Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 14, 1899, Page 2, Image 2

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S'iuihi., July i'. liiH'ii'o Schiiehel
and wife, of Oregon fit v visited friend
anil relative here ludav,
Kev. Siitnl), fiiimiT pastor of tin' Oer- I
-man Congn g.itinniil church heie, is
soendinii a few dny among Iriciiils In our I
Misa I'u'itlirt Ihdixnn, of Portland, hi- !
anee. I'ncleJuke in a good idtlnen for
Mulniln n h oik ol tliim kind of men j
that take a I'tide in having tliiiii; Im'k
t a t ' y Hi 'ul llic tow n. '
ijuito a number from Tcicl I'ufk and
MoUlU at!etnlei Ho' graniie id MiiIiiio
Sit lit ! :ty. Tliin p "'H'' seems to kfi' '
lip H'IIV VI I'll, tlllt WO llulilN. tlml lIll'NO I
nll.iirK ill) nut weiir a they should. Tl ry
me uii'louliti'illy originated w itli (lit li t
of idea mul fur llit iir"K( of the ii-!
lining of llio pi ihI Hi i ii in.iM.cti, An
rompamcd liy ,uie ol her friends, called
up n lur parent IoiIhv,
We underMitnl the Misses Mavlield
liave I hi' n hired lo U mli our w inter term
of Sl'lllHll,
The Fourth was celebrated by the
Lutheran church on the Michael
Mix-linke place. Miss Kva Moehnke
read the Poclaminn of Independence,
ami lb v. Murk, of Oregon City, deliter
isl the ontion. The afternoon was spent
in the various sKrt., foot races, tack
races etc. All Kef mo J to have lud a
pleatant tune. -
The (lermn Congregational church
relehrated Children' Pay in llollmann'a
on hard today. IVople from the various
churches, and others gathered in the
ori'hardat an early hour. Service acre
lield in the forenoon and the program in
afternoon. After the rendition of (he
prvcram, the minister gave all the ounj;
Jki le permission to puv name and
which tiny so vehement y denounce ; ""K 10 ,',,t 0l1 n,Mf larIow, so w I
from the pulj.it fioiu time to time. P.iit j "'"'"!' Who would believe such
it. .11 rilit when you have permiM m, hl n,"t,'r ''' r- w'"uld rut wo l, J
vo i know. Weil a e had a verv iiood i thought that two sj-ortii r '
usually conducted these socielio mil (
only air .rd a mutuul and fraternal mum (
and protection; hut alo develop the
memheiH iiitc'.lec tualv, !' tnee-ting and !
discussing i.Ucliina of Ml J interval In
their vocation. Why then lo they '
dwindle down, die out, etc. ) believe
one great trouble is the ureal desire of a
few to always l the lel-htf they
mint lead in everything, a reult the
more retiring om htvin to think well
our leiidera will he theie tmhiy I am
busy and they will not mix me, then
the U'U-elnH'p net tiied of their own I
tinkling of bruM within their cranium J
and they too drop out, but Ihie -limill
not Ih, when a jHron juinn any thing ol
this liurat ler he or the houl.l eouniih'r j
the obligation that go with it and j
ehould aliMj i'oui'ler that thry are a part
of the org.iniilk,n and then do all they j
can for the iuves of that iiintitulion.
Crittenden, Ilihl.arN t'o., eon-
regular children's hour for a hort ! ""'. J"'I "t tliat mmi.1 oii lo Sing
In.lu'ge iu the world'v i !eaMuniS,n!- The aK.ve na i.ed g.-ntlemeii are ;
S ess fc$m
Mow U thia?
Perhaps lccples nlht
causca ii, or grin, or ici
ncvs.or perhaps it wait care.
No matter what the catme,
you cannot wili to look olj
at tiTty,
(ray hair U ataned hair.
The hair hulha have heen
deprived of proper fooJ or
proper nerve forvc.
a li.-ilii'...' until.
The hov U Mill futhor to the imm A
! rert.iln I'li'inlmiit jolitlnil lniH't,
' ho, like the Iti itUh tiir In 'i'limfore.'
I evrr r.'ii.ly with Ida IUiV rlmwed lila
1 ugiliMic tate lit mi eiiily hi,"
! The llrt diiy lie went to huol llm
' funilly were, of eoiire. niuioua to know
I Inn liiii'riKnion of the ii.'iv oii'iipiitiun
I "W.ll. Sniiimy." Kiild Ida futlier.
