Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 14, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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:cgon City Enterprise
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f"iM,,,7 ' viii.1 by. he time
t-no... he i.h.i ,(,ii,.,..,,j
:""'". -I rl.l.wl.i.hhd i ,n,.!
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'" hardly .,.. o,,,!,,,,,, ,,)t
rl .!.. it n. i ,)., u ii(t
" Mr. i . , r4lly lllri. w
In inMkttitf liirkv trtli i
.rxi.:7 w-MLJrj
iiaii bin ii ...... . v. -1 '.'jiJi"
,. , 'Hirru --At
, iut ""''" "f llm county com
inl...oi.r Imh,U (ri4lll.lUl)
toll. C. Field i4riiilttinx I.Imi to ,u,
" """ railway m ,
.utlmr!y point of Main tr,.t n O.egon
iy long llm c.mnly ,n. (., '
ml ll.ro.igl. Main Mfl.i Cm i. ...I WfsV'-
ii....,i iim.u 0 lU, ,0W(li T I CT$ GENTLY ON THE
........ r,r, o, , fOSil ll.aV l,e hone .
lIDNEY5, liver
com. electricity, ,lf olherwla...
1-mn. Tim funchfae, . g,M,d (, ,
period (,f &) y,ir (,, jy ,
f0Vi.l.ll,t.t0,t,MlB,fl,,k ,,,, u
laid end rare In ,ri,,ri by Ii,.,,,,,,!,
I, I'.!. Il i hoi r,.Mirtrd (it II, ex
act route, to I K.topip.1 , ,, ,
ill I Ml f.r, ,...,y I.!,,,, ,.-ljM ,,,
Hi.".. Urn r..,, ,i it I, t,,,,!,.,,,,,,,,!
Ilml llm h..iit,rrn I..,iiii,ii. W H,
ii1. ii.. .. . ....
I or .114liHll. n ,4,
mioililiitf ctiUuiilinl rotim .,m f t ;
l"4l ulin o( , tnf ,r,j.., t now on j
'". ' Ii ri nn.il.l U ( f,.,, ;
Ulirllll.i H,tli iily ,! ro.ii.lf,. Mr. i
j r'irl.U UImi m rohfl 1,-nlly rTl. I, I
. l Uvo .ilk liril.n 11,1 lIlM ll...tM. l.k. .
i. A 1 1 M AMi IM'I l-KNM SCK
.I KtVKII t,hn..O. l ITV-
iii.!'W M Cli.(l.n I 30 rM ll.a iMi.l llr. ol Auku-I
M.V T'M'ltl.imJi ( ITV OM.Y.
I'kr'iim 1 itt
t l A M
I ) I'. U.
I i
I I'll
,(,.(. tmoi iLiiHim iiu
1 'O 4
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, IU
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1 1 "
:.ll e.'i U4 Imiif i.nl 9 i'rlnl
I ) .Swl ui A 't J4"U tf 1 la,
-. A. all trt.
T11 S'-riii ('immi...im H-mr A
my liiirfiiiK Tiil.i l,., ,,.Vp,4.. in
llm tily watr oo, ri i t-ti r t i u.
Mrvion' trrm ri Irn.l July , , t,p
and Bowels
(-lcan5e5 the system
OVtRCOMES iyr tl
r.. 4f w to a.
jiiii mrriiiiK llm niy roiim il U
lllllil lo flnt , i(Sr.,r, Al (lit
lniid llm nan,,. i, II. i sinvriii mul t.
I' Wllx'l. mb i.ir, rr. 4 ramlitUln i
llm M.ition n nin U,uj
.m.. ,, l.ayn ift-r-i vnl (our yolrm
iii:n iiiii mi: uk ion
Mil. lily coiiiilejion, NnuvrutinK lirrRlll
roinf from i luoiiir coiiiilioii. Krl'n
Clovi-r H'.t r.' i n uliHilutf run' hnJ
"r ln U-cii mill lor fidy i-4r on n !
h 1 lui iiiuriil K. Tri. c '. vU. ami M) iU.
