Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 14, 1899, Page 6, Image 6

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A Musical Tivul. A Hell Known Pli-dclaii IHcs.
Tim inimical praise service render, d Last Siuirhiy word wai received hem
y tlm OoiirtHii.niiil church choir !at that lr. FiuiHe Sehnbetl, one f U' Wot
Su.ihiv cvtMiim; wan a source 01 imic.i known phvsii ian In the Villnieit val-
pViiMirv lo tlii Un;t cniikiri'siii ion imp-"- , ly , luil died that day (rm heart (nilam. ,
it. Tho'lxidy vt tlie church proved 1 1 im mother mil other relation audi
i lv inadequate to nivoinmisluio lie Kadier IlildcVaiid attended lh lunoral :
.flutu'er who desired to enjoy t lie lir.-sie, mm viced. lr Si hulieri'a icputation IM
li I t lie folding tlhrii leiditiij to tho physician ami hi evolcnt ami charitable
S.ino.iy i'h'Xl loom acre thrown oh ii ditpositii ii had endeared dim to tho
ti 1 ti nnmher found seal theie. p ...ple an. I all iuniicn0 concourse
The iitwtaiii runsisied of selectiors ,"thered to pay t lu-ir rcpect to hut
Ir.'to (jiieen Fsther and they wort memory. Father llil.tehraiid, who was
Jimi Med in a ma-d rlv manner under the o le of thu il.viuao.Pd uu at Intimate
ilte. i on of Prof, i:. K. Ciiinp'toii. The friends, pie.i.hcd an eUpiont funeral
we!. acre all in competent lunula ami sermon and paid a loving tribute to tlu :
Ju'd justice, ilone to the purls, bile the nicinorv of a itoh'e man. A widow Anl '
cboni was stroiii: ami cllVitiv?. The one cliill is left to mourn the lo of a!
jtroiam a remit red was: ' devote. I husband and father.
VoltintAiy l
Ch.ru "Heboid this Moide.ai'' A ( hi Itctiulan.
iSoin 'I.o!OVrile Wicked" Prophetic I A plea'ant reception wa iven to the
Choi im and xdos "Israel, 0 Iiael" , Park place ra luatiiii: elaa Saturday
iCatlier and Mordecai. ; eveiiinu J ill v 8th by Atthur Paddock at '.
Cliorne -'Kindred and Country" dia home near Clackanua. Tho wagon
Thiol and chorus "luiitig to the King" loaded with nieiry Kg and giilsar
.Mordecai and Ls her. j rived just at duik and spent the evening
Solo and chorus " Prayer for Siiccexa" in playing name after which a dainty
Mordecai. luncheon wa reived. The guest then
Chorus "lie That lioeth Forth" ( departed having spent ihe most enjoy
j-olo and ehorti "lied the Kefne" i ah!e evvning of the aea-oii. Those pre-
Jmt ipt nre lesson and prayer jaeiit aere Mar.e McAnuVy, Mahelle
Remarks by P.ev. Zollinger (Kennedy, P.iisy .McAnulty, .Mildred
Chorus "Open Ye The Ontes" ' P.rown, Pearl Tucker, Jessie Pad. link,
Beware of Imitations!
Consmum ahould Ix-wure of the cheap and
Inferior washing powder aald to be Juat aa
good al
I. ma Pa IdiK-k, I.leatllyn Pdl, Many
Pa Id nk John Crew ami Arthur Paddock.
Chorus.... -'Trir-t in the Lord"
Su'.u and Chpru "Thou Win Keep"
Higli Piiest.
J iiiitet, "Pol Wake or am I Dreaming"
Aledame Caiifiel and PreMr, Mer.
Kandall and Pr Frtemaii.
Ch' riis "Prjiae Ye the Ixird"
Ciiioai'lera Proplietew, Mi. J. V.
. i- . i i i" f f. , .
, r.....rr, .a r.. ... v .... ....... uf
M r leeai, t.. f.. i,unii,.,p, .iaiu 01
Honor, Mr. Preiser; High I'rient, G. j
U. Bestow.
Organist, Mm. F. F. White.
I'i ei tor, Prof. K. E Cumpston.
New C ase in the Circuit ( urt.
