Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 26, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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Personal Mention
a .- :. :-.il'-nf.i'..
3 Ion. (I. I'.. llayee wss In (aiihyHiin-
p (irlll)lh ss III Iheclty Monday (nun
, (ilmin, la In llm Hly from Msnpiam
In wees.
illUui Woke, of Cancmeh, spent a
t)ii seek st Caiihy.
I'aileraon, In Oirtfuii City dun,
neater Wednesday ,
' CunliHiii, lh i'lui h 4Mi)i( farmer
L ,1,11ml llm rily this week. '
V. Hcrtlaii and wifit, o( Mtone, hi
i ,lnii Hi th i ltr Helurday
. tiii ( . . t kit .r . .
rninsia, m naiiorn, makes
Li ( (lil i lly on ednesilay.
it, harrr, til 1 'Ki, Mas doles' law
nvaa In llm city Wedneaday,
Puney (I, It. Dimlrk was a vlallnral
Iter Crtli, Monday of II, la wee.
. LYkcrson ass here from Canity H.
,V III tli lliteieal of till hoslueas,
haa. Nulilltl tli liverymen, la Mifn.
a lea ilaya mi lila rain h at Needy,
ku. Christ, of N Lre, in domtf
nes III till city during Ida Week.
r. ( smpliell, Il' Harlow farmer,
In our city Wednesday ol llila twli,
Jr. Miiia-, in ."tooiiy tanner aa
j hliailiesa III Ofrgou CHy Wdllrs-
i i ll.iK.-r,, ol (!,,,!,, Wll, ,m ,.ly
' W,m..,,.y, Mr ,,Hff M JiMt(Mi
t'llM.. fr, Ml(()U mlt)n
rvlna ,l ll..r dii.lin.lh liast VI, MP.
I Mr I I u,. . ' ' '
mmpann, llm Tvli'iiraui rn
H.rlf In ,. Hiy , u,. I,, ,,, ,,.
''k all.l Hiuhlu eni,!,,,,,,, hladiill...
on th . r Mr. H, ,,. U ,,.
I'""!."! I. la contract m, II.. i,.rii,,.i
Kvciilnii Tt.l..tri , ,.ri,rl. ,,,
ll.f.ory that he ,, H.(.n ,,, ,
morn f..a.r.,riail, ,iin .a , Tcl-K'-ni
r.M-.rir.r In Portland. Mr. Simpson
l'a many friend In tliia i lly an. I all .
thlpale (or him . successful snd i,Wu
1 1 lo.
Noliininii llcm licrt Shoof II Iiikm IT f ri I lie
,Wk with Kuliil ICiaulU,
V v Vy V
Mr Jolm elker I preparing" lo rmt
Lilly laalilwiH" on hi old plat on
nth street
f. Jil,n (iron, who lives at tli
I ol heventh street I reort vnry III
imiiry A. H. lrrnr rturnr, to
rlly VrxiiP.ay alinr luiairir-M fo
il In Nmlhom t'irgun.
f. ('. J. Wlwlrr, o( Hilarity -nt
t!a) III l rrk vlailliig Mra.
III. .kin at I'orlUml.
M. Ilnrrln art'oiniianiiHl )y Mim
nil, of Turner, rrgnlrlr-l at llir
lini' Tui-aiUy.
I. Ilair, ol .NVc.lr, on ol lli (railing
-naoltliat Mi'tion Ina la a lraaaiil
t li, Kntrrpriaa ollli M'inlay
. A M. MrljiiiliUn an, I rdlMrrn,
"iio.dr, arn I lie Knpata ol M ra H
1 ilton a ml Mra. C. V. Wlncart llila
llrnrr Je! cnt lo Fatrrn
V n a l laia n to viajt ilb lila
ho a aiiilui Id aumrnrr tlirra
ft liralllt.
