Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 09, 1899, Page 2, Image 2

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I larst Mwa.
CL4H, Janr A (I. K. l.ihhs, of Msl
Ijiiicallciiilrit ihe Ornf! merlins hM at
llili pl.ee on Kslur.lay lt
Whrat has Wn lavorablr aflWUnl by th
rrcrnl tlrmitlil, ?) hut (he oat llrMa ar in
poor rtniditlon .
Emil lUiiti-niillfr haa (font to Mllaaukl
to work in a variable itardi-n.
Tom Curran anil wit of Kelso, Wash.,
ra visiting Ilia latter paranta at thia iIsp.
. C IVan, who baa brn working on
Columbia rivrr ausmbost, riurnd last
wrk with a badly crusbtxl fool,
Clarcur SirTtna, a oldlt?r boy who baa
bn stationed In llsaail, la with ua one
Irs. V. C. Moor and Mrs. It. 0. Cor-r,
wr visiting friends at Mulino, on Batur"
day laiL
Cari'i, Jun 5. "8o tba moon aba got
full and the star wrat on a irr." If, a
lb alatuaiisc a.vert.. Hits bodiaa control
tba wrathsr, rrhap it prraant lnliiiprai
condition may b tbaa accuuntad for. Tba
outlook ii rather gloomy for crop; but
an entire failure it hardly possible In Or
(ton, "lumps and meulei hsv been vry
prevalent in this community laialy, and
. noit ess are quit sevr?,
A large party of lunreyort and assistants
frere out from town last week, mleavoring
(o locate a route for th new railway.
Bopervisor VI. E. London and bia craw
.-avbnbuf the past few dsrt blasting
owl stumps on tba Molstla roaJ. Some
Iiumena onea hare been thrown out with
comparatively little damage.
Tba wedding of V. R. Miller, of Oregon
City, and Slis Jennie May, danxbter of W.
W.May. wilt take place Sunday eremng,
in lb (irabsrn church at 7:30.
RtuL5D, June 5. Ah there! Plenty of
dust here, but it baa lota of water aqueeted
into iU
Gardening ia in the last stage of develop
ment. Potato planting la moat over.
Red land is gong to be right in it for the
neit few weeks to come, with Children's
day eiercises in tbe M. E. church, Sunday,
June 11; union picnic, by the Sunday
schools at the Little Clear Creek bridge, on
the 21st; Teachers' Association, on th 'Ii;
and th 4tb or July.
W were treated by a most eicellent ser
mon oy Ret. L. Davis, at the M. E. church
Sunday evening ami by the milliliter ol th
Presbyterian cburcb at Bethel at p. m.
B. F. Linn oar sawmill man, who bas
been very sick at Oregon City ii able to
come home, to th delight of all.
Wm. rJprrgtie is erecting a new granary.
It will be quite an improvement to bia
Our cemetery is being treated to a new
board fence.
Miss F. W. Sprague spent Sunday in
Geo Spruce, jr who has been in Portland,
is at borne enjoying an attack of tbe
Stafford, May 2a Grain is being put in
in tbe mud.
School in Dist. No. 41, Mrs. Rinearson.
Uacber, will close this week. A school
picnic will be given in Gage's park, June 2.
School wood for the turning year has
been delivered in tbe school yard by Chas.
I .arson .
A. M Holton accompanied by bis wife
and daughter, returned to tbeir bom on
tbe Sound last week.
Mrs. Agnes Howard and children will
soon depart for their homestead on tbe
Columbia Washington side.
Wm. Jester is firing on a lower Columbia
J. P. Gag is baring some meadow plowed
Th aorrel bad taken possession and ha
thinks by plowing now, while the sorrel ia
iu bloom, tbe need can b eradicated.
Th necktie social in Larson' ball Satur
day evening bad a alim attendance.
Louis SchroeJer run bis chopper tbe 22d
autd closed down lor the season.
John Scbatf jr, has purchased another
bike, the second one this season. One of
tbem bas not got a skirt protector.
Cage's have dehorned their cdws. One
that was very reckless has changed ber dis
position, and other stock fear ber no more.
May 31.-Born, May 25, to Mr. and Mrs.
J. Q. Gage, a nine pound boy.
Mrs. Agnes Howard and children de.
parted for their borne near Lyle Monday,
the 29th.
