Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 04, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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Oregon City Iintcrprisc
1 1 AVI
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1 1 A 1 1 . Y I XCI Pl" M'NHAY
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-I.KVKH (a(.(.X UTV-
....... 1. .... . u I '.dint; Aitm n 111 u I
M MAY Titl.(.t.N IT Y OM.Y.
,T.. H'i(ilT
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II.AMKITK fal.l M Y.
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-! ! V Inmf UM'I P'r!w I
U t9cl UK atxl !' JaM-rt 1 IM.
( 4 tail I K M. 'iff.
T . Ti "mi MooiUy inofiiln ai j
0. T. Wtliliina naa dolnii aiiia oik
. Mi i.i. I. l..n Im Irll a r.mnl.'fal.l I
Ulna to tle gfi.oiiil ami iix-vIvihI '
irfal l.r i,rt aUiiil lita lira. I ; altiful,
t Hot tr'liiita
llii Ar.n-tin Til '.iri.) -Tlm
nd..r triiilrrr.l to Mia. Ilrtrna ICinrar
ii llm c..uiiiy lr. tf fiaml'mil
hoi-l. l!. Ui .l. Iiaa lm arr.lr ,y
', Mf llir.rarann la inmn lavor.lr
h Uail.na ami otlmra aiul l.rr a
nlicrM k'lVra ifriirral aal ilarliou .
tu....r 1i.ir.-A new Hum .a-d
nil.,..,, lb, ton llm (...uthern Pa. Hie ,
.ngei ..br.lule Tucday evening, j
f . rl.ar.g-. ao lar aa Ibegoi, (My ,. I "4" " 'rr"u" "
re m ,lm Inn of the titaril. -'- " -' U did tml
Ulltve,!....! .1.1.1. I. .1..- ... all"" "''-"I-- ' -"iVll-g
3 mat. a.l .,( 7 OK .. ,..rn.r.l. !
Hit. Ilia I., :a. ai a -On July '.'ili
I .aience, the i year old am i4 J.
Kum.., Heaver CriM-k, waa riding a
elm a a. thrown from the anlmal'a
ii.ll.ad one of hi. leg broken In
i .!i,e. f)r. Thoiuaa atlendiMl to
luitu.n and the little aufterer ia
lif III. rly.
! Hilda U ina Ot T Ihirllig the el.'i-
1 1 at, t ,i. l'.l.l. -..-..I.,.. l...rl
, 1 1
U a em tnini-d off and a grand ;
litrlile eiiaued to fur niaii even prlml
, ,
" meti,la of lighting The coinpany
n.il earn to reja'al fotiiierrXM.rii'iii'ea
"l Il.ey eiiir. rp.1 great dauirtgu by
I'it gllie ( in rent on during a heavy
fl M r.Kl'Aiir.-Tlieaiala land Uiard
1 111 inaaion at Halnm Tueaday I"r the
"id aph.rliouing the money ro
( ia iuleient on account ol the Irre
tl.le m Ii.niI fund. The entire amount
"'vol aa l!m,lKk'i,M8 and waadiatrl
f'l nii.iig ::,:m children amount
l II M a-r capita, i'lackamna
l'"'y baa 7.KSS i-hiidren and n-ceivea
M'kii i,, im a roiini kR I.aal Sunday
'""H lliu fouryer-oM doy of John
living out on the plank roml
'"I'tcI dow ii town boarded an elec.lrlc
-'t'l n curriod lo l'orlland. On ar
d llii-ru liu waa if i inn Into cliartni of
m r
Nint umt tlirougd their ell'orU hu
h Mnri., t hia home, The young-
' " bright one and fully able to tuko
" lilmaelf.
Tk Son A i'I'ointmkn th, -( iraml
N'lfnt S.. lllumaucr. of the Nutlvo
'ol Oregon, on Wodneadiiy apHilntil
'littlrii't ilctiulica and Mlamlinir com-
I'1"". Clin kumiiH county rucolvoa ait
r(t ill.,,,,!,, r. II ('..nil,,!,! ,,f Miv
'n''liii Cabin No 4 and on the aland
c'iniiiitlecM ia represented by (J.
I'ti'' on committee of laws ami auper-
'"".wli'iln Col. It. A. Miller ia chair-
" ' llm lileraturo committee.
