Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 05, 1899, Page 2, Image 2

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PTiirmin, May l.-Jilm Krkfl hat
tlaiitl x-vrral acrr of in n rplty a In ('apt.
II ! rl llrl.l. II (ill lanl lUt lal
li.ro( tlir JO ariv latrr on.
Mrs. lliiaanl, of Omnti t"ily lia tt-n
sp'iulmg a few la niili brr tuoltirr Mia.
Hiarprii ii your tin ran, tovs, on of
our nim as rrti roming hoin from town
ta-l rrk ltli load of nnr furniture
which lip liulailnl in t tie mrr atcrjr nf tils
lVa limn. hnkt niirlou ilont il T
Tlif Orito butolirr ia on of our ovular
Chirrs of lair.
Tlia A. 0. 1". W. Uxl(tf lias sucvtrtlml in
b-rakinu up ai.il ' it 1 1 1 1 1 k a l" 10 Hi li tni
I il in rlrmrnl iiimmiiik nllils ml San Jay a
In Hi li a II, to play rarila, rarouw anJ IhhI
t paarra by, ill mnfnilwr Ilia ilxi
a. one of llit (!ixJ tiling" to b crrJilrJ up
lO tllflll.
Utfit boyi rrluri eJ lioiut Irom tl cvast
rrk aii anJ iliiriiiK Hip rainy ilayj just
Iji.l. lianJ I'iiknl arvrral l)U-hfla
a,iilH( call tu frr tlirm Imui foul M-fil.
Mr. Holion i visiting lirr itrr Mrs,
lloaanl, of OrriMi I'ity.
Tlr lUkrt unial ami dance at I.aron
lull Friday liilil rai iimiiei c. A lurl
program aas ri'i'diri-J, tlirn C. C. llorlanil,
of Haiflia ptiKfnirJ to anciioi rrr oil llie
bi-krlii'f uliicli thrre a I vrnlrrn, liia
wit proJurfJ nmrh tiicrriii.fiit through
O il Hit a. Our basket lore rllin(; for
f 12. After the aiului'i orr I'tiroliaser
I'ortlaiiil Oil Imsiiirs r.iiineotr.t nitli tluwa
tale of lirr l:ili litilatii J. V, I'lilinateer.
Aki liadaiiicr visit iili her iiki'.Iiit, Mia.
M.ml.U Tutiill, of K.itt IVrtlanl.
Kd. llaliiwar, of Mi. TaUr, ma If a
til liia lariu here in t.srlirl.l. lie I an eii
l!iusit mi tlm railroad to I built to thl
pari ol Ori son, to mm ki t our line iiiiiIh r
a'olrin prudiire of all kin, It. Atlu
paru cant he heal III any line of larin
Tht parlira ha iiik' the contra. I fnr ImiM
InC Hie tisli hatt'hery on the head aier of
the Clackamas are up there on the itroitnd,
ami il keeps Mr. J. J. 1'tMi hny pai kiiijt
wiih four horr t rarry In the provision,
liaMa au.l fool to do (lie otkilh. Ai
they have 2h pound of nail to he taken
Op it teem twill te no niall alt.ur. helher
it eer beiiellts the tax payi r or nut.
Mr, liraiivill I. inn killc.t three lwr lat
Week up at .Milovia uhlrli had Hut hlde
lor which he will k'I a nice price, lie ni I
lie got all there wa up there hut amnelioa
he and rt III .Mrs!il have K'e to look at
aoiut more hear tree till Meek.
Mr. N. and II. Tracy hae 'unetii I'oarll
ol alley to a oik in the lot:u chiiii . ANo
J. I "siring and Kind lliiliuiau.
Kena I'altualeer has jcone to Fale t'rei k
to word for Mr. Suiicr.
Mr. lUvu ilident prench althelrvaii
chool houe the la-t time he a u tliere.
mm t
In tho O.jc 7
Tiu'it iru!i;ilily l!io kK!nyrt. j,
l.i tho Otwt? ,
Then rnli.illy tjio h
In tbii Joint a ?
Then I'mtalily rhouiimtinm.
ninttiT vliiTt it it, nor what
kind; you noc l havo it no longer.