Weddler's hsve been planting corn. Al
though it is late in the season they expect
to harvest a good crop of fodder.
Jack Elligon is hauling potatoes to Port
land fro m the Popenburg place.
H. Frobase is doctoring to have rheu
rnatism cured by a Portland man and bus
b iconie quite spry again.
Decoration day was duly observed, many
b ling at the cemetery stall times.
Peters' A Co's. Threshing Co. hsve dis
psed of their old horse-power and pur
c:iHed sn engine to take it place.
H. H Baker has bills potted that be will
give a dance in the Tualatin grange hall
next Saturday evening. Music furnished
bi the Priester Sisters' string orchestra.
Tba Frog Pond and Statlnrd schools will
join forces next Friday in closing exercises
at tbe big new school building here. All
day exercises will be given, which will be
both Instructive and amusing. Patrons of
either district who fail to attend tbem will
xuisi an assured treat.
C. K. Larson has purchased a new saw
and will make wood for Mr. riaflron.
O'WKoo, June 7. The event of tbe past
week In Oswego was the marriage of Miss
Gertrude Evans, daughter of Win. Evans,
to Mr. Harry Chapman of bioux City, Iowa.
The couple were married in the Congre
gational church. The church was crowded
to overflowing by friends to witness Hi
wedding. The churrb was a veritable
bowerol lloaers and evtritret'iis. Alter lb
editing a reception was held at the rent
deuce ol the bride's parents at which a
large number of Invited guests wer royally
entertained. Mr. and Mrs, Chapman will
visit In California ami then go to Mom City,
their future home.
I. 0. 0. F. No. ttt held memorial services
Hi their ball last Sabbath alterniHin, liev,
K. V. Smith, of Clatskatii; delivered the
address which is very highly spoken of by
all wbo heard it
Supervisor llavs baa a force of men and
teams at work on th road east of Sucker
Creek bridg.
Born, to Mr. and Mr. J. C. Haines, jr.,
on Monday morning, a fin son.
Mr. Eva Howard, ol Oregon City, is visit
ing In Oswego this week,
Isaao Austin and J. C. Haines, Jr., started
for tbe Columbia Monday evening to flsb
for salmon.
Mrs. Mary Austin wbo lias brn quit
sick for several days Is slowly improving.
It bat com at last spring.
I.ooas, Jun ft. Some of th 'srmers
bav commenced plowing for summer
Wlo w.
Tber Is talk of a union celebration at
Union Park the Fourth of July.
Mr. 6let is hauling Inniber for a new
granary. Mr. Swale ia a proproue far
nr. Mr. Cal Is building a new cellar and
woodshed. Logan is improving In spite of
th rain.
Fall-sowed grain looks well In this com
Mr. Corlea Is still very sick.
Mrs. Barney Fallrt Is xpctd bom
James Hattan Is slowly recovering
Children's day will be celebrated at Logan
Jo Kischen has just finished logging
forty acres of ground.
Mr. Austin started for Long Creek,
Eastern Oregon, last Thursday where he
has a four months' school to teach.
Logan against th world for lad long.
distance walkers. Two of tbem walked to
Oregon City and back last Thursday.
Maple las.
Mafli Lass, Jun fi. Mrs. Fred
Wotirms and daughter visited at Oregon
City Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. Wm. Van over is ill with th w hoot
ing cough.
Kate, Lizzie, Aggie and Geo. Priester re
turned bom Monday from Stafford where
they bad been visiting for a lew days.
Mr. Bradford, of Portland, ia a guest at
the bom of her daughter, Mrs. Chas.
Mrs. J. Dixon and son Guy, spent tbe
better part of the week visiting w ith rela
tives at Sellwood.
Miss Annie Wants returned fronie Sun
day after a week's absence in Oregon City.
Chas. Kmbertord, of Redlsnd, wss seen
on our street one day last week.
Tbe school children are preparing an ex
cellent programme for next Friday, tbe last
day of school.
Mr. Strsck.a former resident of this place,
was visiting at A. Manias' last week.
Mrs. H. Holden and baby ar visiting at
tbe home of her mother, Mrs. E. . Msrth
Some of our young eople attended a pi
social at Besver Creek Tuesdsy evening and
report a good lime.
