Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 14, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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y ll 'V.
ll . lUri'l.iy waa
y i I")'.
N, .. .! 1 '! m limit l vi-llinii n-l.ii.w-.
I, .,t t :.
.nh.i'I i"" !' ili"',y '"'"I
.4 .li in MMi.tiy.
ll,., I . K iiM , 'f s-ili'iii, l vI'lili'K
,, ,:,.. III l a""" 'I')1.
M,.( I'l.k.i.f I'i.i'IiiiiI, .n.,
il, Mn. brine Curry M-mdiy,
j . I'.iilniU I' "K''11'' M "inlay
Personal Mention
I'! '.., funnily , , ,,,,'
'"''""""I '"" I ,,.Hl,.,,y
" ' "H.M llinc.lll h,.
.I.e. lllllll.o.
llnw Tin- New Wh Iti ci liiil ,
Tlm dispatch announcing tlm mil" !
rlvul of llui lranioii Ohioand Newpo.l,
HtArr. or Ohio, Citv or Toi.i.no f im,
I i'i i Coi srr. f
I Trimmed ml iin'ilinmed hula, rib-1 All .ern Indebted to Nublitt A Co.
'. bona ami lower. Ili-low rout fit Mi ( grp rcnm-nted lo call biiiI s.'Ulu llmir c-
I'fiihk J. Cheney inakca mm omiIi llmt 1 GoldiiiMi'a. ' nnmta at rutin
. i... i 1 1... u,..i i,.r i.utt m.r f .1 1 1,1. fi , Id I if ! - - - I t
e ihvi'i iiit llm H''''oimI Or.-ifoii. wa . ... ..... . . ., I ou'i.,.i i i,,. i.u,,i,"if n .1 - Nom.irr A Co.
V. II. Ik .., , - l I J. HWr ., -. '"'-"'" " !.. " : '"1
, , . ,, ... ., ' ' " '""in mt .ikimi ,, f mm.-.,.!- - , , , (. , 1 m , 1 1 1 r H rough liu.ln't t.--ii lie'e, t-.l i. ,
t ' I I.. I .Imt could find ,., . 2 i .; 'i I - ' ... ad rUb-lio.. of ,.,,.L of,,,,, i Aowoa:A. .
" ""' " V",,v all..,,,.,.,,,. A In no oil.-r v lln.ii In . . ..' ,: .. ui r-, i. fv.J BwiiU iw.r.niny mmunnsmQH
..l.ll.., 1...I.. I"U. Mill I ll... ... .. .. - '.. ... ...I II- ... w ... ..IO. .. .. - H:r.atr. JJf f
. " ' " Illl M' IL HrfH. IVI.MKn MHO I.IW II... . , I ... ,1.1m -
;rii ui,:i liiun-.i -...-.. o j (j
... I . ... I . ... 1 . . . . , .lb ..a ' ' "I1 '
'' 'oi .ml (,,., (,v..f,, '! liofl kiiioii inn lil'in alio nroiw" j
,....1. ... .... i f...... il.
I'imi a .ll'illi'lllliv ir.'iri.- ..'.in ii." , . ft. I ,
... . ..lily 'l '.',. m l IP ... 1 1 .mi . " ' ... . .
i. II. INI".. ,
i: w
I i" r l.iiiv.a .i I,,, ,i U
Mo iimn, 4 lion n,i,i,n ,,r r,
mi I'l tin. .iiy M.,,,,,v. Mr.
Il"liiiin U f ,vrl in llni mi.iUi i,n
nii.l ll , i. iU M, lfl)K.
I rt Hi k-hmI
I' . h iniiiili'l, lioxTin In.),, , i,,r
"", milv.l Ii -ViimI,. ,, i
mi i. Hi .ml in), ii,, ,wU ,1,,, n. ,,,.
ii I i-M-iy r,ii. ' f ('.:'.
! nir. il I ,y tin- iiw u Mull t it.irml.
I It N K .I.CIIK.NK'i',
hAoril III ll'loHMliM Hil l rili-i Ulir'l ill
(i:o, A. HakiiIvo. i
mIiikII.'k n( nil
-'IMIII.-III III till.
rivfin, V-it -cvi'ful
inliiiit.'n tin. rm ki-t tai .I'MiliMiirir mil j
lliimili il nil i,h cry Mi'K f i 'Mil lion" to j
l.ilHI "Til" l'"M Hf" liUM-." j
A. V (il.CAnN,
Noiiir) To 1,1 i-.
