Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 16, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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rcgon City Enterprise
M K C'A HI KTtli IUll.WAV CoktPANr
(Couth 81.)
A. Mi
7 l'3 A. M.
1 j i r. m.
4 5
,13 r. m.
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i.4l -. leave ..a, hnnr nil n'rvk
I I"IhIhiii)' Jam IM.
c. A nii.1 kn. rt.
ii. mm. I'.kt Mini. The imIuioI
I mrl laal Friday vriilng and al-
kd rwUrir and aulit a number oi
i-llaitroiia billa, I'rof. tiary waa
"rrl Itie prlnctpalahip of thn
iijr I. Miaa Sad Chaan wa
k.il lu tlm Irachrr'a alafl" and Ml
Wal.lrun acini led aa kii'rriiuiiirr.
1 on mailer oi i.raiing u.n r.i-1
x l..l naa.Ua tiaard and It W aa .I'
ll In put In a tmw heating a'aratu
"! of aiil IU ui. M. S. Walker
rlertnl Janitor of the llarrlay IimiI.
1'iraiuTii' (itai.. Miaa Kanny
, nun of Die leading favor ilea in the
and Kveniiig Telegram' Voting
I for the moat ixioular teacher in
i nhlic a. hoola of that rily, haa made
um eiiiml that In the event of l.er I
,.,!,., , . ,r . ,
,i Ulhnh.nda.me pi.,,,, ofJere. .he j
lUate the a.me to It.. Kil.lirr ;
'iii.eiil Fund, -ahli-li la tintf rItl !
I" i a uioiiuiiienl to the memory of
ir 'ii'ahtave Itova, who have fallen
fittMintf the battle of Iheirrouiilry.
I'ortnr'i action In t ti let matter
f her at patriotic dauhler of
En and ahoiild gain her aulllrlent
lu make her an eaay winner. She
1 and haa held right along, a promt-
place in the race and by many waa
I'lema a aure winner, She haa
y frienda In Oregon City who will do
fm in. t to iMH-ure Iwlloti fur her mid
diiiug act'ouipliali a two fold plraa-
Mi.iw their appreciation of an efll-
P and amiable young educator and
pil'iite In no amall degree toward
f loiiiimntit Kun.l,
ki'ui, Cut'Ncu. Mkktino. In re.
to the written reitieat of a majority
member ol the city council Mayor
1'iretli. called a apeclal teaalon for
"lay, Juno loth, at 3 o'clock p.m.
" action upon the recmiNlderation
f 0 iun Mi ordinance relating to
'lopuaed new road, Wginlng at
'inetand rtinlng upthtibltilTin a
I'ualerlv .lir...lin.i lo i.liv limita
I'll "liown.l all moinhera preneut, ,
H Alderinuii Shiilutl. A inotioii ,
iiihiIii to put onlinnnce Hm Itaj
I'minugii ami after a thorough tlii-
"' it wna piiHHo.l, Mtaara, Chiirmitn,
'""i Milno, Metxnur and I'owell .
K in the' affirmative.? and Memo. 1
11 tnd Huntley voting liny. In d-
" hi ehiiihllig thu road the onli
!r "IvropriatoH I(K)t) lo be expumlod
"uh roud and by a renolution of tlio
thia nun wan made unavailable
count v bud tuken action to-
h oHinlng the roitd Uiyond tlio city
KuHidoa tlio 1 1000 I ml ml ud in
ordiuunce betwwm IlKK) and IHKH)
'l'n rnlHotl by privato mbecrlutlon
""ciuethe work with. According
"urvey , juat rompleted the roud
''Uilt at a uniform grade of n per
i which Ih only 1.12 Hr cent greater
I'mn thut of the nmpenHion brldgo
" City Schools. Tho term of
j'l hut ended baa been mnrked by
6'lid progresa on the part of the
Itfi and a glance at the fuuulty who
will n..llt, ovr lheyi.ral department
for ll.ii cmg iiri, U .mUHent guaran -
M' that HiHMt alll I-
' K""d work. The (Irfifou dlv ael.o..l.
