Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 24, 1899, Page 6, Image 6

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Lv Harding Trllt.f th t int ConlHel
nilh Ih Inaargetit.
Mamii.a, P. I. Feb. 9, lSW.-Refoie
tarting on my tleiH-riplioo of the war, a
Jew word will l nccvsry a n f
agnation for ny error or fte tate
viic ntn that I may write.
First, we have nol lieen allowed ont
siJe of our quarters, except to Jo guard,
in e this trouble commenced Second,
a great many rebuts are brought in that
ire proven lo tx false, and attain the
nu'Wrpaptv do not amount to much o
von ee we have no way of netting the
.news except by ordorlie or other who
filter quarters, consequently I am
-greatly handicapped; but I have kept a
lint of notes from the beginning, nearly, i
all of which I know are authentic. All
lliat I write about our regiment it cor
rect. Atout 9:30 p. m. on Saturday it waa
rumored that there niight be trouble
that night, but nothing occurred until
fer tape (about 10:3$), when firing wa
beard. This of course awakened many
of the boy. Soon all were ordered to
Jrts and keep still. This order had
liardly been carried out. when a mcssen.
T$er was heard to ride' up in great haute
as be handed the cclonel paper from
tieai'quarters which orxlereJ our regiment
underarms. Then for the second time
Juring oar itty in Manila, every military
organization of the United State was
-called to a.ms;'but different than the
first, a tliia was the call that started
n of the bloodiest wan that tliia
century has s-en.
We "fell in", and a each company
bad its place aligned, it tutrched there
and stayed until it was ordered back to
quarters, an hour or two later. As our
Tegiment is guari ing the wjl'e l city it
l d not go outride the walls, because it
wag expected that an out-break would
occur intiJe. It did not come although
Over tlil bridge the ambulance had to
drive on their way to the hospital from
a part of the battlefield. 1 saw many
wounded natives an1 a few American
pa, and a few prisoners. The wounded
Insurgents were shot in many different
way; aome having bullets through
their arms, while others were more
dangerously wounded. In one cart I
saw one man minus a foot that had been
shot otr by a shell; while alongside of
biui lay a man shot through the a Mo
mo n by a springtlcld ritle ball The bole
looked more as if a small shell had struck
him, as It was very large. The prisoners
that pasvd us were badly (righteud and
it was w ith good cause. Ther are made
to believe that they will b killed, just
a they used to e by the Spaniards,
who always murdered their priionera.
Their aran were the .Manner, and Spring
fields, and one or two wicked looking
knives. You will understand that the
insurgent forces who have done the
fighting are the "cracks," as you might
say, of their army, because they were
armed with rifles. While Aguinaldo ha
'an immense army ne haaonly 15 or 20
thousand ritles. Some of the prisoners
who were taken fartherest out wore a
feather head dress and breech-cloth and
were armed with bows and arrow and
wooden shilds. The bulk of the army is
armed w ith bows and arrow s and knives"
But I am wandering from my narra
tive. After (pending several hour on
the bridge Co. I was marched back to
supper and then into the street, where
it remained with the rest of the battalion
until morning. We slept on stone side
walks with the haversacks thrown
around in aucb a way as to use them as
pillows, very few received any benefit
' from the nap or two he took during the
J night, but all slept sound the Deit day
' when we were allowed to remove all but
our clothe.
The regiment with the exception of
the third battalion, has not been oat
Humane Topic bj
the Xchoul
"Oh, ti s mnthrt wrHioa high
Thr Uili ah loM la pliancy.
Ulh ahr m4 Ihm ! "'l
Thr dav l ww. It" hlul mghl,
fat all hrr aorniar. all hr Irai.
A over payment of delight f "
Wtira a hah la taken rv bv the ng1
of Jralh fiom lis sorrowing itintlirr lie has
uni rna of rtina.iUlmii which la ilmiril
atnia annind hr nrrk ami a nrr, im
clrr little hrad nratlllig gilll tirf hiving
txiaom, Il Is sad tiiilrnl, that lilulheihood,
The Clackamas County Humane So
ciety, In order to stimulate Inleiesl
among school children in human sub
jects, has divided to offer three first I v the sad heartrd wi.mnn wlm ha nrvri
' . ...... . . Wtn blrawd with the of cllll(lli tttltai
prise 10 t romp!)., iur iy ine s'niMii ,
children of On gon City and vicinity lor
the best vriginal eay on humaiie top
hs. Competition will be limited to the
following schools: All schools, public
and private, In Oregon City, Canemah,
West Sule, Mt. I'leaaaiit, I'atk place and
Willamette Kails. The ctmipetitors will
be clasrltled into three divlcloiia, or
classes, according to age, to each of
which a prise will 1 awarded (or the
benl essay. The Ural class will Include
all children between the agesof tl and 10
years; the second, N't ween 10 and 15
years; and the third, lioin 13 years ii-
The are to be writteu upon any of the
following subjects:
The Kig lit of Animals and the Pro
tection We should liive.
