OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JUNK 10, 1899 - 1, Yale Restaurant and Lodging House Kverylhlng Ne. Clean and K'MU Clasa. Piirniahnt liooma hv the Par, Wrtk or Monm. 'rivH Htxea (or I.'lir. t-ipectsl ratea hr the r-k or monlh. A gtsst fiwl-clasa dinner fur Jit cet. Main Si. r .Vh. Rivima formerly ocoueieil by the Y. M. C. A. M. K. W. Yaii. f. K I.AKKIM, Prop. I.'he the IMar n Trlnl. PUSH IT ALONG. ! A ! ) ,y - .-r-n t,y DISCONTENT. Fair are the flrlil la the rln with tha sweat HrfuinM lirnala of lit nieeiloaia, Fresh aa tha (ma nw; ilella wlier) tha (irv flare Ita Vin-lw of tM; Winter I vne from lha earth and returned In I hi' klng-ilum nf shallow ; FmltiiKi rush mil frmn ilia heart, Ilka to frtiacn eiraame listing their Imlil. Yil aa t eland In lha light of tha aim anil In KlnillieSR rvJtili-0 IWp In nit heart thi'ra arise rratla, lll-uHt.tlixl Villi- l.lfu hopea are never fnlnllisl; tlii-re la al aavs li'lt wniirlhliiK In Inn, furl" Ulian r.li-anur liurlnw In Mailaiua. A MAN'S L1FK. Clacksmithing, Hort r shoeing. Wagon Maker. 4.h and Main at. Oregon City. 4 Carry the pxxl newa to Your, neighbors. Our supply of vcgctaj Men is always fresh, lieoaust it i: Always replenished from the gar-1 ilen near at ham!. Vegetables' that are strictly home grown. ,.P ift A A A A t . as A R. LHOLMAN UNDERTAKER I ....AND.... EMBALMER Csrrir. a complete line of Cas kets, CoHlina. Kohea ami l.ininm of superior quality ami most moderate price. V W V A. Itobcrtson. "It ia a tim-atiou." l'rofcssor Kirk tii fTiT caiil. riuictly. "between, this and that." Saying lit iik. ho liK'kcit down at tho two objects between which choice hail to lx made. "Till" wa a inun, a brown skinned inun of the npKT Asian steppe. Hi lay prone upon the desert aaud, Ilia eye unseeing ryes. The 7th St- Crocer. 7IUKOWI HOTOIi 7IJMD t'.slablUhrd. Ie3. PIONEER Tfantfe? and Exj).e$, Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE A Tension Indicator IS JUST WHAT THE WORD IMPLIES. It indicates the state of thi tension at a glance. Its ue rruans time saving and easier Kwinj. It'j our own invention and ii fsuni only on the White Sewbg Machine liavs other striking improTCinents that appeal to the carsrul buyer. Send for our elegant H. T. catalog. White Sewing Machine Co. Cleveland, Ohio. CHn, inolioiili-M attve fur an (MTaxioiint twiuliinn if the linili aa tha frvrr ahivrr ahiHik him; aiU nt. excrjit wlu n bia jvirchiHl lipa iiiovh in thit innrtien. latr unitti r nf delirium. Thi jirufcuimr'i (: liJ nut linr n thia pitisum tixure. It trav.lnl to "that" two load of clay talilcla, nviili-ntly of n tri'ino aiitiiiiity ami elowly rvvrrnl with a trant;e rtiniiform rharartr. which hml jiint hivn rarrfully atrnpH'l by hia ciiiiipiiniiin to tha hack of two kuei'lititf iHiin ln. "SiviiiK we are now rislttml to two beaut enly," lie went on, hia rye ihift inx for an iiiHtmit to the Unly of a thiril caini'l. which lay dnul aoino 20 ynrila off. "Hi'iii nIimi that we ar in a wati-r-liuM JiKiTl. irn)iaMy 2 1 hoiira' ridi' fmiu the uearitit well ami that thia inun ia a dead wiiilit m tiur lmudu" "Yon don't dri'umof abandon I njc tho pMir chap?" Dick Harding broka in. The jirofinmir Khincvd niii'acily ovt-r hif amokiHl ! tin If. HarilitiK waa a pntzle to him. a man of dii-tiiih'iiihhrd acli'iititic attaiuini'iita, capublc of atrotiK tt.t. t. i lij. iti t It lii ii.iii M.i'u.ii ill M 1 1 V l.ivfrv anj Fwd S alilr in ("iiiiiiM-lton'witli i , . '..