Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 14, 1899, Image 1

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t. Trim T3 v n v'TT tt n
. t ti i! I.A'lol'llR'I'Ift,
11 ' " "
lr(!tNi:YH AM
f nfVML-f lll(4 AT I AW
, , It K K T HMKO'lH iltr, llHRUII,
. .. i,.i,i'is id Tills, N'SH Mmmr, R"f
'". ', n,.,i". tramaul tiaiiMal
' a Hii.Iiihss.
ft v it tt ll
Ml" ,N I IIH l I. A .'I', . '.
. . t l,L.l. . t, ..!.,,... I
l"l""" " " ' ' '
V( hi" .f'ifr"ll'Rl aervlrea III Urn
i, ,,t 1 1 iim ' HTip Ti'innj, nfi ii
,,1,,,'li.M call HI lalarill and
I i, .. nli' illwii ll" ' r(f
,,,. ,-ltrii, limV" III Willamette
llull.li' it (hi ni'iiri iv in i.' a, in ,
I lir u i( til .
,i,.s rilV lii;uo
iomxtkk; iiotix.....
I'mli r new uuuniii iin iil Tim Kleotric Hotel
Ihin Ihcii thoroughly refitted ami in ftituro
will l"i f ron 1 ii til on it ntrictly lirnt dnnn
I'Ihii, Kimt cIhhh tulili! HTvic at an reason
alfl rntf-N iim fun lo hnl in tli! city. I'mmpt
iiikI ci'ci,il ftttitiliitn vr it to lmii'ii-tH.
My iiiiiny frii'ii'ln unl tin; jii-ricriil jiublij are
cordially invited, to utoji and m-n mo.
C. C, MADDOCK. Manauor, Oroon City, Oregon.
MH hy d'ovfriior (Jeer and .NlalT
at Sun FrancNco.
"Tim effective establishment of gold 1 silveritea, and the wire im nv licinn
II. I.. I.. I R K F N ,
I) K.ST 1ST. .
'li.r M trr l . All OpnlatloliR
I, :l i .... . . it. ........ (Ml- M.
if! UT I'lll' I'l'R vii'iimi(wi(
' H I HKS.
If Ymi Wiml
Job priptir
011 i..-ll lliitlHry'a t'ruR Wote.
1 1
What wpi Says Mist I w
HI ( uM M t K A t, HAKK
. liCD.OU)
They ill aay that
lliailiiartrr lor Hay, landplaater, Heed. F.tc.
Carrie the moat complete stock
ot Firat Class (iriH'rrli'l to 4
found In the City.
tfttA(t a esftaaiLaiaatRaRt'tiaafta
. .....t ftlll. dlr,ultl,il. MihM rol-
Ltu. M iM i4 Mil rhi. cm all Huu
bil ull"! uim. r 11 !( an'i li'mg amii
,.:! l.lt t'ltilail Ui c tiara (auk
C LATofHRTT K. rrManl.
r. i. xrvru c.a f.
It ,K lloKYK.
,a ii llrl.lK vurk rifrlall)r. All
dik aarfantMl an. aall'lacllun
(uaraia't, .
(ima In (VillaM Oil.
iKtat ltMlh tUn to County ConM:
f I ..I.! K.l.ll.X.B I.
'if Tj-iif, oH llunll'i Uk
fj Itailm.vl TiekctH to all jioints East at low rates. 'A
IVuiMvr rbrofal.
:'.oif MrKlllrlrk a Mum hlf. Har
lha Hank of Or.m I'HJT.
e imoiu.
i. u.c.mi.u
t si'. TVTn onrv'R PcLiXltS .TJi;i v:i"v.
kow wr.i.1. a rAMrnKLU
laoaCiTf, ORMOR.
Klpi.riir. In allilLCUitf at (ha Mat. 01-
. la i.ud. U tUi.iliUR.
II. Ml I.I. KK. j
ii:sriKT - j
irii of lrih, K'il'1 rfowiu. all klmli of !