Native Uirds of Oregon.
Influence of Humane F.ducstion.
Importance of Krily l.eeoii iu kind
ness. Way in Which 'the Tight Check Keiu
Filed Horse.
The Value of Hird and How the Uirds
Help the Farmer.
Fiampleaof Animal Intellig nee.
the mint complete snd prrfrct of womanly
lrh(lil la tlrmrd Ml tiftm to the lUual
tillril by their loving nature In m)ny It.
It ia Imptiaaiblr to avuid the frrling that
limlly mlurr w.ml.l not allow hrr own
tw-t puiM.v lu be ilrf.alril, aiilbout soms
fault or aliort-comint: on thr ait of lh
woman srlio ong lu i a motbrr; and rt
priirm e li. I hat In a laige nutntrr of
ciw the duticully lira in some unnatural
wraknrw, whu h. by proixr and rraaonable
niraS la allogrlhrl rrmnliablr
So ilrtu-alr and aarrrtl a aubject cannot
be tiratrtl in sn but arriuua. snd at the
I tm limn tft.i1.1 ar.i,il tl ! hurrlv
loinpoftiliolis should l (loin two to , frrlmg of iratituJr snd s draiir that otlirr
six page in length. They sre often Uo
long than short
All pupils inu.-t wiite under a fictitious
Fach comixjsition must lie signrd w'ph
the pupil's fictitious name, the school
and age of writer, sealed ins
women like Ihrraarlvra shall M mail
happy anil nintrnlrd thai prumptrd the
wrilin of Ihr following; Irltrra with thr
ripir.a prrmiaaion that Ihr jr b publialird
" Mr Sa'V f"t I una flrr wrrka ol.t ami la fal
anl hralthv (an tw " tlr stt t-.oialarih
Wl(hl of aprltif l'll. "Mii-arlr Co. I lah " f
cimimrn.f u-iu lt liriira Hawitur frr-k-tiijmn
m hr tt la... munlha alinatf anil
Separate i f.Hiunur.1 lunar it unlil I nmAnnl 1 art
mnv arms and touch amuniation weie;, k , ...... . '.
wq jionoav anermxin inai uaiianoo leu
taken from the natives. The second
battalion's place was in the street in
iront of the quarters. The retiimeot bad
liardly settled in it bunks when a
second call to arms was sounded, and we
were again marched to our oiace. After
another stay of an hour or so we were
again man-htd in and allowed to lie
lawn. No oda was surprised when the
third call came an hour later, as the fir
ing bad gradually increased nntil it ex
tended all around the city. Occasion
ally the deep boom of the field piece
only went to show that the long expected
trouble bad commenced in dead earnest.
The regiment w as kept in the streets and
on the wails, until breakfast, when the
men w ere fed, and marched back a soon
as poesible ; but were kept only a short
time. When daylight came, we were
diemisged and allowed to remove our
Laverocks, canteens and belt.
In the meantime the fighting had be
come fiercer and fiercer until about 3:30
a. m. when the hardest fight took place.
Ojt troops made a brilliant charge, and
drive the enemy out of the tranches and i
occupied them. All night long though,
the Americans fired very few shots, as
thry were ordered not to fire but to save
ammunition until daylight. The insur
gents did very much firing and with
verr little damage.
Jt is thought that the attack was a
prearranged affair, as the inorgents,
-run started it by trying to take a bridge,
Lad hardly been fired upon before their
entire line commenced firing. But our
turn came with daylight, as it was then
'thai we commenced to fight and con
tinued all day long. By that evening
(Sunday), the insurgents, who had had
riieir lines to within from 2-5 to 50 yards
from ours, had been driven back from
two to three miles. It proved to be very
bard fighting, as the enemy stood their
ground well and were in excellent en
trenchment ; but our boys made charge
after charge taking more ground and
iilliDg insurgent after insurgent until
they were worn out, but still full of fight
when night came.
Off Malute was tbe Monadnock, which
proved to be a great slaughtering
machine. This vessel, w ith the Charles
ton and Callus off tbe opposite side of
the city, rendered great help in fighting
tbe enemy. Tbe Jand forces would get
them in a bunch, then the shells
from these vessels would tear them
to pieces. All night long the fir
ing continued, although mostly by the
insurgents which did very little damage.
The mcn-of war continued to fire as they
41 sed their search lights.
Now to go on with our command
Slier about two hours rest the regiment
WMacain formed, this time to stay out
until the next morning. One company
'Was sent to guard some burning buildings
and see that no others were fired. The
.second battalion (Co. I's battalion)
tdtayed in tbe street nntil 1 p. m. when
Co. I went to relieve the company on
the bridge.. The rest of the battalion
held its position . It was here that I saw
.a little of what was going on. While
.there many bullets were fired over our
2iead9, some being spent, going through
the air with a queer' singing sound,
while others tLat were not spent, went
(bywitha eliaiper and shorter sound.
tOue struck the ground about a yard from
one of our detail and he got it. We
could ee where they were fired from
but couM not 6ee tbe man or (moke.