..... among I, hlUllKut lfl lHl,lt
lfly iluit ti thi ui.w course, of study
wnii ii mm adopted ..t y,.r iiMin tlm
'Hfkiwilimof hu,,l. MfiA.Um, Anoll.i.r
I'nturn tlit .la Krilly totliHi ir.ti llvH
"'ml llioroiiKliiii M ol Urn work In tlm
lIiii of mii N.l.litkoiiHl yer to tlm uli-
III! W'IiiniI Hl. 1,11, m IIH rwrnn rrMIKtif
j tlvnly, Kinking ll cuiiiiiiim roiima ullit
ynr mi, Un .u, at-lixl coiinm tliri'e
y'. Orruon City grmimmr (,
nirtlllriK i out itln tlm lioMorio lmit
inn liiU any lilnh m IhxiI In tlm main
"id our I.IkIi i, H) w.,k U m.it. in
r ol tlm ilnlvitrillli.il, All tlii'M Untv
llt am In Krrt tiiexMiirti im i Mr.
MiiAiUm, ,iu,., ly , prrri'MNivM and
lmlnlit.. trliinil hoard, IhvIhk the
liiturrxi uf ttt m.IiouI it liniri. Air.
Mt'Adiin Imi Imn foiiiivctml with n hool
w.uk horaliir tlvti y-m, Hhim yr a
principal and la now In hit third ?ar a
uMrUi tfntf ut, and umtr-r l-lmhle K'"ld
anm mix h g.-K ran h looked lor. Kor
primioal of Urn Faxthain mh.o Mfa.
MrAdaiu ha hc-n re lalni-d and hr t
rntoid proinliwa tninli (or Him (mure.
I'rof. T. J. (iary hn Mn oth-rwi ihe
pflnrii.aUhM. II. ilan lay cliog hikI
It la uiidrrntood ha will acrept. Mr.
(lary haa laiik'lit lor filna yeari In Clack
aniaat'oiinlr, anven yeara at Milwankin
and tw ynura at Wim Orr.m City, and
h la univnraally cimilrd lo ht a atrong
man lor tlio Hiiliou. Kor thn Kraile
Ira. hrra have Mia (ivrtruda Kinlry,
MtaaAddia Claik, Mn. 1). II. (,aa.
Mim Uura i'atl, Miaa (inrtrudo Nli-
gpf. Mia hrtna Ijiuram-, Mini hd
t'haim, Mioi llatlia Cochran. Miaa
MatjorUl'autleld and Miaa Ni-ttio Wal-
Urn lor aupnruuiurrary. Thrm will l
an enrolliuriit of aloiit laio pupila In tlm
coiiiuiun rourMi and 12A in tha hinh
acliool t'laaa.
Thar Hr All la lla. IMrlara, hmt
H4 ol aiar larrr.
Allun ('twiiiiiiKhaiii, In hla "Llvra of
Hrltl.h I'altii. ra." t.-lln a t.ry of (Vj
l y, thn fatli. ri.f I r. ('liiiiirrllur I.ynd
bural. whidi rrviala hat a ii trait
jpalntif rt'dnrra from the vanity and
errriitrlrlt ,f l.ia ait.-r.
A rrrtaln man hud Mm-. If. , wife
and arvi ii (hildn n pitliititl ty Copley
In a f n in 1 1 r d- r.
"It wanta hnt olm tblii)?," raid the
limn, on Ki llitf the fill. rind pic lorn,
"and Hint la thn nrtrait of uij tint
wifn ihia on U my aTi.nd."
"Hut." njlicd the nrtiot. "ahe ia
diad. Whitt c nil 1 loT Mia muat tuiiie
in a an anx "
"Oh. tu: n.i niif.-la fur mo. She
lnnt it'iun In ii a a v., nun."
