.7 OilKOON CITY KNTEIirmSB, FRIDAY, JULY 28, -1890. U(T, HP A MOUNTAIN ' KANAKA HUNNCH DISTANCID HALF I A liOiLN MUMUL 9. , l aiunlr Me ' H"IIm hi,l ii 1 1 of ymi ever li'nr if n .".."i ! .. i . i fnllfiiriilii i.,i.ii In t Mill. I I'll" ' , IM(r1 ,.f turf follower Mlii'ii atorle ... i I'll1. ,11 lluti-tf mm nil nf. ! j niullll'l. " - t f iluil klit'l down in uin iibwbi- ,1 (i ulul clillit iniu-nrim u iMfMtt Ion. I,liiim. v.n slun XUv ""Ida. ,,, ,! liO lehptlOlle Joining llltl ,,!, and state iiieaaag-ie mill ,.I '' '",, i'7 imer- ,, i.;iiiiir mm tieiivere.i iy iu- :,, ruiiiiii. iim'mi iiiiiui'ia ftnuu 9' . ii . -i .. it- .pi nil I")'i l"10 '- iuiinu r,ii.nl or uu llio I mil, ami tin- ' Lit" MliAl K'ltllltf Wllldi-d or mi ni:!. Kulukmm llii'iik'ltl mm1 Ural of riin r wf lil. lie alny innlu- .1 .. II...M ...., I. I I'll flnl,,, Mini H- H1U 1" ' ilr ti.au nrea rutit.il otalliiti '"iniir). Iu Mil hit Km ill l I') a uiiiiiixr r ilm wliito at lt i,f til I'uiiit. Knlii kftmt Ha.'ct' l.',,.l III k'"'1 11 f 11''"" "Mi flu of W ll.nl hit Would I'll k oil! ruillHT M .!" ...' Ill Kanaka Vthu'il K1 111 . I" tu itio li'l of iti" I'liriilna ,, ut v Ilium, mllnlnui'o of !Ij lull.-. ,L,r Hi ii auy ImiMt ami any rider ,J do tin- trip. They lin.MM Ilm i nil al i ' iti'iiM'y, 1 1 liMikitl n lliry l tl It" ii'"il ml of It, 'l lllt ; mil a Mil l"rty rimii iinlulti iij iu "U" uf llio lutrrUlmiil m i n in lu II. I". i'U tln inalu Ulauil uf IU- ;, In . Ilm flllliill. Ilii' kiC lli'kt UUt lltl, lltlif, .jr Knnnka. Ilia II mIhiuI 30 Jri-ar , wliu tuft Im-u riiiluci n run on ill" ulaml uf Maul fur a imiih vt )rar. in try Ilm ird k fur Llm Kanaka ina.U Hi tiari ,,,frU. k. oil Mlhv jNillli-O, trill if I'm k fnnu rii-rn isyum a- i.Utf. mirf fmitiil. lll'l'X IcIlljH'rwl IU Ji iiH'in. ili'iroiik'liljr u-i u ili I mii . I. in.) Hit 1 1 in ll ti t . 'lint k. I ti it Bin! jartjt I. n. K"liit ui lu Ilm Vuli-alm ur. at tin' t"t uf KllaiM-n, In rni h tint Ix furv lu lie on Imii'l tu .t tin' w'.uiit'r. Nun, I iiti'liTaimnI dial Dial rtui't :n IMn nil lu Ilm ImriiliiK luk uf jinn lm Ixt'ii liiintts ulucv tin r I in .i- ai,liiK of, Imt II iiiti'l; Ma a ) ltn;l tln u. It mi only I'l" tub fur nun k ak'. auil It Ma l.ul Vi ili'k'rvtt Bdnlr lu I lie clliiib tlje j iii. 'Fliv I'lillii Dial llliii) riil umi tu gi'l Mum ti a' Tn tin' k l .j tliK oirv In Mit m HnUiiiriii, 1 1 lii" kiu'-Ii ilrlvrr riiuti-i It a wrl lU'ir I ii Iiho iu Jiiini fniiii ilii-ir ( riirjr 1 1 inn tiny caino lu lir iri(i..ii n ixl tlmiililcr iln'in out llir :iy 1 1ll Murk iaJ nil Im-i-II .lilol tu rnrvfully, liuM'iMrr. Ill ail ff if the rai-r liy oiil-r uf Knlii u. ainl ii li'ki'l l:ki a I'll- f"r Hip nil. nil uf utilrb tail iiiaiia ttm i iii ii iiii y a liuid. lni.,Liii .i ili'lu't nk for any Imii.li. atlimuiiif for III inn a. "Hut run tli, mtiilili Mill) llii ImPM-ii, II tin-; i. ulT Inifi'tliiT at tin1 rmrk i In- kiiii. 