Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 02, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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frctfon City Enterprise
I ('! Kasrslli HAM-WAV CoMPaNV
(Com li St.)
ml A
7:S A. M.
7 5"
u j r. m.
I 5'
3 '
4 5
8 XJ only to
9 S
I j jo only to
tu r. m.
lyi only to
t'i .
46 MlNUtl tCHIbUK.
,01 imK roHM AKI) HIUHTHIil
TIlMta AITUS llttU
. n tp
.1 ill!
I 41 . m.
oaXHia turf
ut r..iiin Hci
I p Ml,
wilumkiik ru rr.
ran aanaa
j VI in.
a Id
I l "
: lp at.
U "
I 0 "
r 10 "
i" it "
iutimi tai
1 w
t as
I a. m.
til "
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I "
l.T c' ! ava? Imnf t ti 1 1 t n'rtfrl
I , 1 0 I ua aud !' 1 J' u l I la.
IV A hil l I H. -t rt.
. Ci.iMtit. llin Imla on II. V..
1.' Iionan li liatfi lrn o i ll ft r
al Ut l rfp 1 lorl oil 1 iiftla
II. a drl dlililrf Iiiik T. H
frlli r, Iio Will ImiM tlm liolltn fur
l, Tim ollirr Iioiim .ai
L on uf lil. la J II. Wa.krr'l,
II. I'lnkuMrf Mt urr.l that at a I'l l
ti, alii.liia lor tm Ul.f only.
Kin ir Win ttniia K a 1 1 dnllii
1...H of m'otall'iu itajt liliir alataart
t all'lrlrt from ll.o "Jolly rrlloaa"
llan I, all allil a tram from
k iiiali. TI atrlia ofaition ai
inriv rail, aln all lliattan I
fl . aloiit llm (faiiio l tlial nrlllii t
arrr In piarlU'r, I. ill ll.al llm "Jolly
" arm rnixivli drlirr iilavrra
llirir a'liiarli' to w in tlm dmiio !
Ir mm, I
in Ki tons" 1 1 a v a a I ia"ti I
( bat Millrr. tlm rnierpriirig prop. I
nanrr In Willamette. Fall, h j
n Ina llileirat ill lliv oltliat proiii j
I it) ami et4rill)' llm Itieiii
olllm "Jolly rellon'a" t ln. and
a ii'lriiilii baar ball (TroiUld for
at Willainrtten r'alla, near tbe
n. line, Thiaaill be k now n aa tlm .
y hello a lUrr llall droiilnl
Wiotiml la liatuialiy level and bat
''K'nUi illea arm at flint noticeable:
li'i'ii lllled up, and a aerviceable
top la now I'OM'pletnl.
f' oil II in limy . Klli Coin
'Hit l: I iclnriiril to ibia ciiy
lV frmii tbe tiiMir bati'lmry on
Urk.iniaa aliern !m arlit In luert
tl' liiTy and iitermlnr a bellier It
I In moved to another location on
ream. Mr. Kied a at unablii to
If to any drllulte coiii'lilaloii in reiird
mailer and after relieving four
(nun duly, left tlm city liavinu
'I to wail until next Saturday
i in tlm ivimnanv of (lovernor (ioer
ii Ti'trtrv Dunbar be Mould return
ntlinin tlm Iiimi tioll. ,
Mini Talk. Someiblnii that
'I be ilellue ia a wrangling match,
lilt bw ball thrown in at inter-
'') varv tint iiiiimtlnnv. occurred IuhI
lav itl (lluibttonH between solno of
'wn boys and militiamen. F.very
on tlm ground took It upon him-
t'i iimiiirtt thuairalr, and what tlm
' lucked In base bull skill they
v iniiilii up in loud talk and boister-
prcMnioii of dlMsiiiisfiictlon. When
y or three, occasions the wrangling
did play bull, moiiiii fulrly rrmli-
I rk wn (buiu on both sides.
II Hut varielv show was over, and
"ling Hindu, tlm acor stood 10 to 13
Vl,r ol tlm soldier boy.
