Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 05, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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n, 1809.
. . I That Chin I to Ih divided i evident
Oregon lity hntcrprisc; from tli last step taken by KuoMiit and
i V"t'l.n,l iy which they agree, on the
I rrnHvtivo sphere that ech shall con-
Publlntieri Kvery Friday.
I.. I. POKiKK, rM.'riT.-.
jtrol commercially. Russia lake the
north while the British are to control
j the basin of the Vmij tc-Kin;. Thi
in tlu eti tcrini; wedge and a noon a
busine intcrvst are .tatted it
2 no j w ill b easy to land trto to protect
1 ! ! these Mine Interest and lattr atory
One year
Hu months
Tnal subscription, two mouths....
A discount u ft rents on ail subscriptions j similar to that enacted in Knyl will tx
lor on year, centt lor mi monin, u
Miit in advance.
Advertising ruin given on application.
rUiherrilwr aill tind III dale of expira
tion damped on their pais following
their name. II this dale i not changed
within Into weeks alter a pavnient, kindly
notify ui and we will look aller it.
Juitered at the posiottic In Krepon City,
Ur., as second class matter.
Pr. T. B. Thomas
Beaver Creek..
Union Mill...
J:,t.. liroott
firm Kra
l'ark.larc ,
Kafle Creek
flurry ville
told. When once the dintntit:rton
tarta, event w ill come rapidly that will
be of (iiprenie Importance to China bich
ill be opened to the Western world and
with the Philippine retained Iy
America we ihould get gieal advantage
not otherwise obtainable.
Saturday Apiil 111.
The IVtmit gov to Bluenclds and the
governor i weakening in lila demand fur
unlawful ilnt ir.
Real Estate for Sale...
Firms mo, .April '.D. The I'nlted
Traction Company ha advanced the
wage of liiM employee 10 per rent, and
.ileo. knik-bt followinu this tlie Went Knd Traction
A I .that
Oscar issiuger I Company announced an increase "of 7l
Fifty people are killed in a Missouri
Mra George ia acquitted at Canton, 0,
for shootlug Geo. P Saiton.
II la ) al Ik ImIIIiIIvi af
There la plant in New Otleana that
trnriL'.'r are ulwav ultlil to have lsdllt-
--n - - - " I i
ml out - Ilegeny a. over In the r renen j y
quarter, kepi by Mine. HtKuny (l'ri-,j
iioiiiich llny. with the aireiil on the Li
hint ayllahle), and fiimona fof the break- jli
fiu.ta It aervea at 1 1 o clock every umro 1
Trad J"' H- I'V t'7 ft. tic u r Kt i'l" U il w (r . i,',
V.iint n.Milioii to Oregon City; t''.
: ii.-rrr ii.li.'inii'K Onv-.n Clly it!i Ihmi.... n,h
l.arn. I" ii'-rr in 'tilli ti"i. 1'nl.nnn lip'lit l-iu-li. Trice
n r ncrc I'.'ii-y t rum,
Tw.i lo.usea iiihI -I .il iit Wret Ore'nli fity. Two I,,.,
will) i-iicli Ikmino for J'. oi"li.
Alxn k""'I f"ri" t.m r!y f t on very fatornMi ti rm,
Call on or Addrota
r.. n. dimick,
Ctthlt) ftliln Honker But to MahIU
..III. H..t...l..l a at 1 .1 ... I . ! illlC
.i t.i i iThmlly thl. br..kf,i-t . Intend
the I h.l.ppine gnvy. fJ f(if tb hvfK ,OIrtbnt
Kev. 1. C. (ianett g.a to Pan Fran. "I to It d.iinti.-t ineata thnt I he zzzXXXXZXXXXXZZZXJiXXi;
pj I ipleinllil rrencil innrKei ill aewwrieaii
. provldrtl from duy to diiy tJradiially
Sunday April . uutldcr Ih-khh to ininn In. and now
.U.J. TniHincer jn-r cent to ItXl men.
rtia.. tlolinan
.W. f. Nclerry
Konnta itroa., have given their brick-
Kiioula and Fnglan.l rme loan ree-1 " eiiuei"'l at breakfast two
inent ronrerning China j .lava ahead The morliliiK the writer
I wa there a ilii-liii'ii-li-l J'nL'" of the
Kilipinoa admit defeat. ' iiipreiue court n the prim tpul vinitor,
,, .. , ,r. . , , .and ho. with hi f.itmlv and aevenil
Kniwia it auirering a'mn from abort i , , ,, , , , .
