OIIKQON CITY KNTEKHHSE, FKIDAY, JULY 21, 1899. ,. l tl.i Hy fr ..vr-rI ihi)at,n In hi mil In llirmt ilaya. 4V ,1.., Iaii.lt I"' number 'i yare ,.,,(, I'lllHtf HP. " I'"" I, ,l,l. mi naml. It ! beginning V1, im '. 11 h,'ri,i "" '"y- . ;' ,i panic lb alalu wa foiowl hi a (1"'' ''ra' I"'! , Miiy !' '"' tt Iwlilii'l inl,.,,.al nil a. hind '" ' I1'" rttiii l',ry ""' ''" "''"'"I" tlln..r propmiy It" tothaalitn ,, "I r,l",,'i bldolfby , lltl''l lh tt'i'li 1,111 " ,4t , llolMkll. . ....... il tf liMM rnllltll.l ,,n ni) InU Hi'" land In. , 'miner oatiere are buying their u. k ami many landawera L iu y 'f'"" l',, r, '"i" il.M ret IniK by paying . 4,n, ii.l ant advancing In rl. In , Many Url which failed lo .D and I'.'-'i Vcara ago no ,,.,lily at 1 11' '"! I '''i '"I l'11" ' . ii likely I' i continue (or xillin limit, , iui im lamia I" alinol every r think II nana onn i'i lu iniim In . Inn unity than III any other . Und l neailv all (Wat t laa, and ,ii iikiI" Valuable every yner, , ui.lff l kw Il U'. Il U tiecwaaary , iff II iloelv, li.xxl relitt y ..'. and fii'lm i..na ol ren'a re'llM lllllrh lilliK and Tiifiw am ll"l eo many lorn- n aa have U'rn, litit lliinn air i ul ll.rm yet, and all limine miI ,rf. tiiako Urn laud agml a fairly Hrukr III I'm lull llccorda. J i. ll'li llm Clai k-iiia riititity ,!r i 'Hill liallrir. all 'lrfiiii ! ill lualtrf f l tiom ii- u liiiiiiintiativa tjimiiiM. i'io ..ill llit lilUrf of Ilia mltn U !'!, ilrii., l-UII III m in aii'l Ifl'irn tilflil all !" i arffl flliinl.nl. TllIlP Iiii aa l.lrl . rti iniat rator ail'l autliolilixl . i.i i-!ic, i.iiwi iii ir.'H (o r I'lmrfll fr Umi of i)u i.il liin. Marrlnt. ,lt!r, V.li , on 12. Ivr.i, Rt H rk . Ml. Ml Hi" M. M''li.k. iitMi I I'y. u Arthur V. tn ki y, KU, tl la. . rrrriiiofiv rtfiinifil In tli J I Ir.l.jlrfmll I I, Hu ll, UvX, I Jllll .1k i!ii j(. TIi 1 1 (tinolo iar hi mtiM'k-r.itia; In a Intry hr I. I jI rm lp.l at ( olutiiMa CUT, , Mr. an ) Mr. IMi key .vo II. e .lir 1. 1 nmiiy liii-ii !. Tri ln r' tianilnatlun. la l.i-n-l y givi-n that for ll.a ml iiikiti an ftaluinall'in ! all '. III J y litfrr tlu'lll.IVr aa !'" ft -r trai tin (if tii a limi! i f i.iry, tlm rminty hii iirrlif nl ll,rt..,I liuh I . ill. lit' a. n tl)- n ( iIip r"iirt Iiihic In Ori-j;iin n l'iut Htli I ''J. ('iitiiiiMMiriiiit V'..k a. in. AH ai'i'll.aiiW ll I I at tiiim aluli'il alxivp ln tl.rr t'r ur nmiiiy ia, ! llm I ,',lli day of July A. I. N. V. Itimi ami I ouiily SiiTiliilrinliiit of hi'liiMiU. l!rinurkabli Itrtrui', . Mm IukI Curtain, rUinllrl.l. III., II. i' Huti inriit, thai aim caiiulil lii.li oi'itlril on lirr limn; al fii . I fur a tiKiiitli ly ln-r luinily . ian, lull (trn orw. lln tolil