C.i July dtd, papeis were filed br
Eium Ferry a?kinif for a divorce from
f. M. Ferry. The complaint allege
that the couple were married in ISM and
that since lS'.U defendant haa deserted
plaintiff and she das been forced to
maintain herself and two children, aged
8 and 6, resectively. She aks for the
custody of the children.
July 10th papers were fi'ed in the uit
of John F. 15o k rs.,Ji8. McPermott. et
aJ. This ia a suit drought on a promis
sory note executed by Henry McDer
mo'.t, deceased, for the mm of f 150.
Special (ouncil Meetlne.
The city council met in special session
Wednesday to consider the quentlon of
granting a franchise to G. C Field to
construct a railway line from the ter
mini of the East Side Kailroad to con
nect with the county franchise previously
granted. A motion to table the ordi
name until an effer of $10,000 was re
ceived for the franchise was lost and the
Notice to Subscriber.
Tim Enterprise will ti'l the auWrip
tion list cf t,he Prt-. If your name it
not followed by the date to which you
mistake occur notify us at once. We
! shall be pleased lo have the correond-
enti that have conliihuted to the Presa
do the same work for the Enterprise and
we w ish lo say to our old correspondent
that we eipet-t news aent in regularly.
Some few do it only at time. Pack
subscriptions must le paid up. It takes
money to run a pair, and In justice to
thia paer every effort should be made
to pay your back subscription.
Letter List.
The following is the list of letter re
maining in the pttolIice at Oregon City,
Oregon, on July 12. 18!W:
WOMKXa' list.
Andrews, I'la McLaughlin, Ada
McAnliter. Mrs. L
xk.n's list.
Duxre, J M Tyacke, Jno
Harrison. Tttad
A Frightrul Illuader.
Will often cause a horrible Burn, Scald,
Cut or Bruise. Bucklen'a Arnica. Salve,
the best in the world, will kill the pain
and promptly heal it. Cures Old Sores,
Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils. Felons,
CV.rns nil Skin K.rnntiiiliH. IUst I'ih
franchise was ord.-red publised, and will . c m Qn ()n,y g ,(f)S Cuw
be found on another page of tin. wranlw.j. Sold by Geo. A.Harding.
Probate Court.
On July 7th Eliza A. Hutchina, ad
Tiiinistrator of the estate of Thomas A.
Hutohins, deceased, appeared In-fore
Judge Uj-an petitioning for an order
authorizing her to execute a mortgage
upon the estate in the turn of $1,700.
Tnere ia a mortgage now against the
property of f 1,510 upon w hich interest is
bc ii.g psiil at the rate of 10 -r cent and
the new loan is for the purpose of takintf
that up with a huti drawing only 6 per
cent. The petition was granted.
(..'has. T. Tooze, administrator ot the
estate of Christiana Swartz, filed his
final report and accounting on July li.
Upon examination the report was ac
cepted and Mr. Tooze released from
fuMner responsibility.
In the matter of the estite of W. J.
Currin, deceased, Jos'e Currin filed a
petition asking for the appointment of
H J. Currin as administrator The
petition was ordered granted upon Mr.
Cm rin Tling r bond in the sum of $5,.r00
Tie order was dated July 8.
In the matter of the estate of George
Groom, deceased, John K. Groom,
petitions the court that lett rs of admin
istration be issued to Franklin T. Grillith
which was granted. The etale in this
de does not exceed f( 0 in value, there
toeing no personal pro erty, and the
tieirs are lesiilents of the state cf Illinois.
Fresh t'ow.
I have lor sale a number of fresh milch
cows. Information luriiished by Mor
ton Tompkins, Oregon City, or myself at
Barlow. Stock at Oregon City.
W. W. Ikvis.
oi i i:.
Notice li hereby given that I will apply
to the City Council, st its regular meeting
in August, f.t, lor a licenieto sell lnjimrs
for six months at iny suloon in Oregon City,
Oregon, on Main street, ttepii Fourth
am I'ifih streets, .'-did license to date
August 0th
Every v.:in who lives in a city and
pays his share of the running expenses
of that city will find interesting reading
in Mayor Carter Harrison's paper on
Tiie Misgoverninent of the Modern
City" which w ill appear in the July 15th
issue of the Saturday Evening Post, of
Philadelphia. The writer's wide ex
perience in the practical politics of a
great city and his insight into muniei
dbI affairs, gained duririir the years that
ho has been mayor of Chicago, qualify
hiiii to eive exwrt testimony concerning
.the corruption of city governments and
it make some useful suggestions for the
ttpprefision of the bribe-giver and the
'boodler. The misgoverninent of the
Modern City is one of a group of articles
dealing with questions of vitat import
and written by experts of international
.reputation. The Post for July 15th will
aleo contain articles and stories by Bret
Haite, Mollie Elliott Sea well, Col. W.
