KNTEM'MSn, FRIDAY. MAUCII 21, 1809 (OMIKSI'ONDENCE Ktl Cm. r.A.l. Cnm, 1.1. Tli "father lia lor ll at Ir day bf n vry toriny, It snowed srvrral llin' ylrrly but nirllnl at fM a it 111. ' Tlii" ba.l oral litr I ulili'K fanner back itli Ibfir rli g work. Tlifrr ia lo be a trial at the Dink. I aoliool today, on-r a ruitii'ir. scrap that they hm,i Ihrr h-IuhI nrrliii d Oiarli- IIrkliiirr a lb on that itt tmrt. but ! h l iieUing N-tlrr. John Vanciirn, tlinl at bii rrilenr Saturday niubl ith consumption, Causal by a if la I'M1 from liaving Ilia nitales lat J .nir. He as a ii.nn rll liked by all. Nrlyevrry lanlly here baa soiiiiek Willi lb la (tnwW.i'f hv' I"1'- '"e r' t very arvrr ami some are 1 1 ac I t . Mr. Itli'hard Oibimn went lo Oregon City Friday and rt'turniti yesterday. Win. Cooke, ol Pan am, as up to hi gramlparriiis on vudl aiurday and re turned bomf yesterday. Crn rikfa. March l:l.-Th iinnal achool litftiii K tiHk I'lacf, Uh rather n all at-j tetdaiu-e. lly acclamation, Frank Jaar t re-e levied rlrrk and C. 8pnce, director, i Tl.r uiifli.Hi heller the huildli g lunld tw nd for ifenrral iuriHes poiilical and I U"ti be received while splitting some tove oclal ai'iscutd. It Mr. Iimkip baa re turned home. School bt'itina today. Karmrr are to ltn their pruit itrain. liana Wilirot k and Olio ll,irnclnili took a opt ii over the Held yeMerdu afternoon. YeMerday morning at Mr. Wrldner and your "acrilw" e re reluming from Oietfou City lrav holuailrd doit, ollli a tin collar and lock around lua neck, followed them. He In a Irtrye hlnek dog it h brown tirat and brown aola over eve If owner will rail at KrneM (iuenllier'a place and prove properly be may have laine. (Iierwootl Nrwt. HKMwooi), March 'JO Hicraoml, Ihouiih loii tilent la not dead yet. Sherwood la till on lop. Spring baa drawn up1" u". ith (he beau til ill (lower pulling forth there liny face and welcoming you. Karmrra are vrry buny In thii section plowing and pelting ready to put III spring grain. The crop which o many lliuughl were froicn out are looking line. Mr. Kolerl France bad a very painful ac cident while out rutting wood. He was rutting aome brush which stuod near the log and while ('hoping In ax caught In the brush and retKundrl back striking. him over the eye and culling a large gah, Pr. Kit kard ilrrwd the wound and It i getting aiong nicely. lice. 1. M. ltrttlirr ba a ha Uy rut fi n finally vottd the aine t tf ft to the discretion of the m-Iuk)I Iniard eicept for literary aocie ti for which the building should not be Moaed. I'nlerthe maiare ment of MslanesJ. K. Leaisard- Iavid Jones, of Cam, a pie MMial will be held at the Wrhth Congrtga tional church at Itenter Creek. Satunlay ev. nii g March i. A hort program will be tendered, the proceed of the entertain mel will go to the payment of a umall debt on the Iioum. Mr, ll'jmplirry Jones, who wa ud-d.-iJy railed to SL John lat week by the lurmii'g illnej of her daughter, Mr. Will Kn returned on Friday having Mr. Kmi much iiiiprove.1, though till con Gi rd to her bed. Mr. Uumpbrry Jones ba tnn ill for onie week from a sevrrr a.'ac k of grippe and is still very feeble. H.irlon Graham is at home for a vaca tion and rUil. Mr. John Stridni ha re'unird to Cam nd will occupy the house on the farm. Grandma Walker has been a guest of our postmaster, K. M. Coor and wife. Hon. Geo. C. Brownrll addressed the citt ern of Caru. in the school bouse last Sat- ' urday evening. He held the cloe attention of hi audience for over two hours. In a Irai k, candid, enlivened by fre quent llashe of wit and eloquence here viewed bii work at the last legblatnre. He gave clear resume of each bill, which be bed Introduced and helped to become a law of the male. Vlt earnestly and forcibly, be illustrated tb(JrMii why inl.isopn- . ton tbffe law tV-mU greatly ben fit the