C i. Iliuitlf), I'Mii't.
ti 1 ! . Tim gltrttl ol lm
rw liol. l acru urllrtl Hlur
trnin ly an I41111 nl fl.. Iltta
"I t'T III" klll'lirlt I'lilllillry Imrnliirf
n l llm ilt ai rtlihKiilalm.l I r
itikrii ul atrr Idling any iliiik'r
i-ini l:l.im WuhK Sl.ri I ('.'III
'rr :,ilry I I rtiiblli an 4i-
.imI i,r-i rani aUn. Aniotig tlm
ilriiirnU 1 onlr l.i llr. I it r.
.inr o iiiri Ian lirlili;,' on .Noitli
' f - I an. I llm liliikui n( rillli
1. Work ,a alrp.y Iwrn cne
n' n l, , i;.ai.ii ami l'!Ulil ol !
:llitlri t lli I, I'll ftlli'tc. llial
I lll l III r, rln riiliiliiil.
"I I Ilia f AMIV (iro. IJikiI,
I S Mil Until III l4 4HII.IIIPH liow
i 1 Ninly alakin Into rnnl'flv
irntf CM.Vt, mi T.iP'iUy mi rout'
t iiiivnl Iiv-('im l.raim, rtian,'inu
ill. l,ritiK ol tltlxillllil lllillil. Ill
t -r ... 1 1 1 .,,,(i t ! in4tilty ruin'
.11 Wt-.toi hUy a.i'l alii-r ilttiil
ti"ii aa ii!ibmI, Ii4vlli! lion
lr.l Ilml hi "iiiin.l" iiii III
r rmiil'liiiii,
v-iii. i uu Wai.on I.niI Sa'nrilny
'"ii tin- Iiiiihh Hlla...i.l to 1 In' Try
I'y k " iinliilk'i il In a liitlu Ptnri
M4111 irr.i. N,.4r Fifth llmaiil
" j"'ilnn aloiiK nil a ifo an yi.
""it lirn Kfyrral llmnili'i to
li'in I')' HlmkliiK li,ir liulu in front
".hull only lervi-il to liirrrM
aii'l Im Ttfiit aroiiml llm Fifili
llronirr hkn n ryt'lmiv, ovnrmrnlnu
r "if hi ninl hiiikiIiIiik nnii wlii'i't to
r III KiHir M i.i.k n Tiii.iIiiv
- - .
' n ilii yoiinn mm ol K. II. ('ron,
"VNHIi mrt'i't Imrni'M timkui, IukI
Mrie from miiouii, If nut lulul,
"ii'l iim It U Im In uir..riiit( from
!y iiiiihIh.,1 f0t. Tim dill. I wan
"H llm Ktri'i-t al.ca.l o( a toani
I'" lnl not noliin until Im va
In front o llicm vhiii In, Inriicl to
'l'k 1'iit I,. II n front nl tliu ti'ain,
I'm lioim-a HlrppInK upon It in loot.
"W im iniitiful. but vnry luckily
,'" Wrru l.roknli.
Tiikm (Jo Uv. Tim cximralon
'"'"'inn hincrnl linmlrtul iiminlicra
8 National K.litoriul AHot!tlon
1 tl'roiitfli hro nt about p. m.
Tim jmrly wan oil tliolr rutnrn
FranrtM-o, Cal., July 11, lV-
J ()d Ululf of my rrimrnt 1 rtrnl cordial ham! of Ki ting to
J all our fiirnU and irlativr In Orrgon. We return to you after hav
ln !nc the otk itarted foith lo itrrfinrm. Wc havt itriven hard,
1 under many dlflirtiltiri, to jirovc ourelvei worthy of the confidence.