Soon, however, Co's. Dand Kof our
retiment charred tbe place and captured
bont forty prisoners all told and killed
aix or peven.
for the front with three day's rations, it
ia greatly envied by the rest of the regi
meut, as it ison the tiring line. It got to
go because its major and colonel worktd
so bard, besides it was the battalion that
stayed in Cavite and guarded supplies
when Manila fell. But Companies I and
M have been tranMerred to the second
battalioa consequently we have had oo
fun at all. The colonel ha worked hard
to get the w hole regiment into the Geld
but as we are the provest guard we had
to stay and guard the walled city. We
are the only regiment that ha not seen
hard fighting, but the best way to do is
to "gr,n d oer it which is a hard
thing to do as the boys are very anxions
to get to the front
February 12. The mail leaves tomor
row so I will have to end this tonight.
The regiment was again called out to
"bold down the stone walla" on the 10th,
but was soon allowed to return to quar
ters and that night slept with our clothes
on. Also on the 10th the battle ofCalo
can wis fought, it being one of the
I bloodiest, if not the bloodietit of the
campsign. The papers I send will give
yon an account of it. It was the same as
tbe others in one way. Tha boys
charged and drove them like so many
sheep, although the insurgents fought
very stubbornly.
I was detailed with the guard to do duty
at the "penn" yesterday morning so got
to hear the men-of-war and the fight
with a few shells.
The next town that will fall Is Ma'o
bon, which will be a hard fight as it is
an important place, besides being near
our objective point, Malolos, the insur
gent capital.
The lines are all quiet and resting all
around the city with the exception of
that part just mentioned.
I have now taken you op to the pres
ent day, so will stop, ai yon must begin
to tire of reading. But the next mail
will bring you a letter telling of things
that happened that are interesting,
though not important. You, of course,
know much that I have written but it
was necessary
Guard duty is the hardest we have
ever bad now, but the boys realize bow
important it is, so do no kicking. To
morrow morning's detail cabs for four
men more tban we can put on duty, so
four men on guard today will have to
stay on tomorrow, which will make 48
hours, instead of tbe regular 24. Over
one-balfof the company goes on guirdl
every day.
Company A went to guard another
re nment'a quarters today. Company IS
also does Bepirate guard duty by guard
ing a bridge.
There is no telling when we will get
home now but tlut is not talked of inn ;h
as tbe boys do not want to be recalled as
long as there is danger. But when thiti
reaches you, you will have a fair idea of
our recall.
If you think you can send me some
films before we start borne, why please
send them as I have no more now. If I
had them I could haye gotten some very
valuable battle scenes as I would have
let some one who could get out take the
George Martin was made first Barge
act tcnikht. The boys are all in good
health which is stimulated by the war
(i. Leb Habuino.
envelop and sent to lr. W. K. Carll.
Chairman of the com m Itee on awarda.
K tcti euy r.tr mint rend to Or. W.
K. Caill at the same time In a separate
sealed envelope hi or her leal name and
the fictitious name which is attached to
tbe rsoay.
All essays must be in the hands of Ir.
Carll on or before April I'S, at 6 p. m.
The priie will l annonnred later
and will be placed on public exhibition
before the end of tbe contest.
The commute on awaid constats of
Dr. W. K. Carll, chairman, Mrs. It. A.
Miller and Her. A. J. Montgomery.
Sr w Officer Elected.
An annual meeting of the officers and
board of director of the Willamette
Savings A Loan Association held at
the Bank of Oregon City, Monday night,
and the following named officer were
elected to serve the ensuing yesr:
President, E. G. Caus'eld ; vice-president
W. A. Huntley; secretary, (J. It. Dimick;
treasurer, Bank of Oregon City ; mem
hers of the new board of director. L. L
Porter. Geo. A. Harding, E. E. Char-
man, It. Koemer, II. K. Straight, A. W.
France, T. F. Ryan, K. U. Caufield and
W. A. Huntley; auditor, A. W.
Cheney, M. Bollack and C. II. Caufield.
Keport of the present statu of tbe as
sociation were made and went to show
that busines was in a flourishing condi
Harris To Mr, and
Wednesday a son.
