Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 16, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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Oregon City Enterprise.
Iub!iahed Kvery Kridny.
L. I. rORTKR, PaorwitToa.
On year 1100
SitBiuiiths 1
Trial subscription, two month! 25 I
A discount ol AO cenla on all subscriptions
for on year, 25 rtnH (or six months, II
paid in advance.
Adve rtising rales given on application.
ttahwrihrr find () date of fipira
tlon tniped on their paer following
iheir nam. If thi rial it not changed
within two week alter a payment, kindly
notify n and w a ill look after it.
Kntertd at It postofMc In Oregon City,
Or., as second clam matter.
Beaver Creek..
Union Mills...
Mfi.lo Brook.
Kew Era
Wilaonville ....
Park place.
.lr. T. B. Thomas
Geo. Kinchl
A. ilaiher
..(War S issttiffrr
...U. J. Tnillinger
Chaa. Holnian
J Kiciiakd P. Bland th trongeat ad
, vocate (or silver In eonRrcs for year It
i dead. ll and the cause lor which lie o
farncslly woiked have gone down to
gether. Pdand waa a man of consider
able ability but hi talent were thrown
way on wrong principled flnnoe. A
gisnt could not accoiuplih th tank he
Tin awiaiftinatloo of Gen. I.una by
Aguinaldo men ahow the kind of man
the leader of the Filipino la. The lieat
of tlie leaders believe in assassination,
treachery, mutilation of the dead and
other savage atroeitie. Thii man hat
been compared to Washington by tome
of the crow J that iaaglnt the adminis
tration nd expect to gain political capi
tal out of it.
What thi man want i dollar ami if
by crying "reform," "large circulation"
"they are trying to boycot ma" will
bring dollar he will make the cry or
any other. Thi man talk about hav
ing received overture from the republi
can. If thi la true and he la a reformer
hy not publiah these facta, That
would be the honest way. Ite more
specific not o vgue. The fact la lie
kuowt that he ha not Die circulation
landing or buslne of the F.nterpriae
and he think and he i trying to make
up (or It with wind.
The uper Yukon ha cleared of Ice.
Joseph Co I killed In a w mill at w
Monroe Or., by being thrown I y a belt. J M
Polncare haa been asked to form a raid- V
Tut Enterprise 1 glad to elate that
the boy of the -ond Oregon are now
on the Pacific on their way home. The
w hole of Oregon it proud of the regiment
and will give it such a welcome a haa
not been seen in the Ute. The boy
have earned anything that can be done
Without a murmur they
V. K Newwerry
ll...r. Mil..
"".'.'.'x L. "Russell 'or them
.'.'.'. '.'..' O." T. 8oward I v ,uiJ mou'u '"' niouth in a fever
K. M. Cooper stricken sun burnt climate and fought an
Annie Stubba i
Marquam K. M. Hart man ! enemv that know a nothing and carea
timimiie ,
Kaie Creek
Cumnsville ,
News of tlie Week
Friday Juue 0.
There la friction at Manila between
Oti and rVhunnan.
Kngland will preeentan ultimatum to
Canada i compelled to accept a pro
visional boundary line in Alaaka.
U 1 i -
.... Henry A. Sny.ier i nothing 'or civilixed method ol warfare.
u u Vihl I Oregon will do ber beet for the bov.
J. C. Klliott
F. Go-isch
Geo. J. Curnn
.Mr. M.J. Hammer
Adolpb Aacbott
lTheway t killd ipOregeaClty
la U rie Dreg" City Peeple jear
Pixsiusv is as uncertain a politics.
The man of todav i a stranr in a
'range land tomorrow.
It ia believe.! that Germany has made
a bad bargain in her anxiety to get
poaeeseion in the Pacific. It is said that
the islands recently purchased by ber
bave very little value.
Ambapsadoh, Choatc ha interested
bimselfin the care of Mis. Maybrick
and it is now believed that she will be
released in a short time. It has long
been believed that this woman was un
justly convicted and should be released.
The subscription lUt and good will? of
the Pies has been bought by the En
terprise. The Tree bad a circulation of
about six hundred and that many more
names will be added to the Enterprise
list. We shall fill ail contracts foe sub
scriptions. Theie never was any de
. if.... . . . . . . .
uianu, lor uie i rest, uie DelU being j
amply covered before it was started.
