Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 07, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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1 SPECIAL raildLiH! !
ENDING JULY 15, 1599.
Regular Price $ 1 .00 now. SO'. Nodular Price $ 1 .."0 now $ 1 .20.
Regular Trice $-.f0 now $'200. Also a few odd si.cs $ l.f0 at .r.Oo. a pair.
This Will Take in all the Shoes in Our Store.
i All Kinds oi rroauce raKon in .bxcnaiigo iu JUgnest xaarKoc rnco
J We Want Your Wool Will Pay Top Prico in Cash or Trade,
Bros.' Bazaar
Aurora Harness Shop
We Make a Specialty ot low prices.
Our Leader is TEAM HARNESS.
Our Stock includes Everything Worn by a Horse
We Buy Hides for Cash.
Keep leather For Sale. Do All Kinds Repairing
B. W. Zimmerman, Proprietor.
Henry A. Snyder
Notary Public.
Agent for Home Insurance Co. and
Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society.
Office in P. O. building.
Aurora, - - Oregon.
a. Tarm
7itarj Public aal Broker.
Iealer la Krai Dktal. and
Fire la.araarc 'Writer.
' A General Office lluslnena
Traawarted. Choice Farm
aad City I'roprrtr for Swale.
Loans Negotiatea.
Aurora Orroi
Jacob Giksv, - - Proprietor
Rate? $ 1 Per Day and Upwards.
Livery and Feed S-.able In Conneetion'with
tile House. Horsei and Ii'iicuies to
I. tt at Kaonahle Hates.
Bar supplied with the finest wine, liquors
and cigar?. Weinhard's beer on
rat will Shake l A marl-
ema Baake Story lavaatora.
American inventors of make stories
tnnst look to tbeir laurels. The educated
Bengali baa entered into competition. :
and judging from the aatnple given in j
good faith by a native paper at Calcut
ta be will be bard to beat Some time '
back tbe lovely daughter of a wealthy i
Zemindar was bitten by a cobra and 1
died in tbe course of a few hoars. At
ber remain were being conveyed to tbe i
Oangea for sepulture a pawing patri- j
arch of reverend mien proposed that he 1
bonld be allowed to experiment with !
resuscitation. As be bore a high repn-1
tation as a professor of occnlt science. '
tbe sorrowing relativea readily consent-!
ed. ;
Tbe sage tben obtained three cowries. !
and after praying very energetically j
threw the shells on tbe ground. Instant-:
ly one disappeared, and the spectators 1
were wonding what had become of it
when a huge cobra burst out of the ad
jacent jnngle. liearing tbe missing cow
rie on its forehead. It must have been
a humble sort of reptile, for when or
dered by the sane to suck tbe wound on
the deceased lady it at once complied,
and then died to save further trouble
Within an hour its human victim had
qnite recovered, and went oft merrily
with her husband and relatives, none
the worse for her little adventnra
"Such was the marvelous treatment, "
says tbe narrator, "of tbe peasant.
Moula Dux, professor of the occult sci
ence, which, with the Hpread of the so
called western civilization, has almost
died out of the land. " What we cannot
understand is why make committed
more atrocities when occnlt science
was in its prime than uudur western
Aa larldrat Walra Aptlr Illustrates
Ills Dellberatearsa.
' To illnctrato the dilihoratoticesof the
modern EngM-dinum let me tell of a bal
which blew i ff a mechanic's bead on
the top of a bit crowing Albert bridge.
A still breete blew tip the Thame, and
the bat was whirled against the side of
tbe.bridga and then went spinning
down tbe footway in the opposite di
rection from that which the omnibus
pursued. "I say," said tbe mechanic,
reaching over and touching tbe driver
on the shoulder; "me 'at's Mowed oil."
Tbe drivrr fidgeted a moment at this
sudden interruption, then took a tight
er grasp of tbe reins and clucked to the
horses to quicken their pace. The bat
and tbe vehicle spun along in opposite
ways. "I say, driver," said the mechan
ic; "me 'at's Mowed off." Tbe driver
fidgeted again, but now his mind grasp
ed the situation, though moat unwill
ingly. "It 'as. 'as it f be said, turning to
the man. "Well, tben, that'll teach
yon to buy 'ate to fit your 'cad I 'ad a
'ole lot of 'ats blow off before I made
op me mind to get 'em to fit ma 'ead.
