afi. rmx.ii. hut. h. what la thla-lllni-hA.i, 1'ei. n.r " And will, wld. ilUt.-ud.-d i-y.- - horror, ludlgiinilon and ainai.-iii. nl In h.-r h.... altitude-aha U-gnu lu r.-Ad the iicH. whila it waa li'. and ilnddmlly frH.. "A pretty hom wedding took plara mi ariemmiu at the re.ldenre of our raleemed fellow .ll... Mr. J,.l.n K. n-K-r. in.a eldcat .laughter. MUa a himan Amelia. uiilt.il in marrUgo lo Mr. rtuulna UerAld llliiKhAin. a ris ing young lawyer of KiiowavlMe. Iho wwlding a a unlet afTalr-ln. di-rd only llii. Imn1.1ll1.ie tnetuher the hrlde' family N-lng pn-aent-whlch wa M-rfornie hy the Iter. Ir. Hll drrth. .ati.r of the Pirat rhurrh "The hrlde. one of Miowavllle'a fair- rat daughiera. waa iilalnlr hut m..t lwoiiiiiigly guwiicl In a white du.k allrl and pink ahlrt alt. and waa at Innded hy her twin aUiura. 1'aullM an! I'ully, ho ahowcrrd the happy couple wiib rice a thry aiart.il away on carriage trip. Mr. aud Mr. Illnghaui are opiilar yuung people, and The flipper Join their hoit of frleuda In ri trading cou gralnlnlluiit and gmxl wUhe." Th.Mie wrrl. he.1 rblldrrnr breathed Mr. 1'eler. atartliig to her feel, while I'aullue and I'ully covered their guilty head With the ledi-olhc. Iion'l falut, iin,tlii-r, duu't! Ilia ra- Iremed filloW cltlsen I going fig down lo lutervlrw IMltor iHxtge. and while I'tu guile you can wrllo up hi obituary. I'll guaranteo that U will t fiiiiudul on fad at l.-aat Wkwre'a my hair' Hut Mr. IVler WA dUm.lviil lo l.-ara, aud before her huiibnnd aucceiil rd In fllldlng hla head covcrl'it. uloue ml aiinldnl. hiulv and youag Whig tin in n-iurued from ih.-lr rl.Ut In t Vat.- of aatUfactloii Hint t-vru 1 he .'ipM-r via Hi.-rlc tu iiuiurh. Aft er they luid r-nd The l'llpx-r'a an"oiuit f their wedding Mr. Illiihaiu phifk.il up courage to proix.M' that ih.-y regard It aa a proph.-cy and prm-eed lui.n.ill ately fulilll It. Mr. Ivter. In the awkward clrcuin alalit-e III Which they Were plnii'd, ! proved of the id.-n. and Mr. Cetera, aft r a time, wa M-rauad.il tu tip hla hat a lea murderou linking angle and -pnrt.il In ..'arch of I'araun UUdretti luat.-ad of the moving aplrtt of the prima, while Mr. Itlughnm aotigttt the tuwti clerk tu procurv a lUenxu. At the Inlrrccxaluu of their (Inter the term of Imprlaonment waa ahortcn isl fur Hi twliia. ami Ihey emerged from their temixirary cunllncmeut In a atato of aubdued Joyouiiea thnt found exprvaaloti In a remark from Tolly to tho effect that they would play nothing hut funeral after Ikla. Hut Kdltor lK.lge never really tin-d.-mtixxj why Mr. ((Ingham aubacrllMNl for Tho Clipper and paid down ten year In advance, with the remark that ho liked to encourage genlua, or why Mr. Peter at tho aamo time atopped hi aubacrlptlon and tried for a whole year to exUt by borrowing his neigh bor' AKTa.