Mrs. V. Harris,
At tbe last meeting of tbe board of
directors Mr. Caufield presented the fol
lowing resolution and Mr. Charman
moved its adoption and the same was
carried : Be it
Resolved, That in the retirement of
Dr. W. E. Carll from tbe ofllce of direc
tor of school director of school district
No. 02 of Clackamas county, Oregon,
that tbe Dublic loses a conscientious and
faithful representative, one who ever
had the best interests of the schools of
the district at heart, and who has labored
faithfully and well for the upbuilding of
the educational interest of the children
... I nf ttiA iliatrirt anil tha mnnitiar nl Ihia
in tins to make it read- . ' '
board recognizing tils worth wish hereby
to express our appreciation of his uni
torm courtesy and kindness wtnle we
have been associated with 4im as dirtc
"The Flower of Death" is the title of
the short story in the Argonaut of March
I 27, 1800. a Iranslatlon from the French
by J. F. Davidson. It tells of the des
perate yet onselfiHii elibrtsof a young
man who believed he had only a few
hours of life before him, and the joy he
won by his heroic work for himself and
the woman he loved.
A Frightful Blunder.
Will often cause a horrible Burn.Rcald,
Cut or Bruise. Bucklen's Arnica Salve,
the best in the world, will kill the pain
and promptly heal it. Cures Old Sores,
Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils. Felons,
Corns, all Skin Eruptions. Best Pile
cure on earth. Only 25 cts a box. Cure
guaranteed. Sold by Geo. A. Harding,
Having bought a tract of land at the
end of tbe suspension bridge near tbe
Morcy bam, I will sell three or four lots
at a very reasonable price.
Good Whiskey is both doctor and tonic.
Better looking than many doctors, better
tastinu than all medicines. For general
family use, nothing equals whiskey and
HARPERS Whiskey is pre-eminently
the family wliihkey. Sold by
C. G. Huntley,
Oregon City, Ore.
tlil lr liOtlr. In all I l.avr urrn autH,rtt la
tiii-.arr1.-;r hating 10 o.' thrm an.1 I wo tr
anaiurr chllilrra I wm liouWnt i Ihr Iraat
Ihia Ut lira. I f airongrr a. mb month
riroa;rrrt anil wrui in mv lull nine I ahatl
rOHnmrni! Ir Tirrrr a Pantile erratriiiioa
la all I mrrl who ar innWilr.1 Hh frmalr wrak
Bra Thrr art arirrral Lwllra taking; Ihr
V.M itr rtrarnptlon ' ainrr Ihrv nav ara lha
larnr Al I rrrrlvr.1 ami morr bo dout. anil com
mmrr lla aftrr knoann mv r.mlntoii. aa
mv proarraa ra walrhru with mu h tdtrrrt by
mauY ui my Brighten ami Iftru.L '
' Wf wilr ha. Hard H Itm-r a Fatt ""rr
arrtpiwn whra In a rtttiaal rornlitioa and na la
M ihr t"t mr.!tior on rarth " wriir W J.
journiiraa ol Khinrhart. Catah.nila far. la
' Meant. ha. nilai-arnril arvra limra. hiit with
Ihr lata rhiM ahr ..k mnr laatlra u4 Ihr fa
vorite Ptrarnulton " and thr child to i a
lanrr. ftnr lv Th ' Kavurilc frrrripU)a '
Snakra rhiMtitrth ra.v "
Ir 1'irtrt haa for thirty rear brrn at th
head of that treat. m'hJrl aanitailum. the
InvalidV Motel anil Surgical Institute of
UurTalo, N Y., aa Ita chirf nmulting pliy.
Sician. Hrr hr baa had an Intimalr, inac
tiral riprnrncr in thla particular 6rld of
practice, which Ia probably unequalcd by
that of any phvairian in America
III onpatalirlrd aucrraa In diagnosing
diaraar ami prrartihtng prompt and rrfn t
ivr rrmrdir ia arknowlrilgraj by trailing
IhvMcuna errrywbrrr. Hi Favorite
Traoription " ha cured more rar of fe
male complaint than all other mriluinrs
combined. II I the only prnprirtary rem
edy drviard for this rxprraa purpose by an
kcoimpli.hrd, scientific phvMcUn
When you ak your drugit for Dr.
f irrrc's Favorite Ptracriplion, and h aaya
"Irt Die aril you aomrlhing rlae jut
vimd" ak him gentty but firmly if hia
'jut a goMl " mrdu-ine ha a '"luat a
Ifood " rrcord a Dr. Pirrce', a "Juat aa
fr4" pbyau-ian brhind It as Ir I'lrrrc,
and ramr with it "jut a focxl " privi
leg ol consultation and trralmrnt, a do
Vt I'irrce's mrdictnr.
Thrr are no mrdicinr for female dis
order a giHxl a Dr. Pirrce't,
In fail it la tbe only aurcraarul aprcifle
remedy for women precnbrd and prepared
by a graduated phvairian in rrgular prac
tice and Mild through druggiata.
Every woman would be benrfitrd by the
clrarrr knowledge of hrr phyairal arlf
which she would obtain from Dr. Pierre's
Common Senae Medical Adviarr. a aplrndid
thouaaad page volume, illuatrated with
over trven hundred engraving and aeveial
colored platra. More than, half a million
copies of tin valuable tKk were old at
fl.jo each; but a papcrbound co(iv will
now b sent free for the mere coat of mail
ing 71 one-cent stampa, which ahould tie
incloaed to World's Diapenaary Mrdirnl
Aociation, IlufTalo, N. v., or if a hand
somer, hravirr cloth bound copy is detiicd
tea stamps extra abotild Ix sent.