Ii l ll rt f and bililKuik. j
Rili M. i. tar J.Kt, (iiih"n "Hy, r. j
V(irr Mi'Kltlrli'R'R Hlino Htor, lirRf
Uik Hank ol Orrh'unt Ity.
l oitRti.i.iiv C. G. HUNTLEY oiir.o rrv
k(Ti or fRorRRTY ri'RRIHR.
nut in Oron (MIT KnUrpri a.
riluHiit i(f the NorlhwnHlirn Unlver-
nil. iriMMHI ri'liwi, VHHiuft".
'o Aini.rican College of iHmtal 8u.rt.ory,
"illuiiuitto lilork, Oregon City.
J, FAG. W. SWOl'E,
'llMlmiN, Fornclomtr) of MortKntR,
kinl r Kidicrul law IhihIiiphr Rt
tiimlud to promiilly.
'' Firnt door South of Mothodlitt
Church .
Sorocn Poors, Window Screens,
Lawn Mowers, (lanlen Hose,
(lanlen Ttls, Scythes, Culti
vators, Iticycles, &c, Ac. for
which we are headquarters. Wo
are ' omenta for tho Celebrated
Siminonds Saws, 7. Wciljres and
Sledges, Syiacuse Chilled Plows,
Canton Steel Plows, Harrows Ac,
Largest Stock of Hardware,
Stoves and Tinware in the city.
Plumbinp: and Jobbing
a Specialty ......
Cor. 4th and Main Sts.
Oiaest Banklm Mm Is the Cltr.
I'uld np Caiiltal, V pO.OOO.
lua, I4),HM).
RO. A. HARitma.
a. . CiuriRLD.
'iisnnraihunjm- biulnoia transacted.
IIU rinlveifalieol to ohetik.
2'''I"t lillli ami nntea dlammiiWd.
J,UW tint city warrant! boiiijht.
mvl n aTallable leourllf.
jnM.J"'!H lioiiKhtanit aolrt.
ftiK., y.ii.,,i. i .. tiart ol the world
"Kraphlo aaolianaea aold on FortlRUd, Hao
For Perfection
In Baking
Use Patent Flour Manu
factured by the Portland
Flouring Mills Company,
Oregon City. Oregon.
I'liMiil In MmiiIU-Indian Mini Prriar
liiK tr TriHipuRt VRiiiiiiitiT
j JUrrnrli, Wr.Ii.
I U. l'.,., t.,i. in Tl. I .a.,
w nn.i ti'itj I im 1 1 a. ii n
inrlR Oliiij mid Ni-wK)rt, U-aiintf tint
(Iri-noii vuhiriti'iira, Iirvh not hnfri aixhu-il
up an erly hour tlii inurning, hutj
I thi-ir arrival In cx'( tiid hourly, thu
! Newport arriving neyeral hour prohably,
iH'forH, the Ohio.
i Wh"ihir thu Ornfin voluntwrR are
Uiiili'd here will iliiciid ujijii Ilia roo-
atnt i J th loloni'l In roruinand of the
regiment, and rIki the wilie of the
Ifovernor of (trH'in. Until thin in de
ItiiiIiiim the tied CrotR Hocinty and
Native Hoiir In chartfe of llm reception
Ut the Oregon troom will defer further
All day the waterfront wrr crowded
with people enioilily watching for the
vi'Maela. It it eitretnely dotihtful
w heitlier the Oregon ho) R will be al
lowed to land at all. At far an the local
(piaileniianter'a department at preaent
know a, both tranortf will he ordered
to Portland or Aotoria aa aoon a tbey
have panned quarantine and discharged i
any aoldiurt that they may brine that
belong to other regiment. Whether
ilu y land or not, however, every pre
paration baa been made to receive them,
and if they are coniMlled to remain on
ahipboard during their ttay here tbey
will l,e plentifully aerenaded from tug
boat, launch and Whitehall, iianda,
airen, horni and bannnera will welcome
them them back to their native land,
and if they get athore they will be
feaMted by the leaders of the lied Croaa
and entertained by the cltiiem.
orr ton RAN rKAXCIRCO.