2 rrMMri and the tiut we received, and ttl fair credentials from
1 the iiighrtl military authoritiei of our title lo "Duty done." We f
live ever held the fair name of our italc hih, and leave to your
q Judgment if our work l without Inrimh. We all rejoice to I with ?
you aifa.a. llealtll nil tlie hi li4 lrru r uirkally Jjo"'!. id the ,
irlinrnt rt tuiti ill good condition, cumi.lciiny what it hn under- '
(one. r
Coinmnndiiig Second Orrgoii Volunteer. k
ll It IIK'n ilJIM(i IIIIAVK,
A hi doirn mrli In-art ruinfiiilcr
A flmr J.i4t )fir a,,
Win. 1 1 war raiiK tii,u llm wind
t'fiiMlii) l,iitfr Iran to Mow?
H'lnXH'K lo our forxrlful lnlml
wlien 'mid a tlioilnan'l cl.ixira,
li. oil our xullai.t volunueri.
warn wern u.ol lircukl, (j,
I II. il fiiMiKr took a ilrrntr lan'l,
; Tli'-y l., "(hey will not go far,
j Not k.yom tha Inirilcrt of our land."
lint oil Hi, y ,iiit., for cruel war,
l.il r.iluniMa mnllinK ilanlilcr,
j For a land hryomJ llm wair.
j How they fouglil, what they ullfr.,
I llii-y alona ara left to loll;
Hut wa know Low limy Imra th fllit,
I A imI tiirang Into llm fray and fell.
, TIioiikIi llm mariliri lor llm rlglit,
Wliila FIIIilno biilleta aang in their ear
Jul a day lo lake a city, Hianlrili (tonne. I
lor year.
W all l.avt heard llm heroic itorlei
Ol llm hero ol Company I
How liny cliared u real Dm rlca field
Onward ever, at llm boxle'i cry
To let u know tlify never yield
To any foreign coaardly (And;
Hut proiei.t, Old (ilory, and their land.
Now nam each 01m, a bero
Who lalllrd forth Into llm fltffit
And won Hi honor lor Oregon,
For liumauliy, and right,
Hiicl. laureli a 1 Ufore w never won,
llnro lik you can only wrar the Uue.
Khali we wreailm all the laurel
On II, e proud ollliera lent brow?
No! hut on our private daring hearli,
.Uy (.ol and l.iherty allow.
I'.i.giaml may bout of Hulney, France
111. In lieii,
HrarU like ll.ea r among the boy In
We welcome you back to native land.
With ihouli of J iy, aong and cheer,
For you our heart are beating ever
You our gallant Oregon volunteer,
We love you ami may II ne'er ever,
When home you bring llm laurel won
W bail you, O nobl ao.m ol Oreg m.
lt Oregon hill and valley ring
Willi a Kli.l lriuniibant atraiu,
For to u now ai corning back
Our avenger of tbe Milne.
King! Oil V bill ami rouglieat track,
I'.init vale, and dreanm a n er before ;
ritiout, Welcome to our ooy from war.
Maikli.c KinxriiY.
JKV P-Ud tfoWffl
Absolutely fctT.E
Mokes tfio food more delicious and wholcsofne
Fifty woodclioupera. Good pay and
board and lodging. Inquire for Hchnarr'a
o camp or ICue'l grocery store, Wil
laitetle Fall.
Coaaaapllo and Fresh Ale.
It la a um'.ter of commoD knowlfdKA
aya an EhkIImIi rxchungn, that the lata
Kir Andrei Clnrk cured hlrnwlf of
conaninptiiD by living ai mnch aa poa
aible in the open air. The principln in
volved baa alnca M-cn gifrii-rally reco
ul zed by tho medical prof.swioD, with
tbe rmnlt that tbe old bad practice of
kwpinfc connouiptivea in warm, itnffy
room baa been a lino t entirely aban
doned. It U freah a! wblch ia mainly
reaponaible for thecnr worked at anch
place) aa Duvon, where tbe patienU
pend 14 bonr a day out of doora,
breathing cold, bracing monntain air,
while they are exhilarated by bright
nntihiDa Tbe remit ia that each dia
eawd jot in the Innga ia cat off from
tbe healthy tiwme by a ring of atretcbed
cella, acroM which diaeaiw genii can
not pawi, and m tbe malady n arretted
nntil the atrengtheced body can over
come it
Worn TImn Jlol aiopplaal. .
