Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 14, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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! t
-r - wr V O" V T T f f fr T
v - -
Kogular Price $1.00 now 80o. Kopdar Price $1..0 now 1.20.
Regular Price $'2.")0 now $2 IX). Also a few odd sizes $ !.."() at fOo. a pair.
This Will Tako in all the Shoos in Our Store.
All Kinds of Produce Taken in Exchange at Highest Market Prico
We Want Your Wool Will Pay Top Price in Cash or Trado,
Will Bros.' Bazaar
.. . ... i iii
1 IV M W K.IO I l- 'H
J J 1'avl I M
! Total turn s:
' Kosd dUtrlct No. II
K I. It IIKIM'II, general f lllld . . . . , $1 15
(t A W,i..ll..lk I it
J a J. 3 no
J V. smith, road fund ft J oil
M Hearth i... 10
V Kifliardi.mi I.' (H)
W II Smith 7 M
.1 Straight I' IHI
W W M.illh 15 ""I
A OldenMirg "75
S Straight 21 l"
I" Prangcr, .
(i lliiiil.f
It Jewell
C E Smith
C Ham
I. Hinder
I '.I .Ml
I Ml
I.' (VI
;il .vi
'.'5 Ml
15 00
Win M.'DoiniM
Win liat.lner.
llllil lll'll'IK '
Vug S. Inn .
I mi
I Ml
, I Ml
,120 I'll
(111 till
. .1 u:
fi IM
. h.: it''
i t no
. r.' in)
.. ;i" 1,1
i m.
;il no
till oldonU-rg I" Mi
F s Man l'l Mi
S ll.illmeM. ll IK)
II MmttHiti 22 Ml
i: ISrlinrtl . ... 1-' IHI
5.'it Mattooil.. 5 U
r shiit . :i to
W (' Ward 15 HI
II I l.v.l.
Aurora Harness Shop
We Mate a Sjecialt y of low prices.
Our Loader is TEAM HARNESS.
Our Stock includes Even-thins Worn bv a Horse
We lUry Hides for Cash.
Keep Leather For Sale. I All Kinds Repairing
It. W- Zimmerman, Proprietor.
W II Council..
4 IK)
Henry A. Snyder
Notary Public.
Agent for Home Insurance Co. and
-Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society.
Office in F. O. building.
.Aurora, - Oregon.
JVtarjr Public aail Itroker.
IHalrrln Real I'.lal aad
11 r lusnrance Writer.
A aBcral Of! Ice l!ulae
Traaseled. Choice farm
and City lrpertr ir fcule
Loans Negotiated.
At:rsra Oregon
7WR0R7I flOTEI ffliV
LrXf U )M
' r -- T
Jacob GitHV,
Rates 1 Per Day and Upwards.
JJvery and fed Stable in Connertinn'with
the H.iiive. Horse and It iuifiei to
Let at Hnionable Kates.
Bar 8a;plie.l witb tlie finest wine, liquors
and cigar?. Wt-inhard'a Beer on
At rob a, July 12 H. J. Miller hat
purclianevl a lot 3oi50 from Dr. M. Gieajr
for I'ioO ami contemplates putting up a
a two stwjr brick in the near future.
The German Evangelical Lutheran
Christ congregation hat iurvhael a lot
from II. Yatfht and will atart building
their church soon.
N. E. Cole has the contract for moving
J. Kilters residence off Third street, he
will move it ou the Wagner lot.
L. Webert h boiwht the residence
in which he at present lives, and lot
from Dr. M. Giesy.prbepaid not stipula
ted. The latter part of this or the first of
next month the . P. It. H. Co. will start
to building ilieir new depot here. The
plans are drawn and it will be O'.'i'.M
with 2Vfoot platforms. This is some
thing that the town has needed for a
long time.
J. U. Miller is erecting a two-story
building to le used for a furniture store
and ollices.
Everybody is coming to Aurora now
for cherries. This is rather a scarce
article this year, the frost having picked
a greater part of the crop and growers
are nosr realizing 3 to 4 cents on the
If. J. Miller and A. H. Will were in
Portland this week on business
ll. A, Snyder has constructed an ice
house and received his first load of ice
Tuesday from Oregon City.
G.A.Stark, of Albany, is visiting at
I.. Will's for a few .lavs.
Koad district No. ?
J II Meyer, lumU-r, general fund $19 2.'i
Alley lloli-oiiib, road luud .1 ml
ln Jones 10 ftU
P T !avia 3 ii;
J T Suite 3 inn
C V Clarke 3 00 1
T vV Johnson 7 ft.' i
Ittiss Parker
Kred Kyckman
(i ll Wis
E Lyons
Walton Ilagenlx-rger
V 8 HU. kiiey
John Wolf .1 00
Anton Hanson 3 7"
II Intel 3 7.".
