11 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1800 3 CANBY AURORA Aurora Harness Shop We Make, a Specialty of low prices. Our bailor is TEAM HARNESS. Our Stock includes Everything Worn by a Horse We Ruy Hides for Cash. Keep Leather For Sale. Do All Kinds Repairing It. W- Zimmerman, Proprietor. Henry A. Snyder Notary Public. Agent for Home Insurance Co. and Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society. Office ia I. O. building. Aiirortt, Oregon. W. S. HUKST Salary l'ubllo aal ItroLer. Ife-alrr lu Itrnl lSlute nntl l'lp In.nranre Writer. A 4acrml Oflir lluolnrwi Trnn.artr.l. Choir farm and Vliy lrojMrtr ior Sale Loans Negotiated. Aurora .... Orrcon Total Road district No. 25- Adkins l'.r ., general fund. Trullinger Bros - j John Barth UKoiWBOTOUD!'vrfwiv"-:::: "tin i.u.wi, ruau iuuu F Kvman 3 00 A LRigelow 7 50, FSeiler .. 3 Oil t) II K idle 3 n! F Mohr 3 00 C Rair 3 00 W II Cochran 3 00 j J E Mitts 1 50 T R iVnaKUon 1 50! Have Miller 7 n0 Sam Wcirich 4 00 i Chas Rewlcr 50 , F Stnrve 25 j U A Kintor 4 85 Herb Ranmlell 4 50 ' F. H Miller V ti Sam Miller 3 00 I TVAck.-r.ii 3 00 I Dick Carrett 7 50 j Jans Roe 6 00 T E r ir.li 4 50 j ti nh 5 25 Jd.n Kvli 5 25 J..lm Shmiter 75 1 RF Smith 2d 00 1 TBllcliu 150 . Jam. Nlehol.u . tl.etilloli jliCorgO Nicholas Jiiiue. Mclstcad. , R II Rar.tow Julin Furirinon, , (ienm Wylmnl . II WtUm George- Canaan.. Total RoaddlMrlct No. 30 J Rickncr, general fund..., K K Jono l'o J K Woithiugtoii W Miller F. Havidaon J It IN v J It Hav, road fund j 0'Htu'ii I. M lrtVI.IMl M K Shipley J A Tuft T Fox A W Shipley A Waldrd $17 n oo , i! 0 I . I A 00 , 13 5i , 4 50 5 2 . 4 50 1 "HI 2 5' i 4 50 :i m . Ill 50 J llea.lrick W Italian . A Rnllmk.. w T.xia . . . F. Smith. ... F. Chuck... K lUviiUoii. W .ec F Pavidnoii. J lUvia ... J Monro. . . M Welch... C Chil.U... J Manning. II MetaUl . J llaine. . . . M lisiin.. J 11 Piatt... It R.ll J K Kiser .., E Heudrick. K l iniitiiir l43 w!j H Have .. Jacob Gitsey, Proprietor Rates 1 1 Per Day and Upward?. Livery and Feed S'ahle in fonnectinn'with the Home. liorr. and H iii;es to lt at !!'aotiahle Hates. Bar Minnli't with h. fine. wine.. Il'jaors and cigarr. Weinhard's Beer on draught. AURORA, - OREGON. Henry Rarlh Charlt'V llaruack. . . John Wallace Cnarles Kroxtergcr lHiie (irthble Charley Morris.... Will lleinie George Ruk (ieorge Kiring.... Henry Hepler A I I'e'nvul.l A I Wiiig Will Yoi ann Frel Yohann II Abbott John Harth James Cox 2 Janien Morris 2 Will Heitix.. Lout!, lleinl. lien Lubln. II Ablxitt... Wm Wilnon Henry Stein. . '2 55 3 iv 2 00 . I 5J 1 M 31 50 10 50 1 6 lK)j i 0 3 tX) I 9 00! (1 1(0 i 3 00 i 6 00 ! 