Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 16, 1899, Page 6, Image 6

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Relief Fund Report.
Orioon Citt, Or., June 5th.. ISM.
To the Emergency Corpi o( Portland,
Oregon, the AuxilUrr Corpe and
Frlendi or Oregon City, Or.
Al custodian of certain fundi placed
in ,nv h.n.lt for the, benefit of Company
I, 2nd Oeejion Vol., I hive the honor to
submit the following report :
Mar II. W. Koc'dofthe Finer.
pcncy Corpa of I'oitland or ny
Mm. Frotimau
May 15, rec'd o( the people of Al
bany May Id rec'd of Friend in Ore
noil 1'ilv
Oct. 4, rec'd of Auxiliary Corp,
Oregon City
UW (H)
10 00
1 jO (X)
;i00 IH)
lu-kM'fcD ai rou.otss:
MavIStoSo, For improvement
oi raiiona at San Francisco . . .
Kxi'ided foreick on transport,
Mav 2.'lh to June )
Expended for sick in month of
Expended for lick in mouth of
Kxpcn.led for lick iu month of
Expended for lick in month of
Ext-etidcd for Mck in month of
Expended for lick in month of
Evpeiiiied for sick in month of
Expended (or tick in month of
February, to 17th
eh. 17. turned over to Lieut. M.
1. I'hihppi
w 73
20 30
20 31
25 70
43 10
24 S.
34 15
2tS 75
13 25
40 44
$3) tX)
1 have in my possession iteniixed ac
count of all mney expended which re
quirei too much ipace to print, but are
open to am one who may desite to see
them. I will, however, give item for j
one month which will give a compre-
hensive understanding for all other ex- j
penditures a-follows: j
Jan. l.evv 25, peaches 50,mi!k 4o.. 1 15 ;
Jan. 3.egc 4S, eachea 35, clam
Jan. 4, eggs 52, butter 30, oranges
Jan. fi. erg 20, milk 40, tea .10.
fruit 60, egkis 3.", extract beef 59
Jan. 7. eggs 35, bread 13
Jan. '.), sKxns 30, peaches and
peari 35
Jan. 10, egg 2"), bread 13
Jan. ll. egg 25, cream 1"
Jan. 13. cream 60, peaches 40,
soup 30
Jan. 14. cocoa 75, cortee. 10, eggi
25, epoons 35, canned chicken
loup 75
Jan. 15. eng 25 milk 40
Jan. 17. cream 25, egs 13 .
Jan. 20, egg 10, muscatel 15
Jan. 21, egi: 6. milk 40
Jan. 22, egsi 25
Jan 2;. egg 25, cream 45. mock
turtle oup W.forks 4il,cocoa, 75,
eggs 50
Jan. 24, eggs 15
Jan. 25, cream 137'i epor.ni IE. . .
Jan. 26, egg 25, canned fruit f 1.50
.Jan. 27, peaches and pearl (canned )
34. canned soup 44
Jau 2S. ek'k'H
1 43;
V j
1 30
Jan CpV 25, peaches and pearl
canned 31, butter 30, loup 'can
ned, 23, clam chowder, (canned)
17, canned souo 21 1 25
Jan. 30. canned fruit $1.25, eggs 30,
crem $1 'j2'4. milk 20, cocoa 75. 4 12
Jan. 31, eggs 25 25
26 75
The above things were purchased for
the sick who were unable to eat regular
army ration furnished by the United
J would alio state that there was
placed iu the hands of Sergeant (now
Lieut.) J. U. Campbell and Q M. Ser
geant J. W. Motlatt seventy dollars by
the employees of the pulp and paper
mills of Oregon City. This money w a J
expended l.y them as they saw fit for j
the benefit of the Company, a portion of
it being ubed at San Francisco in con
nection with that expended by myself to
improve the food.
The manner in which they expended
the money a'.wayv met with my approval.