('iniiiiiiiy I lliuril Frmii.
.Myor I.Mionr.'lt.i ifcfivi" I a lf.'Krnin
Iioiii l.i.'iii, ('uhi.Ih'II ii)i'ti II. h irivl
.,,., K..,,oi ,11.111.... loi.niy. u,, H,n . ,
, v .-it.-r in Hi" i lly Tw.Uy. .ii...., i,., i lf ,, ,,,,1. ,. , olllm lr.i..nri m Kmii Krain iwo U'imJ-
Wal.o.i'. h, ' Wuri.iiui .. iiii-.Uy. In-Hrinu tin uli I lllin-llmt!
lint' !..,) hi nil H. II".
.Miilrr-'iil lii Nun I rttiii li'.
, ll Wiiinoii" "1 "rtl.on'ii i.iiiiiiii oiI ( 'i'.'ii .ii.
,,, u.H-l in H' nty li...... ,. M,., ! , v,.,()...,ty
M,. ,S..i..iii' l'i-iili'ii, of Aol'.iia, tt t "''i'l foi A r. m ulifru Iik (.,i. .,r an
ll ii . .iv I'm "t i imni tn.it I.iii..i.
Ul I rtliillll OH Ol''"ll (' I)
II.iII'm ('u'wrr.ih t'nn- It tnk.11 inli-r-nally
iohI Hi tn .lir-Ttly on llii' lil'.oil bmI
inii.onn huiIiii'ik of tlni rjHt.-iii. Hmi'I
for ti.iiiiioiniil, fr.-i.,
f.j ( iii:ni:v,a co.,Toi.-.io, o.
Sol.l l.y .linifzl",M,
I lall'- F.imlly IMrt art tlm ln-nt.
Ii I.-1 tla I ill l p .,.i,.i:ii,,j U'tai.ivi.K.V fill v in J... r..ur Alicr I
Ii, I. ii In Inn iiilli ;t, In.ij, ,
i"ili.i Mr '!, i, .1.'. I,, i..' '., w ... I. , . ......;
I ; I'nnii k mili (io n HulilMfil, '" I. ' " ' i"i ullli l- 'l ;tli Innu lliin iiiofiilnu rci'i'ivrla tiili'j(iil fiom
i III, n a l ,r In Tal. in
.,. i . V
).r. l.ai.r H'I M4I10 .iii, of '.,i(
, .MM.t Nun.lrtV ill Ur. il'y Mill,
,lll. v
. '. I n.l l-ini'li Ml Tm- Uy f,.r
;, 11,, lnr lii v l 1 1 Willi lnr
k, r. .1 1 S
W:rr M. K.f, rlii-f of tin- A'.l
,iilik, a Uit"r In Hi mi
Dm Moorn, i.( tri.i.vilr,
,11 Umllii Oiftioti Cily i,.ll Will-
nr.. ... V
I .