An CngliHliuiRn traveling in Mary
land bud occasion to invectiKite tha
mrming time of the train that paiwi.Kl
through the finiill pbice where he wax
atopping Carefolly aearching a time
table be fonnd apparently that there
won Id be an expreni train due at 4
o'clock that aftermxm. The Englihh
man wai on time with bia grip, etc.,
and ao waa tbe exprea train. The in
tending panrehger watched it approach
and thunder by thectation at top "peed.
Tbe traveh-r wua annoyed, and, tam
ing to a colored inun who atood Dear,
remarked :
"That train didn't stop!"
"No. air," replied tbe colored citizen
cheerfully; "didn't ev'n btn'tate."
Sunday Services.
Kigliili ami J. (. Allium )treet; i.
Krneit J. W. Mar k, j.iator. bnn'liv ' lio
at l'l A. M., weekly aervtrea every Tburarlay
at H I'. M. Oermau lel.ool every biur.laj
from 0 lo IX Kverybtxly Invited.
Hiuimtmi, FaaUr. Oo H'in.Uy ini.iil a ib1
ID JO 4. M. Kvery efiiril mil fourth Miimlav
jerman aermon after ih o clock miu
AI all other miaaei Knirllih aermoui. Hun. lay
IV hool at 1 M r. a. Veapera. ipolteueikk
uble;ii iu4 Beuedlclloa at 7 "t. a.
H. ohrr, Hialor. Mornlai aervlr i In U,
Huiifr Hrhool at 10 (JO. ( Ui, meetlnf aftT
mornliif Mrvlr. Kveolrnc aervlc at 1 JU
f.pwortB Leauc roeetiof ii'iU'Mr evenlnr M
'; Frijrer Mvetiui Thurnliy eveulu- al 7 JC
alraiigeri cor.lialif Invited.
J. W.HiUnmi-rT. PaMor. Mervirea 41 II 4 a. n4
7. M r. m. Hallith Mehool it to 4. a. Young
People'a rtorltiy i,l (.'hrlatlau Endeavor lueeta '
everjr M.inU)r evenlui it 4. to iivi..a
veulni prajrer meeting 117.30. 8eit Ire.
KVAXOKMCAL CHl'K' H-C r .er of
Kltrlilli ami Mailieon atreel. v M. Cop ey
paior. Kervice every H!,iiath at II 4. n
and 7:4.', p. m. Bundi hchool 10 a. m
I'rayer meeting H p. nt. All are welcome
Kev. P. K. llainniond, P.eclor. r-rvicii
every Kumlay at 11 a. m, and 7:'? p. iu.
Hniulay achool at 10 o'clock, hi rvic every
Friday evening; at7:.V). (Mhr aeriirei aw
mar I announced. All eit free. St r inf
er cordially invited.
greKational cluircn. Kev. F. hack, paetnr.
N-rvicei every Honday at 11 A. M. buouav
acboril at 10 A. M.
fi rst congreo ational ciirncii,
corner of Main and Eleventh itree't bv.
K. H. HoliiriKir, pa tor. Morning ervice
HJ:Ti; Sunday Mcbool 12; Junior Endeavor
5; Y. P. 8. C. E. prayer meeUig 6u30
evening lervlce 7:30.
Cbrietian Science meetings at Willam
ette ball, Sunday morning cervice, li
o'clock ; Sunday chool,12; weekly meei-
"I bad my picture taken today, " eaid
little Cbrintina "I crotmed mv arnia
and leaned on a chair, and tbe picture j inIP- Wedneaday evening at 8, excf pk
man put my bead in acme tongs." first week of each montb, when meeting
"Why, yon mutt have looked like a will be held on Thursday evening at ft
lamp of ingar in sugar tongs, laughed , o'clock.