Tlm pottrail waa addi-d. Imt aeveral
luotilha rlnim d Ix fom ihn mnn aicain
'rall.il at tVplry'a alndlo, and when he
'.ll.l klr.hiM l.i.lw I.. 1.1 ..n I., lila .rirt
"1 mut Imvn aii. 't In r nki ti'li frmii
your hand. Cuplry," iiid he. "All ac
rhh iit lif. Il in v iv.-. (iii.) vvifi'; thia ludy
I la my third, nnd "I..1 Iiiin ruiun to luivo
i h r likrii'Ka iiK'luih-d in the futnlly pic
I tarn."
i 11. 1 n ... t . . ..I . ...v.1 tl. l!L..nn..
!.' I'Hiu.. I iiiinriMi". it. i ..'' nm
or Miin .. a. mi. i tun limn rxpnwM-ii
hiliiM-lf aatiatiid w Ith thn jMirtraiU of
hla thrre aMiiiMn. Hut thn lady rmnnn-
rlral.l. Never audi a thinx heard
'at II - . . I . a . . mi. .
' , F'" u K. me
artiat paint, d tin in out; then the man
r(,ph y au,d bin..
- uJ hu f,nrw u,r4, Lymlhnri,,,
iK.nnjr, ,ia mil to the bar by Kaiiilng
hla father'! tail-.
Vea Caa Hull Anrlkla.
A aucceiwfiil exH'rimeut waa made at
(ilnmbin unlvi ruity lu Ixiillug away a
allvi r dime. The dime wan cut in atrip
and laid in thn cttp of one of the car
bon of the arc likbt Thn pointed car
lion tif the arc waa placed above thi
and a at rung current turned on. Under
tbe luteins heat the dime melted, aim
inered and then boiled like water. In
two uiinntx it had bollin away Into
vapor, Profivwnr I'npln, who conducted
the exerlinent, declared any aubatanee
on earth, even granite rock, may be
boiled away in aimilar faehlon if only
tifllcieut heat I brought to bear on it.
He alno ibitrd that any gaa or liquid
would frecre if it could lwiubmitted to
iiflk-lcnt cohL
Compliment ol a t orpae.
"I ajH'tit one aummer at an olmenre
place in the Virgiuln mountain.," wild
thubtinlniw woman to mn, "and I took
with me a maid whoao home waa mune
where near. One day alio en mo to mo
and Nuked fur a tluy'i leave. I ankm! her
PU.1 afl..1.. tut n uu ...tig. iw.in. mi
wb,.re lm WllS Koll,Ki U(1 Mie nry
proudly drew from her pocket a huet
of paper on which wus written, with a
HUporubuudiiiice of ilonrinhiH:
'MiH Molina Jacknon rcHpcctfully
requeatH thn honor of your coiupiniy at
tho funeral of Minn Amuudit Juliuiiu
Juckann, Friday iiiorniiig at 10 i- m.
Coniplimcuta of thocorpHo.' " Wish
ingtou.ront. Spiilu'N (Jroitti'Mt Need.
Mr. K. T. Olivia, of narcolona, Spain,
apiMiil Ii!h winters nt Aiken, S. C.
Weak nerves had canned severe pains in
tbe back of bin head. On tinlng Elec
tric. Hitters. America's greatest Wood
and Nerve Iiemedy, all pains loon left
him. lie says this grand medicine is
what his country needs. All America
knows that It cnrt'H liver and kidney
trjiible, purines iho blood, tonoi up the
stomach, itrenglhens the nerves, puts
vim, vigor und now life Into every muscle
norvn and organ of the body. If weak,
tired or ailing you need It. Kvory bottle
guaranteed only fi t cents. Sold by Geo.
A. Harding, Druggist.
j j . r ij
' - , eSA i
..'f - ' -.7 '
r ' ' Jt .lV. U
I ' H' . M-rf .m ..fc I . -rf
An Exttllcnt Combination.