It may ho tin hour, u d.iy, or a
year old; it mu.-U yield to
llyiiY, Mav 2. Tin coinnuitiltv am
Creatlv aurprivJ lii't Friday iiinmini! m )
the new a a oiiii klr I a-ed around that i
' Alhert Fraiikliauer, one of our well known
Uiked up their I ardnera and the delicacies s,'""f' and hhly feS ecU d citnen
aer aanipleJ. Then the j Dad paje from e.irltl to tNe llebeolid
liros' began and the fan- , ''uri' S the preceedinc nirflit. II anlnirn
till the ee tuiall
in the baketi
mu-lo by Wiar
tatio toe aa trtiiej
bo in.
I. M. Citft wa out here from Tortland
6n hi wheel a week tfii. He ?a i roa.li"
a tin) rouli for ahrelincyel.
Talk ol the weather it out of date and bat
b ick lid even amoi(t Hay See)s, but we
w II venture the remark that, it it cool with
ni my hail and cold ram thoaera.
An air pump man has been cnva.iii j
tin community and aucveeded in telling 1
lu iny of bis pump generally at about ha f
p ice bis primed lil t tay.
Farm work is at a difcomit, but with
jiro.pectsof rurhing biiinea as soon as
t!if weatber becomes tiuxlrralej and the
ground dryer.
alt Creek.
EAoLt Ckttc, May 1. Rain and mow
ferns to be the order of the day out here,
tjjtue of the farmers are not throuKh seed
i iff yet on account o( the bad rainy weather.
Mr. ltwellinr, of Spring aler, isbuildinK
barn for Hubert Currln. He is nearly
djne inclosing and rooting.
I Baker is building a hou:, be has It
ready for the roof, hi w III have it done toon,
then look out.
V. J. Howlelt and daiifrhter, Mr. J. V.
Douiilaii made a trip to 1'ortlaud Thurxlay.
Wm. Cooke and H.-ter, of Damascus, are
up on I'leaant Hill visitii g their jrrand
parents and friends.
Mr. Udell hat returned from Eastern
Oregon, he says he has got enough ol that
country ai d thinks be will be satisfied to
tay here now.
Jobn Freeman, of Greham, was up Fri
day Tisitli.g his parents.
Mack Hugirius is going to Pleasant Home
today to work in a logging camp.
The health of this section is better since
I early everyone is over the grippe.
in Canton Hern, witer!and, March It.
M.'l.and can. wi:h ,bi mother to New
York In 1 ' afterward liirg i.i Chicigo,
St. I.oui and the Mute of Minnesota, com
ing to t'reiron, landing at Portland May
I He leaves a widow and til children,
two xi. Ii ing in t'iiica'i, one in Mnuie.
apvdi, and two and one daughter In Har
mony, Charlie, AUert and Mr. H. F.Tyler.
Mr. Faiikhauer wa going almut hn
usual chores Wednesday, wai taken ick
dining the tdght and J "ol pemeahly
away Thursday evening at 10 o'clock, tie
ing year one month end 1 1 days of age.
He united with the F.vangeliral ch'irch
earlr in lite, l emg a memher lor tome )'
years and bis vacant ix'itt will he noticed
not only in the Inane. bin Su in the church
and his cordial greeting ami hamlslmke will
be missed among ua. The funeral service
were held In the chun-h today a beautiful
sermon being preached by the pastor K. D:
Streyfeler The interment wat at the
Multnomah cemetery.
Charlie F. Funkl a ier, ton of the de
ceisel, arflveil from anta Anna. Cal. yes
terday where he bail been visiting for
several months, being summoned by tele
graph. More (ban Could timl room In the
church were present at the semcvi.
Xaple Lane.
Maple Lam, May L Mr. and Mrs R.
L. McHri.ie. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Fisher
and Miss Susie Hunter, of Portland, were
the gueMs of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mautz.
ths latter part of the week.
Grandma DickerMin is Veiling with rela
tives in Caneii.ah.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Brayton and tin,
spent Sunday wilb their daughter, at Elyt
Mrs. g. 8. Jet.ning. of Kellwood, is stay
ing with her mother, Mrs. W. W. Richards,
wb is seriously ill.
The Miises Urenier, of Portland, visited
w'tb Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Swaliow, Sunday.
Ira Wlshart. of Oregon City, was the guest
f T. H. Davie, Sunday.