r. Mr. Mrora, o( t'anliy, lto Iim
aatoral U Id MethotJlat rliurt b In
aa doing buaiitraa In llila
It. (ialloway, who a on ol lb
jr t'liivvraity inUr collrgialadnbalrra,
kn.ling a lt ilaya lliia prk with
pamiita Mr. an) Mra. William
Ilatton, lm baa lii In Kaatnro
n llila arinn rrluiiip.l todrPKon
llip at ol al rrk anj la now roil
lo lila room mtli a apvioe aitai k ol
'ii Irvpr.
a. J. It. NeUkpr, ol I'lirtlaixl,
li a l daya lat Mnk mltli Mr. J
iix-r. NIimmiII atari Ibl prk lur
York City wlu ro aha lll Jmn bnr
Cmilrr la la k from a frw rrka
i linn alotiK tbr) (iltunbia, ami in
nip of aalilnuton. Mr, I'otilpr
llm riiiK llipfo la ri'tarilliiit
i an. I Injuring riu nl all klmla.
i II. lila, minrnpil MoiiilMy Iroin a
' wtoiir tliroiili l.lnn county. I lo
'la titinitii'ia in tin aliori tiiiaiuraa
i jiini now on aiToiint of tb ini'liMii
1 "I Him wraibcr.
li. II.mid Ur) o( MartlnnlxTji Iowa,
ia viniilng the coaat, callcil on lila
Mi'inl roMimaNtur llorton tbla wrck.
Hi'Huii will probalily lix at In lltl
'I Ilia lunntry.
ml Mr. Win Howell rnturnil
fii rity laat FrKUy from a werka at-
'in " at tlm I,.Hrf lixlu in Halmii.
Howell wan a'M)liilinl Krand cb
'f tliu Itubei ra aaaninlily.
Allen Kllawortli. of IWtUml.
to tb yoniiK lailiea of tbu
lull of tlila city laat Saturday afier
Iti honor of Mim 1'lonuice Moiey,
i" lo Iih inarrinil on June 7, to Mr.
Kkntrom, of New York.
H'lyea loft tbla city Tbiira.lay for
'oinu at Stockton, Cul., wlicro be
'villain. Mr. llavon bun been for
I'uhI a fitithfiil amploye Intlionor
' tlm VTllamtt Tulp A Taimr
id iluriiiK lila rvHitbinco liuie lio bat
nuinrutia frUindH,
.L I .anion, arrlvml In llila e.ilv
"' from Ilawnll, whore nhe linn
realilunt for Homclinio. Mra.
I'b lll mmiih1 a fmv days in Ihla cily
'neinlH ami rulntivpa and will aoon
P'l to her ImIuikI lifimn Rl.n lu
'U'lmlrer of tin) llawaiin IhIuihU
'oiiHlderg them Iho uurdon Hpotof
All ana Imllialliu an early airlng
liav (uoveri f4l.11 and ilrliiaivn,
I.Mt Hunday wa ierl.i t day and
nearly .verylly Imj.ruvp.l um ,MTi,in
logo vUitlng, or on leaaur trla.
Th Infant child id Mr. and Mra. M
Muliarla died Wednea.Uy. Th rn
tnalna mum Interred In ib I'orilaiid
Tb Yunng reojilea Horlitiy of Cbria
tian Klideavor met In atatn 101 venlioli
at I'orllan I yealerday for a four daya
Ion. A lain number ol )rvtn (jily
umiiibera will attend tlm avaaioll.
Knator(iiMi. C. IbLnell baa r'oepted
an Invitation lo addreaa lbs U. A It., of
Toledo, on Memorial day. II will aieak
titer In ha aflenioon and in th veil
ing addrraa th oi,Ut of Cralila.
a. a . " -
imiionl laidMk, ol Iho Kleitrl
lioU-l, aliuc k a Miiular chord when b
'lard that Improved bigbreaaur
lib ycU iuinp in front of bia hotel for tb
frntt uo of the public.
"Tl. ...III... 1 ... . . . .,
mi uiniua imm ar man in lli
irorer atiifT. VVben they returned from
their man b Hunday dv.-ning every chin
wa at th proper elitvatiori and their
airp letiaye no alKinof lb long and
dik-rrahl Irlu Ibev bad made.