Thn plt-noant inrthixl and hem-Ada I
f(TitU (if thn vti'll known rriurdy,
hriii i or I ma, maiiiifiictiircd y th
Ci.iroiiNu fin Hruvr "., Illimtrat
tl.a valimof ohtnlnlnif thr Ihjuld laxa
tive prliiriplra of lilai.U known to he
tti.t.l II L....L. .....I ..-..
thuin In lh.i form imt rrfrrhLlnif loUm
toatfl and ai'i'i'ptnliht to thn ayoti'in. ItTh-r arn many hnaraa drlvrra In tha
l tha onn ,..Tf.-. t alr.-i.th. 'nlnjr la- fty who Imvn Wn thm aN-adily em-
tlvn, rlrutixilllf thn yst4 III itT. i tllully, I ,, , . , ' . ,
dl.M.iii col.U, hi a.lm h.-a and f.rvi-ra .I'"' " "tny yiar. Only carfnl
irniitly yd promptly and cnahllnir onn '"1 "klllfnl drirera -are employed in
to overcmiie halntuul coiihtiiiallon tx-r
iiittiieiitlv. Ita M-rct freedom from
every ulijeetlomililn rjinillty and aub
alance. and ita acting on the khlneya,
liver nil. I howela, without WeUatelilng
or IrrlUtli.g lliein, make it tne ideal
In the proee of niMnnfMc'.itrlng fig
are uaed, aa they are pleiiMuit Ui the
tittle, but the iii.-iliclnul (jimlitieHof thn
rrmeiiy are orjtaiue.i (nun aenna and
othi.r lar.ii.nal 1 r.tn.ilK l.v b ...ll.ul 1
known Ut the CAi.iroMKiA Via Srni p
0. only. In order to get it Unnflelul
rfTcvU and U avoid iiiiltnti..i.K, ph u-j
rememlM-rthe full name of thi-( tunpany
prlnU-d on thn front of everv package.
at kamcico. cal.
To thoan who drink whiakrv f..r i.tnaa.
urn; IIAKPKK Whiaknv add teat to i
exiatem. To .none who drink w hia.ey
fnrhe..,,,'. ..ke: IIAKI'K.II WhUke,
make life woith living. Sold by C. (J
Huntley .Oregon City, Ore.
Ko-lol IyajH.ii4 Cure completely (!'
geata loud within the atouiacli and in
teatioca and render all rlaaael of fool
capable of being etimiUtcd and co.
verted Into airetigth giving and liaaun
building auhataiicea.
(ir.o. A. lhktiiNo.
Would .Not NufiVr no Jlgalu for llf.y
Time Ita I'rlce.
I awoke laat night with aevere paim in j
my tloHiach. I nwor felt so Wad in all
my life. Whenl came down lo work
lliii morning 1 felt ao weak I could
hardly work. I went to Miller & Mc
Curd'a drugstore and they recomiieuded
Chaiuherlain'a Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoe Kemenly. It worked like magic
and one doe fixed mo all right. It
rerlainly ia the fluent thing I ever ued
for atomacli trouble. I ahull not be
w ithout it in my borne hereafter, for I
should not rare to enduie the auuVriug
of laat night aptin lor fifty timea its
price. U. II. Wilson, liveiyman, Ilurg
ettatown, Washington county, p. Thin
remedy i for tale by U. A. Harding,
Ibe Latel Yam.
A I'itttburg drummer tells this new
yarn: I always carry a bottle ol
Kemp'i Italsam in my grip. I lake
cold eaaily and a few doae of the Bal
aam ilwaya make me a well man.
Kverywhere I go I speak a good word
for Kemp. I take bold of my custom
ers I take old men and young men,
and tell them confidentially what I do
when I take cold. At druggists, 2.rc and
Stockholder' Meeting.