Owen Hatton 3 00
E Lyons 1 60
Ur'Mreet 1 W
Mat Kvcktnan 1 fW
U K Hark 1 6i
Kalley llotcotub 2 23
Mr. Hubbard 3 75
Kennedy lligginson 0 00
IT S Htackney 22 00
E M Sumner 6 00
7 Ml
W It Mallooii 12 00
T..tsl M77 IM
H.uil .listri. t No. I'.'
S.tiii iiorU-r. r. ad fun I I'-'l 00
fl.as llsllsn H Ml
John Spri'itgue I. I")
I'.'Viil S pr 11,'ue I J Ml
I". Shepl.ar.1. 3 00
Wm Wallers U) M)
J lii.. h H 0.1
U Kerr . il in
Wm 11 .in. ton ll 00
N lliin.iton Id 50
han (irillln tl Do
Ell Swales I.'i no
7 MJ Jjine llattan 12 00
7 ,')0 Krsnk llutchins .10 no
lo so: k w liiei.bon :uioo
3 is) I M 11 llietihofl ;W no
3 00 I
15 00 Total :ft.' 00
Koad .listri. t No. 13
Vigorii Powder Co., general fund. 1 12 20
Wilson t Ctxiko 3 00
RegDlur Ju.ily Term of the County
Road district No. 3
Wilson Cooke, general fund
California Powder Works ...
California Powde Works
JU'J 25
. 2 ft"
. 44 10
81 0
Total 1 15 21
Koad Dinifi. I No. 17
JalK Wofh r, road fund f I 00
Andy Knight.. 10 M
I lias Morraa 33 10
liaise Phelna 3 0"
Harry Gilmore Ill 50
K SUyd.ltj Id 50
Kosto Mack 13 Ml
Adam Knight 1'J '0
AlU-rt Knight U lO
Phil Knight 10 50
Ulane White..
Morlev Mack.
Ed Miull ....
13 M
12 no
Carl Wolthsgen .'.'!..'.'.' 4 50 j J"J,n H' 0
Henry llock, road fund.
W W Cooke..
C Hiser
13 W
54 is)
27 no
JCMcMurray 3 00
4) 00
10 0
a 75
5 25
4 50
M W Gardner
A Newell
A W Cooke ....
H A J Chi I wood.
A Hall
E Hiser...
Irwin Howk
Win Ku.hanan 0 00
K Zuhl 10 IN)
Dix ilaring 1 50
C sharp 1 50
J 11 Morton 2 M
Ed INhurn 1 50
Jas H'lls.'l) 1 5.)
E Votnagel 6 00
O Kollau 7 60
11 Commons IMS)
Kay Uwis I 00
Willie Hedge 2 60
John Hunker.
John Thomas
Herry Hums
Ole Anderaon
1) U Diuiick
Port Howard
Ally P; Hips
0 Huff
II Tiiiehiirg
A M Oleon
James IhMier
4 50
7 50
7 5l
2 25
20 IS)
I 60
1 50
1 M
1 50
I 50
1 50
Total Ml!) 4)
Koad district No. 4
K A Wilcox, road fund r.'4 00
A I) Hennrtt 1'J 50
J J Ju Id 3 00
Gravil Linn 1H 00
i Wiicox 27 00
I. Hale 7 50
TO.Iell 5 25
(i T McArthur 3 00
J Henkle 87
K li.sitiey 6 00
If Udell 15 IK)
J E Helmut 22 00
8. r.
Produce c Commission
Highest market price paid (or
ciKi:i:3r i iitn:i fkmtn.
P. 0. Box 38. Aurora Oregon.
Ho( Corloaa Clock.
One of tbe tnout canons clocks in the
world is that which Amos Lane of
Am idee, Kev., constructed sotue time
ago. The machinery, which U nothing
but a face, bands and lever, is connect
ed with a geyser, which shoots oat en
immense column of hot water every 88
ecouda This spurting never varies to
the tenth of a second, and therefore a
Sock properly attached to it cannot fail
4o keep correct time. Every time the
crater spoatg np it strikes the lever and
mores the handa forward 88 seconds.
Mark, rliKlrman; J. II. Morton,
11. Scott, c.ii.inilMHloiier.
Tt Peking- Towers.