'Ilii' ttuiM' 0i I ii mill tin in r f'un tliv Jiiini, niul In li t tin-ill uin.i' liim. Ilo Ma dn-niiil In a 'ir iii;. nii'l ho Jut iiMik ti a tra)y " iinl li t tint rnynmMi gft out uf hU !it 'ur ti-n mllf 9 1 t-nyuw m-itu r.ir nlxivp I 1 in nil Hip trull thai In i lu't rii u i tlnMii, but tlil Kniiiv liii'W Iiiiw tu MalL Tli liurm-a Ik. in limn- dark lu thn rtmni'r luiia tin' Half Way Milium a rfni li- ihI i In- Kanaka mii Jut Bitlloilii8 At tin- ii'Klniilui uf ttm Hi Ird ir Hli thn muni liltf mrlili- Im linil tiitt in miiIi. hi nrin up mut kliiHit "in In fruiit uf lil in llko mil'lli'i- on l'ilii limit drill. Tln rc Mnn't a l In lit ti wlii'ii ho fittiluil tin at Ilm fit tViiy llniinit. Ilo tiMiwl down rv to n nirliii tH'Nliht l In- nmil and k a idii)i inuuthfiiU of M'atrr. Tho puu Hi rw iin ahrail a I'll, blonluii r In-ill) off. fur thi'y hml U-cii Ju- f i a clii that thcjr hail uovcr Imcii 'ii! In lirfiiro. Hid luuiuka ticnditl the tiiiiub a " beyond tlm llulf Way lluimo. ami a I 1 tc nnnii fur liliu the nt of f tllniu,,,., 0 tHilt a lxmltlun for r Mimiiilii 17 uillos of the Jniirm-y ui a city block nlicnd of (ho wrltti : "ixl imiiiliiu homi'N. ami ho Jnnt P' k tu lil lono llko a limn Mound up, uivor .i Vm P,.t uenrer limn n M liliu for tho rctunliiliift Ihm' fniof llio trip, ImikliiK buck at tlii-ni k'rln onco In awhllo. When only !' itilliH yet ri'innlui'd beforo the ''Hio llnuNo wiu tu bo ri'iichiMl, tho f "nk ii im.k nuotlicr diluk out of fiK oinl bcc'im u draw awny. Tho J'mlia rldcra whipped ami BpumiHl ir niirm'H, but It wna no kimhI. llio fnukn ninntT dUnpiu-uivd out of ir ii!ht ou tho tortuoua trull, and D lx of tho rnviiHi' nulled up at i' lioii'i vcrimdit about thri'o-iunrura "J hour in tor tho runnur wna alitlim Hie aiipa, fuuulnit hlmHolf and :"k'iiK Hnkl. Two of tho hoi-Hot hud "IJI'H dind lu their Ann I iilTurt, Knunlia made tho inllo trip ' r milk a ud Htouiii on a inlry roud " ,luiui niu! 4i inlinMt'H, and ho look "l tu run for Ida II fo when ho got rMKli. When 1 wna reiidltiK about p Ju'iun fullowa who did tho long """to runnluir In tnoo Olyinplnn In tJreet-o aomo yonra nno, It mo Hint any ouo of Huvo Knln runnera could Imvo nmdo tho " '"iiicli look llko nlunilnliiiii 11- W'UMhlin;on l'oah r'n you nrn nnrtlenlnrlT btlRT la li'nir to expect a call from tho mnn 10 Unn. . A 1 ,.. ,!, I - "-11 m.rua nuv-is wuu n wn.v. Atehlaon Olobo, IT SLEMED LIKE MAGIC. a . . - . "lull I In. rmrl I'l.l.. 0 M MH.ura. tZ'l ,,"","r- "ll "-y 1 """ '" " "' " ") Mud el,,. ;ur. !"'"" " euiiiii,,,.!!,,,,. 'Ii.M'Ui .,1 n u.l ilivi-r.li, f ,, lllfr. I"'",1',"' "f ' '' nro -...,... Iiluu nM. yciiu nun '"llt-li. I.f d'lj, win, , ,.,( I Hp.-iit n li'llillll Will) ' i""kwn iii mm r llp r,,,Nli II.IIII..I...MII, of I'iiiU. v vliilli d av. . ...miiry pi,,, ,., vi hl Ii cnialni'd I count IIM-U I'.