Notice la hereby given, that the an
nual meeting of the Oregon City Manu
facturing company will be held at the
otlictt of the company in Oregon City on
Saturday, July 8, 18'.M, at 10 o'clock
a. in. of said day, for the purpose of
electing director! of the corporation to
serve for the entiling year, and transact
ing inch other business at mav come be
fore the stockholders' meeting.
C. 0. Jacoiis, Secrotary.
Oregon City, June 1, 1809.
AMInlster'i Mistake.
A city minlmer was recently handed a
notice to be read from his pulpit. Ac
companying it was a clipping from a
i.ewepaper bearing upon the matter.
Tbe clergyman started to road the ex
tract aad found that it began: "Take
Kenip'B lUlsam, the best Cough Cure."
This was hardly what bo bad expected
and, alter a moment's hesitation, be
turned it over, and found on the other
side tha matter intended for the reading.
Sewing mncliine needles for all ma
chines at
Burmelsterci Andresen.
A Curd of Thanks.
I wish to say that I fuel under lasting
obligations for what Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy baa done lor our family. '
We have usud it in so many cases of Li
coughs, lung troubles and whooping I )
cough , and it baa always given the most M
Krlc.ct satisfaction, we feel greatly In
debted to the manufacturers of this
remedy and wIrIi them to please accept
our hearty thanks. Respectfully, Mrs.
S. Doty, Pes Moines, Iowa. For sale
by O. A. Harding.
Wedding stationery, the latest stylos
and finest assortment ever brought to
Oregon City at the Entkrpiuhii odlco.
W pulM a r In iirmnnr lima
lxid lrui t-rr'ii ki,
I Oiir tip vnt up o l a rblina
j Tint IwIIIkIiI llf.(- rl .
Jfnw n,li hnw la Ihn jmr trown oA,
How l.fl lilf in'l lrrl
Tia mi Hi! urn ) fiw fold
Hi ht la tnnirf.
-flliilth AMnn Curl la In Onnwrtloot Mf
rims .
iradllr Kmplorrd at ft a
l.arr (lllra.
In ajimllcr citii-a and In the conntry
the htara drivrr tnny Wtwern tlmea
drive othiT vehirlti or engage la eome
ther work, hnt in a city of great popu
lation like New York, where, in the
natural ronrae of thing, many oVatha
cenr dally and whi-re many h'trm
re nard and kept conaUntly employed.
i ,,',lrM, drivntC rfjnlar o.-ciipatUm.
1 tlila rapMi lty,
Thn letting of hearaea 1 a long eat b-
i llohwl cntiii in thia city. Many livnry
' tnen own from one to a dozen nearer
and let them to aextoni and undertak
er, ferhapa half of the nndertakera of
the city do not keep hearaea. but hire
of the livery owner. Ho it commonly
hajijiei) that in anawering call from
one aonrce and another the b'-arae
'a"'"'1 liverymen are ronatantly
mployeL It might be tbat all tbe
hearM owned in a atahle. whatever
their tiuiuher, would be called fr day
ift(T dy W(.,.k tftPr wl(,k M reR0.
j lr!y many carriage or other
.tehlclm might e, and ao it cornea
'alxint that h.-nrw- 1rlln la Kr- .
""l driving l trnre a
:teady orenpation, Jnat like any other.
While bearan are commonly driven
to and from the variona cemetfriea in
;n,d ,Kmt lh. J; we. """inme
.driven ont of the city to virion nearby
jj"' d
carec have been
driven to greater dintauce. but thev
re not often driven more than 12 or 13
iijIIii away. New York Snn.
Cooal t an I" or Tknaa.
She (ninging aoftly) "Would that I
bud tbe wing of a bird."
He What earthly uae would they be
to you. my dear!
She I waa jnut planning the trim
ming for my apriug hat Detroit Free
' rrrarnf Imrat.
Juatice of the I'tace (to bride'i mother
! a the tiriilegroom hemiati-a with hi
"i'e") Step a little farther back.
madam. Toledo lice.
