Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 30, 1899, Image 1

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.1 c f-I'lMCK I.AMi, M, I. I I --, '
,. , l hllilll ml Mi ea Itl I l.d ,riH
, II . .mm ''I'V ami Vii t"H V. .i-i 11
gilr,,!!.!!! raid lo I'alarOl ami
;,,.ll.' lllu n"-. llil nf frftif.
r (Mti-M Hlli III W!laniiMln
, none n hi r i I'l (i hi ,
i hi 'I . Hi.
S t I IV . .
l .li t
I I..
I K. NT 1ST,
iterate, All
Ope fit I Ion
k i - it l : V .
Oregon Clly, Or,
Ilr lluulir) '
I) ,
I'rng Hliir.
Ml I
.Muriu m. IUXK
or (iiiKi.iin ( iiy.
Il.l. ..... ll'O.Ojt)
i .) Itlll. itl.i-'iiillta.l. MaaM rail
i Mi i.i . aii-i an i.auga nn an wuma
It l nif.'l naic, r-iirtii'ti au-i iinui amitf.
.H. rr.p-cl ai IiJcm I U rhwa Jlaua !
4. u iniiii ii I'l t r
Mil 'i mill, riiim
r. i VIVKK Caak r.
"Ay- "am; i
mil; Hide
.M-t till!
M'A'll sT, xoiililixr, XATTIFST MM', OF
ft CVIT Mmwn iii (lii.CMti 1'ilv I liii
' r-i '
Latest k t I.-, I nffftt i,i.,.iuii,i.
I ntnot i' i ...
' ''''fv hioh ih a j.i;,i. i:wry ,air
I" :i-iiiii. JInTi. will
H'H thon
h ii irem. r.verv tair a
a Mank in vour lifuif vou fail
Wit puaraiitcc prices Lower tli.iii
" 'lir HllMlllVH III-V t Wll-l
Yours to command,
McKITTRICK, "The Shoo Man,"
Na.l Door lo Oregon City U.inli
Volii ii Ii'ith ail' to In-Culled Fit
visum:?., muvm, ami M( kim.kv.
FrlOpeiui-Stale Hill mil be A-kiil
t t urnUli Troup Alger lining
tu III. Job.
H'akki v. row, Juiih "I'll riot re
nun," rnea Alger, ami, although tlm en-
; I in- N'liiiiriixi rli..u i looking kani-e at
.him, he deterrniui-1 to hold on. Mo-
'I'" niir nun rc of insurgent , merchant have been urging the govern
revwiue, in no interdicted. Am nut j irit-nt lo raifi tho blfM-ka-ln.
( certain of the h m-Ioii of thi policy, a j When tlm decision wa made known
t ie people in those port are without a yes'i-nlay, tlm scene In the ciHlotn
anii!y of food, itii-l Him merchant arc ;' house was aa animated a the floor of an
auir-rin loin-. Tlm court are in j Aiiicriran atock exchano. It.waa a
' ui:rfful operation, urnli-r tins ilircrtlon ', lmy tlay. fillip onera rnaliKil to act
of ll Filipinoa.
"Afuira in Ihe other liUmli are fonc , Thern will oh a irreat Ixhuii In the
I their clearance papera.
paratively q.nel, awaiting tlm remilta
ill l,iu m. They ae anxi ,na for traile,
aii'l reH-al l :alU or American troop
ar receiveil. Ami fiyinK attention to
(he Jolo ami I'alavtan inUn.Jn.
"Tlm Ariii-rii an troji l,nve workeil
to (In) limit of eii'!iiraric. The volun
teer ori.iin' tti'jfm have heen callil in
an.J reilarel ,y renlam, who now oc
Kinlry reali.i- mure than ever no tho cupy aalient oaiiiona. Nehrank, I'eiin
fit tafij Says Is
Thry alt y ti,lt
II (,i: IKiKVK.
at, ril Hu lf-a arnrll H.lallT.
fit.l-l ami nl,lcMii
Oitl.clii ('aunal l lllk.
ltra.t,jiirtrra lor Hay, Un,pl..i.r, Se-.U, F.lc.