- HM... !, )(, , ..., , . III all Im In.. , ., . , llltflllli, hh. i C""l III I (J una-' I'll I lll II Nl'. 'lu every luMiiu,..,, , lW iiu.'.ilnu of dm.., pi'Hod niul ,,t,.r bcj otnl nil r. iimiiiul.l., ,,,iii,i, 'j-, w.rtr,, ul MiH.f uf ti,,, ciiuva, ilm wood r..ii..o.ini( , bin UiiK, tin, ,,iuro uf the Ih.iImj;, ,m )iy Wl.IH, ,(, W((k inaiiRhlp of tin. turu, the cluirncicr uf Hie piitnii in and certain minim, .i n. larltii iu Hiu iiioiiiiiiiik Merit all like a- iimiiy piiK,., of print to Mm. wa Intiiiiniily ncipinlnii-d mMIi tho at y in of homln-d uf dirfi iciii aril!, I he liioil.U tiny ud, Ilm color I hey mo! ani- i.-d. ti.i ir trirl. uf couihi tlnn niul tlirir peculiar un ili.u uf ti pio.liU Ilm cfr.K-i uf UkIii mid lindi.. "To an uui.tib r ll Mi-iinil liu malc, A n.py,' Im Mould ny. for In.liinr... afi.-r a mIM kImu- ii at a mliiilii. 'it n nui'le by Konndnu, a pupil, m lio bud i iy mm Ii tl,.. f hi nui.ier. Tim ihiltt I abniil' (In rit he Mould lintim It w Ilii Inrnlllblit ait-uincyi, -mi'l If ymi clenu tltnt left I. in,. I corner I dan- ny you m ill Hud Ilm alk'Uniurv III leilnlliiiii,' u mi.inl ell... m Mat fully limiii' out by d'n-iniii-uu in MM. elnn uf Hie uMin-r, mid lu nil lie wn illnlii.i by clieuiii.taiilliil i- I'liine. Hit loll nut icry lii'Hb-.lly that be bud detoted U yent lu llio clime Mildy (,f hi iiifi-..inti and Mn Jut li-i,'luiilnj lu ni"ii lii-iul dliiily how liu In Im knew." Stw Orlenua Time lemu crat. ONE GRAVE MAN. ku4 Ik lira. aa ll ). 4 rir WhIU I 4r l lri. A bniialluu of volunteer lufantry Ml 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ii if In a Held Mini) a ri-tllliellt of retulnr cavalry nxlo by. Tho cub lul uf tlm cavalry tmlti-d hi men to Match Hie vi.luuii-i-r. and, g"Ulti lUlu cnlivi-niiitliiu M It ll the colonel uf tho latter, he crlilclMil lln-lr drill uti fiivurably, i-.tteelnlly their Mailt uf lleadlue. Tlm lollilllei-r (i.lulH-l Ma a llen-r felluw, and he crUil hotly, "My ineii are a tcady a any reginu-ut of regular." "I do tint think an." returtitl the car airy iimu. "and If you'll draw your nn-n lu urder to receive cavalry I'll prova II." The challcuk'e m a, aivcptcd. and 1 liu cavulryuii-u chat gel dowti um.ii tho i-IIU.U mil. Hem, Mhu awalteil Ihein In llm uual uy. .Now, regular cavalry cau churk'v lu wlililu a few feet or t'Vt-u lie In uf Infantry at full cat b -p ami I lien at the wnnl uf rumiuntid pull up abort, Tho voluuievr, howt-ver, i.l their li.-rve mIii-u they in tho huge hi.re thumlcrluK down 11 (m .11 iliem ami khuMlng tin algu of atnpplni; wlu-u a few yard off. They fled, all but one limn. Mho remnlui-il (U hi kuw, with l.ayoiii-l Ii-vcIihI. Ml cub. ml. ciitagiii at the other' (light, approached the hero and. lv plug It I in uu the back, cried: "Yott aro Ilm only brave mnn lu tho regiment. Von curiicd In run." "Yea, air." K!ii-d tho hero. "1 had my fut at uck lu a hole, or I ahouldu't havo Malted."