Governor Cr Uoi to
Meet lb Vol-
Kalm, July 9. Governor Geer, Adjutant-General
Tuttle, Colonel Gillii. Imr
trkt Attorney Harden an. I II. A. John
! aon left Salem this evening (or Kan Fran
I ciaco to meet the volunteora returning
from Manila. Tbey think the volunteers
, will reach San Fraiuimo before Wednes
day. Oilier Kalemitea will leave for San
Franoiaco in a day or two.
ulaiidard i of paramount Ifiiiiorlance to
the material Interenta of India, not
only to promote exUling trado, but to
encourage the influx of capital."
Ixkion, July 10 The ipecial dia
patohea to the morning paperi from
Cape Town and Johannesburg fonciir aa
to the complexity and obacnrliy of the
I 'Mir proKwaU, and declare that the
L'itlaridcr are profoundly disappointed.
In JohanneMburg it li lielievd that
I'reaident Krnger ia only dallying to
gitin lime until the weather rnakea cam
paigning difficult for the I'.ritinhen.
W. I'. Hchrelner, the Cape premier,
ha addrcnHe.d a letter lo an Afrikander
paper puhliahed in Cape Town, declar
ing that there i no ground w hatever for
the active Interference of the imperial
government in
lloer propocali are aatinfactory. Thin
ha arouned great Indignation in the
Cape Colony, where it la regarded aa
mifcchievoua, illtimed and calculated to
encourage I'reaident Kiuger and to em
barra" Sir Alfred Mllner. '"
Tho Home correndei't of the I'aily
Mail aaya : "The pope baa b-cn in cot
reapondence with President Kruger, ap
pealing V) him to avoid a rupture with
Great Britain, and yeaterday he receive. I
a dipatcli from the Transvaal chief
magistrate declaring that settlement
was still distant, but that the crisis wa
passed "
According to the Johannesburg enrre
snondent of the Daily Mail, the Ui'.land
ert regard the Transvaal government's
proposals as absurdly iuMitik-ient.
laid to that end.
Want Wild Whn
Wn. Hiahi.i.
Was Fbakciic, July VI. The United
KtaU.a transport Newp'jrt 1 and Ohio,
bearing the Oregon volunteer regiment
from Manila, arrived here erly thiaeye
ning. The vessels were sighted some miles)
out at sea early in the afternoon and aoon
the shrieking of steam whiatlea, the
clanging ot bells and the firing of can
non announced to the people of San
Francisco and vicinity that the first
batch of returning volunteers from Ma-
the Transvaal, as the niU were neanng the peaceful shores of
California, and within a few minuteH
after the announcrudnt wa made, tlio
street leading toward the bay shores
were thronged with people wending their
way to the docks and to the heigMa over
looking the bay, all intent on catching a
glimpse of the transports as they steamed
up the harbor unJer the escort of a score)
of vessels which had been made ready
for the arrival of the steamers.
Along the water front proper all waff
excitement. Whiatle and bell kept
up a continual din. The roof of ware
bouses were crowded with people, and
from scores of flagpoles streamad into
the breexe the Stars and Stripes for
which the boys have been fighting for so
many long weary months. Steamer
tugs, yachts and even small row boats
were soon making their way as faat as
possible toward (lie Golden Gate.all bent
upon adding to the welcome given to the
boys from the Webfoot state.
A the transports slowly steamed op
the harbor, the soldiers on board gath
ered in excited groups on deck, anl
some cli-obed into the rigging, where
ther shouted and cheered like mad.
The band on the Sea Queen played
patriotic airs, and the screaming of
many steam sirens created 4 pande-luooium.
Cape of Good Hope Pramlor Conaldsra
Tham Adequate.
