Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 23, 1899, Page 2, Image 2

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HiH.n visw. iunt K-Everyone is rrjolc
Ingovath clear weather.
A number or Hood View people went 10
IVrtlaiid Monday end Tuesday to see the
cirrus. All pnmoiim-ed ll gram! show.
The Ice cream social at lb Hood View
chool bouse Friday evening we well '
tended, in! everyone report good time.
The proceeds, will be uiw'l purchase
dictionary ror Hie school.
Mr. Alice M' Kinney, of Holton, la visit
ing her parents, Mr. and Mr. J. A. Moor.
Work l progressing rtily on the new
tore i Wilsonville,
Wm. Harri. or Aurora, I a visitor at
Cha. Hanson, ol Wilsonville, closed
smy ncceslul term or school In district
No. W lest Friday with a picnic. The pro
gram was well rendered, and a large crowd
as present
A rgr crowd attended the Children's
lay eserrises Isst Sunday at the church.
Tbe program was well rendered.
Iter A. liredy, pastor or tha Hood View
church, will preach hii farewell aernioti to
the peopled Hood View next Sunday.
There was a picnic and program the last
day of school at Wilsonx ille. An excellent
time was (pent.
There will be a basket social given at the
church Friday evening. All are invited.
It it circulated that the Fourth w ill be
celebrated in grand stile at Wilsonville.
Tie orator or the day will be Judge O.K.
11 aye.
Son.t hay ha bu made.
In toovki over the orchards we ee that
,i or es are about a total lailure, while ep
pUt ai.d tar are very scarce on the tree.
Cbernes 111 off fast when the hot days set
J. P. Gage ia fining u? hi house in
l ortland and bavii.g a new coat of paint
added. He will be absent froiu home a
w k or more.
O. Reutler' large barn frame wan raised
lat Thursday, and carpenter are busy
covering it. T. Heicble. the bead carpen
ter, lost bi balance bile working near the
looof tbe frame and an accident was only
averted by or e ol the men grasping him
aud swingii g him into place.
Capt. H has been in PoiCat d the
p .st week.
I). K; Gage Is workir g in Albina tliis
Ja k Ellig-on i buildir g a ciMtrn at the
school house. Cha. Thompson, of Frog
Tond, will do the plastering, cementiiig,
Carinters Keichle lias made some house
told furniture lor, Mrs. F.eulter.
Eaglt Creek.
Ea,le Cbeik. Jure PJth.-The tine
weaiberot ti.e past week wis well appre
ciated by all.
Jlr. I!ot!mtiter i quite silk with throat
trouble, but is better now.
II. F. Gibwn and wife and Miss Millie
AVUi-oii went to Portland last week to do
ume trading.
li k (iib-on ami Mr. Wilbern and several
others wei.t to Porliai.d la.-t week to al
ter. d tUe circus.
The Asl.by Bros, have been around
Ef:lt t'retk lr m veral daswi'.b a hand
ol burses. They have swetded in selling
but four or five, they having 40 in ail.
They have been getting good prices for
other horses, which shows that times are
improving here.
L. Bilker, who cut bis foot with an ax a
abort time ago, is slowly improving.
David Douglas is cut at Handy working
00 tbe road.
' Mr. Cahill is busy clearing a place, to
build on.
Sheep shearing is about all over in this
section. Woodle and Howlett report over
JO founds to the fleece on their sbeep.
Maple Una.
Mapi.cI.avb, June 20 Mrs. Cbas Swal
low returned home Friday lrom Portland,
here she had been visiting with relatives.
IMberl Shelly has purchased new bi
cycle. Mis Ona Rentier, or Oregon City, was
tbe guest of Thos. Davis' the past week.
Mr. Wm. Vanover is recovering from
tier recent illness.
Geo. and Isaac Bbortledge are cutting
wood near Carus.
Mr. N. W. Richard returned home
Sunday alter an extended visit at 8ellwood.
Bhe was accompanied by her daughter,
Mr. S. S. Jennings.
J.R.Davis and sister, Miss Sara, spent
last week at Dickey' Prairie. John re
ports excellent fishing in that vicinity.
The baseball nine of this place played
against the Redland's Sunday. The score
atood In favor of the Maple Lane boy.
Charles ami Ona Surfus are home after a
nine months' absence at Philomath, wbere
tbey attended school.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Ward visited with
friend in Oregon City.