F. Cody (Buffalo Bill), Ex-Senator In
ga'is, Iiobert J. Burdette, and others
equally well kiwwu.
County Treasurer's .olice.
I hold money to pay all county war
rants endorsed prior to July 1, 1 8' 1(5.
Interest will ceaie from the date of this
Oregon City, July 14, UM.
Jacoh HlIAIlK,
County Treasurer.
0 LYL'ltY HOT! LE.
Of Shiloh's Consumption Cure is this
guarantee: "All we ask of you is to use
two-thirds of the contents of this bottle
aithfully, then if yon can say you are not
benefited return the bottle to your Prug
giHt and he may refund the price paid."
Price 25 cts., 50 cts. and $l.f.O. C. G.
Huntley, Druggist.
Grand clearance eale, below cost, for
ten days only on everv thing in the
millinery line at Miss Goldsmith's.
City Treasurer's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that there are
sufficient funds on hand to pay all out
standing warrants endorsed prior to Nov.
1, 1807. Interest ceases with the date
of this notice.
Oregon City, June 18, 18W.
City Treasurer.
Pr. L, L. Pickens, dentist, has re
opened his dental office in t'le Barclay
building corner of Main and Seventh
Our line of Hew sewing machines for
$24 have no equal. Call and see them.
Easy terms.
Oregon City Auction House,
Bear ih You Han Always Bought
Washing Powder
Tliey are not there li nothing to good a
the genuine COLD DUST for all cleaning
about the douse. A-k for COLD DUST
uj InaNt on getting it. Made ouly by
CbUi St. Louli i NYrk Boitot
Qautaucjua program.
oPEMNii lVY, TL'I iY. Jl'I.Y lsth ,so;.
lO.t'O Muic l'lieina,i Indinti Itiud Invocation. A Idles (f
W.dcoiiiH l'ie. l.oit K. A Md'.-r. K oin I lig inu.ition i.l
Chi-s' an I AniioiuiiSMiivii', 'l'i. iui ruc..r will l piesiutil
to llifir rlic-cs nu lwill oiiilnn' the woikior (lie iion. All
de-inn i liias in.trii. tion slionl I ! i . -.'it ut t'os l.onr,
I :;10 Inic ( liuia Orliestri. S.ilo J W, Muos. Shukei-
ie.ir,itn licit lim; " As You Lit" ll."Mi. Alice ('l ire Wiiwh-r.
Nil. Pi.. I J A I pp ng. Sd.s Mi-s Jean Miller. Music
Cheiioi Orclie-tr .
All.letic I'. 'wl.rtll Ciu.iua vs. Oregon City.
5:11) Uoui.d T.iblr -Prugram bv nil-teruil A.sk .iitioti pnstdnd
over by K.'V. A. J. Mon gmiry.
7 ::V I in ln-lriil Conivrt,
8 .tH l.ec!iir 'liet I'liere mid Stiv The'f."l;.'V. Sun P Jones.
si roNH HvY, WF.IiShsUAY. Jl'I.Y I... ivei
8 .00 to 1 1 .(HI Scl.ooU and Chi...-Phv.i. al Oil ure-I'mf. M. M,
liingl. r. ol Poiiluid Y. M.C. A Liu-raiure Pr. f J. It,
Horner, of M.'e Agricultural l'olt -g. lieruuii l'rof. J. C.
iiisr, of O.i'g.m City. Anicriiao lli-lory Pres. W. C. Ilaw
lev,.. WilUimito I'l.iveriiitv, l'hil"ipliv !. C II.CIup
Hutu, ( Sta'e t'niversity. I!riiihli L-mua.-e Prol Irving ,.
Olcn, of .a e I'lilvernil v. Fur .an 1 1 itoiy Prof. Alfred l
Seliini't, ol Albany ('..liege. Junior Itil.le Key. O. It. Sliey
tlcler, of Altiauv. Oregon. Ait Pr .( G. S. Henderson, "f
I lol mes' I tun I lies 1 College t4.l.liy Prof. fre. K Seet..r. of
Pacific I'mveisitv. M usie Pr .f . J. A. Fppmg, ( Poillaud,
On-goii. LI, uiioii Mrs. Alice CI ir Wueeler, uf O.isluid,
Cahiornla. Biblical History Prol. B. J. Il lley, of PoriUud
liii versity.