After that 1 'ad no more trouble."
Tbe hat waa still bowling along and
was now at tbe farther end of tbe
bridge. Tbe mechanic looked at it
dully. 1 waa in a fever of gratuitous j
impatience for the bus to atop or for I
k. ..i;.k ,1 ...... TI.- A.i... I
. u u luau h diiuii nun u a ua ui 1 1 I
turned back to bis work and clucked to
bis burse, wbo quickened tbeir gait
Just then a vagrant stopped tbe flight
of tbe hat and ran and caught the bus
and got a penny fur bia pains. So every
one was happy, even L Julian Ralph
in Harper's Magazine.
Produce $ Commission
Highest market price tl for
ki:i:.x ai imiF.o i hi n.
P. O. Box 38. Aurora Oregon.
trr Human.
Teacher Ouce open a time there
were two rich men, one of whom made
bia fortune by honest industry, while
the ether made bis by fraud. Now,
which of these two men would you pre
fer to be?
Tommy (after a moment's hesitation)
Which made the most T
Jumt Where Be Wu Wise.
Solomon is reported to bave beeo a
nan of great wisdom, but we have no
record of bia ever having been ques
tioned by a 0-year-old child. St. LouU
Few formed lakes, canals, etc., of
ten become mysteriously populated with
fish. This is believed to be effected by
birds which, having been feeding on
Han spawn elsewhere, alight in the new
waters and drop soma of the spawn
tzutx their bilk
The French Supreme Court.
The constitution of the conr de cas- ,
cation is as follows One president, or '
chief justice, stands at the head of the
organization, having below him three
subordinate presidents, each of whom
has charge of a chamber Next in order
come 45 minor judges, styled council-'
ors. 15 for each chamber Besides these
strictly judicial functionaries, who are
appointed for life, there are seven ofll
cial advocates, one of whom is a sort of
attorney general to tbe whole body,
while two practice in each of the di
visions. To this st a fit must be added fonr chief
clerks and about a score of minor ofll
ciala Of the three chambers, the Grst
is a court of requests, serving to decide
what cases shall be allowed to go before
the civil and criminal chamber re
spectively. Eleven judges in all the di
visions are necessary to form a quorum
The courts only sit three days a wfttk,
from 12 to 4, so that this huge machine
does its work very slowly.
Nature's Connlna.
Protective mimicry, that cunning de
vice of nature to preserve animals from
their enemies, is well shown In the
eggs of certain fishes, notably the Cali
fornia! shark known as Gyropleurodus
francisci Tbe shark is of a sluggish
habit, larking among rocks, and its
dark egg resembles a leaf of kelp or sea
weed folded up spirally It ia deposited
among tbe beds of kelp and clings to
the leaves by the edges of the spirals.
Tbe young shark bursts open the end
of the egg and swims away Another
shark's egg of the Pacific coast has ten
tacles which claep the seaweed and
also imitate its appearanca
"So you have no house of lords in
this country t" said tbe visiting Eng
lishman. "No, we haven't." replied tbe Amer
ican. "This is a nation without a
peer. " Harper's Bazar.
Para's Frarfal Wrllla.
James Payn's chirograpby is some
thing fearful to contemplate. It is sim
ply execrable. The Academy tells a nice
story about I'ayn's "bewildering band
writing." Minn Jane Harlow sent a
poem as a first contribution to The
Cornhill when Tayn waa ita editor.
Think of tbe lady receiving a brief liuo
which she interpreted as follows: "I
have no use for silly verses."
Of course Mis iiarluw indulged in
copions tears. There never was such an
ill mannered snub. Then she com
menced to study tbe scrawl. Now came
a gleam of light, for she dimly in ado
out what it really was. "I Lope to use
your ptetty verses."