6 00 3 00; 3 Ul 1 50 2 25 1 50 I 1 10 8 (0 25 25 1 50 1 50 1 1U 2 45 3 75 I 50 John Barth 3 .50 Total 71 00 Hon 1 tlixtrict No. 31 -i(Mrvt Ijiuui, general fund. John tittle F.Shala 15 AiW't Helker Ch I'olevka I'rtlll Ui.'. hlrt tietiriso l'.ielo , John Aden Ren Atliey IWii Athey John roa.l (uiul Henry Schati John Aden John Setter Ijiiin Toetlemeier Frank tior.T Henry Toetlemeier A I erhofl Aiiii-l Koellemeiur I..uii KiM-l'emeier . 2 112' Iti.a.l .li-trlct No. IIH , !1 !Mt 'Joel .I'trh, (tieriii fitinl S IH) I'alUi'rnia I'-w.l-r W'ka .. , 3 00 ! Anton Wikkelmm, ro.nl Inn. I , 2 25 1 I.ewU llnwliim 3 IK) ' Andiew HiuhiImiii 3 00 , IlilU'it ll.un;liim , 1 5t Fred Wnt;ner 1 50 Tlionmii I Minn , (Hal MikkeUm .$;i2rt 7'J (iol l IiiiiiiIhi (He MikkeUou 14 25 1 ' 22 34 I ''l'l,,r '' ",,'rt ; 3 ,;! Total .'tl!l 115 2 25 ; K 'U.I dli.iri. No, M -, 7 00 : Cahlorni I'owder Vorkn, Ken- . 40 50 j .rnl luml :o k . 50 50 Kurl Slum linen I 75 , M 0.1 CoHper Cilniinii.K I5n 0.1 . 62 5.1 (' hflier, r.ad fund 21 00 . 40 50 i . in oo j Total 120:' :; 0l! In the matter of i-I,iIiii fll..l-Th. IhMird h.iviilit eitii.lne.l mil I cliliuin and iN'iiilf. Lilly ii.vle.l, It U ordered by lb.' hoard that ll.n clerk uluill ifue Maiiiinl on the u'.'in r il Inn I In luvor of I lie p. r miihhihI lor the amntinti liereituiller i.i. itl. d 1 1 .iyiii. Mt . I naid c'aliii": Fit Williniiia. u'.M'(."ot'ii account. ''.' "I J (i Porter, do till 00 It I. roll.k.do 21 01 J F NrlwMI, do , ti' 00 S Uliiir. do li'i no ChiK T..e, do . I!il 0.1 J II Siu tli, aurvevor'a ai'i'ount . 21 'i' TelcJ hulie, court liini-e do 4 4 ' Aii't n A Western Co, r..ad and bri.lwe areouni 2'1 50 W II Conniel, ro d'im-ter 72 o Sold It' a'.iblen, fhld it lid bridge a.V' tint 3 00 tieo A lUrditirf, lourt honnn .oiinl . . .. 4 75 C Si liu.d.l, J p i-o.irl, D Van lloiltetl M F M.Coan. do F r ie'dmai), do I A K Ford, do Mr. A K Fori, do . 1 I h, clad ..-!'vr:,f,i,r,N-M , full on pu-'"""" ""' ,HMlt ihl vleer..Uc,l il.Hr n;!-;;'. p ' , tlo-v badiiiel mi I'1" . and aeie ibdv oceclcl I" I'1" I" naoill, cr i' d,..ina'e. '"''' l i urve)i'.l i') i l i.t i June in" " " . .ntii'vor. l .1 i It'll IV - I .11". ' . W ,, Ibey '"" .1 i ... , ..a. II Ml It V-V. Hl.l vie..',; re,;.nl J, ll... I. in I IIJ Ol ' and aurwvrd, lor tin1 t I ....l.l rill T' ; ni l.'l.'l i.vi.r for aecoti I rea low In the tiinli. r'.l tin-ettone i....ntol ii.t . I. ' ii... Tins mutter comma " The. biwr.l now illnurtitol i July mil, alU:.l0. in. ,U,fc TlM M.IMV. JUyft,h T!ia ln.ar.1 inel pnrnmm Ui ' ment, Ihii hoar.l ami i,if, v i" nl y..aterda. lll Mil. Tl now ll.U.Uy th "ll"Hif. to I hi ha 1 1 In Hie mailer f Hi. roa l"',",1vleeraoil Ibo 'Uloii i( (1 j? t,.rt..i ilii l .rt , for m cbaii in u,, M."t " and ol public lllll-1 tl,,rt cam. up for .n.iiel .