OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1899 8 CANBY AURORA r T- FOR 20 PER CENT OFF OX ALL SHOES THIRTY DAYS ONLY. ENDING JULY 15. 1599. Regular l'riii' $1.00 now S(V. Regular l'rico $1..W now J 1.20. Regular Vriee $2.50 now $2 (XI. Also a few oiM niws f 1.50 at f0e. a pair. This Will Take in all the Shoes in Our Store. All Kinds of Produce Taken in Exchange at Highest Market Price We Want Your Wool Will Pay Top Price in Cash or Trade, w Bros.' Bazaar AURORA, OREGON. 9 I i r V n V r I AIUrt Croasau. V IK) Total ;,.t District No. mi. Herman Siiildl 21 0') K Mllidl H 76 OD F Wilson H00 Total Koad lMxtrit l No. 30. C .'hilda J I'm M K Shipley J U Hayes r4 7ft A (X) 1.50 a 7ft ft IK) 1(1 25 A. -O. A A A A A .fgl ift ift ift jb.jC.. Bicycle Repair Shop 110 1 R II OF io)iivmom:ks. Agents for the Crescent, Initial, King, Monarch and Victors. New and second hand wheels for sale. New Aurora Tinshop We have a full line of Stoves, Tinware, Hardware and Washing Machines Carried. All kinds of Tinning and Repairing. S. 0. MILLER k SOX, Aurora, Or. Recnlar Jme Term of Hoard. the (oast Aurora Harness Shop We Make a Specialty of low prices. Our Leader is TEAM HARNESS. Our Stock includes Everything Worn by a Horse We Buy Hides for Cash. Keep leather For Sale. Do All Kinds Repairing It. W- Zimmerman, Proprietor. Henry A. Snyder Notary Agent for Home Insurance Co. and Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society. TO CURE A FELON. Office in P. O. Aurora, building. Oregon W. S. HUKST Public.1 How to Treat These Daaseraaa mu4 Palatal Sorea. A felon is a severe and usually a most painful inflammation of the end of the finger, more coruicouly cither the thumb or index finger of the right hand, for the reason that the are most exposed to the little wounds from which the trouble starts; bnt any of the fingers, or even one of the toes, may be the seat f a felon. f4atary Public aaul Ilrober. IreulerJa Real Estate and I'lre laaaraace Writer. .A 4anf-ral Office Iliilneii Transacted. 4'holre Farm and City l'roprrtjr fwr Nale. Loans Negotiated. a. r. Mara, chairman; J. K. Moriua, R. Mcott, rouiuilailuiiers. (Continued from last week.) J II Comer, Koad Fund 1 50 J II Wright , M U S Dii 2 mi J Dn 2 00 Geo Kobeson 2 00 BO Palmer 2 00 W K Honney 2 On Dii Itros., lien. Fund 31 75 Total 4l7i Kosd District No. 23. Altrt Schubbe 12 00 1 J l' mien tee r 15 75 II Hedges 4 V) C C Fox S 75 J V Covey 3 00 Wm Evaus. 4 00 Total 4300 Koad District No. 24. John Schneiter I 60 B F Smith 2 00 L B Goder 2 60 J B Hem 1 fto A H Godey 2 W J J Yoder 3 U Eric Lethe r 2 B0 A Cleva 2 iiO W II Yoder 3 00 A J Voder ft 25 Jos Scliwarti ft 25 Y D Yoder 5 25 Fred Watson a 25 I J Krsid H 00 I) It Yoder 7 50 Win Sturve. 