",,KN'kkti Ishtaix OKKICKIta. At
'r 'lll(t meeting the FoichIoih of
""I(:IiihIiiII( their olllcerg for Iho
f'miK term. iVimlv (1. C. K. l'hil
"'y ftHHiHted by A. Mochtniiin nH
P "'I Im.l cliro of tlio woik and it
a (l0h(iiu a very linpruHnivo manner.
'"''"'L...lhl,,. .'omniim,,. ,,,
, " "T tl.tf M.-rofi.l t.
'it III A III H,, , .
; !";v,"1k I-r im
H'"l.-,..MI,.,j.,, Fellow." !,, ,M,
',,;";M '"' ivi..i I,.,,,. ti.
M"l",,, i,,U)l IUl ,lll)V Uvm u
mU. .,r Hrt1lr.(lly( Sw Vl) B(i( t))(
,",u"'' 'I'" ', ,H ,,
' IWU...I" Hi lint !., TI...
'"' M ilolMo a.tlv,, tlll,ll,K .11,1
piou.lae. In ,,,!,,. u i i1rcal intf u,t II,..
Multnomah., ,. ,., city ,!,,,, ,,,,
'"II I. I ll,H... ,, , M.I.M,,1 ,,y
"" ,r I" "' ri.COIMHI .,tt I.)
the doughty rliiiiiiflnim.
Calm, Mm i,,WM A y,mill lutl
II I Sum.. J.Mlly M.nlll)l M.,Hly
lilnl.l. Il 4 itmIi.k .low 11 ,U nr,.,.t
i lU lu.ur ui f,, , r,.gw, Uim
Vlul-lil ..i,l ,M1M ,..,.,- ...w
"! Lot imi.i, f H.-lliii'i ..,
llir.r (! t,k j,,,,,! t,,
n l .Ur... (,(, ,,,r ,rl,.,i r ,j,f.
Irly icii liii l. IIm.uIii. n Mtroiu Ulk
nl "ill'ln'l mi.!, ,y ,rin" mi HN ,
pr..in...., l.i k ir4ii;l.i Ikimim h4 h.
I""P'I llj U,
A V 4 1 1 in lMi -Mr. II. I. K.-llv
lk llm Kith r j (iiiily nil .
IM. Rii'l il l on .ro 111, 1 of iI.h I in-w
( 4im Im mrli . It ni4'U u (Imk .ii
llf, ImiI llm .rtl1iilr i.' of fir il i-aii
from 1 1 f,,r lnl ina.i on II u
Hinl., irul.r It.-lim M.riol.n aiul
wm iki-n liom tlitt i.iu bv Fli lilmif
Knlly lirn ) Uy In llm l,.,u.n ,,f
M4I11U l.jr. Tim cnn U mil. h rijl
ly Mr. KfVy inl Im ukin pliiMiia In
lioiii In Ilia (ri. ii'1.
!I Iami I'hiM TIii-ih I now on tlm
r lon llm river onn of tlm liijL'mt
i Oritf rvrr ki.uKiioti tlm VIUtnrtt
tWrr. Ilia roiiiH i over H.imO.fUM)
(rrl of toy ati'l roini'a n.oatl) fmln llm
MrKciiiii. rivir. 'llm lof tr lialtu, fir
an'l ollmr vaiii'lira fur tlm Wlllani. tle
null ami lll rr'iirt aooul a monlli t
Ui frai l. Ilila .la.-. Tl.lrlr flve lo fllty
mm am rm'lo)f aiul lmn tlm main
ilrlv aaa t 1'iHifla lat rkllm.vrr
a'aik-. ,i full (hat man roiill
alk a.-roaa tlm almam wiiliotlt k'UhK
Ina Irf I art,
hmioi ui r Imi a. ii l.i'm norkii.K
llli a alram moI aa Ut fl unlay
evriiing an afl n.-hllriiian liainril A.
hiiy.li - r. aa ijulio arrioualy injurrl.
Tlm aa l.a I Inii at oik in an allry
an. I lu ifl out il nr.-. aty to Mt.li
(nam t i 1I10 la k rml an.) iliam It out
fn..'r Im.l liol.l .-I tlm t'irigui Kiiilitir,
an. I In iiluij ovrr curb onn of il.it
whix-la aim. k an l llm luimiir tl.ton
aro.niil atlli tnuliU lor. e itiiku Mr.
hnyilrron llm ilgl.l Irjt, lirraklug llm
j Imiin In (our placra. Mr. Ji y.li r i ovrr
(V) yrara of ahm aii'l llm Injury la a
1 atrioiia olio at l.ia limn of lift.
