OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1899, 3 BBJIr.-.-VjWar I'crsonal Mention Mention 1 Lf;il Evei;l " AAdt Ai.ltK. A, Ji Aft H. K..U..U, Iro.n out I'luaaaiit T,r, , )n )(H w.liill.c;lly r.i.-.day. Uti( ..t,rt.tt ,,, Hl y,)()11 ,,,ivi'f llalluwsy, ullli J, M, land HumlMy mt. K vi-Uk'I at HsIhii nvr Hnmlay. ,11 llorlt'K ss nn ol 1 1 tt lo itu ,1 low ii ( ilUi'im on our iIiitIh j ri-r- (. t Curvy, ill I'urllsnd, as In (own ,,,iv nlti'iiillotf In MiU"i In ('If i mill. h (', riii'l", mm (il llin stalwart Vnl'V, "I"' " Sioillld K'hmI follow mi ilu t il y Tniy. Jl y Hianrli Tinker mknIii (rum out ;uirr ay Monday, Irellnif and hni hali and Ii'rty . M'-wa't ttil llili'tik ViU vli , ui nty laal MuliinUy, lx.ii. k i,kTf mi I'm Alton. I.nntf, till" ( llm IniiifM-nlalivH i of Oawegil, ttaa doing ,n ii, e i iiy Mondy i, ;, A. MHI'T Maa elected grand r nl Ilm Native Hun, it h nieHmg Kr.n l Mm tills, oi'k, V. :Mla, una ol Clarksmsa' lepra- Luvk Urii.rr saying "wU," U )irtm Ciiy friend yeaierday, . . 11- ..... ..I K. Ill, I TKIil'i utm in i'jii iiif w iiri jUnlial if u ulliillnl, railing oil Liron t'lijr Iriond Monday. Maika, aori nl Coiinly fotiimia- Vr llarka, iciii Irom Amur ,.y nl t -li 1 1 ii In liuainre matin trlly. i, I Mra. J. W. Kmni, ol luytuo, intliKiHy Ui Mimlay atii-iiding Riding ol Mi I-"t' iter, Mia H. Iluiat one. ol Aiit'iia' 'ii nil' ,lir nieti m In ll city Tin Itrv (Hm-ik Ui Huii.Uy united in limning.! H UraliauVs rliiir.li, all mll oil', Ml- Ji-t.nl.. May ami J W. .Miller, Mr Callintlnt I-mtt. an old (lm tn. iliMll ol Orr,,, C,y died '0M(IIM Tueaday. Tim remain Hen. uki-n to Canl.y .,r ImiUI TliHi liiiia wi-dding aiiiiivi'iHurv o Mr and Mi II, Y Cum im iuri"! Mou.luy Slid lliw lx nt Inn Ha I'i-Ii IhmIi.,1 ,y Inl unli-riiiu ol a iiuiiiln-r of lln-if Irli'inla. A iii"l injivlil turn r u 1 1 ) . Mi. Flunk H. llu i lium nil I Mi. a Kln llyxia Hrii mairlml at tli liumn ol tl,n l.rl...' iiaionl. Mr. ami Mr John A, Hvrra, ol CUi Imiii, on Tlnir!ay, Jnnn l. Jhldi. (rv. IiiIiiihii I'aiki-r olliil-altnK. Maiuifnf Ifirlitmaii, ol llm httr Cl.tli. liiil II Hint, n-iurl that ii. oiM'iiiiig In ftMilio,ii,i, alnini tl.ri-o week do da flij iyci a vi ry tilac l.iry trailn i-nt lint Ki-ntiial il.illm- in IiiihIiikm rlrcli-a and IiiIcikI a.Mii largrly to 1,1 alix k imi. V. Miration, an rmnloypii of Ilia Cron mill lial onn of lila arm liroknn Him, lay luoriilng l,y falling from alialt l,rraia a aljiiim( a Ix-lt Hal lining dimly ami will um I out gain Herniary J. A, Diimmat will rori'lui't aurvlci- at tlia rugnlar 4 p. in. Y. M. C. A. untitling Htimlay In the nnw building. Moth limn ami wouu-n cordially Invited. The llrat Cla4:kamaa county trwlT rina ol tint aaon ml tlittir ii4aranr In Ilia im!I inarknt Mumlay. Tliry camn from ovm on Hid (Markamai rlvr, It, V. Lniwn liaa iurliatif I lie (irmariU Iiixat maikiil on Kuvwitli lrent niar (Vnit-r and took jnairalofi of lint auiiiii Mumlay iii'irtilng. Mr. Ilrown la j n MTuifn,,il liu'rlifr and will roiidui'l n lli"t i U" ali "p. I'arftiia and friiimlaol I Im On-gon ('ily lioy now Mivin Willi II'" Hucond Or gon ai'tit llii'in a ralili'Kmm iin-vioua to ilii-lr e.iilmrkifig for lioiutt n-im-atlng tliciu to vol U) ri'inrn limmi !y way of I'orlUml. (!. W. I'lirri'tla lm I) in cli'i lnd an-r. liiU'ii'li-iit ol tlm Mount Tlor acliixil. Mr. I)iirn-tt