Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 05, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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cgon City Hntcrprisc
I'llll I ( 1 1 M lUll Wr ('MI AT
I .null hi.)
A. M.
A. M.
7 5"
9 tt
11. r. m.
4 30
5. S3
only to it onlv in
MiUauklc MiUaulle
9 IS
.lit y to , l
Milvtaukls j 1 3i only lo
I Mlfwatiklt
40 MiNUtl aCMIUUll.
, 1 II r ! I t'll 1 1 AMI I IVr K1U.
.la -I toa Iltiu
ti '
, . rtf'.
.. I
.,. irt
K ui K i'. Hi ,'
i I hi.
.Mii Aum-iK ri.m k t.
.., m
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1 M
I nl a m.
i a "
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1 1'I "
I Tr' f hixil lin'l' 1 n'r irl
1 1 . Icrl oa i.'l .
I .t .i J.. ii r t
A till I K, -i rf.
I'lttMvT I imi haitir'lay rrn
Si.aa r.ratn.r lUrlovj rlilrrtaiiirj a!
i,l l.i-r frlrtula at Imr l.oiini on
tl. TI. m fx iiH mm I.hI !
I. .lay an. I llm rtrnt aa .Iraliily
l.iali-l villi ial gatnra, ticil.tf
III ualr.
ii i.
r iti.,ui Tlm Jotira A Son
. al.l, h l.a Urn ui.ilrr ern tK ii on
AiH-i.'.tl.y .,r vn.l wrrk. I now
l.rd. The old one whiih ha Hood j
...a .i..l lunm.1 out ila llmu.an.la id i
It ol luinlmr la lo Im turn down while
tirw i iie will n.litinue llm Imainraa.
t tii'i'l.inrrv ha U rn I'liri hae) and
ii, i!l made rotial.rrahly larger than
one loiinrrly un d.
Ill an u ('.', .am mi. imi, Cat ai it.
lay ririunK Mra. Ilotrer Holland of
'in irmlrrelt riailiitiiK "l lo a
'ke CKliifrritation at the ('il'k,rrgtioiial
i. Ii Aiiotl. rr oleaaing feature waa a
rally a-do' lUi Ix.nl wa I'lay Time"
Mr F V.. Cliarinan. Mr, Char-
y rang Ihi arlrcllon with autllul
I ami llm exrrainn and li'iidcr
n. which i. he yavy to jt were tomli
in llm rxlrcme. .
imuii Im.i mkul l.oiMia. 0. Foa.
, A. Mali)', It. J under, ('. Arm
i'i and II. Anthony, all well la-do
inera mrii of New Fia and iimmtH'r
imvel bil((e No. fJV aael throUtfli
. n ( iiy Monday on the way to I'ort- i
I where they atlenihsl a reception
.'ti Iheiii hy Hie ImliiHlral l.niik'e.
y were well enU'rlained hy their
..a-lodeinen, and report the ludua-
inle proaia'riny.
pMiiiruNMi at I'oh'I ami Some
riv iiiein.r ol the Ancient tinier of
Tinted Workmen of thla city went to i
't'mi.l Mi, ii(v iiitit mi a a'('ial car
I wein tendered a ri-ceptmn and hull
' I hy the auiim order of that place. A
ii I ii I time, waa enjoyed hy all from
and an IntrrealiiiK literary pnitr,iiii
1 tendered for tlmir lanitlt by llm
itliiinl lo.lgn,- I'attlolii' "nM'chi were
ivered ,y I r. ('aril and A S. Prc-awr,
I'. Ilnvea, C. II. Ivi anil tieo. C.
Miiell. A tfixxl hini'hcon waa then
read hefuro llm viallora and at a late
lir I hey returned toOieifon City.
I'I i,.,v It a ni.Y IIhukkn Mr. lleruiMii
itlmnv. of New Kra. narrowly eCHiod
tik' nerlnuHly Injured on Tticmluy luat
Im waa drivlnii Into Xohlett'a livery
hi. lie had juxt atitrlml to enter Hie
fin in hia liti!uy when a liormi Ihhhuii-
t hitihteuoil niiide a wild pliinne lulu
veliiclu ii pnt't t ii ik It ami Iruiintf the
''i'i whnelM tnnt'llicr with the front of
n 1 1 1 1 p ir y away and nltinnt tipHettinu
Aiithouy'a Iioimo, Mr. Anthony
'im w il h in nn ace of oh inr hi ilu
'cr tliu hoof of the home" and bad it
t lii'iui fur hia iiiuaence of mind In
I'i n n well timlor the bu.ity the worn!
ulit have eiiHticil.