Clly Treanorer'a llce,
Notice ia hereby given that there are What to Eat
uflicient funde on hand ia the Road
fund ol Oregon City to pay all ouiatand-'
ing warrant endoraed prior to tliia
Wbr. ao I must have." said Chria-
' tine delightedly. " 'canne the man kept
saying, 'What a sweet little girl I
Thomas Rhoad, Centei6eld, 0
writes: "I offered from piles seven or
notice. Interest .aaea with date of eiht 'e'rs' No reme,y gave u,e r
ii.linoii, until IVWitfa Witch Hazel Salve,
II. E. Ptbaioiit,
City Treasurer
Oregon City, July.C, lstn).
, than a box of which permanently cured
me." Soothinif, healintc. perfectly
' barrcless. Beware of counterfeits..
(ieo. A. Hakdixo.
and l.e mayor, by virtue of llm aullior.ty
yi a'ed in him, cal llm de. i.lmit Vole in
favor ol Mr. Wilaoti. Al Hint tune
i,l.j..on wa in. In b the election of
Mr. WiImiii, a il waa allt y l he a not
an owner ol real etal In Or-gon City.
I'revloiia to July lt, Mr. Wiln (lied
hi IhiihI ml it aiveited. At the
regular July eiiu held lal Wedima
day the tuetiin of Mr. Wllaon's ebgl
bllily came up in Dm council meeting
That Throbbing Headache.
Would oilcLly leave yija, if you used
Dr. King's New Life Fills. Thousands
of aulFers have proved their matchless
meiitforeick and Nervous Ilea, lm her).
They make pure blood and atrong nerves
and build up your health. Easy to take.
I Try them. Only cents. Money back 1
j if not cured. Sold by Oeo. A. Harding. I
A. 0. U. V. meets every Saturday
evening in the A. 0. U. YY. Temple.
Geo. K. Califf. secretarT.
Rebekabs Willamette Rebekah Lodg
No. 2 meets second and fourth Ftiday ol
each month at I. 0.0. F. Temple
Malta Uodfry, eecretary.
Court Robin Hood No. 9, Foresters of
America, meets first and thirJ Friday in
the month in Red Men's lla',1. W. Bw
Stafford secretary ; F. T. Rogers, chief
Meade Tost No. 2, O. A. R., meet
A new line of Raby Caps and Huts.
J A TlintiMiutl Tongue
j Could not expn-sa the rapture of Annie
r.. ripTinger, 01 u.j nowaiil 1 lula
ilflpliia, I'a , when she found that Ir.
Kin,;' New Iicoverv for Conaumption
had comiiletely cured her of a backing
couiih that (or iniuy years had nm.lt
I.I... I... ..I..., Ill ..il.... I.... I
doctor could glie her ..0 help but he.i 1 ',"fu' ,he h 1 , nearly dead wh coup."
sayaol this Royal Cure "it Bmin re-;
moved tbe pain in my client and I run i
now aleeti soiindlv, eomething I can 1
To tboxe who drink whiskey for pleas
ure; HARPER Whitkey adds rest to
existence. lo lnoHe w lioilr.nk wlimkey j firet Wednesday in each month at Wil
for health's sake; HARPER Whiskey ' iamette Hall.-G. A. llardinn, coin-
makes llle worln living, fold Py J. U. ,niander.
Huntley .Oregon City, Ore. na..i,.m.. r,,,,,, v.. p a f
meets on the third Monduy of ..ch
month in Masonic Hall. M. lkllack
Pali nt Record.
Money to patent good ideas may be
secured by our aid, address The Tatent
j Record, Raltimoie, Md ."