Henry Milev jyar l empke-, at Harnicrville, an ad-; crop and a lainine prevaila in Karan. I t,rt tt.le
-.V'r". I mm f per cent.
... J.O lia
( T. Jloaard I
. K. M. lxir j
An explonion at Iumnt X. J. powder!
Yoi-nustows, April ? Notice have : "'k killa Ave men.
" Mi ,.i ..... II . , ....
Annie Mubt , in-n iKnieu ai uie oii iiirnateaoi me Magere, who killed Sink
.lienrv A. pnviler i c a. iriar nuivuw vompany, ciruiii'
I- J- IVrdu ! era Furnace Company, Ohio Steel Com-
H.Wilberni .. ,
J C Klliott I ". luiiiigMnwD von i vompanj
providing for an advance of li per rent
in wage May 1.
K. tiit tM-h
lieo. J. Cnrrin
..Mr. M. J. Hammer
Adolph AH'hotl
lht way to tnlld np Ore rob City
l 1 glte tlrfB City People year
(ne lotiK table ncctiplea the llMle
(lining ro'in. t which one cIiihIm by a
I rickety flight of Muin Kvery lrmh
Polk i inn 11. wlo n he gi up lake M cup of
! colTce and a rll. and at 1 1 o'clock ent
l,i. r..l l,r..,.Lf.,.l Till. 1. III.. HI.-1.I lli.it
.Monday May 1. MuR lu,uy Mh cmU $
Otii i( active In atrengtheninjt bin The kitchen in right olT i f the dining
position while awaiting peine develop
Thinking that the Courier Herald
aiight have overlooked the above and
many similar items and knowing that it
iilies to publish all the news, the
K.nterprise would respectfully call the j
attention of our esteemed contemporary
Tua United State, make, a May-day ,0 (cU mJ m fe ,n.
.renttoSinoftJ0.0W,(00toremiDdcIineJ , ,j noth.ithsUnding
Kant and Coghlan get oil" w ith repri
mands for writing and talking to much.
Unrest at Wardner continues. '
room, and there Is no preteiiM of adorn
pienl Kverythlng Is n pluin and aim
j lo M it can ls. ricepting the food. Mini
this lilie M-rfix'tioii of the gastronomic
art A N'ttle of rlnr. t st.x-d at rarh
place, which, with water iuimrf-d
fn in Oeruiany and called "blue luN I. '
was all there was l drink until the lit
Iter of one year ago.
VVi would gugge.t that w age, even a.
elope at borne as Portland have been in
creased, and still we hear calamity.
Thi Oregon and Washington national
committeemen want Bryan for their
candidate. Some people cannot see the
handwriting on the wall.
' It is said that Piatt and Ouavwilltrr
and put their man in the iakenhip tuP of ,,lm k Clltt' fl"1"1'! '
chair. I1""1
The first thing served was duck. It
Tuesday May '2. ' eicellent. and was everything
... ... , ... ' rlne iln linlisl In the eight or ninn
I ampaign goes on in the Pbilipuiea ; , . . .. ,
,. . 1 conis-a that came in, and that run-
landing peace negotiatuma. The natives , cluill;, m Mwuiy clloUKn. w ith liver.
are ihowing a more friendir spirit, , , .-.1 that the only recret was that
men um, the method, of the! bytheln-j h' l' ' 1 "J
the r!mnitv hols.
... ...... 1 1-. ... ...
strikers at Wardnei tbev forfeit all ritrbti i ' " I"1"
DtscoNTiiNT is manifest in the ranks of
democracy in tiie South with Bryan.
They eee that his lii to 1 delusion will
not go w ith the business world.
Kattz gets a teprimsnd for writing
too freely about what he ia doing in
Samoa. He, as well a. Cog Man came
nearly losing hi. job by talking too
Gov. GekbIiss commuted tbefentence
of Ollberman to life imprisonment on
croontofthe provocation under which
the murderer labored at the time of bis
The men who blew np the mines at
Wardner show what kind of stuff they
are made of, by taking to the woods as
soon as any furoe is used to restore order.
Be it said to the credit of a popu'ist gov
ernor that he put the county under
martial law.
The law relating to the width of the
tires on wagons provides a rebate of four
of a civilized people and become savage..