Ifgan-arliool ork in Orw goh In 1 H!5, hi llit ai liool U-Ing ln-rn Jn OrfKon City, and lio liaa lin vry active In itduralioiial work l(ir, liia k'-rvlrf lH-ing inurli In di'inand at llio varloua ti-ai'lifra' inMitiilca. Mr. Iwi llinllirlnk iiiii lat HViliifmUy of Imarl liM at tlm homo of lirr aiir, Mra. Vo, at Wilaonyillo. I)ceic It-avra lnil,nil and five I'luldrrn. Funeral Tlir wrre Iml'l Friday and wirn largnly atlttinlfd ai alie had lived in tlil vicinity mot of lier Ilia and waa lilglily eitiintl a friend ami iiiiiglibor. The lry ol Km (HMliuaotrr at flrn g"U ( ly, Drt-gnn lia hi-rii raird to II, WW, Tlm alary i on the mount o iiiinim-M il.me Iiy tlm ollirr. I ! )rr llin itH nijil t,f x ollirn Wir i.inra turn m In llieclly Tm-a- j '""I V-'!. Ilm rTfi,t o llu otliitt 'a truing on Ma wy iiumo i,uio a j """w 'oanna . ia roimiainiy guar !rtiland. i"g. Aaitiit liirn I Attorney Ililllirk and Juditi Si'IhipIh-I wrnt up lo Canliy Hnii.av wlirrv Mr. I'iinirk ,rooi'ni i a li I nit Jiiln d Wail again! JaiiiK Floyil whu waa airiiMd of tiling a ln ri Tliv 'ratiuioiiy wa (iri-tty atrong lnt llitt id I and ha aaalxniml ovrr to lii granil jury. . I li. FUi Ii and rlitldrrii li I ;. ii-f.y for t'ludialli, U'ati , lr.i!i li I nuw iiik'k'id In Ilia b a'l Imairira. . and Mi. John It. Ilnmlrr) i,nl Viliit-a.Uy fitun Iduir I luiir, and will rrai'lo In cot nil S'Vnnlli tprl. Il A I'alllP. mlirtlllfl.i'llt of Ilia In. nii acylum at Salriu, raiim uii WiHliirvUv'tuvrt land liialtond m matti-ra In t In tlll rourt. nty (.iim lin t wa rrpiparhlpd In Ilia r!rr ly l.r I lia. 1'liaM whu r L rvry tlnfiat lotplv out ttial way and nlrliratiori lulled lor tlm 4ih. rr. iinllry, tint now airrrlary of O.M.I'. A. la in haliuii lliiawrrk tug w li hi itioll'itr I'revloii to ro- iiiii lil ilulle nrll Moinlay. !;r )tn alieiuled tlm grand lodgit hi i, tlm Maiome Uhllea III I'urt till r. k. llu liolion-d l.y : rtit ted tirand I'alron ol Ida F-aal- ur. irlarv ol Ktat Imnliar rama down Salem on Sunday inoruing'i ovrr and In ruini-any wlih Fili ( nii il, it Ued lflt to ll.rct llii) tl' (r Kaiima liti liorjr. J Irm llen, xiiiialrr at Hpring- r liiadit tlm Kllti-rprlM lelit I'tifi.tay . Il on hi way to i ..; I I. -I ... I.. ! ..1I....I f'lun.iuii: yiniiii imif. iii iiiiaii'i, v a ilelegRiu from bum 1'lnr. f lira h'ngtcr lia returned lo her " in forvallia, wlicre ciixrta lg hut during tho autiiiiurr. Mm wa Miiniiled iy Mi l.auri'llii, wliu vlmt liielld kl llial ilai-. . N'eal and luvid A. Smlllt Ml iduv (or Jtiiii'llon, to go ii tlm Mo ' "Ii nit forty in llct and drive Ave hi feel of wliito fir, red 11 r and Imlni to Oregon City for I'lia. Siaulding. leiii Cal(al. . It. A. Mllli-r, after an exteiuliHl miiong relatlvoH and friend In tlili Hi('iiiiiikl.li Iiy linr llieto, Mina P' I'eelile, retlirimd to lier hoillB In i'liiCity yioierday afterniKin. Salem nmun, Junn 11. . II. Multoon, of Viola, trgn "K IiiihIiiiin at tint court Iioiiho Mull in ion licit Ion wlili hi ponition a uipervimir. While in tint city Mr. I'Niii iileHNiintly reiiieiiiliored tlm tnihe, Muiiipowcr, one of (lie jileaHunt f of (!Umr t'ruvk, w doing hiiHlncaa Iohii Tiicaduv. Mr. Munipower itliutliu hclluvea lie run iliticotint "rye alory" of (Jco. Muoney'i by rl inclici, Nttxt. e tnuny friumia of Mitt Klla llolwrn, uly of this city but now of Tort- will I io (iluaHitil to know that ulie is t'ig In the Firm Congrcgntioual Nil Htul (luring Mm, Hoe lllucb- I'T'a alimmnu w ill have cliargo of the r. and Mra, Thoa. Funny nd grand- lr, Mabtd i'tiacy, luf t Tucmlny fiing for Stockton, ChI. Mr. Fiwcy own here for about four years and made many frlendu during Unit time. ("till own bin liotne at Hurlow and to meet bin Oregon friende again. r. W. P, Hawley, itipcrlntendent ol ICrownFapur milla is now in Ran 'Siii Ihi-o attunding, to the gupttrviHion of new pawr mill which will be built rultvillo, Cal , about mven mlloe 'ti Ijiko Tuhoe, at a cost of aliout ono U niillion dollarM. Work will be com ihced Boon. )utlie Si InieU I in hi olliclal c par ity prraldrilat a wrdding wlurliixriirred In tlm comity clerk' oltlie Tuewlity. Cora It Tawtiey and H'altrr Cotiy were tlm t'flm ipal and tlm groom Hal un der '.'I yrara of ag he wa armed with a writtrn riiiil from Ida mother an Hint iing tlm art The clreii at I'orllalld Heiiacd a great altrai lion fur many of the Oregon City HipU Monday and Tm.hy . lf coin m Ilm children had to he given an opportunity lo atudy natural hiatory the m old gg hut a whole lot went luttnjoat the aaine and they all got llielr iiione) 'a worth. The W. U. C. Auxiliary mwit In the Armory tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock lo ilim'U plan for the reception of our Ihiv" now on tlmir way home fiom Manila. Kepretteutativea of all the diHereiil m ietiea in Ilm city are invited lo meet w ith llii'in. The uaual aert ice will be held next Sunday morning at It o'clock at St. Paul' Fplcopal church, with acrmon hy the lector, the Kv. 1'. K. Hammond. Ii, the evening the Iwght Key. It. Winter Morrla, I. H. ltmhop ol Oregon, will admin ater Hie Ai"tolic rite of continu ation. Service at 8 o'clock. Charlea K. Kunyon, court alenograiih erol thi iudlcial dietrict, and Mix l lor eiice Uliliop, ol California, were married at the residence ol Judn T. A. Mcliridu In ti ll city Wedneaday forenoon. Judge .MclUI.lt performed the ceremony in the preuence of a lew Iricn.l. Kev. D. A. Wattera preiding elder will prt-idde at the fourth (piHrlerly con Icreuco lo be held at the Mothodittt church Suturday evening at 8 o'clock. Sunday morning the pulpit will I oc cupied by Kev. Wattera, who will aluo adiulnlHler tho aacrament of the Lord's auppcr and In Ihe evening Children'" day program. Secretary Of Stale Dunbar and Coin miiihioner lined relumed Wednesduy af ternoon from their trip to the upper Clackutiiaa, whore they were looking the ground over to locate tho new hatchery. The nioMl eultablo "ito appears to he just across the river from the present build ing. Tho board will meet in Fortlund shortly to determine, the matter. Huntley Hroa. have on exhibition in their book store window a silver pitcher which was secured by Jacob Schildamer olf tho Spanish crulsor Cristobol Colon after the battle of Santiago. Mr. Schil damer served three years as fireman on board the U. 8. S. Oregon and was through all the exciting naval events of the late war being discharged at Manila early in May. Ua expects to ro enlist again after a short visit with friends here. A party of Oregon Cilyites loft yester day for Northeastern Idaho where thoy expect to spend about three months on a government survey contract which Surveyor Hands has secured. The party is composed of F.rnest Hands, Geo Swallord, Don Meldruui, Geo. Case, Win Vaughn, Howard Hrownell, and Rutherford Whitlock, of Portland. O'fgon L'llr Xarket Hfport. (Corrected weekly.) Wheat No, 1 merchantable, M cents per bimhel. Flour I'orilafid, fll.3; Howard's !Vt, $:i..'W; Fisher's l:t, .l.li Daylon ; $ I'eacoi k, f l.tX) Oa's In sk, white, 4'i to 41 tents mr buxhel, gray, 42. Milltnir-.lran, 17.00 ' per ton short, $8.