-.i " . Item lirlinf ll" rem Iraiir. m ' f .r damagea lib it, 11 . i,i,l,,j ?'?"!'?' ' l"'1' .. Maralill-I d..;,,,!!,!, M e,Hmly r,(4ll hU W I" I"' . ,,,. ,. I,m ... , .' '-' (lie llii I"'"" c i . l'i ht ( heard mi edition-f J. ' ; in" munly, and ll.o i ' C, ,m. r and J T ;"'' d.-ed U I.-.. IU 40 75 27 (VI IS 00 27 00 ft R"i 21 75 23 50 2 50 4 oo 27 00 2rt 25 25 51 0 (HI 10 75 0 75 7 22 00 f. 25 15 0 I 12 IM 12 00 3 IK) 2 50 42 00 7 II a 1 IH) I IM I 70 3 to 5 50 I 7n 1 70 . ... I ..I .I f Mllll that .aid 'liU"i l l'"l ',: Ml U, r ein 111 '"-' " l ,,e ye... I!."''. I"'-'? " ' 7 "f ro;.H.Io.',...d0.ecl...k..d.l..' U r reby aulli..fl"d I" e.-0' l" thioii In .aid amount 1'T "' r''- . lntheiii.ilt. rol the teii..l ol ,.ath a.ip-rvU.r. lor June ..rk- II. L.urd l...in.tr L.e.l .al I rr,-rt .... In um lullv -,ll d. It ! ordered h.t Mid H I"' I I appr.e,l, an I Iharleik , hrr.O.y a.ilhon.- l I" " '""' on Ibe l.icv. l.- Ini'd f"' '"' " u Hi fav.-r ul the penu lieieltialt.-r p b lied: dr. i;on Coy Iron Work. WII...U A (''.e f!.l !' "... ... b' i i I'J M ' " r"r"i oo , jonn alike., oo 14 .'aJ 11 ' ""'""Uiitn, i. y ) : Max Kliiiirer, do 10 5)' lr'' I'han Ford. do 7 5 i v; ciiUeiHi, j r court, J.ilniJ. .lin IS 00 I " ' y 5,, M F McCown. do 12 Vi 1 50 lt"binon, do . 3 10 3 io j M r M J rartiHttorth, do . 3 IU I Phllo Farn. worth, do 3 10 gmpCbaa Muller, do 3 10 5 m) 1 Sam WiUui.do 3 10 13 50 ' 'o"i Cr'K'kabank.do 3 10 a ?"j 1 C .-"Chtleliel, J P i-ourt, Kddie Koe- 3 si ble 7 15 n ia F M McCoan, do 7 55 qo'.IFrnnk Matliew., J P court, C Pram her W C Fiiai.ll C W liobilifc.n , . F. A Tun. I. II uitf II 1 lliudi CI... PHMlHer Finoiv Noble J 1. JobniMiu C M FlUaorib ti i Clin. . ! : ! jr Orvilie liolx nn J I. Pak Fniiik Iri'Uib.tli tieo Hinder . . . Ilerroll Curl l:.il.li"-tl Jim Fllioit S 11.1. tii.' . . . - I.itlklti 7 ii 3 05 II IderhofI 5 3 I 25 i Henrv Uarth.. Phil Graves ... I Cnarley Morris. I . ti': i . vrtn o ritfni. W. S. HURST & CO. Produce 3 Commission Merchants. Hllthrai inurket prlre pai.l for iviii:at, ai, iioiv, POTATOI-fi. WOOI., OIO. iiKi:i: a.ai iitn:i rici nx. V. 0. Box 58. Aurora Oregon. Meat Carious Clock. One of the most curious clocks in the world is that which Amos Lane of Amidee. Nv.. cotmtracted some time ego. The machinery, which ia nothing tut a face, bauds' and lever, is connect ed with a geyjer. which shoots oat an immense column of hot water every 38 econJi This spurting never varies to the tenth of a second, and therefore a clock properly attached to it cannot fail to keep correct time. Every time the rater spouts up it strikes the lever and moves the hand forward 3ti seconds. 