- . i . i. ' the Hi.iim.. Ib.M ami lt...M U, Ix'tray m a vein of anmin. ntality alto 11 al Hraoiiable Kaui. I Ki'ther ont of hua in eonurction with j iH'ii'Dtilie rxpluration. KirkholTcr bad narumlil with ilia rtne.r atnn, II (uort , had inconvanirnt frxp lii'Ui-Oiif thia p rlaV , 4 i. i - i t - V Jacob Giksy, PkoI'RIKTok Hates $ 1 Ter Day am! Upwards. and cif.'ar. WXnharii'a IWr on draught. AURORA, - OREGON. A Personal Matter A well palntrd hotis la like neat ly dre'l eruin alwayt attract ive and pleasant to look upon. YOUR HOUSE Can be repainted and freshened up at a very reasonable Mice painU are rerjr ctieaji now. Don't leave it until (he aun nakea any more marka and cracks in it. Leave Orders at Ely's Store... JEVr. rWilTianVs Kidney P ills f nun uv v ' i cj t a iu uifuK. a 'i liic bt For ifale by Wluie M. Co., Km Francisco. A t . 1 1 1. lll'I'ILIIU n i ivll, rt i iL.iv.ii I (your own election) to every tab- $ acnlrr. Only 50 cent a year. J fvH CALLS MAGAZINE jS A LADIES' MAGAZINE. 5 A r( brim ilul colord pl.ir.; iat. b futiHnfr, dmkinakinf .Lunomici ; fancy , imt ; lniiliald binn ; ficlwn, lc. Sub- ; crike 4f, m, Knd V lor ln.M cuu. S; Udr aoau iied. kca4 Iw uran. jC Stylluai, Reliable, Simple, Up-tv 5 -S d(r, Ktimuaiical and Absolutely 1- Ierfect Fitting laper Patteroa. S: MS CALL TTERIIS itimt. Solij in nearly tvefy uty . or by mail froa N.9rcje-AlleaBCPatinie.) 5 Only 16 and ( ucb ikmm higher. am lor inmt. -Z rriAn ....i f 5 IJ8 14$ Weal 14th SI., Neat York. ? 01 a i f.-! it w iviunoys bi-u l rinary i TgiinH. nave a you nojfk'cUrU your Kuiucys? Have you overworked your nervous ivh- S tem and caused tmuble with your Kidneys and llladder? Have vouC f pains in the loins, side. back, irroin.s I land bladder? Have you a flabby np piarance of the face, especially I under the eyes? Too frequent dc- sire pass urine ? William's Kidney fills will impart new life to the dia- I eased organs, tore up the Bvstom a and make a new man of you. Iiy mail 50 cents per box. f X, ilUams Mru. Co., JTopa., Cleveland. O. Vay For safe by C. G. Huntltr 1800 miles of long dis tance telephone wire in Oregon and Washington now in operation by the Oregon Telephone and Tel egraph company. Portland, Seattle, Spo kane, Tacoraa, iSal;m Walla Walla, Pendleton, Albany and 06 other towns in the two states or. the line. Quick, accurate, cheap. All the satisfaction of a personal communication. Distance no effect to a clear understanding. Spo kane as easily heard as Portland. Oregon City office at - Huntley's Drug Store. J. H. THATCHER, MANAGER, Portland, - - Oregon. JOHN YOUNGER, JEWELER, Opp. Huntley's Drug Store, FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN Ureat Britain and America. rnliaritr mure than oiuo duriiiir the year HK't)t with Harding in the remote funtueiwa of Tibet "Yon wnnldn't lenva him here to die?" the Enclixhman pendxted. The profiivHir rtihlied hia forehead tbuniibtfnlly. "Ile a bound to dio aoon in any cane." "I don't ae that at all. If we can keep him alive till we Kt out of thia" "Imixwxihle, my friend. He cannot walk, and the two camel cannot car ry him in addition to you and me and the tablets. " "Then leave aome of the tableta be hind." Tho profecsor fairly gnnpeil for breath. "Leave leuve behind aome of the tableta?" he atammered. "Leave the records of a civilization to which the Arcadian is a thin of yesterday to be swallowed tip by the next saudMnriu T Give my icrent discovery, the Kreiitest of the century, uiuimed and iuiperfrct. to the wurldT Harding, you lniift bo mnd. Whut's the lile of a Khir'i Tar tar Unide thi-se pricelens things