FtafT Captain Willi, and wife will eon-
dm I lb Hlvilun army iiKtinga Htur
day and hun lay. Mia Willi, la a very
awoet almtnr and Htair Caflain ia a
"ballelujjU ryclmi." Ic crenm and
rak at cloan of mrrling Kalurday.
Tb twenty actveuih aiuiiial reunion of
llm Oregon I'loner Aociatbn will b
bold In 1'urtland on Thursday, June, 15.
A apleodld program baa lren arranged
for lb ovcaalon and hearty Invitation
la ettendeil lo all "early aettlers" lo join
in Hie feativitiea.
lingers, rcturnod Tiicdy from
f " wheru bo Httumlml a si-HMioii of
pinto board of bnrlicr's examiners.
Wuh bold on Mombiv. Altbln
Mr. liogcrs suys that 2(1 Bipli
f wcro received and 24 cortlflcatos
As Mr. Rogers la grand chief
Amorlcftti Foresters, be paid an
vlHitto Salem court and received
H wolcome from ;tho members.
Complaint bay bnin beard from
evpral utile buildinga in regard lo
morning paper blrj aioUn. 'Una las
moat etiy form o thievery alao moat
aggravating and aom on will xt
mad a shining viamtd if tbKmla
not aloped.
Two Cbli ago pbyaiclaii have discov
eied that lymphatic fluid of animal,
particularly of young goat, will mater
ially 1 111 re the longevity ol the human
race. Tiiey yimlit to find a ph-iidid mar
ket for their preparation among the
Judge T. K. Ityan. Sol S. Walker and
Cbaa. K. Midlain returned Uat Saturday
from Salem w her they were In attend
ant- at tb grand lodge meetina' I. 0 U.
K, Mr. Kyan waa honored by Iwing
lectisl ane of tbe grand lodgo Irusices
In charge of the Odd Fellow's Home at
On invitation of F.lliaton encaiiipment
No. 1, I. O. 0. F. of Portland, a number
u the member of Falla eni Miiipiiiunt of
this rity went down to Portland Tuesday
evening and aaaistiHl in conferring the
Itoyal 1'urple degree upmi a clans of six,
of which Mr. J. F. Clark, of this city,
was one. Tbe Portland brethren did
themaelves proud In entertaining their
visitors anJ a jolly good time reunited.
The lectuie given by Mrs. Lucy K.
Hitchcock, at Shivelv's ball to women
and girls Friday afternoon wa both in
teresting and Instructive. Mrs. Hitch
cock will alao lecture in the same ball
Kriday, .May 2iltli, at 2 :30 o'cl.M k. Sub
ject, "Nerves and Nervousness" ami
Friday. June, 2nd at 2:110 'Tumors".
Theae lectmes contain information every
woman should hear. The greatest study
of womankind Is woman. Ladies cor
dially Invited to attend. These lectures
are free,
0-rgon City Market Itepnrt.
(Corrected weekly.)
Wheat No. 1 merchantable, 54 cents
per bushel.
Flour Portland, $3.15 j Howard's
Bist, $:i.30 j Fisher's Best, $3.15; Dayton j
$3.55: Peacock, $3.(M) .
Oats in ska, white, 43 to 44 cents por
bushel, gray, 42. ,
MlllHtiillH-Hran, $17.00 per ton
shorts, $18.00 per ton.
Potatoes $1 :00 to $1.50 por sack.
Fggs, 13 to 15 cents per dor.en.
Butter Ranch, 30 to 40 cents per roll.
Onions, per sack.
Oreen apples, $1.25 to $2 50 per box.
Dried Fruits Apples, unbleached, 3
cents; 50-pound boxes, evaporated, 7c.
prunes, 2 to 4 cents ; plums, 2 to 4c.