Mnely Nile an Hoar.
In the recent record breaking runs
made by the fuat mall trains over the
lines of the Chicago, Burlington and
Quincy and the Chicago and Northwest
ern railroads. Cleveland Mullet, as
pedal representative and correspondent
of McClure's magazine, made the trip
from "start to finUh." Full details of
the round trip, from Chicsgo to Omaha,
which is the most recent and at the same
time in many rexicl and for muny
reasons the moot interesting and exciting
"race against time" ever made in this
country, re vividly described as they
actually presented themselves to the
writer, who rode in the cab by the side
of the engineer, whose band on the
throttle controlled the engine on this
most remurkable "record breaking" run.
This article, which will appear in Mc
Clure's magazine for April, will be re
plete with illustiations and pen pictures.
Ml'llnery Opening
March 24th and 25th at the Red Front
store Oregon City, a fine display of beau
tiful hats and a cordial invitation to
come and Inspect them. Our ihiihI
reasonable prices.
Muh M. E. Hamilton.
In lb circuit court f lbs slat of Oin
lor llie iiiiintv of 'li kainas,
Mr M. J. linen, plaliililt, vs. JamM .
OVo.n.er, I'atilik l'. tttoiM.rr.
tlfoinier. Mary J ll,a.lvaii.UM.e.llr..U.
herl.U.lisiiil. t. K. Ililey. I" " V',';
man ami r'ir.1 t'lisnnsn s ps".,er. U.iing
I.u.iiim I ef (lie llr.il nan., of
A Mum, TIiomis fl.ariiian, ril lirmM
and W. II !(. ileleiiilaiit.
To W, II. Iter" am' Hiolii I liarinail
all.ive lisllli'il ileleliilaiila!
In III i.iii ol Hi "11 f "'" '"'
andai lMlyU lierri.y r.'iirnl to ai
lar and ai.er the enn.plalnl ninl a
inn 1.1 ll.ealK.v i.litle.l ami on
ilielaatilsv of I'" l""""1'1
i.i.ltrlor in pi.bil.ain.n ' "imi.na,
liainrlVI MU ..l.cea.li ' '''"'V
.uc u( aaid piiliilKlii.n In Im ilatad Mann
17 mil and Mid piililn alliin 10 nd llli
i.' .uiliil Aprils, f' And If o;
UH l.i ai.awer for aanl ll.rir.if "be Idainlll
ill apply lo Hi court tor in rrun .ra,r..
lor in tier id ei.iiidinl, immly: for
lie. rrr at'ttt.ut Ja.nra II. I I rr. I 'Nfk
I. U'l i r. ttllliaui I". i l oniirr. lr
J. Hiadv ami Janie llralv, lier liuabalnl,
aiioy iisineil ilrlvniUiii lor
Vill, ami Internal Ilierwiil allH J"1
vc, al u pr cent lr aiinum. ' '
oil aald Inlrrrat; lor th iiiii nl 1 11 '
paid and lnUnl alum Jan. II. ,rl
ral, Inr iiini nl 1 1'' III lr l ld and Inlrr
r.l llierroii sine Match .1, I"'' l' ''
and Iur in iiiiiol ll.ii a ailoru le In
aid ill and Iur lir i'ol ami Ulalmr.
btinriiiriil lierrln.
Tlitl lb niortgag gun ''f ',
liaiu I delsnilaiit lu Mid iilaiuliir lr t
on th lll.li dy ol July I ""mi ll. lollomg
ilM-rlbd isi.it. nanxiy : lh K l
nl III S. K iilatlr id '. ! rl'
3 M. of It. .' K. and III H W. o(ir
of Hi N. K. iilrlf ami Hi '''
ol lb N. W. ('inr.iil e. I'l In Tl' S H ol
It. S K, nl 111 WllUn.rll Mrrnl a... Ih
am blng lb liotiiiil ' William
tH'oiuirr. AIulliM W. ipiarirf l aae
Itiol Tp. JH. ol II. 3 K. of Ui Willaii.il
.Veridian, III m Iwing part ul Hi l I.
Col li.irifM Mmitli; b-.lli trai l wmulii
lug JJ.1 acr, inor or I, may o ('
Closrd and lliat ald laud b old by Hi
limit ul ('irkiii rnuuty, Oregon, aivnrd
lug to la, and Hi pnil lhrlMi.n h
arpllrd Ui lb (aciiirul ol tn roat ol ild
aal and ol tliia ut and to Hi aailalai liuu
ol lb aiM.v iiaii. aii.ii do II' id
plalutlir and llisl aald drlsudanla and all
-roia rlaiiliiiig undrr lliriil alllirr aa
pun-baa!', uruoibrniwr or otl.ra !, In
cluding any and ail culm by and uu Ih
pari ul taid i'liiim I'harnian and F'r-I
I'liarmaii parturr alxi d'giii-l. K
Itil.v. Mary J. Ilra.tr. W. II lta.
