OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1899. 1 I i I Oregon City'Entcrprise. Pullifshe1 Kvery Krldny. i, i. rourKK, r.riT.. IUBCHIIT10N KATKH, One year UW (ill nionihi t Tral subscription two month !M A discount of V) mill on til subscriptions for on year, 25 cents lor til months, II paid in advance. Advertising rates given on apiuicauoii. 8ubseriher sill rind tlie dat of eiidra ttn stamped on tbeir psrs following their name. II thin dale u not changed vithln lo wreki after a paviurnl, kindly notify Di and will look alter it. Kutersd at tr.s postomce In Oregon City, Or., ai iecoiid class matter. AQINTs FOR THI IKTKKPKISK. Hearer Creek.. Canby Olaciainaa Milwaukie Union Mill... Meadow Brook. New Kr Wilsonville . ... 1'arkH.o NtafTord Mulino Cam Molalla Manpiara , Buiteeille Aurora.. Kaxle Creek.... lsaniasrus Bandy furrinsville Cherry ville Marmot ....lf. T. B. Thomas . ........ lieo, Knicbt A. Mather tHrar s issinKer U. J. Truliingsr Chav Holtnan V. r1. Nr wherry Henrv Miley K. L. Kiissell J.O. tiaire C. T. Howard R. M. Cooper Annie ftubhs E. M. Hart man , B. Jennir.m .... Henry A. Snyder H. iitern J. C. Klliott K. Ua-tsch Geo. J. Currin .Mr. M.J. Hammer Adolpb A schorl cause lie lil Items in it t It at liail not been delivered to the county. Tlii'ii we are to understand lliat lit Is trying to jit pay for articles not delivered. Would it not tn well to wait until (lie county net the goods before putting in a lull. The county in a good tiling but do not push it too Intnl. We wish to male tliat hi bill wan cut on article delivered an well. He completely ignore the iharg- s mad by u a to hi unjust and Illegal prli-ea and divert tlie discussion to personal abuse. We (ball inxiitl that you slit k to your text. 'The way to tnild ip Oregon City la U tire Vrrro ('It; People joir Pttronare. riNUKKi of Michigan cornea out openly for Alger. They are a good pair. Clackamas county his 7,880 school children. On this basis the population ought to be at least 25,(100 for the county. The failures are the least ever known at this season of the year but the 16 to 1 people say that we never were in such bad shape. Dvbino the last presidential campaign the voters of this country were told by the republicans that the election of Mc Kinley meant the return of prosrity and business confidence while the demo crats said that it meant disaster. Which party told the troth? Thibk is not a man that is acquainted personally with the conditions in the Philippines but what says there is but one thing to do and that is toestablh-h order in these islands, i'eople that talk different ly are not acquainted w ith the facts or are talking for political purposes. Steikkks may rest assured that when they become dyoan. iters and destroy lives and property as they have at Cleve land this week, they will lose and ought to lose, the sympathy anJ respect of all decent citizens. Nothing is ac complished by such methods and labor had best discredit these acts. Tub Chicago meeting of the demo cracy was dominated by Altgeld and used as a demonstration for Bryan. As the time approaches for the next cam piign it becomes apparent that the democratic party is in the hands of the crowd that believes something can be got for nothing backed by anarchy and socialism , Col. Robt. G. Inuekboll is dead and in his death the country loses one of its brightest men. The son of a clergyman ho was bitterly opposed to orthodoxy. He lost the admiration and Bupport of many people on account of the manner be treated religious subjects. Few men lived of broader charity, kinder deposi tion or who hud higher ideals and he ivedas he talked, His home was a model in all that a husband and father could do. As a public