-Atlnuta Coimltulifu. Tno Method. Vlatllng the luto A. T. Ktcwart ono day. an Kngllali tourlat aakod how It hn.l bc-n poHnllilo to build up o great an onterprloo a the Stewart batlne In A comparatively few yeaj and how It waa poHdlhlo to keep It running with tho clockllko regularity fur which It waa fauioti. For reply Stewart took tho vUltor through the eatubllaUim'Ut, allowing every floor nud every depart ment, from basement to roof. Then Stewart explained hi own ceaelea vlglhince, kl long huiira irf peinoual Bttetillon to tho atoro and tht ohherato rulea whltli hi ruiploywa had lo fol low. Leaving Stewnrt. tho EngllHlnnou called on Co'umodoro Vanderhllt, then alive, I'Ut a aliullnr queatrSo to hlu and told of Stewurt'a buatue ma- 1 . ni.il. tl.ji .uiiii iiiik.l,kra nueu- drawer lu hla desk. It coutnlned I b nil,. ii, llMIHO auinii ncv-'.uui uuw. l .. ..I ,d Tit. nnnilllA. .,. ..h fro-a.vir lie Rllld he WaS u. u n VI. 1 w - - . i...li.-.i. In l.mir linlira. hut lU The vbJlwr went away more im preHHe.1 with ViiiMlvrbllfa method thnn with the dry good man'a elftlrato dlMplay. The hucccmh of Stewart, In tho KngllHhmnn' view, wna a remarkahlo tixauiplo of what may he done by & perfect ayatem rigidly adhered to, but' Commodore Vauderbllt'a auccess Heem cd due to pure gculua. Tno ftfadaaU and ThUf. Homo month ago two hungry mil Vi-iHliy aiinli'iiU lu thu aoiith of UuhmIu, coming homo to their mm lmr room aftur n hnrd diiy'a work for their Hir ing, iniight n tlili-f running off with thi-lr lM,k. "Aro you mo fi-llow Unit alolu oiluT hooka of our ytairdny'" lln-y aki'd. "I am, lltilo fnthi'ra, hut hunger and want ilrovo me to It. I nm atarvlng." "Ho uro w, hrother, or next door to It. ami you ought not to huvti hit upou u n your victim." "Well, your door I mora nlly open d; Ihnt'a how It wa tho anwer. "Wo want thoNo hook for our exam Inatlona, hrother; ao you miiat get them hack for u. Hut aa you are told aud liimgry now c-omo lo and Join u In our aupper. It la not much, hut audi aa It la you aro welcome Hero aro 20 copecka for tho wjit. Ituu and fetch IL" And tho three ale aud drank togeth er, for hoNpliAllty I a religion and charity Itai foumlutlon.IU'Jon Ti-lv Kraph. Miolif rrnM-ry fur Kale. Itcv. A. Ilillehiaml offer for aale iegun Cilr property on Main atreetto ll : lt and 6 of him k ; prt of lot 1 1 all ol lot 2 ami 7. ami nart of R. lot 5 of hl-x k H. IV.IiUa tho above property 21 acret of rultlvatrd land (vineyard) In llulcomh aildliion Milwaukle. Aipllratlona and in.piirie ran ho made every inoriiiiig at Hi. John' par uiiaga. I'r. I., L. I'ii ki-ii, dentii.1, ha re-oja-ne.1 hi denial ollice In the lUn lay building corner ol Main ami Kt-venih ,t"'',, Agent fur (he beat machino on earth Improved New (ioodrli h. Oregon City A action Houno. KIDNEY TROUBLE l a iW,ilr illsraa UioiimU hare It ami diin'l know ll. If you Haul .mirk reaulli you ran make no mUiaka by uung l)r. Kil mer 1 Haamp Hoot, the r"l kldnty rni.y. Al (JruKKI'la In tlfly rem and dollar tlx. Kainila Ixitlla by mail free, Imj aiiiihU telling yon bow lo Hint out If you hav klilnr iruiihl. Ad,lr.. )r. Kilmer X Co., liinglianitoii, H. Y. BIGGLE A Farm Ltbrar? of tneqti.lieJ TalneFm'lcai, I'Mo-datc, Concise and Comprehensive Hwi soacljr Printed and Beautifully lllusUited. Dy JACOB DIOOLC No. l-DlGGLO MORSe BOOK Alltut llunra a Cnmmoo