Belgian workmen are fond of cock
crowing cometitiou. The other day
one well trained bird crowed no Una
than 403 time in the course of an hour.
In ancient times many of the mono
tains of I'alettine were terraced, and
soma of the terrace Hill remain
A Frightful lllundrr.
Will often caiiM a horrible Bum, Scald,
Cut or llruise. Hucklen'i Arnica Salve,
the lest in the world, will kill the pain
and promptly heal it. Cures Old Sores,
Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils. Felons,
Corns, all Skin Kruotions. Best File
cure on earth. Only I'.S cts a box. Cure
guaranteed. Sold by Geo. A. Harding.
To Tare a Cold Is One Day.
Take Laxative Bnoo Quinine Tabled
All druggist refund money if it fail to
cure. 25c The genuine baa L. B. Q. on
each tablet.
A new line of Baby Caps and Hats.
M uddy complexions, Nauseating breath
come from chronic constipation. Karl's
Clover Boot Tea is an absolute cure and
has been sold tor fifty years on an abso
lute guarantee. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts.
C. O. Huntley, Druggist
m ur awaut
vou ,i ...
l.,l lata
put im
ot aru4Mi
Ne SI4-
rvMiiHaa kil.aa Tw
U.W, i Uatra, ImmUm, ntr-
ium. atana araa u4 aula at aWu, IM ami
nun rnM, fu.
itj al a meaunible price.
1 1,.
a - )-pv) II I ! real area viaiie a a a. i. (wtaBSl mi Kr J.1U,
Elkhart Carriage and Harness Mfg.
We Have
Some New Designs
Organs in Slock.
Prices From $50.00 up. Ench Instrument Guar
anteed for Five Years.
Burmeister & Andresen,
I ' ax iai ij
Uy Mf -
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
Aahna at AdclaM Call.
I once knew an eatimable lady wbo
In the abemce of her cook undertook to
make a certain kind of cake. Hbe took
"om" of one kind of ingredient, "a lit-'
lie" of another ind "a arm II quantity"
of aorrietblng Un, To ber delight and
lurpriae, tbe reeult was a cake of which
oeither he nor any one elae bad ever
heard. It waa an entirely new cake and
an extremely delldoo one. . Frond of
her achievement, tbe lady gave tbe cake
the beautiful and poetic name of "aabe
tf angel," and on tbe very next crea
tion when the bnce of her cook made
it ptuwible for ber to Ventura into ber
kitchen the tried to repeat her anccea.
Thia event happened in the year 1883,
and ever i nee that date tbe unfortunate
lady baa been vainly trying to repro
duce ber wonderful cake. She hat never
once ancceeded, although ahe haa made
It leant 200 different varietiea of cake
and pndding, each one of which baa
been more deadly than tbe other. She
ia atill hoping that one of theee day
tbe may bit upon ber "aabea of angel"
again, bet aa tbat cake waa purely the
rennlt tf chance the protrpect tbat ibe
will be able to make it a aecond time ia
not bright W. L Alden in Pearaon'i
Hot Bad.
Dotty Tbimble ruahed up the atalra
to Lucy Cleary'aroom and bunt through
tbe door.
"He ian't inch a fool after aUl" abe
"Wbo ian'tT" asked Lucy wonder
ingly. "That OeraJd Thompeon."
Lncy'i lip curled. "What make you
think aoT" ahe anked
" 'Canae he kept n all guessing for
three hour at Maria Eveaon'a library
party laat night."
"Did be? How?"
He came in with a bicycle lock tied
on hia shoe.
"What did tbat mean?"
"That's what none of us could make
out nntil it was time to go, and then
he told us and it was so simple be made
us all feel like fools."
"What book waa it tbat be represent
ed t"
"Locke 'On the Human Understand
ing.' He's coming over to call tomorrow
tiieht" Detroit Free Pre,
Took the Saaae.
Lawyer You say tbat you were in
tbe saloon at the time of the aasanlt re
ferred to in the complaint?