! "wlmt did you h urn on ) ur llrl diiy at
j ai ho.il !"
Slniightriiini; up mi, I ii,iiinliig a
Mlii-oxeumtudii, Sum replied. "I'lither,
1 I I ui ned I enn IK k every Uy In my
cltina "
A few tin yn Inter lila love of piiKilinn
and freijlti'tit buttle h'd to Ilia rlplll-
j aii'ii lie ciiiiin home thnt ihiy mid aur
I 'tl-ii hi K""l mother with the reiimrk.
"Will, mother, tlmlik the Inird. I Imve
I ht n turned out I" Ch velmid I'luln
! Denier
I t
Archtrf la ( ll' airrvt.
The military ntndeiita of Tuhk Chun
are n conj lenoiia iiuiniiu i. They have
a way of iidliiif (me of the umln atreeta
In the cltr na a convenient ajH.t fer
I fnutuing archery, and we have been
iiiismiii&L.. I
ri p. aliilly ul'llgi',1 o e.lh'e ujito tlie ei
treiiie edge of the fiMitpath to avoid
AV Jc Ll lc I'r ! .i r.t t to ii r. r An -mi
la 1 1 1 . Uk I .hh! . . t u I li 0 u U
luifl lliar MuuluJvj dial lVjwvb nt
time and an excellent dinner,
Frank (iroivmiiler visited h' parents
here toilax-
Joe Stuedeiuan, who has been work
ing in Chaining the past year is home
lor a chort time.
Jacob Sieiner has gone to PortlanJ.
Eaett i'TTtt.
' Kaols Cbkkk, July 10. The Fourth
i p.iit again and all is quiet.
ilot-t of the cituens of this nee t ion at
tended the celebrat'on at Sandy, but
some went-to Union Park.
V.d Buraett, our road supervisor has
been doing considerable road woik lately
l-t the ifood "woik continue.
Miss Cora(iih?nn returned home from
Kaetern Oregon to (nd the Fourth.
Linse Hale has h;s new barn com
pleted. W. J. Howlette made a trip to Port-
sports did not curl their nioiltache lli.in i
thoietvio. We uuppoj-e Crittenden ill I
weir his white uhirt and llil.t'.ud will '
curl his hair as unul. Well p-od luck 1
to you boys ave as nmny old roty
dollars hs you can.
The rtiot,gr,icrB, who have had
then tent j'itched in our midst the past
few Java are going to leave Wednesday.
Mis. Hibbard is expected home Wed
nesday from Kastern Washington, where
she has U'en visiting at the hBine of her
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Part visited at Mr.
Ab. Ilardesty's Suudiiy.
Preaching Sunday at the M. K. church
South, Teasel Creek by Kev. Haines.
Teasel Creek is getting to tie a cold
church what is the matter with our jh-o-pie
in spiritual affairs? if it is a good
as they say it is wiiy don't they keep
drinking at that wonderful lountain they
tell us gives them such joy during a hut
Incrcmes the circulation In
the icalp, pive more power
to the nerve, supplies mis
ini; elements to the hair
UseJ according to direc
tion, jray hair heRins to
show color In a few days.
Soon It has all the softncus
and ru'hncs of youth and
thecolor of earlv life returns.
Mould you hke our hook
on the flair? M e w ill gladly
send it id you.
Writo us I
If you do not obtain all the
benefits you expected from
the Vigor, write the doctor
about it. He may be able to
suggest something of value
lo you. AJdreas, Dr. J. C
Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass.
poxsihlu ii i iitrle flights of urrowa. '
Cliaracteriitli ally It nevi r is-ciira to'
them to mi'I'i'iid operutii.lis l"T ntllers'
safety or cotiveiiliiice. nnd minor mil ;
' tb tits lllllit Iu t Ihi lllll'iillllll,,l
A lad was l'r.nn;lit t, the Imspltai the 1
I other day who had In n struck by mi j
arrmv jut In low the eye in he wan edg-
: Ing iil.nu thn highway II" wus In t i
badly hurt and prububly regarded Ins'
in jury n lucid, tital lo the ordinate
rirksof travel mi city ulreits. Not tb
' China Herald.
Ilrlilra ml V rl Wrmlirr,
A llrvt.'ll biid" t n t lit r liku to have
wet wedding; it Is h Id lo signify that
; all her tears urn now shed und that h"
, w ill then foro have a ha py in irri, .
life, 1 know of IM fiinilar bi lief lu the
Ilritih ilc.
j Thn I'.ttn of Simbirsk rail the day
' b fore the wedding tlu n ping day. i
' and the bride and her k'tI frn ihU weei
all they can. with the idea. It would
seem, of getting the mourning of life
! over o that mily Joy may remain
I The H.idiigas of thn Ni'lU'lirrrlea at- I
i tain the same end by using the bride !