If wage, are not satisfactory, men hare
the perfect right to quit work, but they
have no right to interfere with others
who may wish to work for the wages
tbey have refused. Much less have
they the right to intetfere with the
operation of mines or other property
when wage, are not satisfactory, and
when it comes to the destruction of
proieity solely N-causie the lalorer can
not dictate the term, on which he will
work then anarchy reipns anil civiliza
tion ceases. Strikes rarely take place
when wage, are going down or are
stationary, but nearly always on a rise
in the labor market. The lnborer under
take, to raine the price of hi. woik as i
thn tlemanit frir it inirAoirii ni! tm I
strike is the result. Strikers are rarely
entitled to sympathy on trie ground that
they are paid starvation wage. a. the
very fact of their striking proves that
they believe that capital wants their
services so badly that an increase of pay
will reeult. That a demand for the labor
exists is usually the case, but that labor !
aud you get enough to but yuu for ail
Iti. reported that ten o the crew j duy Leslie's We. kly
fuua the Vorktown with tiilmore are
captives with the insurgent. .
An ambition young writer having
F.verything is at a stand still at ' asked. "What mnuiim w ill give me
Wardner awaiting developments. j highest niition qvtii kest?" was
,. . : " , . told. "A powder magazine, if you con
Spain get. her i).0OO,Oi for the ,rjbtlf, ti).ry ,rti,.,B
Philippines. I
Krigands are active in Cuba.
Wednesday .May 3.
The proposition of the Filipinos for
time in which to call their congress to
gether is rejected by Otis,
Troops are sent to Wardner.
The sedition pamphlets of the anti-
j expansionists are barred frjiu the mails
at San Francisco on their w ay to Manila.
i The old-t medical recipe Is aald bf a
I French medical J-mrnnl to be that a
j hair tonic fr an F-uyptian (jn.-. n It la
date 400 U C. and directs Ihut dog'
as and asm-' buofa b il.d witk'
date, in oil
thm lrrrirrll.e mll M...
This Is a true si.. iy. an I it really bap j
pened lii a New York fmuly It l ks j
as if II mulif I an oi l sti.ry I n.iighl
np to il.tte or renovated for thmsca
oii I ut M Is i u tly as tho siintll N.y j
arranged It and n.. to tlm rdifl attoii
i f his f.imily The small U y very
fotid of Ice cream It never lordlu
palatn It was with the same ib light
that he saw II i :o h time brought on lh
tiible. ail. I lii II rai h of lliee linns he
showid the mil lalicr of hla f.i l.n-.j
I y crying In rapluroii ton. ! h n ' I
lie cMaint be cream! r creain!'
j mm h In his in annua' atiiioyaiii " j
people Will think We lieVef have Ire j
CPiinior any thing rUe (oral, aim vat-l
In her otie day "Now. weareollig
In have company Imlinior loiuglil. and
I d. n I waul )..il It say a Word wlon
(he Irei ti am Is I ruitclil oil " The small
i i.. i ti. ...n,. . ...i
in. iiiiiiii i ii i'ii, n h m H'--ij
little l r and lie lnt.nl.. I to mind 1
lint when the cream was broiiglit on (
the old fn ling of raptura wa i strong
that h forgot nil in ly and cr l out j
a usual Then he rvmeiuU rrd and stop i
mI short. I. king very t p. ntant lie
had Hot Inleinted to rail cut. and hi i
:'''.:,',::.,,'''r,,,,',,, " ,h,nk'"1 h"i Wc will make It better
- , i i
"We have lee cream almost every
Dlght." h remarked careli-aaly Nw
York Time
y.: v'-.tj:f-v.- jit.
t .'--a.-s'J ,y
1 I ' IN
Very Satisfactory.
Tii increase' in mir 1-tj.
!nt season w a i rv ',
ti.ry, w l ti-It is jiriMif l hat
Jirices, tli ehi il.te po'iji
coiirIc"iis, square lrr'
are tt .n. i.itiij .y ihe .
The llaiar-.
Ho wa the a.n of a worthy rlli.-n
and had Just returne.) from college
Hi father w a a briiMiin. matter of j
The president is pleased with the
stand taken by Uov. (ieer on the Philip- ing on tu a strap somewhat ley was
Vegetarians assert that one acre of
land will comfortably support funr r
aons on a vegetable diet
Her Onlalaa la Vail.
The car turned sharply around a
curve and the tall man w ho wo hold
pine question.
Abigal Scott luuiway steaks on the
women suffrage question at their conven
tion at Grand Itapids.
Hie Bonanza mine, Baker City is .old
for $1,000,000.