TIioiii" t'l'S'iuan and Kr l I'liarmaii mv
b barml and lurrlo. of ad rigl.la. Dlaini
or ninily of r.tuilioii In ni l to Mid
prrinlar at rt . 1 tvry pari lliraif; hl
plaliilin may bar a drlli-ivm y lu Igmcnl
aaralnat Jam U. il I'o.nior, l airo l T
D't'onnrr. William I'. O l'uiiiir. MryJ.
Ilrady and Jam Itraly. Iir liiiaband, for
ny drncle.iry lliat might ruini aftrr !
plying all lb proc.! ol Mid aai a ai
alirr.l in Ih aatlafai'tlon ul aald dicrr
and lor am h n(h-r and furtlir fallrf In Hi
lrnur aa lo pilty may priin. '
I'lililial..! poraiiant lo an order of lb
Hon. Tlimiiaa. A. Mcllrld. Jndg of Hi
arior n tilled court
llr. Mar, I, . fell.
II. K.. 11, W. MWiU'K.
AUorii Iur plaliitlft.
AtlmlnUirnlwr'a Nwlr.
In lb county court ol th Hat of Oregon
fur Mulltioinancoiiiity.
In Hi niallar or Ilia ratal of Knnth
yarlray, ilca..
Notir a hftiy glvsn Ibat from an t ftr
A pill l lo, aui .rocl lo i. real
valaU tirriuaflr il'rliHl nu Ih lollo.
lug lernia autijerl to lb cunnrilialloll ol III
aiH.v niiu. oiuri :
lorliill snd Macleay land; part oldu'i
lion laud claim of J.U. Maaltord and hf
In (.'lai-kariia County, Oregon, beginning
Hire rlialua of thi'iartr reiion cor-
nr brlaern arrtlona .1 and 10 In Tan 3 ! It.
2 K. ol Willamvil meridian In aaid county.
running llinrr h no ig ;i mln. K . 37 snd
M lm rhauii, llirin- N. ! ilrg. .t niln
M . .Hi chain, tliain . Ml ilg .m niln. W,
I'S'id I'll loo clialn. llieuc H IS and lulu)
chain lo lb plarwof brginning conlauilng
i acrrs Inure or Ira.
All of Mid real prorty Is iltusl! In
Clackama cmiiily and Hi atat of Oregon.
Mild Ml li for caati.
Adri.liilatralor of Mid ali.
I)all, March lu. I I'L
l.liior .toller.
Nolle U hrhy given thai will apply
to Hi city council at Hi regular April mert
Ing for a rual ol our aaloon llrrn al
prewi.t pla ol biialiiM.
Man ti Jil, IH l.
I.O. ,t M. HAM II'),
Nat lit ill on
111 th Circuit Court ol IheHlate of Oregon
for Clai'kamai County.
Kat E Ilarger, vi C, W. Itrger, defend,
To C. W. Ilarger, tl. above nanxd d-
In the nam of the Ktal of Oregon. Ymi
ar hereby rnpilrrd to appear and atiaaer
(lie complaint tiled agaluat you In tli abov
entitled court and can, on or or (or th
last day of the time iireacrllieil In th order
lor publication of ibla siiiiiiiioin and on or
before the expiration ol all week Irom tli
day nl tlx tlrt publication ol Uili iiuiuioik
Hi llrl piiblli-allnii tliereof being rnadeon
the Villi day of March, A. 1. l-dl. You
ill tlierloreapier and aimrr. on or lie.
for, the Tith day ol May, A. I). Km. and II
you lail o to appear snd auawer Iur ant
thereof, th lilalntllt will Shlilv lo lb Court
fur tli relief prayed Iur in llie complaint,
Pi wit: For a decree illaaulvlug lb bond
of matrimony now eilating between plain.
till and defendant, Iur coma and diatmra.
meut ol this action and for audi other and
flintier fellef as to llie court shall seem
This uniuinmi l piiliihd by order ul
ll,a If.... Tl . k, .li . i . i ' i ...
on ..uu. i iioiima n. Aicnriiie, juiIk nl llie
anov entitled rouri. Made on the J I at day
of March, A. I). I An
Attorney Inr I'laiulill.
AiiilillrMlor' llc,'
utll I lirby lvn Hl li.
lgud b I'V " county conn
iKiuiiiy of l'i' kui, 'Inly appomia
iidiilatralur wllh Hi "HI iii'id fc'
.ll id Jnll Ann Mlill. iln
tH Miroi. liln claim SfaiiiM.
.ii ar dareby iiollll. lo pr..,
,,!,, I i m diilr rrillil al lb nitir,!