Carriea the IniH-t complete tork
ol Kirat CU (irm rriea to I
loillld ill the City,
iiii.lukii of aipoinliii Ali-r. When fie
aee the appointinenta he haa ina-le in
.Mirlii'iin on Aler'a recoiniiutii'Iation
Ue J aaitiat hia frieml McMillan, arii
lor the henc fit of Frinnree, it inakea him
hii'l'ler . I'ulitlciana here are omler
In whether Mi KinU-y will have nerve
triooh lo punh A leer out. It ia aaid
!that AUer thinki McKinlev. having
faileil to ouat him for hi tiramanajfe
merit of that war department, will not
J-tre to remove him for political reaaon,
ami coneitieii(ly ha ahall nlii k although !
the w hole cahlliet ad vide
Tho aalty interview with Filigree to
ihy liny make it iiiiponnihle for Aler to
lay in the cabinet with I'iriree hi
fylvania ami Utah are now taking trana
port, ami the Sixth infantry will he
aeut hi Neuro to relieve theC'alifornian.
The troop are in yul physical eondi
tion. "Sicknea ariioru the troop ha in
crease, lately, Jue moatly to anlnuiia
aervice anil climatic iriilueiu'e. There
U nothiiii; alarmlriit, however. Of the 12
per cent of the cotnrninil report e I nick,
nearly 0 per cent are in the general hos
pital, of whom 3 per cent have typhoid
and 17 malarial fever; 12 per cent have
Lim to get inteitlnal trouble, ami the remainder
have varioii ailment, 14 of which are
dun to wound injuries. Many of the
otfireri and men who served in Cuba
hreak down under a recurrence of (he
t II Wi t
,1 iliri M..H (lrll I'l I'.illllljr (lilfl
.l i'rul.aia lm.ll,r
!',' '. n . .! II u.llr;' llmik
m itri:r.i:i,. t
PcutMyr rbpofal.
AlloliVKV Ar I.AW. j
i.irr M K.nn. i Nm Hi..i, har
II llank III (lrs',.ll ( iljr, )
.. . rn:i: and
l!.iilio;il Tickets to all point Kast at low rates
Af'CiDK.NT jl
C lit.
".ori.i. A rvuei Ci.l.
Mi'Kinley will atand Cuban fever, and the regular regiinenla
lately received are inadequately olfiitered.
chief mp porter.
in tat anything rather than takes de
cisive atep, hut llanna won't, and lltnna
hi. atill great iiitluence with tit is ad-
f'Miulllluna t'uilxr Which Ha WomM
Areai M'llh Mi Klnlrx.
hemp hiiaine, w hich lin hen at
j aturiditill, Theahip will rnre to bring
the firal cargo before the demand weak'
en. A there ia a heavy export duty
j on hemp, thin will greatly increase tho
revenue, me interem ol tlie native,
aa well a the merchant trader gener
ally, led fienera! Oti to take thi action.
Delegation from the aoutnern ialands
U.ld him that tlm fruition of b'lKineii
wa bringing inrirh cufTering to peace
able inhabitant.
Cuiiilioat will protect the chipping in
aoine jKirt, but elaewbere nhipper mut
rick t-orifl'i-ation by the iriaurgent, who
exact heavy tribute for all ahipa they
permit to aail.
The rumor that Aguinaldo had been
af!aninated wa in circulation here for
several day. It wa not believed, but
ita currency giye it a definite form. Ac
cording to the itory, (ieneral Fio del
Tilar called upon Aguinaldo, Jone ldt
and accused him of cauiing General
Luna to lie killed. AguinaJJo deniexl
rei-.oiiMibi jiy( and added that he deeply
regretted Luna's death. General Fio
del Filar, a the itory goe, called him a
liar and acoundrel, ahot him twice in the
head with hia revolver, and walked away
uninoleated. The report find no cre
dence in Manila.
A Filipino general, mounted oc a big;
hore, with a nnnierou4 atafT, ha since
been eren haranguing the Filipino troops
aronnd San Fernando, in Fampariea
1'r.raoiT, June 21. (jovernor Fingri-s
today made a atatement, brought out by of the
di"laiilie from Waahington oiiuting
(h-iieral Alger aaayiig thai "Uovernor
1'inree i lor l'reaideul McKinley flrat,
luxt and all the lime." id the gover
nor :
"If (ieneral Alger aaid that, it is hla
(ijiiniun (rom liia point of view. The
uetioii whether I am for Freaident Mo
Killley liea With the pleaidelit, not me.