(Kl per ton. I'otaloea (1 :W to fl.M ier sack. Fgg, 13 to lo cent H-r dowm, r.ulter Kaiii.h, 30 Ui40 cents per roll. Onions, Hoc, H-r ack. (ren apple, l 25 t f 2 50 per x. Drieil Fruits Apple, unhleached, 3 cents; 50-xiu nd boxes, VaioraUtl( 7c. prunes, 2 o 4 cent ; plum, 2 Ut 4c. liacon llairis, H!i lo H'cerHs; aides 8 to 8,'g ; ahoulders, 7 to 8 ; lard H to 9 Flvext'd k and I)reied Meats Ileef, llve,3 to4','c;h',llve4ito 4,'ichog dreawed, 0 cents; sleep, f4 to 14.60 fier head; veal, dreed 7c, I'oultre-Chickens, old .'l.50 lo t4 00; turkeys, alive, 12 cents per pound. Thomas Thurman, deputy sheriiT of Trov, Mo, says If everyone in the United Slates should discover the vlrlure of DeWitt's Witch Ifszel Salve for piles, rectal trouble and skin iiieas, the de mand could not be supplied. ito, A. IIabiuxo. CT I V K 8 U f. 1 C I T () It 8 WANTKD iV rvrryaln-r for "flia Hiory of Hi l'liillipln" tr Murit llaua'l, conimls lonfil hy Hi H'ivriiini.t a Olflelal II a lorlao lo ilm War I't-pirtiiient. Tlm hook a written In army rami at Sari Fran. ,raro, on the I'arlllo wllli i-rmral Mrrlit, in in noaiiil at Honolulu, In llong Kouk, In Ilm Aiimrlean trmr lir at Manila, in Ilm InaurKtiit r'ain with Afroinal'lo, on llm'trrk of Ilm Olyn,, wilh lrwi-v, ami In Urn roar of l,aui ai Ilm fall of Manila. H'umi.l lor aKenl. Ilrirnful n( onirinal plclorr liken hv guvrrniimiil ploilo Krlmr on Ilm kI. barir book. Iw .rnr, II i K prolh. KrdtfM pall, Crclil tfiven. Iinii, all lrahv iH'Otll'-ial war IxMik. Hull)' fre. A't'lfM r. T. lUroer, Hc'y , Htar Jnauranca Uldg., Cliii K", There is a time for all things. The time to take DeWitl's Little Early Kilters is when you are sutTering from conatipation, biliouries, sii k-headache, indigestion or other stomach or liver troubles. Geo. A. Habiiimo. The Y. M. C. A. Itoard of directors held a meeting Tuesday and dlacnnied the aflalr of the a' Ution. (ieneral St relary Meade banded in his reaigna lion which wa aeceiited, and the a- calicy dlled hy tlm election of Mr. Alfred (irilley, Mr. tirilh-y comes here very highly recommended a an instructor In athletics and general Y. M. C. A. work and Ihe annotation is to Ite congratu lated on securing his services. The action aaiimt the county for f i KM) damages wherein James Warn is plauitiir, rame up in the circuit court on Tuewlav on demurer. The complaint state lhat plaintiff" had knowledge of the defective condition of the road and un der the special statutes of l.H'.iJ, when ever any jterreiri has knowledge ol the defective condition of a bridge or high way and la injured while traveling there on he cannot recover. The rourt sus tained the demurrer. G. H. l'imii k and T. J . Cleeton represented Ihe county snd W. S. I" Ken and C. Schurbel the plaintiff. The Congregational church will cele brute Children's day next Sunday. At II a. in. the children's church icrvices will be held. The illtintrated sermon ill be ( ecial