''. S. C. K. Convkntion. Tbo
,( unniial state convention of tbu
fbitn Fmlnavor Union, wbluh linn
' HeHsioii nt I'orllHiid thia week,
inoHt Inrirelv attended, and
?y interesting ailitir of its kind ever
Hi the state of Oregon. Many pro
"t leader were prtment, chief among
icing Father llndeavor Clark,
'h the orlglimtor of the moveinnnt,
lio is and tins been for years devot
"Plife to the advancement of this
. "" "nog pecpui. iiiu nuiiioer
''Sb'KntoH from Clackamas county In
oucb ai mo nioetiugs was 35, an. I
' Mtii,iiitd niinibor ol Christian Kn
ornrH in thu Hlatu of Oregon 1h 10.000.
t rt id .i .
" '""Hung tnnra waH present a Miss
Orrg.,nCy H111,H , or,ny , r.'
.1 I.. . I ... . .. ....
"'ii aim now 1
Wy, Alaak. MIm IipMii,
Imr M)''t(ralili'a location
Nahlliliil I III) 11 Oregon
lnng in Uiii V
union. Inn
Oregon am;
con vr n lion
l-reanieiii 01 Hi slate union, ami III thi
wdwllon It U inilvrraally conceded tlial I
tlm association could not have diaplayad fj
Jinifctiiit.nl. Mr. Montgomery la
still young man hlanmlf, ami ran work
ltd g-Kxl advantage aa a leader among
young limn and women. Tim nit con
rantlon t onvsnr at Albany.
rvraUhrd Ktrry Wrrk by lb ( lai ka.
maa Alulrarl A Tru.t ( ampany.
A K Orfllln-a to Hi llrmlaiaon, li1.
of 11 l4' of a '4 ac l, 1 1 a, r 2
J M Hrl to G Walnmann, aw'4' of
'i am! !M, H 1, 1 1
A Hri In N I' Horctiaon, & arrra in
J Wlllarlalin
T T lliukliarl loU Hnt4' ofnr;
nil a' of fir"; arc 7, t 4i, rUa;
alao loia I, arc fi, t 'I 1, r 7 A of U
KKlrrnanioT T Iturkdart n''
of i4' ami a'g of ni-', awe 7, 1 4
II A (Mnlth to T T llurkliart, loU I,
2, arv fJ
W II Hmllli to H LalxM-aalnra,
acra In liii k claim, t 2 a, r 2
(1 A tv-liiirltrl to It (iiirnllmr, ID
ai fea In k-c l,t 4 a, r 2
C S Ituolwl 10 U A Kt'liuaM, n'4'
of na' a I, t i. r 2
Nlaia lloar.l to J A Jonra,
IK, I ti, rfla
I. A Alklna, u V lllnrr, of n'4'
ami of nr'4' aiH! t 4 a, the
ACIaik loll W lll'Kliion. H a rra
In r- A, I 2 a, f 2 f
I.' H to M I'elky, of n'4' ami
n', of '4' arc H, l A a, r 2
r T llurkliart to I' H, r4 rr 12, I
r 7 A of C
Wm A lloi-l.i to TT llurkliart,
i 7f
Aurora (ki t I'ell'.aa Inl.'e, Plat
(i M Hiltuer t K (' liiltiivr. lot 21,
la 24. blk f.H. I.la 2. 3. 27. ."SO. 31,
.V. '.''I. bik 2. Iota to 21, blk b
Mini horn ''Q
William A l-'-niflatxl Haiikmi Co to
i M (iittnrr Ma .11 ar.dlota 14 In
41 blk 21, and lota 1 to 21, blk ?4
M:nlborn .' 100
Wm KnitUtid to (i M liilumr, lot
21 to 24. Kk :, lot 7 to 4S, b k
V.. blk 2,3, 27. to IA). and Iota I
toll, blk AA, and lota I lo 13, blk
IM, Mi nt born
TKt'ST f . am tbo oaner of tlm copy
I rifcttil to llm Tburne ayatem of ahMract
iiiileir, for t'tai kamaa county, and have
llm only comi'letr art of aUtracla in tlm
('ounly, can furiiUb liiformation a to
title lo land at once, on application.