Rumor bas it that there is going to be a
wedding In tbe neighborhood soon.
Silas Bevens snd family Intend moving to
Oregon City aeon ,
Messrs. Cassidy and Morrison will occupy
tbe place to be vacated by Mr. Bevens.
Shtbil, Jon 4. Johnnie Boh lander
and Barbara Stelner, of Portland, cam out
to see confirmation exercises in the German
Congregational church last Sunday.
Theresa Staben bas gone to Hillaboro on
a visit for a few days.
Oscar Gueutber, of Portland, Is borne for
a few days.
LenaGrosstniller is home forth sum
mer. God f red Moehnk went to Portland on
business one dsy last week.
Fred Kamerath sold a horse to Justice
Scbobel, of Oregon City last week.
Frank Grosstniller has gone to Oregon
City to work on a milk ranch.
John Moehnke, of Portland, bas been
spending a few days with bis parent Mr.
and Mrs. Michael Moebnke.
Will Hettnian baa returned from Eastern
Oregon where be bas been working in a
brickyard lor a few days. "Be it ever to
humble there it no place like home."
Mr. Fischer, onr road supervisor, is push
ing work on the road as last as the weather
Holy Baptism was administered to the
infant babe of Mr. and Mrs. August Bluhm
according to the decrees of tbe Lutheran
cburcb toil ay.
liev. Htaub preached his farewell sermon
in the Congregational church here today.
Asa .farewell, it certainly Is without a
parallel. Not because it was more brilliam
than other like deliveries, not because of the
eloquence displayed; not because of the
metaphors snd hyperliules that usuall)
adorn like deliveries. But because it came
from the innermost depths of a soul whose
only purpose in life is to uplift fallen
humanity. That kind yet earnest look,
that sincere expression of countenance,
those ringing tones, yet tinged with sadness
itave evidence of a sincerity that languag
fails to portray. And when the hour of
parting came, when the beloved pastor and
bis noble wife bid farewell to all present, '
many an eye became dim with tears. Mr. i
Staub lias been pastor here for nearly ten '
years. During tins time he has led his con-I
grt-gation out of a bondage not excelled bv
ancient Romanism to the li'ht of Intel
lectual freedom and true Christianity, Ho
has purchased s home in Sunnyside, near
Portland where he intends to spend the re
mainder of his years in peace.
. ' . . . ..'"-! ' ;
P S tssT-sssra as W J Th, s,nr luaast If. i i - -
If you are young you nat
urally appear so.
If you are old, why ap
pear so?
Keep young Inwardly; we
will look after tho out-
You need not worry longer f
about those little ttrests or
gray; advance agents of age.
Th Smart loaaa; Wlf.
Young Mr. wn.l Mr. Smith vfurd pre
pining to itniki' vInII to friends for
f,-w diva. Tin ir hiil')' whs only 11 month
old. Imt wa nil tiniKiiliint Hh-ihImT f
Hi., f.unllv Jne-t tln mm. Mr. Smith
wm up eiiiiis and Mm. Smith down
et.tia., pnttiiuoll InT thing lM K't
Mninidytostiirt. "llul-ly." sIipchIIimI
imt to her Ik Iter half on thu llinir Uivs
pi. in..' I'Hng inn my glovcsl They ri
vi!: on lht drcHs. r. And bring tun my
r.'vcrlioc aud veil and that hut pin lying
in tpof t!i t hiffonlcr and a few of
tlnx.' animal crackers for bahy, and
don't fof"t "'a Imhy's toothbrush."
Tuor liulihy had a hard tlui finding
W) thing his wife) wanted. He was a
Jong while making hla apm-amne and
family his wife- called to him. "What
l keeping you. denrt"
'tli. thiit coiifotindiHl toothbrush for
rubv I I liuvi everything hut that "
Then Mra. Smith lnnghiHl "Ymi silly
dmk."sjild hr. "did yott not know
that I was only Joking T Th Imhy.
hi. her dear little heart, hasn't a tooth
to her limn. "
That was why hubby got eo mad and
"snid things" as hn was coining down
stairs. A limn new like to have a Jok
played on hiiu by hi wtfo. i'itUhurg
mill surely restore color to
gray bsir: and It will also
give your hair ill the wealth
and gloss of early life.