Sergeant Moffat was also" authorized
by Mr. Johnson or Mr. Pierce, of the
Willamette Pulp & Paper Co., to draw
one hundred 100) if at any time we
should Deed the money. l'OHtage was
paid upoti nearly eiiiht hundred letters
out of the funds for those that did not
have any raoney. The money was
alo used to buy shoes, tobocco, (all
money si;.t for tobacco was returned)
woolen and cotton underwear for lick,
towelB, water tanks for toiling water,
large etovc, tank for holding drinking
water, pillows (cotton) crutches, truss,
bath robe, dark room for Corpl. Leslie
Vierick. who was nearly blind, Shasta
ginger alo and many other necessaries.
Money was also loaned in small sums.
Very respectfully.
I.. L. Pickens,
Late Capt. 2d Oregon Vols., Co. I.
Prices that talk,
imith, milliner.
Call on Miss Gold-
An Enterprising Firm.
There ate few4 men more wide awake
and enterprising than Geo. A. Harding
who spares no pains to secure the best
of everything in their line for their
many customers. They now have the
Agency for Dr. King'i New Discovery,
which surely cures Consumption.Congln
and colds. This is the wonderful rem
edy that is now producing bo much ex
citement all over the country, by its
many startling cures. It absolutely
cures Asthma, Bronchitis, Nausea, and
all affections of the Throat, Chest and
Lungs. You can test it before buying,
by calling at tie above Drug Store and
get a trial Lottie Free, or regular size for
60c and $1.00. Guaranteed to cure, or
price refunded.
School ("lofclng Exerclsee.
The Oregon City uhllo aehooli cloeed
for the summer vacation Ut Thursday
evenlnu. Ry reiion of the course of
itudie hiving been extended during the
pt ver there w no gnduitlng dim,
the usual gridiuting eiervlae
were replaced by the presentation of
cantata entitled "Culprit Fy" in which
ISO pupiU of the city school participa
ted. A small admission fee was chirged
the pioceed going to l'y oh a mull
balance owing on the school library.
i The hall t crowded with an apprecta-
I the audience, who heat til v enjoyed llie
splendid ork of the youthful performer.
ITtie principal character! were anumed
IbyMisse Ijura IVpe, llssel I'ilshury.
Ethel Albright, ind Matter Ronald
Johnson an. I Charlea llollinirer and they
were awv sustained, ine cnorui was
made up of '.Vi Fay. 10 Flphs, :M Sylph,
IM Water Sprite and ID Sea Nymph,
I and to the credit of the instructor, and
the children too, there wai no hitch
whatever in the proceeding! at any
oint. The picture presented by the
varied color of the continue and the
happy, earnest face of tlie children wa
a leautiful one and will be long remem
bered by thjee who aitnessed It.
The liit of pupils who have completed
the grammar ech'Xil course and have
won certificate which admit them to the
first high ichool course are:
IWrnice Adam. Clinton Bock, Clarence
Bruner, Myitle Boen, Elaie Blake, Alda
Broughton, Aimee Bollack, Edna Cau
field, Clara Caufield, Maude Cooke,
Roliert Cautield. Hoy Cau6eld, Koy
Clark, Trafton Pye, Cheater Elliott,
Adolph Gantenlein, Keva tiray, George
Uankina, Jennie Haukin, Eula Haynea,
Ronald Johnson, Emm Jolmson,
Martha Koerner, William Koerner,
Sybil lppit, Charlea Marrs, Maude
My. Koe Mpl, Krl McAdam, Irene
McCown, flertrude Monrea, F-stella
Nickels Morton Park, lxuva Randall,
! Theodore Strohmeyrr, Oram Strohiuever,
lOram Shower. Mainiie Sonnner, Eva
H.Sabin, Echo San. son, Anna Thoma,
Fred Warner, Charlea Warnock, May
Wilson, Edgar William, Bayard Love
lace. 1'lotieer On gmilan IJone.
William S. Moore, an Oregon pioneer
of 1S4'J, died Saturday at his home, 472
Yamhill street Portland of senile
gangrene and heart trouble, from which
he had suffered for a number of year.