speaker he met h a greatest success and his efforts on these lines will always command atten tion. As a platform orator he was with oat a peer, His platform orations like o ie nominating Hlaine in 1870 made his reputation rather than his attacks on orthodoxy. THK rilll.HTINK IJl KSTION. A captain in the regular army at Manila uses the following language con cerning the insurgent government. "Each Spanish house looted, each church or convent pillaged, furnished some money to the insurgent cause, and thus it grew apace, in numbers, in strength, in organisation, until thev established a so-called republic, which was and is today the worst of mili tary, rutlianly despotism. It knew and knows no right, reelects njne; might is its guiding principle. Our so-called forbearance made them arrogant, and long before the trouble began it was getting to be an assured thing that there w as no w ay out of it for us except to hold on. It was more than evident that we could not decently turn over the islands to a people, not a people, but made op of innumerable tribes or peoples. There could have been no order, no government, no justice, no equity; and then Mr. Filipino would have known what it was tube robbed, as they are now finding out. Many are finding it out; but too late; they are helpless. None of them dared to ex press a dissenting opinion on the subject. All Filipiuos had to be under penalty of death, out-and-out supporters of the Filipino aspirations. Whatever wears, for or against, expansion, there is but one thing to do now, and I cannot see how at any time we could have been ex cused (or deserting our responsibilities. We must stick to them at no matter what cost. We cannot afford to tacome the laughing stock of the world. We must never let go Cuba, nor of this group. In neither place are they capable of self-government, and the worst of anarchy would prevail, life would be cheap, and some other nation would gobble them up." If a man on the ground after months of observation comes to this conclusion it would seem that people who know nothing of the condition in the islands and talk from a political standpoint only would remain quiet. But there are men who not only hare no patriotism but no idea of the higher functions and duties of government and not enough decency to keep quiet. This town is bleesed with one of these reformers who is trying to instruct the jwople with his sheet. Attain, Bishop Thorhurn, of the Metho dist church, who lias spent most of his life in India and adjacent countries anil who has been in the Philippines during the war has the follow ing to say concern ing these islands and their people : "This country must establish law and order and KOod government in these islands. They owe this much to civi lization and to the world. The people of most of the island are wholly in capable of self-government, and were the Filipinos given authority in Luzon, anarchy and ruin and assassination would sweep over and drench the islands in blood. It will be several generations before these people can be educated to that point where they will be capable of self-government. Most of the present generation will have passed away before that time eMail have come. It will he a matter of slow education and Chris- tianization, by which the seeds of treach ery planted during the 300 years of Spanish rule will be eradicated entirely, and then there will be a new race and a new ciyilization on the island. The United States must first establish good government, and protection to all the people of the island. This they have not had from their Spanish rule, and they have been schooled in treachery, and hence they are not to be trusted as yet. I'ut it will not be long before