X 0 Hfnin Oregon City Enterprise. ,i,3i. NO.aa OKEOON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE' 23, 1800. ESTABLISHED 1866 f.hri(ICKUNI), M.I), 1,1, .,fiifrliilil fl,l 10 III !. .. o,rVm i';li. ii.iir. ni-ui Li ' nm' """ L'',,l,,g Oltl iMMiril 10 l.i I J . hi., III II II. Vl ,, dry oitK'ioM It. I.. riC'KKNH, HKNTIHT. Guaranteed. ,y ItulMiiitf Oregon City, Or. 8. fllKS. AtP'KSKY AT LAW. !). uil Huntley' 1'MIK KUire. mCilr. " ' Oregon. i toMMKHCUL AWK or oniitow city. liao.aaa ! QIMOUIIM HUM rol' m.lu nw A Mil MMtf p w -orcf. )- lo chvrg ft Auk (iKii IKlKYK. ....UKNTIST.... fi.l HfM work PpM-UHr. All Ljtk irrti.txl and U.fsctiuo (uarauiel. Oftic In I'aufitM illk. SP1G-T1, SPRING-SHOES 7JJK HAVE TIIK NKATKHT, NOItlUKST, NATTIKHT LINK OK V Kjirinj; hIkm-h over hhown in Oregon City. The Latest luHtH-tim Latest Htjli-H tho Latest heel tlm Latest color. Kvory kIioo in a Every pair a trciiHiiro. TIuth will ho tt blank in your lifo i( yon fail to hmj thoHo good. Wo guarantee pricim Lower than in Portland. Watch our windowH next week. Youth to command, McKITTRICK, "The Shoe Man," Ni Door to Orsgon City Bank ft mi Mr Says is Tlirjr til mjt tint HARRIS' GROCERY rasr! Headquarter for Hay, Uml platter, Heed, Ktc. ninet complete atork irocerlea to be fuurnl In ih City. t II.WKH ATT'iHNKV AT LAW. , itt.Mln.i ltn to County Court ml 1'ftit.atellUsllieae l'liir, oi'U Huntley's Hook m. INSURANCE. kunciiKi.. ATTOKMCY AT LAW. 0,.r MrKiurlik'i Klioe Hlr. hear ID ntns oi wrefun i 117. KIKE AND ACCiDENT C Railroad Ticket to all jM)inU East at low rates. I c E. DONALDSON t A ILI. A (ASrSkU, ATTtUtNKYH AT LAW, ClTT. 0Soa. ;.iir. tn (ii the twiuru ( lb tut. 01- L.ul 11 I U ' 4 lift. Mil. I. Kit. - I'KNriHT - yu of irrih. it'll, I rrnvni, U klmli ( AMli,( hihI btlilKor. hi. Iif ilril. fK'" '"y. r' PAINT YOUR HOUSES V1 Th OI.1 !- ! 1 on mm: in C. G. HUNTLEY oumjo itv C. A. Ai. A-A. A -A -AiCV.A. AAAA. jfiw., ADC UTol'Ktni, KSKYS AND f()UNSKU)KH AT LAW tT OMKUUM ClTT, OIIUUII. AUtrrH nl Tina. Lnan Mnncf. For- , M,ir(pi. ami IraniMt lliirtl La Huilern. I'liK.h.HKIl, ATTollNKY AT I.AW. tir M, Klitrl, k' Hlio Hlor. nir llm Hank nl OrrKon City. Citr, ()oon. POKTKK, ATroKNKV AT LAW 1 pit lo Oregon CUT Knltrprt-. niANClS FKKKMAN, DKNTIST ' tlie NorthwBuUtrn Unlver "itv Drntal KnliHoLCIiU-ntfO. '"erienn Colleueof iHmUl Hurgory, i'liimitt ltlo,, Oreuon City. AO. W. HWOl'K, ATTORNEY'S AT LAW. Itliinn. Fornolomira of Mortuiiuoa, '"I A K'iiritl Inw liiiHinflHH kt tmulml to promptly. f ' Kirnt door South of MethotliNt rcn. MEMO GENTRAl! JiOU 13 TIIH TIJIU TO BUY Screen Doorn, Wimlow Screens, Lawn Mower, Oarden Hose, (iarden Tools, Scythes, - Culti vators, Ricycles, c, &c.t for which wo are headquarters. Wo are agents for tho Celebrated Simnionds Saws, Z Wedges and Sh'dp-s, Syiacuso Chilled Plows, Canton Steel Plows, Harrows Sec. Largest Stock of Hardware, Stoves and Tinware in tho city. Plumbing; and Jobbing a Specialty Cor. 4th and Main Sts. " 0 ORKOCN CITt, U Baalim House III the City. PM op c.pHi, r,ooa uriilu.. lAI.HAO. r.T - CKAll.il a. tPW, ""iuint, . .. eo. a. Ktmiiiia, Ik. a. a CAurii.o, iTl,",,.k,n,t '"'"Iik""' trniotod, 1 in Ueot to onaok. ...i 1 , ""le dUoounted. M city warrant! bouiht. ill "A06 ll ourlty. "i ni,u n. i ! llail lu auy part of th world ! Uanei mid on Portland, Ban For Perfection In Baking Use Patent Flour Manu factured by the Portland Flouring Mills Company, Oregon City. Oregon. IT IS WARRANTED THE BEST. A BAD ACCIDENT One Man Killed and Several Dangerousl Hurt. TKOllll.K IX TIIK TIUSSVAAL, MUrrAillniruftlin Order on the AUrl JUad Hard Itattlr In the I'hlllp. plnf Mllt'k on tbn Huliject roaTLAND, Or. June I'J. The upeclal train tearing U10 Kwl Men'i rxcuraion liume from Clataop tx-icb eoltiiltxl with Nurtbern 1'aciflc ((eight train No. IA, a mile Ulow LinnUn,at8:5')lai(i'veoin. One man waa killed and aix people were Injured, two of whom were women. All of the injured, aaye the engineer and hrakrman. were on the taKtfaK-car at tached to the ncuriioo train. At near aa could be learned, the acchlent wai the reaullof a miaundeialanding o( ordwa on the part of the train crew of the freight. Kllla. V