Bacon Hams, 8,'a to 8' cents; sides
8 to 8,'s' ; shoulders, 7 to 8 ; lard 8 to 0
Livestock and Dressed Meats Beef,
live, it's to 4,'u'c ; Iioks.11 ve 4 ; to 4,l'o bogs
dressed, 0 cents; sheep, $4 to
$4.50 per bead; vonl, drcHsed 7c
Poultrv-Chlekons, old $3,50 to $4.00;
turkeys, alive, 12 cents wt pound.
Tuesiiay afternoon word was received
her that Kolauion liimrhert, son of
Michael llearhcrt, who resides 'In ibis
county about tbren rp-iHrters of a mils
from Aurora, bad commilied an aaault
Upon a young girl and then shot himself.
Deputr-aberifr llsnklnaori Immediat
ly went to Aurora and returned on the
afternoon train bringing with him Beach
ert, who was suffering from a bullet
wound in bis neck. The tirifortuiiMi
man was taken to (he ho,.ltl and given
4 1 the beat of care, but tbe wound wa a
serious one and with having laid out In
the wood for over twlv hours, proved
too much for him and death cams t 0
p 111. Tuewlay, The body wa removed
to dolman's undertaking rooms where
Coroner Strickland conducted an irKjueat
at 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon.
Tb jury was made un of Hiram
Htralirhl, Daniel Williams, M. K. Wil
loiighby.O. H. Wlsbart, W. II. Young,
and T. W. Fouls, who after viewing the
remains heard tbe tealimony of Ibe wil-
Frank Hilton was the first witness
"llecognlxed the remains a the body ol
Solamon lieachert ; bad known him for
a long time, and Ina general reputation
wssg-xxl. H wss tbe father of Mina
Hilton, the young lady whom di eaed
haikaaaaulted. she was 10 yars old
Sh wasproatrated with fright over the
occurrence and unable to leave her room.
Knew nothing of affair himself, except
aatold by her. 8b Waa riding pony
home from Aurora between 5 and 0
o'clock Monday evening when deraaed
stopped her and (old her to get down
and follow bltn. She refused: be then
pulled her from her sest and forced her
to accompany bun aom distance into
woods. II then told her be intended
lo rape her and then kill her and him
self. She cried and beggi-d him not lo,
and be finally cried loo and gave up bia
intention toward her. H gave her
bia watch and compass and with a quick
movement placed revolver to bis throat
and fired. II fell forward on hi face
and she thought lie was dead and find
from the apot In terror. She did not
know bow she reached home but wss
found In the road near home in a taint
ing condition. Waa in a hysterical con
dition all night and badly bruised from
her struggles with him. Had never
been any trouble between deceased and
girl, had gone to school together."
O. C. Conger called: "Had found tbe
liody lying on right side, face dowo,
anna crossed beneath and revolver, a 32-
calilier, gra.ped in right band. Body
seemed lo have laid still but levi had
hsturlied ground considerably. Found
watch and compasa on girl's trail where
she bad dropped them."
Dr. (ieiay: "Physician, was with
searrbing party and reached body abort
ly after found. Found life remained
ami took ateps to restore consciousness.
Did not attempt lo remove bullet as con
dition was unfavorable. Accompanied
body to Oregon City. Thought wound
Dr. 8. S. Thayer: "Physician who
conducted xHt mortem. Found bullet
had entered center of neck, passed
thrungh the windpipe, eropbagus, and
lodged in the vertebrae, which was bad-,
shattered. The revolver bad been
held close to neck as skin was quite free ,
Irom (towder marks w hile the flesh be-1
Heath was badly burned." ;
This closed t!ie evidence and after a j
few minutes coiihidcration the jury re-1
turned tbe following verdict: j
We, tbe undersigned, jurv in the above ;
entitled iiuU'-st, Hud that the deceased's
name was Solamon Beachert, of Aurora. 1
Clackamas couniv, Oregon ; that he died 1
on the 23d day of" May, at Oregon City, !