ChitNAMKN FoSino. Mr. (luo. HwotMi'a
'utility hcIiooI cliiKH is to ijlve an enter-
inment at tlm BHiitiHt church next
liduy evuniiiii. This ia for the bnnoflt
ii the rtuiulay nelioul ami la to have a
Si'ru feature in Its program. Mr. Swopu
i prnriirnd the mirvlce of the famous
"i'l ftwU CliinuMo quartet which will
foiidtir several seluutlon in KiikUhIi and
neor two in China. Other good tliinu
aro to all'ord amuHumunt coiiHiHtinK of
4ongH, recitations, ajioeithus, inatrumen
tal iuuhIc, dialok-uos and solos, after
lili'll I itclicioo , eream f..MMt. Hill Im
r;l IU'IIIhk
J'-yahhi etc
pilau part
meir li'iinn ui Cliickam
i ..
H-Mi-ir in inn umiiuiilt miiilv
Hii'lr imirihitfii, 'n, nv,,,iMll
l,ly ..M., , utmoit mi
- irni .in Hllirilllllll, I I.IIHH
'miM.m cr: Mr. uml M'. Jhu,i M,;.
Ai.iilly, Mr. ami Mra. William ioUr,
Mr. ami Mr. Frank .sirCoiiHUml, Mr. t.
Hrumi, Mn. Julia .,M.ii, Mr. Frank
llriiiinar, Mr.. lrn, Mlmi Mry
Um, Mary Iinlfy, Mary ami KUy
McAiiully, llnllinilHon, l.n..l!a lirun
imr, Janifa McAiiully, Olio F.rnkami,
ICIi lianl (i.(,y, Wdli, .Wlmvr ami
Anlmr McAiiully.
Tua II., sm Ni.i may. Mr. llMiiaii
Aiillimiy, ilin Ih' raiarr ol Srm Fra,
In OirBi,n (My Tiina.lay an. on U.,i
liili-ryl.ri l.r tU Fiiii r.i.(i r.--.rii-r
IJI M II.MMl ll I... I M.
on llin 1,.,1,1-y In.liikty tin, y,.r M
Cla 'kamaa niimly M I In .rl "K, (ar
llm le.i.ry outliM.k ia in,) ijimmI. Tim
rallur UHf, r.,!. H..I
tl'iarra ami liuil l.loanoma jivnoir lull
Iiilir uf lliftr ai'i liifn, ai,. tl. Ih-
ar I... I an imlitkirioiia li-ii tl.n tun
lilm-a, ami ll.f wrallu r la ani,. t. Tim
finil l..Mtna Itow ver lii vi-r ai y.
ilal.l" ..r II. l.i.nry ,ry .r.xlur l.iil
rallir iH-iaiiw) .,i tlm fanlitlia tlu-y
air.rJ lli Ixca a a lionm tr ll,,.ir
yiMitirf. My l.om y (i,if 4 1 , i. ft y fr.u
llm l,omi,a ol ll.n ,ii i.,v..r ami
ari.i-or,tli;urt, hl..m for nr arvrn!
k:" in Im Iiih aki ! lion rtiriiaiva I
waa hia Um hu.lne.a Mr Aii'hony j
ai. that Im h. I l.'i colonira all ol ml,i, l, i
aro il'.lni aril
I'.anui, Oaoaii.ii. Cvrry-
l'f'l.tililrli Mil nr.. In-li 7rir-Julj'i.