Hrnat Trraltar, mUi Gt 4 IlliuUatiuna ; a Mawlard work, llkf, yifxnla. No. 2-UIOQLC DLKRY BOCK Allalnul irowme hraall Frull-m4 and tmra bow 1 I criol iln)oilor-J lilr-liLrrrproi'.dcilon.ulalllri.oiuf I VarKliraad lo other IUu.ltal.a. l-rkx,yCcaU No.3-BiaaL; lOULTRY BOOK All alxul l-uultry ; Hie txnl I milirr Hook In rxlnmce . IcIUrrrrythin ; lthij cvlurrd liir-likc rrt.ruiliHIK n ..I .til llic i.iiikiI bictJ.; ilb u juUicr llluitruiicna. Trice, V CrnU. No. 4-BIQQLP. COW BOOK FARM It your twrr, made for yon and not a tnl.fll. T I. t ta:i Old; II la ihc arrat bnilnlHlown, tilt-thr-nall-on-thr-hnd,-cjullnrr you hvriJ lt, -arm rn 1 llouwh, 1.1 frr In th world the turimt nanrr of It. ttr in thr I'ni'rri Kintr. of America baviug over a uiUliuu aud a-iialf rcgulu uaOcn. Any ONE of the BIGGLE BOOKS, and the FARM JOURNAL a YBAR5 (remainder of iR.. im, 1901, 1901 and lyu) wilt be aent by mail to any aildma li.r A IIOI.I.AII UII.L. ' bampte ol r AKM JOURNAL anil witM ATKinaoji. Addrcta, Ciiaa. r. jaxaiM. FOR ARTISTIC PHOTOGRAPHS At Third and Will Give You ENLARGING CRAYON OIL Ilraalf la llo4 lep. Cl.nn hluod fiif-nria a flenn akin. Kij lieunly wilhoiit ll. I ,i nri-lx, ( uiely ( ulliiir tin (luiri your hiiod niul k--i ll liii. I.) atirniig iii the hiy hvir Ami driving ullim- iiillilii-a ImIii the l.,iy, J!i(iii i, ilny . 'Hlnli plliiili ii, hmU, l.liili Iuk, hhif'kli.'.id, and Unit mi My luliuu i iioplt-xiori hrlakiiiK v ii.iiii m, i,niuiy n,r k ii (.'lit Allilrug jiil, uti.f.i. lion guiiMiiti.-ed, JUc,2.V,f)e. A Tension Indicator IS JUST WHAT THE WORD I IMPLIES. It indicates the t Ute of the tension at a glance. Its use means time saving and easier sewing. It's our own Invention and is found only on the White Sewing Machine. We have other striking improvements that appeal to the careful buyer. Send for our elegant H. T. catalog. White Seitxg Machine Co. Cleveland, Ohio. For aale by Ilurmeiater k Andreaen. BOOKS All atuulCuwt aud Ihc Iauy llultia ; hnvlnu rrt-nl ilc; cimlnln I n.lorri! life -lik. rrpmtm-tn ... I ;.iti IhwJ, vilh tit olhrr IllutlmtiiiD. Trier, j. Ctoia No. G-BiaOLD SWINE BOOK Just out. All ahmt llop-IlrrdliiK, Fordlnir. tluo h cry, IHwu-M, U. Cmtalua cwr Ito Iwouluul tail luu.auudu.licr ru(;iiiUii.. J rice, jo Cruta. The tllOUhG HOOKS r umqur.orlHiml.uvrul "ounrrrr Mwanytluna Ukrlhfm o riutital.o-iiil it. lit y arc havniK an rnummui mlc I.a 1 W'crl, K, 1 i.u Nnilh. I-.vrry one who kcrrm a llorac, Cow. Il rt Chkkrn, or rr" t moll I runs, ousht to trad iilUI away for Ihc IllU.1 bOUkS. Tbe JOURNAL circular describing BIQULE BOOKS free FARM Jul'RKAL 1 HILADaXrUU Washington Sts., Portland, Satisfaction. COLORS and PASTEL. J. C BRADLEY'S Us-jyt Kh)J and Bale Klahle ORECONCITY. LOCATI 1) hRivnt am Double urid .SinIu Iliga, and ami die horHca always on hand at th loweHt jiriceu. A corral) connechyd with the barn tr iitock. Information regarding any kind or atock promptly attended to by peraon ol letter. Horaes Bousrht and Sold. Horaea Boanlo-l and Fed on reaaon- ahle term. CorvaUis & Eastern K. K. Co. WILLAMETTE BIVKK DIVIHIO . Steamer Wm. M. Hoag. (Capt. Geo. IUale) Running regularly letween Portland and Corvalli", (topping at all way landing. RIVER 8CHEDULE Down river, Tueadava. Thuradav and Saturday. Leave. Coryallia 8 a.m.; Albany 7 A. m.; liuena Vint gn..; Independence 9 a.m.; rialetn 10 a. h .; Newherg K':30 r. m.; arrive at Portland Mr. u. Up river. Monday. Wedneadara and Friday. Iavea Portland a. k.: Newherg 10 :30 a.m.; Salem 3:30 p. m. ; Independence 5 :(X) y, M.;Buena Viata Mr. m.: Albany UJOr. u.: arrive at Lorvallix 11 :UU r. m. Thia steamer haa been eaniooed with fint cla accommodation, incl'j.linir an eiegani piano. Lnaurpaaaed for carry. ing both freight and paaaengera. J. Ti'KKEa, Agent, Albany, Oregon. EDWIN STONE, Manager, Albany. Or. C. G. COKER. Airent. Portland. Or. foot of Yamhill itreet. OREGON SHORT LINE -irailroad;- THR DIRECT LINK TO Montana, Utah, Colorado, and an Eastern Points. Give choice of two favorite routea, via the UNION PACIFIC Fast Mail Line, or the RIO GRANDE Scenic Line. Look at the Time Ii Pays to Salt Lake 21 Days to Denver 3 Days to Chicago Days to New York Free Reclining Chair Cars, Upholstered lounsl sleeping tars, and Tullnian Palace Sleepers, operated on all trains. For further information, apply to F. A. Pox a linos, Agent at Oregon City. O. TERRY, V. E. COM AN, Trav. Pass. Agt. GenT Agent. 134 Third St, Portland. Or. IMPEL Danar TIMS SCHEDULES A.aiva raua Ioktlami. raoa salt Lake, .-onvai Fat Mail north, Omaha, kan. n i . . ... City, lt Louis, 0 45 m' chicaaoaod Eaak Walla Walla. Ppokae, 8nokana MlnnaHili., 8U l'aul, Flyer Puluth, Milwaukee, a. m. Chieau and fcaak Da lw N Dal'es, Bonneville, lycal Multnomah r alla,Ca- 6 30 p. in. od Lock'.tud HoOU Kx.8uud.y K:ver. feuudav 7 p. m. 4 p. m. Ocean Steanasblpi For 8an Franoiaco Every five day To Ala-ka- 8 p. m. Columbia River 4 pm. 6 Winner Ex.buudaj To Astoria ai'd Way LalidlllK.. Willamette River :K) p. m. Mim. Wed. Orem City, Kewhenr, and Fri. ralein and nay-Lindu'. WtllametteandYaiuhlil 4:80 p. m. Klver TueeThnr, Oreiron City, Payton and SaU ami Way-LandiUK. Willamette River 4:.10 p. m. Porl.Hii.l to CurTallli lue.l'bar. anJ Way-Laudiuga and bai. Onako River ... Learn Kipana to Lewieton Uwitin Dully roa Fust Unit p. m. pxkana Vlver 10 p.m. Dallei Local s . m. Ei.8uuUaf eunaay 10 a. m, I p. m. 7 p.m. ( d. in, Ex. buudny falnrday WM p. tu. It. m. Ex. Bundaj T a. m Tuaa, Thur aud sau a. m. Tue-.Thur. an I feat. Inva Rilria Way W. II. HURLBTJRT, Gen. Pass. Agent, Portland, Or. E. DONALDSON, Agent, Oregon City. Lit mm PORTLAND TO THE DALLES l'y the fant ami com modious atcamer Regulator Leaves Portland dailr excent nunaay ai i a. m. This is the Great Scenic Route. All tourint swlmit that the scenery on the Middle Columbia is not ex celled for beauty and grandeur in the United States. Full Informa tion by addresHini? or calling on J. S. liOOTH, Agent, Tel. 914. Portland, Or, Office and wharf, foot of Oak St. f . a- lm.