Loan, lnvrtiitent,rval ratate, abMracU
etc, Ulrica over Hank of Oreiron City.
Call olid liivratl(ile. Addrea box 377
Oirt;on City Oreifon.
Robbed the Urine.
A tartling incident of bit li Mr John
(,jV).r f 1'biUdelpbi. aa tbe subject.
ia narrated by him as follow: "I was
in a moat dreadful condition. My skin
wa alinoal )rllow, ryea sunken, tongue
riwted, pain continually in buck and
aldea, no appetite gradually growing
weaker day by day. Three physicians
bad given me up. Fortunately, a friend
ad vled "Fleet riti Hitler, and to my i
great Joy and surprise, tlx llrst bottle
untile a decided improvement I continued
tbeir use, for three, weeks ami am now
a well man. I know they saved my life,
and roblied tbe gtave of another victim."
No one should fail to try them. Only
5il(t nts, guaranteed at Geo. A. Hard
ing's Prug Store.
Would Mot Suffer so Again for Fifiy
Time It Price.
I awoke last night with severe pains In
my stoHiach. I never felt so bad In all
my life. When I tame down to work
this morning I fell so weak I could
hardly work. I went lo Miller A Mo
Curd's drug store and they .recommended
Chamberlain 'a Colic, Cholera and Hiar
rhoe Remedy. It worked like magic
and one dose fixed mo all right. It
certainly Is the fluent thing I ever used
for stomach trouble. I shall not be
without It In my home hereafter, for I
should not care to endure the mlTering
of Inst night again lor tlfty time Ita
pricti.-t). II. Wilson, liveiyinnn, Unrg
etlHtown, Washington county, Pa. This
roiiieily Is for buIu by 0. A. Harding,
Patent Record.
"Money to patent good Idea may bo
secured by our aid, address Tbe Patent
Keeord, llallimorc, Md "
A new lino of Huby Caps and Hats.
Mihs Goldsmith.
The KxelleineiitKot Over.
Tbo rush at tbe drugstore still con
tinues and daily scores of people call for
a bottle of Kemp's lialsnm for the Throat
and Lungs for tlm Throat and Lungs for
tho cure of Coughs, Colds, Asthma,
Uronchitis and Consumption. Kemp's
Balsam, the standard family remedy, is
sold on a guarantee and nover fails to
give entiro BatMaction. Price 2oo aud
aliliiKlon Y.I'.H.(J. K. -ii? -- M Pfli'CZJA "'"" ' """ in v-ry
i ... , . , y;, s ' f1 - i'-.'H' '. ""nil way wmi on cow, ana w 10, hr
Iwr -Ifaalni iwolL-cliona o( ?' "flJ T-S i1 ": .....1 .... . .1 !
Iinr clioli. Itnv A. J. J-TS. i Jl aU!F 1- it ...1,1 iri. t.. 1....
ry, ol ll.la clly aa i.lrctml i w 14, tW fFt any. "that yon Lava itot on ao
" ' a . I r M I - . I Trim ThrlM.
uvea al hksg-r- '.T.f y,,T mil 7 r1 i jiick appreciated tin srirewa aa well
rca. because of ' .' f X'Jim ' ( " t"' li'imoroiia saying of the CornicJi
, bring nearer '. VJ. l.S k. r'"try folk. TImth dwilt not fur from
, may hav 1,1- I tSs' W V14 ' 7 f 4 ."T" """ "1 r "'-
An Excellent Combination.
