Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 23, 1899, Page 6, Image 6

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Statement RrirtnliRK tlir Material I'sod
and Cash Expenditure.
The manait m'M of the Oregon City.
Y. M. C. A. eurilially in ite the atten
tion of I ho public to a statement of (he
labor, material, and expenditures of the
tie liniMinic ami the present financial
condition of the institution.
Tlir building la 100 feet in length, 4S
teol wide and fronts diievted on Main
trvet. Corner post on north aide aw
3(1 feet, on south aide 21 feet. The base
ment ia2fet wid. 100 feet long, and
15 feet deep below the sidewalk, and it
at r cent Titled up complete with men'
lath rooms ith w ater system, and foun
dation for lioalimi alley. On the gym
nasium floor are tlir bright room in
I rout for reading moms and parlor. Hark
Adjourned Council Meeting,
Tho city council met In adjourned ee
ion Wednesday evening will) Council
man K. Koerner in the chair in tlie ab
sence of Mayor Latoiirvtte. Councilmen
Charman, M tiner and Powell were
absent. The case of Slopervs. Oregon
City waa discussed and referred to the
finance committee with poaer to act.
Thia ia a auit for damagee for a borne
killed by backing oil" the hill back of the
Congregational church.
The tire and water committee reported
having ordeied double plug hydrants
put in on Twelfth at reel near the trentle
and at the Congregational church,
The old Hie bell was giren to the Kly
Are company to use.
Water Commissioner Wilson presented
hialioud, which waa accepted.
A new- flag waa ordered purchased for
the city hall, Councilmen Koerner and
uf theae ia the gymnasium hall, 43 x 70 Chief of Police Hums being appointed a
ect, surrounded by a handaoine gallery committee to purchase it.
ml at (lie rear of Iba gymnasium are The ordinance providing for the pur-
ladiea apartments finished in hard oil chase of 700 cubic yards of crushed rock
with shower batln ami complete wa'eriaml lUU.WU leel ot lumber lor ttie re-
vstem. The building reals on a atone
ami cement wall 3 x 3 under the entire
north side. A atone wall 3 feet wide
and 16 feet high alo extenda 55 feet
Along the east end, the remaining east
nd, entire south side and west end rest
ing upon a natural ledge of solid rock.
The following lumber and material
lias already been put into the buildiig
Dressed lumber.
Cedar foundation lumber.
Cedar and redwood
Rough and aned
..36.000 ft
.. 1,100
.. ' 500
ToUl lumber t,000 ft
Poora 30, windows 60, transoms 20,
hin'ea 49.000. cement and lime 40 bar
rels, aand and stone 300 cubic yards,
white lead tV) lbs, ocher 200 lba, oil 40
gals, water piping 250 feet, vent piping
100 feet, showers for baths 8, flush tank
water closets 2, incandescent electric
ligh:s 41, electric wire 1500 feet.
The following estimate is the approxl
mate coat of labor and material already
put into the building, including debt of
former hoard :
Debt of former board . . .MOO 00
Lnmber 805 00
Windows doors and bard
ware 800 00
Contractors, labor only 380 00
'Other labor 100 00
Brick, shingles and p'tg 130 00
Frames and finishing.... 125 00
Plumbing 190 00
"Lights ai.d fixtures 55 00
Excavating foundation.. 300 00
Cement, sand, and lime 80 00
Jdason and foundation la
bor 75 00 2840 00
Resources available in construction of
building :
Pledges boys and busi
ness men foOO 00
Proceeds city canvas 440 00
Labor contributed 50 00 990 00
1S50 00
Pledges unpaid 250 00
Tledge l adles auxiliary 100 00
.Messrs Ladd and Cor belt
of Portland, f 100 each
af three more be secur
ed in Oregon City, vir
tually secured 500 00 850 00
Purchase jirice of lot
$1000 00
700 00
$1700 00
From the foregoing statement it is ap
parent that the total valuation of the Y.
M. C. A. property is $324) 00 and the
-present indebtedness, including price of
i lot and old indebtedness amounts to
$1700.00. Deducting old debt and price
of lot from above amount and there re
mains lea1) than $700 unpledged of the
$2,5 X) put into the building. The board
bug borrowed this $700 on its personal
notes to complete the building but is
gratified at this showing and most sin
erely appreciates the favor and kindly
-considerations received from the public
.and with the fair support and aid of the
public hereafter the permanent eetab
lidhment of the institution is assured.
pair of streets and sidewalks, came
for final reading and waa passed.
Sti art-Farr Ou Fridav evening, June
16, 1SI), Mr. Chaa. A. Stuart and Miss
Clara A. Farr.