Thursday May 4.
The Americans do not suspend hos
tilities in the Philippines tending eace.
Martial law is in force at Wardner and
is receiving fair comionsation is proven j the dynamiters are seeking all avenue of
by the fact that plenty of men stand j ecae.
ready to do the work if given a chance. I Ananniftice is declared in Samoa,
dollars taxes on wide tires but does not j The fcttkers know Huh and resort to force ', out not signed by Ihe Germans,
c-jmjiel the use of wide tires or tax nar- j to prevent it atxi in the cae under con-1 Dr. Christie is apointed Archbishop
row ones any more than other property deration seeing that the chance of , of Oregon.
is taxed. Tnere is a mieappiehermion making the Ktri'ke a success is not good
about this law by some of the farmers. tnev rP,:ort ,0 t,ie destruction of the
Capital that bun helped them in the past.
nddetily thrown from his upright po
sition with a force that landed him in
the lap of a dignified dowager sitting
near him while hi high silk hat flew
from hi head and rolled down the aisle
of the car
Sir," alio said a he rone to hi feet
fact man. who had no liking for any-1
thing r. iioiniieij. and he tioticml with I
Morrow tlmt hi son returned with Hi '
latiKt thing In collars and various otli
er insignia of fashion The old genii..
man irvey.il him critically w Io n h ,
appeared in hi oftlea and then blurted
"Y'onngiuan. yon ,s.k like an blloil
Just al thai tlioinrnl. tid l fore Ids
young man bad time to inako a fitting
reply, a friend walked in
"Why. hello. Ilillyl Have you return
rdT" h asked "Iar me, huw luoih
yon ress'inble yonr fuiherl"
"Si ho ha Ui a lellmg ma" replied
tlii teas. .it lliaii lust
cniiiod give v 1 1 Ut'if
llielit, l-ut well jfi vr Votj !
value f r jour loliart
you ever $ d Is-Turr,
The anti expansionists are very much
disappointed at the hopeful outlook in '
Puilippines. It now looks as if the war
was to be terminated successfully for
this country. The demagogues all
hoped for disaster by which they ex
pected to make political capital and
niw talk about luck instead of the
bravery and patriotism of our troops. .
Dewey day was celebrated throughout
the United States on Monday. If there
f ' one thing the people of this country is
united in it is in their admiration of
Dewey. The government to dhow its
appreciation of this brave oflict-r has
issued on order without precedent by
which he becomes virtually absolute in
handling the Manila squadron. The
confidence of the government is not misplaced.
That the price of labor is on the rise is
An Ftr.erprldiig Firm.
There are few men more wide awake
arid enterprising than Geo. A. Harding
who spares no pains to secure the best
Dyspepsia Cur
F irinr I r s,ls trAi.
Tl rl..st1.ll ...... ill. rl..J
And from that d.ir to this the old Natur. In at leiuMbrnlf. iM J
gentleman ha had no fault to tlnd with utrucllna th nliutel digest
hi son irari. llUthela'rslclUcoverrdJ
. i tnlln(j j,,,,! J,0 0J,,.f frrplj
n.Mt'i In,. i.i. i,. .,i.. ... i
,. , j v iijm.mi. it iw in run inn j,
ion i inn avenue .-aiioimi imnif or aianiiy relieve and TiiuienlJ'
New Yoik ha .Vuhij woineii dep.witor ! Iysjertlu, lmligestloti. Ilea."
It I situated at th comer of Forty ' Flalulenre, fvnir Stotnach, I
Hf.l. ........ I I... i . I Klr.W I l,i,..l,. i : ... .. I.. i . I
... . . ..in sii.i-i hiii. ruin rrrin in ni. '' .i-.ii. ..n-.. ii.hih.i ibw.
again wi n prornse aisdogi,. "1 mm - , . . . . ... : allotherre,ulti.f i-ni-rf-.-cUi.-
compelled to say that in my judgment i r.11MMl ,,,. ,, ,.;,' I Pr.por.4 ty t. C t.n c.C-4
yoa were lacking In that complete i ...j t" ' ' . ""7.rl
j . 1 1 .ii.-n i
household acroii'it ami piu money '
there. The receiving teller arav.ryj
busy during thj Hut f. w day of i v.ty 1
inoiiiu. wiietitne patron of thn bank
bring in the
grasp of the strap which was essential
to the highest efllciency in muintalning
an upright attitudu when tnrniiqr a
curve. "
That wa all Hut it crushed him.