O. r. Wl Usui, Orun I Mr. "'.,
hi all iiio illi Iron. '!' blul.
Ji.led Man li l, I"
Vi III KM Hint.)
Adiuliilalralor with Hi WU nni
Julia Ann M" l'l.
llrr. (
All prr.on having rial.n gli,,l
eaiai ol !.' Com', ilr., r U
llllllllwl til pfrlll Wllh inif j
rati lb iiiulralgii.l, wiibln un
Irom ilal lbruf,
K. . CAI'I IKI ;
O.rguii I'lly.Orrgon, Feb. 10, n,
.llro fair lMllraUM. I
,n. I llllli t Orrgilll t'liy, Ofrgoi'
T. I"
.Nolle la l.rrliy glirn Dial III loll,,
named rllrr ba lill lo.in ol Im '
lion in l"aa fit al I '""' I" uPHiil
rlaliu, and thai Mid proof alll U lia
lor lb rrgiaicr ami rwa)r al t.i
t Ity.OH'i.. on April , vln r
CA HI. A It Alll, V
It K in-TM r lb K- l of N. K
W ul N. K. of rW. 14. Tp. 1. M
II iisui in folluWI.ig altura.
prof lo r iiiliiiou raidim Ui-i-1
Oil H I '' land, lis: k
John C. Trcy. ol I'urriiiMliI, ign'
uiii M. Trcy, nlt'iirrlinvlll. ()..
JcpMii, ol 'rg, Ogn; John A VI.
ol liorg. Ot. (UAH. l. UiHil.l
.lollr ! .4 ttlllMll I'
S'.itic I brly glu that lb
igul baa bn duly apolll li.d '
tor of Hi ( of ( biiaiian Motx
craar.1, ud all iaoiii,ang claiint a'
tli aald ratal ar rr.,.nr. to plrai.
lo Hi undrflgnd. l III faldnr,
land. Or, ail'i pror Vooei.rra II
limn ail monllia Iroiu Hi dt br
ti'r. llrrgon l'u O'1 t"' af of kf
lull. AMMtKvV DKNi.l ,
Admlnlairalor ol acid
ii. II. Dimbk, All y rr i
11 VII.
- -- -
l.lrralar'a !!.
In lb County Court uf CI, kamai (
Mlai nl Ofrgon
In tli miir of th iluf
Cauflrld. diard. ),
N'nTh'K H IIMtKllY lilVK.S T li
iimlrrilgn-! ba flird Ma filial ri
ul-ir of Iti ll alll and P-.ta
aid drcra-!. lu lb 'i llll'lrdl'
snd lb r.iurt ba namH t' ITiht)
April, I", at ii hour ol I o'rlock l
a day ami Urn lor lirng Mid rp"
for lb aritlrrnvnt or old li
I'll A lll.KI II KN It Y CAlH:i ,
Clrriilof of Mid ll
II. K t'riM ltomy lor lb tal
March U. I in.
IdMlaUlralar' !. "
Li Id county roufl ol lb tU of l
lor tb county of l'iekm. ri
In lb iuitr of lb tai of Cbrb
8", drraal 1
Notli- I hrhy gltn thai In purJ
of an order of ai nia I and t.tr.4(
county court of tb rouniy of I la 41
ala of Orguii. on Ih ili day uf Jayr
Irn. In lb matter of tb laU of t brj,
Maarn, dn-l, Id iindrig.. ! f:
Iramr of Mid ati alll mI al ut f .
lion, ulicl Ui oiiiflrnialioii by Mil
tb fulloaiiif drarlN real Mlal l"
A Ira. ! of land liuaid In Motion .1.
I, M. ol II I, r.lol the M l)iamll Mw
nd nior parilrularly de rliJ by 11
nlng t lb iionbae.l co'r of riaiaj.
Maud notification No. 11.-1 di
in plat and urvy of th l'iill. e
llinic T I'l chain l.i ll.nry I' II
north deal rornr; liiira M. II ilg 1 (
rat PI li chain; bnrw aval 'J Id'
to rat boundary ofrUini; thiir li
I3M cl.sln lo th plara of brglnnlnu,
cp on ami on ball of an arr di
rbooliliatrict No. 1. rrordd on'
IM and i& In book "II" of record of ,
olC sikaina county, Oregon) roni
I0acra, nioro or aiwi the loi '
tract of laud aliuai In rcloii It, in j
H It I VY. of lb Willim.ti MerlilK
liirlber derlbd by beginning al tin
lr vecllun corner on lln hlaen (
Hand 21 of lb alorraald lownablp v
.l by y nl i I m-iioii lln :'l P ''
to lb Una of K. V. Mbort s claim: IK
aouih'Hll clialn lo lb norlhwUA!
of ih I'lioma It arty claim; thr
:1 PI clialn to lb cnlr of lb I'
Krry and Portland road ; Ibeuce r
and drg. K. l l chain lo tb I
ten an lion II and Z uf ld to (I
tbenc weal by way ol Mid lln 7. I'l
tn Ih place of tKliiuliig. eonlalnlni"
crva, mnr or lea., ld aal will hpo
on lb Cull day of April, 10. al II .
il. in., at tb court him door, p
county and lt. Term of aal call.' )
Adinlnlalritur of id ratal ol Clir.