The ceremony waa performed at the
residence of the bride's parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Isaac Farr, of thia citv in the pres
ence of the members of the family anil a
few invited guests. Kev. Montgomery,
of the Preebyterian church officiated.
The bride is one of Oregon City's popu
lar young ladies and the groom, whose
home waa in North Yamhill, is well
known to many of ottr citiiena, ami has
been in attendance for several year at
the medical department of the Willam
ette university, from which he has only
recently graduated.
Dr. and Mrs. Stuart left Tueaday for
Ruena Vista where they will make their
future home. Dr. Stuart having secured
a practice there.
Outside the members of the family
there were preseut at the ceremony
Mr. Stuart, father of the groom, and
Mr. Spangler, of North Yamhill; Mr
and Mrs. llowers, Lake May, Fddon
May, of Canema'i ; Mr. and Mrs. Kowe,
of Gladstone; Miaa Parl Newman, of
Portland; Gordon Hull, of Meharaa
Mr. and Mrs. Minus, Mi as Maggie
Minus, Mrs. (J riff Jones and Lino Jones
of Oregon City.
Homealead Patent.
Patents are at the land office In this
city for the following aettlera- John II.
Mills, liana Nelson, Horace H. Iteed,
Joshua J. Iaiw, Abraham T Powell,
Thomas C. 1 karaons, J. Mathla Apach,
Christopher Sauerrin, Giovanni Fili
ptlli, Joseph Netch, Allien Wood, James
Shanahan, ar., William tl. Ilowatson,
John William Slelnmeli, ltohert T.
Smith, Jasper X. Lesley, Stonewall J.
Harris and Frank Iternard
We the member of the Oregon State
Grange, in 2iith aoaslnn assembled,
again ei dorse and demand the Initiative
and Referendum, and we especially
commend and approve the non-partisan
action of the Legislative Aaaembly of
the State of Oregon, In panning at Ita last
session the amendment to the constitu
tion of our State for that purpose.
Keaolved, That the Secretary present
to Governor (teer and each iiiimiiIht of
the Legislative Assembly a copy of the
foregoing resolution relative to the
Initiative and Kelrrenduin adopted by
the Grange.
VW u 1,111 lf I '
v5tAV7 yougtrase I i
P"-" wheel with I i
I MlCUxliQnisi I
a.o4 ,...u.i.
J m"AflM on. to.
Kagle ( reek School l! port.
District No. 17. School closed June 0.
Total No. of pupils enrolled 45 : davs
taught, 60; daya attendance 2M7;dnys
absence, 2Sl ; times tanly 31 ; vialtors,
lllds Wanted.
Notice Is hereby given that the Hoard
of School Directors of School District No,
(12. of Clackamas county, Oregon, will
receive sealed bid at Ihn leshleiica of
(he school clerk, on Seventh street III
Oreuon Citv. Oreuon. UP to the hour of
7 o'cl.Kk p. in., on Friday, July U, imnt,
fur the sale and delivery to the district
of 120 cord ol giHhl , sound, (our foot ll r
wood, which bus been cut from large,
live standing timber, anil thoroughly
acatoncd. Said wood lobe (Irstrlasa In
all respect and soluble for u In the
(in nncea of the school building,' 70
cor, I a ol said wood to be delivered at
the Itarelay school building on Twelfth
ilrcct, and ,0, cord at the Fthm
school building or. Seventh street. Said
wood (o be delivered mi or before Sep.
tender let, lS'l't. The lord of dirw"
tr reset ve the right to reject any or all
!y order ol the board of ill rector.
C. II. C.vi rui n S. M. M. Cowx,
Chairuian. Clerk.
Diiteil at Oregon City, Oiegori, June
Tl 1M'I,
Soiled bid wl te received at the
i on nly clerk'a nlllce for the construction
of a Howe Tru bridge across North
ll(,a k Creek. Said bridge to lie a lllO
I foot span with double t-ent Kach lenl
I to lie 12 feet high and west one to be 14
(2. Tho or the roll of honor were
Pearl Foster, Albert Hell, Oren Hallow,!
Ren Jaques. Lena lloncr, ('has. Ilorgur, i
I.inie Smith. 1-en. Kmina Gerhardus, ;
Gosaie and Mattie Hurnett, Alta Judd, j
Louise Wagner, and Margucritte Jaipie.
Clara lloiaraow. Teacher, j
v For Kent. I
Furnished rooms pleaMiitiy located
apply at this office.
feet hltfh. Plan can hn found In the
clerk's olllceor bidder can Inrnlsh plana.
Ilul will be openr-d at 10:110 o'chsk,
July 6, lH;r. The board reaervea the
r gtit to rvject any or all bid.