I Iih i,u 1, in 11, ,y . i.i. ),! ' r-iiftt Hint Mm Outrun fi-uiiiii-iit U
M'l'.lnr.l. 1, 1 l,i. ('Lick una. ' l,',t,'""l "III l Full Kmiii.,'0. After
It M.-ii.'.. l-t iifil.:. r"" 'i r.o.r i, 1,1 n. c 1 . -W io it
.1 ! ',i iv, . .'i.it'. Ut I hii., iv i., ... "i-iiltlli,n Willi Mm iii'.iil.oit, II wh
,in,f il,.. ilnli... 1, 1 I,,. i.mii,,,i i ; il'" l.'''l lo i'onci,.i to IIih reinict. :
! V.nliim, N.. 1 1 a in .,j ni Hi. ( I - ! Tmvi-I p.y mi, I roinmiiiutl ,11 of ratiouit ,
1 in i ',111,1, frl.nl, ., I,;,,, ,,,.,. j 'will i l to tlm ol.liHr. ;
jln.,,,..l,,,,n,. w.ol, ..-I.,,,,, ,,4V.. j ' ih Vun I
' ll.lll ill 4fl I
I noiim ol llni 1'ivi"! wn n lli-i. Iiuvm nol a '
(i,i ,,.l, an l int, ,in ,, t , 1 1 .. .1 . , '
. , . , yi t roiiiplif'l wild tin. r,.iiM-( of liraicl
W ,.,.,. ,.. I ,V I".,., Co of tl.i. , l,y , U((U1 HilivHn rrtfiii tH .Mm j
'"'" Tl'U'.'l .y rv,'..i..rf ,,,.,, ,j, ,.,,, i ,,,e ,!,. :
I iS.iirr,,,,.... I.-I." i-i I.m; ,,,, Vol,,.-,r H,,-,.,lo,. Il.r.i
ti... Iuihi. I .r. rf l, ii.M,.. ! t;,,.,, .,M..ty i, ,.,,,.,, , f(.ir.,lU. ,
""'' i'-B-l' "'l '""'' ':,i1,i,ulu.r ....Ill-will fonl-r',
win, w. .1,1.1,,, a,,.,.... , .11 , mi-lr-U.,,,,,,.;, mHinlivr;
ijiiitiii i 11 1
m I mm ftu.,.l. mm ItiMiil, w '
1.. 1.. 1 nti. ii.n an, 1 'iiy f.-l'ieiinj
Cl.a.. Wail, ('anl.y'a rlticlml Jut ta ; Imni" Mmnl ,y Ir .oi l.n'ir imnii inf liii
at I'.n kn.. .hiu, Tl.ry irtunie,
niii'r Hun antl.'li ilf.l i.wiii ! Mr,
ll.lll, gill Iwillg- Vl'iy III. Il ll lll,iHMM-,
l l,n i,..,, Wa. ilxlli l.'l.ilirn in In.n
,i,,Ij v.
I.. IJI"( l "lllllrlll I 4lil,r
, tii.-r .1 .ili l.'i.llu M at tl.r nullity mI
I aiiii.l.y.
Mr.. J Ciawf'.r.l aii, ilon.'tilrr arr
rr I'.'in rrli.llrt.ill l.lli.iJ Willi the
. . ...
ml l rr. imanio.
Mr l!'tli, 'l I'nitUn.l. la t tailing tn-r
iii.'iiin, lira J J!. Kr.nry, ol llm
""i,!" tl.ia wr
Mif. U.inlall an, I iliiliirr, Mia
.In. Ii, iiI,iiiih M 'l.ilay liuiu arvnal
i' W-ll at Ilia acaal'lu.
I It l.iri, .li lan.l artil,waa in
ir .tltlly Tu.W'Uy OU llU'llirM C'lf
. tn-l Willi lii .rHirtllirtll,
I, m ('.iiitiili,j.irr It if, I aliivml Iipio
.111 , (i.ri4 hatut.lay rVrnliirf un du.i
no, in, rttr, with dla Hjiiiou.
C. I". l!.llo c.inw ili.wn In, in ll.a
rnnu liltln Iilii til Jt.rl.iw Mod. lay
J 4im'. a Irw liour tinin,
...lull., 11 wa ir.r.'wii(p In Or'g,,ii
,iy M.jti Uv ,y lao J ,ily g.. li'llowa,
0,1 . mt an. I W. J.ihnauii.
Mi Itakcr t aiiin n, Ir.iin ruitla.nl
lr.i,.-. Ur to ti.ll for a lime willi lier
u.'ir... Mr anil Mia Pan William.
i N l' l, roililiiiMl.ilIrl, ol M.fi Ml
.uiily, wa. Jowu In, ill hilvrrioll Vri!
t") 14III114 011 l)ir,(,,t City llicll.l..
0"i con ( lu llark. t lti-iort. '.
(t'orrwUi WM-kly.j j
Wilful No, I MierclianLlile, 64 cnl ;
lion. II. rl'r. t. ..I a k, k rr.-. iv. .1 from lM'r '"''i''l-
i.iim of I he I, ',i-. Tlirr l.a.l a I'li-aaant j Flour-PortlaiM, Hi:,; llowar.l'ai
lour, w i.ll., il.tr. -In rn.iK lU.i.iibiaii'a j -'Mi '(-. W-U i Iy" ; j
knk-aii.l will .il.al.y i. tuiii lain. I cai-iH k, f Mai
, Uu'a in aka, w liil.', 43 to 4 1 rent prr
y W v ' ' 'V T 'er v -r w v. i ,t... ..ray. 4..