Ii n at I.t t at Am. 'tig Ihe "tourii-ta"
I f .... . ;.. 1 . t
""" "K' -'....., ..., ...
' )-'''J X ""'' ''""" y
,'r,', ",0,", tn'm ,11,"oi-
"" r tliaroeri.. and pill off
I the train and be can imiuiritig ifany'jody
,nrw ,la uiule. giving l.ia iiame. At
l.t ihe firal Impiirr be found a man
jth,t knpW him and further Inquiry
allowed that lie waa In town. A little
h biought them t..gi lbi r and Ihe
hy left town wiln hi relative in a
happy elate ol mind.
lloir.L CiiaKoM IUm.h Commeiir
Ing with laat Sunday the Kt.M'tric Hotel
in thia city paaae.l Into the poi.aeinn of
, , ' ' .
Jarol. i .laaell, .vir. I anaen ;iaa i.t ine
pant two veaii l-cn engnged in running
the Cliff llotiae with algnal aud-ea and
under hi manageiiieiit the KI.H:trii' may
I expected lo aooti rank aa one of the
heat liotela In the alale Me m a hotel
man of much experience and with ihe
increaaed room and faeilitica of the
Kleclric w ill bo enabled lo demount rule
hia ability In rateiitg lo the watita of
the traveling public. The Clifl Hoime
will remain under l.ia management ami
w ill be run ai a lodging bonne.
Haii a Joi.t.v Timk. The Oregon City
council of the Ancient Order ol Pyramid
had a jolly time in Willumelte ball Mon
day evening. Fha ateamer rotimna
brought two hundred member of the
order up from Portland Including a flint
claa orchcHlra. An excellent literary
and mimical program was presented, re
freshment eio served and the whole
wound up with a big dance and every
body had a splendid time. Atn'mf the
attractions was a cake walk participated
in by three couple and a splendid exhi
bition of the graceful resulted. Tho
local council ha every reason lobe
proud of the iticcesa attending the occa
sion. Had IIkh Siioui.dkr Hhokkn. Last
Satuiday evening after the flrewoika
at ChfttilHtiqua, aa Mrs. J. D. KiiHk,
Mrs. Charles Uusk and a S week'a old
child, 1 a 15-year-oU boy were
driving to their home, A litllo ""'th
ofClBckamas, the team shied over Ihe
embankment, which, i aliout three feet
high there, and threw the occupants out,
the horse running )' Mra. J. H.
Hunk fell upon her shoulder, breaking
it, whllo Mrs. Cliiis. Hunk with her
yoiitilt child in her arms waa thrown
considerably farther without injuring her
or the child In the least. Mr. Myers
canionlonu about the saino time and
tlx f JY.vl
. : 1 1 .r.j. v
mm Jim
Kidneys, Liver
and Bowels
rb( d tu MbM4 rr4 Ik HI WtiL '
' l.ia Irani unit oT tlm opil cMh ol
llm 1-111l1ai1l.1111.j1t, llironiiiK '' out,
(ml without any Inj'iry.
Jmv Ti nm 11 Him L.a U' Fri.li.y
John Ainiii'iii", a drovi-r in i liarn i a
I'ainl of l.oru'i l.ii li ia"litii Imrilnl In
llm vlrinity of I'aikiiUi-i, aa arrcitf.l
uam i'.im.UIiit of Win. Hruwn, aicu-(l
of liavinit .liivnii luori tlian "0 lit a l of
lo. k arr.HK llm lirl.li. al that .a-tt at
on Hum, in vioUM'.n of a aialw law
rfKulaiina coiiniy liii.ljtra Tin' raae
waa art for hearing hrfore Jicle r cline-U-l
on H4tur,ly ami oVf.Miitant de
liiaii.l. i Jmy tr ail alii. h waa giant (1
n.l the at gixiij aii'l Irur, al'er tlierliiig
tlm evi.li-mv, r. turnr.la verdict of not
gull))'. Tlm reii.l.Mila of I'm k place aif
ipiilfl iii.ligi.aiit over tlm iii.-tl.otlt of
.VHkii.en at that place ami fct I tliat
ihelr righia are tx'li g trinnplel upon and
priMe lo keep alter careloa ato. kmcn
until limy am tuiighl to ol.wrve the
riilil4 of I m put lie.