P. Bell, confectioner, Alt Kant Davia itriH-t. lajaraa. Homer Darling, broom maker; 41 north Kaal Ninth itreet, averely cut, left arm broken. Mr. D. P. IMI, braiaee end eevere hock. Jamn llallon, locomotiye engineer, cut In leg. Mia Vertle Pitman, Weit Cliehalii, pine Injured. K. K. Bamea, brakeman, alight. John Iraon, lumberman, Bridal Veil, Ufth knm ked out, lip cut. The excuraion train, crowded with petwnirert, an juat pulling around the curve before coming to Linntoo, when Engineer Mallon aw aomething blark on the track, which he presently made out aa a locomotive. He aaye the head light waa not lighted. IoaUntly he threw on the air and reversed the engine but ia another tcone, and while both he and Fireman J a met Hume were at their ponta, the engine came together. The boi of the bagitage-car behind the engine waa torn from it platform and telrcoed over the tender, aa if It were built there. The occupant of the car D. P. 1WI end Homer Darling who were conducting an Ice-cream buaineaa, and aeveral of their (rif nda, were caught like rata in a trap. Bell wa killed out- , Ikrling waa cauxht in a mm of ilin tered limber, and Mia Vertie Pitman wai pinned to the floor of the car by a moving pile of wreckage. Mr. Boll wa thrown acroea the car and wyerely bruited. John Laraen, who was on the platform, wa burled against the hand hold and received a severe gash in the ! month. All through the train, pawners were thrown from their eeata and frightened into a panic, and for a time the scene was one of tremendous excitement. Fortuntely, however, none of the car left the track, and oon a number of quick-wilted people were hurrying for ward tj help the Injured, while the rest hudJted along the embankment on which the train stood, and viewed the wreck with sensations bordering on a nervous chill. Kngiueer Jennings and Fireman Mslim.of the Northern Pacific train. saw that it would be fatal to stay in their cab, and jumped juBt before the engines struck. A second later and the cab was iplintered to kindling-wood, the tender plunged in a slough west of the track, and a cattle car, shivered to piece, piled over the wreck of the en gine, while the ill-fated beauts that occu piei it went tumbling down the em bankment, to be drowned in the slough or killed by the wreckage that foil about tlllMll. The heads of the two engine came squarely together, each flattened out and "buckled." All about were piled mass es of tangled timber from the shattered hamrain and cattle cars, but the main body of each train stood on the track un harmed. Might Have Beon Much Worse. The two engineers had seen the danger in time to check most of their headway. The excursion train, which was runniug 30 mile an hour had slackened to less than 15, and the freight train wa nearly at a standstill. To this circumstance the passenger owe their lives, lor had the train come together with ' just a nine more momentum, tne passenger cars would have rolled down the embank ment, and on either side were sloughs which the swollen Willamette had filled to a depth of from eight to 20 feet. Conductor Clough, of the freight train, went immediately to Llnnton and tele phoned for assistance to Portland. Ed Lyons, manager of the Terminal Com pany, soon had a special relief train ready, and Ire. J. J. Panton, C. W. Cornelius, H. B. Drake and D. II. Rand were summoned to go to the scene of the accident. The passenger were speedily loaded on the relief train while the ! physician attended the Injured. Dr. J B. Morris, of Lewiston, who was a pas- aengnr on the regular Astoria train which had fallowed the excursion, an and wis hut half an hour behind whei the accident occurred, wa on the scene and had superintended the removal of the inj'ired lo one of the cost-he, where he had eased their suffering with mor phine. The Portland physician at tanded to their iiifurie, and they were win transferred lo the relief train, which, in the meantime, had been boarded by a aw arm of excuisionist and passenger on the regular train W bir.d. When all were on board the train was backed into Portland, and the ifferer were sent to Good Samaritan hospital. Conductor Low.'l Mtmtinat. Conductor 