1 50 3 00 3 0i) 3 K) Total f.'OO 42 ltoad d'miricl No. 32 F.r nest Camel, road fund Allien Camel Ira McConnell John I tollman Sam ItoU-rta Jay Raker Jame. Raker Roe Heeler Hvnr 4 40 Courier-Herald, nlntlo ncry 64 Omrier Herald, trilitilii IS M J J Cooke, aherifl 25 00 Ina M Cliae, do . 41 (K) Pojh. A Co., court lioiue 13 M) 1' It llaiikiim. aberiff 7 fa) -' i i'.... t i'.. ......i .i i.. 1. 1 ... ,i m mj. VU., UI.OJI. ..... .1 I'-l W A Hiiuiley, stationery 7 77 3 ,. ! J J Cooke 7 :al jjj Knlerprme, piiulitiK '.'3 H. l oo In the matter of buildinir a Ktandpw 3 Ql ai inn aaierini, irouicii at Myvlile, ll la Will White 3 00 Herman (irimm 3 00 F.d Morris 1 50 Ira Morris 1 50 I) Brummer 1 5) s Look 50 Iyeon.rd Ileinze 3 Oo Will Yohan 4 H5 Friil Yohan 5 25 IWn Lut.lien 3 75 John IhMi) b 75 Peter Morty 2 25 Total $275 J0 Ito.d district No. 26 L Steinhmann, road fund $51 AO J A Hainan 12 07 W Keen '-'0 77 T Stipp 8 Kicht. 20 4 ) 21 00! Alli-ui Raker 3 0) ' ..(. I.w tl.u l.u..l il.u. ... . ..hi. ... . ..j in'ii inn. llon...) o Mat Raker .., (ir.nt SeiM-neintatior. . Nickel. Henry Willie! in A 11 Tiiman L F. Hiilmao 5 Oil 50 Total Itoad district No. 33 WiUon A CxKike, general fund... F W Livermore ieo Cunningham 3 00 F.d Clos.ner 8 00 Win Mniih 3 00 vVm Tucker 3 00 bui'd the same be granted. In the mutter if cliwimt the tax roll ;j (hi j for IS'.is '1 hi. matter romintr on now to 7.'i I lie beard, It ia ordered by the Ixiard thai 00 1 uld lax roll for IH'.iS H d.rlarel delin quent on and from tin. date. In the matter ol ilin petition of Iv It. F.iM-rt for a poll tux rebate Tbi. matler comintr on regularly to l.i beard and the l.iard lMili fuliy ..itihlinl thill I',. II. Ki-ert i. a rion reeident, it i. ordered ih.it said rebate Im eruiiti'd in the auin of K It Kiwrt f. oo In the matter of the double a.-c- .f5 25 $5 10 OS 47 LIx.k tt 4 i Two Peking Tower. Peking has a tower in which is hung large tell cast in the fifteenth century nd another tower containing a huge 4runi which ia intended to be beaten in cacs a great danger should threaten the city. No one is allowed to enter these lo w era HOARD OF C0MMISS105EKS. lteu'n!ar July Term or Hoard. the County n. r. Mark., Imlrinuii; J. 11. Morton, ll. Scolt, cuiuiiiU.loiier.. (Continued from last week.) Itoad district No. 23 Cole Bros. & Co , geneml fund. . 12 65 Charley Reynolds, road fund. . . 25 00 Wm bhephnearJ 3 75 A Peterson H 25 I) bhepaheard 1 50 Koy Piirmenter 13 50 PJParmenU'r I9 60 21 Ileiges 5 25 C A Wilcox. "50 .J .V Covey 24 00 CC Fox 3 00 .Albert Shubbo 33 00 "JO Olowser 4 50 Wmtvans la 00 Totai 1100 40 Koad dihtrict No. 24 J 11 UlitU, road fund $3 00 A F Moshlier-ier 5 75 J, A Moehberger 12 50 Zw.