Ily order of Ibe hoard.
J Flmrr Dixon, Clerk.
j Lost Monday evening, in this city, a
j plmlo of young lady. Finder pleas
leave at thit office.
Fiklds-Ramsbv Mr. J. II. Held and
Mrs. Fdla Hamsbv were mnrried
the home of Mrs. James Shaw in this
city, Wedneadav. June 21st at 8:30 p
m., Kev. A. J. Montgomery ollici
Mr. Fields is a successful farmer
Gartield county Washington, He is
cousin of C. D. and D. C. Latouretle and
is also related to G. A. Harding and
other prominent men of this city. He
returned to bia home today with his
wife snd two step-daughter. The
Enteiprise joins their many friends in
wishing them a long and happy life.
Jaooar. At indent's Hospital, port
land, on Monday, June 18, lH'Xt, Kva
Jaggar, aged 9 years, 7 montha and
The deceased was a victim of appen
dicitis and on Saturday was taken to
the hospital where an operation was
performed. She appeared to rally from
the etlects ol the operation but It was
only a temporary improvement and death
soon ended her sufferings She was the
daughter of Jear.elte and Frank Jsggar
of Cams, and was a favorite among her
acquaintances.- The remains were
buried in the cemetery here Tuesday
the funeral services being held at the
residence of Beniiuiin Jaggar in this
C!a Raman Fruit Crop.
W. K. Newell, of Dilley, Or. was at the
Electric Wednesday. Mr. Newell rep
resents the State Board of Horticulture
and is on a tour of tie state inspecting
the commercial fruit orchards. Accord
ing to Mr. Newell 's estimate the Clacka
mas county prune crop will be practically
nothing, probably a few petites, and the
apples are also badly damaged. The
state prune crop, he estimates, wiil
amount to not more than 50 car loads as
against 700 cars last year, and those will
come mostly from Jackson county.
CoimnitVd to the Itcform School.
On Wednesday Mike Koeble, who
lives near Mackgburg, appeared before
tbe county court petitioning that his son
JSdward Koeble, 15 years of age, be corn-1
naitted to the reform school, as he was
incorrigible, and his parents could do
nothing with him. The reason for his
making this request at this time was that
Edward had been arrested for doing ma
licious iniHchief to the property of a
neighbor, The boy had, in tbe absence
-of the neighbor, driven Lis cow into a
slough where she was drowned, he then
gxilled up all the garden crop, after
vsvLicb, be entered the cellar and with a
club destroyed a large number of fruit
Tbe court considered him a fit sub
ject for the reform school, and Sheriff
Cooke took him to that institution yesterday.
Seriously Sculded.
M, P. Chapman, employed in the
Crown mills here, met witti a serious
accident Tuesday night. He was work
ing at the digester, a huge machine filled
with steam and acid for reducing rna
terial ued in the mills, and in opening
it, took off the wrong hand plate and let
the steam and acid out upon him,
A portion of his face, his right arm and
side were scalded so that the skin
dropped off, and he suffered intense tor
ture before medical aid could be secured
from town, He was removed to his
home and is doing very nicely no, al
though it will be some works before he
is able to be around again.
Will Organize Tonight.
Mrs. L. J. Evers, of Portland, has
been in the city for some time past
working in the interest of the order of
Ancient Order ol the Pyramids. Her
efforts have been rewarded by a good
sized class and the lodge will he insti
tuted in the Red Men's hall this evening.
The order is a new one, but is highly
spoken of, and posseseithe admirable fea
ture of admitting male and female upoh
an equal footing. Its objects are fraternal
and beneficial.
Yala Restaurant an,
Luuymy nuuBO
rvrylh(ti Sim Clsatt rj r
I'lSM. K'lrilWllHl ItlMllll.h,,, '
Wwk or allium. I'nvai, l,"",t
lailis. Hps. 11 , ,y
nr month. A good ri eitMl) "'i
M 'J" rsnl.
Main Hi. near Alh !., f
imcui'M liy Hi V. M. o, a '
ijlte tl llrt TrU,
ii ii 1 1
s I ' ) 1 II
k - r
Wagon Mtkw
4th and Main t.
Separate Company P, 0. X. G.
Oskcon Citv, Ohkcos, June ud, iii.
Company Okukrs No. 7,
I. Each member of thia company i hereby ordered to report
at the Armory, June 26th, l for quarterly intrclion and
II. Tbe member of this Company will report with their cloth
ing and equipments in an absolutely neat and clean condition,
wearing the regulation white collar and clran white glove, with
their ahoea carefully blacked. Assembly at 7:4s P-
III. It i imperative that every memlirr of this command 1
present and no excuse will be entertained by the commanding
officer unlet made to him in penon on or before the dute of
IV. The Company Court of Discipline will convene on Wednes
day, June.iSth, at 8 o'clock p. m. for the trial of all delinquent
who may be summoned to appear before it, and the dipol of
all such bu.siness as may come before it.