51. A.Lowe, wbowasin charge of the excursion train, made the following statement to an Oregonian man who went to the scene of the disas ter on th relief train. "Engine 17 wa running extra on fol lowing schedule, with right over North ern Pacific freight No. 64, due at Llnnton at 8 :W p.m. At 85 we atruck North ern Pacific freight train No. 64, one mile east of Llnnton. The engineer and con ductor of the freight say that they read the order to meet at Holbrook' itation, both the extra and the regular, which followed it, making mistake of just an h Jur, That is the whole story." trtillery being freely used. The enemy (H located In the wood at 4 o'clock, showing sign of retiring, a they were being pressed very hard. On gun of the Kixth artillery, In an idvantaKeou position, did great execu tion. The fighting wa still in progress at 6 o'clock, at which lime the Ameri can had secured a quantity of Filioino) arm which had been abandoned in th wood. The scene of the fighting I over 20 mile from Manila. ( lar' 4orf . Engineer Mallon, of tne excursion en gine, laid: "I had just pulled out of Holbrook tation, and wa running about 30 miles an hour. Sudden) I law something black on the track, which I at first look to be a water tank, but a moment later I aw hand lamps shining out at each ide. Then In a minute I knew what it was, and exclaimed to my fireman : 'My God, it's a train on the mainline!' I put on the air and reversed the engine, but in another second the crash came." Mallon got an ugly cut in the leg, and wai quite faint from loss of blood, but be will probably be all right in a lew diys. Th passenger realize that to hi coolness and daring in standing at hi poet in the face ol what seemed to be certain death they owe their live, and were loud in hi praise. Orville Jennings, engineer of the Northern Pacific engine. 834, which pulled the freight train, ia one of the old est men in the service of the company, and considered as one of the best. In 16 years of service this is hi first accident. Story of Mr. Koberta. Mrs. C. 8. Roberts, mother-in-law of Dirling, waa in the bsggage car when the accident happened. Bell and Roberta had made that their headquar ters, and were sending out from it boy selling ice cretin, etc. "The first I knew, "said Mr. Roberta, "the air brake were put on suddenly, and we were all thrown off our feet. Then the sraa'h-tip came. Mr. Bell, who waa washing dishes in the front end of the car, was covered up with timber, and I did not see him again alive. I beard Mr. Darling calling for help, but could not reach him, and Miss Pitman, who was sitting on a box across the car from me, was also calling for assistance, to one of the candy boys and I went to her, and after half an hour' hard work, we liberatod her. Mrs. Bell was thrown across the car and badly bruised. It til came so quickly that there are nooe of us who really know much about it." Mrs. Bell's condition was pitiable when she teamed of her husband's death, and added to much to the severity of her injuries that the physicians were unable to learn of their exact extent. Her two email son accompanied her. Tho Newt In Portland. A crowd gathered at the depot to meet the excursion, and when the special train went out, the news of its errand in some way got abroad. There was a wild rush for places on the train, and it was only by the exercise of great tact and patience that Manager Lyons was able to keep it clear. A great num ber of anxious faces peered through the bars on the depot when the relief train finally rolled in, and many were the ex clamationsof relief when relatives and friend turned up unharmed. Makila, June 209 a. m. General Wheaton' command ba renewed th attack upon Da Marina. Early thi morning they moved on the town, hop ing to reach there by noon, unlet very tt'ong opposition waa encountered. The latest list of the American cas ual tie In yesterday's fighting shows tbst five were killed and 23 wounded. The list include no officer. Th wounded were brought to Manila front Bacoor, Miles Rays CtM U Rerloo. Nsw Yog. June 20 "The situation in the Philippine i very erlona," said General Nelson A. Mile at the Waldorf Astoria