Alas, when you are, as a poet, "de
clined with thanks," there is today no
possibility of error, for the fatal missive
is always typewritten.
Feminine Kent ares.
"While woman may have her face on
the dollar." said the corn fed philoso
pher, looking thoughtfully at the coin,
"yet. to tell the truth, sho is moro apt
to bave her eye on the 8H cents." In
diunapolis Journal.
Tbe depth of water affects the speed
of steamers Very considerably, the ves
sels moving more slowly in shallow
than in deep water.
(Ccnclcded from page one)
A B I.inn
Fred l.ennce.
W V llann...,
J W Meld rum.
2 20
2 20
0 00
Tolal 24 40
In matter of bids for plank on Molalla
road Cleric ordered to notify sawmill
men adjacent to the Molalla road to put
in old lor plunk at July term ol board
Bonds will be required.
In the matter of the report of the
viewers of damages on the petition of
John Ferguson etal forcunty roml Or
that tbe petition be not granted and ex
pense of viewers be paid :
J T A pperson : ., f 3 20
J A Talbert 3 80
M Oatfield 3 00
Total 10 00
In the matter of tbe petition of C.
Spence et al for a county road Win.
(ire imliwatte, James iieeson and I), V
Thomas were sppointed viewers and J,
W. Meldrun, surveyor.
The proposed road being described in
the proosed road being described in tbe
petition as follows:
Beginning at a stone marked X in
center line of the Molalla road 3.44 feet
east of corner to sections 4, 5, 8 and 9,
tp 4 s, r 2 east of tbe Willamette meridi
an, in Clackamas county, Oregon, thence
s 12 deg w 23K5 feet to a stone marked
X on top of i'aine 11 ill, thence a 38 deg j
Mmin west 6aVft feet to a slake marked
It A thence 4(1 den 30 mill W W"i feet
to u Hll masked K A, llleliiv I'l dW
4t mill w 1(HI feet to a stake marked It
A, thence s IU deg 15 nun w 111) feel to u
slake marked li A, themes 13 deg Ift
milt I'Mst HHI (eel to U slake marked It A,
llienee s 27 do.' 15 mill east 777 leel to a
Mono marked X st the loot of I'ullie hill,
theme s I I deg 15 mill west 1224 leet to
a point (111 leet n 1.1 deg 45 mil) easl of a
stone marked X, them e s 55 deg Id mln
W N feet to a point lUUcel n M3 deg 12
miu west to a stone miuki! X, thence ti
S.I deg 12 miu w leet, theme u 71 deg
03 mm w .Ml leel, them e 4.' degeM'l feel
to a slake, them e south 2H deg 27 niio e
I'.l.l (eet, theme s 47 deg 57 mill o 71 feet,
l e s til deg 57 mill e III feet, them e
:S deg 57 mm e tl.4 feet, tlien. e s 15
.leg 57 mill e I Hl.tl leet, tlieinii a H deg
27 mm e 231. 7 et, them e s 4 III (eel to
s st. me marked X on lop in the renter of
the .ieeut traveled road from which a
wdlow live im'hea ui diameter bears
north 70 deg e 50 links distant for a ter
mination point.
In matter of the remonstrance of ('.
S.raiik'ler ct al sg.iiust a changM in tin
Molalla road-Ordered that remonstrance
le ullowed and survey be declared null
a- d void.
In the matter of t! e petition of K. M.
r for a change in ilie Molalla road
I lulered that etltloil he urn. lied and I').
Il.iriodiiili, A. Ilayliursl and It, r an ton
Is-aix inted Viewers a.td K. I'. Baud
mn veyor.
In the matter of the resirt of the
viewers on the petition id K. M. IVkiiht
et al f'r a change in the Molalla road
Vii-wers rcrted favorbly but pet I mm
at ri jected on account of not U-Ing
prol-cily signed H spouses of viowoin
ami surveyor ordered paid :
K Ib.n.Hliuli t 2 l
A llayhurst 2 IXI
It Fanton 2 0d
F. 1 Hands 4 i
Total 10 m
In the matter of an allowance for ti.
l'i-ki-1 and wile Ordered that all allow
aiueof $15 er month le granted them
to commence June 1, 18'.).