I'AMir- Mm.. .,1 II. .. I .,. I I ,ri- J " ' ' A i'i
Ma of tin. M11...1. h ,ir ll .jS l(;V' .V ' '-vf v y
kIvhi to Mr. .ml Mm. Ja.ne LTS" 7 - V' . i
riMif..-yvi.ili,r.A,ill27. hI'LT'-.' ''13 . "'"'
-..r, ,,.e uu ,i in,. i, a, j nanntf i i. ( talent amoiiK
k-lnnli.ltoro. Ivay'.fanie.t Mjni:,, ',,,, .,.,...
amtllm vi. loriraof our lr.. in h.Uul :
Ian. la
i-arrv nri ii.eni an ...n,..,..-.. ;
' - '
aiollar in llm heart of Voil'i '
and old. a ilralm to Im in llm mid-t of j ,d Kdna Ca-ille'ld; Kolo-Mia Maud
ahul and al.rll and if i.r. d Im to dm a.ht- j Warner ; K-llali,m-Mi.a Clara Warmr
In-for llm aacrvd .rm. i.le. of their Kr.at',,d jf,,, j.j. Woxl.
wMinlry, The drairn to Im of aonie ae j
to llm Morld haa at ll loun.I lirlijinenl A Si araiaa larnlv friend of Mr.
In the I'atrlnllc hi aitu of our yoiiiii; mrii
in Ihla cily, for on lal Wrilnen.hy rvrn- (
lri( a huiiilrrd ol ll.rui nallmrnl In llm
artiioryaud handrd thrmarlve l'if..t.rr
'' '"') "Ik I lo U runducted
trlt ly on military .rlm iflra ami tocn
M of ) oimif limn I holre in thnrl.ahll
"" ron.l.Iria'" ol llmir Imallll Mr.
S ult (i.xlliry wa rlrctrd cat lain and it
l In intent, ou to drill hi ol.irr wild
the grealrat rare and if lirrd he when
anoihrf rail la mad" for trunin he lit'i1
lo hav In men rrady lo rroiid.
A Saii CiiMwxxc.MKKr. i'rof O. II
llyland canm lo Orryon Cilv Wednesday
ami aiiiionn. r I that Im-auae of llm death
of Mia Jennie Iava, who n one of
Ida rii, ft faithful ami I. lit My ea'eeumd
nl'lln, the ruliilnriirement rJen ir ol
the arhuol which were to occur laal Fri
day, April the 24th, were dirja-uard with.
Tii'a wa a very aad alTair a tlm emu
ineiiceiiieiil r'Krani waa all ire,rel
ami I lie alu.lenta were antlciutini a
hapi'V aia'lal lime on the final day of
Ihrir achiail year. Mr. A. ('. Strange
ami Mn Jennie Itowau weie imtor nl
the Bchool and were lnviliil lo cornea
Itue'ta nf honor, hut Inntead of ImUuk
greeted wil'l an aiarmhly of flmeiful
w ,oo children juhllatil Willi the metnory
ol recent achiMd day hap-eiiiii they
came into Ihe inl.Ut of a aorrow lul pro
reunion u( virla and hoya ptyitiK (or the
lat liuil) Ihelr leHCH lo their dcl
i'laaiuie. The Funeral occurred at
(iraham 'a church and Ihe remain were
laid to rent near the play Kround where
a mu.tent the deceaKed had apent the
moat hlithaomu iiioiiienla u( her life.
Tint Cahi'xt IC ai Conikht. Thia
affair waa one of the mnnl InterrHtiiiK
aoelal events which fyer ucriirred under
theamipiceaof the ladi.a of the I'onjtre
ttnfional church ' Willnmetto half was
well tilled on Saturday niiiht with nn
aNHemhly of men ami women who came
for the piirixio of aewlnucarta't tun ami
enjoyinu a aociul time. For many days
Il bad lice n the proud boitxt of a number
of yi K i'1"1' Ibat Ihey would ahow
the women how lo new carpet ratf
on thia occHHion, and with Unit
Intention In view, Ihelr coiinteii
ancea all riidiant with Hari'uiiie Hinilca
nud Ihelmlle htumlinit ncur to cheer
them on in their heroic elloria, tbeso
ainliitioiiH youiiK men beuim to new rn.M
with a hearty Ku,"l Severul nwed
diirniriK needles, others employeil the
use of needles ho delicate In llmlr meeds
nlain that they were quire in vinihlo to
tho e'ye Httl others umimI no needles at
all and were quite HatiNlled witii their
work when tmvitiK tied a atrini? of rnus
, m tbo V
fiin?7fl?5 foa(,.
bcli the tenin. Saves wenr and J
I expense. Sold every wbcte. if
ia. WAim v r I
An Excellent ('oinl)tnalloii.