lirr fa a liiH-lina vi.tim of i-onamt- ml tlml nu uifiilrliiu roiilil curn ll. r .lMiK-k'it rui'Krutinl 'r Kliiit'a I'lNovi-ry for l'oiimimitl.n ; aht I IhiIiIk a n. I to lnr ilcllnlil fotuul In iirllltr.l fmiii flrnt tloim, Min ""I iU u on anil allcr takltiK nix l.'iiinl lii-rwU auuml an. I well: !'' lnT on l.uiiRi'ffork. ami la 'li'Vr Fne trial lKitllt'i i 'in-at iMwovrty nt Jt. A nn'i lirtiK Storn. I-arue Imtllea M ' ii'l tl IH). IS II KKitlT m Kilimr to Itcri'iniiifiiiJ Tali'iit Mcillcliiia, vlvmi Vuly N, Itrovrail. N C ."'"y ln h iiuuNllon wliiillirr (lit) rul m wHtmior Iiiih tlui rluht lo I) ri'i iiiiiiiuMiil any of tin vtiioti '"''try imitllcini'a wliloli IIimhI tin' f"-'.yi'tia h jiri'Vnnlive of HiilU'rinK Il iluty to any a wonl for C'liuin- l"'('iilic, Cliolt'ra ami lirrliH ')' Wo lutvt) known unl iihu.I f li'imi in our family fur twmity 'l liuvo itUuya fount) It rclinlilii. iiiv .UHI.N H ,jOH0 uf iih rtunt'ily '' ("v lioiirH of RiiflorinK wliilott 11 inn In iiwuitcd. Wo do not boliove '"''"litilmplicilly on any mi'.lirine (:tr, Imt wa do bulluve tlmt if a Pul" Cliiimlitirluln'a Diarrlim-a "'y wiiih kept on liuiid ami adinln at tlio incoilioii of an atUrk ' """"ring inllit )B avoldtnl and in niny cuhoh tlio pnwonco of a JU1 would not bo required. At liun Inion our fxpcrinnco tlur 10 I'HHl twenty yeiii-s. For wilo by 0ABTOniA. f ll m 1 tie Kind You Have Always Bouclit Worllt f Mi-,llKlttlllC( , 'l'l","n -I. I tnnwtl,,, ro.liaii.UM,.,,!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Mrr(i l'''.l.lv. ,, M.uik ,,,, ,. I"""" I rlil., I M' T. I!. (tid'a ,,Vi .,u ,,! l' " v. -,.r a,,.l ih'ullii .; i in,. J. -Hi-, ci,,v ,(.,(, i',(lii,lM.i ! 1 ''' T.,,ir injur, ; i nfi , I i " i r i ' ! , ur I ..i, . .,n. , (!.,,. , ( cunt li in, : C A . I .',,,1, v.m, v,li: f)r j ll'll IIIIIHIIfH, I'' I'aiim riii , roMMilifd fr,. i M .irl.nn n,,.,.,, . 1 ri(lll , I'.'. 2 toft, 7 hi H ihiiy. 'lln. p.,r ri.,,t. "i' ho. I.i iiiMN, ID ,. dil'y. All ininhl,, ,l,,.,,. and p,,vm ,),. .iiM-a ol i, .lii nr nii,.ti a pniiilly, All .iiviiik i , Hil , li.-.ii. d hit hall lommr pn.-... l',H..r..- B H-i, r. Il'-I.-I at Imlf tin. pi,, .., , 1(.r HfllM. t'.iifi-Mii,,,. a.,, ii,.,, ( ,.. Ir and i ii-i.U.pii hl.inka nt .i any a I di.. Tin. Ifiiiliiii'iit f,., ,j,H ! a I, l(v, a, ,. , .wlui "ll"""i vari.H-.-'.., I.j lr..,-.!.., atfu lum 0 I I ' in i.i , , ,,j i,, , i(i Hllll. k' I I llll vl1f. W- th I It of hi, npd,d ,,.qla Iii..iii,l4l... and tirini.ii.-,iia (rt: v an. Imt I. .tin. Hhrm aionu, , m.fi ki li.ru ni,. h. ...: Br (mi n md. r. l V itl w 4t.l II,. m. .j'lal I i- and t. .t, .-.-. I IiiIiik, u- Ur. Kinw'a N.