Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 05, 1899, Page 7, Image 7

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MAKT AT SPELLING, 1 the pnoFtssorrs bady.
'...! tit Ikrfnl Bttartippa
tun 'I h.Mpamie hi ii.inara r
iHtklna ) IHi'lluMitrr Yut l.awa
lll 'lMr Were lralil M Uriel.
naked a
M,"", 1'r.Ml.lr.l a ..
Hrlelim Arm, , .r,.u(, ,.,
"WIm ii I (.....h,,,! ,(,( )l
niv. t.iljr of -. hMByv(l,i," mil.!
l""I.Hir. "II,., iH.y.nl.l.n.t,,! ,, ,.
t. r. hU., ..v. i ,,n ()(,ll(ll(. lf()ljf
'".f ll. .r..f.-.,i. In a iiiiiiiiiii war
! C 1 . . . t II,., fv.,f, ,f,.,.r
w"" tiir.jrf.iii.T r.-rt.h.-.l H.M.... r.U
I'll llnii y tt.., tr. himI Hint llfl.-r-
""" eni.lng then. w.-r..e.,i..iiin
, nv do yon l" ll 'cholrf
in ill.. MH,klnr
What .1.1 )m inenn -paper i.r inn- tl..n. , ,.l ,,v. r H. in,i,...i. i..,n,i.
iMtilrti"'irt yoiinn iimn who nn. ...n.lry .1il(il ,,,( ,,,.,,
. , . mi authority on nil topic m -II.-. t. . l.y t w.. r three. ,f th
Mii.Ii', tinging. "I courte." ri-plM stud.nt.. , (ll)lltllM , ()f
,ii In search of .ith..graphlc In- flimim. ..tiimln.-., ;v..ry Friday morn-
""" . " T"l' .r KNVa a l.-t turn tn Dm
Choir.' rrK.ii.l..l smart itudt nle in thi.ain,hlih, at,., The sob
,,( inuii tt.H-Ulv.ly j J.- fr uin .r ,1(lt Wl.(.k Wnt ..fj(
g h I r V chimed In rr.l r.M it. h.ti. tt ,,f n, hy tn.tt li..t i: N.-rv..ti
ho wn tn.y looking kt ..in ; 8y.t., t, ,-,,rv (-,,, ()f ,,,
. , ,. i lUwIn. Mfi, l(1f )(llir Um
V-.ii " referring to 1T. mid limn p. I fi.r the .tro rvi-ry iimn In
lii'irt young imin. hiking sadly at thti i hiw. u ,,, iiH.tr. ahoul U.VJ,
irn..-r "We vme speaking ! win In ,a ,( wiilimn for H,n fun to
it m'l 'l'' " I rliim-liiK ii. .w nihI t l,i li to-
I u . ",, f"! rd tli.' tin. .. long ..printing t.,,,, ,
,,.. in n ii in I in ly i "n ii Ire. toeing ' llm nut. r . f tl,.. r . i
..ii..-U" I "J'miiii tly ut in uYlm-k. ili il,,r
I ! smart young tiin'i riprmulon 1 n m-. m t,n fv,,rit.- jr.,f.-..r i,t. r
fn in .i.lni'M ti r.-iiL inft 1 l tl,..iiiM.,itli. at. r (. .-..rxfully i .... 1
., ,. - tt. r i-.-ii.tili y.iiirill. ti.iii- tltll..-,r i l.in.i i,i,. n , f
- l,r .nl.t with N pllM-r r.-l,.. I. ,ti. , , , ,tli.. , ,, .1,..,... lu.. ...