V. On account of removal from district an honorable dis
charge has been issued to Private N. Waack.
VI. Privates Ladanaugh, W. Howard, S. Lanklns, and It. Jewel
are hereby dropped from the rolls for continuous neglect of duty.
VII. The following apjiointmenta are hereby made, warrant to
date from Lviuance of this order; Private Hilliard ami W. Doylan
to be Corporals. They will be obeyed ami respected accordingly.
By Okhkk ok:
Captain Commanding Company.
ft II
y . i 1 " ' w
Carrv tli K'! to T,ir
iieilil-or. Our supply ! vegeu
l.lcs is always frrs.li. Lecatise it ia
always replenished from th" gar
den near at haml. VrgrlaMe
that arc strictly home rown.
A. KoIktIwiii,
Tho 7th St Crocor.
A Personal Matter
A II l'ltilrl Ikkim Ii likf a i"l
l ilfwl -er"ii-!( altia l
ive and ,lr il lo !,' uiii.
Can I fialMil and rhrnl ii
l vry rx'naii crl-falnu
ar rj i l,si no i.ii, 1 ! II
iii,III tl" tn 11 11 any nir ma'ki
ami rrax-h In II
Leave Orders at
Ely's Store... ,V'.V-"r.
llalakllsbrd l3.
1; h, mm
Tranfei1 and h$tiu
Freight am! pa reels delivrretl
to all part of the city.
('am a ruilni hn ,4 rM
kia, l'-mii't, ltii' an I
i,( ui'io ii'ialily n4
tn,l(i 'l.
Lctifil Noticed
ltrl t'laal rlrHk
S'ulle U ,(h alien II Ik, l
lldiml l.-nli til l, l.l III 1
iii ol lt,,ir T in. 4
flll t.l. dual Bir.iin.l u.roin. r c,
etiUM ol li ! ol Ufr.in Inf Cai.
mil'O, a'l'l Id! V . itt 4)
ll. (i o u'rlixk a . ' ana a
li.a'li, ul'lsrllona l' "! "ion
Kisriilnf u( Id I. I will nl IMa
Uolf T laulti --(l . ilwvasxl,
Fir'it Sergeant.
Deafni'-s Cannot be (tired
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portions of the ear.
There ia only one way to cure deafness,
and that ia by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining of the Eu
stachian Tube. When this tube gets in
flamed you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely
closed deafness is the result, and unless
the intimation can be taktn out and this
tube restored to iU normal condition,
hearing will be destroyed forever; nine
case out of ten are caused by catarrh,
which is nothing but an infhmed condi
tion of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars, free.
K J. CHKNK Y A CO. Toledo, O.
Fold by druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
K. K. Cumpston teacher of vnlce cul
ture and piano playing. Studio oyer
Hank of Oregon City.
Br ib. l! Kir.d You Kin tlaait BoupM
Trimmed and un'rimmed hats, rib
bons and flowers. Below cost at Miss
Prices that talk.
smith, milliner.
Call on Misa Gold-
Tolanlc Eruption.
Are grand, but Skin Eruptions rob life
of joy. Backlein'a Arnica Halve, cures
them ; also old, running and fever sores,
ulcers, boils, felons, corns, warts, cuts,
bruises, burns, scalds chapped hands,
chilblains, best pile cure on earth.
Drives out pains and aches. Only 25
cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by
Geo. A. Harding, druggist.
J. A. Rehear, of fSedalia, Mo., saved
his child from death by croup by using
One Minute Cough Cure. It cures
coughs, colds, pneumonia, lagrlpe and
all throat and lung troubles.
Geo. A. Hakding.
Has just received an elegant new line
of White and Colored Shirt Wain's all
latest style and patterns. Heady-made
Skirts eijual to best tailor made goods.
Children's White Dress Bonnets, very
dressy attractive. Washable Hun Bon
nets white ami colored. These goods
are all "the thing" and just what you
need to fit out for your Fourth of July
Dr. L, L. Pickens, dentist, ha re
opened his dental of lice in the Barclay
building corner of Main and Seventh
Our line of new sewing machines for
(24 have no equal. Call and see them.
Easy terms.
Oregon City Auction House.