-H l.ilr iMla. Tliry I"p fv..f) r..ir of i. lam and U.lv. Duly 2 iinta at iii, A. Ilaidiiitt'a .Imi,' aluir, A DMOKCN PANE OF CLASS. () Thai Oar Cual I Ultra (ra I'raai U Trala .io.ihmi. A briki-n M ltiitnW unn ( lira ct 0r;(n Franrla Train mora than OUU. Il a llilaway ( itlr.n Train, "with Ilia bralna i.f '.'ii im n In Ilia hind, all jMillinK Uiflrrrtit waya." wint to Omaha lu thr. .jiriiiK i.f Icrti At Dial tliiio ho waa tliv in.t talk.-d of tuan Id Am.-rh a Hi- had ii' t a lliinK Imt iu.n ty IU MikI'I A.doii nty ..t. ainl alio ((. tin r lit arrrrnl htnidr.il tliotiaatiil i..IUra lln Uard'tl at tlio lirrndun I1..IIV. tlio brat h'.li-l In alk'lll Til qui lot Ic Train waa ri-K'nW lu only una tilling - Ida liiiblu ll alwaya ocrnpi.l th" aatna arat nt tlio lahln On t?rn iiiK a a no of kIk"" waa broken out of a witiduw illrn lly bi liliid Ida rhalr II tr. l.-tx and waa advlwd to rlutik'a la a-al 1 to would but Itiatrail ha paid arrvant 10 rriita a in I nut loatund b.trn him and Ilia draft Aft-r lrnkfaat ha r iit nUl d with the landlord, but rnclvrd Ho aiilUfai'tion "Nrvrr mind." aaid Traia "In HO daya I will build a hot. I that will rulu yottr biiaim-M. " Aiid ha dnl Tha p.t) travt waa I' t that day fvurra of in. n w. r put to Work Tho alto dvtn waa Ninth and llarn. y atrrru, mar tha Mihmrl nv. r Cillfa-u Train wt iit to New York and iii(ii; d (d.n'l I'orii iia, a n.itd cwt.'rrr of that (lit. aa liiHtm'i-r for hia hotel The bulldlnK alollr Oa. f lU.UUl) Tl) funiiliinu mi I .'i). oiio uii ra In tha baM'ini'Ul waa a K" plant th only oiia wot of St. Ioui. Tim work waa dotio on tlui". and. trua to hia word. 00 duya after hn tlirratrned tha luaiiaKer of tin Horndott llouan tleorce Francia Train. cilix' U of tha earth, opened bia hotel, which li called tint CViaieiia lloiiruv The Kraud i.H l)in ball waa at tcudiil by the Kovcruor of Nebrnaka and hia atiilT, tha mayor of Omaha and many notable from other aUitea Tha hoiiw waa a blnxo of glory aud a acctia of almort orietilal InnKlilllcenca. Juat when tha bin ten -ption waa well on tluro waa a aiubb n flio.li, a ilrana liolmt. and thentotal durkneaal Tha Kiu pluiit bud coll ii pied. The O.Mtena llourw did a flonrlrhinK bnalneiw fur a year or two and tha Hern doti Hunan waa badly crippled Finally Train fell out with bia uianaKar and tha phica waa dieil After tha buainea bart of Outaha moved t nck from tha river tho Ilerndun Houho declined and finally rchipaed Into atato of Intiornon dinetude. A few yeara later It Ntiiiiio the property of ilia Union Pacific railroad and U at ill uaed aa tha hendijuarura of that coiu pwny In Otiinha. Dr. II. II Hlbbnrd, a 8t Ixmladen tint, waa llm flrat clerk of the Couena lloune A JACK OF ALL TRADES. Tha Vraalllir nt