K. . KMSi. ur AroT l.at Thnraday
Oreg .nt'ity ei.terliine 1 w ithiii her hit
loric a alia a unique chara. ter in the per
aon of "L'i.ele Sam'' CVilburn. Il is on
a j.xiri ey around the world on f.ait and
ladueatthe Pari exposition inl'.Kll.
Me I. ft New Yoik in September, I S'.Kl
and tiatuia-d to S in Kianciaco at alout
the outhreak of r.i et il i' i-a ami there en
listed in the heavy artillery existing to
le rent to the front but im-t -ad his bat
talion aa aaaigned to garrison out)',
lie ha recently la-en discharged and
ban a,'-in leaumed hia journey. Me will
tramp to Seattle and from there sail for
the Orient. Mi sppearance is unique,
Ixdng a la rfcct picture of our Uncle
Samuel a he is popularly conceived,
and ha a happy-go-lucky tempeiment
which make him friend whenever he
stilke. llo expect-to walk over 15,0(10
mile before he fluial.e hia proponed
A i'i.kku-al Fkai'Ii. A. J. Smith who
s:opx"l here for about two wet ks and
preached occasionally, ha gotten him
self into trouble by hia lax method of
doing hnincs. While here Mr. Smith
occupied quarters at Ihe boarding hom-e
of Mm. l.aura I Ml I, of whom he bor
rowed a small amount of money and J
quietly took hi departure for Salem.
On Satutday last Mra. Moll appeared
before Judge Schuebel and swore out
a warrant against htm on a charge of
larceny. Chief of Police Kurna com
municated with the Salem police de
partment and it w as found that he had
left that city between suns, leaving be
hind an unliquidated board bill. The
Salem Statesman in speaking of the rev
erend's departure from that city says:
"That the man Is possessed of an exce
tional nerve is evident from the fact that
on the fluidity afternoon preceding his
departure from the city, hu addressed
the prisoners at the stite penitentiary.
Unless the revetend gentleman reforms
bis uu thuds of obtaining contributions,
he mav be assigned to a field of labor
where he may be permitted to address
hi audiios of Sunday last, every day,
rather than in periodical installments."
Since the above was put in type word
has been rece'vod that Mr. Smith was
arrested at Albany on Wednesday and
Chief linrna went up that evening to
bring the prisoner back, and he is now
in custody here awaiting trial.
HImiiuiVh Iron Nerve.
Waa the result of hia splendid health.
Indomitable will and tremendous energy
are not found whore stomach, liver,
kidneys and bowel are out ol order. If
you want these qualities and the success
they bring, uno Mr. King's New Life
rills. They develop every power of
brain and body. Only 25 ceuts at
Geo, A. Harding's drug store,
'J sr Ml M I I
II Ma Nouielliliiif He lonld Ileal,
In. I II I.., I Hie Ural ul III....
I'm' etiiiliu iii nl Mini. t on., of A'bl-
....... .
i.'ii a p.iniiiir i(ii.'Hiiia iiitcmioi u
awM-lal fulM'll.li W lii'li- I lie g loin piny.
el progriT-ihc p...o. n giimc In wlili-h
jlhi' vcoMliy t-lnrlilor 111 'M mi chilm to
' l.clng mi cipcil, In fuel, on I In? pia
' fill iici-MnIoIi he Wlia cr.-(lllc( with hut
Iho iirogi'i-NHlou. n acoif of .mil an
1 ul'lillig aiiiiillucaa. Niiliin.il, wlint
, U I.tiimiI ll.i "lioohy prlw" f.-l to hi III,
! (lid till lime II look Ihc form of a
Joiihl.i ..IU egg, ullli (In.. followlliK
I ' iinui- f K 1 I ... l.l. ill (. .
"Hoini'lliliiK yon i;i?i lcal."