Caps Tow x. July 8. W . P. Schrelner,
prime minister of the colony of the Cape
of Good Hope, eays the Cap govern
ment regards the Transvaal reform pro
posals as adequate and calculated to
secure peaceful settlement. The
colonial premier, however, represents
the Afrikander element.
Sir John Gordon Sprigs, ex-prime
minister and colonial secretary, who is
an imperialist, considers tbe proposals in
adequate to meet the just conditions of
tbe Uitlanders, and altogether less tban
Sir Alfred Milner, governor of the colony
and British comniieaioner (or South
Africa, demanded of President Kroger at
the Bloemtonteir conference.
Furnished Every Week by the Clark t
mas Abstract k Trust Compaay.
To bo Muttered oat at Healtle.
Skattlk, July 9. It is said tonight
that arrangvinent have about been com-1
pleled to bring the Washington volun
teers to this city to be mustered out.
j Upon their arrival at San Francisco they
! will be put aboard a special train char
tered by Seattle people. The train will
have a pay-car attached, and the troos
will be paid olfen route.
City Ntreeta at
Low Polnta
are I'nder
Transvaal Treason Caaea.
Pretoria, July 9. Tbe Transvaal
government has decided to prosecute on
charges of high treason the three princi
pal defendants w hose complicity in the
recent attempt to promote a rebellious
rising at Johannesburg has been for
several weeks under judicial investiga
Manila, July 10, 8 a. m. It bus been
raining and storming almost constantly
(or two days, ami the country along the
American south and buy lines is liter-
'ally flooded. The aoKliers are suffering
! great discomfort. The Thirteenth in
jfanlry regiment at Fanny is in the worst
position, being practically surrounded
i by water. The bridges that were used
for getting supplies Have been washed
'away, and some of the companies are
J now separated by streams six feet deep.
In many cases tbe men are sleeping with
three feet of water beneath their bunks,
which are elevated on cracker boxes.
The company cooka, when preparing the
mealB. stand knee deep in w ater.
Some ot tho roada leading to Pasay
are simply impassible, and the rice fields
on all sides are one great lake. A high
wind blew over several tents of the Sec
ond reserve hospital. Manila bay is im
possible of navigation by either launches
or canoes, and no vessels are leaving the
The United States transport Centon
tennial is ready to sail lor San Francisco
with discharged soldiers, but the latter
have to Bit around the water front all
day, drenched to the skin, waiting for a
launch to take them to the steamer.
The river rasljf and all the other
streams are swollen, and the city streets
at all low poiuta are covered wtih water.
London. Julv 9. The report of tbe
parliamentary committee on Indi.n cur
rency, just issued, In the form of a blue
book, approves tue decision of the gov
ernment not to revert to a silver BUn
dard. It antues that It would be tra
possible to maintain the status quo per
manently, and recommends that tueas
urea be taken to introduce a gold stand
ard with the British sovereign as legal
tender, and advises that tbe Indian
mints be allowed to coin gold without
restriction, on tbe same terms as tbe
Australian mints. Finally, by a major
ity of votes, the committee recommends
fixing the rupee rate at 10 pence. The
report says, in conclusion :
Washington-, July 10. Unless some
change is made, the plan now arranged
for the Second Oregon is that tbe regi
ment will go to Astoria on tne govern
ment transports and will then be trans
ferred to the river steamers chartered hy
the quartermaster's department, taken
to Portland, and after the reception at
Portland, will be taken to Vancouver,
w here they will remain until mustered
(Juartermaster Jacobs, at Vancouver,
has been instructed to secure tbe steam
ers. There is no necessity for any de
lay at the the mouth of the river, as the
troops can be transferred quickly from
the transports to tbe river steamers and
taken to Portland, and no such delay is
now contemplated by the war depart
ment. '
It will be some time before the muster
out takes place, as there must be an ac
counting of property and a settling of ac
counts with each company. Paymas
ters are very particular In the tinal set
tlements, as any mistake would mean a
loss to them, as there will be no further
dealings with the regiment when the
final settlement is made, and the money
paid over.
ttarracks ltelng Repaired and
Erected at Vancouver.