He was the father of State Treasurer
William S. Moore wai !orn near
Belleville. 111., April 21. 1S2J. and he
spent the first 18 year of hit life with
bis paren's on the farm there. In l-k
he crow-ed the plain to Oregon, being in
the party that included Ahio Watt and
the Catling, and the first winter he spent
at Rickreall. In the spring he came to
Oregon City, and. alter the passage of
the donation land act, he took a claim
under it in Marion' county, near Mount
Angel, and made hi home there for a
number of year. In 1'4 he married
Margaret C. Meldrum. Seven years
later they moved to Oregon City, where
Mr. Moore was called to take charge of
the construction of the flouring mills
that are utill in oeratioii here, he being
a millwright by trade, and then he went
to Salem and built the bit; mill there.
In 1870 Mr. Moore wa chosen treasurer
of Marion county, and served one term.
In 1S77 the family moved o Klamath
county, Mr. Moore having irone there
four years previously and engaged in the
sawmill business with hi sons. In 1S78
be w as appointed postmaster of Ui.kville
(now Klamath Falls), btt be resigned
after holding the office two years.
When Klamath county was created, in
1S83, Governor Moody appointed Mr.
Moore the first county j'i'IgB. He was
elected tj the office in lsK, and two
years later he resigned and cauie to
Portland. From that time he was an
invalid. After living fifieen months in
Portland he moved back to Klamath
Falls in the hope that the change would
benefit his health, but his hope was only
partially realized, and in lv i he re
turned to Portland and spent the re
mainder of his life there. About three
months ago he submitted to the ampu
tation of a leg, but the operation did not
stay the progress of the disease. Mr.
Moore was a man of sterling character,
and contributed his full share to the
building of Oregon. The widow and six
children survive
The funeral was held on Tuesday and
the remains were laid away in Mountain
View cemetery being followed to theii -
lasi remind u ace uy a laie uuuiori
....... .......
Marriage License.
June 8. Jennie May toJ W Miller.
June 12 Clara A. Farr to Charles A.
June 13 Florence A. Bishop to Cha.
E. Runyon.
June 13 Cora B. Tawney to Walter
June 13 Lulu A. Marrs io David F.
June 15 Ellen Byers to Frank Hutch
ins. June 15 Marie Margaruite Bluhm to
Maxamillen Alst.
That Tliruhblug Headache.
Would quickly leave you, if you used
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands
of suffers have proved their matchless
merit for sick and Nervous Headaches.
They make pure blood and Btrong nerves
and build up your health, Easy to take.
Try them. Only 25 cents. Money back
if not cured. Sold by Geo. A. Harding.
The Y. X. C. K. Openlac.
The Invitation extended to Oregon
City people to join with the Y. M. C. A.
In the preliminary owning exervlnca of
the new building last Friday and Satur
day waa eageily accepted and splendid
udiercei were preaent it each meeting.
The I.adice Auxiliay nveption on Fri
day afternoon waa a most pleasant oc
caion and afforded milt-It delight to tlie
many Udiea nwnt. Tin miiical ad
ectiona were well rendered, the addrea
n' were enteitalning and lntructive,
and the refreshment the daintiest,
Fai lay evening the program wa de
voted to addieea and nuiilc, add the
audience were treated to some able r
inark by Col. Miller, Mayor l.atourette.
lion. K.'C. Bionough, lion. tieo. C.
Brownell, and lion. J. Tliolmrn Idw;
while the music waa furnished by the
following vocal artist: Mn. Cha. M.
l'o;i. Mia May Caao, and J. Howard
Satuiday evening' exercise were
uioetly of an athletic nature, the exhibi
tion teing given ty a clasa Irom tlie
Portland Y. M.C. A. Their work waa
interesting and demonstrated the prac
tical benefit accruing from the system
a' ic course of training as practiced by
the aaeociatiou. Beeldei the cUsa work
Koliert Warner In club sainglntf, Win.
Spencer in Impersonation, and vwal
aoloi by Mi-i Maud Warner ami Mr.