II :(M 1 lure "Manhood an I M u-y', U.v. SmP. Jones.
I ;'M Miiic Clieuiaw Orchestra. lAS-'ura "Saacieiy," Kev.
Sam P. J in. s
3 :.'5(1 !kei Ball Portland v. Oregon City.
5 ; Uoii..d Table In cliarge of tNoodii.en of the World,
"ti' Orchestral Conceit.
8:t,H) Grand Coiuwt-Prol J. Adrian Fpping. Ba Slo II. I..
Brown. Iiuet M.ss PiltiM'k and Mr. Fppma. Cl.orua Sextette
from Lucia le laiiiaiinxir Mist Pittot'k, Miss Hatch. Mr. J. 1.
Wild man, Mr, t, 1'eltxer, Mr. J, Adrian Mr. H. L,
11:01 State Agricultural College Morning. lecture, "Oregon
Literature" Prof. J. B. Homer.
1:30 Musii Orchestra Cle.rus. Incline, "Our Country's Po.
sil.iliti.-s and peril" J. Ifc'Witt Miller.
3:0 BiM'imll Chemawa vs. Portland.
5:00 Bound Table Christian Ln l.-avor I'rograin.
7 :J' Orchestral Concert Clieuiawa Orchestra.
8.00 S... Prof. V.. K Oonipson, Oregon Cuy. lecture, "The l'e
of L'gline-a J leVitt Mdbr. Phlladellna.
Mt;UTH DAY. HUDAY, Jl'I.Y 1'1-t., ltl.
8:00 to II :00 S. li.s.ls and C asse.
II :00 Albmy Coll. g-i Morning -Pre. UMI.u-e ILe I a.
I ::J0 Muic I'hemawa Orchestra. Ix-clure, " i'lio Wandering
Gentile" J. DeWitt Miller.
3 :::' IWhal I Oregon City v. Poitland.
6: :() Koinid Table In charge of Artisan.
7 :o0 Orchestral Comert.
ChaU'aiiq'ia Chorus. Oregon City Ijldiea Q'liirlet, fa) "ltotiln
Adair' arranged dv Dudley Buck, lb) "Last Nig'it," arranged
by K j r ulf Bees. Ueading Mrs. Alien Clara his er, 1-c
lure. 'Adventure and Observation among the Turk,
Arabs and Kgyptiana,'' Dr. Camden M. Colsrii, IMiver, Col.
HFTII DAY, SAi'L'KDAY, JULY '.'.'nd, U'.rj.
8:00 to II :) Scli.Ml and Cia e.
11 :00 IVlland University Morning Lecture, "lleroe" Pres.
Geo Wl.itaker.
I .oO-Mush Orchestra Chautauqua Chorus. Beading Mis
Mali.- Yandersol. Lecture, "The W.sdoui of the Ancient F.gyi
tiaus" Dr. C. M. (.'ols-ril.
3:30 Field SH.n KHj Yard Dash Running High Jump. 2.1)-Yard
Dash. p,,H Vault IT.'O-Yar l Hurdle Lace. 4 ID Yard Dash.
Fat Men's Usee. Three Mile Handicap.
5:00 Bound Table In eh.irgiof C. If. Gilleul, Ks-j , pies. Willam-
ette Chaii'auipu Circle, of Portland, Oregon, Song Willam
ette (iiee Clul.. .Vidr. sihy Dr. II. W. Kellogg V.hmI Silo
Miss Kvilinn Hurley Beeit.iMnii Vlis Lulu .Man Bu Idmuer.
Song Gle Club eondsling ol 5 ) Voices.
7 :30 Orchftral ( nncert. J
8:00 Y. M. ('. A. K.'ening. Gymnastic Inhibition. Slurooplieon,
SIX HI DAY. SUNDAY, JULY, 'J.'ird, Ihii i.
10:00 Sermon, "The Bible, What it is, or What it i Not" Dr. C.
M t'obern.