If General Alkter know lliat Freaident
Mckinley ia oppored lu territorial expan
sion and ia not an advocate of the mur-
' lir and the deMruetion being visited up
General Oti detailed rervirt ia con
aidered very aatinfactory at tlie w ar de
partment. It ia taken to mean that he
will not now proaecute a campaign on
account of the rainy tearon, except j ,,rnvin,-et and this officer is supposed to
where the inturenta make it neceyaarv i M Aguinaldo.
to defend the territory no r in poesion j Yesterday, four ituns of Hobb'a hat-
United ."tatea. Ttiat portion of j ;ery and other artillcrv bombarded the
the dinpatch telling of the belief among ; Fi!iin block houses andtrenchea
tlm Filipino that the p.e-ent policy of j lbout two miles north of San Fernando,
the United States will not be upheld, U The bio. k house, which had been om-d
regarded a of great significance. It is , b Filimno al arnshiitera to annnt th
DAIMT VrlMD U M I I C L C 'V W v-w-V SJ-J on the innocent Filipinos, I e has a right
I ftlll I IUUII IIUUOLU to saythat lam (orMcKinley. IfGen
. nit, OaaooM, ;
. !'-'. rr in alt () muila ol Ilia data. 01' j
w i .nn ii tu. Uiotf. j r
y vy
" ' MI I'M M MW""
i on Mti.i: iiv C. G. HUNTLEY ti:.A nrv
I. Mil l Kit,
a M-tt i.l l. rili, k . il. rrnana. all klr.da uf
lniira ami liil,n-atiik.
ill, M t.rar i1ck(. Irr,;iin t'liy, Or,
ti i, c i.ATot'Hrna,
i m.i;r iihk(kiH CITV, oaanoK,
h Al.i-raria lit Till. Uiail V'Hier. Fr-
i a..i'.(i(i, an. I Iran.art Itoiirral
l.a UualoraB.
h. I'I:i:m:u,
A I roltNKY AT I.AW.
orn . Klllrirk'i Hhne Htors,
llir- Hank ul OrrgimClty.
t'fi ClTf,
Poll I Kit,
n.iTorriirTT rrsHniiao.
iiem.Kin gonCllr KnUri ri a.
'"I" of the Nortliweatern Unlver
"itv hi-ntul School, (Ihlcago.
Anii'riianl'olluiieuf Unit ill Hurverv.
r'illuilletln ItliwU Ornirnn fitv.
pl. W. 8W0FH,
tiiniH, I nrei'loNure of Morlgngen,
ni ii gi-iierni law huainns at
tmnled to promptly.
St 1'irHt door South of Methodist
tot Banklnz nonse lo tie City.
''"til up tapllal, .10,000.
H'lililtia. lju.hfiu.
f'RNY, . i'hiii.ii npaiaLn.
tiao. A. MAaiima,
a. a OAUriBLU.
Olllianl,!... i. ...i .
a, i. . .--"a iMiaiiu.pa (rnnniiivu.
V1 riHi.lv....i ...t. ... i.
I . "," imtea illaeoiiiiteil.
7 """ I'll warranla l...ul.l
li. anil aiiid,
"""I Vnll...l I.. . .1.. u
. ,,.1,1 n...v in an imr. ill nm wurm
I. ' ,0f lllH"K" ' n I'ortlaiKJ, Hau
i nl ,'hlnR.'1'l New York.
r ""iu Uupoalta.
HI II!) (SNTiml
Screen Poors, Wintlow Screen,
Lawn Mowers, (larden Hose,
Cardcn Tools, Scythes, Culti
vators, l.icyeUs, Ac., Ac., for
which we arehealuarters. We
are agents for tho (Ylehrated
Simnioiuls Saws, Z Wetljres and
Sledges. SyiacnseChilletiriows,
Canton Steel l'lows, Harrows Ae.