Walter Little made a epl-ndid entertain
ment. tne of the event of the evening
was the high diving by Tlio. Ilealey,
who hold the world' record, and on
this occasion balterel hi own record.
State New
Salem people go poking iround alter
night with . tallow On. lantern tKese
d.v. The eitv'i contract with the
electric light company eHied lt week .
hence the darkness
Over at Baker City a street car wa held
tip last week. The conductor was the
only occupant at the time.an I the thieve!
secured the day's earning of tlie car.
Over at Union the young men with
kodukl take advantage ui opportunities
offered by moldy street crossing to .
cure picture et ladiea of that plasS.
Trouble is in store for the aforesaid
I young men, aceordiog to th S-out.
While two Udies Mrs. K. S. Uulher
ford ami Mrs. Sone.were driving a pny
near Ontario the animal bm arne fright
ened and boiled from the road. The
sudden jerk threw Mra. kulherfor d'a
grand son. fow years old, out of the
buggy and he received injuries from
which he died in a few hour. Mrs.
Stone was thrown out also and received
serious internal injuries.
Teachers' Meeting.
The Clackavia County Teachers' As
sociation w ill meet at Kedland, Oiegon,
June 24, at la. m. Following W the
program :
tiree'.ing Cha. Rutherford
"The Mexican War".... 0. II. 3 land
' Measurement" II. S. iiibeon
Vocal solo
"Numlx-r in Nature"" A,
"The Relation of Good
our I'ublic School. ..
, Uoht. tiinlhcr
J. MwUgomery
Newspaper to
K. II.Guhbert.
Club sw inging by KcdUtid pujls.
Music, by Uedland chorus class.
CoiLty Siterin'eD lent.
Letter List.
The following is the list of letter re
maining in the (xxttolfice at Oregon City,
Oregon, on June 15, lS'.r.
bin's usr.
Barron, Jacob 2
lierdine, K lhi
Hell, ( has
Break en ridite, C. J.
Fobe, K M
tiandTe, f'hss
M inan, (iei W
Nielirlif, tlans
Niinon, Jno A.
I'atterKin, S M
womk.hs LIST.
Jennings, Mary Iyveriilge, Kltiel
Miller, April
Deafness Cannot be ( urn!
by local application, as they cannot
reach the diseased portions of the ear
There is only one way to cure deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con'
dition of the mucous lining of tho En
Htachian Tube. When this tube gets i ri-
flamed you have a rumbling soum! or
I imperfect bearing.and when it is entirely
' closed deafness is the result, and unless
j the n&malU)a can be taken out und this
. . , , i
tube restored' to Its normal condition,
Hearing will oe oewiroyeu ioreer; nine
cases out of ten are caused by catarrh,
which is nothing but an infhuibd condi
tion of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO. Toledo, O.
Sold bv druggists, 7oc.
Hall's'Family Pills are the best.
Dr. L, L. Pickens, dentist, has re
opened his dental office in the Barclay
building corner of Main and Seventh
Our line of sew sewing machines for
$24 have no equal. Call and see them
Easy terms.
' Oregon City Auction House.
Bsarstlii ' Th Ktnd YoutLavAhsays Bougfrt
HONtl TOR OlirtlflN flTV OH' urn..
Tune-"Old (kn Iturkel"
O'onl beulllul city, our Oregon City
The most plcturesnu siton all Hie M
If my hesrt does not fall me, I'll writ you
a .liny,
Kitolingvour glorious scenery of worth,
The aromatic mudhole, O' don't think me
Your neltjtitwr's harnyard you ran smell
at your hearth.
From your front door your vision of Ml.
Hoo,l I "nitty."
A iiianure pile looms up In It every day
(V the Hie of our illy, our (run City
Pepemlsunour keeping tha ilriiKtll
iVdicatixl to the Health olhrct of
Oieiron City p"t, present and future.
At lllOllKSR.
The Modern Heaiify
Thrive on good food and sunshine,
with plenty of exercise in the open air.