Chicago Tribune
For Sle I.V lieu, A. lUf'li'
evident to anyone that reads the news or !of everything in their line for their
,,,,", i . , . I many customers. They now hava the
watches the trend of events, and for . , ... , ..
Agency lorur. rwing itw j'lacovery,
which surely cure. Consumption, Coughs
and colds. Thia is the wonderful rem
edy that is now producing sg much ex
citement all over the country, by its
i many mariiuig cures, u aijHolutely
cures Asthma. Bronchitis. Naiisi-ii.ai.il
ine way oi civilization is not paved by 1! afTectioris of the Throat, Chest and
laborers to take the courne taken at
Wardner does them no pood, but on the
i contrary does harm in the fliurrlii
labor roooives. No good results in try-1
ing to raise wages by these methods.
anarehints and dynarr.iters.
E. E. CumpHtoii teacher of voice cul
ture and piano playing. Studio oyer
Bank of Oregon City.
Lungs. You can lest it before buying,
by calling at the above Drug Store and
get a trial Bottie Free, or regulur si.o for
50c and (1.00. Guaranteed to cure, or
price refunded.
Money to patent good ideas miiy be
The campaign, around Manila w ill un
doubtedly come to a successful termina
tion. Evidence is on eyery band that
not only Aguinaldo, but all the leaders
realize their hopeless caus". The over
ture, for peace are evidently in earnest
and will be met in fairness. The natives
can be given a large share in local gov
ernment as they should, The resist-
J. D. Bridge, editor and proprietor rf j secured by our aid, address The Talent
i the Democrat, Lancofter, X. I., savs: ' Kecord, Baltimore, Md
I would not be without One Minute
Cough Cure for my boy, when troubled
with a cough or cold. It is the best
remedy for croup I ever used . "
Geo. A, IIahixvg.
Shake Into Your Nhocn
Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the
feet. It cure, painful, swollen, smart
ing nervous feet, and instantly takes the
sting out of corns and bunions. It's the
greatest comfort discovery of the age.
Allen'. Foot-Ease makes tight or now
shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure for
Dyspepsia can be cured by using
Acker's Dysoepsia Tablet.. One little
tablet will give immediate relief or
money refunded. Sold in handsome tin
boxes at L'5 cents. Geo. A. Harding,
To Cure a Cold in One Duy.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund money if tails to
cure. 25c. The genuine has L, B. Q.
in each tablet.
The bud l nnire eis.
VJ ITuiik pitl is more su-
L I J'. 1 reiitilil. l .,.!,....
disease Unit
ir wrrrk her In
y ny ",:in ' "f"'r
yTfThp ha attiioint heslihy
i.W1' womanhood. Tlioiiuiuls of
women tiave lluir live
ccked by tronl.les of this
delicalr description lie
cause of their own iptinr
snce and the prtnlny c,f
neir moiners.
Whenever Ihr wander
ill IT demon of ill . health
finds a ship adrift ii.on
the sraof ikiioihiiit, he
steps on hoard, takes
the lie I m, nd steers
straipht for the tnael.
Strom of death. The 'IIMI1l
woman who has not been taupht the neer.
sitv of taking care of her health in a wom
anly way is a ship nil i i ft upon the sea f
ignorance. Diseases that will wreck her fut
ure happiness will soon assume command
Younp women who snfler from weukties
and disease peculiar to their si x live under
a terrible nervous tension, sm if (lie-v
escape dratli are always tlneatem-d with
insanity. The whole nervous system (, !
adept ed by the constant drap and drain I
upon the delicate and feminine oikiuis. ;
Dr. Tierce' l-'avorite I'resc-tiption it the
one perfect and unfailinp specific for every i
dcraupemetit and disorder of this di ctir.
lion. It fit n woman for wifehood n-vi i
iiiiiiiiriiniiiii n is uie nest ot all known
nerve tonics. It is the discovery of i,nf f
the most eminent and skillful specialists
in disease of women.
"' troubled three yenrs with f.-nmle wesk
alliiWiiliee they huvn re
ceived from their husband or father '
but the rest of Ihe tin,,, they b.ivo com
pnrntively few itetMMlt.ir to t lkn care i
lly hlitrhled thn the ! of. and have plenty of lime to assist the
full -blown rose. A I paving teller III ca-lnin . I.... L. .I.... :
have Iseii drawn t., nt gr.sery or '
drewmiuker' I. ill
a llaal. ur llnlr.