Vancouver, Wash., July 10. Exten
sive preparations are being made at
Vancouver barracks for the reception
and accommodation ot the Oregon vol
unteers, upon their return from Manila
tor muster-out here. Company barracks
and officers' quarters are being repaired
and put in order, and a large number of
service tents are being erected in the
grove in the rear of the oarracks , (or the
accommodation of a portion of the regi
ment. There is a barrack accommoda
tion (or eight companies, including one
company of Twenty-fourth Infantry now
W E Morris to J Schneider, 12.28
acres in Ii Johnson claim, 1 2 s, r
2 e
J L Stone to S A Campbell, lot 3,
blk 68, Oregon City 300
W D Wolverton to United States,
sw4' see 13. t 2 s, r 7 e Act of C
M G DoBuisson to W D Wolverton
sw sec 12, t 2 s, r 7 e
II C Clements to J Marks, 3-5 acre
Canby depot grounds 385
A E Woverton to U S ne sec 8,
t2s, r7 720
II L Stratton to J C Pierce lot 9,
blk 2. Falls View
W II Douglass to E M Horner, n1;
of ne4 sec 10. t 3 s, r 4 e.
It Gillan to M J Albright. 3.50 acres
K Thompson claim, t 6 s, r2 e
O C Wetxler to E G Wetiler. 40
acres in Crow claim t 3 8, r 3 e.
G II Asbton to M V Piatt lot 2 blk
20, Oswego 75
C P Church to Neppach, sec 36, 1 3
8, r 5 e
II C Breeden to C P Church sec 36,
t 3 s, r 5 e
B F Linn to W M Wilson, ei of
ne'4' sec 35, 1 2 , r 2 e
M J Lewellen toN J Reid, 80 acres
J Stephenson claim, 1 3 s, r 4 e
P Hemmelgarn to F Swartz, lot 5
blk 2, Mt Pleasant $ 115
G II Ashton to C Sabel, lot 1, 2, blk
23. Oswego... 50
U S to R Hughes, n1 of bw! sec
13. tv4s, r 4 e
U S to R Hughes, sw'4' of ne'' and
se of nw4 sec 13, t 4 8, r 4 e. . .
II II Campbell to J W Roots, 46
acres in Isora Cranefield claim
t3 8, r 4e 1
C Swartz, by adm, to II bwarti,
13 77 et al sec 23, 1 3 s, rlw.... 1200
F Swarti to II Swarts, 60 acres
mile of Wllsonville
L S Stanovich, to II . Swartz, 60
acres known as Swartz farm
A Shay to E Chase, ne'i of bw4
and nw.'i of se'i sec 29, tie, r
4 e
L L Porter to R D Wilson, lot 13,
blk 13, Holmes ad 1
ED Brooks, by sheriff, to J W
Roots, 5-6ths ol ne'vf, lot 1 blk 4
Marehfield 987
U S to J G Bleakney. e of se'i
nw.l4 of Be?4 and tie,1- of sw sec
14, t6s, r2 e Tat
J Baty. by sheriff, to II Grimm,
ne'sec 22, t5B, r3 e 4.raJ
Washinoton, July 10. Gorman of
Maryland is now in New York, meeting
with a number of politicians from all
over the East with a view to overturn
ing Bryan. It is said that a fair under
standing exists between McLean, candi
date for governor of Ohio, and Gorman,
and a number of other Eastern men, to
wrest tbe party from the control of the
TRUST CO. are the owners o( the copy
right to the Thorne system ol abstract
indexes, (or Clackamas county, and bava
the only complete set o( abstracts in the
County, can tarnish information as to
title to land at once, on application.
Loans, Investments, real estate, abstract!
etc. Office over Bank of Oregon City.
Call and investigate. Address box 37?
Oregon City Oregon.
rPUonirine depoilti.