S'. v.r mlii.l." rrl.ilr. th rrl t..wi.nl Hip . At tlm lli.t kIuik u hi. '
-.,. mm) "My wityt.f -lli,Kiimy jnw f. II. v, hit., .wry , ,, ( t10 ;, '
itt:.tiM i.iiiit.n-i. i.ut y.u will n.ini. in tl,.-.nt. nU.v Umn to y. II
it ...tt.Ht r..t.lii, l.iU'. Ut. r t.t tin-1.... ,f ,i. iMu.., Hj,t.ii,iit np.n
: will nU" Hii'l II mrrrt i ii-t-.if.liiiK I tl, ,,, , . rutu.K tnl .w. r
! ( '.nttiry Il.inary. mut If I mn nU.til .Mi ,,,),y-, v. m fur nulnmr.
mirtrik. n II U llkrwlw Klv. ii In (ha ' t,t i . ry kii.-l n. ,'t. M rl.tl,ni Tli-r
,l.,r.l Vonr wy I all rlh'ht t ' w.-r mill I y t,. , Sin)i' nrka,
he titmrl y..tn, limn k iilT ii ' AM i.f nil .I.-.. t..y i .,kli,j t.,vM,
ii J.--II IWIintf. an. you hi.til, a Ul-y i rt m, ui,hr..i.-i.. P.in.u.
.ulUU.int.xl oua h..ii.-tlo pjH-llliiK ; -ttir..al. a inir.n, l. ttl.. IjIhk Ju a
" :r.it. .1 pi,!-.. .,iir f Intl.. .ti.Ikll
l. k h'-rf. " nl. I Ui tfl t-r.Jr.l h.x-4 am .M, i thit.. i.h, i,iii,i r..ti to
, y.'H 1 that WrltT i ( in. i,tl. ti Aft. r ( hr-t t k i.f 'ir
t !!. It 'j ii I r i ' " 1 jitltm ah. I m,,! iiMfi.iii nt. Hi., i rufiMMnir
M .ik It ". " wil l Iho aiuatl y.itiiiK wa. puinn 1 1.-I l, n,k. . n.. hi a pjh-.-. h
. lulling i-tit a r-.II ' .h r. w itli Rv .? liiil-l. , ..t.. f..r
S. I it. n't want to ruti yt.U Or i.tr t!i..iil.ilulii... in thn r..v.ln
,!.. II. nnty " f..rlh fnt"tn in.. I. ,f hi. t.ff-irln.
h in. ii.-r a put tip am! VIt-r'i l ut h i.U. ivn. nil. r a i ut. liil rininl
rt.nti. iml t rotiKt't out Tl-r It ' imtl..n f tin vnrl..ti. Iiititiin. itt. of In-
L ". ti l r . In pin- lii roiiri-rl " ! fntiiltx . Ilht .i. a. .,nt l f,,r. hint.
t iti.ln'l lii.-an a tli. pal. I Ilia tlmt w lml f .r'..ll. n ..tin thliiK. a U(
tt y. ttnK mn. ktowIhk w hlta ll . f j nr iu- Tin n In- yaw iir In a
i tli...-r "Wlirfi" I. tlinliolinf way .ilk'tf' 'lirn of niLlnulit vlll. an. I
1 1. r .'iii l Hint. t... althotiKh It a . ttuli.. hi. all- utii.ti to 'The !! lntL.n of
,. .,t... ta Th. n Iho .mart y..tni Hi Syi.i.nih. tie N.-rv..ti hy.t.-m Id i ha
, a ill.-l j N. IVr '. lit. t t,f thn (train
I a. iri tnk y.iur iu nrjr." aii lha ! --I'.nt ),.- . i,. . to j riMx-l
Uar.lxl man. haii.lUiK m k lha , ly..,. tin- . m tilrti. or two Ilia
"My nama I l l, ( )n,,ro T all. -iitli.it lrt n to llif him klrL
, 1 havr ha. I nlilt'atl.inal a.KliUira ' h.-ln p..iiii ptii.l. nt .,f arll.tli- l.-ti.t. n
. h y.-ti tul-ahly n-vrr rr.rl-rt. an. I l ha. I .lrw a an t liiU.n.l. ly tl.--.riit-l
.nt p trial tiK.iitha l.-ainltirf Iho ...l-it In r.- whltf ami .tii ihulk.
r. i.l .. to -ll that w. r.t K.-- ; -. Marrl.t.;.- u Kalltin-T Tin" .r ro
yrai. ai:o I waa on Ihn anrrl arrtr- f.-w r. i that lh. rwm no mjil
Mjr iiiln.-r ai.. I ha-t !-. n on lha ' l.ility if a m ri.m hi int.- Ilml morning.