Her form glow wilh health and her face
bl.H.inswith lt'.euty. Ifjhrr system
needs the cleansing action of a laxative
remedy, he uses the gentle and plea
sant Svup of Fig, made by the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co only.
Fourth ef Jul F.riirlon.
Tha Yonng People of the Baptist
rhnreh have secured the well known
steamer U. K. Thompson for their
Fonrth of July excursion up the (' dnm
bia river. The steamer easily carries
Ji person Imt the aale of tirkel will
tw limited to 5O0 thereby ln0rinfthe
passenger plenty of room. The pnldic
1 I. I !.. I ...t..w m i.Lm.hI
; " r"""" . " -
.'-" no dust, no heat, no
'enfo.. plenty ,4 r.s.m. pur. air and
Coanty Trraorrr'i etlce.
I hare on hand funds for the
payment of all county warrants endorsed
pnor to March 2, IS-sti. Interest will
reuse from and after the date ol thi
notice. Ji on Siuna,
Treasurer of Clarkama County Ore.
Dated Jittrs 15, !.
Ralstort Health Feeds.
We are showing a line of Hals'on
Ift-alth fsls, knowing them to I the
1 n rest and cleanest gssNun the market.
We have breakfast mush, health ki ffy,
whole wheM it'iur, whole wheat graham,
select braft.
A. Koiuarso.
Tire 7aJi St. Grocer.
Where Writ we Spen4 oar Hemmrr
Thi I the time of year to think about
it. but before yoo iU ids, w rite for ao
elaborate, illustrated pamphlet showing
numerous photo engraved view of the
many attraction at the s-a shore and
enroute, and adrantap-s of IheCoUmhia
Kiver Seai'he w reached by the Astoria
and Columbia) Kivcr IUilroad. Thre
hours an I thirty ininutei from Union
IH.-M)I, Portland, to your U ss-h hot., I In
a mawniflcent porlor car without change
or transfer i a convenience and luxury
few resort can offer. Such i the initial
attractions of this lavorite resort.
J.C Mavo.
Gen'l. I'as. Agent,
Astoria, Oregji.
I ailles Can Wear Shoes
f hie s'r.e smaller after using Allen's
Foot- Fase, a powder to tie shaken into
the shoes. It make tight or now shoe
feel easy ; give instant relief to corns
and bunions. It's the greatest comfort
discovery of the ae. Cure swollen
feet, blisters and callous ot. Allen's
Foot-Eaie is a certain cure for ingrowing
nails, sweating, hot, aching feet. Al all
druggists and shoe store, 25c. Trial
package Fit EE by mail. Address,
Allen S. Olmsted, Lei Coy, N. Y.
But figures don't lie, nnd Uioho nro
the figures taken from tho "Cycle
Ago of June 1:
. Annual output ofljicycles per year:
('ililmlila I
Dally cttpaillv of Crescent factory
PK'O bicycles.
That's why tho CwKccnt j-oplo
can Bell the bighont grade whnel
that rnoiiuy can make at a modcrato
Tho only tliin about a CrcHcnnt
that iH not "Sky High" iH tho
price. It's an honest price ami
uoesn't need to bo changed. Tho
price we anked yehterday, wo auk
today, and shall auk the remainder
of the HeaHon. Others are faHt
Bcrarnbling to get down to it Home
openly Borne secretly and un
fairly. Chain Crescents f 3.1 Oo
CliuliilesM MO,oo
Huntley's Book Store.
Oregon, City.
I. S. We have a copy of The Cyole Ae
which gives the annual output of all bicycle
factoris In the V. 8. (lia.l to have you
come in and look at it.
k Visit to lr. Irani".
Ustweek we again visited I'r. Darrln,
(he electric physlcl"- U ,n"
Nvlmof our visit, ll... dia-lor bad en
larged his roomi to accoininodair. tl.s
throng that daily h.-h'H- '' ' rt
We happened to call at lh '"' "
lu.u l. hour, and could see ihecU-sol
patient who were awaiting hi. arrival.