-ifel 1 A R Widdows 5 50 WAIIaakmH 9 00: 11 Look Sam F.ngle... John Vick.... F Case. 3 0) 19 .50 6 01 6 00 John Harless 3 00 A Yenny A Well. I) Knu'le F Everhart Joe Harless M H ungate 6 I) llliams C Ellgley , I) Austin 3 M Cross 7 Chas Thomas 4 50 E Shaver 3 00 W R Rroyles 4 50 A J Sawtelle oo J It Shaver... 5s 00 3 00 10 50 7 50 5 25 7 50 IX) 1 50 00 HO 50 . a . I ji i. . rrana .Miuaru o wi : ,., , , i w viiiii.... i. .......... i .. JohnUwellen S! ! l-rd ti.at .aid J..S Wilham. I Fugi-ne Lewe len 10 00 Knle(1 , of UM un mM riillMiri li.lici, ivbii lull. I . . u UHpeSHIIieilt in i.aru .'o F. Ijicev 3 75 Willis Vonea 7 50 (Jeo (iuthridge 7 50 lieu Kodish Oil Frank M.llar.l 10 50 Wm Snider 0 IK) Wm Tucker Wm Smith 0 00 1're.ton Howell 0 00 Ed Cl.sner 13 00 (ieo Cunningham 10 00 John Lew el len 15 5o Eugene la-wellen 17 50 J 8 Williams , Total Road district No. 31 Charles Anderson, road fund $1 50 A Andre 4 50 In the matter of Win. White, a county charge, it is ordi red by the board that the warrant issued each month to S. Itue for the care and keeping of (.aid Will. White In' rluin Ji d from II... t. 10 50 of b. Rue to that of J. C. Shoemaker. who will now keep White. In the mutter of tint report of viewer, on the petition ol 0. E. SpemeC-t al., lor a change in the Molulla roud -In the above mutter Win. liri-euthwuiUi, J. R. Reeson and T. R. Thomas, viewers ap pointed at the lust term of this board to view and locale a county road situated .1270 57 Total $313 74 Road diHtrict No. 27 E A Hartman, general fund $12 30 J S Yoder W) 87 A 0 Yoder 4 50 Will Yoder 4 50 Ed Yoder 4 Hi TE Taylor 4 5') Willard Stanton 4 50 Bluford Stanton 4 50 John Stanton 4 50 J A StanUmroad fund 4s 00 Willard Stanton 0 75 John Stanton 3 00 William Jennings 4 50 David Jennings 3 00 Albert Thomas 6 00 Total . 72'" '..' .' :r ui . M il VI 7'. U 75 Jl M is Oi . ? , I ' .vi . 12 75 I i.i . I J I 5 in :"i .vi I -4i lo7 2i Notice to Wln'clinoii. .. !... ... II.m . . "i" '"- ' in ii,,, road Ilea tit oen tn ... ' ' Hli al .irlioii id tint ro kWr' diwcrilml and aakml toU II I lb" .."I" l III all Imp;),,,. v.c.IimI oil lb" i.-lili uf and ll I furlhrr ol.prn tl( p,' '' i, tin. Liar I of arbitration lri.. ' r. I ."Hi d.llia',e. In W, . . Joi.e. or damage, don. I.) riii of lli" ipnln an 4, " aid load, lilcli w.a . rrpvi (.roved al tin. I.. I or J'lti.l,,, i.xrd, U lirrrby urdrrr.) jm, W II Joiir., d.ro.rfi- . Win Iirln.-iilbw.ll0, J .), ;' mil.. ...' J.a It ter.n. 1 -Uy. 14 mile. ' f II Thorn... I day. 12 inilra ' sinioii Pant", I d.r j Will MolrUlld, I il.V An Lie M.o.