-Smre Momenta. Kla Animal of As. M...1 uf Ihtf glgniitlc nulmiil uf eco logical era iM lotigeil to aiM-cle which have cuiuph iely viiiiImIiiiI. mid of thuno Mhlch Imvo living repivaenintlve It la dllllcult to ay whether they havo uu dcrgi.no a true chnnge uf le or Mhether the modern example aro merely aurvlvala uf aumller couteniH rary varletlea. The lurger auliniil have a tendency to dlKnpiH-nr Drat In a pnrtlnl fnllurr uf fiKxl aupply. tilgantle arumdlllua cloaely reHembllng thoio of tho pn-ent dny M-cro formerly ai.nti.iiiiri lu South America. Tho re main of huge alotha an found In Cu ba and North America. Hhnrka attain ing 0 length of more thau I (JO feet aro foiiud lu coinpnrntlvely n-ccut foaall dcnmlia. Auoihcr nii whMi reprt acuta a larger prehlatorlo apoeiea la tho Amerlcau bony pike, which la oo of of the few aurvlvala of the enormoua jrnnoIdH of the aw-omlary alrain. Tho tiny umitllua of the preaent day hnd kindled 10 or 12 feel loug lu early t linen. Another ainnll hIicIIIInu, tho pteropod, whoao dellentely coinple atruciuro la imckisl In Bn Inch of ahell. la fouud In fonnll renuilna to have reuched the renpeetublo length of a couple of feet. Woman and Pervprally. Women nnd pervernlty me one, aaya the phlloMophlc alnet enr conductor, who moicrt Hint alio nlwnya docn the wrong lhln l traveling 011 the trnlna. tie waula to Ret nbonrd on the wrong aide of the atreet; alio nllghta the wrong way, fnolng backward, before the enr amp, nnd ahe'll crowd In betweeu two fat piiaaengera nenr the rear door or the enr rnther thnn walk a few atepa t. nrA wlicro there la plenty of room. Khe may havo nickels and dimes In her purae to burn, but aho'll OhIi and hunt j ..... ...Li fur uilnikea looking for live , ooppera to unload upon the Ion nr lug aervnnt of tho roniL-Kxchango. Ta Land of lliiraka. Iloraeahwa aro an Importnnt branch f in.liiHtrv In Norway. Auoui o.v-. ; tona aro exported e.ery year. C.rent Hrltnlu and Franee. where ImrHealmea ! are tiaed not only for homes, but also ' . HnniiAv and on entpley" M jbenata of burden, divide almost the 1 whole Norwegian exportation between j I thorn In about equal quantities Dr. !.. L I'lckcim, ilmillal, li r 0H.ii.i III iIhiiImI oIIIcm III lhe JUiHh.v ImildiiiK curlier ul Main and Mcvi Mli Rtri'i'la, Sit uitl Ion WhiiIiiI. A (lermaii xlrl, a nnrni jjirl or t' ll In iM'iiitral liou.fl work. Cull at H. 1 1.. l''ertruon in Fair Mount m-nr Khiihh I'lly. OieKon (:iy, bava mild iimiiy ill.-ri-nl i .ii. ii rclin - dl. - , hut noiis liu K'V-'i ' i INIHi'llnli limn I luitii lx-r III . ii r. .n - Ih. II'.ii limn (,liiin.--rl(ili. '.'