In the matter of the siihscriptinn list
and M'tition from lamaacus precinct
Ordered that subscription list I hi accept
ed and petition t granted and lJd.OiU
feet of plank 1 allowed Oil the iwll
tjori. In the matter ot tbe claims for county
on scalps Ordered thai the following
claims le allowed ;
J A (Moll 22 00
J fox H 00
F J Woekley 4 U)
(IV Adams 2 00
J Mayteld f 2 no
A A shod 4 tst
0 Klinker H 00
Total til m
In the matter of the report in the
change in the Molalla road A. V.
('sk, H. I'aine and John Kverhart
board of arbitration estimate the
damages sustained by W. 11. and A. I..
Junes to Im 250. Iteport accepted ami
Ilia amount ordered paid uon the is .
tiou of the road. Kxene.i of the arbi
trators ordered paid as follow s:
A W CVs.k 3 )
8 I'aine Jno
John Kverhart 3 l0
Total v 40
In the niatter of cancelling county
warrants over seven years old Ordered
that a list ot the warrants be made by
the clerk and advertised for taO days and
then all that are um alled (or to be can
celed. In the matter ot advertising for a
bridge acroes North Bock crock-Ordered
that tbe clerk advorlimt for abridge
aenwa North Bis k creek, bridge to Ik?
a Howe Truss l id feet long ami double
bents. Fast Item to be 12 feet high an I
West bent to I e 1 4 feet bitch, bids to bo
opened July (I iM'.ci. T, riiftit is re
serveil to reject any or all bids.
In the mailer of the bill of l.indsley
8n for plank on the Molalla road as n r
oider No. 20 Ordered that the bill be
paid in (nil :
M2.7I2 feel ot plank at 5.I0 per thous
and i:' (is
In the matter ot the petition of B. W.
(iillx-rt for rebate ol tax Ordered that
tho petition be granted and petitioner to i
pav his pro raia of the penalty.
In the matter of the request from
road districted No. 3H for spikes Or
dered that request Isj granted.
In the matter ot tho petition of A.
Mather for a tax rehab On lenvl that
etitiiioii be granto.l and ll.7 rebate
be paid to etitioiier.
In tbe matter of the etitioti of the
Magdalene Home for tax Ordered that
etition be not grafitod.
,v aid lor W.I..Tl...le.va.il...lU-il""-Ordered
that the .sll.loi. s-It ran
,,ttlld imsl-y l"' ,lM'
niuiilli t' commence J'i"" ,
I., hi.. ...a 'j ,,;r ;
tl,doot ,o.el "arrant ,
lJ r uled ilOwluws will give bond In
. .. . ..I il.ii mutant.
tlttiil.l. llic aiin'iiN. - ,
...alter .d. be rrq..e;l t.; . . -
stale Iswrd ol linmig'""" ' " "",'
,,!sn y- ordoiedlhal the petdlon
Kuthe.lord.j ollbei-".;' " ' I
III, I No. i- Oideiedthll-U''"",,H,
at't'i-pted. . , i M '
In the M,als r.dthop...il HM'A- :j
H.,v,.ey.,dSl,,,,gwa,.:r.S?:l.l "
lor the pun nil-e oi a
COI.nl V - I 'fined. , . .....
In the matter, f li.o iIHlm " "'
llailowaiol Psiut or th m.l. ng
..I a new bodg a.-..-. I - IoUIU r. e,
Udwooll fanl'V and Harlow - O, dered
Ibedenuly . oniity survey... m ke a sur
vey, f the ,.r..-.Md.lle and ..poll at
next regular meeting uf the l'd 'l
III Hie matter of the ir.'l.t I" hl'g"
of grad the IV II. Foster l-ad .... the
south .lie ol Heaver crook-Onler-l
that Ihe matter Is-la.. I over until the
July term ol 'ho U-ard.