I 'J'hi? .iof.'naii' amiliiiKly inccilci (Im
reviiir'i, u ul uri.-r n wiia pii-il aroiimj
I lid Juk.'d upon he fliuilly allp-ij It
Into (lie aide p.xk.1 of hia overcout
and then airiilgliiwo forgot lla rxlat
encc, U'hcii Hie pnrt broke up, he accom
panied two young ludlca to their
home. When Ih.-y rciu lie.l tho hoiiw?
and I tut hilclik.-y una pnxltn-.J and
iihcI, t wiia found Unit I lie front door
Mil a IikLi.I ho I Ifl.t ly thlit It ri'fuac.l
to yield In ordinary pri-nauri. r!o tlm
profchHor put hia hip agullint a panel
ami piixlicil Imrd.
'J'herc vena n dull ernali, a mIM yell,
flu- profcai.or lenM-. In ihe nlr and
ColivulAlvely cliilch.'.l ul hia ai.l...
'I'll. liimlil" )nlk hlld I'XI.I.ele.l!
A moment Inii-r the uli!.cic.J c lucntor
gingerly die; fr..:n li jeickei n cilr
of fxci-i'dliig! J. I'.-iW i:'. vr.!. folhr.vc.j
by n tit 11 1 il c l.f Die r., i.. p-.inly linl.
And the hldlea l.nm-.l ii.':i!:i I I In mil
lug and luntlied !::! il.ey . ri.-.l.
Of eourw lli.-y proiulMI not lo tell,
but lu aolne UliflltlioUie.J v.'ty the atory
11 k iht? !:'-leukc.l out. -Cleveland
Itulu Jlc uler.
Flaarra lo Show That Adana aa4 Ey
Ala Hiatal Million Applra.
I'rol.ahly our great ancestor, Adam,
little thought of the trouble bo would
auRo posterity by eating aa apple.
Hut now the qtieatlon aa to how many
apples ho really did eat la a new dlUl
culiy. How many apple did Adam and Eve
eat? Was It one or waa It millions?
Wh.-n the subject was first mooted the
editor very naturally replied, "Why,
ouc. of courae."
"No," said the assistant editor. "Eve
ate one, aud Adam ate one, too; that's
Then the subeditor pasm-d along A
slip of uimt on which was written,
"Eve hi aud Adam 81, making VXi."
Hut the (KN't, who la a man of Imag
ination, capped thla with, "Eve 81 aud
Adam 812-KI3."
Then the publisher tried hia hand,
and hi contribution waa, "Eve 8.142
ace how It tasted, and Adam 812,
equnl S.U.'.i"
The (Kx-t, who dislikes being sur
passed a much aa bo hatea barbers,
came up to the scratch again with
"Eve S.U2 sec how It tasted, and Ad
am SUM'.' keep her company-Ki,3S4."
Theii the humorist, who had bet-n
llstcuing, quietly handed In hi con
tribution. "Eve 8,142 see how It tasted,
and Adam h.1'JI.1(MI.t a husband
wa he to see her eat alone. This
cqiinU 8.i:i:',3:.2."
"Hut he had another object." said the
poet. "Ere 8.142 satisfy her curloHlty,
and Adam 8.1'J4,'.MO-fy Eve lu her po
sition. That ninkca 8.132.3s2."-rhila-(lelphla,
The pauicrs In Japan numtn-r fewer
than 10,000 out of a imputation of 38,
000,000. In that country It la consider
ed a disgrace to bo au Idler.
The man who suggest a compromise
Iiaa usually been whipped. Heboboth
Sunday Herald.
No Rigkt to Ugliness.
The woman w ho Is lovely in face, foini
and temper will always have friends, but
one w ho would be attractive must keep
her health. If she i weak, sickly and
all run down, she will be nervous and
rritable. If she haa constipation or
kidney trouble, her impure blood will
cause pimples, blotches, skin eruptions
and a wretched complexion. Electric
Hitter ia the best medicine in the world
to regulate stomach, liver and kidneys
and to purify the blood. It gives strong
nerves, bright eyessmooth velvety skin,
rich complexion. It will make a good
looking, charming woman of a run-down
invalid. Only 51) cents at J. A. Hard
ing'a Drug Store.
Just received a new line of lace cur
tains. Call and see them.
Oregon City Auction Mouse.
'DeWitl's Little Early Risers did me
more good than all blood medicines and
other pills," writes Oeo. II. Jacobs, of
Thompson, Conn. Prompt, pleasant,
never uripe, they cure constipation,
arouse the torpid liver to action and give
you clean blood, rtoadv nerves, a clear
hi sin and a healthy appetite.