...... II. ..I - Ii t ..m. n- iioixini.n'r, i'l"KL'"i, j N.J, "II I perlitclly aaf ami can be , relied tlM,ii In eati of coiikIi, Cold i.r hoaiitliN, Hold by (1, A J I u r 1 1 1 r ' c , Uriiidiixl, Where Will wa Npentl our Mummer Vaeatlnii? Tlii I llm limn of year lu think about It. but liefora you ditcldo, w rile for an elaborate, lllutrated pamphlet abomiiiK miuieroii photo etiKraved viei uf the many attraction at Ilm aea.bore and enroute, ami advantage of tbi('ol.iuil'U Itiver I'.eaclm a reached by the Aloiia and Columbia Kiver Kailroad. Three h'.ora an I thirty minute from Union Di-ixit, l'ortlii'l, tu your I u li hot-d in a mKuillcent parlor car without cliniK" or lraii(er I cnnvciilerii it and luiury lew reort can offer. Such I Ilm liutul attraciiont uf ilii Uvoriin report, J.C Mv.. tien'l. Ta". Af t, Atorla, O'ejfon. WHO IS TO BLAME. W'.nirn a. ll " it"'! I r m ti- inlf fi.- in kl'b lry a.i'l lil.'l lrr trn iM. j Ilf. Kilmer' M.i-I! xit tlm (!" kl'loiiv fen filjr liliil.il.IlT cilfri, Al.lt.lg i kII lu IWiy flit ali'l ilollar nt-. Ymi may haw a tiiiple tmttl l.y ninil lf. l.n iiiil.lil lullitig all aiHinl l. A il. i r. a, j 'r. Kilu.tr A. t o., IllnK'iMi'iti.n. N. Y.i lieWill'a Little F.arly liiw-r eiel I rum (he ivatem all Kiionoui a.rumula- tiona, regulala the aioiiucb, lioael and liver, and purify the blood. They drive awy dieae, diipat melanrholy, and five health ami viitor for the daily routine. lK nut gripe or licken. Uko. A. IIakdino. BIGGLE ($ A Farm Itbrarj Siulh. l.vrrjr Cltkkrn. or 1 '"hi r Ine world tne muktm aier til innlie in me i nera mhict of America baviug uvcr a million and t-iiaUrcguloi ioon Any ONE of the BIGGLE BOOKS, and the FARM JOURNAL a VII AR5 (rrmainilrr of i. lam, igoi, iyo and. 1903) will b kuI by mail lu any a.lilrrw lr A ihu.i.ak uii.i.. bamplcol I-A KM JOLKNAL and wn.Ma aTKixaon. AJJitta, CIA. JKNKINa. FOR ARTISTIC PHOTOGRAPHS At Third and Will Give You ENLARGING IN An Kil'li-nilr aflMiirrhoM. Mr, A, hamlera, writimt from Cocoa cut (irovn, Kla., ' (Intra ha ln-n iniiii n ei'idi-uili! ol iliarrliocn tlii-ic. Iin Intd a HKvero Hu k ami trurcd by four iIom of ('liHinlx-rliiin'i Clioli'ia and DiMirhoi-a Itt-uiedy, Mo my Im Ihu rwoinuii'iidi-d lttoolbi-r and liny any It la Ilia bent ini-ll:liifl tln-y ever u-J. Fur nale Ly (i. A. llui'iifiK, )ruu)(it. )r. I.yoii, lio liii'l cliarH of the . I , ,' i I. . I ..I ocm,! parlor 01 lr. I II KIII, li.ia opitllC'l tliHj Uio old Methoiliiit diurch buildinK oil Keventh Ht. ( niiiily TreBHurcr'a ,llce. I hold money to pay all county war rani endoreil prior to July 1, lH'tfj. Inl.T.'il will cea from the date of thl riolien, Oreipm City, July 14, WM. Jai.ob Hiuna, County Treaaurer, IIOKH THIS NTIMkE TOlt Mii'l.ly complex iou,NaueatinK breath come from chronic rontipation, Karl'a Clover Root Tea ia an I mobile cure and baa l-een old for fifty yean on an abso lute itUMMntee. Trice Z' t-ta. and M) eta. C. (1. Huntley, liruiHt. OABTOniA. BwntU 1 Hind ton HiHA;m Biuyj B-f&atva tf Yale Restaurant and Lodging House Kvrryllii.ig New, Clen and KlrU ( la... Fiiri.l.tied K'xjinihv tht Day, Wri-k or Moiilh. 