Ilia patient rank a-uoi'll '""
,.a.ol our people, and If
them are of the hlghe-l cl-s. In s....l of
wealth and known re-s.. Uhllny. H'
following are a lew of lh It'eal . .'"
performed by lh d s tor during Ui win
ter and year gone by, which g- r lo
show the pennasencv ol his cures :
J. II. Wilson, Mist. l .piles. 20 year;
John Savensell. Fanning! Or. deaf
ness ; F. W. Min. hlll. I h-e, Or..
,hrgi..ge.r;i:ev.J. K W r. I-I-
land, Or., sklu disea-e; Ja Pally.
New York hotel, deafness. IS ve.rs; J
;. Tavlor, reiidletoll. Or., stricture,
cured, years ago; A. IW. I:"'"
Or., heart and ller trouble; M.sa
Mau'gie Synhoest, U Grande, Or , cr-s
eye; Isaac Thimphu. r. VV-"1' '
deafness, cured in lle minutes; Mr. A.
E. I'atee. Albany. Or . ova'U.l and
womb trouble; Mr. Martha Dally.
Gardner, Or, salt rheum I r '.') ears;
J. S Jennings, Hellwond, r.. e. Selii or
elt in disease, IS years.
Dr. Darrln give free consultation al
Morrison street, I'ortUml, Or , Irom
II) to IS. 1 to ft and 7 to "dally. All
curable chronic, a. and private dis
eases confidentially and su.cewf.illy
treated. Circular and mieaiimi blanks
m-nt free to any a-l lre.., an I crrrs
iKMideiiie solicited Mol case rati r-
eeie home treatment alter one visit to!
the dot-tor 'a olli.e. tal-rr- anlls;
f urn ihed with f ill .Lr.s tl .na U their I
n, Pilte-iill siirgn ai i.s-raos
..a... ii. . ...4..... A i'.. .M roi.tore.
tumors, varesvle, hj.rnceh and slrirl
ure nirej In every ra Ihease of
woiim'H an lmH,rtant swialty, such
as weakness, displacement, ulceration,
tutliiful. irrrrfuUr and up.rN-d men-
truaism. .u..klv reh-ted. II
treated free.ex -ept me.lirirw-s, Irom I"
til),laily. Those Vh Io V tr ealr-l
.... . ,i . . .1
for b.lf forue-r pric. U-r anoiUr month.
Irlt 11..
Si ore
Mm j. 1st reveive-l an e'eganl new line
ol White, and Colored M.lrt Vais' at)
latest sly lf- and patterna. tw-wly-made j
Skirls e,pil t best tailor m.e g,a!s.
Clsielren's While les IW.nart.. very
dresay attractive. Waehal.W hun lUi-
net white and col.irml
Them rslil. rfi..ll.
are all "IIms thing" and ust what ynu j
n-d lo hi out for your d'oiuth ul July:
I'ae Alien's r'onl l.ae In T'r l.loiet
A laly writes: "I shake Allen's K't
Kase inlo my kI.-sks and ruli a lillle on
my ha. ids. It aaves my gloves by ah
sor hing (s-r.irstsn. It W a in.sl dainty
. . I . ( I 1L' I.-.,. .. . .1
looei s,nu,T. ne in. lie inn niriiiiun
of phrsli iana an.) tnir.-a to llie ahxilnte
.' , .,, . ,. ,, .,. .,
imr.iy of Allen rooi-U.... Ir S . (..
AtilsMt, e.litnr of the Chlrs'i Clinic says :
lib. grand W,.,i()n ; I n.,g
it constantly in my practice " All drug i
and shoe atwfea s.-l it, iV. srnpUi
senlKKKK. Addresa Alien S. Olmsted, !
Ikov. S V.
Bi, satars JS?-
Trimuie.1 and linlriiiimnd hats, rile
bon and flower. I'.cluw costal Miea
ON KVKltV III) Nil!.