-Un I, il.y John W Meldruiii, I d.v. Iiilli-a ..... . 11 T.'tal ' Colli. IM!...! lirlt V? if. p' :fAt Jll- Wl.rn rrpniri, lirar Catiby call on, and n"d any V. ZOI.LMllt. I'rl.elaw.. lrU(unrnMlrra J. II. (inihain Iiralrr in fine r.n.lira, nut, notion., cigar., tobacco, and .tatiottrry Io Paint. , oil. and bni.hr.. I O lll.lg ulj.Ore. Twenty yearn rjri. as ii Watclmukcr i Ji-WiliT. t iitx-ncl a (ircULw Jfwilry iurv in IV. Dlliro Imililiii: at Canly, Orcpin. Watclii-, C.'I.x kri.Ji'i ami ajM-etaolcH. Ile inj; n i-jKrialty. ll XC...1. .....I !.uJ. .III 11 i tv uii. i ; Warranted. H. A. Vorpahl Dlocksmithlng, Wogon moking Horse Shot: Rates reatonabl. Work ptnf CANBY PHARMACY... ti V i M i M B I', A full lino of Talent Medicimi Clioicn Cijrarrtand Toilet Artie! Tlio MoHt .S lid Stock of 14 1 Ii I H II I I 1 Ii 1 JVllXlilUJVO Iii Clackani.is County. W. H. EVANS, Prop. 4 I.IIV, 4Hl.01 Edward Peterson. I) Rorna 1 50 1 50 Total $0 00 Road district No. 35 Sam K Taylor, road fund $14 00 Arthur Purdue 10 50' J W Eliott 3 00 J A Jacobs. 6 50 Levi Erh 4 00 J K Hart 1 50 I (ieo Puidtie 1 50 Paul Knyder 3 00 I Albert Elliot 1 50 i Marion Sampson. 8 00 Total $53 5C Road district No. 3ft Pope Co., general fund $3 65 Vigorit Powder Co 5 85 Wilson A Cooke 4 18 55 85 m 8r.rii.ture tc Reaulieu 5 F'ed S Raker. 1 Steve Adams. Frank Jackson. Ira James. . 4 W A Jackson 4 P J Anderson 7 3 W H Lirnon 6 00 CP Black 25 2 25 7 50 50 00 50 oo 50 F Murtin. road fund 20 60! I Tom AmiHtrong 12 00 j 1 A B Anderson Peter Wormdald Olo Kye 7 50 Rluford Stanton 75 Nickles Birtchet C B Powell P II Thompson. John Armstrong 12 00 Chas Shannon 12 00 Ed Batdorf 27 00 Tom Smith 41 00 F J Meyer 37 00 TK Baker 38 00 A Wright 17 2) Chas Hill 15 00 Tom Munson HI 50 W 8 Ford. E Parker.. 7 50 3 75 DRMNG TRHDE It takes a rich man to draw a chock. A pretty girl to draw attention, A horno to draw a cart, , A porous plaster to draw tho fikin, A toper to draw a cork, A free hIiow to draw a crowd, A LINE OF UP-TO-DATE GOODS 1 to draw trade. We endeavor at all timoH GOOD GOODS and if Low Trices and we will draw Your trade. Highest prices paid for wool, cash to keep a GOOD gUPPIiV 0 courteous treatment aro apprucia or trade. Wo also want your JMteri Eggs, Chickens and in fact any kind of produce, 4 50 1 50 1 50 75 4 50 9 00 John Wormdald Ole L JWoald.. Total ...$278 48 Road DiHtrict No. 37 fl Plutle, road fund $7 50 ! E Cliristenson 1 60 E B Ludd 0 00 i li G Kruso 3 00 1 J M (iroHhong. . Fred Haun 1 50 G F Slaughter 11 2-5 Ren Thomas 3 00 CANBY, OEEGON, Charley Mullen 3 00 J II Graham 2 62 Total $18 00! i