Neither do we tetieve that a paper will
be successful that follows the policy
adopted by the laie deceased. People are
not to be driven into supporting the
scheme of anr man.
Flood In Texas cause the death of
twenty five persona.
Saturday June 10.
American have a fight near Morong
in which one American I killed.
It 1 reported that the United Slate
baa been asked to mediate in
Transvaal dispute.
Jeffrie defeats Fitsalmmona at New
York in the 11th round.
net by President Louln't of Frame.
I.IMtlla Hi Krai ami Tu4.
F.itrcmc of IicnI and cold can le
produced artilU-iully to such inteiiae ex
tent nowaday thul It la a physical lin
pojwllilllty to iiicHMiirn tlieiii with lo
ltiteaiH'iirui'y. "Wecamiot measure tli
itiliiiit-wiiiial," anya Clmrli Whiting
Puker. editor of Faigiiinrtng Newa.
"The Uvt we can do la to make care
ful eetiinatea. The greatest heat pro
duced artificially la tlint of an elec
tric are furnace, the kiud that is nam!
In the production of artillclal diamond,
calcium carbide, etc. It I ao Intense
that nothing eiista with which U re
cord It It I estimated, however, to be
of alxxit 4.00(1 di'greea F.
.f-.. .1 l.. . i .
that of liutiid air. which freeae alcdi.d IR OlEOON Ul J- X ,
and mercury and distance all means of
measuring. It la cUime for It that
with it a temperature of 400 degree
Mow aero Fahrenheit Is reached. The
present limits (.( heat and cold are
therefore repr-setitl iy the aro fur
cvit and the liinii air."
Cubana lynch two bandit in true
southern stvle.
Twenty miles of railroad are to lie
built in Lane county to open op a timber
Pr. Dnckman of Aaloria it endeavoring
to turn Finish aettlera to the United
Fruit men were in session at Salem
last week.
Ilia Nnr oal.
They bad Iwi uthtims for so long that
when the one gave a chitting dish party
to tome of hia more Intimate fmuinlnn
acquaintance the other made a point
of returning early from the theater In
order to be present ('hum No. 8 had
hardly mails hia appearance Is fcrt chum
ti,e ! No. 1, in hia anxiety to chatter mm-
at-nse with the prettiest girl in the
nxitn, managed to utscl a basin of
beaten egg yolks down the front of hia
Dew Tuxedo, t'htini No. I waa much
dislresee.1 apparently, and chum No. 2
hastened to hia araisUm e.
"do Into my r.nu and Ukemine,"
he adjnred hia friend g"Uerotisly. "I've
a brand new one; Just came home to
day." Churn No. 1 smlLnl qneerly. "I know
It. old boy." waa what he aald. grin
ning in a rather forced fashion. "Fact
la well my own U ki-d a little shabby
this evening and I've got your tu."
Chicago Inter Ocean.
Real Estate for Sale...
Tract JiW I'V 1,7 ,,r"r K"1 HiJ" 'h11")'. CJrrt,
IV.int u.l.lilion to Onf" City, vl'-D.
'21 iti-ree n'lj-li'it'K W'rat Orcein City wit), ,M fc
l.nrti, l": wren In ciiltivuti.'". "' h l'ric,
R jmt acre. K"y terms.
All of Itl'H-k 2 i ,"t il''lsioiH., coliumiImk 11 k
Also !.s.lf.i rin r.M'rly f-r i very frtvi.ral.lotcm
Call on or Addrof
(1. H. DIMICK,
- - OltlDOOl;
Just reelved a new line ol l'-e rr
taint. Call and aw ibem.
Orrgnri I'ity Auction House,
Sunday June II.
The country to the south of Manila is
being cleared by Iwlon.
England and the Transvaal are prepar
ing for a struggle.
now it lot it flirt
Has ahe loat her beaut) T If k
tiitl..n, Indigestion, f,tfc (
I a's lite principal t atlsra. Kail . ,
UmI i ra naa ciinvi una UUtn -
leittury. i ncv ,-i it.
Money rvluu led if reatilla tfffcJ
Isttory. ('.. Mniitl.r, Ifti4
Far laaag Mr a BMtl )( gj
There la nothing that H
TuRoion England a modus vivenda
has been agreed on and the result is a
compromise boundary for two years. In
tlie mean time the whole matter will
come before the joint commission again
for settlement.