Krraahmaa f Ike ICIabtrruth Onlnrf. In time long gone by active men combined many vocation. The barber in thoHo day waa alao the dmittat and often jxTfurmod othor dntiea. A Hln dlmovered In aonthorn Frauca recently aliowa how vurBntlla it waa oaibbi fur a man to become. The algn date buck to tlui laat contuty and reada. Iwiiio Maenirla, tmrtier, wlnmaktir, hoalar. aai'rlalan, aohiHiltearher. UaRkaiulth and ob alelrlciun; ahavlna. 1 aoo; lialr CHttlnR. aotia; powilorlnj ami pointtitluil very cheap tnr nr.otlj, wall brJ jmiriK women ; lampa Utrlitad UtliaTear ar urtr; t.atoJiea tha aroler tonana tn tr bwt niothoila; InatrttaU In ! lint ami ahoea horana with a niaaler baml; u.ak ami rapalia boou ami . Jea tha yiiuna lo ph'T oboaand Jowaharp; cuia out onrna ami ai'l'lh LHsUira, llaa a outw at liiweal prleiw; auppltea Iiiriliit mwllelna at 1 au' vlalia huunua Ut lua.J tha auUllua anil otlmr ilannwi anlui aaohrt iHiwilura of aU kliula it wUnluaalB and retail; alao all klmlaot ala tlonery. aluw pHhIi. aalunl lierrinna. ailoJ bread. brlHllo bniahna, miiiiMotrnia of wlra and other material, henrt atr.'nitllnlitt.routa. pntiMM, aauaaB" and .(WkliKla W wta tlaa. Ono wonld nutnrolly think that all HlOHt. tulellU IHXl tUTUpiltiolMI WOUld 1 cnonKh for ono niau. Hut tiok ao in tho cbko of M. Maculro. A poHUcript on tha sign reiida 1 t.MU'h Kixiffrnrliy and forulun coiniiiarea vr wVwaUniaiv aJ Frlduy. With llud . hia I u, If HO BtAPAIR"- Dr, I picked, dctitlat, lin ml "H.ied lil dmiliil ollli'ii III lb" Hurclny building- corner ui Main and Hevenlb atieela. hiliialliiii un ll. A (leriiian Klrl, a nura ulrl or tn Ut In ueiieral buti.n work, ('.ill at U. I.. I'lunUHiin In Knlr Mount near Kanatia City, Oregon (.'iiy, " We have o. many dilliTent cmikIi leiuii.lii'N, but lione Inta yiveu Mlcr a.il i'Uctioii tlmii ( liHiiiI.erluin'a," ail) a Mr. Cliarli' llulzliMiiitr, PriiKulat, Newark, N.J. "Ilia jierlectly aafo and can be r.'lied iiHin in ci of coiigha, culda or bonraeneaa. Hold by (J. A. Harding', I'niKiat. MSer Will we fnenil our Numiarr VacalbmT Thl la the tiiim of year lo think about it. but before you ilei . In, w rite for au elitliorate, llluatrated pKiuplilet aliowiiiK (millennia photo engraved view of tint many a'tractiona at the aeaaliore and enroiite, and advantngi- of tlieColjiiilda Itlver lleacbea a reached by the An'oila ami Columbia lllver Itailroad. Three hour an I thirty minute from Union I'.'IhiI, Portland, to your UmcIi lmt.il in a liMgniuVfiit pailor car wilhout change or Hitnalrr i a coiiveiuerict and luxury li w reaorta can olfer, Sm li i the Initial atlractloni of Ihia Uv.iri'e reort. J.C. Mayo. lieri'l. Pa. Agent, Aaloria, Oregon, MEN