they will acquire confidence in'the intention of the United States to protect them in their pursuits and in their homes With Brnall gunboats running among the islands, much has already been accomp lished in this direction. Both of these men are of large exper ience and their expressions are not from a party standpoint. The Now York street car strike la imt general as yet. v The F.pworth League opens an Inter national convention at Iudiauapolii. Salem's funding bonds were sub. scribed by Salem people twice over. The Moscow and Kastern is a new railroad for Idaho said to he llnanced by liov. Scholleld of Wis. Clara Fitch a l'.Mear-old girl Is louml murdered in Cycle Park and Frank Me I'aniel I arrested on suspicion, Satmday July Gen. Peel reviewed the Second Ore gon on dresa parade, today. liained nurses are being sent to Manila. Hold. 0. Ingervoll i dead. iVwey attend a banquet at Trieste by Minister Harris. iwwerHaae nf Hernia. There I. It Is trim, ns givnt nit In ritinlliy "' Inheritance of health n Far Young Men and . t !,,,, Is nothing thai i .. i. mti ur woman - Five Italians ate lynched in I, lor shooting lr. Hodges. Tin latter 1 still alive but badly wounded. The. Brooklyn trolley strike Is still on. The Palouie country rcuorta a good grain crop. Sunday July 1. F.lihu Koot, of New York ha been ap pointed and accepted the war portfolio in place of Alger. At Clevelaod the troops charge the striker and manage to keep most of the cars running while at New York the atrike is a failure. time of cngcr squandering "III leave tlim noor. and other enter the world pauper of need so dim (hut no charily from medicine enn ever rnle them in comfort, but moat of us have Just that mediocre legacy of vitality w hich len der ll limllslltigulNhahle nulla III the nm. It Ilea In the lunula of each lo Improve or wnsU that prom riy, u h cliooac, for Itiero are self made men physically as well a ttniincliilly; those who, hocnuao of aliceatral wiutiTnl lieas, have only a sixpence of health ami turn It Into a fortune, and there are spendthrift of health who come to as sorrowful caao as spendthrift of void. The body Is the rvnlin w here a wlao and frugal ruler bring hnppl iieas as survly as a foollah olio Insures dlatrcsa, and wisdom here, as else where, Ilea In learning and obeying natural laws. North Atnerlcau lie view. pome nn iioi u w ii ii o km i inn' 'i i in mix- i"" and soundness so huge Unit not n life , Ti.y may di. - ever n . ,1U, f ,,eir shut front or a...-. "" - ,i.. i aeneaiauce is spoiled. ri... t...v l..ih.lrv make a s lally d dlo' and gel ' """ Hl I... Hit letter work I neie ' . . done at the TroV. l eave your ..idH al Johnson's Urher shop. Deaaljr la Womaa. I one knew a man who was con sidered a great couuolaaeur In femi nine good looks, and he annoyed mo by rvfualug to see any beauty In nun or two girls 1 considered very pretty. At last. In mild exasperation, 1 lurucl lo hi in and asked him what ho thought const liuted beauty III a wo Iiiuu. lie answered, A pretty nnmi, a sweet voice and spirit Hi tuo eye. Philadelphia Inquirer. In the International college contest the Americans low five event and win four. The steamer Homer brings half a million to Frisco from l'awson. A tramp is killed at Pasco Wash., in entering a house where he had been given food. Oregon has 18.',:W.S tchool children. Monday July 24. A street car is blown up at Cleveland and a number of persons injured, some probably fatally. Good feeling ia engendered by the Athletic college meet in F.ngland in which Yale and Harvard take part. The Brooklyn car strike ia a failure. Kobber bands in Negroa suffer a sig nal defeat it the hands of Capt. Byrne The outlook for the hop ciop ia good. Sec. of