E. M. Ward, who bas been teaching in tbe
Portland Business college, for some time,
CO upletes his term this week.
Cbas. Mautz is building a lieat picket
fence in front ol his residence, which adds
greatly to its apiiearance.
A number of men are engaged In cutting
wjod on the old Rentier place, for I,. Mautz.
A brother of Otto Kunzman, arrived re
cently from the east, and intends locating
A surprise party was tendered Miss.
Myrtle Hamilton, at her borne near the
Uenrici school House, on tbe 22nd by her
iu my friends. Tbe evening was pleasantly
spent In playing garnet, after which a de
licious lunch was served.
I Harks Newt.
I ClARKr.s, May Kew. Haines, of Ore.
gixi City delivered an excellent sermon at
tbe school bouse Sunday April
J. Gorbett, the Cotton merchant, passed
through our burg today enroute lo Oregon
A singing class was organized here last
Friday evening with Prof. Siutli at in
structor. Meets earb Saturday night here
after. About 2o thousand feet of lumber lias
been subscribed by our people to fill mud
holes on the Clarket highway.
I!. (J. Cnsper killed a large coon, not long
since, which measured 3 feel T inches from
tip to tip.
II. L. Ringo is improving the appearance
of bis property iu the way of making a new
picket fence.
lmneiliatelr a'ternplyln;; It y
f.o'l its niitiiirj. wurunnj, strength'
eain p er.
It q'jict cnrtjrs'.ion ; drawi out
It i a new plasicr.
A cumliin.ition. of rW
renedie. M'!t aft-r Hew
pethisl. I'nli.-!y unlike any
t ther pUter.
T. Triumph if UuJem Medical
Scieni .
The Perfected Pnslm t of years of
ra'.int T.ul.
I'Uc.-l irer tTie rhet it Is
powerful aid to Aver' t hrry Y;
tornl in ll.e treatment (f all throat
and lun aTivlioR.
i'la. ei (tr the ttima h. it ttopa
na-L-ei and vuii.mug ; ir the
towel, it controla crarr.p and cuhc.
Plve-l-orer theairall if th back,
it rwniwa all rnng.-si,in from th
kidneys and griMtly ttrenijUiiint
For .! Ii all I'ruggUt.
J. C. Aier Co., I.we I. Mia,
employment at hi trade, that ol a caru
te.. P. H. Burad. of t" gon City made 0
werfo a short visit vesierdav
Mr. Anderin. who ha h.-n In M-mlana,
mining returned In hi home In Oswego
last week.
Grandpa S'ivm, who wss ipiii tick is
again able to be out.
What i tbe n atter with the weather?
Farmer Pague nni't hve liit the eiimbi
nrnon n I got in awlh he.1 otl Into (ireen.
land or oine other lindeirab rlnuate.
smklai Liberal Abuat M.
Wilkin I andi-rnta nJ yoa are giv
lug yonr eon a liberal etlucation
Hobba Liberal T Not a Lit of it
They don't give anything away at the
college where he ia I have to pay fur
every plaguy thing be gcU Htou
Oakfikld, May 1. Today is May Day.
fruit trees are white with bloom, grain
- 1 1 ks well, stock of all kinds are In good
condition. The health of all is good, no
doctor bills to pay by any fur the past
, winter.
School in the three districts namely
Irvan, Tracy and Porter, Is progressing
nicely. Patrons and (scholars are well
jd eased with their teachers. The scholars
aire advancing nicely.
Mr. Cliff Sarver bas added a nice plank
fence and ben bouse to bis improvement.
Emerson Surface has made tome new
cue.;, utrfng boards Instead of rails which
ad Is to the looks of his farm.
Win. Oat field has built him a new wood
Harrison Tracy has built him a nice
picket fence around his doot yard, and
broke some 10 acres of new ground which
ad Is to the value of his laud.
Mr. Mary Posen returned to Michigan
her borne after a few month visit with bee
parents Mr. Gideon Krigdauni, of Garfield.
Mrs. Sarah Falmateer spent a week in
Dover, May 1. ine eople were sur
prised last Sunday morning on awaking to
see the ground covered with an inch of
snow, tbe fruit to far is not hurt yet and
there is prospects of good weather now.