Tbe general greeting now is "oh my I how
warm and dusty."
Everyone is trying to get their crops and
gardens in. Those, who are fortunate
enouidi to have their garden in are pleased
4o see how vigorous their vegetable are
Some of our farmers are making bay.
That's right, "make bay while the sun
0. W. Rcramlin is preparing to build a
new residence.
C nldren's day was observed June 11th,
by Congregational Sunday school, kindly
assisted by members of the Lutheran
church. The program was well rendered,
end all deserve special mention, but time
end space will not permit full detail.
O ir district school closes next Friday,
June 23. Tbe teacher, Prof. W. E. Young, j
and his pupils are preparing a nice pro I
Grandma Mnrdork has purchased prop
erty in Canbv and will move there the
forepart of this week
Mat'kshiirg is soon to have a pradrd school
beKliinlnn with next term Prof, trtcklln
h leen employed as principal and Mls
llsnnah Peters, assistant,
Mr.ybacli is seen daily hauling lumber
ttirvu'h our burg for a new Pern.
J . W. Smith and family visited friend on
Molalla Prairie Sunday.
John Murdock made business trip to
Oregon City Saturday.
The Law and Order leitfue has met iuil
frequently of late, and has added several
new names to its list ol membership.
Fred l.aMour has purchased a new bike.
Ild View
Hoop Vtxw. June 'jo. Master Jie Harms
is quite 111.
Miss Maud Soely Is slowly improving.
Mr. and Mrs. Ford are home sunlit to
their many friends. AMer returning from
lirownville they took in the Pioneer re
union in Portland.
Quite a number of Hood View people
visited Portland and the circus lnt week.
Hev. and Mrs. Itraly, our minister, are
to leave us soon. It is not known who
iii lid the vantncy.
The Witonvill school closed Friday
with a basket picnic, and was very much
enjoyed by all.
The lie cream social at Hood View
School Friday evening was quite a success.
Mist Sarah Gmkaiu closed a spring
school at the White Gate school with a
basket social with a net gain of IT..V).
Mr. Harry lllanchard, of Portland, spent
several day with the Youngs this week.
Miss Etta Seely is stopping with Mr.
Mis Alfa Seely is with the Cr is well lam
ily for a time.
There will be a bsxrt social at Hood
View Friday evening, June lv!.
w sste
Poor clothe cannot mike
you look old. tveo pale
checks won't do It.
Your household cre may
be heavy and disappoint
ment may he deep, hut
they ctnnot make you look
One thing docs It and
never fail.
It l Impossible to look
young in t!:e color of
icvcr.iy year in your hair.
yjjer s i
f ' m' liTa lifc Kir-'rTTkw
to be a Mween eraier ami one
of the go devil allalrs Ihev lor bucking
out straw. H gela there Just the same and
has not got a mast of rnmplh eled ma
chinery to gel out of III. In I"'""
tli genuine boh-slelgh movement with lour
holes lor Jewels, the tarings are ground nut
of solid sleel while Hie tongue Is simply un
hrenkahle. Four horses, on man and
huig whip are all that Is necessary to run II
w ith no danger of pui.ciures or blow-outs
and there is not enoiiuli Iw k arlioii to
tier hurt tin mainspring. The saddle I
not Ju.l whsl It, might be, It I'""1
sugtfestlv of siandlng up or going !,.
Si'NiNitTa. June it) -Spring ater
Tent No. ' relehrate.l the I" h anniversary
ol lha foumllng of the urder oflhe Kuliihla
o( Maci alwes at lwellens' hall oi -atu'dy
rveuli g June 17. It wa attended by iner
J l persons. A musical and literary pro
giam was well rv.iderr.l ami highly appre
ciated all which tables was spread In the
liaM and lum h was furnished by lh Udies
ol the aiidirme and Ice cr.am aud lemon,
a le furnished by t.'ie llee. A Vry m-II
evening w its si-enl everyone Itli a auil
on their f.ne wl-hmg llu order well and
ho soon Ihey miot gli another social .