Mri, tlecaae ( t
Paled II Hili day of March, l.
( II) Trraiurer's Sotlc. (J.
Nallc U hereby gvn that lhtr
iiflli lenl hind on hand In lb r,.
fund nl Oregon City io pay all outn.
a arrant moraeil prior lo July I. I'l"1
inter! clone it li Ibedkleoftlili're
Oregon City March II, 3m.
It K. HTItAltlH
Legal Notice.
Bri tl jf Tha Kind You Haw Always Bougnt
otlee to llleycle Klilern,
By virtue of the authority of Ejection I, of
ordinance 1, of Oregon City. I hereby de
clare all streets, except Main slrnet, Im-
pansible for bicyclists, and hereby grnnt per
mission to cyclists to use all sidewalks
within tbe city, except on Muln street, but
strictly enjoin them from riding thereon at
a greater speed tlmn three mllei per hour
and (but when meeting a pedestrian I bey
niUNt HT0P and DlHMOUNT.
C. Ht'llUIIRL,
Fhank Hum ii,
K. A. Mrtmkii.
1 Committee on streets and publio property.
In the Circuit Court of the Hlsle of Ore
gon for Clack smaii County.
Iierta L. Ilenmil, plslntifl, vs. James II.
f fennel, (lideiidnnt.
In tbenainsoftbe Nlatanf Oreiron vaii
are hereby reipilred to appear snd answer
me coriipiaini men agniimt you In the above
entitled tun within six week, from the dal
of llie first publication nf this suinmoni. to
wit: March IU, iwni; the II rut pnblit-ailon
hereof Mug on the iMthday of March I!
and tb lait piiblicat Inn being on tb fiih
day of Msy m, and If yu (.0 ao lo answer
the plslntiirwili apply to the court for the
relief demanded In the complaint to wit-
For a decree dissolving le bonds' of
matrimony now existing bten you and
the plaintlll on tb ground of cruel and In.
human treatment, an raonal Indignities
rendering Ills burdensome.
Fur the cars and cimtodv and ,.....i ...
Adrian llell II,,,,,,,,, IhoSninur child "t
i-.-.o.i.i ueinniisni.imi lor snuli other
relief hi the Court deem emii'ahl.
i nia nun ri una in mi i . n. ... i.. .
II.... Ti.... L i. "'"er Ol
(', .. .Wm l ,ly""',. ,h County
Court of Clackmiiit County, Oreiron in (be
'i"ce of the presiding luilgeoliKltlClrc, t
Cn .rl, granted on this 52.1 day nl March
Woi.U directing publication f, ,, , I
mom once a week for six week,
(J. K. ilAYKH.
Attomsv lor 1'laliitliT.
In the circuit cmrt nf the atstsofc.
City Irraiflt'
l.liior Roller.
Th undersigned will apply lotli-d
ui inr coiiocu oi tiregun t;ity lor
tlnusnc ol hi I iiior lli-anaa in till l"" '
plsi ol bualneas, to lake place from rv
''' JollN UKIIXp
for lb county of ( 'l.cba.,a. dU
MagglaiK. Hke, plaintiff, vi, l
Hake. ilefendaiit, iiimniniia. ..,
TolUrryHaak, tlelendaiit in Uu"
entitled anil: r
In lb nam of th stale olOreriii,
ars hereby rniulred to apiar and '
to the cnmplaiiit tiled against voi)Uii
sbov entitled sun by Monday, Msvl
Hsld suit is commenced bv llil,:,I'r
againtt you lor a divorce and If yo Vi !
mwer between now and said tlinrfo'. ,
thereof the plaintlll' will take uJ,' "
agalmt yon for a (II voir and ilnilli ro
ol tli marriage now dialing bel!,!
and "Id plaintlll'. . l1
This iiiinmons Is served by public' li"'''
pnrsusnce of tb order mad. bv Hill'.
alii I hoi. A. Mcllrnle, judge (if IM'
court of the iiu of Oregon, for tlit11'
o ii:a,a. listen me mil nayu eiti
IWHI. snd nrtlered Ih flmt public 1 1'",, ,
luada on llm 1711. .1... ..t ti..i. mdl '
v ..... in iiiniiu,
B.'KN'CICK .t MOTH'1' ith
Attorneys for I'l'";.
l.liior Police. Hi'1
Notice Is hereby given that I wlllsrilln,
the city council at th regular April ".
fur a renewal of my saloou IkenH
pre-ent pine ol business. "
March Jt), 1ki, ,)11