Mrt. A. J. Kitzsmiller has returned home
from the EjsI where she has been visiting
relatives and says she had a pleasant tri
Miss Edna Price came borne with her to
visit her cousins.
K. Pagh is preparing to build a new barn
on his farm.
N. Nelson lias gone away to work for
Mrt. Ira Cooper is on the sick list at the
present time.
Mrs. W. Douglass and Mrs. Thorp were
Visiting with Joseph DiSbazer and family
last Sunday.
Rev. Udell was seen walking the streets of
Dover last weak.
J. A. Strawbridge had a log rolling last
Saturday and called in all the young ladies,
of Dover, (which happened to lie the old
ladles) to see which he would choose for a
That plant when Injorod suffer from
fever is a new diacovery by a lirttish
botanist Plants suffer In a similar
manner to animals under like condi
tions. Tbe rate of respiration increases
nd tbe temperature riitea. reaching a
maximum within 24 bonra
Oswr-'io, May 3. Last Saturday night at
tbe I. O. O. F. ball, Dr. Kellogg, of Taylor
street church, Portland, delivered his lect
ure, entitled "Travels In Europe," the leot
ure was illustraten by magic lantern views,
despite the down pour of rain there was
fair audience, who were highly gratified by
the scenes as they traveled through Eng
land, Scotland, Ireland, F-iatice and Ualj
with the lecturer, after the lecture the
ladles aid society served ice cream ami cake.
The Pipe Foundry Is again shutdown,
when will it resume work? Echo answers
The Oswego fisherman are not getting
rich very rapidly this spring. Salmon seem
; to he taking a vacation, probably waiting
for a license or permit to ascend the WtlU
a nette by tbe way, why Is it that the lisb
commissioners, or his deputy do not look a
little more closely after unlicenced fisher
men, It is unfair and unjust not to protect
the men who have paid their good money
for the privilege of fishing.
Mrs. Kruse bas rented ber farm, and
moved to Oswego. She occupies the Fisher
bouse in New town,
T. R. Clinelelter left last week for Lewis
ton, Idaho where be expects to procure
A Frightful Itluoder.
Will often raiisu a horrible Rurn, Scald,
Cut or I'.ruiHH. Bui klcn's Arnica Salve,
the l-Ht in the world, will kill tin; prtln
and promptly hful it. Cures Old S'we,
Fever Sores, I'lcern, Roiln. Felons,
Corns, all Skin KruptionH. Rext Pile
cure on earth. Only "I c's a box. (Turn
guaranteed. Sold by Geo. A. Harding.
Don't tail to hear tiu Chimin singfit
at tbe Baptist church this (rrid iy) nigbt.
They will sing iu both tbe American and
Chinese language.
I consider it not only a pleasure but a
duty I owe to my neighbor to tell about
tbe wonderful cure effected in my cuse
by the timely uie of Chamberlain's
Cjlic, Cholera and Diarrhnt-a Remedy.
I was taken very badly with Mux and
procured a Wtle of thin remedy. A few
dottea of it effected a permanent cure. I
take pleasure In recommending it to
others suffering from Unit dreadful ilia
ease. J. W. Lynch, Dorr, W. V. Tbi
remedy iB sold by G. A. Harding Driif-
By allowing the accumulations in the
bowels to remain, the entire Hyitein in
poiHoned. DeWltt's Little Early Itinera
regulate the bowelH. Try them and you
will always line them.
Oho. A. llAitniNo .
Sailors and Walking ham, the Intent
an 1 lowest pric. Mipi" (ioi.ii.vMirii.
Wedding Htationury, the latent stylos
ind fineHt asHortment ever brought to
Oregon City at the Entkki'Kihk office.
everywhere lor "The Btorv of the
Phillnnines" by Murat Ilalstead, commls
slotted by the Government as Otllcliil Uiu-
lorlari to the war Department. J tie hook
was written lu army camps at San Fran
cisco, on the Pacific with General Merrill,
In the hospitals at Honolulu, in 110111
Kong, In the American trenches at Manila.
in the insurgent camps with Aguinaldo, on
the deck of the Olympla with Dewev, and
in the roar of battle at the fall or Manila.