Agriculture Wilson, making a Wealtk'a Halaala. Wealth begin Iti a tight roof that keeps the rain aud wind out; In a good pump that yields you plenty of sweet water; lu two suit of clothes, so as to change your dress when you are out; In dry slicks to hum; In a good double wick lamp and In threv Uieals. Kmeraou. work than U Jnal received a lie Hi'" "l'" Uius. Call and see them. Oregon City Auction tin, tout Mtrr.it. A Beautiful Compleiou I an Iuih...I- bllity will tg'd pure bhssl, Iho sort thai onlv exists In coi -lion witlm ssl dlve.tlon, a health liver ,.ud Is.wela. Ksil' Clover Kot Tea act dire. tly on thshowrla, liver and keiney srr,.,, them lu i-eriecl health Pi Ice i.". cl. and Ml. -is. C 1. HuntUv. I'nvgi.l. A lino line of portierro Jul received at the Ore;on t'l'V Auction House. Panlel William. a the noitht cor ner ol Center and Seventh street, has a choice and Well aelccted l k of f-mlly groceries which he 1 Mp.lng al very .....,..i.l-Ilia motto ii "ll and lei live, with boneal weight sml , lliesiirea". (iissU delivered to any part of ill l citv. w -sy 'cr-v v 4 v Very Satisfactory. ncrenso In our bu, last season was very i,fk lory, liii'ti la proof ihsi Jirifes, ll clii(il.le K(Mxti nitirieoiis, s'uaro iri-ain, are apprwuiiti by Die We will make it Letter this K-nson than Ust, f( cannot givn vmi la-t't-r If. Ilielil, lull We II (ivn .. U;.,, value f..r your dollar x you ever N-forr. H ELLOI J tour of the slate pleased with what he sees. who is is much Tuesday July 25. The Alaska boundary still engsges the attention of the government. One-third of the volunteer army has been raised. The work of Sec'y. Koot w ill be con fined to insular affairs. A reciprocity treaty with ranee has been concluded. Kioting continues in Cleveland. The peace conference ia nearly at an end. The coroner' jury charge McDaniel w ith the mun'er of Clara Fitch at Port land. It is said the volunteers will not re enter the O, X. O. as they say that they were discharged from that organization. The boundary trouble looks like set (lenient now. Hoot thinks he has a war oflice. big job at the Ingersoll's funeral is conducted with out clergyman or ceremony. Some gold and more sad tales are coming from the Klondike, Kroger resigned and then withdrew the resignation. Considerable immigration from the KuHt is coming in to the state. Thursday July 27. It is eKrt d that President Ileiireaux of Santo Domingo has been assassinated. Protests are being made against giving Canada a port on Lynn canal. Kioting still goes on in Cleveland. Troops will be sent lo Manila from Seattle. The Czarowitch is buried at St Peters burg with im posing ceremonies. The Coukiek-UekaU) man says that we begrudge him what he is making. From what that paper has been saying wa believed that it was being run as a c mrity proposition. But as long as Bro. Cheney is not happy, and that is evident, wa hope that he will make all kinds of moi.ey as he has in the past. Then he wM have more houses to rent. The C jurler-IIeruld saye that his bill was cut at the last meeting of the board be- News of tlie Week r Friday July 21. The Chicago democratic meeting was entirely an Altgeld affair. Alger's resignation may be followed by the recall of Otis and that Miles will be sent to the Philippines. Four of the officers of the Second Ore gon want places in the new volunteer service. Spain's (ireutest Need. Mr. R. P. Olivia, of Barcelona, Spain, spends his winters at Aiken, S. C. Weak nerves had caused severe pains in the back of his head. On using Elec tric Bitters, America's greatest Blood and Nerve Remedy, all pains soon left him. He says this grand medicine is what his country needs. All America knows that It cures liver and kidney trouble, purifies the blood, tones up the stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life into every muscle nerve and organ of the body. If weak, tired or ailing you need it. Every bottle guaranteed only 61 cents. Sold by Geo, A. Harding, Druggist. Thoundn irk and tufrr in( prnpl art like lb prr eiipple In Hie Hihtr, who hail no ore to hrlp him ''-" to tbe lift living pool brfoir KM .inj-' Ki.Vl I "tie one else -7 ll r 1 I l slipped ia 7 I WJ'0 """' ,,,r .' W.II ?Tl If they o-.id Olacktmilhing, Hortsthoeit'g, Wagon Maksr. 