Baart th in(l Y Haw UW Bfllitflt
jftifo Kind You Haw Aiwars
Croup is the terror of thoiiHands of
young mothers because its outbreak is
so agonizing and frequently fatal
Hhiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure
acts like magic In cases of Croup. It has
never been known to fail. Tho worst
cases relieved Immediately. Price, 25 cts,
50 cts. and $1.00. C. G. Huntley, the
t'onnty Treasurer's Notice.
I have on hand funds for the
payment of all county warrants endorsed
prior to March 2, 18!W. Interest will
cease from and after the date ol this
notice. JAcon Brums.
Treasurer of Clackamas County Ore.
Dated June 15, lHW.
A Tension
the lUte
of the tension at a glance
Itt use mcani time living;
and easier tewing.
It't our own Invention
and is found only on the
Sewing Machine.
We have other striking
Improvements that appeal to
the careful buyer. Send for
our elegant H. T. catalog.
White Sewing Machine Co.
Cleveland, Ohio.
Ilhl Maalrd.
Hrl. I.I.U lll l frlwt ; It.
Orf in ( 1 1 r lor ii nrntuwan
lairaavun fourth an-l Mnrua ft.1.
ru,n( in I'lana ami r'DrailoM
In Iba offlr ol llrur C, t'o.ff . rttf
Mult lo b oiin al ')u' li I a
.l.th Jim. al lhutfxni
I. t uf r. Tba romhiilir twrt
nbl lo r)M-l any or a, I W ii
r Sianit
r Mimu
,1.11c r.r I'HbllralUa
Ijinil irfi. al llr.a-.in t'li,
Maris. !.
NiilH K H tl K It K It Y UIVEXn.
(llo.iij( liamaal illvr da ti i
hi liiUnilnn la mat. 0"al p'li
uf (in rlaun i.nU.r Hr 2 'I. It 1 M
Mll I'fiail .III l ll, Iwinr t. U
ami llivr al Uuii Cujf. tftfj
Jun. 9 1. !"(. i
W AllllIN ll A ll M M
II K I.'tu7. (or n,a NH i, ul Nc!
tfcxuh. It 4 Kal.
Ha lianira Hi. (iilnai, ailw
pro, his coiilinuona rn,lnir a,
tiililvailnii of mi, I land tie
rramit M. Ilak.r, tirt I
lUnrr Wmxlrult, V, K. II .new;.
I'ollnii, (Irrfiin,
("II AH. II. V"t2
I'M! .'V
For sale by While H. M. Co., Han Francisco.
HI .TlttUS)
In ll'is I'.n nil Court ol Ida Si
ao lor Clackamat C mniy.
t'tiaa. P. t'liuri li, I'laliillll, aJ
lull, lr(itai ;
To Joiin Kl.'.on, tba aiwr as41
oimlaiil :
In Hi liani. of Ida Hlala id Orr
ar li.rrlijr i.,nr, lo apar ail
lliaroinplaliil lllml aalnl yu in
hllllr l ar, (ll on or lH(or Id
June li. that nrlng Id l( "
lima prrsnrldr.l In in nnl.r n( H!I
of Itila uinniiiiia ami If Vhi 10 r','
ami anso.r aa, rmiiplaliil Id vtt",'-
apcly lo Id. Cmin lor Ida rl'
I, fur, I. hi. all In. lu maiil !.r I
tdrr dumlrxl ilollara (HI J ' 1
l.. . ...H,l. 1
inrrriiil SI IM ff rlil lr '"
Id Pud ilay of Marrli,s,A and a".'
dltdiirM-iiiriila. Tills auunmiinll,,'
fur sll ronari-iillv rk Uf "'I' "
Tliot.H. Mrllrnl, jmlir of .W cau."
on id lih May of Mav.KSi.and tl "
Ill ation ImiIiik on id. I.'tli ilav ul
W. T. W'RNn
Attorney lorl'l
6 I'.' (I i1.
Xailct, ori'lajal Helllea'1
In the Homily Court of Hi 8t14'!
g'm, for Hit Counly of t'laclioniai.
In tlia matter of Ida rt' C1"
HwarU, ilrreaiwd,
Nnilni la drrrt.y nfrn that Ch
Tixiie, tda ailuilnlatraUir of
'liri.Kaiia riwaru, lecrail, h ,
In aald court for s.lllemenl dis "nt',, l
of dli aiiiiiloUtrailoii of said
1'alTliura.lay, li lltli day of Jul','
K) 0'i liM-a, a. m., has lw.ii duly
liy laid court for Id aettlanianl u""
lor the di ariMK of enreplliun ll''Jf?r
Dated May Kith, Hid.
i-Whjj, Engines
Mmmi Boilers
Saw Mi
Write for Catalogue
nd Prices.