'rival llniM (r l.iitie'. eMeil r(e br Ilia wrrk or month. A good lirl-cln dinner lor ica-.il. ' Main Hi. rear 5th. Room formerly occupied by the Y. M. C. A. M. E. W. Tn. C. Y . I.naaia, l'rop. Calve the I'larc Trial. BOOKS of unequalled talue rmt'ica . vudalc, concise and comprenensive lonely rrlnlcd anJ BcautHullj lllusuX4. By JACOB BiaOLC No. 1-niaOLG MORSE BOOK AllnU'ut Itnnr t'-mmoo sn Trntlif, wl.h i 54 illiwiiiiiuua ;a Haudanl Lik. Itrc, y(tnu No. a-DIQCLO DCRRY BOCK . Allalaiul fruwinc Kmall Fruil-rrail and lrr now tunl .In jri'ltiiril lilr likr r'i rn'.uc.l. n"i)l oil !-. .ei Vark-lKaayl lx oll.rr llluiltiillon. I ticc.yiCtbK No. S-BIUOLIi POULTRY BOOK All houl I'l'.il.rr : lli tl l-outity Book In ulnrner li lUrrrrythliiK ; Itliaj colntnl lifr likt iun-iliiii.i.u I nil thr l,t..Kll linili; lUi UJulticr illutr.ikJua l-rk,Cciit. No. 4-BIQQLP. COW BOOK All about Cum oil the lmiy n.iinr : hvlni a rr-l K.ilc; cmLln tculurril IIU HLi rcjirtxIiKlii n il...ib uiJ, mi 111 131 oilier IllUi uaiiin. Iihc, V Out No. C-LIGGLO SWING BOOK Ju-4oi,t. All atiottt Hoc Urrfdloir. Ferillni'. linn h ety, ln-i-, lc. ti in. .tin over 1" Ihji.Uh.1 i.kii louc ami odwr cnifi aviug. V'tot, Jo Crnl. Tbr DIUULC tlOOk'S re uniqiw,orH-ini't,""f"l-lr'ti orm kjwniiytl.tni( llkellicni io ruitKul,ttiirri' : . 1 1 y ni havi'ia 11 a rnurmou l-.ti-1 Wrt, Nui'h nil one wha kcrlwi a Hon, low, I:iii ll i - mw. hmill I ruin, ouiilit to Kud rikc way (or Hit bHA.'Oi bOUkS. TU FARM JOURNAL J your tuprr, made for you nd not a misfit. II t n yr rt old, It lathe rrrat twilnUliiwn, hltthc-nmla-thr-hcrd,-qiill aftrr.ymelinw-aaid-U, Farm "! Ilouwhold rr'T In circular describing DIQOLC POOKS Iret FAHH JutilNAL lUIUiPkLPUIA Washington Sts., Portland, Satisfaction, TV CRAYON OIL COLORS and PASTEL. J. C BRADLEY'S Livery, Feed awl fialeSUble ORECONCITY. LOCATKU liRTWKKrt Til BKIDUf AM bKeOT Double and Hingle UiH, and ftud die horHi-M alwaya on band at tht 1ow-h jiriccH. A corralJ connected with tlie burn for 1ook atock. Information regarding any kind or stock promptly atumded to by person o! letter. Horsos Doutrht and Sold. Horace Boarded and Fed on reason able terms. Qjrvallis & Eastern K. K. Co. WILUMKTTK BIVKR I;IVII0 . Steamer Wm. M. Hoag- (Capt. Geo. Kaabe) Hur.ning regularly between Portland and Corvalli, stopping at all way landing. ItlVEK SCHEDL'LK Down river, Tuesdavi, Thursdayi and Saturdays. leaves Coryailia i a.m.; Albany 7 a. m.; Huena Vieta 8 a.m.; Indew-ndence 9 a. m. ; falem 1') a. m. ; Nevt lx-rg 12:30 p. m.; arrive at Portland iMOr. m. L'l river, Mondays, Wednesdaya and Fiidaya, Ieaves Portland l a. m.; Newberg 1.1 :) a. m. ; Salem 3 :30 r. m. ; Independenre 5:(X) r, m.; Buena Viata 7:30 r. m. ; AllMny tlJO r. m.; arrive