3 0 Win Thompson 3 00 S Ihitnihoo 3 25 B F Smith 3 () Aurora Orrjos Al Wing. C Ilerneck. Jacob G ; hy, Pkopkietor Rate.M l'er Day and .Upward. Livery snd Feed Stable in Cnnnectiontwith the Houxe. Horses and I5'ineies to l ei at Iteasonshle Kates. fiar supplie'l wilb the flnest wines, liquors and cigarf. Weinhard's Beer on draught. AURORA, - OREGON. W. S. HURST & CO. Produce g Commission Merchants. lIlKliei market prire pll for -wiikat, oats, norn, POTATOKN, WOOI, O.HION, okeeii anio icii:n fkuth. P. 0. Bor 38. Aurora Oregon. I Ikies Fry The inflammation starts generally 1 7, "" iiuui kuv (fii.a ui a piu us uvnjio u from a scratch or cut. but often the wound is so slight that no notice is taken of it nntil the finger begins to grow sore. The soreness soon pai-m-a in to actual pain, ana this rapidly becomes most intense and throbbing, and some times is felt all the way up the arm. It is worne when the hand is allowed to hang down The ball of the finger is hot. red and swollen. At the same time the patient feels more or lwa ill, Is fe- verixb. and has a headache and rapid pule. I Vl'Vion tha nftammfltlnn la rtrun utofc. ed. pus collects beneath the periosteum, or membrane covering the bone, and this greatly increases the distress as well as the danger. If allowed to go on unrelieved, the inflammation may creep up the finger into the palm of the hand, and then the condition becomes a tiiont serious one. In almost any case when once pus has formed beneath the perios teum more or less of the bone will die, leaving the end of the finger crippled or disfigured by a deep scar. When the treatment is begun very early, it is sometimes possible to cut short the inflammation by cold cloths applied continuously to the inflamed part These must be frequently renew ed, for if allowed to get warm they will act as poultices and rather hasten sup puration than arrest it At the same time the arm should be kept in a sling, with the band raised and resting on the chest. If the inflammation does not rapidly subside nnder this treatment, we must reverse it and try to bring matters to a head by means of poultices or wet cloths applied as hot as they can be borne and changed very often. The only thing to be done when pus bas formed is to cut the finger and let it out This is painful enough for the instant, but it will prevent many days of acute suffering and all danger of severe inflammation . of the band and arm, with subsequent blood poisoning. Jfoutb'a Cfaripaflion. Total ii; k5 Hoatl District No. 25. Cal Powder Works 30 B0 John Harth 21 IS) Henry Harth J 2 00 John IKppler 6 IX) V ri h ii) ;k) W Heinle ft) U; w (i W Scrsnlin 4 25 I J S Total H.m.I District No.Hl. Jsmei Turner " 00 C Turner M 00 II Turner 7 M K Oldeiintadt H OH John Mo'r Frank Wmldln. 7 M Henry Hacker 3 00 John Aden Oil II P Miarp 8 0" Fiank Sharp 3 00 t' 1'otori . 3 00 T..UI M to) Uoad District No. 32. II ltor : 00 Will Todd 3 00 ' Calkins 3 i0 Finll l-raser 00 F F Sly 1 0" H S-eley t 00 I. Ilaslebrink 3 00 F tleslvliiiiuk I I "J F F Nfley 1ft" C ruo V 00 F Stalnii ker 1 Frank Toow tO It Malllicker . I 50 Kob Malulrker 1 5" V Hsker 1 5" U Hutiso 2 2.' Jun tuisoii 4 W Ira McCoiinel 2 tHI A McContiell 3 10 Jo .Moore oo Kit liaker OOii Koa Umey. 3 00 Mat Haker 1 00 A Haker tt U) Mmvin Haker.. . 