I.f i 4i i.f linrf. who hn. a t hi. tluliixl ii. f..r si-ill t. ii liiliiul. . D
rt- ry f 'tu' itamra that w..n. tin- tt- -t.-.l th.- 1 1 ti klfl ; lln-n.
.'iim-lr ihni.tiiary htitikti inan I.M'k afi. r inutitu til ull t. vi-tt tin. m-w-1
t-y w. ro iih-u of far nn.ro than Vi ni.-r In ll.r In. i. .. i. ftiturt. h
nry Itii. Illi,-. in aii.l lat llm luaii- , oVii. h. l t fl ti. Il.. nri i. i f H.V) v.. ln-
. ..f rtilu.tr.t iiM-tt of Iho WorM Tho iliu-inrf " I" I ' M ' ! V v l.lltl" ft. k-
li;iir. Ut Kit thriu wait aiiiiiny' aii.l 'fin.l.ly Won 1. In liny Ma
- .. i.. - I ,a Ituwwuw- ' " Ni-w Y.-rk hun
Mr jitn.-r ami I wrro kIiik tlt.wn
m l.ma on M,li., ru.r A SCENL OF bUICHEMY.
t Tin r wrro aU nl '.'uof ii In . . .
kliirf t.p.ln lalklliK ftti.ltryllitf to 1k ""r Tfcal In.... Wllfc lb
. thn no n.n.f.irtal.ly J.I.I a. a I i:4 ! lha Ja-I.arlra.
S 1.11111- lii tho hum i f ronvrratl. n a On Ihu t ".h tiny of Jam-. j.N'rt. tha
i:i( man m atr.1 at a lat in writiiiK ' wh..l c..r . of tho j.ii.u.irl.-. in Ilia
I. tt.r. ...k.-. tip with a lr..tiLI.l , r itul auinhl.l. ovntuim-J tin lr
i,. I mi Li, (.' iihl any of )..ii K'-ntlo-, rninti k. Hi. ill." i,:i..il of rt-voll) ami
ltd lila
.h nnri.l til. .11 tilt r:lk'Iio
own hiiml tho .nli.iti in. furl. -.I Iho
ntt.-'l 'inij:ik chtiif" ami iiilh.l tiH.n
tho Into Ixlu-v.ri to mlly rontnl tlirir
dl.r hull aii I i nli;h nil I tin li-alull
Mnwitlinau t ill" iip t i -) . 1 from all
quart, ta ami rnlli.-l iimh r tho Mcrml
yiuU.l Th ruiik of Hid junlmrira
wt-ro rakt .l w Itli a 'I1'" "Ml
l.y "I'l.it k It. If (ii i.i. i.i..niit. f..r Ihra
him. K'l'. r.ilof i.ru!l. i v ) iiml hi. k
nt r. ii. th y j r.-i thi. nli Iho .tr.t-la,
r.m. Ilnirf th.iii l full lk 1o lha
Ktln. I hill, wht rt' thrV th fi-liilitl thrill
ftrlvra w ith i xtriioi.luniry lii-rcmit-a,
aliiyiliK Klral liillillH-ti of tht ir llwiiil-
mi! Tl.f nrtilh ry. Hiii H.rt.l hy Iho
minimi um I Ih.' In.it;iiigl. TfiMsl for
wnr.t mi. I t..iiill. .l thrill to rrlrrat to
tlirir hariiii k. wlit-rt' lin y offi-rt-J d.-a--riitn
rthltiini-o to ihf iicsimlt
From i-v. ry atm I ciiiinnti thninlt'r.M
on llm wall witlnmt liit.-riniwlon. Ilia
Ixiil.liiiK wH aoiii In ttniiira. Ihf wall
toin iiml hiitlrrr.l down hy KrnrnliiU
nml tln jiiiiiriirlm. ovt-rwln-liiitHl by
milm. allot IHl'l IllimrK. Ja-rihlii'tl tn Itirlr
hiiriilnn nn.t IiI.hh) atainnl tmriHiku
l,r two tliiyn tin. Kal' of tho city ro-
inaliii il 1 1 -.t. nml w ith r. lriitlft vip'r
cvt-ry cnrmr vw m-iiriliril for anch
jiinlxariin Hi h.'i'l im ii'-I tho m'lit-rul
iiniwiu rt). nml wln n foil ml lin y wrre
hat-tily cu t hum". Nearly 20.000 jiinl
Enri.H wi-rt il.tioyr.1 on IhU niriiunii
Mn ilny. nml innny thoiiHiiiiiln wrro aft
crwarit mt to .l.iilh in tho vurloua
clti.-H of Hi" ciniiiri'. ii ml thim not mi"
of thn nuinl.i-r limit r iii iiih waa Irft to
toll tin- tah'. S. ir Ciilturu
Ari-llltril l-'or Ihf Kit.