'J'lio .liaaiit Iih IIumI ami l,riii fii ll
ffTi-rta f llio wi'll kiKiMii r'iiii-ly,
hrKi P or iia, ii i ii im furl iin-il liy thr
r'Ai.irniiKiA Kio hri i i' (.. lllnKirate
tlia ml no of ol.liiiiiliiif tlii lliiill Ijixh
tivo irliii l)ra of i.Iiii.U bii.HU to l
mndicinully luiutiva ami l.rrMiit lnf
tlirm III tlm form iihh1 rrfrrnliliitf totli
tiuitfl ami ui'i'',lul)u to tlif ayntrm. It
la thr mil iM-rfi'i't t.tri ni'tlii iiliiif lava-
tlvr, (')(( it hi nir lli." ayiili'iii t-fTi'itiially. I
liiH'llliir I'uliU, lii-Hilnclira ami fi-yt-ra
(rmlly yet .rniii.ty ami Miulilliitf our
ti nvrri'oiiiK liuliitmil coiikt '(.iilioii prr
in in.'lillv lla M-rft:vt fri-riloin from
rTy ol'JiTlliimililr cjuulily ami ul
Kiaifr. uii'l IU arlinir on tlir kliliu-ya,
Iivit nml Luwrla, willu.tit nnikriiinr
or Irnlrttln tltriii, li.ulir It tlm iilriil
.i . ,li in
III tlin .r.M i n of run n ii f ct uri n (f fia
arr nvil, iu tlu-y arr ,Iiiimh.I to tin
tutti. hut tlm riii-il iciiiu I qualitiroof tin'
j rniH'ily arn ol.lain.il from M-i,i,a ami
I other uroniNliu (iliuita. l.y a iiii-thm!
Iiii'hmi to tlm f'Al.iri.Hau Ho Stlii r
I Co, only. In or.l.-r to tfrt II l.ioiefl.'liil
I rir.'rta ami to avoiil ImlUt "im. , us
, reiiieiiilH-r tlm full inline of I lie I ompany
' t.rlllti il on llm front of rvrrv t.a. Liii'e.
, baw rAaaco. CAL.
" J
,",',,"r o'H'l I'll tlmm hih above '
,'l"'ro and dlaplay their rare 1
color and rl.arn.iintly uni.UM Ihi-
knot. Thia rxerriim aflorded much
I'lHUHMlir lit and .level. nu I ..iina t t.
the men. Alteraar.lt a
waa ren.liT"., llm moul
v,..-m f(.lu, 0f
which was a well
... ti
. .
tini Hi uri 1 l.v nilr.n vniinu lu.ln.a
Mann .1 li;..a I
a id Mrs. J. L Swatrord M-nt the even
I ik with them lat Friday at llmlr borne
oil Lpar Molali avenue above Kly.
The viitor came lo du honor lo Mr. ami
Mr Swatrord'a '.D'h marriage anniver
aaiy, and few evening have la-en a
irrrater auccrrjp aK-ialty or of mora In-
eret to the partn ipanta. The Kr.et
rarne heavily laden with larye lunch
b.-keta, wrll filled with the ui'Mt tempt
Injf viaml that llm maiket afford, and
Im-kIiIi' Ihi Ihry I nnwl.t an aliiindnnce
of mirth and merriment. Tlm whole
tr.nr waa a roinplete aurpriim to the
Saalf rda, but the fact a ided a pleaaant
novelty to the occaaion, and served to
arouae an unumul feelinK of sM.-iahi!ity.
Nolwiihataiidint: the fact that many of
the Ctleala were men and women of ad
vanced ajtea, they conaidered it no
olfence to eUg-ie in the name of early
childhood, and for two hours thry re
turned l these happy scenes of early
life, and plated theee old Raines lo per
fection. Then at a late hour, wearied hy
their hearty participation in so ninny
amnnemeiila, they all leathered in the
arlor and ate heartily of a deiiciutis
luncheon, which so etitfajfed their indi
vidual attention that, when through,
Ihey were more fatigued then ever, and
so worn out by the pleasures uf the
eyenlng Ihey bid adieu to their hosteswi',
after wishing for them many more Mich
happy celehratioiia.