T" KirkhofTer'adhortsiKhted eyes gleam ed auurjly U hind his Klassea; bis voice was thick with pawion. "What's a Khiruia Tartar T" he growled like a wild animal. "lie's a man, anyway," Harding re torted. "Suppose I rtfUM! to leave thia fellow T" "Then" the professor became all at once ominonnly cool "lidiall lx forced to remind yon that I am the In ad of this expedition and y my salHried assiiitont; aluo that thine animuls are my property. I ku. and they xh with me. You can join the party or nut, aa yon please." Hardintf jrrew pale. "That is the choice yon offer met Then I say you are a blackxuard. "And I say." indifferently, "that yoaare a fcoL Come, will you mount t" "No! fnriously. The Cterman ulirtitfged his shonldera. "Have it your own way," ho Maid. And, Kutherinif up the lcng leudinx rein which he bad fastened to tho head of one camel, he prepared to cut him self on the other. liut here Hurdinir "lining npon him suddenly. "No, yoo don't," ho cried. "Yon shall leave me one, yon brute, thouxh it were a hundred times yonr property I" "Stand off!" the professor cried. Harding's answer was to dose with him silently, and there ensued a trial of streriKtb whereof the isaue seemed for several minutes doubtful. The men were not ill matched. Kirkhoffer wits the taller and heavier, but then he was also the elder by 20 years, and Hard ing's naturally lithe habit of body had known an English pnblio school and university training. The resnlt of the conflict was still uncertain when the professor suddenly lootwd Lis hold and fell back, leaving the prize of conten tion, the led camel, almost in the other's clutch. Harding stooped to seize the creature's baiter and rose again, to find himself covered by bia antagonist's re volver. "Now, perhaps," the man of science observed, "you will consent to hear reason. No use, my gnd friend," as Harding's band went , briskly to bis breast pocket. "I drew the charge wbile you were asleep this morning in view of possible difficulties. You see, I know something of yonr strange Eng lish character. There is nothing like being ready for difficulties as they arise." Dick Harding, under the covering re volver, stood erect and dumb. To argue further with a man prepared to commit murder on behalf of bis tablets of baked clay were simple waste of breath. Keeping the mn.zle of his weapon pointed full at Harding's breast. I'ro feaaor Kirkhoffer mounted bis camel, made Kith the great bwtta get np and Iwnan to move on. As long it a Harding remained within running tip dlidancn be continued to hold tha revolver raised and leveled, aittiug sideways nu hia allium! to insure an accurate n I in. Hut after a minute the cuniela broke t n tit a long, awkward trot. In two minute tiny were beyond pursuit. Then tlm professor pocketed hi" firearm and threw his leg across tint aaddle. "Yonr own fault, remember!" ws his Until greeting before lot disappeared over Ihn top of tin nearest eainl iluiin. When he had disappeared, Hill ding looked about li 1 lit. reviewing the sltllil I toll. It was no cheering prospect that met his eye - a dead waste of sand hills to north, south, east and west, white hot in Ihn glar of the tropical siiu Two dark biota alone broke the pale aurf.iee of the wilderness, tint slllTi'ii ing hulk of the dead camel and the limp figure of the fever strii ken camel driv er truly no pleasaut place to die in. more specially tf you happen to b wide I young and strong ami tin ueam to which yi tl stand condemned la death T hunger ami thirst. A few hour would