Kidney Irotihlr prrya upon III tittml, iliM'o.irari ami A leei.i ain'iilloii ; lM-aiilv, vigor iidrhrridiiiiraaa.Mi-i WOMPN'1""1'!'"" hrn iha knl. il.H'aar.1. For pirating rraulla liar I)r. Knmrr'a Haamp Hoot, tha grrat kllney iritii.y. At ilruitgiata. fampln txitlle by mall frrr, alxl .ani,,.'l. A'l lrta. 1'r. Kilmer A Co., Ilinghamtoii, V. IVW'nt'a Little Marly Kiwrii expi-l Irom the aratc in all poiaoiioua accuinula dona, regulate the atoiuacli, boaela and liver, and purify the blood. They drive away dim-ae, diaaipate melancholy, and give health and vigor for the daily routine. Do not grie or aicken. (ii:o. A. Hakiuno. An I pbli nilc of Dlnrrlnxa, Mr, A. hander, writinif from (!'coa t'lil Orovn, Ha., any there bu U-en ipllln au I'pldi'li.li; ol ilinrrlioea there, lln bud a aevero alUi k ami wa cured by four iloae of ('iMinberlalu' Colic, Clioliia and )inirlioe:i ICeme'ly, He any lot alao recoirimeiided It to oilier and lli.-y aay it la the bent mivlicine they ever lined. For fain by (. A. Harding, Druggial, Dr. I.yona, who ha bail charge of the dental parlori of Dr. Pickin, baa opened au ullico lu the old Metlcxlint church building on Seventh Ht, J. C BRADLEY'S Livery, Ktfcd and HnleHtablc ORECONCITY. ! w:atku ('ouiily Treamirer'a Xotlrc. I hold money U pay all county war rant en.loraed prior lo July I, IH'tf). lutereat will ceaae from the date of tli.a notice, Oregon City, July H, iH'.f.t. Jacoh Hiiadk, County Treaaurer. hK K IIK.tnttllFS. The eiirae of overworked womankind are tjub kly and min-ly cured by Karl'a Clover lliit Tea, the great blixxl purifier ami tiKHiie builder. Money refunded if riot antiafactory. Price 2 ct., and SO It. C. U. Huntley, the Druggiat. B,tr, tl M Yjii Han EcjJ Yale Restaurant and Lodging House K.rryllilng Naar, Clran and Kimu I 'laa. Fnrnlalirxl Uoonia h thr I lar, Wwk or Motitb. Private lloxra for I.a.liea. hpri'ial ralea by the wrrk or month. A good llrat-claai dinner for 20 centi. Main Kt. rear 5th. Koonn formerly occupied by tha Y. M. C. A. Ma. E. W. Yi.a. C. Y . I.Aitnaa, i'ropa. a'lr Ibtj IMace Trlal. i BIGGIE B00I k F-nti llbrarr of unequalled fame Pr...- . I'p-txlatc, Concise and Comprehensive:: touicly I'rlotcJ and Bcauuiully liius;.--ci- By JACOB CIGULn No. 1 DKJQLC I10RS0 COOK All nt-Mtl Hut t Ct mntQD f-niuf TrmU. m t.It 74 iUuUaii"u ;m iviAUtiiaij work. I rttc. n No, 2 UlUULC I1CUKY IJOCX Allatii -Tit.-itir Hni.lt l-'ruil-- tfid ami -rti r.f cm .In jiului' .1 liK-hLr r i..i.i.t.-.i mi i. vark Ilea ad nt! tr lUu.li.' lii-m. 1'ikv w C f No. 3-H!Gm.l; IULTY POOK Allalaiiit I ..tit.