4th ami Main t. X Oregon City, i: i .iV. v " , jO, jQ jk v v twCvjev tf AjiA only (rt little help lo over come tbelr n. tirmc weak nm thry Wtitlld thro be able to rtfain their covrtrd health and stmiKth. It is juM these people thai )r. I'irrce' Cildrn Medical IUciiVry la ilrihrd In aid. It the ationg, hetpins hnd ( r lhoe who are in the rittrmr nf IkhIiIv weakness and nervous ruluuiinin. It promptly tones, noun-lir, and liuilda up the cutire system. It fivr krrn apre. tite. S'hhI diicstion, purr blixid, mux ular treni(tb, nerve force and rrnrwrd ai tivity " W'hrn 1 Brl wrar vhi I s mmplrirly 'lis erHirsjt"!." sv Mrs W M halirtlv. living at KkIiIuciI Th Cu.. N V it' H-' r;L In a Irltr.' In llr I'trrt-r " waft if, Miln ,11 lit, ttmr. OHll'l U(i lie III Itrti cifl SAitMint ill Mutr, ,hirl eutntiK (istus In mv Im k sti.l rivlit Inn IUI palusll IhfisiKh thr Wiwrr Tt lf tnv Imj.Iv sn mv ellpnw hurt mr s tun. h I omit! ,rrlv lilt my lslv Mr skin lrr. hsfli ,"l fcslr ami hinif likr k. on ni sun, Mv httiMinfl rallril ihr ilmtifr snt ttr mii It w i weaknrsa, snl my mfr Hi, tnr.lutiir iti'l tnr B.i'MkI. I kr, Krttittf wnrM- Sllil Mrnkrr. It reined I shcuM go rrry on, ilnv I wrirtr fiu and rrvriv,. ailvKr. I have Ukm lr 'Irrce s C.nlilrn Mrdnal lhcrvrrv. Ill, ' !' Vorilc I'rrs. ri)itHin ' and fir, Mint f-rllrt, .' and n. I can llr in l. with niuc comlurt sud can do a good day wtk " The most valuatde hook for th men and women is lir Pu ree's Com Ition Sense Medical Adviser. A splrndul K.rt p.igr volume Si platra. A copy, pner cov ered, will he sent to aiiroite sending twenty one renls in one crnl stamps, to pay I lie rost of nisitinir unlv to llr W H V I''"'-. Ihiflil-i. N. Y. Sljjjj Cloth-bound, 31 atanii. R. L HOLMAN UNDERTAKER .AND EMBALMER ('arm, ron .rl !l, of t'sft kv's, I'l.lMn,, t.ii. ami l.hdi gs of ii-fior . i a 1 1 1 y ami h.o.l niiHlnsiii I'llir,. to YEARS' CXPERItNCK ft-' A 1VM lullr of ,,r, fa lance leIr.ioiiP wirt ; Oregon ami Washlnrv now in n ratinii tr t (ireguii Trleplioiieaful Tw rgratdi coiuiiany. I'urtlaii.l, Meattls, ?p a a nr., TatNinia, SsJ Wall Walla. PrmllrVa, Ail-any ami ltj other lua in lb" two stale nc LU lllr. Quick, a curate, chni All lite saliafat'tion of ierstial ciiniiiuiiicaUt I list alien iki rlfM l lo rlear unilrrstainliiif, Sj kane as rasilr iirrj y I ortland. Oregmi City ofTir at Hunlleys Drug Store. J. H. THATCHER. MANAGER, Portland, - 0rfa ''run B 1 -W. , , . s n engravings anil coioiru turn" 1m.iI The Kxcllrment ot rer. The rush at th drugstore still con tinues and daily scon s of people call for a bottle of Kemp's IUIhsui for the Throat and Lungs for the Throat aud I.ungs for tbe cure of Cuuabs. Colds. Asthma. Bronchitis and Consumption. Kemp's Halaam, the standard family remedy, is sold on a guarantee and never fails to give entire satisfaction. Price 2-lc and )0c. Tsiaoc Mans OcaioNS CoeymoHTa Ac. Anvnn Wn.lli.j , itrt.h ali.1 llr,iMl.i mmf quli'klv srlln 'Mf , .1.0141 ft w mm ,n liiiilii.n i, i,iai.is ,,,i. tlfu,l,ini,r..a.liul llu,. !.. l aimi, srtit Urn. Iil'lr ,,t,rT tt Murli, I'slMI, Ut.n liinnwh Ma,.n 4 I ,. tsxlv tfklt yi(4, WllS.igl rh,f,. n 11,, Scientific American. A h,nitim,ly llln.lraivl tMtlf, t,p,M rlr, nil, Hon ,nf .i.i.tin.