lion (ii-ornt; K I'nk o kivuly np
jirr i lntiH a koo.I Juki- that hu till, tho
ftilltiwiiiK on hiiiiN' lf
"Win ii. 1.1'ter it fort'iifn trip, 1 w
! Iirlim well-in. ietl Ly Honm of tny frletKls
In Timckii. I woro n unit of clothe
l'.n,. i.l.ii.,.u...l.i.. luinlelyu I cmlnii tailor that wiw tin-
riiii,)., -,... i, i it.. ,.. I ciniifoi tiihlv ti-'lit in Macea I cxprensi'd
ii" ' n in kiuii on nipt i' - . .
ni1"' "nt lln-n- in-t a littl.i uirl with ! my Hitrprlm' that n I.ioho fit tn Lomlon
"""i family In. In very intliiiato mikI b1iuM I'tovo a tilit lit in iojHh.
wlKTi'iipnn ii ' ifiini.io i" b"!-'
I'Xi'lll lined
"Mr lVik. don't forget you're a
Mirier iimn in Topykn tlmn yon were
in London " ChieiiKo Jonrnal
Ml mo hw lo pik-II "ihoirt" I
a hill.. I'tucltt ovt-r It '
'Wlmt km. 1 of a t l.o do yon ini-nnT
I prvi'ial
'tliolr. lo alni( In concert.' chlrp-l
y. iitiK man. w rinkling ''' I'row aa
i r.- all tho i.roiwr urthouraj.hy
' 'C h it I r. ' mI.1 a ai holurly tookinit
Ii. with glauM-a on
'V a i f e. ' rni.K out a Mit. w.-ll ft J
ii'i.ii . II In tho corm-r
'' Ii " I r. ' r M-nt .-, tho fir.t limn
'l iii.' . in.uii.i - thought evrry
i kn. iv that
' 'Tlmt all rlk'ht.' aaid tho old innn
in th.. loim r '.M..ii. y lalka I'll Ih I
i (.it that WiUl.r pi-t-11 it
ii I r .." t.Mi '
"I II riii-o yon f.O.'aiild llm firt
la. lio waa a cotton Imyt-r nt Mem
"All rl,'ht.' aald tho I. Ik old innn
I'y Tln-n tin- otli.-r Jolintl In nml
him lo a Ptamlitill '1 Ii. y .i.t up
Ut iiiil Thrll Ih.-V ol tho tllftlon-
. un. I. ii. jimt now. tin. 1 1 1 it it who bet
''I n I r I- won
My ...rlmr nml I waited till tho
'"y Int. I rliati-;id halnU. mid then I
I. 'I 'on n. Si '
'1 wiill,. d up to the yoituK man mid
I 'Com.-W illi tin. ; I winil ) oil I'll
y.'ii hi w tn N,t II rhuir SI col
'd llm I.ik ol.l 1 1 1 ii ti ami wo walUi-d
mi il.-w n l.i lnw Von never wiw two
"'look (jiiiti. n.i i ln-ap They had
"Htl up ovi-r I. V mill on that one
k. hut tht-y k'ut four ynir. nml n half
r('t) That In um- np.-lliuK ih-IiimiI I
vntti'inl.'d tint not i-vt l V llliill K"e
Tlmt Kniiie Ih hi.i- which will catth
"iliii-iitt'd in, ii nut of li-n You are
rxlil hut yiiti may Mill havo aoine-
t" Irani. '
"u n thr Hiimrl yoiiiiK man offered
n"al iiiviin1 -..I, in payment for tho
'filiation Win.hiiiKlon 1'nt.t
'Hello, r.illtli. II., iv ni-ii von 1'
l" little ini.'.H (ll'i'W ht'lnelf Itn mill
"I'no vrrv w. 11. lint I uln't no tulu-
"'" lliictim (Jlolie
I iill.n.-l l.