With water Some (ireek trlU-a have '
; similar U lief In the virtue of a dr. m h
, lug bringing g'l fortune.
itcnntullttt Contains nrlltrr
Oi'iiiiii.Mir'Wi.' u'r M""'1'"-'otNai:-tic.
vJti - I
firm L.J 1
Ats-tfi ft KVmrily forforHlifWt
inm.iurSI"tiuiih.Ii.iiil'''i Wm tii5.CoitMil:.hins leverish-
ius niaRosHCirStti.1'.
lot 5iu' Sigiinluf "J
til: ' "
T'rtf Tn fn n f a n i1 rt. tl i
' "" 'UIQreii
The Kind You Han
Always Bought
y Boars tho
VA You Have
Always Bought.
laud last week on business. Miss I.ennie l'nie WViyal, it would seem to us if the
and Miss .Mary Chapman met him then, sensation is so enjoyable as they tell us,
and came out with him. Lennie Chap-! ,lut they would shout its jiraises and
and wife are yiMtii.g here now.
Mr. Thorp and family have started
for Washington, where they intend to
riH'iid the summer.
Miss KJna Price, who hasten visit-1
ing her aunt, Mrs. Kin niller, has gone!
to Portland lo visit Mends there before .1
Infrequent and 2
: Shampooing I
man has been up to Cmi!U Co , for
three or four months pai-t.
The meeting at Cavanaugh chapel
clo-d Sunday evenirg before the Fourth.
Elder L. (i. Uix, of Hood Kiver
preiched at the Pleasant Hill school
bouse Sunday at 11 o'clock also at night
Mr. J. I). Saeet, of Kansas, was in
the neighliorhood last week looking at
the country be expects to locale some
where in the valley.
Haying will be in full blast this week
in this section il the weather continues
Mr. Hemy Udell spent the Fourth
neie, lie is working in a saw mill in
Miss Daiy liivers, of Parkjilace, was
V siting friends at Kagle Creek last week.
Mrs. J. B. Laber, of Oregon City,
called on Mrs. Foster on the Fouith.
drink therelroin all the time and not get
so cold and careless w hen the fever of
excitement has departed.
y". 1 i t . n .
i.nerry jui KingisatNiiu over, merries
( returning U her home in the I'.ist. a
Mr. Iwis and family of llocky Point, I
have moved into this vicinity to st iy for 1 a
the summer.
Some of tlie peole from lere went lo
Portland to spend tlie Fourth, but ino-t
am rvt,inl!.lr for 1ry, rrnnjr n t
viriilile rol irn lialr. Maur r Ic
linn, a (.My u i i'l y i,( tilr. sn,l li
(SI lit Iw I.tiiiIIIiiI i iv II D"l li st
itafeliutt hud ili-tr.nt 1U lltr at1 n,ftle
II lutn !-. l.irrjoue t I . o.l tlnxil.l
It? IianiN4-i uiiii. a n-k nltlii'nip
"Known as the Wobble near."
L" Ir
" N Ilk
were a light crop and thos sweet yoked! " t'-i-ll the t-elehraii..ii at Sandy.
feathered songsters came in for their full
A great manv in
suffering with colds.
this vicinity are
. Keoi.aM), July 10. Farmers are all
niunojioUziiig the euod weather by mak
ii g hay. The ciop is a good one both
in quantity and quali'y.
The Fourth went off smoothly every
one enjoying a good time. Union Park
will get its name up if it gives a couple
of celebrations like the last.
The Viola Literary and Musical
society is going to give a lawn soci I
July 21st at the parsonage. Hardtack
and beans is the bill of fare.
I lias. Kntuerlord closed a very suc
cessful term of school in Dist. No. 21
Charley proved himself to be an excelent
instructor in school work. We are sorry
to see hi in go. He will teach at Mol
A pleasant surprise was given Oswold
Behymer Saturday evening. All en
joyed a good time until midnight when
an excellent lunch was served and all took
their departure for home.
Miss Olive Mooho.of Oregon City,
was out borne for a drive Saturday
Miss Nellie Collens, of Portland, is
-visiting her mother Mrs. A. Sprague
during her illness- Mrs. Sprague is
sjuite low with bronchial asthma.