8:00 to 11 :l0 State University Morning. Lecture. "The Preacher,
the Teacher and the Bankrupt" Pre. C II. Chapman. Solo
Prof. Irving M Glen. s,
1:30 Music Orchestra. Woman's Congres. Kiato Gringo.
The Kmergency (Jorp. Native Sons. Nat ve Daughters Mr.
Ivlith Wethed." Working Woman's Clubs" Miss So
phia Keinhart "The Lady Macnibees" Dr. An nice F.
Jeffreys. Local ('ouncil Jewish Women. Jviual Suffrage
Mr A S Duniway."
5;00 Bound Table Native Sons Sol Blumaiier.
7 :30 Orchestral Concert.
8 :00 Chorus. Soprano Soh Miss Kva West. lecture, "Chalk
Talk" Frar k Bearl, Boston, Mas
F.IGHTH DAY. TUKslMY, JULY, 25th, 18!W.
8:00 to 11 Schools ami Classes.
II :(K) Lecture, "Oddities of Caricature" Frank Beard.
1 ;30 Music Chemawa Orchestra . Chorus Beading Miss Ca
tharine LaBarre. hntertainment, "Wit and llnmor Willi
Chalk" Frank Beard.
3:30 Basket Ball-Portland y. Oregon City.
5:00 Oregon Historical Society Geo. II. dimes in charge.
7 :.') Orchestral Concert.
8:00 Grand Concert Conducted by Pro. J. A. lipping. Chorus
wild Tenor Solo Mr. J. P. WihJman. Quartette Miss Marga
ret Kane, Mrs. C. Mai!!, Messrs. J. P. Wildman, J. A. Kppii.g.
Trio Miss Kane, Mr Wildman and Mr. Kpping. Chorus with
Miss Kane Soloist. Chorus.
8 :00 to 1 1 :00 Schools a ml Classes.
11 .00 McMinnville College Morning Pres. Boardman in charge.
1:30 Music Orchestra. "Women's Clubs" Mrs. Cleveland
3:30 Baseball Chemawa vs. Oregon City,
5:00 State Sunday School Program A. A. Morse In chaige.
7 :30 Orchestral Concert.
8:00 Cantata, "Daughters of Jairus" Given by l'rof. J. Adrian
Epping assisted by picked soloists and a chorus of 110 voices.
Soloists Miss West, Mrs. Hamilton, Mr, Wildman and Mr. Lp.
. ping.
TENTH DAY, Til URSDAY, JULY 27th, 180!).
8:00 to 11 :00 Schools and Classes.
11 :00 Willamette University Morning. Lecture, "The Opportunity
of the United Sta es Looking Outward" Pres. W. C. Ilawley.
1:30 Music Chemawa Band.'t Graduating Exercises 0. L. S. C.
Grand march through Golden Gate. Lecture, "Character"
Dr. E. E. White, Columbus, Ohio. Conferring Diplomas.
Alumni Reunion.
3:30 Basket Ball.
6 :00 Round Table-Mrs. C. H. Dye in charge of C. L. S. C. Alumni
7:30 Orchestral Concert.
8:00-W. C.T. U. Program Mrs. M. L. Driggs.
:t , i c
a -f s W I M l H IB n
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Curry the p.nl i.-im M Y"ir
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fciiM. Anr r-'tt lurlr ur nM rn
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nor Ira. Ilian fit tlollata, n( bki
tn.l i,.H., Ult .la) a. or bl t
, rrlluii of Ilia rourl, (.if aayliatiiH
N-. . 'J Ail rltita and .nnk(n
rotilrrrad, ahail aiinr at I'.a fiilat
yara from ll.a ataia ol Ilia .nt!
H-f, lu, Tlia ! I U. ('. r'wli. tJ
or lui.'i'i, ali! li (lawtttia.l In kl't
onr.l ! rljflita and .rlilr-'M (uV
till ordoiaiiia. ui. Iras N of I'-'
aill.ln tMrtjr ilava all-r Ilia lif'Cta
or llnan. a lr Ilia Viator, III In fa
ll.aflijr Itrcinlor t.I irr(.n
llirlr ariMn ai'erplanra nl
.rll!rra lo irlif foiiff-rra I, aul)rl
lrina. Irairleilona and r..'llUs
ordinanra Ci ilalne I.
ll. a I Ural lima and ollcr l )'
t-. ul tl.rallnH of tl.a tiiy Wc
July I.', I -ft,
nurt'i: m if
Lcfil NotlccM.