"What time did the In Ud t-iiteh fire?'
Miilniht '
"Evurybody el out H.-ifelyT'
"All except he night v. ntt hiniin We
Tho firm UritiHli recognition of Htwe- j
r work canm from the Iimtitute of
11 I !lllilii...ru ti-l.l.tl. ni...t.l...1 lilm a I
T. if . . . ..AU rxcejii viii- muni n . "
"i lolford iiie.hil for ii paper on his , conitiM-t wit- him up m lime -Hon
I- i-ouemi ri'iui uiioi-u it in imw ton j'ravt.,,r
VeHMiU of 2.000 tuna carry aeven j Th imiturr or li.
t-ltor-f, four of ii maximum wol,jht of , Tho uiaii witii too mn.v iron i the
tui. with iihoiit 800 fathom, of ca- i Urn ii nnre to take one t'.V the hot end.
I DulhtA Newa.
Tnirhi-r'a Siil Iris
Nolleit I. hitrehy kIvoii tlmt for the
pilopoa of iinikiin an exainioHiloii of a
M-raona hIio may olfer tlii'lnn-Ivea n
camliiliitc. for ti-ai heia of ll.r. arh'.U of
I It I coimly, the counly a. dool Pilperin
Ion. hint Iheroof will hold a puhlld
miii IiihI Inn at Ihu court bouri-, Or-K"ii
CHy, Ori-K'in, H'i'.lni'lay, May, 10, Hi
Coiiiiiieiii liit( at I ii lo. k, . in.
A ti.'ntiomi for Klato .aH-ra will Im-ri-eolvi-d
Tueadar, May II, ut II o'clock
a. m,
Tha follow ii program will l.e follow e. I
iluriiitf lha May i-X4iiiiiiatlori of appli
ranta for county ami atuto pa Mm:
Wiidiicday I'lmmainihlp, lii.tory,
Thiir.day Written anlliiiintic, thiry
of ti-a.'hli.K, grammar.
Krlday (inography, mental arithme
tic, reading, phploluy, coiiiiolilnn,
KuglUh llleriluri!, j.l.y k1- geogra
phy, Oicgoii athool law, g.-m-ral
liitry, algi-hra, Ixx.k k.-. plng.
)le. thl 17th day of April, H''.l.
. N. W. I'.OW I.AM).
County f-ihool Hiiperinti-ii.li-iit of
CU.'kaina. Counly, Ori-gou.
The young mi'ii'a clM at tl.n I'.iipti.t
churi-h havn inado i-lutxiraln arrange
mem f.,r thoir iiiter'uliiiiicfit to l
given thia (Kridayj night. The pro-
i-i-d. to he ue. in fitting tin-in up a
room in the church. i err a in ami
cake will I. M-rved. You aro invited to,
alien. I. Ailiiilaon only 10 tenia.
I'. H. I nml Onice Soticr.
Ountnn Cur, Aprd 4, Wti.