When Yon Ride Your Wheel
Mr. and Mrs. li. I-aekamp, F.Uton,
Mo., write: "One Minute Cough Cure
Always shake into your shoes Allen's saved the life, of onr little bov when
'tliree duya trip IhroiiKh Wentern
"i and were supptiHil lo stop off
'w a short vialt and cuinmitteea
ri''ly to i-Hcort them to Interestlnii
fH III thueltv. Tim Irnin U4M In
'"'Hons and tho first one pulled
" willmiit Htopiilng,' whllo the
I!li,n stopptid altfiut 2,' inlnuteg
""I' Wiiliih. We saw thent go by
"y. oven if tho committees did
""tiling to do.
vWiOMiiii. u . .... , . 1
iuiiti .v siory nun tieen
"Bf"utid town for the ptist few
''0"wiiing 1U i(,ky rik muJo
'"kl'yAI Fairclow.a foi iner real
"' Cliickanuia
f F"lr;low was prosiH-cting along a
by the production of a cerlillcite from
llm county recorder a otllre showing II. al J ifcely leniember doing before. I feel
no real eituli' recorded in Mr. 1 hk, inunding its praines throughout ll.e
WiNon'a "'iin l,'l'l't ""j UniverKi'." So will every one who tries
niitdii tu elect another coininiraioner )r King's New InHvovcry f oranytrou
(hen ami there. The attempt waa a j ,e u( the Tluuat, Cheat or I.nnga, I'rice
fiiilu.n thouu'l. aa several ineinlier hrt'l j f,00, m $.tK) Trial bottles free at
I n I Htr 1 a i) t buiiiea elewhero bieh , tieo. A. lUrding'a lrug Store; every
reiiilred their immediate eraonul t- j bottlt) ;iitrtmte.il
tetiliou and the council niiorum was
broken. On Thursday night a meeting! Attention SocMIch.
of the water oinuiisaionerH was held. The co nniitteo on parade request all
Mr. Wilson was not present aa be claimed Hoc ietiea, oiganir.Htions and other bodies
ho was not nolllled o( tlm meeting. .Mr.
StevetM Kltended ami presented a protest
lu the hoard which was ordered placed
oil file and llm secrtilury Instructed to
notify the eoiuu ll that tlm board would
not orgni!ti until the stl'uir was settled.
Mr. Slovens' protest recites that Mr.
Wilson was not legally elected and that
he will coin iniio to act until bis sihcohs
or U legally elected and qualities. The
points upon which Mr. Stevens relies
are, that the city charter provides that
the water conimisiihiHir "shall bo elected
by the council" and that "apH)intmentH
shall hn by ballot, mid a majority of the
members present of I ho city council shall
bu iiocessuty to constitute a choice."
Heoontuixl that tbe mayor Is not en
lilled to a vote in tho matter, and If be
has, It. should bo cast by ballot. Tho
ma yor's voto ou thia matter was an oral
one, Tho properly objection In Mr.
WiIhoii has been Hilencod by tho placlntf
011 record of a deed to a lot In Holinea'
addition, which was daUl 1H0H. Mat
tors me at a standstill now, and tho ond
of the eontrovormiry seems to hang on
thd tnll-eml of a legal battle.
to tako part in the trout parade to lie
held in honor of, and as an escort to Co,
I, 2nd. Oregon Volunteers on their re
turn homo, and to report promptly to
the chairman, T. W, Sullivan, stating
tho approximate number that will pa
rade, and send to him at the same time
the name of one member, who will act
as mounted aid to represent suid so
ciety or body on the general staff.
Ry Ortlor of tho Committee.
T. W. St i.i.iVAN, Chairman.
Prices that talk,
smith, milliner.
Call on Miss Gold-
your feet cool, prevents sweating feet,
and makes your endurance ten fold
greater. Over one million wheel eoilo
are using Allen's Foot-Ease. They all
rnie it. It gives rest and comfort to
smartihtl, hot, swollen, aching feet and
is a certain cure for ingrowing nails. At
all druggists and shoe stores, 25c. Sample
FREE by mail. Address, Allen S. 01m
stead, Le Roy, N. Y.
Uko. A. Hakdixo.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the Ty
Signature of Lia&
-ifix. H i--i t&lCx jCic(C4i. -eiSiiffiCi. jOv?i0iC. S
Have You Decided
j What You Would Like
For Your New Suit.
)j No mutter what tho style, color, shade or pattern you fancy,
A you oan find it here. Ladies tailoring neatly done.
$ M. GILBERT, The Portland Tailor.