- , r . I Ww--W ' , - S FOR CLATSKANIE i ! Steamer G. W. Shaver, LEAVES Portland foot of Waalilmrton street Tnea day, Thursday and Sunday evening at 5 o'clock. Returning, leave Clatekanie Monday, Wednesday and Friday eyet inga at 6 o'clock. Will pans Oak Point about 7; Stella 7:15; Mayger 7:25; Rainier 8:20; Kalama9:15; St Helena 10 :30. Arrive in Portland 1 :30 a. m. Tbia ii the nearest and most direct route to tbe great Nehalem valley. Shaver Transportation Co. SCHEDULES OF TIME 80UTI1EH.1 PACITIC RAILWAY hobtb aocsa. California Expreaa fthrooKh . 8:39 a. m. 3:34 p. m. KoaeDurg Local (way atationi) - socth aoi'SD. Roaebure leal 'av atatmni' 9 II a. ro. 6:5.' p.m. Californic Express 'Ibrougb' - POSTAL SCHEDULE. BtOI'THa TACIFIC BUiaOAD, Mail clows going Norm. . . 3:OApm Mail Clowieuliig S)iill.!)a m and 6:-J) t in Mail ditriluted from Nortli 7:Jopm. 10;.T0 a in. Mad dietributed from fcouih 9:10 a m. .1:40 p in. VT KAST SI11I Il.tCTUIC Lint. Mail rlos for Porllund and distributing k.ii. Ik, 12 in. Mail clones for Mil wankfe only. 9 a m. Mail arrives trow. Portland 1:30 p m. SIPX Bul'TU Oreenn Tilv In Flv P.m. l. Liberal and Mollala leave at 12 m. and arrives at 1 :3u a m daily. Ureiron City lo Heaver Creek. Fhubel. Clark, Meadow Brook. Union Mills and Colton leaves at 8 a m Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and returns on following davs at4:!t5p m. urrgon Litv lo tola. I.oesn and Roland leaven Oregon Citv Mondav. WednesrlaT aud Friday al 1 p m, leaving Viola lanie davs at 7 a m. Oregon CilV lo Willamette. Stafford. Wilsouville and (irseme arrives at 10:30 a m and leaves at 11 :30 a m daily. General delivery window is otn on Sua. day from 10 to 11 a tn, All letters dropped into Ibe box at too door is nromntlv aent otf Sunday as on other days. ah eastern mail tbat is delayed and fa a to arrive on 9:30 S. P. train will come on 12 o'clock or 6:52 S. P. train. , EAST AND SOUTH -VIA- THE SHASTA KOUTE Of the SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. txpresB Trains leave Portland Daily. Sou.h I i Nor6T" 7:00 e M Lv Portland Ar I.v Oregon City Lv Ar 8 Francisco Lv 0:15 a M 7:0Sat 8:U5px 7:52 pm 7:45 a M 5:00 p m Ar Og.len Denver Ar l-.lTTai 0:05 p m Ar Lv 6:45 p u 6:40 a M Ar Omaha Ar 8:50Tii 8:15 p M Ar Chicago Lv 6::0aii 7:110 a m 8:15 r m Ar Ias Angelas Ar "9:J5pm 2:.tipM Ar r.l Laso Ar 4:15 P M a r rurc vv orin Ar H U h Ar New Orleans" Ar 8:1oTm 7:55 a m DtNINQ CARS. OBSERVATION CARS. Pullman first class and tourist cars at tached to all through trains. bosebi'ko mail (Daily) 8.:!iia m 9:23 a m 5:20 p M Lv Porthtii.l Ar Lv Oregon City Lv Ar Uoaehurg Lv 3::ifi pm 7:3i.)AM cokvallis mail PAuv (Except Sunday) 7:30AM Lv Portland Ar I S.oITpm V 11:55 am Ar CorvaUis Lv j 1 -JO p m At Albany aid CorvaUis connect with trains of Uorvallis & Eastern railroad. INDirSNHF.MCI PASSEMaiB DAILY (Except Sunday) 4 :50 p M 7:30 PM 8:l p m Lv Portland Ar Ar McMinnville Lv Ar Independence Lv fi:50AM 4:50 A M Direct connection at San Francisco wilh steamship lines for Hawaii. Japan, Coma, The Philippines and Australia. For through tickets and rate call on er address E. E. Boyd, Agent. R. KOE1ILEK, G. H.MARKHAM. Manager, 0. F. & p. Agont. Portland, Oregou. I