Notice, la her. ,y given that, the ae
proved philN of Towiinhip 7 Honlh, Kalign
I Ivi.l, and Tewrikliii 7 .South, lUnge ii
Ka-t, Inive In en received from thn Hur
vcyor li.'iieral of Oregon, ami on May
l', Hri.l tl .VI'H k, a in., of a iid date,
.aid pint, will le fll.-d in OiU oflire, and
Iho land thereon embraced will ho ante
ject lo entry on and afo-r .i.d idle,
ClMhl.KN IS. Mo'.Iikm, IteiiHter,
Wat. ()AIIwaV, Receiver,
If you have pile, cure ihi-in. No u.e
umh-r going liorriblo oiH-rutiona that
pimply remove tho reunite of Iho diea
without ijialiirhing the dim-ami Itaelf'
I'Ure your confldeiicu in IvU iil'a Wiu h
Hazel Halve. It h never failed to cure
of here j it will not fail lo cure you.
th.i A. llakiiiKo.
f.i very, K--J and Suit- Ktal.le
Curos Hoavos.
A new lino of I'.at.y Ctm ami Ha'.
Minn (iol i.. Mi ill.
SO'imirr Normal.
TiMcheia not employed tltlrilig the;
hummer ran find opportunity to make
ad.litioiul preparation for their work, or
lo review for either atate or county ex-
in in m t i ma at the Piiimiiei t.-rin i.f the
Klato Normal School at M.-iiiuoulh,
r'roiu (li to I0 will cover all ex peiiM-a
for ll.r ten eika. Term U-giiming
Tin-Uy, June "0. Full lufoniution
aeiii on application lo the Secretary of
Iho Faculty, Normal hclmyl, Monmouth.
Tonics for Domostic Animals
a a a nrra-ary a-.ti ali.io.l a. i.nKirtaiil
i.i ii. a "l-rn.g loi.lr. for lha human ani
mal (!iu.r.p irmly aa carry a tux k of
Condition Powders.
of a!l w.-ll k'.oaii make, for llorw.. Cattle,
ril.ee. an. I I' .uliry. We have, l.y loon n
(wriri.tr, Ir.rne l hich are t'.e iikmi ellli-iant
'nt ran rero:nmeii. I be fallowing:
I. 'true larUsra Coptillllon !
Arm lOr, I'oullrr l'owttrr
Cut Hnl
The Marketing Point
Tho factory towns of tho Fast are noted
for alVonling tho U-nt market to the neigh
boring farmers ami gardeners in proportion
to the (Herniation of any of tho towns in
that section. The reason for this is that
tho (H-oplo of these towns havo a fixed in
come upon which they can always depend,
and, as a consequence, they are liberal buy
ers, pacing cash for all their purchases.
As the Great Manufacturing Center
of the Pacific Coast
Is Coming to be One of the
Best Marketing Towns in the State
This is proven evciy day by the number
of farmers, who are to bo seen on its streets
selling their produce, who, until just the
last few years, sought tho markets of other
towns. Tho system of macadamized roads
that is being built into all parts of Clack
amas county, will enable all the people of
this county to share in the profitable mar
ket that Oregon City affords. If, as it is
sure to do, the demands of Oregon City in
crease in the next five years as it has in the
past five years, this city will rank next to
Portland as a markot place for
Double and Single KitfH, and
die Who alwuyn on hand at th
1ow;hi j.ricin. A corral! connected
with tiih ham for looae Htotk.
Information regarding any kind ot
hIix k promptly attended to by peraon of
Horsos Dou writ and Sold.
Iloraea Roarded and Fed on reason
able term.
I'y the faHt
ami corn
TnrHlious atearncr
Corvaliis & Htastcrn K. K. Co.
Steamer Wm. M. Hoag.
'Capt. Ceo, Uaabe)
ICur.ning regularly l-tween I'ortland
and Corvall'H, topping at ail
way landing.
Down river, Tueadava, Thura.laya and
Satur.laya. lavea C'oryallia 0 a.m.;
Albany 7 a. m.; liuena Vint 8 a. m. ;
Ii.deintlence 9 a. M. ; Saleui 10 a. m. ;
Newberg 12:30 r. arrive at 1'ortlaiid
::mt m.