Tiik (ia.tsii Hail. Which was given1
at the Armory Mond.iy evening by ihe j
Meade Corpa Volinteer Auxiliary, waa a I
grand succeas, and an event long to he
reiiieinliered by tho peopln of Oregon !
lion's This!
We oflcr tine lluudred Dollars lie
ward for .y caxe of catarrh that cannot
be cured ty Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Chknky A Co.,
1'roiia., Toledo, 0.
We, the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for tho bint 15 years, and be
lieve hint perfectly honorublo in al bus
hies transactions and financially able to
carry out nny obligations iniulo by their
Wkht A Thi'ax, Wboleciilo Druggists,
Toledo, 0.
Wai.dinu, Kissav it Marin, Whole
sulo Druggists, Toledo, 0.
I lull's Catarrh Cure is tukon Internally,
acting directly upon tint blood ami mil
lions surfitees of the system. Price T.'io
per bottle. Sold by nil ilruggintB. Testi
monials fioe.
Hall's Family Pills are the best,
Klbbona, laces, embroideries, boseiy
and notions of all kinds at the Racket
Y0l MJ MOTH Kit.
Croup ia tho terror of thousands of
young mothers because its outbreak is
so agoni.ing and frequently fatal.
Bhilob's Cough and Consumption Cure
acta like mugiu In cartes of Croup. It has
never been known to fall. The worst
canes relieved immediately. Price, 2b eta.
&0U. and 1 00. C. G. Huntley, the
Bear tba 1I Hind You Haw Always Bought
City. Two ino'ivi'" w nr in-ifiiiiiciiiul
In rirliitfiriif il lo ma. Fiiai ili.il lumli
inilil ln rl"l I'd l' iMii'i Imv i
Mumla ain n-r'.n l lli.it A.l i.'ral 1'i'Ai-i 'a
faifi'iiia vii'lury at Miii.iIh jui r ir m; o
M..l"l iy lil,' lit l,i. ii I. :.f ii,. I ti 1 1 -1 l.i ,','l,(
aaln yirildy lo iln niii 'N i.hill. An
0)T4niull ll lliKl,tfllirl,l-i N tl.ia. ill'-
ir,aiili'. no liMlv I..,,. of h"'I .r. , iMtinr,
an. I II i r I y rri civcl i' Ju.i i. a.-ria at
llm lianiN ol tlin fm'lifiil M'.mfii of th I
rlly, for tlin A niory iirvtr Li fort?
morH rii'lily ilrrkr'l in l ln .li-(,.or of
Olil lilory, or mom ,rofu-c'y triiiimH in
liraliful Kn-rii yrr'lum Al"iit Al r-i'lea
ati'l ni'U of I liin .Hrion ImI' liiir.ir loi'K
Itrarrful fi-alixma of dm three national
irolori, ami rl'wo UhmIh llinn w.-rn more
fralixilia rtiai't lit tlm Oron rvrri n
ami 'Iiikwi!. 'oan lli'onl, , i rn
ti'llialiKiri ailinlirully alonif I lid n-ilir.if,
rxli-ri'lnl aiui'ln r row of liiilil lr-l'oii
ami all arouml ili room at pr.ir mti-r-yaliwrm
alrrwn Ikmii'i'uI l,niiii'la of
nprliitf ilaon. ali i frrna. Tim 'lai.i in
ifn at an early hour, with aotim
arvriity roniilr on lln ftVir l,o, .r....i
ill a variily of taaiy coHt iiinra, Irnt to
tlm r i iir a U-aijiy railiy iliiu in tin ex-trt-lim,
Tlm (luliri- Ma f.llowi-l hy
ilrlirlona lilln hron ol icr rrrin hh. r.ik'
ami iiin llm aniiri-'li'm ol T W Hn',i
van lliMi enn-ra wrrr g.vrn In honor of
A'lmiral I Vary. A j."Kl 'y nin a col-
In lnl ail'l ll,rr ,m. ri-N wi'l JirV,aVy
rnrrvr'l l,y llm la'lira of tlm coijin, to
I ilrvol'l to tlm rxrirra of llm rrrrjr
lion lo Im Irii.lrir l to llm h'Mim ruiniiiK
ohlirr Imiv on tlm return from Manila.