Tha li'aant mrtliol and Wriffli'lal
fffola of tli tvi'll known rrmedy,
hTMi'i' or ll'ia, iminiifurtiirrd by the
CAi.iroiiMlA K10 Kyiiui Co., Illustrate
Ilia yultia of obtalnlnif Hie liquid Uxa
tla prlnrlpli- of iiluiita known to La
inudiulnally laiutlva and ir-M-iitln(f
tlirrn In tlm form moot rcfrrlilii(f totlm
tjit and an'fplaldn to tlm ayntrm. It
la tlm nun iH-rfrct atri nirtlii nlriir laxa-
tl. riVaumnir llm ayalt'in rITrrtually,
I diHlliitf colda, Imauaclira and fcrt-ra
(frniiy yvi prnmpny aiifi rnaoiintr im
to ovt-ruuina lialiitual roiiktlpallon pt-r-mwiirutlv
Ita prrfect frrrdmn from
rvi-ry oiijrctlnnttliln iiallty and aub
aiari' i. and It aotliiir on tlm kldnrva,
lii-r and Imiw-1, witliout wrakrninir
or Irrltallnif t lie in, make it the Idral
In tlm proi'r of niaiiuf;irt tirinjf fltrai
arn ur, aa Omy air plcanant to llm
Unit, hut tlm iniMliulnal qualitieaof tlm
rvmcily ara ohtalnrd from M-nna and
otlmr aromallo plant. Iy a tnrthod
known U the TAMroHKU 1 10 r-VHl T
C'41. only. In orclrr to ft Ita 1-rriellrlal
rffm'la and to avoid liiilutlrn, plruoe
runic iiilx-r llm full namr of tin- ompany
prlutrd on the front of rrrrv pin ku(ff.
aAM raaaiciaco. cau
Vui m by all UiHuina.-l'ika auc. prr built
Tba MaTahllabl.
Home manufactured rnahllgbta and
rauille were in conctant um by the
H-'otib TM-nnHiitry. lioill animal fat
Kav the r.N,ulr.-l tallow, aud the name ;
grer n m-hea a were nd for crni-la
wn K auppiied it aiwi in ima caae. : ,mn(. nnnan;. and a be laid amide tbe
In iiiitkiug ni.blight all the green 1 MJ,r h -ppin tbe nnnal cheftnut 'I
coating of tin- rnhe wn atripped Uotie a g.1 deal of dandruff ia ac
off. but for c-andlo wick a thin "trip cnuitilatinrf ou your m.-alp.' he aaid.
wa I" ft on eith.-r aide of tbo pith to j .! if yon don't look out you'll begin
atrengthen and anpjK.rt it Other wine j ,u,,' That it.-emid to tickle tbe
llm iniitiiifiiciurt) of tlnim two light 1 riiitoiiicr. and be irrinned from ear to
ws Very nimilnr Thin aohMance from
tint rtlabea win n dried wn tied to a i
rod. then dii"l into tbu lolling fat '
aud allowetl tocixil. and thl procen i
wn repeated until the rn.hllght. or !
L'tit. tir '
candle, bud liecniuo tlm druired thick-,
nc In later yrare candlea were made j
In mold Tlm tiipe wn pwwed through
a hole in tlm renter of the mold and j
knotted to pr. v. ut it slipping. Tbe fat
wu then poured in aud allowM to
,, . , . . ii.
! candle tax. were jea oi.hly guarded by ,
' ilwt tk-t.a.t atlul li(tt.l..tl Itl flirt HWaatt '
secret corn.-r from the prying rye of :
Ill" in II' taas'i aaiiaa v aaama
the i xclwiiiiin Thecandli- wero nnunl
ly in ii 'In at tiik'ht In oiiiitonthotite, and
wiitcbiT wire Hwted at convenient
cornrr to give timely warning of any
appMach of thtl Ubl'lUltoU.1 oQliXT
Uuoi Word
A C.m.U Parrot Story.