.iiiiiaiuii man, tr n
lioila, 1H.()I HT ton.
1'uUlo. a 11 .00 to l. M wr aark.
Vi, n tu l'i iiMit Hr .loien.
Hiittrr Kaii. h, 3Dto4 )wni nr roll.
Onioiia, KV. n-r rack.
(irwn a'!ra, 1 'I't to (2 W rt boi,
I r Fruit Ai.lr, unldi'aclinl, S
cciita; ,V) imn.l iHiir., cvaHirtol, "c
tiruiip, 2 to 4 rrnt ; plum, 2 to 4c.
lUcon Mam, rt1,' to h'jc.-nti; aUlea
H to H1, ; al.oiil lr. 7 to It ; l.r l H to 0
l,lvf"t'Nk and IrrwJ M.'ala I'.i'if,
liv, 3'g lo4lyr;lioK,live4;to 4,t'rlioi
dn'."."!, li rioila; !rri, 4 to
4. 50 'r I'fa.l ; voal, drc-iwol 7c.
Cliorn ol K.i.n, Onyoii, ''ut ua olf
at ri Fra.n l. .)."
Iiko. A. Hamilton rriii'iKMl linmo from
lila iii to Ala.ka tlm fir it of llm wmk.
.t Fri'l.r pvniing wa In.iallalion
niltlit Uli lln VihIii,mi of lli World.
Fall C ty I'fl" . I'. W. inal.lln l
llinr olllivr f ir tlm rii.iioiA' term la.t
Saturday rt rttlng.
Tli Modern Windmnnuf Am'ira now
In.l I lli.'ir itn-elln. in lln A. O. T. Iiall
on KeVPhih trwt
Tlm Arllia r now a ir'ai.w under
t'.eii iih oil'c liavitia luaulle I Ut
Tloirotiy rwniiirf.
i liar. Unit wired yiH.eidavIo Id
ll le i i a rweni arrival Iipis lr. in ; iiarrnta from S n r ranciMii: Allen, y
ill J,,, C Mr. l'Wi In acceiliH
i!.'ikli:i . Mudiael' clothing loro.
M,m' (ir nil' and Annla Snnili, of
Mil n I, .ihmiI llm ll week in ilila Sunday July lit "Tnitli."
ty, tin- k'u,'l nf Mi., t'lulaliiia In k. i viled.
I . l. Mi Kee, lie who tald.a over
ie I T.-., ripliilll de.rtrtllie.il 111 lUld- Camden Coliern, Irxiked liert for Fri
.' dnu ttn l..li Wedi, eliiv for a lew ' d ,v i n "I'" ikinir t tlm Add ,n I
rxie leiit healilt. Had 'lent voyaue.
Snlij.i t f'r Clirii.ll.in Si iencn aervii i
All are in-
A Tension
the itate
of the 'tension at a gUhce.
Its use means time savin;
and easier sewing.
It's our own invention
and is found only on the
Sewing Machine.
We have other striking:
improvements that appeal to
the careful buyer. Send for
our elegant H. T. catalog-.
White Seeing Machine Co.
Cleveland, Ohio. .
ami ilouhli; tin i njoymerit of thit
Hiiinnif:r'ri vacation
Tlm rjneation 1 not ",Sli! I tiny a
Cameri?" Iitit "What Car.iir alinll
I buy?" At on re your wind turn
10 Kodak thti Camera that m idrt
hoto.:ra,liy ea.y for lh inultitud
the C-iiiieia wlioie riainw baa
romn 'l 'h a household word that it
baa been inrorjirated into tlm new
diclionarie., TIih Klk ia IIih
('itinera our frienda carry the
Camera tint you in.tini'tively h ive
confid'-iicu in the Catnera tliat llm
axle. man take for lna bi(heat
11 ,iard when bo la tiymif to ,!!
ayiiu other Cani-ra an I cay "It 'a
jii.i ga fod aa a Kl.k." Tim
K'dik i. aa eany to handle ami
o.ert aa your uiiihrulla or your
walking ttii'k. If von don't wunt
lo cany orm in your hand, wo have
kind Ihat will aiip into your
p-jeket lik a amall Wik, but t::ey
arc j'Ht aa ready and elli ;ient a
tlm la' tie onea to any awa a pie
turd of the acenn dial uuke jrou
exclaim "Oh! il I only bad a
Ko.Uk require no dark room no
Itla.a platea no experieiii-e; they
are tlm ideal Camera for tlm
amateur. I'ri. e i 00 bj i:J5 (XI.