El . w'"'""" .t
. I .., ...I. ....-.(....
"JmlKa Martimlalu baa recalled the
tlino wLrn I wai tba rry younifrat
ami yrry amallrBt tl.li-r. wbh b remind
in" of an wcnrreiic at Vhlnt'in
when a nniutxT of very anomalous bill
for public iinproveini'iit were Intro
d u i id I drcidi-d to vtto aotneof them.
I remember that there w-aa a New York
representative w bo bad an inU-reot In an
iiorniirlation of IJjO.OOO for a rmhlic
tuiidum on the Hudson. A friend
i. . . . ......
iearnva rrutn niin tnai it U1 been re
toed '8j the president,' sogge-ted bis
friend. The repreaentatire rmjionded
that that was his intention, and next
day went to the White Ilonae, where
be was Informed by the aecretary that
the president conld not be seen. 'Good
yjaciunar excLaiuird the rrprrwDta
ttva 'Has be ot ao small aa that I' "
At II l aderstaaaa It.
"As I endentand it." remarked the
Intelligent fortigner. "yoo Americana
regard Ueorge WafhingUm'a hutcbet as
the emblem of troth. "
"Yr4. air. that'a right." replied the
American proudly
"Thi n. when atatesmen or other in
dividnala w ho have qniirreled. bury the
hate In t. I np;Nwe they cenae to speak
the trnthf Detroit Free Presa.
Inaplrlaa; Hop.
The Dix-Ut Bear op I uinst tell
! Jon the womt yon can t posoibljr re
I The Oient Tbat'e a pity, for if I"d
! lived a bit longer I should have come
Into a fortune; as it ia I haven't a pen
. oy to pay jou w ith, doctor
I The Doctor WelL now. don't give
try. niostrated llira.
Kot Mralluard.
"Everybody seems to have been men
tioned for the ofl'u-e exci-pt you. "ob
served the sympathixing friend
"Yea." replied the disappointed pol
itician. "My name ia Pants. "
"Then, of ctiurse," soothingly re
Joined the other, "yon might expect to
bo among the unmentionables."
And silence like a poultice fell
Chicago Tribune
Thi-e papers for 2. ltead our offer
on eighth page.
IMIKS Tills NTItlKE ion
Muddy complexions, Nauseating breath
come from chronic constipation. Karl's
("lover Koot Te;t ia an absolute citre and
has been sold for fifty years on an abso
lute guarantee. Price i" ct. and 50 eta.
C. U. lliiulley, Druggist.
' ' '
Wo sell Victor, Stearns, Kambler, Ideal and
Golden Eagle Wheels.
Prices for 1899 Chain Wheels $25 to $50
Chainless, $60 and $75.
Wheels Sold on Easy Payments.
n jfsyA n
1 "V - AT W
' y A . h Traraiar
Makes the food more delicious ond wholesome
Owm m.mi
Ram f I.IHaaala.
In an old Indiana case a man nnmd
nhall(Trs amlrrUiok to lire np to bis
name bynmt,ln( an nnlawfnl ferry,
but the decision of the conrt said to
him. "Yon shall not en."
The name of. an adopted citizen of
the Chirkaxaw Nation, whose adoption
waa canceled and who was thereupon
riprllcd, was Ran Hannah.
A California wormtn who aaid in her
will. "I have no fear of the hiTeaftT;
O my Lord, two me to live right
then in dying there la do sting, " bore
tho prophetic Christian name of Eu
thanasia. The name Dr. Phyaick, which might
be looked for in some allegory, appears '
as the name of a ruil p-ron in a recent
Uiw rep)rt I
8,me pcnliarly sngze-tlve comblna
tions bf nailKS in the titles of caar are
It.io P.v.t.to tu.ni Vu..r frl,.
these I "'plo yrr-os Kaim r. I rlev
yrrns Mckey, hick yeraiis Merry. l'io -
WtMl .mill C rrl. vrrwrla Wlntrv
(irant yerna Lockout Monntain Corn-
in reniiniacencea cr tne early .Mirjue
tot a bur JndKe Cliarlm E. FLuudrurj
tri ll in the Minnesota Law Jonrnal of I
an argument U'fore the snpn-me conrt
In IS'3 by ex-Chief Jnatice D xriih
on u-lialr of an Indian con vu t3 of
Dinrdi r The Indian's namo was Za al
ia, bat as the counsel could not pro
nonnce it he always referred to him in
bis argument as "my client. Ahaaue
rus. " Caae and Comment
The Molloa.