In the matter ol Ho- pelilloli and ''"
si'lll.tloll l.t for.-.sd woiksndiordorov
dom road d.sUtcl No. j k-Ord. red that
petition lo granted.
In the nialters d the surveyor srl-.r
oil the r""irvrv of the I'.s l.rali and
Kllllll road- Ordered thai th" r l ll
Hot s.vepte l, Hie road to remain where
ills now. I he rii-elise. of Ihe survey
l. im.) as f.illoa :
F. V. Hands I
i oni Ktlliu
John Farmer
Total " '
In the matter l th H k rrerk brl.lgo
site Ordered that deputy county sur
veyor make a survey ol the it and
port at next regular merlin ol lh
In the matter ot the coll tl ns of the
clerk and rm-order ..r the month ol May
js'siOidorcd that the irils laceH
led :
('Ink S
Total 7 lJ
In the matter ot the mileage and r
die. it l Ihe countv coniml"loiierw tor
Notice to Wheelmen.
Whrn near Can by and nrrd any
rrpairs, call on,
f. zoid-xi:it.
frlrelnwa. ork luaraatrril
tbe June loiin-Ordered thai i
ag and per diem Ik alloW,s ',' "
F h Murks) ,
J It Morton
It K"lt ...
31 1
1 .1 1 1.., In 1 1 1. r ... 1 1...
l awto.l bill lor the Orei, (.j 1
Now lira toad -Ordoriwl nIA ' b
l.o laid over until tho July I,,,, ,7'"
iH.ard and then lb ' 'iie ,J ,u 1
l.e.at.1. as follows:
J V Meldruui ,
Ml' Bauds ,
Tolal '
In the matter ill Hi.. ... t,lf.
district N. 31 Ordered tlit,.o u
lowed. '
In I lie matter o holldiiii .., ,
glo creek bridge- Ordered ilu. j '
allowed Conlra. tor Faynn .,( "
i-ouiit on bridge,
lit the lustier nl llm bill l ll.iru...
l-ellart .U'o., ..r iin.u.tt,
Ordered that the bill l all.. as, M
lows: 1
lloneyiiian, lert A Co
I.e.. disiount
TUl 7
In ihe mailer of tin. yi'
Cm an a.lla4i n ahli li a., u. i
from the regu.ar term Ain .ui, ,
lii the mailer ot tho 1.1.) Tii'.,
Wos. f .f i.lallk on tho Molalla e.'
Old. red that the matter U 1.14m-
Id tl.e July term.
In tl.e lustier of the iiMiihi
K. Llig -Ordered tliat (lie .1, J
. . . - ,........ ...
reiTO ine "nil oi i ri in still l if
llienl of VM,
Twenty )t';ir t'Xx?r;f.
im a WaUluiukef t:
Just ojn'iml a lirMt-tlau
Jfwi-lry Sloro in Tost
Oiltco liuililinR at (.'anW,
WatchcH, Clock, Jen !
ntul jMHtarlH. Kfji
ing a ejuH-ialty.
All Work ami (oo!i
.!. II. (iraliam
I'rsjcr in fine caiidtrs, nuts, notion.,
cigars, tolairo and statiunrry. also
Paints, oils and hru.hr.
I O llll l aaby. Ore.
H. A. Vorpahl
Wogon making's,
Horse Shoiir.;
Rale resioeabla. Work
A full lino of TaU-nt Me.luinrt,
Clioifi- (!ij;iirnai)il Toilot Artidi
Tl.0 Mntit S'llTt .tiM-k of
In ('lai'k.'ima.H County.
W. II. EVANS, Prop.
It takes a rich man to draw a check.
A pretty girl to draw attention,
A horHO to draw a cart,
. A porous plaster to draw tho skin,
A toper to draw a cork,
A free nhow to draw a crowd,
to draw trade. Wo endeavor at all times to keep a GOOD jSUPPItV 0
GOOD GOOD3 and if Low Trices and courteous treatment aro appreciate
wo will draw Your trade.
Highest prices paid for wool, cash or trade. Wo' also want your Butter.
Eggs, Chickens and in fact any kind of produce ,
i r i