at Corvalli ll :00 p. m. Thi steamer has been equiped ith firitcliM accommoilation, including an elegant piano Un cur panned for carry ing both Ireigbt and paaaengeri. J. Tcb.ikk, Agent, Albany, Oregon. EDWIN STONE, Manager, Albany, Or. C. (;. C0KEK, Agent, Portland, Or., foot of Yamhill street. oregon short line -:ra.lroad; THK DIRKCT LINK TO Montana, Utah, Colorado', and all Eastern Points. Cives choice of two favorite routes, via the UNION PACIFIC Fast Mail Line, or the RIO GRANDE Scenic Lines. Look at the Time Pays to Salt Lake 2 Days to Denver 3i Days to Chicago 4 Days to New York Free Reclining Chair Cars, Upholstered Tourist bleeping Cars, ana l'uliman Palace Sleepers, operated on all trains. For further information, apply to F. A. DoKAnsos, Agent at Oregon City. C. O. TERRY, W. E. COM AN, Trav. Pass. Agt Gen'l Agent. 124 Third St, Portland. Or. Dartar (OB TlHlt SCIIFDULEI 10 I'OKVLANU AtaiTB raoa Faat Mail p. m. Salt Lake, vauvm. iFast Mai) Worth. Umnli, Kan i;:45 a, n)( aa v,iy, 01 u.u, (.hioaoaud KU Hnnkana Vlvar J:litjv. m. Walla Walla, ttpotan. Bnokan Fljer t"-iua. m. MlBnaaioh, 8t l'aal, Pnluth, Milwaukee, Chicagu and Eaat. Dalle Locl 8 a. m Ex. 8 inlay diiuJuy 10 . ui, Da lo l.cl (30 p. in. Dl. Boonertll. MuliDoihah rall,U enl Uck-. ud 11 jou Ex .8unily River. bunaav 7 . m. 1p.m. 4 p. m. Ocean Steamship For 8an Franoiaco Every live days 1 p. m. To Ala-ka !" il n. m. Columbia River b learners ToAitoria andvt'ajr Laudiuit. 4 d tn. Ex. Suudaj' Ex.buudal Saturday 10MO p. m. 6 a. m. Willamette River :I0i. m. Ex. tiundaj M.'ti. Wad. Oregim Citv, Newhora, and rri. (alwiu and n ai-limln 7 a. m. WlllatnetteandYaaililtl 4:p. m. Tuaa, Thur Klvers Oregon Citr. Paytoo, and Wax-Lanmtga. fuwijlhur, aud 8au and baU 6 a. tn. Tue-.Thur. an 1 bat. Willamette River l'orliana to CjitiiIiIi ru1 Wny-LaudiUK 4:j0 D. m. luei. Ihnr. and bat. Snake River Ril'aria to I-ewiston Leava Kiparia Daily Lava Iwihtio Dally Ww r f v rTT) T TTTTTI , II. ilUKLbUKl, Gen. Pass. Agent, Portland, F. E. DONALDSON, Agent, Oregon tity. Riitor Li. PORTLAND TO THE DALLES Cy the fat and com modioua Htearner Regulator Iavea Portland dwily except Sunday at 7 a. tn. Thin id the Great Scenic Route. All tourist admit that the tscencry on the Middle Columbia is not ex celled for beauty and grandeur in the United States. Full informt tion by addreHfinjr or calling on J, S. UOOTH, Agent, Tel. 014. Portland, Or., Oflice and wharf, foot of Oak Si. FOR CLATSKANIE Steamer G. W. Shaver, 7 LEAVES Portland foot of Washington street Tues day, Thursday and Sunday evenings at 5 o'clock. Returning, leaves Clatakanie Monday, Wednesday and Friday eyeo ings at 5 o'clock. Will pas Oak Point about 7; Stella 7:15; Mayger 7:25; Rainier 8:20; Ka1ama9:15; b'L Helens 10 :30. Arrive in Portland 1 :30 a. m. This is the nearest and moet direct route to the great Xehalem valley. Shaver Transportation Co. SCHEDULES OF TIME SOUTH EES PA11K1C RAILWAY VOBTB BOCSB. California Expres fthronitb Koseburg Local (way nation) - 8 :!