eihaiist the scanty remain of fis d ami water left iu the akin and saddlebag ly ing hard by the dead camel, and then - Harding shook off antii Ittatloiis of coming torture to taka slock of hia wretched ci'iumisearlat and. ruiiiimig Ing in the Img, found a priceless trena nre, nothing le than an untouched bottle of ininine! Why. with this he might hope tc revive the Khlrgia whose case, but for theuppiiied exhaustion of the expedition's medicine ilnft. hml never Wn a serious olio, KcaHt wu yet possible. Kseapo! From a trackless wilderness in which they could tl? wander ami b-sslv to and fro. having no single in strument by which to tli'terinliie their position or point the wsy! Saving his assistant's pack, the professor bad enr ried off everything. No, not everything Even a this thought wink like a stone into lliirdlltg'a heart his eye fell n-n something gilt teling at his ft. With a shaking liiind he grasped it. lifted it and broke into a cry of mingled triumph and thanks giving which startled the Khlrgix from hi lethargy. Pushing back his ln hair, the man made an effort to sit up. "The inater T Where is the muster J" he asked, lisiking alsiiithiiu In surpri-. Harding laughed grimly. "Heaven i alone knows, since be has left his coin- I ass here. " And In veti alone knows to this hour the course of the wretched MrklnHer wundcriug. When Harding and the Khirgit, guided by the instrument which he had dropped in his am file with the Englishman, reached, after manifold toils and sufferings, the con fines of human habitation, they conM obtain mi tiding of their vanished chief. And. although Harding insisted on organizing a new ee.liiii.n to search for him. ita latsir were frnitle-s. His fate remains a unknow n t the world a the history of that ancient em pire whose records lie buried with him in the sands of central Asia. Chicago New. MUelarel Sympathy. There was once a paterfamilias w ho was elispietitly indignant alsmt the way his daughter iinswd tipuu the lsnrelress in the mutter of white petti coat in winter. "It wu a shame at all seasons," he said, "but in cold weather, with no excuse for wash skirt, it wa cruel to ask that pir. hardworking girl to slave and toil over their wash ing a she was ohligi-d to do." One day the paterfamilias, happening to pass through the laundry, lore up stairs, white with rage, to where hi danghvr were. "Well, girls." he cried, "this is l mm h. White tietti coats if winter are bad enough, but When it Collie to such white petticoats as I saw Delia breaking her back over 1 just now down stairs rnflles from top to bem and tnck ami luce and em broiderywhy, it's a day's work to look at one of them. If yon must have such extravagant frippcries.for heaven's sake have them plain." The daughter investigated, ftince the last pittermil outburst they had given np white petticoats, either ruffled or plain, and in either spring, summer, autumn or winter. It wa as they fear ed; the "extravagant fripperies," ruf fled from top to heiii, over which jssir Delia was breaking her buck. Were the property of issir ladia herself. Ilia I'laa Waa Simple. Frederick the Ureat once requested bin generals to submit to him plans of campaign for a supposititious case. Hans Joachim von Zietheu, the famous cav alry general, produced a queer diagram in black ink. It represented a big blot id the center, Intersected by two black lines, whose fonr terminals ended each in n smaller blot. The king was furi ous and upbraided his old comrade in mi bitterly for what he considered disresjiect. In