Largest Stock 'of Hardware,
Stoves and Tinware . in tho city.
Plurabinp: and Jobbing
a Specialty
Cor. 4th and Main Sts.
eral Algeria informed that McKinley is
0ihhi1 t- trii-tn and lo legislation
which fonters, crratei and encourage
a them, an 1 in favor of leialation to re-
J strut ond suppress them, then 1 am
closer to the opinions uf Mckinley than
.hi generally U-en believed. If Gen
eral Alger Is a-uiured that Freeident Mc
i kuiley I not in touch and sympathy
with the disreputable political methods !
of Maik llanna and hi friends and de
piecates such leadership, then I am (or
! ''The question of whether I favor Mc
kinley is of no i-om-eipience in this sen
atorial matter, but I am for Mckiulty in
everything he does which I consider
right ; and against everything he does
which 1 consider wrong."
tielieved that when" the Filipinos see
there is no how of Iheir recognition by
the United States they will give uo the
fight. The absence of any suggestion as
to inure troops being needed is taken to
mean that (ieneral Otis does not believe
they could be i)ed to advantage at
The inadequacy of the number of
o Ilk-erg mentioned in the last part of the
above cablegi am has been remedied ty
the sailing of the traiiMor!s Zealandia
and Sheridan, carrying a number ofi
officers for regimenU in the Fhilippinea, j
Ailjutant-tieneral Corbin says that offi-1
cera belongiiiK to the regiments in the j
Fhilippines w ho are absent on account of j
surgeons' certitioute are under orders to.
American outposts, was destroyed. The
enemy offered no resistance,
Yesterday, the Spanish consul-general
wearing a brilliant uniform, visited
Major-General Otis, He was received
in the latter' office, which is hung with
Kjr traits of Spanish royal personages.
In the course of a graceful speech, he
said the Spaniards in the Philippines
would hold no resentment because of the
past, and would entertain no sentiments
but those of resect toward the near
furnished Krery Week by the ( lacka.
ma Abstract k Trust Company.
join their regiments at once. Fortv-four
ollicers sailed on the recent transports 11 C Steven8 to T F R'' of ,ot
going -rom Manila. I blk 9 O C $ 3o0
Secretary Alger said todav that no ao I P 11 Mr,,,-V' l,-v to H Ma'er
tion will be taken fur the enlargement of 'a f 8e!4' Sec 1G, t 2 8, r 3 e. . . . I
tlie army or sending troops to reinfoice
General Otis until the return of Freai
dent Mckinley. He also sai 1 tht Gen
eral Wheeler would leceiyo no assign
ment until that time.
For Perfection
In Baking ,
Use Patent Flour Manu
factured by the Portland
Flouring Mills Company,
Oregon City. Oregon.
and Secretary Alger this afternoon, it
has been decided to ' begin the enlist
ment of volunteers tor two-years for
service in the Philippines. Orders to
recruiting officers to this effect will be
sent out tomorrow. It ia proposed to
arm and equip at once three brigades, or
about 10,000, and continue the work un
til the whole 35,000 men authorized by
law are secured.
There will be no call upon the states.
The regiments will be organized as
United State9 volunteers. Ollicers will
lift ann;iintPil hv tliA nreaiilant ami ia.
signed to regiment, without gard to I W Druachell. 20 acres sec 3, t 4 s:
state lines. The maximum of the regu
lar army of 65,000 men has been secured,
and now enlistments will be for the pro
visional army to make up the total
RtrenL'th of ItVVIYIII men. General Olia
has 2lJ,oOO men on the ground, or under ! T 0 GooJri'e E Goodridge,
CniCAtiO, Jhne 27. A Washington dis
patch to the Tribune says : As a result
Wasiiinotos, June 2tl General Otis, 0f a conference between the president
In reply to a cable from the war de
partment, asking for information re
garding the situation and conditions in
the Philippine, today cabled a King
reply as follows:
"Manila, June 2ti Adjutant-General,
Washington: It is the rainy season,
and tOere is little inland campaigning in
l.ur.on. We occupy the larger portion
of the Tuna log country, our lines stretch
ing from Itmis, south, to San Fernando,
north, nearlyViJ miles, and eastward in
to Lngtina province.