-jr ; lite bfsl I'oulli v P-wk lie1'!.. t UacwTyl'iliiJ ; v tlltit Oili-l'd el. .t . ..it- it I a ol nil tlir priiuii ;! L;tidi , ilb I. iwiii' r i.:v ' t i. l ike, ipC.ut. No. 4-CIGULr. COW P.O0! All abuut Cimactsd I'tf Pi.'iy t:lnn : !tv; r . ir i ulc; cum iln I i- I. ir.i liu III.. i ji-i .It a r bid, viiib i v D'.in r l'lutili.ir v, t.-i.t,;. v..... No. G-DIOGLH SWING KCoK Ju4o.il. All a!mt llm i 1111-r.Tina, JV'.'ti . r.-t. try, lnw ii, ttc. t.iii.iiiia c.r N I. ..t:..i . : .1 U.uaiuii 1 utiirr ctigi -viiif. i, t 'i f, jo C..I.I" Tle niOtlLH DOCK'S are iimiinr.or i'lii.tl,uael..1- : i. n.-vn uiwauyilimi-liLeUirtn m muuiII'ihi-i1 : . ': r ute having .n ni.irm.iiit aalo-l-.a-1. Wr I, .' . . . .1 Sailh. l-.iTiycne who kc-i a lit ra, low. n. k ii CliWkrn, or pait Smull 1 rmis, o. 1 1.1 to nuJ nt aay 'or the BKjO.U UOOkS. Tlie FARM JOURNAL la your paper, made for yon and not a mlfit. tl I' ' ye ...-a old, II lathe treat t.llrt-lim-n. bit-the-nnil-en-thr-her.l, qiilt(leryouiaT-a4iidll, rann nJ lli.uarhoid la' r In Hie wuild the t.iifv-. irr (Hianre hi the t'ni'tu rt.t'" ol America liaviunuver a niuilunuu-jttl!rigu.ui io.ki . Any ONE of the BIGGLE BOCXS, and the FARM JOURNAL II YEARS (remainder of iVn, lono. iu, lt aud lyj) will tx aent by uiail j ii any a.Mrr I t A lOl-I.AK lilt L. j bampleol FAKM JOURNAL and circular deacriblng BIOOLE HOOKS free, j Addrcua, vim) iC witMaa ATKiMaoH, CUAa. r. jkNaiaa. 1 U.t-AMJLrillA FOR ARTISTIC PHOTOGRAPHS At Third anj Washington Sts., Portland, Will Give You Satisfaction. ENLARGING IN. CRAYON OIL COLORS and PASTEL. Itt.Kn BKIPdK AM Double and Hinle, P.ifH, and HmJ die iom-H alwaj'H on hand at the lowfHt prices, A corrall f:orin:;td with the barn for I'Mmo tttock. Information regardinif any kir. J c: atock promptly atUtmliid to by pfcraon o! letU:r. Horsos Doucht and Sold. Iforatt Hoarded and Fed on rf anon able term. Corvallis & liastern K. K, Co. WILLAMETTE KIVEIt DIVJHIO . Steamer Wm. M. Hoag. (Capt. (ieo. I'.aatie) Running regularly between Portland and Corvallia, flopping at all way landing. IUVEU SCHEDULE Down river, Tueadav, Thursdays and Saturday. Iavea Coryailia 0 a.m.; Albany 7 A. M. lluena Yiitta Ha.h.; Independeni'e 9 a. m. ; Salem M a. a.; NewoerK 12:30 p. a.; arrive at Portland 4:.'(0p. m. Up river, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Ieave Portland (i a. M.; Newln-rg 10 a.m.; Salem 3 :'M v. m. ; Independence 6 :00 r. .; Luena Yiata 7:30 p.m .; Albany 9:30 r. m.; arrive at Corvallia 11 :00 p.m. Thin ateamer baa been eqnipfied with flratclaaa accotnmoiUtiona. including an elegant piino Unaurpaaeed for carry ing botn Ireight anu taenger. J. Ti'knkb, Agent, Alhany, Oregon. EDWIN STONE, Manager, Albany, Or. C. (i. COKER, Agent, Portland, Or., foot of Yamhill atreet. oregon short line -;railroad;- TIIR DIBECT LINK TO Montana, Utah, Colorado, and all Eastern Points. Givei choice of two favorite routes, via the UNION PACIFIC Fast Mail Line, or the RIO GRANDE Scenic Lines. Look at the Time Pays to Salt Lake 2 Days to Denver 3 Days to Chicago 4J Days to New York mm Liu fl J. PORTLAND TO THE DALLES Jy the fant and coni rriodiouB Btcamer Regulator leaves Portland daily except Sunday at 7 a. rn. Thin in the Great Scenic Route. All tourist admit that the scenery on the .Middle Columbia is not ex celled for beauty and grandeur in the United State. Full informa tion by addreHHinjr or calling on J. . liOOTII, Aeent, Tel. 914. Portland. Or.. Oflice and wharf, foot of Oak St. FOR CLATSKANIE Strainer G. W. Shaver, LEAVES Portland foot of YahInirton Btreet Tcea day, Thursday and Sunday evening at 5 o'clock. Returning, leaves Clatakani Monday, Wednesday and Friday even ings at 5 o'clock. Will pasa Oak Point aboot 7; Stella 7:15; Mayger 7:25 Rainier8:20; Kalama9:15; St. Helena 10 :30. Arrive in Portland 1 :30 a. m. This ia the nearest and moat direct route to the great Nehalem valley. Shaver Transportation Co. SCHEDULES OF TIME SOUTH ERS PACIFIC RAILWAY SllKTll BOfSB. Calilornia Exreaa through UoM-burg lxai (way elation?) SOl'TM aoi'so. Rowharc laical 'tray latior!s' Califoriiie Kx press 'through' 8:30 a. m. 3:31 p. m. 9:21 a. iu. 6:52 p. m. Free Reclining Chair Cars, Upholstered Tourist Sleeping Cars, and Pullman Palace Sleeper, operated on all trains. For further information, apply to F. A. Dosadsox, Afcnt at Oregon City. C. O. TERRY, W. E. COMAN, Trav. Pass. Agt. GenT Agent, t 124 Third St., Portland. Or. IMPEL ParAar TWR SCHFMOLF.S Aaaivi roa aoa 1'oBTLA.vu raoa Faat Mail alt Lake, -aiiTi Faat Mail Hp, m, Worth. Omaha, K" ii;45 a. tu. aa City, ft Louu, V biCaoand Gaal. rpokana Walla Walla, 8 ptili a Spokan Vlver MineiMitHiha, 8u l'aal, Vlyer 2:lii. m. 1 a I u t h, Milwaukee, 1-uWa.m. Chii aau and KjuU PalU-a I) a let LtKil Dal'ea, Bonneville. L c.d 8.m. Muiinnrhah t alln.C 8 p. m. Kx.6iui.iav rt.li-Ua'k. aud HmoJ Ex.8au.lay Kuiiilay Kiver. euiidar 10 a. in, 7 n m. 8 p. m. 4 p. m. Ocean Sieanislilpt For San Fntnciaco Every five days 7 p.m. ToAuvka 6p.m. 8 p. m. Gulumbia River 4 pm. Kx. Sunday Steamers Ex.fuuda; Saturday T Aaioria and Way 10:00 p. m. ljuulu.Ka. 8 a.m. Willamette River !:0p. m. Ex. Sunday Mn, Wed Ortsnm City, Newhrra, and Fri. alem and It ay-LmU a 7a.m. WIUametteaadYamhlil' 4:30 p.m. Tuea, Thur Kivers Tiiea.lhur, and fat. Oreiton Citv, l'aytoa. Mid Sat, and Way.Lanuit'ga. a. m. Willamette River 4:30 p. ro. TuO'.Thnr. Pun. an. I lo CiiTiillla tuea.lbur. an t f'. au I Wny-LaiidiiiKa and Sal. Snake River lave La Kii.anH Rivaria to Lcwiaton Iwmt'iu Daoy l.il!y POSTAL SCHEDULE.. avsorTMiaa paciiic a ti lroad, Mail cl goin North. . . 