The order is growing ll ami Us future
pros. ls are good. - iev wdl runmeni e
work on their new hall In a short tune,
f ,i d I lijl m II1 Us coinc'eMoi .
perminemly poarponee the ft
tell-tale liens of ace. Used K
acoordini to directions it
gradually brines hck the
color of youth. At Hfty your
hair may look as It did at
fifteen. It thickens the hair
also; stops it from fsllinj
out; an J cleanses the scalp
from dindruff. Shall we
send you our book on the
Hair and its Diseases?
Cotrov, June 19. Mrs. Orintlua Gorlielt
was visi:ing at Tunter Grove la-t week.
Miss IWs-ie Hubhurd has n turned to
Portland alter a bort vMt home.
A number of Coltoliiles attended tli cir
cus In Portland last week.
Mrs. Carl Stroll green w as v isilirg friends
in Oregon City l.i-t swk.
Mr. Carl-on had tl.e n.i-furtin.e tu le
thrown lrom his wam last wes k. falling I as overheard to sav that as soon as roads
on his bead and shoulders, which caused , got a lilile belter he ex; teil to make to ne
him a great deal id pain for a lew days, but j recorJ brrakmg trips to Ha'lou on his new
Thm Bmmi Advky Tr.
If ru lo 11- ut.lAin sll tli hew.
Ri T' tr' i '"" Ut '
IU Vi..f. tils lh U't sN.ul II.
I'r..'j f Is s-.n diWcuitT
ilh -,ir rnerl tlehi l,t,ll
n - ss'llf r r'. sr-l Ad-lr"
tJK. J. t. Att.H. LuwsU, JIsm.
rr. tri...l Vim Have Alwnyn lloiittht. wiut which liua bee,
Itiitl Irrn iHiMin uiiiicr ma p,h
JlS?-f vimJ vttprrs Ul lm 1U Inruiirv,
All.iw no to ilrrrlvo ymi In thU.
. .. ...!. ... mikI Miitiatltutea it r lint v.
All CoiintrrTclM. im.i.... - -
! be is now almost recovered.
wlnel. He thinks he l ii learned to ride
Carl Stromreen ha. his new barn almost for he is able to fall, we ir,ni-e be means
Koad work is in roll blast. We hope
soon to be able to get out without heiug in
danger of having our necks dislocated.
rieasant 1111
Pleasant Hill. June l'.i Durby isn't
alaays asleep when his eyes are shut.
Tue ice cream social v. u.i v-ii'. uttemled at
the Hood View sclinol house Friday night,
June it.
Dan Stahlnecker and t ivile Haker, the
two bicioe cra ker jncks ol tiraiine, took a
trip to Salem Sunday.
The man, who was killed in Ka-t Port
Uml Tl.uriduy, is su pied lu be Arihur
Bell, ol S..erw)d, the adopted uii of Mrs
Kyeiuan. His limd was run over by a
The road supervisor, Mr. Hillinan, will
soon be through on the roads.
The crops look good in this locality.
MiLWAtKie, June Pi. Mr. Klruer, of
Clarks, was doing business in Milwaukie
during tbe week.
L. L. Moore was in Portland Wednesday
on olllcial business.
About ir of Prof. T. J. Gary's intimate
friends chartered a car and went to Oregon
City to give him a surprise party. All re
port having bad an excellent time.
Tbe United Artisans social wa a howl
ing success, "after the table were turned."
Tbe men' feet would not sell so tbe ladies'
were auctioned oil. The Artisan have
proven their competency to entertain a all
their socials are tuccesslul.
Milwaukie Grange No 2 bad it usual
meeting Saturday and transacted consider
able business and took in two members.
Tbe subject discussed was "The Etlect of
tbe Moon upon Vegetation" which was dis
cussed at some length by Mr. Johnson,
Sellwood, I.uelling, Will and L. L. Moore.
Greater harmony prevails In tbe Milwaukie
Grange than any other organization in the
The school board have ordered the clerk
to advertise for bids for the winter wood.
Mr. Millan has completed and moved in
to a very neat little dwelling opposite 0.
Wissinger' (tore.
Strawberry picking is in lull blast now
and a large number of pickers are in the
Mr. Henneman has a new addition to bit
house almost complete.
Chas. Latin is on the sick list.
Miss Tscharner is quite ill.
f.i! In love and would say U careful Willie
as thai Is one ol the most dangerous of falls.