explanation Vtn Ziethen said: "Why, your majesty, I am the largo blot in the center the enemy is any one of the four smaller blots. He can march npon me from the right or left, from the front or reur. If ho does, I simply advance upon any of the four line and lick him where I find him." Frederick was satisfied. They Ought to Inlte. nere is a story of a Milwaukee couple who agreed to smrato after 16 year of married life: They continued to re sido within a block of each other and to pass the time of day Impersonally when they met. When the silver anni versary of the wedding came on, both celebrated it, although separately. Two church ceremonies were performed in the church where they were wedded 28 years before, the husband's ceremony being at 8 o'clock in the morning and the wife's at 9. That evening each gave a reception at the residence at the sum hour, and tho same friends culled to I pay their respecta, successively going I from one house to the other. Milwau kee BentiuuL KLKITKIC II0TKI Jaaaa Tinier new uiuiiiitemnnt Tim ICI trie If loisbech tlioroiiglily refitted a, in ,".01 m c.illilll.'tcsl oil MrlcUy flr,.' i plan First el.iss tithl" mrvU Ut,7 able rate '' 'i(y. I'f, lini special allcnli.t.i Klven t j 'rt My iiita ti y friend mt'l Hi" K''i'riMluj. . or.lhilly iinilcd to slop mid .o , a E. C. MADDOCK. Momiuor, Oroiton City, Or, Do You Nood Any i Djois, Windows, Class, Moulding i ' or Othor Dulltllrm Mntorlnl. jj -w" C.H. Bestow & Co, : Conic. I. Ill and Main Ma. Oirtfi.M Clly, U J BIGGLE BOOKS A Tartn tlrTarr cf BDfqaall4 ?!uc rrxflaL tr-to-Jiic, t onilve sb4 Umrrcbcnvlve-lljivl. ouut rrloicJ snj tkautllully Illmlnut lly JACOU UK10LU No. l-IIKHll I! IIOWSH MK)K All '-. II- ( iHaM a..M TeltM,Mt(a4 jt tilutiit- .a ril.s,. t..w No. u-iik h n r. in why iuhc Ail.L.ui i.i9i.i- I I in-a.t fc.ii W I'HllllM ll'Ufc.'il UK Ilk. ltlMlt".'.!fcM .IUIW. a .l llu.tlk. I"lk,i No. a-UKKil . IHK L1KY tUKJK All.'-iul l'"!IIT t'iM)ll IWa ) tkttM . !1. mri1Mn llb,f itJ-..li. life. ti4(!w'hat , I .n Hi. i . . t l Ik.oU a ilk I- J wttxt lllMi.ibk I II... . l.Bl. No. -t-UKWlt K COW rux)K All at.s.1 c'i.. a.1 lb. Iity SmIk k..la ay Mie; cisiUina ...l... I III. ilk. ,.fl.tbi4,a aiih ita ell-1 lllwrfi rik. y v.t4A No. fi-IIHMlUl swim: IMKC jusiinit an i 1i14s-kMn.11aa.1Vv.tiKf klw nr, l-. .4. i.ti.iiM wi a. Ii,i,i4 a I m aal ultMf .ai ailoss. r"ke. It t, TwhiiMiu: hixttk . u.,, Mii.i.w-rui- nOUS( lk !)' Mil. wmiI ia tW. ate k.tna ,4mhu mlm lis atla Ml K..I1. . h, a lluta. t urn. Il w C blkra, m (t sis.ii I lull., ib to Had IUM vay M lh tlKK.'Ji DOOka. 1a FARM JOURNAL 1. mf (-ai'f.asxU y.H aa4 bm a asl.tt ttbnyMrl bkl. It U lh (! I.HW.) .U.mu. kit .ll lU kral quit situ y.n. k.M ! II, ,,m .n-l ,.wtM ft IS wwt.l Oi. I. l-- ..(II. ,IM la la. t Hl4 1I Asset ka-ana ot aillllua balfKfwIU li Any ONE of the BIGGLE B00XS, ao4 the FARM JOVR.1AL a VI!AU tracii.Wr ..f i r.. i, ,4 j) ( u aui to ay s-t-lira 1 A HI I All III) I.. ' kampKull AltM iOi H.NALaasliliruUycVaifiMt,,. flKWltE tUX)kltk wiiaiaa ataisana. AAJ.mtm, I'AUM jOI MNll. r rMit-Aksiraia BETTERTHRN EVER Special Offer. Sjttrial arraiigfiiifutM liavo Wi'ii nii-l wlioreliv wt can Oiler fr-o tt all m-w suliHcrihorrt amU' who pity vi 1 nii rcntrtv tJiuir miibscriptio' t tlin KutcrjiriHc nt :Jl.ry j,.r unnum. Devoted to tho Farm, Orchard, Garden Poultry and lloust-hold For $2. Better Yet! Wo will Homl you tho ICNTEIt I'ltlSK, Tho WKKKLY ORE GON I AN and tho FARM JOURNAL ono year for $2, Cash in Advance Ffli $2. HASTEN TO IMPROVE THIS OPPORTUNITY.