5:03 p m Mail closra iruinir Soiitn.'.) a n. and (i:-U p in Mail iliHtrihiiti-d from North 7: pin, lu,30 a in. Mail ilislrihuted Irom Souih 9:10 a m. .1:40 pin. BY IAPT SIPK KI.ECTB'C llisa. Mail closes Tor I'orUaiul and dislribu'.inp poll ta, 1 J ni. Mail clows (or Miltrankie onlv, 9 a iu. Mail arrives Iroiv. IVrtlau.l 1 .30 p ni. SIPE Bol'TtS Oregon Citv to Ely, . Cams, Mulino. Llheral and Mollala leavea at 12 in, and arrives at 1 :'W a ni daily. Oregon City to Beaver Creek. Shubel. Clark, Meadow Krook, Union Mills and Colton Uaves at 8 a ni Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and returns on following" davs at 4 ::" p ni. Oregon City to Viola. Locan anil Hedland leaves Oreitou City Monday. Wednesday and Friday at 1 p in, leaving Viola satue daysat7a ni. Oregon Citv to Willaniette, StaHord, Wilsonville and Graeme arrives at 10:30 m and leaves at 11 :30 a m daily. lieneral deliverv window is open on Sun day from 10 to 11 a m. All letters dropped into the box at the door is promptly sent oil Sunday as on other davs. All eastern mail that is delaved and fails to arrive on 9:30 S P. train will come on 13 o'clock or 6:52 S. P. tram. EAST AND SOUTH THE SHASTA EOUTE Of the SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. Express Trains leave Portland Daily. North. S.m.h W. II. HURI.DURT, Gen. Pass. Agent, Portland, Or F. E. DONALDSON, Aent, Oregon City. 7 :! r at 7:52 pm 7:4." a m 5:00 p M Lv Portland Ar I.v Orecon City Lv Ar S Francisco Lv 8:00 a M 7:0 a m 7:n0 e j Ar tiiltn Ar 1:10 pm. 0:05 pm Ar Denver Lv 0:45 r at ti:40AM Ar Omaiia Ar 8:50 a as 8:15 pm I Ar Chicago Lv j 6:.;0 A k 9ii P !K 2 :7V P M 7:00 A M 8:15 p M Ar Los Angeles Ar Ar El Paso Ar 4:15 PM Ar Fort Worth Ar 1 8:40 am 7:55 a h I Ar New Urlea'is Ar 8:40 p m DtNINU CARS. OBSERVATION CARS. Pullman first class and tourist cars at tached lo all through trains. hoskuuru m ail (Daily) S.;W am Lv P.iriUn.i Ar I iJra 9:23 am I Lv Oregon City Ly 3::iUPa 5:20 PM Ar Koaehurg I.v 7:.'Ioa corvali.is mail paily (Exoeit Sumluy 7 ::io a m 1 1 :55 a M Lv Portland Ar Ar Corvallis Lv 1 :20 P M At Albany a'ui Corvallis connect wild trains of Corvallis & Eastern railroad. l.NDKl'tM.FN. K PABSKNHKH DAILY t Except Sunday) 4 :."0 p M 7:30 P M S:30 p M Lv Portland Ar Ar McMinnviile Lv Ar In.lt'pen.leiice Lv 5:50 A M 4:.VI A M, Direct connection at San Francisco with steamship lines for Hawaii. Japan, China, The Philippines and Australia. For through tickels and rates call on Or address E. E. Boyd, Agent, R. KOEHLEU, 0. H. MARKHAM. Manager, 0. F. k P. Agent . Portland, Oregon.