An atrononiicsI fact now as former
ly ranking no little perplexity to some
is that tlm sou's motion which nn-qo.-;i
nally and indispntally is ex
trrimly qnitk does i;ot -change the
relative position of the nAat sytrn to
the fixed stars and the constellations
miare than it actually does, and there
are some who on this account are in
clined to donht the actual motion of
the son in space.
The invertigations of astronomers
have nevertheless established one ihing
as certain namely, that the snn moTes
through space at a tcrrat siihI esti
mated by some scientitts at 18 miles a
second carrying all the planets, aatel-lit.-s
and other coemical Uxlica along
with it but this motion of the vast
luminary, while affecting, of course,
the real motion of the planets in space,
does not in even the slightest decree
aff't t the relative motion of son and
Even nnder the snpposition of so
great a rate aa IS miles in one second
this relative rxwition of the sun to the
Bxed stars would, astronomera declare.
be hardly perceptible in a century, on !
account uf the almost inconceivable
dirtance tf the latter the conclusion
being, therefore, that many thousands of
years mn.st pas before the sun's proper
motion in space can change the coutf
nration tf the star gronjis.
New arrival of ready made dress skirts
Irom $ 1.00 to $3 00 at the Ricket Store.
That Throbbing Headache.
Would quickly leave vou, if you used
Dr. King's New Life Pills. - Thousands
of sutlers have proved their matchless
merit for sick and Nervous Headaches.
They make pure blood and strong nerves
and build up your health, Easv to take.
Try them. Only 25 cents. Money back
if not cured. Sold by Geo. A. Harding.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature of
ptrw rn , mm vo.
Sunday Services.
F.llAy IMMANUAb t HL Iti.H-C'ori.ef
Kigtiili and J. Q. Adams airert; Key.
Krnrat J. W. Mark, .alor. hiuulay riool
at In A. M., wrtaljr wrvirr every Tl,nmdjr
I S P.M. (irrinan arliool evrry Kalunl
from 9 lo li. Kverybody Inylirr).
ST. JOH.fa rill-RCir.CATHOI.IC.-Ry. A.
HiixsaaASb, Par. On Sunday i n and
10) a. a. Clary win'! and fourth Siin.lay
liarman wrmon after th s o'clixk inaaa
Al ail thr ! KriflUh nnoDa. am, .lay
H -hoo! at i M t. m. Vmpm, apolietlcaj
uuierw anq uen'iiiction t 7 J r. a,
II. OIr, Fainr. Mornlnr irrvlr at Id 41
H'lri'lay a l,.,l at in n. i . mrr'liiK alo-r
mornlrn arrTlr. Krerilnt arrrlr at 7 10.
Kwrtij lru n.rronr S'lnqay rrn.lnf ai
;w. I'rajrrr Uertloc Tbi,r4ajr tialill g ai 7.314,
auanj.-r. cor.lially Invited.
j r::::;T i'kkibytfkmx rni kch -Hzt. a
l"iii..m.Ty. fa.tor. erirr al 11 A M. an4
' 7 a'.t.ath Hrhool at 10 A.M. YOllrif
ftliflt , o( ,.brl,tU KndT, WM
' tf tj 8uu4ay rnius ai s m itinniay
; TCUinf pra;r tnectllig l , Mi. Beam IM.
rvAN'j'n.if.Ai. cnracn-flrRiAX-ky
T.rirn. Hat,.r: i. K. Khrkt Al-tinb
frrarhirif arrrlrr Tery H'Hi.lay at II A. X.
and 7 w v. u e.M.aih -txi rry H',nrty at
: i,J '" supt. myr
8T PAri.H EfiHCOFAi; curnni-
ly. P. K. Hammond, Hector. Hervice
H..I U. . , II. ... ...,l T.'jln n.
h,,,,, .k(m;i .t m nvit-k. M.rvi. .r
Friday eTciiing at 7 Other aeryier is
n.ay be nriounr.d. All scat frre. Siranif
ers cordially Inriird
j rrrgaliortal clmrcn. !v. F. hark, pator,
Service every hondar at II A. il. BuniJaJ
cl.ool at 10 A. M.
rori'er of Main and levenlli trr: Krv.