"The insurgent aruiies have suffered
great losses, and are scattered. Tlie
only large force together is about -1000 in
Tarlac province, and Northern Painpanga.
Tlioir scattered forces are in bands ol
from 60 to 500. In other portions of
I.11.011 in Cavite and Hatangas pro
vinces they could assemble possibly
L'OOrt, though demoralized from recent
"The muss of the people, terrorized by
the insurgent soldiers, desire peace and
Aiucrican protection, and no longer Hoe
on the approach of our troops, unless
forced by the insurgents, but gladly wel
come them. There has been no recent
burning of bwns.
"The population within our lines is
becoming dense, and the inhabitants are
taking up land cultivation extensively,
being kept out of Manila as much as
possible, as tho city population is be
coming too great to be cared for.
"The natives of Southeast Luzon aro
combining to drive out the insurgents,
"The only ho(e of the Insurgent
leaders is United States aid. They pro'
I claim the near overthrow of the present
'administration is to be followed by their
! independence and recognition by the
United States. This in the iutluence
which etmbles them to hold out, Much
contention prevails among the in, and no
civil government remains.
"Trade with porta not in our posses
II Mayer to M Walton, 8e.4' of ne'4'
sec li), t 2 a. r 4 e
C V Simmons to J S Simmons, 83
acres sec 17, t 2 s, r 3 e
T F Kyan and II S Stevens to Y M
C A Oregon Ciy, lot 1, blk 9.0 C 700
E Millard to Pacific State Loan,
Trust, B Assn, lots 17 to 20, blk
138, Oswego 278
II Weinhard to F X AVolverton,
lots 2, 3, e,' of sw'4' sec 30, 1 1 ,
r 6 e ... 600
M Kalus to M L Wolverton, se'i of
"w'ai of nel4 sec 32, 1 1 s, r
6 e 900
F N Wolverton, to U S lots 2, 3,
sw sec 30, 1 1 8, r 6 e Act of Con
M L Wolverton to U S, se4' of ne4' .
sec 32, 1 1 8, r 6 e Act of Congress
11 A Y or pah I to R Brannou, lot 11,
blk 9, Canhy ; 225
J II Hawley to T F Burghard, bw
sec 12, t 2 b, r 6
rl e 600
T Caldwell to II Weinhard, lots S,
0, blk 23. Oregon City 5500
J N Duncan to C E Holcomb 40
acres sec 8 and 9, t 3 8, r 2 e 700
orders, and volunteers will be rushed to
him until he has an effective force of
In the enlistments for the United
States volunteers, veteran?, of the late
war, including those who did not get be
yond the home camps, hut were sea
soned, will be given the preference, and
tho same will be true of the ollicers. A
brigadier-general for every three regi
ment and a major-general for each di
vision of three brigades will be appoint
ed. Tiiev will be part regulars and part
volunteers and General Joe Wheeler
will be among their number,
Order Iaaued
by General
Manila, Juno 28. 7 a. m. Major
General Olia has ordered the opeuing to
trade of many important ports, which
have been closed since the outbreak.
Many ships used in inter-island com
merce havo been tied up in the harbor
here for months and the shippers and j Oregon City Oregon
iu acres sec a, 1 i s, r - e,
E and ST Eby, lot 1, blk 6,
J B Bays, by sheriff to A N King
ne.'A. w-.S,' of nw.'4; nw,t4
and lots I, sec 36, 1 4 s, r 5 e..
J A Thayer to E Colger, 33 acres
in Walker claim, t 3 s, r 2 e 1100
U Brannon to E Murdock, lot 1, 2,
blk 13, Canby 72
J Mathews to E Murdock lot 3, blk
13, Canby
S Mathews to E Murdock, lot 7, blk
71, Canby 40
J W Roots to J Roots ?4 acre near
blk 12, Marshfield 60
TRUST CO. are the owners of the copy
right to the Thorne system of abstract
indexes, for Clackamas county, and have
the only complete set of abstracts in tho
County, can furnish information as to
title to land at once, on application.
Loans, Investments, retil estate, abstracts
etc. Office over Bank of Oregon City.
Call and investigate. Address box 377