Gko. A. Makdinu.
helps the team. Saves wenr and
cxpeuse. bold cverywlierci
aiAna ar
lightens j
tlie y
load- II
Mat'W -
rTDrA n
I l 1 I I
jsrsy ujixi tfovwm
v jIdsclutilyKre
Makes Hie food more delicious and wholesome
Sunday berviccs.
KUAN IMMAM'Af, I M I Ki II -('on a?
Kigliili an. I J. H A lama aireri; )t
Krnrai J, W, Mack, l-xlor. hu.i.Uv
a' l' A. M,, arekly aervi.-ea every 'J'liiira.lnj
at M P.M. (ieri.ian aclnx.l every Hoturila;
from 0 to 12. Kverj boily Invlu-d.
HT JOIIN'H f.'llf.'kf H.rATIIOMC fay. A
HiLl.aaaiab, FaaW.r. tin ituuila; man at nO
Vfi k. . Kyary tfni, anil f.urilj rtmelay
(rmo aerinnii afo-r ilia a o'clix k mai
Al all iKher maaara K.iikII.Ii ii-rmona. Humlay
H-hoJ al t 'W t. a. Vier. a(.li(e(lc.
tubleeia and Heocdlctlou at 7 aO r. a.
II. (limit, Haatir. Moriilur arrTlca al In
axi.'lay Hehmil at 10 (ft. Claaa rawlinj aftm
inori.lng arrli. K'riilna firm
Kj.wortFi l-aruc mrtin numlar evenlnir a'
.i0: Prayer Mrtltiir lliurnlay tTeiill. at 7 M
iraiiKera eonllallT iuvltel.
I. Miiitm.-rjr. Panlnr. rriricri al II a .
7 W t. a. MaMiatb Mrli.xil al 10 a. M. Yicin
Poile'HK.rly .if lirlmlan Klelcari.r ii.'.-u
tvery Huiidaf aenln( at Ml Ihu a'lay
tveulni prayer mreuiii at 5 JO. Reatilrce.
KVANGKI.K'AL ('JIL'ltrH-C .r.ier of
Kahili an. I Ma.liron a'rrrt. H-y rt. I'op'ey
l.a-. or. Hervl.x-i etery t-uiil.atli at II a. in
ai.ij 7:4.1 p. in. Huinlar Kohool 10 a. rn
1'rayer meetings p. m. All are aelcme
lley. P. K. llanimoi.il, Hector, henicei
very Humlsy at II a. in, ami 7 :.'J p. in.
Hunilay acl.ool ai JO o'clock, H rvice eyerv
Kri'lay evaiiing ll Oilier lenin-a a
may be aiitioiit.rrd. All (cats free. Strang
era cordially lnviie.1.
'relational cl.urci.. Hev. K. Sack, .a-Wr
Srrvicea every Hur.day al 11 A. M. Uumla)
acliool at 10 A. M.
corner of Main anil Kleventti streets Key.
K. H. Itoluiigir, pator. Mornicir service
10 iri;Siiiulay bcl.ool 12; Junior Emlray-.r
5; Y. I. M. 0. K. prayer nieeung 0:.'J0;
trenlrig aervice 7.30.
Christian Science meeting at Willam
ette hall, Stindar morning service, II
o'clock ; Sunday school, 12; weekly meet
inga. Wedneaday evening at 8, ex. epl
first week of each month, w hen meeting
will be held on Thursday evening at
oV1(a k.
A MinMer's MUuke.
A city minister wa recently handed a
notice lo be read from his pulpit. Ac
companying it was a clipping from a
i.ewspaper bearing uoon the matter.
The clergyman started to read the ex
tract aad found that it began: ''Take
Kemp's Balsam, the best Cough Care."
This was hardly what he had exjected
anJ, after a moment's hesitation, l.e
turned it over, and found on the otln r
side the matter Intended for the reading.
E. E. Cumpston teacher of voice cul
ture and piano playing. Studio oyer
Hank of Oregon City.
To those who drink whiskey for pleas
ure; I1AUPKR Whiskey adds rest to
existence. To those who drink whiskey
for health's sake; IlAKI'KU Whh-key
makes life worth living. Sold t y C. 0.
Huntley .Oregon Citr, Ore.
Patent Nt-cord.
"Money to patent good ideas may be
secured by our aid. address The Tatent
Hecord, Baltimore, Md."
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Great Clearance ale...