Chicken nre sold by t, ,()0 (r)
Diieno Ayrn. Th. y nr.. ,r. -hm-.I .fr(.
lM-ing offered for sale, the only feathers
left lllNil! then, lM-ing those of'tl,,, (H
The same ciiHt.ui, prevail in c'lilim
a to dog, w here it bit ..f tin. dog', hair
Is always left on the end of tho tail
even when the union,) is rook.! ,it
this is laciiilse tin. Chlnca,, ,,Mi,l.r tM,
flesh of bin. k dog the best and most
certain to put a brave spirit into tl
body of thi) enter
A hltf ir. vt both
I'fol'it ami Mtisf.ictiofl
will rmuii if j u j.iam
is. ii.a ,.,( mm. uiii.
iin.-biir I,,,,,. (a j-rrf,ifc
""l.t l. sl ilr.lr.1. ,U. f,
tlM MS-, A II u -f,,
0 J rtHIIYACO..DtfW.lk.
Animal Hint Ksim H.md.
The Wel,, mount,,,,, sheep mv b-
tlltriKd legal recognition of th,.,r l.lliy
todistu.giii,h Isiiin.huies and their own
ronds through their (tiir.-N O.,,, , k
Of sheep fiU;ht tre,pllfl,il)( , U ,,
the court i!er,,., ll,l 111,, sheep ,v-r,.
worth n half , rown more than others
Lncuuse they (l.w ,l(.,r ri)11,u ,
or ! v! "y !!rri,r:.
Of Shiloir ConHumpiion Cum is this
guarantee: "All , ,), f V(J11 ;
I two-thirds of lb,, eo.,i,.,.u i ,,,,a ,
write Mis F.llen Oley, l linllonl dlv I ulll.r.ill., n -i
Bedford Co., V. "I hsil Ivi.i ,,hvi,i, "L ""'""y. Ihl'll if Oil (
an say you are not
nc liner mil me any kI. I win lr.ini,l,, wl,, lielll'llled felllin tin. I,i,l ,
twins in my left si.ic ii iiieiimr. when it , . , ' lo your Drug-
irne f,,r my mmilhly periods I lhmkl,t I wm k"IHt and he may rei,i (, uri,.,, ,,i,
(He with painsln mytak and Btmniwh. I nisi! I ..i. or . ... ' " u I"'1'1-
hs-lfhlll. I could mSirelupwithiiiitOiintlnK 1 'll-li ..J cts., 50 cth. iliaJ fn (,
Pneumonia, la pripne. couehs. cold
ence comes largely from Uie Tagales who ' seating, callous and hot, tired, aching j croup and w hooping cough readily yield
...ui,. ii u io uay. noiu i,y an drug- to One Minute Cough Cure. Use this
gists and shoe stores. By mail for 25c. remedy In time and save a doctor's bill
in stamps. Trial package FREE. Ad- or the undertaker's,
dress, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. Oeo. A. IIakoixo
are of Malay origin, The other tribes
seem much more friendly to the Atneri
hsl Discovery I do not have ny imjM at all
no am tn lietter h.slth now than I ever m i Now lol of . .
in my life." "Jl Wrap-rs lrlr vi
How to preserve health and beauty are 1 . ' " "ral"- All pr,..
told in Dr. Pierce' Medical Arlvl, i. i. 1 Racket rllor..
i..... . : " "
. i ui paper-covered conv end '
one -cent (tumps, to (ovrr mailing only;
cloth hindinp. .y stamps. AdUrcs Dr
R. V. Pierce, liuffalo, N. Y.
At tho
w r- . av
Uon't make underwear when It can bo
bought at such very low prices at ihe
Racket Store.
.Mkrreap(,Klreyi.1,r,.HN,t llcud
ijclie .n,lig,.htion .,, (;oImlimlioli A
l-rh d.ink HlLvm an
rup,ions of the nkin. tmttvh 1
perfect complexion, or money ref.in.l-.I
Wets and 60 cts. runii.lml.
b l'lfrTiUc. Hf A1
f it!. ""'1j."t ,j
flfi s Uovcr Koot ii
. "e-iiillftc. Dm Vm,,,lr,l.,, I'"il,;' I
i " f' '"'lUesi Inn. nml all VrrK
. r, 1 . H"U '" hs.lil auarsiil' I
'oiKll. al lifi, ., Bc. ,a it. hi). I
! enrsicTO 1
Hire f
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f th
For tale by C. G. Huntlf