Do not allow the filling of
your biir to threaten you
longer with baldness. Do not
be annoyed with dandruff.
yt'c will send you our book
on the Hair and Scalp, free
upon request.
IsVsYsi I law 0e.
If ynm do ihh oi)iiu ii lh bn
eta yu tip" Irm ih i,f
ihm vtrfur, m. II. 4N-ior sh..i 11.
l-fohsblr Ih.r I sonw dim-iltf
ilk iwi irnrl i.m vhlch
BA h r..lly removed
Aaurau, IH4. J. V. ATr.R.
Uw.ll. slu.
Pre llalrslreaalas;.
Some one said onre that yon could
get altuoet anything for nothing in New
Yolk. This wss bronght practically to
my notice a few days ago, says a writer
in the New York Herald, aa I was go
ing up town on Third avenue. I pasaed
a barber shop which displayed thia
Htrange sign:
"Ladies' Hslrdreaaing Dna Free
Every Afternoon From 1 to 5 o'Clock."
As it was past 8 I was prompted by
curiosity to go in and inveygate. 1
fonnd tba "ladies' " bairdrewning par
lor a neat, cory place, with a number
of chair standing in front of a long
mirror, which covered one side of th
I was fortunate enough to find a sub
ject in tbe chair, who was having ber
hair dressed. She waa a middled aged,
thick handed, respectable looking wom
an, wbo waa going to the inevitable
balL "Doing" her hair was a nice look
ing little woman, the bead of the hair
dreseing establishment, and gathered
aronnd the chair were half a doson
white coated yonng men, watching ttie
process of the Work and occasionally
giving assistance. And that is how the
apprentice or student in bairdreming
gains bia experience, and the clever
women wbo are in touch with tbe trick
get tbeir hair dressed for nothing
The Prlar aaa III Caae.
In the number of The Tatler for Oct
6. 1709, it is observed that "a cane is
part of tbe dress of a prig" (this, by the
way, shows tbe erroneous notion prev
alent tbat "prigglshneaw" Is a modern
word) "and always worn upon a but
ton, for fear be should be thought to
have an occasion for it or be esteemed
really and not genteelly a cripples. "
In tbe number of Nov. 18 a rural
qnlre In town is sketched who la tbe
prototype of one of tbe pavement nui
sances: "Hie arms naturally swang at
an unreasonable distance from his aide,
which, with the advantage of a cane
tbat be brandished in a great variety
of irregular motions, made it unsafe for
any one to walk within several years of
And nnder date of Dec 6 there Is an
amuainir sketch of "a lively, fresh col
ored young man" who was among the
applicants to Isaac liickerstan a court
of censorship for license to use "canes,
perspective glasses, snuffboxes, orange
flower waters and tbe like ornaments of
life." This young man bad his cane
banging on bis fifth button and was
"an Oxford scholar wbo was joat en
tered at the temple." Qentlnman'a
Frosa the Qolcksand.
"When I was out among the hills of
northern India," said the major, "I
had an experience tbat I wonder didn't
turn my balr gray. I was camped all
alone on tbe side of tbe Ganges and
bad occasion to go for tome water. De
fore I knew where I was I had stepped
rigbt into a quicksand. I know what
was np at once and knew tluit I was
gone. As I stood therewith tbat horri
ble sand dragging at me like some liv
ing monster I turned colder and cold
er. Do what I could my teeth would
keep on clattering; though I knew that
every vibration of my jaw was shaking
me farther down into that ready made
grave. Suddenly I noticed that I had
stopped sinking."
"Struck the bottom, eh?"
"Certainly not; I hud grown so cold
from horror and fear -I may hh well
admit that I actually fre the water
in tbe quicksand."
A Helllrus Vaalh.
The boy is still rather to th man. A
certain prominent polltU-sl hustler,
who. like the Ilritish tsr in "Pinafore1. '
Is ever ready with his Bta. showed his
pugilistic taste at au early age.
The first day he went to school th
fsmily were, of course, anxious to know
his impression of the new occupation.
"Well. Sammy." enld his fsther.
"what did Jon learn on your first dsy at
Straightening np and assuming a
Mllcnan attitude. Sam replied. "Fsther.