Oregon, from rllYctii of a bullet dis- J
charged into Hie neck and vertebrae of 1
the said tli(i'ed bv tbe said deceased J
on Ibe 22d day of May, IKIX), with tbe in-1
tention of committing suicide.
Tbe jury would further recommend!
that hereafter no iersons bo removed an ;
unreasonable distance when in a dvlng'
condition. I
Tbe remains were delivered to tbe
friends of the family and were taken to
Aurora on Wednesday evening's train
for bin iul at that place.
M lieu .Nut u re
Needs assistance it may be best to
render it promptly, but one should re-1
member to use even the most perfect
remedies only when needed. The best
and most simple and gentle remedy is
tbe Syrup of Figs, manufactured by tbe
California Fig Syrup Co.
Dr. Lyons, who has baa charge of tbe
dentsl parlors of Dr. Pickins, baa opened
an 0 111 co In the old Methodist church
building on Seventh St.
YV tny n premium for trnrrtuit
niullt will be to jour liilerent to
Ifet imr price In-fore selling.
Try Allen's Fool F.ssf,
A powder to be shsken Inlo the shoes.
At this season your feet feel swollen,
nervous and hot, and get tired easily, ;
If you have smarting eet or tight shoes
try Allen's Foot-Kase. ft cools the feet
and makes walking easy,' Cures swol
len and sweating feet, blisters and cal
lous sjiots. Relieves corns and bunions '
We nro aciita for Sjialdings "Oflicial" I!nw Hall Hoods
and carry in stock a full lino of Mitts, Gloves, Ilata,
Masks and lialls all for sale at Eastern f'ricr-s.
of all pain and giyes rest and comfort, 1 ij
Tu l ..... I.... u-.i.i . .. .11 .1- . . r'
i. H-ua, rjnj i,jr an urnggisis Sllij y
shoe (.tores for 2'ic. Trial par ksge Free. ! ))
Addreaa, Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. )Lj
To-.Mght and To-Morrow Mght. U
Catchers Mitts
lidwtnan's Mitt
Fielders Gloves
I'rofestionsl Bats . .
Wagon Tongue fist.
Axle Trie Hats
league Italia
Professional Balls.
Practise lialls
, . .50c. to fo.oo
5"C- to Jl 50
. . Jjc. to Jj.jo
. . a,c
J 1.00 to ft 30
,.ioc. to 30c
Ami rich dayand night during this tl TTrtVirT? CJTTYTkl) fT?C1
week you can vet at any drimiiat'a U 13LJ A jULJ kJ IJ 11 IF I k 1
Kemp's Balaam for tbe Throat and
Lungs, scknowledged U) x the most
successful remedy ever sold for coughs,
Cn op, Bronchitis, Asthma and Con
sumption. (et a bottle to-day and keep
it alwaya in the house, so you can check
your cold at once. Price 2-'c and 50c.
Sample oottle free.
Correct styles and popular prices on
millinery. Miss Uoi.osmith.
Beautiful Skin
LSfJiSS 'f J""1 desire s trs naps re n I, clear
ami fresh complexion,
Use Dr. Bourdon's French
Arsenic Complexion Wafer
th only reliable beautifler of th 9om
plnion, akin and form, known. In th
direction tor wldrh Ihey ar Intended, their I
rnVct Is aimply magical The moat as-1
Utiiniling trantfortiiallon In personal ap- j
aranre Is hroiighl about by their atesdy 1
un. Foaming the WIZABD'H TOUCH !
In procuring and preaerving beauty of
form by sorely iteveloping a train.arency I
and pellucid clearneaa of complexion, J
aliapely contour of form, brilliant tyrs, I
soft smooth akin, where, by nature, the re-'
veraeexlala. Kven lli coassest ao Most'
arrcuivs skis marred by raxcKLS, moth,
slack iixtna, risri.M, and vccias kiiiskks,
tki.uiw Asii MrnnY skis, and other rcut
inarmcasaixsTa, ar erniaiirully removed
and a dehcloutly clear and reHnnl com
piexlon BMiireil, enhancing a laily's Invrll
lieaa beyond her moat f xtrsrssTsut fipeo
I jiIIea, You (' be llesulirul.
no mailer w no you ar or what your dia
nK'irsmetits nisy l you rsn make your
self as handsome as any lady In tbe laud 1
by th us of
Dr. Bonrttos's Aral: Cci;!u!;i Wifsn
I'srd by men ttif results are eUally fa- j
roralil. Prir, tmall box SO cenu. Largs
Ixix II Ol or special order of lx large boxes !