The friction at Manila between Otis
and the commission has resulted in the
administration upholding the former.
This is the w ise coarse. What the Filipi
no want is a good whipping and then
quiet will prevail.
Tub terrible storms in the east cannot
ba appreciated by people in Oregon
where climatic conditions are more even.
These storms come up so rapidly that
there U li'fle chance to escape and their
pith is one of destruction and death.
I ' ' 1 ' -!
The democrats of Pennsylvania are in
A deadlock and while they eulogise
Eryan they do not re-affirm the Chicago
fAiUorm. Thi is significant and shows
Che fight that is brewing when (be
national convention meets.
The road up the hill through Canemah
starting at Third street will make an
outlet that will accommodate a large part
ot the county to the south of Oregon City.,
The city has appropriated one thousand
dollars and as much more has been sub
scribed by individuals. The city cer
tainly has done its shaie towards the
building of roads out of the city and
when a tbqusand dollars is subscribed by
individuals it is strong proof that there
is a demand for the road that should be
met by the county with generous help.
The Enterprise will fill the subscrip
tion list of the Press. If your name is
not followed by the date to which you
have paid, notify ui at once. If any
mistake occurs notify us at once. We
shall be pleased to have the correspond
ents that have contributed to the Press
do the same work for the Enterprise and
we wish to say to our old correspondents
that we expect news sent in regularly.
Some few do it only at times. Back
subscriptions must be paid up. It take
monev to ran a varwr and In InatlA in
,,. - L . , , , , Two Wisconsin towns are wiped out
thi. paper e ery effort should be made by . ryc,one M J
wpsvyour uaca suprgripiion,
lla tlraalaa.
"Oh. yea." mid Mtsa Flyppe, "Mr.
Oaysun ia a nice enoiik'h f. liuw, Lnt h
ought to have hia clothe uiude by a
"How do you know he doesn't!"
asked yonng Tbroggin.
"Hew do I know I I can tell baud me
downs on anybody by tin, way they tit. "
"That means." bitterly solilisinit.d
Last fall I sprained my Ml I'll'
li,nidlifik! some hravy lorna. Tb d'a -tor
I called on aaid at Ibst It was a alight
slrsin and would ion l ''. I'"
grea woise and the dor tor then sail I
had rheumatism. It continued to fro
tt.iPM Mill I I could hardly tfet around to
work. I went to S drug aloi. and the j a f.n mi.h r .t,,
dreggisl reco, ended me tu try Cham. I l"'erl.f laundry
I-..U1..'. I'.ln Halm I tried it and one-: They nt.y drraa , ,
half U.:sl-enlls.ltl.ru.ed... entirely. '"' " '"' " " iUlit J
I now recommend II to all n.y lr.et.ds. j u-r '' -l'a.aiuw-
F. A. lUls-,Mk. Kris, I'a. It la f.-r aUT" Tfr laeu lry m.kr. , ,,,
bv li. A. Harding. 1'r.iggl.t j lad.e.' and getU,n' Saw
Titer ran be no lttr mt a,
dona at iba Tntv. f ' Tour j.
lhe i:xrllraifat.t O.rr. ju,lw,0', UrUf ,,,,,
The rush at tbs drug atnra) still con. I
tlnuea and ilaity a. nrrs of (' pie call b r '
a botlla of Kemp's lUUam lor t h Throat
and Long (r the Throat and l.ungs .,r
the cure of Coiigha, ('olds, Aithius,
IImiii lutia nd ('onsumtin. Kemp's
llalsaiu, the standard lamily fmr I. la
sold on a guaranlre slid never (alia to
tflva rttlire satislactiuii, I'rueJV an I
sr-r "r
a.-,- rr. - v f . - .
Fruit men at Salem say that organixa
tion will bring better price.
The Columbia I the new defender of , jr,mD Tbroggin as he wended hi way
America', cup and wa. launched at ! t"'"7,rd " '',m' lU t; "V" 111
Bristol. K. I., todav. U" to . W '""' 15 '
bext anit" Chicago Tribune,
A street railway etnke has tied up all
the road in Cleveland. w
- ; Thi ia h.iw ri(T. h avea and U rrie
-enries nas cnaiiengea Miarkey lor a'loi.k at about the time fr the biuve.t;
toeb. jThe ct.ffee tree it an evergreen idaut.