Witness I was, sir.
Lawyer Did you take cognizance of
the barkeeper at tbe time?
Witne I don't know what be called
it but I took what the rest did. Bos
ton Courier.
E. E. Cumpston teacher of voicecul
ture and piano playing. Studio oyer
Bank of Oregon City.
Patent Record.
"Money to patent good ideas may be
secured by our aid. address The Patent
Rncord, Baltimore, Md."
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Hare Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
ThUto qOaJO thU trry rmlb fthoukd ftatc hfanatlf wkatn 1
Coniew. to a buetiM- piM4Uiia. KT ItMianoa, w auanulavctur
VOt.ftr.4M aiasl kwTMM tlast tatU theiB U JM tftlwt fStM Mr
frr t httile rltwL On ibis dIm tbe Avina lo uu U
35 nar rant ' w pv
about Uiu tuuca aatve uuui
(oruia MiiiequaUlT of iro.l I
um rih aatlnet We
.ivlaa i.f Tvhk'lra ami u atvlcs
iviid ars tk Ui
.rtMt aaei
a karfteaa
(k ri4t Mlllasj i tk. fMMiMer
eli4vrlr wk vtry Krtrcte wvj
tvtlaUMl ftaliitMir MtMla mmjuhtr 1W
rlla"IllilUKUttl4Vfrllltif. 71, jttl iVsjble tftafff;
Vou ItfcvtJ ths4MVsiMU..- of sftrKtt mtlM lurtkeam, wiU uctwl lriai
iiotl. nfWeet dMiinasW UlUwt Btv leV AtV tnliiM (VawtJaate wHvk. enk
you hv jruimtc u qtitU Ura nJ ktk h Mai, At
Elkhart, Indiana.
. NrwaVr
on Kimball
The Oregon City
I I A '
yufl mwm
Sunday Services.
EiKMh an.l J. Q. A'lama airnels; Kev.
Krneat J. W. Mark, paator. Hunrlay arhool
at to A. M., weekly aervicnt tvary Thnraday
at H P.M. Uerrnari arhool evtry (Saturday
from 9 lo 12. Everybody invited.
Hil.i.aat, YuUrt. On Kuodav aa at and
10 JO a. m. Every tno and fourth ounrfay
letrmao rmim after tb I o'clock maaa
Al all other maaan Eofliah aermoD. Hiinday
achrml at I M r. a. Vaapert, apologetle)
aubleeta aod Btnedlclloo al 7.M r. a.
H. OIrr, faator. Mnrnlrj aervlne at 10 y
HuDdar Mrh.w)l at 10 U0. .la -aetlo aflnf
mwnli.f (entire. Eveolna aervlc at 71
F.pwfinn Learu mentiD Hnndav erenine al
JO: Prayer W-ttlDf Tburaday tvenlng al 7 Ml
ttraofera eordiallv Invited.
J. Moutaotorry, Paator. eervicei al 11 a m and
740 r. a. eabbatb Hbool at 10 a. . Vonof
People'a Hoelety of Cbrlatlan Kadeavor meet
very Hunday erenlnt at ao. ih'naday
veolof prayer meeting at 7 JO. geata Ire.
r.rir.n, pj.tnr: i. K. Raart Al.Uni.
PreMbine aervlrea every gimday at II A. H.
and )f k katibatb arhool every lander al
10 A. M. Mr. Z i in mar ni eupc prayer Meeting
very Iburt-lay vcDlug.
Kev. P. K. Hammond, Keetor. Service
every Sunday al It a. m, and 7:30 p. n.
Hnnday tchool at 10 o'rlock. titrvice every
Friday evening at 7:30. Other aervlre
may be announced. All teat free. Strang
er cordially invited.
irrgalional churcn. Kev. P. Hark, paator.
Service every Sunday at 11 A. M. Sundai
tchool at 10 A. M.
nrnerof Main and Eleventh ttreeta Kev.