I learned I can lick every boy in my
class. "
A few day later hi hive of pngiliam
and frequent battle led to hla expul
sion. He came home that day and aur
prisd his good mother with the remark.
"Well, mother, thank the Lord, I hsv
bn-a turned ont I" Cleveland Plain
Arrkarr la a t llr'i Streets.
The military student of Tung Chou
are a conspicuous nuisance They hsv
a way of uniug emu of the main street
I in the city as a convenient spot for
practicing archery, and hsve been
rejx atedly obliged to edge up to th el
; treiue edge of the fis.tpatb to avoid
possible eccentric flight of arrows
Characteristically it never occurs to
! them to suspend operations for others'
, safety or convenience, and minor sicl
I dents must not be uncommon
A hid was bronght to the hitsi the
i other day who hud been struck by sn
I arrow just Mow the ay as he was edg
' ing along the highway lie wss b t
i badly hurt snd proliuhly regarded his
1 Injnry as incidental to the ordinary
j rlks of travel on city street. North
I China lleruld
llrldrs aad IVal Weatkrr.
A Itri tonliride ratlo r like to hsv a
wet wt diling ; It Is held to signify that
all bur tears sre uiw shed and that she
will therefore have a huppy married
life. I know of no similar belief in th
j ItritUh isle.
The F.rza of Simbirsk call th dsy
before the wedding the weeping dsy.
I and the bride and her girl friends weep
I all they can. with the Idea, it would
seem, of getting the mourning of lift
over so that only joy msy remain.
Tbe Uadagas of the Neilgherrie at
tain the same end by sonsing the bride
with water Hoiu Greek tribe hsve a
similar belief in the virtue of a drench
ing bringing good fortune.
II It llada't (leva Saaaar.
"Had it not been the Sabbath day,'
said a Pert Ii sh ire preacher to an elder
"between the preathiu's." "I would
just bave asked ye how the hay wss
selling in Perth on Friday."
"WelL sir." ssld tbe elder, "hsd it
do been the day it is I wsd jest hse
tell't ye it wss gson at a shillln th
"Indeed I Well, bad It been Monday
instead of tbe Sabbath I would hsvs
told ye I bave some to sell."
"Umpb, aye. on aye. sirl And had It
been Monday, as ye say. then I wad
Jest hae tell't ye I wad gie ye the mar
ket price for it "
The elder's certs were at the manse
early on Monday morning, and the
pivacber'a haystack vanished like a
highland mlat
TT TDWRV deceptive disease
'A thousand have It
TROUBLE and flon'tknow It. If
you wsnt (iinck results
you can make n' mistake by using Dr. Kil
mer's Hwsini) Root, the great kidnev
remedy. At diUKitists In liftv cent snd
dollar slZf. Haiupls bottle by mall liec,
also pamphlet telling you how to II ml out
If yon have kidnev trouble. Addres,
D.. K.line, it Co., liingbamtoii, N. Y.
OAS Toniv.
Brt the Kind You Han Alwars Bought
! Blgnstu
V Ttf tnlcNCE
Tradc Mark
CoavaiQMTs Ac.
Anyoiio sending a .ketch and dMwrtjitlr.n mar
qnlrklf aacarUIn our opinion frm wlieihnr '
Lnuihi. tvmintutilpn.
HiuiillMWkun I'hihiih
InvetiLttm Is pr.ihshlr tmUmUihlit. fammntiin..
u'w rn;iij ""iiuiioiiuM. 1 lIulfllMma (in rjilHfiti
lent rrM. OMftst BUimcf for sprurliif tmiimti..
1-nioiiis otssn lurouun Sluim 4 Co. re.:l
sent frH. tlMftst 1
fpn-kil nntkt. without charira. In tha
Scieniific Jliticricaii.
A hsnilsnmnlr lllnntrsted weeklf. T.srvMt elN
enlstlnn of an? ai'lritiai louriml, Torma is
esri lour nn.nl in, L Hold lor all Iwi1..ir.
CO "IBrosdw.,. 8W Y0rt
Ofllcs, ffit F BU WaslilustuD. to. u
fk)kN. ...... 1
in ,,i for or . m,rr
JLfTZ" annul iirrvlaloll iHO It inrmiry,
CjrUuJUli Allt.vr 'Hr you In this.