Mr. Hruns, of Sandy, w as a Horir.g yiiior
last Thursday. j
Mr. and Mrs. Heneley, from Truutda'e
weretlie gueits ol Mrs. C. C. Richey Sat
urday. Fay McGiuiils died at St Vincents hospi
tal hist Wednesday front ti e k. k he re
ceived from a lairs a month atfo. the re- I
m.illis were interred at the Trrnidaie ceme- j
lary on Friday lift. 1
Mr. and Mrs. la-clieron lioiu Monmouth j
were the g'ter'.s of Mr. Card lat Thursday.
Bokivus, June 19. With the fair weather
the hopes of everyone have revived even
tiiose of the young man that bought a new
bicycle several months ago and kept it
hidden under hi bed until now exacting
to surprise people with it when the roads
would get better.
Grain of all kinds is looking fine, bay will
he an average crop and its harvest bas be
gun. Fruit will be short, especially prunes
and cherries.
Fishermen are beginning to come out
from Portland in great numbers but they
pronounce the fishing poor as there are too
many people bent on sport of this kind.
Soiliv. June pi -lt'iildirg is goi igon as (
lisil tl. Justin Strntiridk'e lias Ids big barn j
nearly complete. I!. F. Holt, of Porilaml, j
istmsywitb the asisane of a mechanic, I
building an addition to his summer rest
deuce. Two lamllies are coming out to live
during the but days.
Steve Coalman with a crew is opening up
the (oil road which will soon be open lor
travel. I
J. N. Wearer went to Portland, to pur
chase another engine for his sawmill.
The first hand of horses came over tbe
mountains today.
John Griesback, deputy orgitnlxr ol
Woodman of the World is out un Sumly to
organize a camp of Woodmen.
Tbe Preacher conference at Deep Creek,
was well attended Sunday.
Roads are getting good for wheelman.
Sunday quite a few were out from Portland.
Johnie Maroney, our jolly young rustler
will run tbe swing on the Fourth.
tlce lu NulMcribiTa.
The Kulcrpriso will 11 1 tbn aill rip
lion list if llie l'r as. If your name Is
not followed by the dt to wlm-li you
have paid, notify u at wncn. If any
mistake occur notify u at once W
shall I please I to have the corrc"nd
ent that have contributi-l to the Free
do the Mine work (or tliw I'.iiterpri-e ami
we w isli to sy to our oh! corresoiidcnls
Hut we expect iiewa sent in rcuUily.
Some (cw do It only at turn's. IU k
subscription must I paid up. It takes
money hi run a paper, and In justice to j
thi pairr every i Ifort rh"iiU ! nu'le '
to pay your back subscription.
Miss l it 1 I I.OI II vim. l.wi
Jos. Sewik, jr., lias fully rc.-nverc. !
Ilia li.ltli and loy'ilier w itli J Mn jc I
his lr-t-I I lit N- i r Flouring NJ ll .
The mi'l will Ih t t y i'ii riM-d
arrangeim-nts in o. (or m civn g vr.un
c -liantMn.' lor mii! 1i:ir nl slo-rl n"'n c.
"s.itisfacdon cu 1'iniiH.d. ,
Skv u. Sre, n .V. t
We liitv. the Inrgt'st s'o k o( hicye'es
in l'U' ksuiss conn y . Cono' Hi an I v'i t
our prues.
I'.ni nil-inter A Audi n.
Free Exhibitioii
For a few days of the celebrated
luHnl nnl (hll.lr....-i:prrlr,..o Ml..t l..crl1Pttt
; .f.., r 0,,h".., Morphine or o.h.r Nurc
Vul.-tan.-r. lis I- s .wn.nlrr. H t lr.tr..,.
roll.- It rrllrs-r. Trrtlilntf Tr.ul.tr. cirr. ( .....tl,.
I,..! M..ll.'"0-. It n-lmlUCr. th I Wl. r.yt.lutc, ,U
Tho fhlMr.'.' IMuiM-TA-Tlw Mother. 1 rl.it.l.
Bean tho Slgnaturo of
The Kind You Have Always Bou
In Uso For Over 30 Years.
m )
Known as the Wobbls fiar.
rz r"-Yl -
Ixkiar, June la-Cblldreu's Day at tb
Baptist cburch was celebrated witb a line
Mrs. Tom McCubbin is very lick witb the
Miss Hetile and Kboda Newklrk are
Visiting llielr parent at Ixigau.