Peking bus a tower in which ia hang
large bell cast in the fifteenth centnry
and another tower containing a bnge
Htnm which la intended to be beaten in
-cue a great danger should threaten the
city No one is allowed to enter these
Wkiinehiuv, July 5th
He it remembered that at a regular
session of the hoard of county commis
sioners for the county of Cla.'kauiaH,
state of Oregon, hegun and held in the
court house in said county and stat; on
Wednesday, the 5ih day of July, lSiry,
the same being the regular time fixed
by said board for holding a regular Mis
sion of said board for the transaction of
county business. Present, Commission
ers H. E. Marks, J. K. Morton, It. Scott;
Elmer Dixon, clerk j J. J. Cooke,
In the matter of the reports of road
supervisors for the month of June, IH'.A)
The board having examined said ru
ports and being fully satisfied, it is or
dered that they be and the same arc
hereby approved and the expense ac
counts of ttie several districts are hereby
ordered paid, and the clerk is instructed
to draw warrants on the road fun l and
on the general fund for the several
amounts and in favor of the following
named persons for road work:
Koad district No. 1
Vigorit Powder Co., powder,
general fund !f 10
Orrin Hattin.road fund 27 00
Henry Theissen j 00
John rituckey 13 60
Philip Oatfield 12 00
Kobert Richardson 3 00
Fred Worthington 9 00
Walton Hagenberger 3 00
A M Hanson 13 50
Norman Richardson 4 50
Henry Stuckey ,. 8 00
O S Mathews 3 00
Peter Kainsli 7 fto
Will Hanson 4 50
Kennedy Higginson 10 50
Harrison Imel 3 75
E I.yon 28 00
E Lyons, team 12 00
Total 1 1 52 12
Road district No. 5
M VetMch, road fund U 50
O AemNegger t) 60
J A Kichey 60
I) lli.l.lerinan 11 60
O M Kichey 12 75
W Miller 8 60
8 E Card 75
j Anderson 1 60
W 11 Koring K 60
F Zuhl 6 00
Total VA 00
R iad district No. 9
F Dt ake, general fund 15 75
II Wilbe.-n 25
Carl Rath, road fund 4 12'i-
Hans Jepsen 4 12)5
Herman Lius 8 25
Ed I larders 8 25
Henry Johnson 4 12j
Jotm I'auisen H 25
Hans Klinker 8 25
Ad Steinko 8 25
Henry Srhm'd 8 25
William Ilelt 4 60
Angust Paulsen ,
Julius Paulsen
Total .I.-37 Ml
Road dintrict No. 15
Vig rit Powder Co., general fund 5l M
H 11 TaU-r, road fund 23 is)
Geo Kidder " mi
Win McCor l 20 40
M C McCrd h is)
S Thomas m is)
G E Talier u )
A T How laud , . ;i 75
A Warner 3 10
Charley White ,Vi
Henry Soehnke 3 no
.fl'ii 7j
Koad district No, l'l
Vigorit Powder Co., general fund ' Oo
M Hratluer
II A Vorpalil 3 Ml)
J F Hiiggs, road fund n 75
A F Hremer 21 00
J F Itriggs ", 1) iki
W II Hremer 12 Oo
Fred lioU.ry t ;j ;;,
John Harry 3 ui
Fred Malm 3 75
C Hsiiman. ', it 0.1
M Kii-hter , ,, ' 1 ;,n
0 K Horroiighs ' 3 -:t
(lyde Dirk 2 25
C F Hremer ' , ii on
A Hremer 23 00
C II Foster 3 00
Astiiehley ;i (M,
A Klan.'liard 3 (gj
ta.HilriU V'. "
.in.ley A N"i. K"'"'"'1 '
Chs'h-s M .u 'tn
Wilum A Cooke
Vlg.11 it l'o l''i 1'"
ttieg.. Cilv Iron W ork . .
M -, I. I. in, i" I I"'"'
John Kall.ll.'iwl' ' '
c r; imi-
Clia-i S.aiigli'f
l 1 1 l- nurt
Will l..rn-hiih
J K t .r.iliiHii
W V May
J W Join-"
; i-: a iio.ud
Will l.iner
Kulpli llownrd
I I-. A llowai-l
' 1; w ro."
Jacob Kall'llei. Ii
C A i'e.Uy . .
A l !-) i-1
Win Moi.l.in.l
K I'i-I.
J.(.-..l Spaligler
I mil Miatitller
C U C r
Ii..a.l .h.tri.l No l'l
W1U0II A CiHike. k'.'H' Ml I"1"'
j rf.Kii.il 1 n . 1 1 1 1-
11 Daniels
J J Malla'.t
J J Mallatl
M Muh.-y
M Mul.. v
M E Mulv.-y . . .