All Cotm'trrfVIK lmlltli. H.ib.lltiitr. nr. I.t.t U.
Cn.ti.rl.t i amlmtltutn for Cn-tor Oil. IHrrf orlc, l)r.
1 V 11. ,.or Hvrtii.. It W llrtrnilrsa nmt ritwunt. It
r ":;rs r xrr
nmtulliiya lVvrrlshi.r.a. It cure- IUrrli MlM
CoL It r. U.'vra Tcrthlnif Trtul.lr, rurr. loiistlpatlo,
, h.tlrnrr. It Mrimlblr. tl.O IW. rr.ulutr, th,
luLuU .Hl Ilowrl-. hrltbf
TUo Chlldrt'H'a l'ttiuucrt-Tiio .Motlicr'si I rlcuj.
Bctn tbe Slgnaturo of
The Kind You Have Always M$
In Use Tor Over 30 Years.
- m l
Bean's Xcw Book
HO. muw j.uim
..f' "tf. y tt"
V I ll. t t. A,i HIM Jf " (J
J f' n- u iwi. w r
lit. W J Hhi. m Uw9 t Ji U.r Awpm Cf
t n f.) rir II It 1' Jt.i. Mm I.M A Tim. M 1UI r Usual ss s ..HMn
1 -! I'f t lfv. Mm h t )-. I t,4 s4i itm I m p
' 'M-fiurt. Ha s) 1 lHiMsr- I N Abb I 4 f wa sst4 stkf
T.,.'lnl.l e.h.. IoJkiuM. "I ti.'l I I .'I In If - 1 ., i Ml Im
nf IN ll'l ' l ll"M ml l4a4u 1 li mmml f4 -(-
lutaM t aMik, as mr i Mill r.
tl I. utulj lMr4. "tlfl lull - t-.o.ll. ml Mf !.. mm4 Ik mlm m
I hi i tpi. naa . VKki. Ma II blt I, k.) r,klul ,4 . i. Imt mg,m
II r.al h. In ,lil u k4 II M4 kl Ul.aM t ! -" .!.
iMrm i.i.tiu. kn(io,tJw 4 ! m.m i ..m.i Ma
t ' lV I'MI'.II.HT n mk H4 ra.t,( m St h-4. . M Umm. M
Tll' III TUT 1st lt r, a. .... , lk. . , u, ,
Oulll. silk .!. tM, m mmrm ).S . ut ml I. L.L
., ., I -p.-. mm I f Im. .. . I. ,..u.I .(.,.,
I r l t . mm I.,,,,. h. .1 fmrnA l,.l .,
.r.f: '.v.77.r7:t-. "" ,k-
rmt I'lolh llih.tln )
ll.-i II1.11 I. nan llii.'liii wlili m tlil. if , tr.
Ibal r'ull liiUMi. Ilimlins. allh (i.l I r. " if
I fll.la. mmr riH'all.UI Tau A i - "
''Known as the Wobble fiear.n
f' '",'; 1 r ' tl ar t' -
K-;-liiliy n.1,,,,1,.,1 fl)r r,,Ml., o.,u sliitniis. stun rt. sml
IT: V.;, -';-, or ,,,u ; !v,,.0..i.,1 UI,,tl.l.i
"t.on no 0THr.r? macjiinc can do this." ,
rosistiml it r ...rk..il.- f.hl,. l .,.., svol.1 sll shailH
uiii.i s Miiioiini 111 imwiir iii i fl. L. i . , n. ,,...,
llllllillH a lii.ii .. ,. ! ....... 111 u (.(.in, 1,1, nu 4,v(;r lll '"S
Z I m "," ,',07 ' """ 'va. WKlK-r emit mors ' .
xr ,tlN,,,',t "'" i'L'V"'; ', most .stiMsi-mry msi-l.liia on III"'"1"1,
'CirAMl'U.X-'1 ft"'"ra 10 l,,7ya r until)'011"
Or port and WnshH.,,, w,, nrn llK;rp t,,rm ft,,out t1u,m. h
" "r,: ,1'"""T liifiif . atior uBiiiR the "ClUMriON.
Mitchell, Lowis & Staver Co.
First and Taylor Stroota - - Portland, Orel