- ..urfal tn Si a f-v. r..ur nH.ntl,,. lu S..UI l.r,il A.tMia. MUNN rUo.""" New York UrsncS KB)., t r SI, Ws,I.ii4i,m, i, c Baarstb llWrvina TOII Hjlt km The Kind You Haw vmn Booht IJUIMI ..v kfl. Bill. ivvniiuiii o rviunvy run Has lin r.in.il In ills, ones of fw Kl-lli-1 Bid t rlnarr thgnlis, Han ).n n.-glo I. d your hlltvejs7 Han von nyrrWiirU.-d tinir lirrvotil ( 't.-in and caiis-. Ir.nilde with )o Kiitn.'ls and HU.Iil.-r? Hale J' pains ill Hi" lullia, aide, ba.'k.grou ( land bluddrr? II nvo vi.i , flalihy i . '4rnii" e of the fut-r, esisial.; IT lilxl.-r Hie ryrs? Ts frrwpirst dr J (sun prt-.s nr. lie 7 W UUalll s hklorj I'llls n III Impui t new I tfn lo tlicit ras.d orniis, l.i-e up thn sy steal land innl.li a in-v man of yon. Itjl W tlli.il .'-I I. I I Kor sa'e by 0. U. Ilonllt' mm The Honielltst Man In Oregon (ily. As well as the handsomest, and others are Invited to call on any druggist and get free a trial bottle of Kemp's Hulsnm for the Throat and Lungs, a remedy that ! have failed. is guaranteed lo euro and relieve all Chronic and Acute Coughs, Asthma, I'.ronclntis and Consumption. Price Zlo and 60c. Agents for the best machine on earth Improved New (ioodrich. Oregon City Auction Hoiiho. One Bottlo Makos You Llvoly and continued (low. wi completely drive away that tired fi t ling. Our Red Lino Sarsaparilla ! not a specific for every disease under the sun but Is Wolldclfully efficacious in all cases of III.OOI) mid SKIN IiISI-ASI'.S. It hit proved bcmlicinl to thousand. and effected cures when- other medicine Price Ji to j,rr ,oltU-, our cut price only COC. Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you cat ItartlDrlallytllgeHUthefuodiDdi! Natur m strengthenlna' and nc structlngtha eihausted HgestlTv gana. It lithelatcstdlicovcreddlp ant and tonic. No other preptru. can approach It In efllclericy. It stantly relieves rtnd periiianetitlyeiif" Iysptxiltt, Indigestion, lleartbua Klatnlntire, Hour Stomarh, h's1 Kick lIcBdache.Oam ralglit,CramisM all other rcsiiltstif linM'rfi'ctdis'r11' Prsporid by I. C. DaWitt Co , Cb1) Kor sale by lino. A. Harding. Your dot-tor's Prescriptions will receive careful itttrntiou here, CHARMAN & CO. Cm i 'lie. I lriiuuinta i You can't core dyspepsia by dieting. Eat good, wholesome food, and plenty of it, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests food without aid from the stomach, and is made to cure. Gko, A Hahoiso. IlalHloii Health FooiIh. We are showing a line of Ilalsfon Health foods, knowing them lo he the durest and cleanest gwdson the market. We have breakfast mush, health kofly, whole wheat flour, w holo wheat graham select bran. A. ItollKHTHON. The 7th St, Grocer. Gun shot wounds and powder-burns, cuts, bruises, sprains, wounds from rusty nails, Insect stings and iyy poison ingquickly healed by DeVVilt's Witch Hazel halve. Positively prevents blood poisoning. Ileware of counterfeits. "DeWitt's" is safe and sure. Gko. A. IIabijino. JOHN YOUNGER, lEWIi L E R, Opp. Huntley'H I)rg ,Store, FORTY YEARS EAI'I-KII-XCE IN druut Hritain ami Aincrica. A Personal Matter i ' mill Hi ll U UU ..si. Ire sml pleasant mi look upon. YOUR HOUSE Cim Im. repainted Bll( fr,.,1(.(,(, at a very reml,e prlc-pal, ;";'"-....... Doo'tlJnv; Leave Orders at Ely's Store... MUHKOW TUa Painter.. at. Bl A Ii' aT mi Karl's Clover Root Tea ... H'-iiiitlllrs ll fiH.o.lr.lim. I'l.elnea iw l,alvrsal-.l.,4 ImrHkl... ' "" " I hll..ul. ... .. 1 ... llllllll" Um Mln! I mil . liiillKit.ilnn, nml nil l''r"i'"',:"' , An aerrmdila I.kmMvo , H..I.I .... -i.- .1...- ...... .inti-r 'f ' "MIKKIMS ut S.V., Dili-. anJ fl.U". 8- C. WELLS 4 CO., LIAOY, N ooi c ennrauToas For sale by 0. 0. Huntley.