Vt river, Motidnya, WHneadaya and
Kridaya. Iavea I'ortland ( A. M.;
Newlierg 10:.'Jii a. at. ; h'a'c m 3 :3i) P. m.;
Independence 5 :IKI r, M ; liuena Viata
T:'Mr. t ; AltMny'JOp. m. ; arrive at
t'orvaliia 11 :(X) r. n.
Thi ati-au-er haa beeo equiped w ith
fl ret (Ua accommodation., imi-iding an
eleg.nt t.iano I'liMirpnnied for carry
ing Ixjth freight and pa.nengpra.
J. Tl KNi:a, Agent,
Albany, Oregon.
F.IAVIN STONK, Manager, Albany, Or.
C. d. ( OKF.Ii, Agent, Tonland, Or.,
foot of Yamhill etreet.
Lf-aves Portliind daily except
Sunday at 7 a. rn.
This is the Great Scenic Route.
All touririt admit that the ecenerjr
on the Middle CV,lurnhia i3 not ex
celled for heautj and grandeur in
the United Stated. Full informa
tion by adtlreHHinj; or calling on
J. H. JJOOTH, Aeent.
Tel. 014. Portland, Or.,
Office and wharf, foot of Oak St.
Of the
Kzpreaa Traina leave Portland Daily.
7:im L fortlaml Ar
7:.')2ril I J.v OreKonCity l.y
l7:t'M Ar H I'riru-iwi I.f
H If I A M
7 :U4 A M
I Ar iiif.ien Ar l.lorw
). rn J Ar Ilenver I.T I Hfc'.m
n-Vt k m" I Aro"inna Ar H :0 pi
Ar I mi-... I.t j li i a
Montana, Utah, Colorado,
and all Eastern Points.
Gives choice of two favorite routes, via
the UNION I'ACIFIC Fast Mail Line,
or the RIO GRANDE Scenic Lines.
Look at the Time
li Pays to Salt Lake
2 Days to Denver
V, Days to Chicago
4 Days to New York
Free Reclining Chair Cars, Upholstered
lounst sleeping un, ana l uuman
Palace Sleepers, operated on all trains.
For further information, apply to
F. A. Dosadsox,
Agent at Oregon City.
Trav. Pass. Agt Gen'l Agent.
124 Third St, Portland. Or.
H I'M- M
7:) Cm I
r K
Ar Ixm Antrel'S Ar
I tt -rat
Ar Kl la. Ar Uira
:l.'r M I Ar Fort Worth Ar a-w'a ti
7 .V M I Ar New ilrlea-.t Ar tviorai
I'ulliian fir.t rlii and tourist cart at
tached 10 all through traim.
an(tcao mail (Daily)
a .To am I Lv Purilan.i Ar I c.r
9. 21 am 1 Lv Oreicomiiy be .1 : r m
i.-.Drm I Ar R.er-UfT Lv 7:1i.AM,
cnKTLi.if mail daily (Eicrpt Sanday)
7:.iam l. Portland Ar &Mr
ll-ll Ar l orv.llii l.y I :J1 r M
At Alhanf ai.l Cnrrallia connet-t witb
trains of Cortailii A Ka.iem railroad,
imnroiiisii rttsfxiiia dailt
Exce.t Siin.lay)
4.Virx I Lv fWna.id Ar 8.am
7:3.1 rM Ar MrMinuvill- Lv 5 .VI a M
:.Torii I Ar In.tepen.Unra Lv I 4 :.') a M
Direot connection at San Francisco with
.teatt.sliip lines lor Hawaii. Japan, China.
The Phi ii.ines ami Australia.
For tbroueti tickets and rates call on or
addrrss E. K. ISoyd, Agent.
Manager, O F. A P. Agent.
Portland, Oregon
?-37tTirr i -'v!" Vi M
of the Farmer
!lisrtar TIMK SCIIK.UDLES Aaaiva
' roa t rom 1'oKTi.ASU raoa
Fast Mt.il alt Lake, . enei. Kast Mail
v ui. Worth. Omili, K.n-,;. a.m.