Of Shllob'a Consumition Cure Is thi
gnarauli: "All wo itslc of you is lon-e
two-third of the) content of this bottle
aitbfully, then If you mn say you are not
trciiellted return the bottle to your Drug
gist ami ho may refund the prim pihl."
Price :'5 ct., M els. and 11.00. C. t).
Huntley, Druggist.
A fine line of porticrre just receiye.1
at tho
Oregon City Auction House.
It'l easy to
haul big
loml up a j
big hill if
you crrune
the wiiitou
wueci wita
MICA Axli Grim
flel ln sn.t l, ,rn why It's lha
Is-sl an-aae rvn .... .......
noiu en.ryiifrs. U..I. ,,.
Writ for Catalogue and Prices.
iJJHa "' High Grade
'mmc&tium hlaGllllluli
I - IDs. . ' 7
LckmI NotlccM.
lsllrsi I'taiwl rlllrMtrai
S(,,ie Is l.ereliv tllvsn thai
.l.nr.l leeiitor ! !! "Ill a,.,. ,.T
menl ul K"her Tl j'son. il ft.2
Ills. I his dual ais-iiiml therein, In Hi'"
omrlnl.lisslaleol Oregmi f.,r flu,;'
, an.l Hi Krl.lsv th" 7ll,,lr ,
I H-si, (i piD i'ioi s a. in., n- iin
hrar'lng ol.Jeelliins to iS'.l 'ristfi,
r. n. Tli'isii'HoH
Kieculos of ll. la.t will ami le.i,,,,,;,
Kulierl rhomi'so", lew-l
AamlHl.lrslsr's 'llr,,
un.lerslgi.nl has Iwen O'lly ai.iim,,,
ilsltsl'.r ol llie esiale i, l'lfl .
Uls, .l.'..el. I.V '...liil)i ln
H i Ir o' la. ksinss. M.,1. ..io,.,,'
ami all irsoi.s I. ! Uoii. a.-ai.-).
Sl.lrslal eS'lsl present lite.,,
,laisiiie.l ilntv elle. al lilt ir,i (
ia.na..iis. '., I'll. ii .i. n,Kl
Ir on Hi '!. here.,1
H '. tt AhK.
1 .,, . ,,l ." r l ,r ill H u
ll It I.IMI. K.
AH..ri.r)r I'.r A -I ' I r r l. ,r
lle. II. Is I'i'i lar l Ml),
.lire Issr lMillraiW
a. "I '"tl. al llregon I II,, ihtft
Mai is. f".
Null. K is HlUKIIV ilVf NTti
. 1 1 . at i.sme-1 seiner I, as n.i tln
b ,ii,,n..n to . 0 i.r.o.i in t.,-
i,l lot risirn "" fee ?.(. It. a a..
sasl i r. will I Iwi ll
s,.. ii..r si ir-oii nr.
June "
WAltlir.X II All MM
II R l?lof. r ul Use 3, f.
rs.n.h. Ill F.s.l
II I.S.i.' I'' f 1 1, at iliSmi,
,ri. his nii.tiooooa resi.lei.ie g,, k
r till). all-in of sal.t l.l "
r .. M. Ksker. It.lil
Henry W.sl'Ult. I. I' '"'.", t, ,
( olluo, tlrrif"...
Dl AS, l. lal.M.ttr.t.
( Hall I rrewasirer'a llr.
N.,te Is lie'rl.y ? " ' .!
,, ,,,,i ,f- i .n . io im.h wu
are ' I-' '"' i'"'l "in tv
I Mine .... tl.e lsl ' ('
l.rB-. I I'r. 1 '""
! ) A.' "II Slltlt
. .,unlr Tressu
, r.f, rii.i. i viu.i
orn i:
. S'rii K MUlMlY .IVM K
,., ,,,,,, f,,,,, ,. ,., 1U
,ui.li ! la. s,n.. . I ..).. i x r t r
i esiale l M t lilt ,"l. l"'.l. ') I p
.,, ,.,., .K,t ,.
MilIM p refill ll.em .! l.'.'4
'it'll rilil. Si sl ! St Mm.