Catalogue lrr.
' 'Ai ; ' , 'l
Huntley's Book Store, i
Oregon City, Or.
Great Glearance Sale...
I'or aale by Hurmctstcr & Andn-M-n.
Don't fail to pt the great bargains we offer during
the month of July. All our summer stock marked
down to actual cost. Wl:l 70J III It U ill li lt'l it
The Star Clothing House.
Oregon City, Or.
Itanline Ulork. ot.K..ite A. 1IKIIT.VI A.
Commercial Bank.
MaaiaScr. l
i)' M-il ill Thu lUllc. j
Ml. J V. I'.-tkcl I bere iro.il Ub j
hi I, CtilfomU vi.ltliiu will. Inn .idler
i" It I,. Il.iluiall, and Will rriiuin
it ' in. 'int. e,
Hi... Ibillitrfli, deputy rvVellllll col
li'", l. Ill ill. I city aevetal tlay tin
r.'i'k ut: I..1IMJ to lltntter III It.a hiu' ol
Win I'a.tlow, waa in from Mount
".i.iiil Wi'dnriiiluy ahowlnit hoiiih a
tie i IT) mi.fin of beat ami ol a any
Pnn in tint coiiiity can product!.
t'ol. Kohl, A. Miller apeiit Monday
"i'l Tne..lav doiitit iiiimtionary woik in
In.' ii.l.-i.'.t of llm Cliuutitii'ia at point
tlwieii hem and Koaebura'. .
U. Skipworth, omi of F.ii!i'iui'
ml luuiiiiutlcH. waa in Oictfon Cily on
Wfihifmlity iiuklim arruiiKo.niiU" tr
1111 lautily toito into camp at thu Clnitl
"ifi.i iluilim thu aeahion.
(A Hurtti'M ia a, realdeitt of ilenn
"klon, Vt. , wit In Oregon City Wed-
'"'winy, Mr. lluriieHa la lnokiii over
"'.mi City wlih viiw to logiliuil and
'well pleiiMcd with llm outlook hero.
l'lpuly Ciiiinly, AuMoaaor J O. Totter
"idiliiunhinrH, Kannio and KaUrln
I-oa AtiKvlnn, whnro tlm MUm-a 1'orier
r Htiendinn tlio mnntliis of thu
'Nlitnml Kducatlonul Aaaociatlon now In
K'HHinn theri),
I'tol. mid Mra. I. M. Glon loft for
"ylon today for a abort viait, hiifoio
Hoi"- to tlm Chttiitnuiiiiii lit (UadHlono
1 ' k , whern llm proftmHor will loctiuo on
tli KiikIImIi lanmirtKO, Kiikuiiu Guard,
l'ilimiHttr E. M, Hartman ri'pre-
iili'i Muninam in thu city Sunday.
" waa acuoiiiiinnlotl bv bU on Piircy i
J,r' Hut tmnti Biiya the Marqiinm fair thin
la going to be a record breaker.
J"lm 1)1x011 citnin in from MailI.aite
'tilnwMdny and trunHnuted biiHlnem
""'tterH here during the day mid In the
ev,,"ing took the overland expreMfor
Cttlifomia where lie K"" t0 negolinte a
lu'il trade. '
MMiibly, They itroiioiini'n him nne of llm j
beat limy ever It.i I. Tlm CliiiiitiiiiiM
claim tlm b "t tuUni! tbia yeur they have
ever bad.
Tlm m Shaw company played at
Corvalli laat week and lh leceipla ol
tlm Saitinluy evening pt ifoimaiii e waa
donated lo the volunteer reception fund,
which .how that Mr. Sluwr'a heart i
in tlm right place.
W.S. Mural, the wide uvvuke com mi
aion and produce dealer at Auiora, ha
leii.i'd the warehouse at Itarlnw for Ihia
Hca.on and will operate il in ponnectl.ni
with the Aurora bou.e, and probably
othcii. "
roulfy-Cbickena. old 13 50 to 4 00; I
turkey, alive, l'i celt' e' MiUltd. 1
A ( hlbl llnjoy.