2 25 J KolH-rts 2 00 Sam Holrts 3 H) John KoUrts I 50 tieo Sneller H 00 Will (iK8 7 50 J HoIh-iU 3 no II S IUTKiiin I 50 II It Haker 1)0 Neal Huler 3 00 Albert Voas 3 OH V McKinnie 3 00 Wl SI si hews i0 W Hrobes 3 00 S I Kilso 3 Oil Dsn Malnicker 1 .V Mark ICotwrts 11 o) Frel Kolierts Hi W F Young 3 00 J Haker 3 DO Jim Haker 1 50 Neal Huter 3 00 8 F. llilluisn :m "5 O McConnal 7 50 Total 231 37 Koad District No. 31 Jonas ('line 12 50 Hert fline Ii 13 A F Andre i oO F H James H 75 II Cook 1 25 Hilly Smith 1 25 A Andre 10 60 " team 15 H) A Davis F N Haker A Wilitbl John Cnitun J Msri'libmik ( has Hill ... F. Parker Total Koad Di.irl. l N". 37. Dsvlon llardware C . 0 h-Kheler A Sclmlrr II Platlo F Hr.xk I, Khaler F. Clirlnteiii'en J W Sione K ChnatiMianii O ti Krti' , 15 75 . SI . I 4 ' tl IK) 7 . 75 JL" ,1M 15 .. H 75 10 50 . II 2A .. 1.1 Ii A IS) :i oo , :n fto ,. 2 1 00 (sib;. Ils) liit hs eoiniiiaiM'ad In our J.ilill It.ilh tiled la.t wurk wiling uf .rlj.l. 4'ly.la DU'k returna.1 Iiiiiks 7 rnlotf from Pennsylvania, litrk,J lwn tI.UIus rt laiinni ami KiiihIi. Ah Kllit. Flati haf aiulullw,,,, luliarvalt Hui.ilsy on lhlr wIimIi, J the lall Kama, K I, Mla haa neii. lflr.ifiM airy ilora In Ilia kwI olttia lnil.hJ mka si laliy of all klmU nlrlv ToUl iwi pi-tii. t No. ;n Cal Powder Work Iirruoii CUV Iron Work . . Futtetis fiiunna ' , L I ll,.....l,.,li w I"'Ty J ;J C Fi.l..r ,MW KH 50 I 00 0 00 Total 111 iw '('iintiliuixl liet week.) Mltfh'D Is Intended for both wields, and rluht living for this Is the lM preparation for the tint ClisrsrW Is deciatve of d.tlny -Tryon F-lwarda The flmt eqneatrlan ststne erertcl la Ofat Hrltaln was thai of Charl I al Cbarlug Cnaa. Umdoo. facin, I'srlla blent street M..I l.rl . tl-eb. One of the uiual rurlous cl. ks In the world Is that which Amoa Uue uf Auildee. Nee., vntructl some time agu The mai'hiurry. whli h la iilliln bnt a fsrn. hands ami levrr. Is r,nn t el with a grysrr. which sluKitsontan ImmriiM coin wo of hot wstrr evrry 8 sm-ouda This spurting nnrr Var1-t) to the tenth of a nvtiud. and thfrrf.ire clock pmpifly attached toll cannot fall to kcrp cornx t tiin F.vrry time the wat. r sikpuIs up It strike the Irvrr and inovre llm ban.U forward 31 around 10 Ml in )lllne. W li'l S lllit sl.nwar Ksliiflti, 151 02 J eimiiuh rain Ull to dams(e llitht, k, rut. l'aiily Is fa. I toinlii( otis ufllat huslness plac es aloii lie H I . ft. R 0iiiii.aiil eurils ol wimmI are l l xls it - at.. I r.F l,&.t f.f 1..,. lit iiw. ii,...- . , ... ... ..K n llmtiris aaalllnf alilpriieiil. Jaiiies FliiTit ass lasau lo lirtpj,r la.l ihI, where be will be bslj sum v tnler tarin of court, wben b tj lrls.1 tm Ibe rharge uf liei lUallhf, Hun. (ie. Kmstil reiiire. boas v Kalrn OrrK-m last alLftkiJ Iwen In Die nirls ol s la't ui lllHISS. .ar(n.nit (irsnd Master Will., i.iii lisvel lUA. t. f W.mJ ,.i,a mm. t work lisr. Hi a sil.lxt I J nee m."lrs In II. t m.imU lrls Ui d. mills ihsl nunihsr U'ufstwa,! tils ,!( adurs (or new liskls. Total 72 3H Koad District No. 35. Cal Powder Works 30 ) P K Taylor. t) jo A BTroyer 7 50 O Miller 7 .'K) M Hiirkholder rl 75 K I. Kenagy 14 12 U W Owmgs 2 25 C Keylons lo 50 John Kaborek 3 00 N Itowers ft HO ieo Ncramlin 15 75 T Scheer 8 25 C (iilbreck ft 25 C Lorenze 2 00 Fred I.amour 4 10 John Wallace 1 50 James Frvrier 1 50 George Kessvlring 75 Willie lleinze 4 50 Will Yohsme 3 (K) Frahk Parmer 1 50 Fred Peters 1 fto 2 50 F Cam pau... 30 00 A " 22 50 O I. Harlwr ! 