The mumps have gone the rounds of
this neighborhood this sjring.
Eedland was represented in the tug of
war by the U. S. Snag boat on the Fourth
against the Eugene boyq. The boys
aboard the boat say they can pull anything.
Young Dewey Linn took the prize in
the baby show at Purkjdace on June 21.
PaktoS, July 11. Lioks like our good
weather had all came back again. The
farmers are busy Disking hay.
Chas, liurghari't has purchased a new
mower und rake.
The P.a'ton young peojdu look a sjiin
to the fish hatchery Sunday on their
Mrs. Mary Partleinny is very ill.
Chas. Curghardt is the ow ner of a new
Mr. Odell is working for Chas. I5urg
hardt this week.
Edd r.iirghanlt was home on a short
visit from Stevenson Wash.
Willie Cooke's smiling face was seen
in Carton Sunday.
There will be a s-irprise birthday party
at dr. Hubert's tonight. All exiect lo
have a nice lime.
J. Holland has gone away to work
during the summer.
'III. I.
Moi.AtLA, July 10 There was a big
barn raising at Mrs. Todd's jdace Sat
urday, Uncle Jake Harlit-s is building a new
fence in front of hisprojierty in Molalla,
there by greatly improving the appear-
Hood View.
Hood View, July 9. Jots Harms, the
fourteen-year-old son of II. I). Harm
who died June 2sth is sadly missed from
our midst by many friends and acquain
A very large crowd gathered at Wil
sonville the Fourth and a grand time
was had, the orator Judge Gordon E
Hayes delivered a grand oration on our
government, the war, and general de
velopment of the country. The oration
was complimented very highly by those
who heard it.
The dance in the evening in the large
new building was largely attended and a
pleasant time had, also several that had
visited the cider barrel once bi much
seemed to enjoy the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. T. Tooze a promi
nent farmer ol Wilsonville started on a
couple of months trip through the eant.
They will visit Ohio and other stales.
Our road sujiervisor 6. E. Ililman.on
a trip to Oregon City last week was de
scending the Oregon City bridge on his
wheel whi jh became ungovernable, but
fortunately he managed to get stopped
at the depot on Seventh street without,
being hurt.
Alfred Huberts was bucked from lii
bike last week, breaking his arm, and
bruising Ins shoulder.
Dovkk, July 10. Haying has com
rneneed. Most of the clover through
here is very heavy. Mowing machines
are heard on every side, grain and pota
toes look well.
Mrs. Nelson's brother, Mr. Crawford
Matfenl. !
St.utoki), July 12 Phil Maker and!1
sons have nrchaed a new bin ler, a Jos. ev-ik, jr., has fmlv r v-n-d
"Piano," his health and together with J , Sir.
.,.., . , , has leaed lh New Kia Flooring .Mills.
Hinder twine has taken a drop, we ap- .mi.
, , The mill will f greatlv in.proxed and
predate the decline, a fourteen cents a ) '
arrangements maun iur receiving grain
exchanging lor mill i.tii'i t x!n,rt notice.
Soitisfact ion L'liiiuiiieiil
om relatives ol .'Mrs. n elile a from ,
ima liijuru.ua awl iHalUYsivliif Wash. '- I Ci T Vf 'CV "'V
cr? Sutherland Sisters' 2 ' A( I f V :
4t n.,t nn, It. a. h tin- Imlr.llks ,.1' .. ;-J ' fi ' Vviks ' ' ,
? ' Zh in ,Sil ,l '-. . . . .-, .. -. .-. - -.
4 VH.''
cl.nii. r nh lls"IUia ,nor
S) Hi. ) ii.nlaln noililng lait atial l K'1
(or the liulrah'l mhI.
was rubbing it on rather loo1
X' II'
in a ,
P. .
ly a l,i,t.
r nil lie
I lu
ut'i"g nui'iiig
'I ni r -glit i,i i. ui 1 1, bm
n'otii-s ele , i , Ml r-
l.',,n ol, 1 1,,, ku !
Jefferson, have U-en visiting her.
Most of the clover hay is cut
ready to haul.
Mr. Aldredge, of Sherwood, was in !
the community last Friday. j
Some winter oats are turning grey
harvest wid soon tie here.
F. Polivka, sr. does not neon to I
prove any. We were in hopes he would
he out among us ere this, but our hopes
seem to have been in vain.
Sam Moser is hauling clover hay to
some mill for which be receives seven
dollars a ton.
mi i 1 a ii it
ine nogs uestroyeu v in. miiibiz s crop
'it grapes.