K. 8. iioliingir, pa-tor. Morning aervic
10:30; Sunday Hcl.ool 12; Junior Endeavor
5; V. V. B. U. K. prayer meeting 6:30;
evening service 7 :30.
Cbrbtian Science meetings at Willam
ette hall, Sunday morning lervice, II
o'clock ; Sunday chool,12; weekly meet-
! ing". Wednesday evening at 8, except
first week of each month, when meeting
will be held on Thursday evening at 8
Lad re.
A. O. U. W. meets every Saturday
evening in the A. O. U. W. Temple.
Geo. R. Califf. secretary.
Rebekahs Willamette Rebekah Lodge
No. 2 meets second and fourth Friday oi
each month at I. O.O. F. Temple.
Malta Uodfry, tecretary.
Court Robin Hood No. 9, Foresters of
America, meets first and third Friday in
tbe month in Red Men's Hall.-W. B,
Stafford secretary ; F. T. Ropers, chief
Meade Poet No. 2. G. A. R., meet
first Wednesday in each month at Wil-
. lamette Hall. fl. A. Harding, com
imander. ClackamAS Chapter No. 2, R. A. M.,
meets on
the third Monday of eacb
month in
Masonic Hall. M. Bollack,
Pioneer Chapter No. 28. O. E. 8. meet
the second and fourth Tuesdays in eacb
month at Masonic Hall. Miss Jennie
Rowen, secretary.
Oregon Lodge No. 3. 1. 0. 0. F., meet
every Thursday in Odd Fellowi' Hall.
T. F. Ryan, secretary.
Falls Encampment No. 4, 1. 0. 0. F.
meets first and third Tuesday in each,
month. J. A. Stuart, secretary.
Redmen Wacheno Tribe No. 13, Imp.
0. R. M., meets Saturday evening 7:30,
at Red Mefi's Hall. N. M. Moody, C.
of R.j Chas. Woodward Sachem.
Multnomah Lodge No. 1, A. F. A.
meets first and third Saturdays in eacb
month at Masonic Uall. T. F. Ryan,
Mead Relief Corps No 18, meets at
Willamette Hall the first Monday in
every month at 2 o'clock p. m. and tbe
third Monday in every month at 7;39 -o'clock
p. m. The Auxiliary meeta at
the Armory building the 1st and 3rd
Saturday in each month at 3 o'clock p.
m. Mrs. Roeina Fouta, president. Mrs
Mary L. Bradley, secretary.
Artisans meets first, second and fourth
Thursdays in each month at Red Men'a
HalL J. T. Searle, secretary.
Catholic Knigl.ts of America St. John 'a
Bunch No. 647, meets every Tuesday of.
the month.
Tualatin Tent, K. 0. T. M., meets ia
Red Men's Hall, ou second and fourth
Wednesdays G. H. Hyatt, record
Willamette Fulls Camp No 113, W. 0.
W. meets 2nd and 4th Fridays in the
Willamette Hall. Clerk J. K. Morris.
Lone Pine Lodge, No. 53, A. F. & Aw
M., Logan, Or., meets on tbe second
Saturday in each month from the 1st ot
May to 1st of November at 2 p. ru. and
from 1st of November to 1st of May at
1 10 a. m. A. E. Lewellen, W. M., Geo.
C. Armstrong, Sec.
Dr. Williams' Indlnn Pile
,i iintmeiit will oure Blind,
HlecUni and IicMnir
'Piles. IiubHort tbe tumor.
allays the Itching at once, acts
.J a noulii.-e. give lust&nt .
lief. Dr. Wiliiaran' Indian Pile Olnt
ment isnrenared for PI lea and Itih-
Inrf of the privuui purl. Fvery bui Ik.
warranted, llv dmvirists. ttt n ill nn nu
eHpt of rrice. fid oenta and 11.00. WILt I BM.
mm ACTURINfi CO.. fropa.. Clevelau'C
For sale by C. O. Huntley.