- In. I... ... . .,J1 .
jtui or i; i.t j lilgn. Jt leaVea
;are a dtirlc. shiny r.i n on the npts-r
tia ami pnier nniernent!i. riiey are
Monday June 12.
Paris cheer the president of the re
public. The Kaiser is against arbitration at
the peace conference.
Alaska grand jury says that the school
money is wasted there.
Stewart river Indians are starving in
The 2.rd commencement of the Uni
versity of Oregon is held this week.
' General Freight Agent Campbell and
bi. son fall In the river at Astoria.
Tuesday Jnne 13.
The Second Oregon sailed yesterday
lor home.
Germaky is hostile to arbitration and
theie is great danger that this much
desired principle will be rejected by the
peace conference. It is hoped that the
law. and customs of nations may be
modified bv the force of civilization.
Kbuceb has pushed the matter to the
limit in the Transvaal and unless he
backs down it looks as if England wilj
be at bis doors in a short time,
Foreigners are not allowed any privileges
in the country and they demand citizenship.
Thb Oregon regiment has made a
record that it may well le proud of go
ing through as hard campaigning as any
troops on the island w ithout a murmur.
The fact that they leaye sixty-two of
their comrades on the inlands stricken
by fever or in battle is some ev idence of
what they baye gone through.
Tub Courier-Herald tells ns that there
is a scheme on band to boycot that
paper. Tbi. i. the first time we have
beard that anyone paid any attention to
it. Mr. Cheney takes peculiar methods
to advertise bis paper and this Is one of
them. He talks about the great influ
ence he and his paper has, it must be in
some other part, of the country. The
only attention that is paid to it here is
for the better class of citizens to stop it
on account of the anarchistic sentiments
expressed especially concerning the boys
at if anila. This same paper has a great
deal to say about reform and working for
the common people. Let us see how
consistent he is. When he was forced
by republicans to do the county printing
at a reasonable rate, he put in a bid to ,' jor.
do the work outside of the tax lint at a
reduction of 25 oer cent. Does he keep
to his bargain? No. He is still charg
ing the old price an inch for elterir! Philippinea,
saies. And tins Inend of the people
pays the lowest wagea probably paid in
Oregon. Fifteen cenU a thousand.
What he charges the poor man that is
sold out by the sheriff!.'! for he pays
his help not ten cents to set. The county
docs not pay for the sheriff sales and
this reformer intends to make this ex
orbitant charge thinking it will not be
known. Then this man who doe bni.
Dewey will not stop at ports having
the plague in the Mediterranean.
miniatry tender their
The French
Ilaupt of the canal commission say.
that the commission is only a device to
delude the people
Alex Dixon a fisherman was drowned
j near the jetty w hile fishing on the bar at
Wednesday, June 14.
Oregon troops will come by way of
I San Francisco, but may not land there.
Herman, Neb. is nearly destroyed by
a cyclone.
One hundred person are killed by the
storm in ' is. and 200 injured.
Two steamers collide off Long I'ranch
' arid one sinks, all her crew not accounted
The Iowa Is docked at Port Orchard,
on the Sound.
Oregon is to have a gun captured in the
The international yacht races have cre
ated more enthusiasm than any other
Anglo-American event. Both countries
are building yachts for the race next new on these methods talks about the
aummerfor the American cup. Let us I influence he has and bow he is working
1 11 1. il !11 1 I .
nope uiai mere win oe no more scenes for the common people. He
like the last race. There is no reason
why the affair should not. be a pleasant
A Massadhusetts man will engage in
deep sea fishing off the Columbia.
Oregon Medical Society holds its 25tli
sesssion in Portland this week.
Thursday June 15.
Filipinos retreat to Imus an inland
fortified town.
five or six i ii hm tlg nU, fr, jwo
three inches wide. Flowers come in
fragrant w hite c liiht. r and give place
to berries whit h win n ready for gath
ering are a deep red. It tiikeafrom four
to seven yenr to bring a plmit to bear
ing. Th Hull. la..loa.
Customer What is the price of thla
calico f
Salesman .Sixteen cents a yard.
Customer Sixteen cental I'll girt
you 13.
Salesman Yon misunderstand m
I aaid 0 cents, not 16.
Customer Six cents a yard I H'ml
I'll give yon 6.-Diston Transcript.