: n.r.y, aili.in si nmitln Ifom 114 Uai
A N T 1 1. H till I'lRP
A .li.isiralll l '! -n
(I ll thiel.k Ally
lr. till. 11.1, .1' ul Mr. I".
I'M. Ill
r it.0iil
In the l'irr.,11 '.,.ti ut the Klsta I
Ki (, (la.-ss'ii. I' i.oy
l i s. I'. I'liur. a. I'lali.lllt. . J sM t
lejj .lill J.Ul.s,. ! atsuV HSdsei
(rn.Wsi.l .
I lntl.etianix.lt', hia'e i.t lif . 1
are l.errt.y rei.i.rel Io ai ar anl ft
(lie i,i.l.. fe.rj ,t,. y.ni n ths s
eniillr I sribM, ii ut IsrliM Hi ..'tie
Jitn l-'l ll si .ili Hie la. .1st J :
I..MI prrsrril I hi II. e ,.!! i. I '.
1.1 1 1, . ltil.M4.l Sn. I ll )."l (all l.l s. ,
a.l snsaef s,. ...inpialnl II, iai .till
t.iy I i (h CtmM .,r lh f i'l le"
prats. I, i , a tielrf.neni .,rll.s.a'
... " '. '
I..........I .1....... till.) a... I L
ibrre.xi at l.n ir rrr.l ir a- nata l
. I'ah "lay ! Mat, ti.tsf, ami l.n esia
I di.li'irl,.enU Ins su.i.'ti.iii. Is lit. u
, ,. .1,r..M.. ,. mrrkt h. ,., 1 M,
I Tie.s II W. ll-i l. I i tf sal I rfirt
I,:;'"' ''ZJ
. p.jusf.r
Attorney M I'lslfil
I '
llre ssri'laiwl stelllriweil-
In lh '.miiiy I'.iurl of III Hn!e!
(on, fur ('.miiiy ul fitu knmas
In tli ruslK-r o( to estate of Chr'
haarla, ileerasasl.
Nollr ta liefrl.y Klven Itiat tsrl
T.N.te, the a liiuiilairabir of Hi etis
I'liri.iiana Maaru, ileeeasa-J, lias ri"
tossnlcamrt ,,r seiiiainrn. Ms linsl""
f Ills a Iminlsi tiil.oi ol sai'l e,," 1
lliat Thur,y, ItieMli day of July. I
IOo'cUm K, a. in , lias Keen .Inly t'l":'
t.y sal. I court lur Hie seulemei.t ttism1
lu llie lirariliK l.l ei'e,l..na III"'"
niAiti.KH r. i'"1
Al mli.lslrsw
Dateil May Mth, I-"".
Adiiiliilstriilor'a .bailee.
umlersineii has been .Inly ai'i"''1;"
the t'omilv l iinrl ,,r ('Iu kainat t'-
Mslunf llrrKou, as ailmllilsiralof l -1
esime of Amlrew A llraintisii. w'
All rs.iii bavliiK elalma aK"1'1
lata are hereliy li.illlte.1 til present IM
suit vouchers, at llie las' (iltt' '
l. 0. I.stoiireim, my attorneys, In W
I'itV. Oreniiu witliln six moutlis ft""
dale. ,,
Atlm.nlstraior si"""
Iated April MU nM,
AtlinlnlalriilrU'a .nll
NOTICK IM IlKltKIIY mVE'1',,l,',
l,i.lrl.,....l I... I. .. .lulu h Kill'1'-
thsCotinlv l iinrl Hilinliilslrairil OH" 1
late ol hllss Hhay, .leceass.l. all lM,r"!
hereliy imtllleil to present any cll" j
Ihey may hsve BKnlusI salil s1"
verllled aiTordli.K to law al my l
resilience, al Handy, OreKon. """i,,
nioiuhs from the first pulilicstloo 11
notice. ..j.
Adml.'W' f,
Dated April itt, H!m, the llrsl P"r',
April an, is'.ni,
, OREO"'