iiiterenl to the young lotk. At 8. p. in. Ihe Sunday School ill render a pleasing program of song snd recitations entitle I, "Our Mission" j This Is to le made a children's day ; supreme. Not alone the children of our school but all others who are not en- gaged otherw ise during the morning hour are cordially invited to be with us. j The Sam T. Shaw company are play-; ing an engagement here this week and ' giving splendid satisfaction. Their re- j pertolro Is an extended one and em braces all the favorite standards. The company includes 23 eople and they carry a full brass band (or street con certs, and an excellent orchestra. In spile of several counter attractions this week Ihe company has played to fairly good house and have made many ad mirers. The bill for tonight will lie; "I'iuk Pominos," a rattling furce com edy. Tomorrow afternoon the company i makes a departure Irom dramatic work j an I will present that vaudeville bill ofi which so much has been said, and clou- j ing their engagement tomorrow evening ! with Kdward K. Kose's Btory of Wall j street struggles "The Westerner." j I'robute Court. ! In the matter of the estate of Teter Taylor, deceased. The final report ol Fdna Taylor, as administratrix, was llled June Ot It and approved and an order issnud discharging administratrix. Grand clearance sale, below cost, for i ten davs onlv on everv thing in the millinery line at Miss Goldsmith's. j For Kent. Furnished rooms pluasantjy located apply at this olllce. J. A. Schear, of Sedalia, Mo,, saved his child from death by croup by using Ono Minute Cough Cure. It cures coughs, colds, pneumonia, lagrlppe and all throat and lung troubles. Gko. A. IIardiku. 4-OUKTV WAUIIANTN. XS'ti pay premium for wart-mil wild It will b your I n I exert t to It'ct our price before veiling. i iir.ii i.m: oroitiujo.-v Trv Beautiful Skin y LsfJigg If X "U denlrsstranapsreiii, clear : and frear, complexion, Use Dr. Bourdon's French Arsenic Complexion Wafers the only reliable bt-aulirier of Ilm com- pinion, akin and form known. In ths I (llrerlioii lor which they are inti-rulH, their i elli-cl U' simply magical Tlm moat '. uniiiilinK Iraii-formaiion In eroiial ap pearanee la l,roii(hl atfiul hy their ateaHy ii mi. 1'm-mIii the WIZARD'S TOUCH In prixtuchik' and preaerving beauty of form by ur-ly developing a irsmpireory and iiellucid clearneaa of complexion, ' hMly contuur of form, brilliant eye, , oft iiikxiIIi akin, wlirre, by lia:ure, Ilm re- ' vemeexinta. Kvrii llif coAHniar ASD Motrr sri i'ijov "Kis marred hy xi.r.a, moth, hi.ai mirtl't. riMri ra, and vt m i. vn Low as ii aci.i.v Kl, and other ri itl IHtrioCkratxT, are iierinanenlly removed and a tlelicluinly clear and rrtlned cum pleiion aure.. enhancing a lad)' lovrli liraa bryonrt her rnonl exiravaKint expeo la'ion. Ijitllra, Von t'mu be llrwiilHul, j i no mailer who you are or what your di j llgiireiiietit nmy he )ou ran mike your-1 elf a liainlMiriia a any lady in the land hy the us of Dr. B:nr.3i'i Arssaic CoejIeiIoi Waren ! 