Don't fail to get the great bargains we offer during
this sale. Ladies Vict Shoe;!, Venting Top Black
or Tan, if 1.75. Ladies Yici Kid Shoes, Hand Turn,
RIack or Tan, a good value at $3.00, 9ale price
$2.25. Men's Yici Kid, Black or Tan, regular
liee $3.00, sale price $2.23. Coif Shirts, Silk
Bosom 75c. AU other goods in proportion.
The Star Clotliina: House.
. Harding Block, opposite
N Commercial Hank. Oregcin City, Or.
Have Some New Designs on Kimball
Organs in Stock.
Prices From $50.00 up. Each Instrument Guar
anteed for Five Years.
Burmeister & Andresen, .TjkwbhS
Prri99 . ft frttm.
I 1.0(1 ea,
', A. O. V. W. rne'a ever Katnrday
ei'l 'gln tlm A O. U. W. Temple.
'0. K. C'aliff, acrri'larr.
IlelH-kaha VVillumctie K''hekah Lodg
No. 2 meeta aec'on.l and fourth f riday of
each month at I. 0. O. . Templa
Matta fio'lfry, aecretBry.
Court It obi n Moral No. 9, Koreaters ol
America, mecta flrtt and thir4 Friday in
he month In Ilcl Men'a Mall.-W. B.
Hlairord aecreUry ; F. T. Itognra, chief
Meade I'jet No. 2, 0. A. It., meet
firm Wedneaday in each month at Wil-
J lame'le Mall. (J. A. Harding, com
! mandi r.
j Clack ami Cbap'er '.. 2, R. A. M.,
' meeta on the third Monday of each
j month in Manonio Hall. M. Collack,
' aecrelarr.
I'ioneer ChaiiUr No. 2S. O, E. 8. meeta
..,l ..! fn,,,.!, T,il. In .u..U
.... ... ... -
uioiiui ai .naaonic iiaii. .ib jennia
Kowen, secretary.
Oregon Lodge No. 3, 1. 0. 0. F., meet
every Thursday in Odd Fellows' Mall.
T. F. Ityan, secrttary.
Falls Fjicampmert No. 4. 1. 0. 0. F.
meets first and third Tuesday in each
month. J. A. Stuart, secretary.
Redmen Wacbeno Tribe No. 13, Imp
O. R. M., meets Saturday evening 7:30,
at Red Men's Hall. X. M. Moody, C.
of R. ; Chas. Woodward Sachem.
Multnomah Lodge No. 1, A. F. A. M.,
meets first and third Saturdays in each
month at Maonic Hall. T. F. Ryan,
Mead Relief Corps No 18, meets at
Willamette Hall the first Monday in
every month at 2 o'clock p. m. and tho
thirl Monday in every month at 7:30
o'clock p. ro The Auxiliary meets at
the Armory building the 1st and 3rd
Saturday in each month at 3 o'clock p.
m. Mrs. Rosina Foots, president, Mrs.
Mary L. Bradley, secretary.
Artisans meets firt, second and fourth)
Thursdays in each month at Red Men's
Hall. J. T. Searle, secretary.
Catholic KnigLta of America St. John's)
Bianch No. CiT, meets every Tuesday of
the month.
. Tuala'in Tent, K. 0. . M., meets ia
Red Men's Hall, on second and fourth
Wednesdays 0. II. Hatt, record
Willamette Falls Crr,p No 143, W. O.
W. meets 2nd ai d 4th Fridays in the
Willamette Hall. Clerk J. K. Morris.
Lone Pine Ixxig, No. ), A. F. A A.
M., Log.tn, Or., meets on the second)
Saturday in each month from the 1st or
May to 1st of November at 2 p. m. and
from 1st of November to 1st of May at
10 a. m.-A. E. Lewellen, W. M., Geo.
C. Armstrong. See.
Thry vrvoni WMknM, lrraff
litriiv KDUotulMtoiM.intrv4LovitjCir
tuid banish paitia of RitriitruaV
U..o." TUr Ltr BMer"
toirlrUat wonaiibtKMl. uliim d
lipm,nt of organ and soijr. it
known rvmeilf for womtm equals
x: thm. Cannot do nartaHUt -contra
m pWaur. 91 4fr bK
y a... i aa. ft..
tie by C. Q. Huntley.
A. lir.l'llT.Ut.