1 I I. .. l...lv . I . ,lln t..ll in
n loniii'ii inn i in n v.. ..... . ...
r. r...nll .. ...l .. ,,,rrt u M,-h a.,,,1... '
I,.. M.,ir..,t ll... .li.,.L.rr,...lib. hiihit .,f !
obarrvlng at fpipicnt intervals. "I
winh the old lady would die." Thi an-
iiiij el tlm lilnl a owner, xvno sjioko to
her curate nhotit it
"I think we enn rectify the matter.'
replied the good iiiati. "I nli-o have a
parrot, and he is n rih'bteous bird, hav
ing been brought np in tlm wny he
should go. I will b ud yon my parrot,
and I trust his intluence will reform
that depraved bird of yours."
The curute's parrot was placed in the
snme room with the wicked one, nnd ns
Soon a the two hud become accustomed
to each other the bnd bird remarked, "I
wb.li thu old lady would die." where
upon the clergyman's bird rolled up his
eyes and in soli'tun ncccnU added, "We
beseech thco to hear tlx. good Lord I"
The story got out in the parish, and
for several Sundays it was necessary to
omit the litanr at the church services
Household Words.
Itrraard For lb Jary.
Pretty woiiien on trial have a habit
of dressing so na to impress the jury,
but tlm highest type of this art wm
naturally left fur development in Paris
where toilets tiro "composed" for tho
occiiMion. An example of the art wns
In evidence, nt the trial of Mine. Binn
chini, who wiih accused of having dis
posed of hcrhnsland in au unlawful
wuy. "Her costume," says a chronicler,
"was tho essence of outraged dignity
and resignation, tiud nt the kii mo time
of elegance, duo to her position ns a
inondnino FariMentii'. She naturally
was nil in black, with a niitntlo close
fitting nt the waist and a high collet de
inoiigolio. The severity of the low hat.
with its ost rich plumes, was relieved
by her jaunty way of symlioliisiDg her
coiilith nai in tin; triumph of innocence
in that tho left brim was turned up.
sheltering a littlo bunch of peacock
tips." '
A Curd of Thanks.
I wish to say that I feel under lasting
obligations for what Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy has done for our family.
Wo have used it in so many cast's of
coughs, lung troubles and whooping
cough, and it has always given the most
perfect satisfaction, wo feel greatly in
debted to the manufacturers of this
remedy and wish them to please accept
our hearty thanks. Respectfully, Mrs.
S. Doty, Pes Moinos, Iowa. For sa'e
by O. A. Harding
Wedding stationery, the latest styles
and finest assortment ever brought to
Oregon City at tbe Entkbckiss office.
Well, yon a., Mr. Hlcka." Dim re
piled, "ui'Mt piviplu U allna tblljkin .
or what thrj do want, but I and my
old man, we U allua tbinklng of what
wa can do without"
Tahlaa a Walk.
Jnatlce What have yoq fjaay io ao
wr to th charifa of ateallng thla
tnan'a plunk walk?
The Accord I Vk it by advice of
toy phyaiclau, yer honor. lie told tne
to take a lonft walk evrry day. Thi
waa tlm fjrt lonx walk I aaw today, and
of coarae I V k It A man can't afford
to employ a doctor nma be take bia ,
Juntlce The court, bowerer, will
give yon advice for nothing three
I mouth' rest You will take it in the
j bona of correction. Hoaton Tran-
The Urltiab court la called the court
of Ht Jamoa becaure Ht Jamea' palace.
London, la Ita ofUcial bead'jnarleri
A borne will eat io a year nine time
hi own weight a cow nine time, an
01 til timet and abp all time.
"Wearing wiga baa not gone out of
tyle by any mean," tald a New Or
lean barber who bat an eye for tbe od
ditis of the trade. "Tbe only reaaon
why we don't notice ao many of them
ia that they are made a great deal bet
ter than they nw-d to be. Why, eren
the barber get fooled now and then.