(.a City. tl Louis,!
i hiCoiid t u
l-pkana Walla Walla. fiH.iaie, Sixikana
Vlier ' Minneapolis, tu l .ul, Kljer
'iilfcvm. laliih, Milv.iukee, :.Ua.m.
C hi- ro and tm.u
Dallt't Dalos
lol PhI'ci, Bonnertlle, L"el
8 .. m. Muitnomsh Kalls.C-.a-1 :p. m.
Ex.Stltitlay ctilt- U.ck',ud li.ioJ Ki. Sunday
KuuiUy River. unday
10 . in. 7 m.
8 p. m. 4 p. m.
Ocean Steamships
For an Francisco
Every five days
T p. m. To Alaska 8 p. m.
8 p. m. Columbia Siver 4 pm.
Ex. Hun Meaniers Ex.uutloj
atunlsr To As'oria ar.d Way
10KJ0 p, m, Landiuss.
8 a.m. Vt'lllamette Kiver !t:)p.m.
Ex. Suudaj M.in, Wed.
Oreirnn City. Npwherg, and Fri.
t-aleiu ami "Hj-L.mli's
7 a.m. Vf UlametteftiiilYambUI 4:90 p.m.
Tuna, Tftur Klvem Tupil I hnr,
andsaU Oreiron cilr. Payton, and Sat,
and W'Hy.UuidiiiKa.
6 a, n. Willamette River :30 p. in.
Tub .Thar. I'oru.nj to CoithIUs lues.l'hur.
an i ta.. ant W -y Lsud'ega a-)'l Shi.
Snake River
Iava Ieare
Kiria Kiparia to l-ewialuu Uwintun
faily DaUy
Steamer G. W. ShaTery
Portland foot of Washington street Tues
day, Thursday and Sunday evenings at
5 o'clock. Returning, leaves Clatskanie
Monday, Wednesday and Friday eyet
ings at 5 o'clock. Will pass Oak Point
about 7; Stella 7:15; Mayger 7:25;
Rainier 8:20; Kalama9:15; SL Helens
10 :30. Arrive in Portland 1 :30 a. m.
Thia is the nearest and most direct
route to the great Nehalem valley.
Shaver Transportation Co.
Gen. Pas. Agent, Portland, Or
Oregon City.
kobtii sorna.
California Express fthroURta .
Kosenurg Local way ttattons)
Roseburg Local 'way stations'
Californir. Ki press 'through'
3ot p.
:21 a.
ii.il p.
Mail closes goin North. '. . 3:05 pin
Mail closes goltiK bouth.D a m and (i:.U pin
Mail iliitributpti from North 7::i pni, 10;.'M
a m. .Mail distributed Iroin youth 9:10 a ui,
3:40 p m.
Mail closes for Portland and distributing
points, 12 in.
Mail closes for Milwaukie onlv, 9 a in.
Mail arrives frou. Portland 1:30 p m.
einK Bot-Tr8
Oregon Citv to Ely, 'Cams, Mulino,
Liberal and Mollala leaves at 11 m, and
arrives at 1 :30 a ni daily.
Oregon City to lit-aver Creek, Shubel,
Clark, Meadow Brook, Union Mills and
Colton leaves at 8 a ni Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday, and returns on following
ilnvs at 4:.'V.p m.
OieKon (Juy to Viola. Logan and Redland
leaves Orenon City Monday, Wednesday
and Friday at 1 p ni, leaving Viola sauia
days at 7 a iu.
Oregon City to Willamette, Btsflord,
Wilsonville and (.meme. arrives at IU:.t
a ni and leaves at 11:30 a ni daily.
General delivery window is open on Bun
day from 10 to 11 a m, All letters dropped)
into the box at the door ia promptly sent
oft' Sunday as on other days.
All eastern mail that is delayed and tail
to arrive on 0:30 8 P. train will come ou V
o'clock or 6:62 8. P. train.