& i. m. 3:34 p. in. SOITU SOISD. Roneburj; Local ' sy italions' Califort.ic Kxpreas 'tbruugh' 9 2t a. ra. 6:52 p. m. POSTAL PCHEDULK BTorTiii.B5 r.euic r:lr-au. Mail clow going North. . , 3:05pm Mail cl.i- gulmr Soot''. 9 a n. and p ta Mail rli-irilmteit from North 7:.'i pm. lb. Mi a ni. Maildisiributed Irom South 9:10 am, 3:40 p m. PY EAST BIDS riKCTRir I I M. Mail closes for Portland and 1:-nrihu'.ing poinlii. 1J m. Mail cIom-s for Milaukie nnlr, 9 a in. Mail arrives IrOK. I'orilaiiu 1 :30p m. SIDE KiU'TM. Oregon City to Ely, Cams, Mulino, Liberal ami Mollala leavrs at 12 m, and arrives at 1 :3o a m daily. Oregon City to Heaver Creek, 8hubeL Clark, Mea.low Brook, U.ilon Mills and Coltou leaves at 8 a m Tuesday, Thnrsdax and haturday, and returns ou lollowing dava at 4::vp m. Oregon titv to lots, ixean ana Keaiana leaves Oregon City Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 1 p m, leavimc Viola same days at 7 a m. - T k iii i -!' '-' 1 "' Oregon City to Willamette, Staftonl. Wilsonville and Graeme arrives at 10:30 a nt and leaves at 11 :30 a tn daily. General delivery window la open on Sun day from 10 tu 11 a m, All letters dropped into the box at the door is promptly sent oil' Sunday as on other days. All eastern mail that is delavcd and fails to arrive on 9:30 S. P. train will come on Vi o'clock or 6:52S. P. train. EAST AND SOUTH -VIA- iTHE SHASTA KOUTE iSOUTHERS PACIFIC C0MPANT. Express Trains leave Portland Daily. Sou.h I Korth. 7:00 fM Lv Portland Ar Lv Oreuou I'tty Lv Ar 8 Francisco Lv 8.00 a M 7:08 a at 7:) e m 7:52 n :4o K M 5:00 p m Ar tV'en Ar 1:10 ra :05pm Ar Denver Lv 6:4., r as. 6:40am I Ar Omaha Ar Mm 8:13 pm I Ar Chicago Lv 6::i0 a 7:1X1 AM Ar Los Ai.Kelw Ar 1 9:25 rM 8:13 pm Ar El Paso Ar Mtira 4:15 pm Ar Fort Worth Ar X.Wau 7:53 am Ar New Orleais Ar W:4oT"m DINING CARS. OBSERVATION CARS. Pullman first class and tourist cars at tached to all through trains. rosehi-ko mail (Daily) 8:30 A M 9:23 A M Lv i'ortlmiil Ar I 4:?.0 p aa Lv Oregon City Lv 3:;!t p as Ar RosehUrg Lv 7:M0Aie. 5:20 p M COHVALLIS MAIL PAtLV (Except SUtldBV) 7:.'Oam Lv Portland Ar 5.50 r u 11:53 a M Ar Corvallis Lv 1 :20 p m At Alhany and Corvallis connect with. trains of Corvallis & Eastern railroad. IMHI'ENPENC a PA89RNOKa DAILY (Except Sunday) 4:50 pm I L 7:30 pm f Ar 8:30 p M I Ar v r. inland Ar 8:J5a m 6:30 A M 4:'.0 A M Ar McMinnville Lv Ar Inilepen.lenea Lv Direct connection at San Francisco with steaniRhip lines for Hawaii. Japan, China, The Philippines and Australia. t - , l. i. . : . t. , - I 1 1 I rur i..ril"lI. IH .i-lB mil. 1ICBIIVIIU1 .,i.i.. v v i!a.i i.,.i Or. R kokh'lkk. ' u.h!markham Manager, O. F. & P. Airent .. 1 roriiund, Oregon.