Ronanza lor agents. Hrimful of original
pictures taken by government photo
graphers on the spot. Large book. Ixw
prices. Rig profits. Freight paid. Credit
given. Drop all traahv unofficial war books,
Outfit free. Addrees K. T. Uarber, Sec'y.,
Star Insurance BIdg., Chicago,
I llHiima Heater.
' In cotislib rltig thi prolil.im of -Ing
tlm largo depiirtnieiit alun a which
arn now to im found In nearly every
big city It la very well vmitli taking
Into account the animal lu al ditl United
by tlin ninny runt unaTn who t'niim lnl
audi establishment That tlila la cmi
siilcNll In Is evidenced by III" evpi'tieluc
tif at least on riigiimei'. who. In one
such case, found tbat after 9 'M a in
(in a day In midwinter, with t hut her
inoiui'ler at the freetlng n.int. 110 other
beat Wttt liiidcil to keep the place
warm Tbla fact, however. einpliai
a well I bo grout mx-d of a K'"K' system
of ventilation in such building. a
' without It the air would soon Ucotiio
! vitiated much lieyotid any rcnwiuibly
1 wr iiilitHt tilo degrou CaaiiT'a Maga
line ,
! Irehsn t'lret.
1 Curiously, an Icchotimt ia th tmwt
likely place In the woi Id for a lire In ;
urniice, lute ro to high on Ice hcd
( to !e aluioet prohibitive nf any .llt is .
being taken out Spolitamsiii cmulm
tinn ia rKNitisiblo for tin tin- In Ice1
hcd, according to amno authorities !
, When a layer nf ice la molted around
the top ami aidoo In aiimiiicr an lata
' inotiso amount of bout is act free. Win n
condition nrit exactly favorable. p.n
! tumuli Cntuhlintliili t .1 k a place Otln I '
' lulievo that 11 ii'tin of vwiruith and
moisture U created by the inciting h r ,
ml that this attract liglitiiitig In 11 ny
', rii'o an lc hoiixo la a Uautiful place fot
a lice 1
llalbrr I lu. I
j "Tim atitlgtest liiall I over knew Wii ;
. a fellow who in going up atair alwuya I
1 tkipH a atop lu order to auvv bit ho ,
I blither
"That's iiothingl I once knew a inn 11
Who Waa ao atlligy that bo wouldu t
trim bia linger null except wh. n ha
(niild Isirrow a Jai kkiilfe. Is i ainso be
li. In t want to wear out bis wu " '
Chicago New
I'll Maebrle. 1
A a defensive ivuipi ii tlm vntne t t :
the machete i small Even ltof)eiislvn
fT-t t ioN'tids b-M on the weapon lt lf
than on the r ntiniiat and tkillful
nsngn made of it by tlm Citlmn Jirn-rint
from bia earlier ago, which Imjrt a
j eeiilmr training to the llllliH'loa of the ;
wrist and arm of the hm rator Tbu
Ci ti.sieiice 1 f thl skill la that w hen
ever a uarre occur U-tweon two ,
"glajiroa" nr "liioliotrmi" tl.ey wttlo
tbe matter with their tiiachctcw as rotir- j
agtMiisly and tenaciously n two game- ,
cos ka. and generally Udh parties are
terioiisly Injured for lifo or ar killed
on the it j
Owing to this fact and to tbe until-1
ral kindly diiiition of the Cut an 1
leusjiiit, they are tu t a qnarrelmime
jMi'ple slid risjMft everrlsidy, to be
eslllully riKpt t-l With the machete a
few ctirioiia acceewirica are ned The
principal are a thin strip nf leather'
clowdy tied to tho right w rist, a amnll !
round piire of grinding stone to sharpen
the edge of tbe tid. and v. believer the ;
tnuclieto ia employed to cut down tho;
I thorny heath of tr picnl tegittiiii a1
small hriii.ch of apociul almpe. called :
tbe "gnriihato. " i nsi-l to hold the I
ben th and do rapid Work w it In. lit lot
in; injured by tin ma Island uf Cuba
1 liuusauil Hate kidney Tl uiihle a:nl
llou't kiiuu It.