Skvi Ik. Sum jc k Co.
Your tc.iin will liuvu the lies!
of caru ami
Full Measure of Feed
lllir -
i, ii , "
'I, l-.-.i .11 , .,
f i . F'i.1 I. ,... lf
re I.i II e ns' o ,' II ,
I ',illl,l ol ., , rr 1 1 , ,..
I II., I f
At lho
Mobbed the (imve.
A startling incident of which Mr John
Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject,
is narrated by him as follows: "I was
in a most ureaiJIul condition. .My skin
was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue
oaled, rutin continually In back and
"ides, no appetite gradually growing
veaker day by day. Three ihjsician
mil given me up. Fortunately, a friend
d vised "Electric Bitters,"' and to my
.'reat joy nnd Htirjirise, the first bottle
made a decided improvement I continued
heir use for three, weeks and am now
well man. I know they sayed my life,
ind robbed the grave of another victim."
No one should fail to try them. Only
0f nts, guaranteed at Geo. A. Ilard-
ng's Drug Store.
City Stublcn.
W. H. YOUNC, Prop.,
i0 "!.iL W. H. Cook
Livery Itign on .Short Notice.
Telephone No. 42.
Ill,,)' Jm.I i. I,, li
iiaii'' v.:
I I" ' 1" lo
II ..II . I, I.I t. ",,
,., r. . r.l. li,. I n, , .i,
. " I o. f la I ,,,lr,l
11, 1 1 1-1 it-.t ,!(,
ol a V ,rl,, I,, , kr,
, k. I'.r I'ir, I l,,r l., ,., ,,,,,,(. a , 'I,M f
"I I I" 1 1 1 I, ,1 , I .,, , , , .,, , l,.,hl I, ,.l,,l
nil lo ri .1., I , ,,
'l'"! I'Mlllmt llllnril
.( it,
I, I
I 11.
,1 ye
I Bill I... ,i i , ir nl. "I e"
"' I' f i,rl 'In- If .1 H ..
I' ' :, i o r',l n.y,i l-." ''
''.. I.I 1 1. li tl Ma II 'I "
"'' ii'S I U.r I'll II' f " ''
t" buy a Mo-ti r i.M'.itnli r until veil
SFAI) MMI TKSTI.MoMAI, !!(., nI1, ,,, tl1. hm,n
Wm, ,i Waslu.igt.,,, ttlioare using tl, sv al.ont ll.em. T
would not use iinntlu r nike after Using the "Cll AMI'ION."
Mitchell, Lewis & Stavcr Co.
First and Taylor Streets Portland, Orcgor
I adles Can Wear Mioes
One s'ze smaller after using Allen's
Foot- Fase, powder to be shaken into
the shoes. It makes tight or new shoes
feel easy ; gives instant relief to corns
and bunions. It's the greatest comfort
discovery of the age. Cures swollen
feet, blisters and callous sjiotM. Allen's
Foot-Kai e is a certain cure or ingrowing
nails, sweating, hot, aching feet. At all
druggists and shoe stores, 25c. Trial
jiackage FItKK by mail. Address,
' Allen 8. Olmsted, LeKoy, N. Y.
Railroad and Express Office.
a 4.i:r.it tr ui: or
TO UAf !(.'(), ,
A lid Kto.
J. & ISfewbuuy,
Post OfTicc Iluilding,
Do You Need Any
I) mrs, Wimlmvs, (ilass, Moulding
Or Othor Dulldlne Motorlol.
C H. Bestow & Co.
j ,r"" '' 'nd MaiiiSts.
I .
Oregon City, Oregon,
ES tl ri fir fe El' El IS Si!
m n:.vriMt: hokm niioi ir
Worl. 'done roniil y ami
nl reiioiiimliln prl.'M ,
TrntniiiK School for Tencht-rs; Nr p
f"l'.H; New Iii partments; rngnt.h'l C'
School Woik; Oriidmilea Secure C.(.
"ong; .Strong Courses; Well J'-f"!'
J milling Department; Normal V,'.,,,
Ouirkest nnd 11.-st Way to State Cr'til"
lixjiense for year from jtt;o t tlf
I "rd f 1 50 tof i on .er week, 111111"" r
1 r term of t,. w,.cks. Pall trtn" W
'' j.t loth; Summer term June 7 vl"
For Catalogue Addrcs
or W. A. WANN. Secretary of FacaltF.