1'aeil by men Ilm reaulta are eUlly fa- j vorable. I'rice, small box .V) rent. Large ; vii $1.01 or special order of nix lara boxea I VViJ Hen I in any addrrna under plain rover on. recripi of ihe above amount. Write for circular. Till: 1MKIIAX lIH Ca O. I'll MontKuincry Sireel, San Francisco. OABTOniA. Baart tU f VfA H Alairl fcajH Bifutsrs DO'TOl" ISOVT. Cons.imptlon la preventable? Science) I its proven that, and also that neglect Is) suicidal. The worst cold or cough can be enred with nhiloh's Cough and Con sumption Cure. Hold on positive guar antee for over Dfty years, C. O. Huntley, Dunggist. Wbst you want is not temporary re lief from piles but a cure to stay cured. DeWitt's Witch Ifaxtd Salve cures pile and they stay cored. Uxo. A IIamomu. FARMERS . . . Your team will have the Lent of care and Full Measure of Feed At Ihe City Stables. W. H. YOUNC, Prop., Bitwaaaorato W. H. CoOk Livery Rigs on Short Notice. Telephone No. 42. GREAT CLEARANCE SALE. We realize that the nummer eeaoon in our lineofgooda is nearly over and not wishing to carry any stock over for another season especially as we need room for our Fall and Winter Stock which is now ready to he shipped from the eastern manufacturers and will arrive about July 10th we will sell all our .Summer Stock ct MANUFACTURERS PRICES. Clothing Striclty Furnishing Goods. . One Pries Shoes, Etc. House. We call your attention to our line of Fine Pants the best in the city and will be Bold at coBt of manufacturing. Don't miss the opportunity. A new Btock of Ladies and Children's Shoes have just arrived. Prices and quality cannot be duplicated anywhere unless at 2o jer cent more than our prices. The SStar Clothing House. Harding Illork, opposite Commercial Hank. Oregon City, Or. A. IIEtllTM, .Vlanaser. Pure Tea in packages at grocers' Schillings Best BELLOMY & BUSCH THE HOUSEFURNISHERS. How Can I Drape My Lace Curtains has been the Question. This illustration "hows a Ruflled Ilobhinrt Curtain with Point do Paris lace and insertion and shows what a handsome effect can lw produced at small cost. Rullled curtains should be used as sill curtnins, not hang ing over nix inches lelowsill, making a graceful, stylish, wash able and inexpensive Drapery. Hemp Carpet per yard. Wool Carpet light " Wool Cariiet, heavy " Ingrain Wool " Ingrain Woi 1, heavy " Mil'. IT sir il. r j . i i r. . init,i .11' ItMl M . J. 4M. I ir TV' K i. i f Xtv Novelty Curtains With every purchase of at least one pair of Lace Curtains we give a little picture showing a simple but rery artistic style of draping Bay Windows. Prices of Novelty Curtains $1.50, $2.50, $2.75, and $4.00 per pair. Strange as it may seem there nttir has been produced But One Carpet Sweeper that has (drtn entire lattafaction to both DEALER and USER, THE "BISSELL" FOR TWENTY-TWO YEARS The Acknowledged Leader on the Market, Constantly Improved, Always the Best, Every One Guaranteed. The Habit of BuyingCarpet at Bellomy & Busch's store It is a good habit. It is a rapidly growing habit with all Clacka mas county. It is a habit by which thousands save in their daily and monthly and yearly It is a habit that becomes more fixed the oftener people buy here and the broad reason is satis faction. Teople are satisfied with our carpets. Feople are satisfied with our prices. People are satisfied with the ways of the store, its manners and methods. r ai I v. j-.i. v ;j-jt.t. 1L..?V?f.-;.4..-..f t CA Matting 10c. per yard. Hammocks from 75c. i to 54.75. This is a good store in which to spend dollars, if you have them, and thousands if you have them. But it's an equally good store in which to spend pennies. No advance in our prices.