The other dar a ccntleman came
lnt), tw rhvp t0 K,.tahaved. Tbe barber
BniNh.-l tlit) job without noticing any
enr. 'Oh. I itui-wt l'vf got balr enongb
to laxt for awhile!' aura be. atill grin
ning, 'ioti have plenty now,- nay tne
irU.r. 'hut with all that dandruff it
m n ... ....
will n comm. nce to thin out Hotter
i,.( ,e Kiv'yon a nice ahuiniKja'
A be upoKe be run hie hand through
tte gentleiiuvn hair and pave it twoor
tllVB hrl ruU. and. upon my word,
, w,i thing came off just a if he
b,,) H.,.a M-Hi d. The Kxir man yelled
iniir.I. r niul the barber aloud there nara-
Bti,.killi out like hat regn He
II . . l
'Iiil.l lllaa It I li'r lav Hill alM la,' M SI Ilrivar H B
K.ur,.j j ui,, ijf0 since then be hann't
ajid a word about dandruff." New
Orleaus Tiuiin-Democrat j
A Irluhtful llliiD.b r.
Will often cuum! a horrible Hum.cald,
Cut or Hruimt. Kucklen'a Arnica Sulve, '
' tbu In-Ht in tbe world, wi!l kill tlx pain ;
. .ill i.
"J I r 1 1 1 1 I V Leal It.
Cure Obi Sore, I
Sores. I'I.ers,
Sores, I l.'ers, Hoil. felons. I
Corns, all Skin Kruiitions. IWtl'ilej
cure on earth. Only 2" cts a box Cure !
lurauteeil. NjI.I by lieo. A. lUrdmg
Money to loan
Hkih.k A Ghikcith.
at lowest rates.
-- "
lbi pltV
tmt (tfll
na .W Uaa, Mm mt u a
adwlH. rr ' J 41. " I" -i.
VtM at aaca kv lllaalrataa Caulnat-FREE.
A. Vxl IN- 1 : ' lA V y
k.ISI. tm,i Ik T S.rri " l
Wo sell Victor, Stearns, Ifambler, Ideal and!
Golden Eaglo Wheels.
Prices for 1899 Chain Wheels $25 to $50
Chainless, $60 and $75.
Wheels Sold on Easy Payments.
Makes Uic food more
frM IUvmi
hnii Qaacr Tr.
The breadfruit tree of Oylon la rery
rxmarkable. Ita fruit la baked and eaten
u we eat bread and la equally good and
nutrition. In liHrbntu, 8jUtb Amer
Ica, I a tree which, by piercing the
trunk, produce milk, with wblcb the
Inhabitant feed their children. In the
Interior of Africa ia tree, whlrb pro
duce excelbrpt butter. It rwtnhle the
American oak, and ita fruit, from
wblcb the butter ia prepared, la not un
' Btf ' . K
declared that the butter anrpaaned any
like the olive Park, the great traveler,
made In Engbmd from cow'a milk. At
ftierra Leone i the cream fruit treo, the
fruit of which ia quit agreeable in
At Table Bay, near tbe Cape of Good
Hope, it a aiiall tree tbe berries of
wriirn hiajck exreueni ranmea. ik ih auin i
lt..4 1. .v.. k..... Tk. ,t,.v.1 t.
low tree abto growt in Huuiatra, in Al
gerla and in China. In tbe island of
Chuaan large quantitiea of oil and tal
low are extracted from ita fruit which
i gathered in November or December,
when tbe tree bat loet all ita leave.
Tbe bark of a tree in China produce
beautiful aoap. Tree of tbe aapindua
or aoap berry order alio grow in tbe
Lorth of Africa. They are amazingly
prolific, and their fruit contain about
8H per cent of upon in. Ladiea' Home
Refaaeat la Take More Pay.
A writer in Ainalee'a Magatine tella
bow Irving M. Scott, tbe man who built
v.. rir,.,, fn.i niu in hi
mhtj Th'e firin WM tbeD iQMlDg tbe
Kaitinaw for the government Donahue
Haginaw for tbe government
wa at the leginlature much of tbe time
soon after Scott's arrival and affair at
the worka were at fixe and sevens,
lirodie, the foreman, threatened to leave
and did leave, and Scott, without au
thority and although only engaged aa a
draftsman, took entire charge and di
rected thing for two week until Dona
hue' return. He introduced ayiitem in
to tbe method and made affairs Tun
along to smoothly that Donahue was
pleaned and made him permanent fore
man. About thi time Donahue offered to
increase bia wages, but Scott thought
over the matter and declined.