There is a i!iease prevailing in tins
Ciilintiy most ilaiigoroiia because so do-
ciilive. Many sudden death arei
ca ised by it, heart disease, pneumonia,
heart failure or apoplexy are o ton the
result ol kidney disea-e. If kidney
trouble in allowed to advance the kidney
p litiou in tbe blood is lutblo to attack llio
vital iirgans, or the kidneys themselves
bie.ik down and waate away roil by cell.
Then the riclinoas ol the IiIcmhI the si
bninoii leak out nml the hiilfeier Iihh
l'.riglit's Diseaso, tbe worst form of kid
ney trouble. Kidney trouble run h de
tected ultboilgli it be alow and deceptive.
First, by analyst of the urine ; second,
by the simple, test of Hotting the urine
aside in a gln or botilo lor twenty four
hours, wlieii a cloudy or brick dust
settling In. In s it .
It wax for jHt such trouble tbat in
His infinite power ami gooilmv the
Grea' l'byiciati caused SwHinp-ltnot to
grow for the bonollt nf Hiilloring man
kind, leaving it (or bis servant, Dr.
Kilmer, the groat kidney and bladder
specialist to dim:oor it and make it
known to the world. It woinleifu
ellicucy in promptly curing tlio most din
reHHing ciihoh is truly niui vuiotin. Votil
may have a sample buttle of Dr. Kiliuoi '
Swamp-Hoot tbe grout kidney, liver sod
bladder remedy, by mail Iron,
Address Dr Kilmer A Co., Mini'liain
ton, N. Y. When writing mention Huh
paper. Druggists:, in fifty-cent or dollar
Boars tha A llH K"'ll lull Boilfjlfl
AVfU f Latifc 1r ( n.irdlion for As -alinltntiiif.
Hv IikhI niyllli-tfuti -
llltr Ik btunuuJu ftlal I WVU H
17 17lITv'arTT 'bHv-LJ
" '""111
in-MniwIHil fonbiinnrllirr
0i.min.MnWtf Ih'r Murfal
a.i. U
Atx-rfcf I lU mrdy forforrtlifw
lion . Sour 5 tottwii h. I ) iai 'V.
flitd Loss or Sutr.
lacSuiaW 5iiuiluroC
Forlnfitntw nnt! Children
The Kind You Hav
Always Bought
Boars tho
You Hav
Always Bough
) ttM V I
viws on
the .Market...
Always llio Iiesl.
Ahvays will I
( I'liiM a vaj.''iEi lu tti-r ;
Il is aliHuliitfly i mi" !-Mil l
th Mitclifll.
Ibtn't take cli.iiiftN on hmiih imkiinwii iicw-iu
waon. I'uy an !'! rclialilf makf.
IBTO" H'LilLl 'nf-i'tf r
You'll f I IK 1 it ( lit api rst in tin clnl.
Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co.
First and Taylor StrootB - Portland, Orof!
! Weekly Ira Ocean ISi
Always American -
Always Republics
Hvcry Column is I5rixlit, Clcnn and Packed with New,
Ilia Uternlure of lt column h
( to that vf the best maxn.
zincs. It 1.1 I it u-rcst inn to the
children as well as the p.nrcnts.
VM,4. ? VEAR8-
V 1 X
2 D f ClIhiT3
I , ,..., . ' , tuiiUKu ii, mil
Traoc Marks
Anrona mnitlnn a skotrh and rtcsirlnllon mm
pnlikl iii-jirtln our opinion froo wliMilmr an
Inrmiitnn I prnhahljr pataiiUhln. r'umniiinlp.
tliiis(rlotlraniiiliMlfl. IImihIIkhiIc 111 I'iiIkni
fri Ol'lnst niinii' r for urinu isihui.
I'sU-nt uan tiiruuxli Jlunu ti Lu, ruculv
tpteuu ruitlct, wit Imut vliariiu, 111 the
Scientific American.
A tianilsoimilf llluslritlMl nk:j. I nrvi st Mr
ciilHllon of tnr ai-ieiitldn tout 1,1.1. I'miius, l i a
rn fnurmnntUt.fJ. Bold tijrull ni wslinlirs
; Jt brmp 10 1 .1., family THE NEWS OK THE WORLD .J BM
' im the b and abbtt diaculon. of .11 qu,.tl(m, ( lhe d' b i
; , - Why lh .! Uru and of $tlUrn
1.00-PRICE OIMF. nnt T A P nrrn vr.n .
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