K. rt. Iloliiugir, panlor. Mornin- aervii.
10. .Ti; Sunday Srhool 1: Junior F.ndrsTor
5; Y. I'. 8. C. K. prayer meeting H:.'iO;
evening aervi. e 7 :M.
Christian .Science meetings at Wi!Ian
ette hall, Sunday morning service, 11
o'clock ; Sunday school, 12; weekly meet
ing. Wednesday evening at 8, except
first week of each month, when meeting
will be held on Thursday evening at 8
A. O. U. W. meets every Saturday
evening in the A. O. U. W. Temple.
Geo. R. Califl. secretary.
Rebekahs Willamette Rebekah Lodge;
No. 2 meets second and fourth Friday oi
each month at I. 0.0. F. Temple.
Mtta Uodfry, secretary.
Court Robin Hood No. 9, Foresters oi
America, meets first and third Friday ia
the month in Red Men's Hall. W. B.
Stafford secretary ; F. T. Rogera, chief
Meade Poet No. 2, G. A. R., meet
first Wednesday in each month at Wil
lamette Hall. G. A. Harding, com
mander. Clackanus Chapter No. 2, R. A. M.,
meets on the third Monday of each,
month in Masonic Hall. M. Bollack.
Pioneer Chapter No. 28. O. E. S. meet
the second and fourth Tuesdays in each,
month at Masonic Hall. Miss Jennie
Rowen, secretary.
Oregon Lodge No. 3. 1. 0. 0. F., meet'
every Thursday in Odd Fellows' Hall.
T. F. Ryan, secretary.
Falls Encampment No. 4, 1. O. 0. F.
meets first and third Tuesday in each
month. J. A. Stuart, secretary.
Redmen TVacheno Tribe No. 13, Imp.
0. R. M., meets Saturday evening 7:30,
at Red Men's Hall. N. M. Moody, C.
of R. ; Cbas. Woodward Sachem .
. Multnomah Lodge No. 1, A. F. A. M.,
meets first arid third Saturdays in each
month at Masonic Hall. T. F. Ryan,
Mead Relief Corps No IS, meets at
Willamette Hall the first Monday in
every month at 2 o'clock p. m. and th
third Monday in every month at 7:30
o'clock p. iu. The Auxiliary meets at
the Armory building the 1st and 3rd
Saturday in each month at 3 o'clock p.
m. Mrs. Roeina Fouts, president. Mra.
Mary L. Bradley, secretary.
Artisans meets first, second and fourth
Thursdays in each month at Red Men's
Hall. J. T. Searl, secretary.
Catholic Knights of America St. John'
Bianch No. 647, meets every Tuesday of
the month.
Tualatin Tent, K. 0. T. M.. meet3 in
Red Men's Hall, on second and fourth
Wednesdays G. II. Hyatt, record
Willamette Falls Camp No I IS, W. 0.
W. meets 2nd and 4th Fridays in the
Willamette Hall. Clerk J. K. Morris.
To Cure a Cold in One Day.
Take Laxative Briuio Quinine Tablets
All druggists refund money if it fails to
cure. 2ic The genuine has L. B. Q. on
each tablet.
011 B
Dr. William' Ind Ian Pile
Ointmeutwiil cure Blind,
Uleecllnif bud Ilctnuir
Pile. It abHori". thetuniors.
raa' H rjilu a tne itolnnf at once, acta
a B ,i8 a noulilce, eivt-a itihtftnt re-
111. Iir. Wiliiums'In.liiinl'ileOlnt
moiit In nrenareJ for Pilea and Itch
ing of the private purls. Kvery boi In
wiirranted. liv driiicista. Lv innll nn fa.
eetpt ot price, .',, cent and f I.IMi. VLILLIiMS.
MANUFACTURING CO.. frop.. Cleveland, Ci'ilul
For sale bt C. G. Huntley,