9 00 IT Kroadwull. 4 .50 I F. Zock 2 IXI 75 3 37 20 00 3 HO 3 75 tialek Wrltinc Chief I'm satisfied with your hand writing. But can yon write shorthand f Applicant Yes, but it takes longerl Fliegende Blatter Total 224 65 Koad District No. 27. Monitor 'J rading Co 2 80 J A Stanton 38 00 W M P.ird 20 00 W II L-inon 3 75 A IS Anderson '. 4 50 Ole Kounine 75 John Wormdahl 1 50 Wm Jennings 2 25 C b Powell 4 50 D Thomas 13 60 Willard Stanton 2 00 (ieorge Slaughter 3 00 J Slaughter 3 00 C Slaughter 3 00 Georgo Nicholson 3 00 J M Nicholson 6 112 J It (irosliong 3 00 J Milsted 3 00 J M Usoshorig 3 00 EKlair 2 25 F Hlair 1 60 Leslie Holt 2 26 John Ferguson 75 John Taylor 2!) 25 J Htreklan 1 87 E K Vaughan 7 50 FF: Taylor 10 13 M Sbiveley I 60 John Stanton 15 76 W Stanton 0 00 Bluford Stanton 18 00 A J l.ia ;ft (ieo Pardew 4 ,70 T Keiiiland 5 2.1 J W F.lliot .'. 3 inj P Jacobs 4 50 0 ;: 700 Total Koad District No. ,':ij. Scripture A Heniilieu Wilson A Cooko F Martin Torn Km ill. F J Myer........ ii L Tucker ' j8 jj K) 54 3 70 3 10 :io 00 3.1 00 lai I'rklas Tasters. Prklug has a lnwrr in whli Ii la hung a Urge I i ll oil In the l-ftinth century and emit:.! r l... r r. iiIsiiuiik a huge drum which l Int. 11 ll to I ttrn la - .1 t...Ml.l llilali.ll K IV. .(.I'll I'HI'l'l -.."..-. - " city No oil Is sI."W"d to enli r lhr v'rt'oil tnwara Twenty y'arn i-xjKrif: U4 a Watchmaker i JewidtT. Jiiht ojH'iH'l a llrnt la. Ji'wtlry Storo in iVwt UtVuo huildinn at I'anby, Notice to Wheelmen. When near Canhy and nred any rrpairs, rail on, F. ZOIXXKIt. I'rlre lawa. .rUu-r.leed Wfltcln-H, CltM-kn, Jew?! ami Hjw'ttaclt'K. Itrj ing a HjK't ialty. All Wurk ami (.lood. Warrautnl. .1. II. ( - ra ha in Iralrf in fine caudirs, nuts, notions, cigars, tol.uios ainl stationrry alsi Paints, ults and brushes. I 4. Illdii aaby.Ors. H. A. Vorpahl Dlocksmithlng. Wagon making Horse Shoiin; Rates reasonable. Work uarr i l IfJ i ri r! H i CANBY PHARMACY... A full lint of Tntont McliciiiM, Olitiiro (,'ij;arH ami TiUt Articles. TIlU M)St tffllTt .tiK-k of In (Mackainart County. W. H. EVANS, Prop. 4'A -IIV. oiii:4oi Total 313 30 Koad District No. 28. J W Nightingale. 4 50 B F Boyler 4 50 It Wylaud 2 25 George Nickerson 3 76 A I'liirad 3 75 BFBarstow 3 76 John (iroshong 8 75 James Nickleson 3 00 II Wison 9 00 Geo Wyland 0 00 DRHMNG TRHDE It takes a rich man to draw a check. A pretty girl to draw attention, A horso to draw a cart, A porouH plaster to draw the akin, A toper to draw a cork, A freo show to draw a crowd, A LINE OF UP-TO-DATE GOODS to draw trade. Wo endeavor at all times to keep a GOOD J3UPPIi 0 GOOD GOODS and if Low Price and eourteoiiB treatment are annreciatnl ...:n .1 r a i wo wm uraw i our iratie. Highest prices paid for wool, cash or trade. Egg's, Chickens and in fact any kind of produce, Wo also want your Iiuttcr, ii i CANBY, OREGON.