Tlm pleaHant lUvor, gentlu action, and
'aooihuig eir. l of Syrup of Fin, when in
need of a laxative, and if tlm lather or I
inolher I hi co.livrt or billon, the moid J
gralifvlng reaulM follow it u" j id tit. t '
it i the let family remedy know n and
every family phoubl have a bott'e. j
Miintifactuicd by the California Hrf(
Syrup Co. '
peWltt'a Utile Early Itiner fxpel ',
Iron) the M tcm all poisonoini accuumla-1
lion, r.-K'ilale (he aioin.ich, bowel and j
liver, and purify the blood. They drive
... . . . ...... i I
awty li-t ue, iiinNipaiH ntviancnoiy, an i
Solar circle Hi", W. 0 W. will bold a
p-cial meeting Saturday evening, July
Hi for inatalUlion of ollb-er and Initiu
lion of candidate. All member are re
ipiealed to be preacnt by ordtr of the
guardian neighbor.
A veiy aucceHNlul lawn ocial wa given
by the Younit l'eople'a Sm-iely of the
nuptial cburch at tlto rualilence of Mr.
and Mr. 1. C, Iiototirette laat Friday
evening. Iletween forty and lifly y'"U
pnople wore preHent ami ha'l
pleamtnt time.
Capt. nd Mra. Gillete will "farewell"
Sunday night. "The Drunkard' Home"
will be repieaented at llm Army ball
Saturday night. AdinlHnloii 5 eeuta.
I.. eieam and cake at cloae ol meeting.
Capt. Jtunes and Adtlio .Tame from
l'ortland are expected to aesint at thee
Under the title of "(liunhlers and
Gambling." there 1 In Hie Argonaut for
July 17, 1SIMI, a long reviowrofa recent
work'on the great gaming bouHe of the
world, and the many trick and tlevlceH
of tho profeBHloiuil sharper. The nu
merous extract include omo character
istic anecdote ahd deHcrlpilon of life
in the circle in which the craft move.
give health and vijor for the daily ,
routine. l)u not griH or nickeii.
(ii:o. A. Makdinu. j
now is vol it wife. J
Ma aim hint her beauty? If o, Con-1
Hliimlion, Indigeation, Sick Headache
are the principal caUHe. Karl' Clover I
Root Tea baa cured tbeae ill for halt i
century. Trice 'J5 'ft, and 50 el.
Money refunded if result are not ali-;
factory. C. G. Mnntley, Drnggiat. j
Tii Tlie TuhllcT j
In jimth'H to the paritea concerned I
wtah to alate Ihat before 1 old my reai-
dedce pioperly on Seventh Rlroet to Ur,
M. C. Strickland I routed the iroperty
to aoine alrangera who bad every ap
pearance of being renpectable people,
and when I delivered the deed lo the
poetorllmd no knowledge, nor had he
any notice, of the character of tho busi
iiea it was proposed to be carried on in
tbeplaco. Gko. M. Wiaiuar.
For Sale.
fcpan of work horse, wagon with cover
and tent with camp stove. Inquire o
John Thayer.
W'f iny a ireiiiliiin for wiirrtnH
mill it will lie J "r Inlerewt l
lift our irle hclure ncIIIiik.
un: IIA.M !' OlllUaO.I ( III
Pure Tea
in packages
at grocers'
Best Stes p Hanffsome,
an( Ranges (l)50iiie,
made. Economical.
1 ii ' wr
1 &p CI
W wjrrjwaf, ' ; 1 VSR '
M m (
No shadow of a doud about it! Thore are many good ranges and stoves. We could name a dozen
kinds, all good, and against which we say not a word of disparagement. Granting all this, there is
hut' one line which hears the name chaiitkr oak and he who knows says, "It's the kind I want!
---, "--v : -;'r:rT! '( zJn- .
1 dijT iMV
SII.OO. . 10c. Per Yard and Up.
Knifo aiul Fork lox 15o. ' f
ti,..-,,--,: W&jCtt" ' ssJBL Boy s Buck Saw 50c
Express Wagons 85c. Up.
44-piece Tea Set $2.75.
Lemonade Set
50c. Up.
3-inch scissors 15c