In the northwest province of India
goats frequently eat without any 111
effect the leave and green tem of
the "akana" or "madar" f AsclenUa '
or 8aIotropla gigantea), the milky jnlca
of which ia an acrid poison for human
Money to loan
HiiH.ia A tiairriru.
at loan! rale. I
rv'"' ' '
f aj
To ( ere a ( old la Oar Oat. 1
Take l.aialivp llruniu (jmtilna Tablets, j
All druggist refund money If lailatuj
cure, h'. Tito genuine has I,. 11
in each tablet.
fa.;..s s4;v ; -v
1 WWW at U
h i .. v, a y
Where the Oregn troops will land is
yet a question.
is con
stantly talking about, bis circulation
when he knows that what he says is as
far from the truth a. bis case for reform.
Claml died today at
8am Simpson Oregon, best known
poet l dead.
Hon. R. P.
Lebanon Mo.
Grand Lodge of Masons meet in Port
land tnis week as well as the Indian
War veterans and Native Sons.
A vlvarloua woman's
fan ran frrqnrntly
apeak in more elo
quent Unfit than
any known to
the lunatic of
Wtr'Tw n",n f"
f '. a s-"? invite or repel,
EL'" "'rCTl 'a-1' or wle,
".V ff. tl.ll.rhl. ....
Ca psinn to
tatters or hum.
bly seek for-Bivenrss.
It can also Irll the
story of health A
woman who suffers
from wrnknrsi and
diaeaae in a woman
ly war sit in sorrow
ami fletrrlifin uOuL
her hralthv sisters eniov thetowk. i;t.
may foe Haltingly beautiful, nitttitally mtrar.
tive, naturally interesting and aniimtlrr
and witty, but the demon of ill hr..lth
gnawing at the very vitals of her womanly
nature, and ahe aoon become a withered
wall flower in comparison with her linghtef
and more healthy sitters. Nr. Pieree1
1'avorilc rresrrintion it, a wornl, rr,,i
cine for women who nttffer in this way it
acts directly on the delicate and imi.ort,.,.
orcsnaeoiireTiirfl in wifehood anr ntlli..r.
jiutu. ji lon- a anu nuuus up the shitttereil
??ivr;, ll J1'" K1"w of health to
the pallid cheek. It gives aprinKjnea and
trip io the carriHire. It mukr. ti. .
park l with refttrninir vivacity. It im,.ir,
animation to the mien nnd geMnre The
fan that long lay listless and itllc in the ,n
of an invalid again sotaks the element
lanBllatfe of a hralllty. harm.
Thousanda of women have tesiifed to ti.c
marvelous merits of thia wonderful inedi.
" For leyrrs year I suffrrrd with prol.t,,
lk.au H-.tney. jm.-rw.n Co.. Mi, "tutr l,i,.
ilyphyatetan tretr. me for kidnry trull a t
everyt.iiK civ; but the riKht tliinir I
hsndi and fret clcmmy and eld, tttoiiu.. h wr('
i.c.ih,,...! (,i uie limn..
prove r'Kli: y.
M. tiallagher, of llryan. I'a,
' For forty trait 1 have tried
Various cough medicine. One M hUle
Coiigli Cure la U-at of ail." Il relieves
instantly and cure all throat and lung
roilhlea. (ir.0 A. 1 1 A Kili.
Ianle Williams, at the northeast cor
ner o Center and Seventh street, haa a
choice and aril aelectetl alia k of fmily
urueerie abich he ia .-lllng at tery
reasonable rate. Ilia motto I "live
and In live, with honest weight and
measure". (jouiU delivered to any
part of ihs city.
Toe Homeliest Msa I Orejroa City.
A well at the handsomest, and other
re Invited to call on any druggist and
get free a trial bottle of Kemp' lUlaam
for the Thrtait and I.ungt, a remedy that
it guaranteed to cure and reliev all
Chronic and Acute CougLa, Aatlmta,
llronchili and Conaumptlun. Price 'iV
and 50c, i
Very Satisfactory.
The increase, in out k
lnl aras.ni wa Verr
lory, wlm li i rtsYltii
iflt s, tli p-itilal.lr jrli
niurtci'iis, tiarc tfr'.
urc ai.i.rit iatetl l.y lb J'
We will make it better
this M-asnii than lad
caniiiil jfivc Vtl is-t"er V
titciit, hut w''ll (jiveymiK
valui-s fi.r your Julian
yttti i-vcr not In-fore.