In ll, i'lr.'Ull Tonrt of tt a S'sta of lira
a"n, for Hi I' .nnir ..f i 'a kautaa. A
lUfdrr lainlilt, a Kai ll.a. rf. .Irlr.,..
anl. Initio i. am of tl.a siaia uf Uir,.,,
Vmi arr l.rral.a n-j iiir.) to Y.aaf In i' a
a'M.v r-fititlaxl riri In lii. a 'an.a a-l'.iii
all arrka Iron. 111. Ula ..I I'.a (lot Mlill a
Hon ol ll. la .iitu'iiona Dial I. lo 1.1 i I
twin". II a I.l .lav of prpinii.f, ti an t If
you fall lo an.arr l-iaklnlill aa ill a..v lo II,
rouri for Hi ra'irf ,ravr. lot i, ll.a con
I'lalni. iiaait: T"( ina ...-la of ina'ri
in. my Iwl arti . . Hit I if an l ir'r. ,lani t .ia
iv. ami r,.i ...el. ut liar ami fi.ril.rr ra lal aa
all all .arm ..Tt in d,a i r.nl .ra i.u a uu.
inonnla n' llihr I , ir.'nht I . an or.lar .f
Ilia lion. I i i.a K It ) an r .ni.tr J iOs' of 'Ita
hlaaof trrpfon for tf.a I o.o.lv ..I I' a. La
rnaa, l.rania I on h; ll. I-" ,rr.. n',,,,
ml Hfilrrn k- . 1 1 itllm, i, ,n r , ,,,,,
a Hark lor at f riin.a,'.ilUa acrk..
I' . .""i lit in H .
Allori.t v lor iaii.l
4rlliiui.it' fSn.
An or linaora aillir.(iiii( li. I 'p! ..
Ilia lialranr amtia. In Ciu.! rn. t, lucnliin
and onaral.' a rsilaav Mill, fi:rrrtn
itrion Cilv, roni lha inii r.f. il ,ii i, Main
and Tlilrd Mr.fl., lo tl.a .u,,tii Ii i.m.oI
tl.s nl v.
olili. .S I'lTt liora i.lll.tn a a .i ( .ia;
Ser, I. That litem l,a an. I lirft liv It rn.
Thla hoiiaa ami .Vil' M
aula. I..K.!ail In ll.a l"
Ilia rllf, II n.lnnlra akik '-:
t 'liitt liotiMi, 7 rtsiui li'i"p
lialll room, hot and full) '
lilaaalk In tlia var
las 11. If nil Irara. all rut I
root lo almiiilalna. Thtf1'
aal ami loo.t niorllll ,,ir
lion lor vonr latnllv !"'
an a vprlnatlttft it""
.ur apring a tiler on IMH
Price ......
Tbe i.urt liawt.f it.li v
will prnva In I a liellar m"
, . " i V ' -ii, J
Home-Seeker "Stop."
Aillnliiiii,. i. i mi. prova in ih a oeti'r ni'-
Adoli,ln tot IthiliK) wlih fniWJ"
I'rlea '
A.IJolnlim lot ,V)ik) wiili frH ?
Illia a. .rli.it tt . lu.
i n " "
All thla .ro.erty ran I
y iiaymeiiii,' tin not i"'"
chance. Villi can never W J-j
clinic, llra ela .roriy ' j
aliiuisl noiiilnitl price latcaii" ' w
ol pure water by your Inii7 '
iiicuii more than inonev t r'"!'t
1 aria.r.
ur h t
I"'"- "inn wan r. rrlca
Adjoining t iUin ,lt,tlriK
kl'ot Willi (mil irea,, 2 Htr.iiiic nfrlnio.
clear spark iiiik wuier, arinK h,t
.. . . .on. io n imiihs on Hi in,
Ailjoliiliiif lot, ,,nt inn, roved, but under
it'll; , 1'nia view a,,, a,.varol sprinKa.
Aillolnlmr lot .Vupin. Hprln on 11,1.
lot riinninif ir.iiK f,,IIK, . supply
many I,,,,,,,,.,,,,,, (1r, J J
'.' 4
. v IU al i ai.i.i;'
I I - if II Jl'TJT'v''' ;! w
m Mw saw
TI" '
1- -Lin''
: Sv1 STACKERS IfidUil
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R I llrV.