last night. "I know nothing concerning the story thattbe wsr depart ment is (oppressing the new from Ma nila. But everybody know that things are very serious there. The question of issuing a call for volunteers ba not, believe, been decided. I do not care to discus the Philippine matter. I am here on private business." Loxdok, June 19. The 8t. James' Gazette today claim to have received from an absolutely reliable oe.rce at Pretoria, capital of the Transvaal, tbe plan of campaigo wbicb will be followed by General Joubert, commander-in-chief of the Boers, in tbe event of war be tween the Tranavaal and Great Britain. General Joubert'a force, it seem, will consist of 20,000 men, armed with Mau ser rifle, in addition to 46 quick-firing-gun and 1000 artillerymen, moat of them drawn from the German and Dutch artnie. With these troop and help ex pected from tbe Orange Free State, he will march on Kimberley, the diamond mining center in West Griqoaland, which formi four of the 70 divisions of the Cspe Colony. Kimberley la about 100 miles northwest of Bloemfontein. In bis march on Kimberley, Joabert will nse the railroad s far available. expect to capture tbe town with slight los. and blow up tbe DeBeers diamond mine. Simultaneously, it is added, tbe railroad from Cape Town to Bulawace will be destroyed by Boer sympathizers, and agents in Cpe Colony will deetruy the Port Elizabeth-Pretoria line sooth of Bloemfontein, to prevent British troops from using it. Finally, immediately after Khxberlev is captured, General Joubert will ad vance on Cape Town, the capital of Cape Colony, through the western provinces, where tbe Dutch predominate, and are expected to join the Boers. Joubert cal culates he will be master of Cape Town a fortnight after tbe declaration of war, and that he will then be able to dictate tertrs of peace. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Furnished Every Week by the CUcka. mas Abstract tt Trust Company. Manila, June 198 :20 p. m. A bat talion of tbe Fourth infantry, which left I urns with General Wheaton in com mand this morning, to reconnoiter to ward Pedal Dasmarinas, waere it was believed most of the rebel who escaped from Paranaque and Bacoor had fled waa attacked in the rear by apparently friendly natives. Thla brought on a sharp engagement lasting several hours, and resulting in five Americans being killed and about 25 wounded. The loss of the rebels was very heavy. The battalion soon exhausted its am. munition, and at 2:30 p. m. General Wheaton and bis staff, with two moun tain gun and one field piece, went to re inforce the troops attacked. General Wheaton was fired on tn the road and had a narrow escape. A third battalion wa ordered to the front and formed on the Las Pinas road Heavy firing on both side followed, the G W Weilder to R Koehler K acre near Canemah I F A Hyde to U 8 3200 acre in Clackamas county. .. .Act of Congress A S Baldwin to F A Hyde, 3200 acres in Clackamas county 4000 U S to M J Buisaon, 8w sec 12, t 2 s, r 7 e Pat J Elston to C P Church c 36, 1 3 a, r6e 400 W Wade to II C Wde 77 acres sec 15, t2, r 2e 1 W R Wade to J M Wade, 30.16 acre In P Welch claim 1 2 s, r 2 e 1 R W Wade to W R Wade 36.20 acres in Welch, claim t 2 s, r 2 e 1 J M Wade to R W Wade. 40 acre in see 17, 1 2 , r 3 e 1 D L Edwards to N B Hart, 15 acres in Crow claim 1 3 a, r 3 e 3000 R W Wade to A F Wade, trustee, 10 acres sec 17, 1 2 a, r 3 e H C Wade to R W Wade 30.16 acres sec 17, t 2 a, r 3 e L M E Bain to II A Snyder, lota 1, 2 blk 15, lot 1, blk 3, Barlow 1 T D Phelps to W H Phelps se' of ewt sec 6, t 2 , r 5 e 1 C D Irvin to T J Anderson, lot 1, 2 blk 43, Minthorn 65 M J Duffy to M J Hally, 26.50 acres sec 10, t 2 8, r 2 e, lota 5, 6, blk 43, Minthorn 166 THE CLACKAMAS ABSTRACT & TRUST CO. are the owners of the copy right to the Thome system of abstract indexes, for Clackamas county, and have the only complete set of abstracts in the County, can furninh information a to title to land at once, on application. Loans, Investment8,real estate, abstract etc. Office over Bank of Oretton City. Call and investigate. Address box 377 Oregon City Oregon. ) ! ; r In. i ",0F0D' New York.