1 Main Street. Opposite Electric Hotel.
V V Wry-tai- vry-ty-v V iy 1 iy cy tjr-T$r tjny
roVitt,a Utile Esrly
perniiineiitly. They lend gentle assist
ance to nature, causing no pains or
weakness, perniiineiitly curing constipa
tion and liver ailments.,
(ih-n. A. Harding.
Itinera limmflt i Vi '
" --. 1 1
Money to loan
Hkikiks A Uhikkitii.
at lowest rates.
K. E. Cumpstoii teacher of volcocul
tuie and piano playing. Studio oyer
Rank of Oregon City.
A Few 1'oliilern.
Tho recent statistics of the number of
deaths show that a large majority die
with consumption. This disease may
commence w ith an apparently harmless
cough which can be cured instantly by
Kemp's Rtilsnm for the Throat and
Lungs, which Is guaranteed to euro and
relieve all cases. Trice 2,"o and 50c.
For sale by all druggists.
Wedding stationery, the latest styles
and fiiioat assortment ever brought to
Oregon City at the Entkkphihk office.
We Have
Some New Designs
Organs in Stock.
on Kimball
Prices From $30.00 up. Each Instrument Guar
anteed for Five Years.
Pioneer Chapter No. 2S. 0. E. S. meet
the second and fourth Tuesdays in eack
month at Masonic Hull. Miss Jenni
Rowen, secretary.
Oregon Lodge No. 3, 1. 0. 0. F., meete
every Thursday in Odd Fellows' Hall.
T. F. Rjvn, secretary.
Falls Encampment No. 4, 1. 0. 0. F
meets first and third Tuesday in each,
month. J. A. Stuart, secretary.
Kedmen Wacheuo Tribe No. 13, Imp.
0. K. M., meets Saturday evening 7:30-,
at Red Men's Hall. X. M. Moody, C.
of R.j Chas. Woodward Sachem.
Multnomah Lodge No. 1, A. F. A. M.,
meets first and third Saturdays in each
month at Masonic Uall. T. F. Rvao.
Mead Relief Corps No IS, meets at
Willamette Hall the first Monday in
every month at 2 o'clock p. m. and the
third Monday in every month at 7:30
o'clock p. m. The Auxiliary meets at
the Armory building the 1st and 3rd
Saturday in each month at 3 o'clock p.
m. Mrs. Roeina Fouts, president. Mrs.
Mary L. Bradley, secretary.
Artisans meets first, second and fourth
Thursdays in each month at Red Meu'p
Hall. J. T. Searle, secretary.
Catholic Knights of America St. John's
Bianch No. 617, meets every Tuesday oS
the month.
Tualatin Tent, K. 0. T. M., meets ia
Red Men's Hall, on second and fourth
Wednesdays G. II. Hyatt, record
Willamette Falls Camp No 14S, W. 0.
W. meets 2nd and 4th Fridays in thr
Willamette Hall. Clerk J. K. Morris.
Lone Fine Lodae, No. 53, A. F. & A.
M., Lotfan, Or., meets on the secoaoD
Saturday in each month from the lt ot
May to 1st of November at 2 p. m. and,
from 1st ol November to 1st of May at
10 a. m. A. E. Lewellen, W. M.. Geo.
i C. Armstrong. Sec.
Burmeister & Andresen,
The Oregon City
Dr. W'lllluma' Indian Pile
lintinent will euro HIliiU,
UleeimiK and IH:!unir
Piles. Il iibHiirtiMlrie In mo re.
ull.iyx the Itching at once, act
.is a Donlllt'e. itivea limtAnt m.
Hef. Dr. Williums' Indian 1'ile Owt
ment isnrenared for Pile, am! Iti-h-
Ing of the private purt. Evry txa 1h
wurriiniuu. liv unik'ir.sta, umll on rw
elpt of rrli-e. hi) cent and 1.0o. WILLItM?
MANUFACTURING CO., irop. CIbvcIu" t K'
For sale by C. 0. Huntley,
mil fs
i L