"If I break my year's contract with
you," he said to Donahue, "I'll have to j
n Ir A flliaT tpkn iriraliio f irtf-iT trt miT
my contract, and when if. up -on'u!rKh month at I. 0.0. F. Temple -
uij couiracv. anu wuen n a up
bave lo ,my Ule wbat I m worth.
uooauue itjuaeu BKua.iL ton re toe
r. i i i. . . . - .
first man." be said, "that I've ever
known to refuse a raise of pay."
Ittsult jut-tified Scott'a furetught. At
the end of the year he was re engaged
and wa paid jutit four times what Don
ahue had offered him.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
anrt Csia MnnHV. Try tlmt yotj bTj-nrtirlr frm vu apnt
--'' - ordtltr you niui jmj mm m iiwm rtra
mlwlniaaUlllilnniofneaV'iuii vtiueoi uMavracaaia au mmjij
an rtwlt twrona your trmcu.
rthlc!r tni hatrrraa d'Prt fmm I
Wf arttbt latnrr-"! mt.nnta,rtnrrof ctiniairTt
avml hamrw to ht world elhntr thm rntv
mrrvicluftiTely. mk ..tvit?i of v
htrlffat, nurrrT., an low tw Ml and A tyltof
Kcairaakfp tnai wf ui P our fiwdi
fir piaiuinaUon and miAvrmntr wft dUTtra
Cmrlagm m H Mtg Co.
B. Vutt, .secy- Elkhmrt, Indlmnm.
'A n warn
delicious and wholesome
rm no , 9m vnwt.
Sunday Services.
Kit AN IMMAM'AL CHlKUif-Cornat
KiKolh ami J. Q. A'lann eireett; P..
Kriieai J. W. Mar, paiior. bumlar icliool
at 1 A. M., aeekly aervicet every Tlmrxlar
at 8 I'. M. (iennaii arliool every Uaiurdaj
from 0 to 12. KvarytMxIy Invited.
Hiu.i(tKD, Puuir. On auodsy mi ido
10 ao a. a. f.rtry won1 and fimrtb MuDday
Ucrmao termou llr iht a o'clock bim
Al all (Khar nui Knallth aermoDa. Hnnda
Hrb'Md at J JO r. M. Vatper. apolof ttleaJ
tubleeM aod Rcotdletloa at 7. JO r. a.
H. OIr, Putor. Mornloa aarvte at 10
Hiin'Uf Hchool at 10 W. CUaa mtttlnf allot
morning Mrvle. Evaoioa Mrvle at 7 JO.
Kpwonn Learit meetinf riunday avenlnt a
I . 10, Praytr kleetlnf Tburadajr avtalPf at 7:Sx.
ttranfert eordlallv lavltcd.
1. iiouut.jmirrv. Paitor. Hut net al 11 u.and
Paoplc'a Hoetcty ol Chrlallao Eodaavor dimU
Terr Hunday avtnlnf at 30 Ihmaday
avcDlnf praytr meatloi at? JO. 8ata Ira.
Erlrn. . Paatir; J. R. F.Harr AlUnt.
Prcachinf aervlret avary Sunday at II A. V.
and 7 W P.M. aabbath actool every aunday al
10 A. M . Mr. Zi'nmaruiau aupt. Prayer Maatlor
very lburadayvnlof .
Rev. P. K. Hammond, Rector. Hervice
very Honday at 11a.m. and 7:30 p. ru.
Huiiday school at 10 o'clock, btrvic every
Friday evening at 7:30. Other aervicet
may be announced. Ail teat free. Strang
er cordially invited.
grp((aUonal chiirc". Rev. P. Hack, pattor.
Bervicva every Hunday at II A. M. Sonda
school at 10 A. kt.
corner of Main and Eleventh ttreett iv.