U .rtjUrt for "Tlit Hiory t, ir, ,
I'hlllpplttrt- bv Mnr.t 11.1.1,1 . ," I
IiiiiihI by the (loveriimeiil as Olth lal 111,
lorlan In tlx War lptrimrii. Tit liook
was written In army raiiitn t H. v.,...
clico. on i lb I'ariflo with (itn.ral Merrltt
... .or no.iiiai a( Ilnnolli o. ln l,lh-
hoii-, In Hit American lnrhM .t u...o.
in tha liiturirent cam pa with Agulnalilti. on
.i..r.i.i in wiympia llh l'ey, arid
In the roar of hat tie at th, faili of h,,i,
Iktnani for agai.u. Ilrlmfm of oriatnai
picture laksn ty loy.mm.nl photo
graphrr on the .,,(. .ttl, r ,
pricra. Iliac prollia. Kreighl k,,. rreitll
given I)rupilir.hy unoitMal ar
Outlllfrea. Addrr... K. T. Ilartar, HeflV
Htr lusnrinr lll.lg., Chicago,
Agents lor the heat machine on earth
Improved New (iootlrlch.
Oregon City Auction House.
A Heautiful Coinpli-xlo,, i, , txmtM.
hihty without g'Kxl pnre I,MMlt ,irl
that only exists in eoim.vtl.,,, with kkmI
digestion, a healthy liver ui.l bowels.
Kail's Clover Moot Tea acts directly on
the bowels, liv.tr and kidney, keeping
them in .erfcet health. p,i,.e .', ft
and r,0 eta. C. (i. Iluntl.y, Drugt.
1 W. ,1,1,1
I Iff. in ,.k
rripiiou'aiid I lx.n to lm-
1 MHvr luL, it tl.,.. i...,, . .
and now I am very nearly well aud am vtry
bappy n. rti."H.il to you." '
iw'' V J"n ' h t"P yom bow(I "I'm.
The (rttlden Mi d:t.-al Discovery " will Mit
steel iri your bai.-Uhone. and li- Ui..r...
I'leasant itlleta will cure constipation.
A Ten Pointers.
1 he recent autistic of tha number of
Wtl,s show that a Urge majority die
with consumption. This ,mm ,llliy
coinmenroaiih.n apparently harmless
whikIi which can m cured instantly by
Kemp'. IliilMftin for (he Throat and
Mings, which iH guaranteed lo cure and
relieve all cases. Price 25o and Mb.
for tale by all drugist.
WhatlsKodol I)vst.eimlf - u ,J
thonowly discovered rei.,..,lv .i
eirective preparation Ver ,,)viw., ltff
"htiK the digestion n, assitnilation of
., ... n...WinK tl.o dttrang,,! dlge.
'ive orgamit,,, natural condit.on. It I
discovery srpttHHing ,nythil t
known to the n.,(icalpror.ion.
Uko. A.IIahi.ino.
Dyspepsia Cur,
Dirjcsts what you cat
nature la strengthening" d4 r
structlngtha nhauated dlgfrtJwj
Rant. ltltthelateat.dlacovereJit'
antanltonla No other prtp2
can approach It in eftlclfncf. J
tantly relieve and rrrmaneDtlT
Dyspepala, Indlgratlon, IleW
Flatulence, Hour tUmarh,
Hick Heiidach,( iaat ralgla, Cram? '
all other reiiiuiflmn'rfect(liit
art . . ' y k.iAif
r-rapgrtq ey r. u DtWIU t''
For sale by Geo. A. Ilsnlinf
E -V. sl J 1 I
u art
'jr v,n
Karl's Clover RootTe'r
. I'-Siilinea tl.n .Hn.le.l..n. ''" 'I!,.
"''-Ulve,a l'rr-.li.t k.irSkln. I
ftS JifllK-Mli.ti. ami .11 l-V1'"1
!'." 'Sin. An nyre.v.1,11. -
"lc. ,, nl,,,,!,,!. M.riileM
IrumUla at arte., ftOt. and I.W.
9- C. WtLt A CO., l"0y' "
am nni'nirTTSt j
For sale by C. U. Huntley-