George and Mattie Keed paid us a Hying
visit one day last week.
James tlattan Is again up and around
tbough still pretty weak.
Lot of grip In our community.
Tbe ice cream social at tbe Grange ball
was a grand success financially f '11.40 being
tbe receipts of tbe evening.
Tbe Fourth of July picnic at Union park
is a settled fact everybody cordially in
vited. Tli ere will be a dunce at the Grange
Fourth ol July night.
Hair Grower and
Scalp Gleaner
Everybody invited to call and
8cc the magnificent growth of
hair of the ladies in attendance
and at the same time secure free
advice as to how to treat the hair
and scalp to obtain best results.
Mol.AM.A, June If. Camp meeting is run
ning nicely, Mr. Cross bas been assisting.
Miss Haines came out to camp Tuesday.
Hbe i acting as organist, Mr. Adams
kindly loaning their organ lor tbe occasion.
Mr. John Johnson died on Wednesday
after an illness extending over several
montbd. He suffered greatly. Mr. John
son had lived In Oregon about seven years.
He leaves a young wife to mourn him and
bis father and mother are residunts of this
place. John was a good jolly fellow and
had made many friends, who will miss his
friendly greetings.
Mr. Lewis has fixed up a sort of scraper
Railroad and Express Office.
ji:i:h m. t.wt: or
'10 II A CCO,
I .pcinlly ad.lptrd fur l ulling alll'M if stun-pa, 'ilir -! , Slwi
gr'Himl. I'tr en I r nnr k-lil or put inai.v iiii'iii w '"h lli ''
Ihe Hie .e jI1I:ii l:i.i, i,f ..y inn'Mio ,,n -fio n.aitrl
The Krre Feed l.irvi.,r iiikes II. e un. l-lnr In i.. . s.nllls all shslls' " f
resKiRhi'i. in u,r na'iiral ll'iw of li e umin ii.nt i.r l.nxiir iiai lim lit Is r
duces ainiinnt nt MiMer ni-rr..ir ri eievle r I e 'nlll.
The rccenlilc (.ncket whtn-l mi binder a'tai-rimm I Willi li. Swkenne"'
slnirl siKiKet on Ilia nlliei lv iriM.i, ,.l ,1,. . i..... ... ii,. ..i,t .e
lnimlle la Iikiii i (iin.n .. lied and .llu hsi d t es p,, ,r lent fmi I"'"'
lime In. I when ii..,. I m-r la iireile.). Tbee i. - ui in fralurrs lli.l'
CHAM I'lu.N III NlKlt the Htfi.i.i itmfr. nm-r ..i,.(., n,m l ine nn li'"
Von rnniKit aH'iinl to Imiv u Muw.t or llinil.r tinlilj'"'
SUM) roitTKSTIMOMAL HOOK and whnt tliefs;
OrcRon ami WnMiitiKtoii who am iimhu tlii-tn ny oImuiI thrra.
would not urn! aimtliiT iiiiikr; lifter iihii il,.. "CH AMiMON."
Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co.
F rat nnH Tnulns ci.i . n..i..j fntr
; izj.
ill; .
i'oal UUllt liuildlli;,
NiiA iv k i
Doors, Windows, Glass, Moulding
Or Other Quiidinu Mntorlal.
-s-'C.H. Bestow & Co.
Corner 11 lh and Main St. Oregon City, OrrgoB-
I )K f',t i()N
Albert Spalinger was out from Portland for the roads and bas been running it the
Sunday greeting some of his many friends ' past week it does good work; though It I
here. j not particularly handsome- We do not
One of our most prominent young men know what name It does bear, hot It seems
r:i, tf us(i!im
VKACl lVM, Hlts, s.igoi:ic
WarU aloisn tiromptty und
at ruitiiMi.ible)
UndiTiirw inannnrmicnt Tho Kloctric'1
h:inhccn IhonuiKlily rofittcd and i" J":
will bn con-luctttd on a Htrictly W'
I'lan. Firct-clitHH taMo norvica atai,
nrili- riilcHi'MCftu hnliiul In thn CltV 'r.
and Hpocial attention given to k'l'jj
My luany I'rk'iidH and tho utmoral Put)'
cordially invited to ntop and seo i6'
E. C MADDOCX. Mannaor, Oroon City, Orel'