E. S. lloliui(ttr, pastor. Mornii.g aerviet
1U..V); Sunday Hcliool 12; Junior Endeavor
8; Y. P. 8 0. E. prayer meeting 6:.W;
evening service 7:30.
Christian Science meetings at Willam
ette ball. Sunday morning service, II
j o'clock ; Sunday school, 12; weekly meet
i ing4. Wednesday evening at 8, except
6ot week of each montb, when meeting
! will be held on Thursday evening at 8
I O'clock.
A. O. U. W. meet every Saturday
evening in tbe A. 0. U. V. Temple.
Geo. K. Califf. secretary.
Rebekahs Willamette Rebekah Lodg
i Va O r.tm arvna-iil a. at. I t. vr b4 r-. A i rv ff
Mitt f iodfrv. aecretarv.
i 1 rf-
Court Robin Hood No. P, Foresters ol
America, meets first and third Friday iat
the month in Red Men's Hall. W. B.
Stafford secretary ; F. T. Rogers, chieJ
Meade Toet No. 2, G. A. R., meet
I first Wednesday in each month at Wil
lamette Hail. G. A. Harding, com
mander. Clackanus Chapter No. 2, R. A. M.
meets on the third Monday of each,
month in Masonic Hall. M. Bollack,
Pioneer Chapter No. 28. O. E. S. meel
the second aud fourth Tuesdays in eacb
month at Masonic Hall. Miss Jenni
Rowen, secretary.
Oregon Lodge No. 3, 1. 0. O. F., meeta
every Thursday in Odd Fellows' Hall.
T. F. Ryan, secretary.
Falls Encampment No. 4, 1. 0. O. F
meets first and third Tuesday in each
month. J. A. Stuart, secretary.
Redmen Wacheno Trite No. 13, Imp.
0. R. M., meets Saturday evening 7 :3(
at Red Men's Hall. N. M. Moody, C
of R. ; Chas. Woodward Sachem .
Multnomah Lodge No. 1, .A. F. A. M..
meets first and third Saturday in each,
month at Masonic Hall. T. F. Ryan,
Mead Relief Corps No IS, meett at
Willamette Hall the first Monday io
every montb at 2 o'clock p. m. and the
third Monday in every month at 7:30
o'clock p. ru. The Auxiliary meets at
the Armory building the 1st and 3rdJ
Saturday in each montb at 3 o'clock p.
m. Mrs. RosinaFout8, president Mrs,
Mary L. Bradley, secretary.
Artisans meets first, second and fourth
Thursdays in each month at Red Men's
Hall. J. T. Searl, secretary.
Catholic Knights of America St. Joha
Bianch No. 647, meets every Tuesday of
the month.
Tualatin Tent, K. 0. T. M.. meets in
Red Men's Hall, on second aud fourth
Wednesdays 0 H. Hyatt, record
Willamette Falls Camp No 14S, W. O.
W. meets 2nd and 4th Fridays in tbe
Willamette Hall. Clerk J. K. Morris.
Lone Pine Lodae, No. 53, A. F. Sc A.
M., LoL'an, Or., meets on the second)
Saturday iu each month from the 1st el
May to 1st of November at 2 p. m. ami
from 1st of November to 1st of May at
10 a. m.-A. V.. Lewetlen, W. M., Geo.
C. Armstrong. Sec.
mi P
Dr. WllllamV Indian Pile
; iiiitinenl will cure Hllnd.
Uleeillnir and Itchtnir
&-J la-
Hits. It absorbti lb tumors.
Li B La
alUys the ltcbhiK at once, acts.
I) a
as a poultice, imvi-s lnmant r
lief. Dr. Wiliittms'lndinnl'ileOioV
tnent Isnrenarcd (or Plla and .
Ing o( tbe privaia purts. Every box 1m
wiirrBnteii. nv ilniitifta, By nmil on r
fflpt ot prlre. ol) cents and III. 00. Wll I liac.
MANUFACTURING CO., l'rP. Ciuvelu& oial?
. For sale by C. 0. Huntley.
wu, who will bu roinuinberml
t i