A Ninth
II II I'.rry
P II Syer
F Lrirkx.u
John .M'.lia'ii
John .Mol4iu
F M Manning
E W altera
Jaine Mallatl
W F Skeen
E A Hoaman
Allied Neliklf. liner 0"
W M MofeV I-' '
W F Lyons'. ''
F C. 3 on
A J .Uville w
TSMipp 12 '
Arthur Diugsti 7 M
F li Neiikirrhner ... 40 HI
A L Prall '
J D Myers
Hirtlel Vaml'iii . , ,
lioUot Huiheiloid
I i Si. Uild
.lumen liulherford
Curtis Ksn.llo
Mephctl Jlllli'hlliaoii , . ,
I!. .ad diMili l No. 21 -California
Poader Work,
Inn. I
J I.oiIm.II
I.niory Uolllrg
Hill Ins
I' S Dix
F Cioiitrjfiiiaii , . ,
it 1.' i .....
1 .-".-I
2il 00 j Js Trulllnger, rad (nu t
3 On J ll Coiner
1 1 n 1 p Hooney
F M l;.iN.oii , , . ,
Geo Arnold
J C Halt
D KoU-aoll
r s D. .
J II Wright
I l...rl.ett
i ;..N'oii
C D ll.il.i-srd
W E I'-'lHiey
tl ISI
. 0 00
, 12 00
. 12 i'
. 7 Ml
12 0"
ll IM
II 11
. lj"
I i'l.'i m
fio ;;o
. i"
. 22 50
. 10 Ml
.41 l'l
22 Ml
. 2:i 25
:i i)
. .1 1
. 1'.
. I Ml
u .01
. 21 7
15 00
. 15 on
U l
. I.' I"
IU7 :)
T-UI ,
K.hi I .h.lrl. I No. T:
I vi Col.l.iiia, geii.-ral (.ml
M J lU-trtll, r.M.I fund .
E Lund pilt ,
Joe Kmgo
H K N.'jrer , .. ,.
A u l re Jihiisn
A Ll.k'le .,.
I ..v. W illiauis . ,
II L Hall
VI. k Dl. key ....
a D' kry
Win Par kef
II J H..I.1I .
A I tirlr ...
It Di. kv... ....
ii rref
II F HaiU.s .
'Cntiiiuo. tint Mk.)
r 1 J
Twrnty y arn cxjtr
ax u Watch inakt-r
Just njKMH-il a first li'i
Ji-wilry Storo in I'ot
Koad iliatriU No. '.D
Vigorit Powder l ... general fun J.. 7 so OHlfO liuililill!! atCanU
A Nnli.iUs, r-.ad f.ui l 3M
Notice to Wheolmeii.
When lirsr Csuly and nrrd any
repair, rail oil,
v. musvM
I'rlrrloa. ork auarnalred.
J. II. (iraliamV
Ilralt-r in fine candir, nuts, notion,
cigar, tolano and tatiotirry lo
Paint, nil and bru.hr.
I 4i lll.la 4 muI;, Ore.
Watchi'H, CIx k, Jrr
and xn'tacli'M.
iim a Mtecialtv.
I All Work and
j Warranted.
H. A. Vorpahl
Wagon making's
Horse Shoi
Rate rsatonabla, Work
y, . .
A full line of Tau-nt Modicinrt,
Choii o CijiurHand Toih't ArlicK
Th Mont S-lrct StiK-k of
il JTvV- V
In ClackaiiuH County.
W. II. KVAKS, Prop.
'. .1 IB V. OHM-"1
3 75
4 60
Hans Johansen 8 25
Peter licit
Geo Rath
Edward Harder 0 00
John Paulson fl 00
Frank l)ehs 1 60
Herman Ling 8 00
August Paulsen 4 60
Wm Heldt 3 00
Chris Klinker , 1 60
Fred Pins 1 60
Nick Prath 3 00
August Paulsen 2 60
1 75
6 25
Total $129 37
Road district No. 10
Vigorit Powder Co., general
fund $.11 00
J P frwin. road fund 15 00
W M Wade 12 00
J A English 12 00
TYocutn 15 00
JT English 7 50
L J Palmateer 6 02
It takes a rich man to draw achrrk.
A pretty girl to draw attention,
A horso to draw a cart,
A porous plaster to draw tho Bkin,
A toper to draw a cork,
A freo show to draw a crowd,
to draw trade. Wo endeavor at all times to keep a GOOD UPPIiY OF
GOOD G00D3 and if Low lVicos and courteous treatment are appreci
we will draw Your trade.
Highest prices paid for wool, cai.li or trade. Wo also want your Butt
Lggs, Chickens and in fact any kind of produce.
. yrj