V. Sent 10 any address under plain
cover on recript of tb above amount. ;
rite for clrrtitar.
Montgomery .Hirret, San Francisco. 1
Here are ariidcB of our prices on Picrcle Sundries
Everything in the Bicycle Line Equally Low and
Quality Guaranteed.
Solar Lsmps (Best gas lamps made)
Carbide for Gas Imps 2 lts. for .
Cement for Patching
Kepair Outfits
Pedals per pair ,
Single Tube Tires per pair, . ,
...10c. to 73c
. 75c. to $1 50
Huntley's Book Store.
Oregon City, Oregon.
Under new management The Electric Hotel
haa been thoroughly refitted and in future
will be conducted on a Btrictly first-clasa
plan. Firet-cIaHg table eervice at as reason
able rates as can be had in the city. Prompt
and special attention given to banquets.
My many friends and the general public are
cordially invited to stop and see me.
E. C. MADDOCK. Manaeer, Oregon City, Oregon.
Don't think you can cure that slight
attack of Dyspeia by dieting, or that
it will cure itself. Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure will cure it; it "digests what too
eat" and restore the digestive organs tof
Prosusrltr i:i n DuM Hanest
are insured on It to thoae who sow our
TKSTKI) SEp DS. Send (ststal for
our Illusurated Catalogue and
save money by purchasing
from Hie
Wholesale and Retail Dealers
7'S 7 0 J HL Bscramanlo, Cal
ALL 8EKIM sold at lowest prices.
Agents a anted. Liberal discounts,
but NO SEEDd sold on commission.
Your team will have the best
of care and
Full Measure of Feed
- At lhe
City Stables.
W.H. YOUNC, Prop.,
W. H. Cook.
Huoosssors to
Livery Rigs on Short Notice.
Telephone No. 42.
English Breakfast
Ideal Blend
You'll Admire
juijt because
the Charter
Oak Stove
every jioint
for sujierior-
ity every
excel 1 once
that i e s t
makers can
crowd into
the material.
, J 1 " 1 v.tr, ! - -'-"-v.
You'll Admire
the prices
they're BUg
gestive of
the keenest
they'll make
you feel that
we pass
them on to
you at the
Hemp Carpet per
Wool Carpet light "
Wool Cttrjet, heavy "
Ingrain Wool t "
Ingrain Wool, heavy "
yard . .
Strange as it may seem
there nivr hai been produced
But One Carpet Sweeper
that haa given entire satisfaction
a both DEALER and VSBR,
Tbk Acknowledged Leader on the Market,
' Constantly Improved,
Always the Best,
Every One Guaranteed.
The Habit of
at Bellomy &
Busch's store
, It is a good
habit. It is
a rapidly
habit with
all Clacka
mas county.
It is a habit
by which
t;h o u sands
save in their
daily and
and yearly
It is
a habit that
becomes more fised the oltener people buy here and the broad reason is satis
faction. People are satisfied with our carpets. People are satisfied with our
prices. People are satisfied with the ways of the store, its manners and methods.
:: 1. .
. .00c Ml'&ir,r-. tXi lf753fS
rsi5 9 ' 1 1 1 ..i. - -im. it ' 'jswi
Ife-Ca. 'V 'MMf JT
Matting IOc. per yard.
Hammocks from 75c.
to $4.75.
This is a giod store in which to spend dollars, if you have them, and thousands if you have them.
But it's an equally good store in which to spend pennies. No advance in our prices.