citizens of Clackamas coanty. The emir, i'drt was received with genrial ratir'ac tion by bis audience irrespective of party or aez. wood. The Free Methodic are holding a pro tected mertiiig at this plate thry are hr lug large aitrndance. Mr-II. L. Smock is improving hi farm by doing some clearing, that right le go on w nh the good woik. Our undertaker II. II. Kyman i putting up a building near hi duelling which be intends to use for an undertaking pariow. Mr. Koa Hell is staying w ith her mother Mr. K. J. Kyman. Hurrah for Sherwood she is having one of her streets paved with brick. Does veur Mtli Me? I In constant I'aln wWn onfl .your fi-ft 7 U that ilra'ino;, ptillini;1 ponsation with you lrotn morn till iiinhtl Win' not put tho moilifino exactly on tlio difftuto T Why i not tipi'ly tho euro riht to j tho Ht itwlf ? lou can uo it with Ctffl n l mm ImmotlLtoly nftir tho BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. linjuhtr Starch Mrtiimj ami 'rr vioiin Atljournnl ami So cial Ternt. 1 .New Era Sutfs Niw Eka. March 13. -Hello New Eia Tl f Oregon Telephone and Telegraph Co. have placed a public tele bone in the s'ore of J. C. Sea bury thereby supplying along felt want. Frank McArthur, Bos Mead and K.lmrr Veleto have gone to Gray' river Washing ton, to work In a logging camp. A very pleasant surprise party occurred at the residence ol D. McArthur on the eve ning of the Mb. After games and dancing sumptuous lut.cb was served, after which tbe euests retired to their bomes conscious of having passed one of the most pleasant evening of their lives. The New Era Literary society met at V strict school llonte on the evening of tbc 8tb and elected Katie Newbury. as presi dent; Alice McArthur, vice-president; Walter Mead, vice-president; Burt Mc Aeth ir, vice-president and Wilbur New bo -y, secretary, all to serve three month. After installation of officers a very interest ing literary program was witnessed by those present ColtOD. Coltob, Slarcb 18.-Spiii g seems to be hre, but we may find ourselves aaln deceived. Mr. Countryman has a sick horse and H. 8. Dix has a horse with the staggers. The literary Is still running and the members are taking boh) better than usual. The last program was a follows: reading, J. P.i ; reading, 1' Gabriel ; reading, Mrs. Oorhett; composition on "Old Bachelors," A. Gorbell; leading, W. Ponohoe; reading, W.Gorbett; song. Ernest Wallace; oompord tio.i on "Old Munis,-' J. Tallerty; speech on "Woman Bights," by J. Gurhett; read ing. B. C Palmer; song, George Wallace. E. Munson has returned from a two week's visit among friends and relatives, ol Till ilniM'k. F. M. Parling, of Oregon City, has been employed to leach the spring term of school here beginning the f rt Monday in April. hbubel. 8i iiel, March 20 Mr. and Mrs. Helt, Mr. Kron. Mr. Christ Mochnke, of High lan i, and Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Gueniher, apent a pleasant afternoon yeaterday with the friend and neighbor Mr. Fred Muehnke. Mr. Bluhnibasput a neat fence around hi pond. Mm Matilda Weiss, of Portland, has re turned home after spending a few days in our midst. ! goiueof (he boys went to Highland Sat-, ur.'ay night to attend the protracted meet- lugs now in progress there. ICuntltiurd from lt wek S F. Mark, chairman; J. It. Morton, B. Scott, couioiiitsioner. In the matter of the pro;oHeil Oregon City and New F.ra road, starting lrotn the upper end oi Main street in Uiegon Cilv Now come E. E. Clearman and A.Miln.a committee representing Ore gon City, allowing the board that there had t een a survey of said ptopoHed road made from its beginning point to the ; city limit and requesting the hoard to complete raid survey irom I tie city lim its to the top ol I.awtonhill; and the hoard tmg fully advlnecl, it ii ordered that I. W. Kinnaird he instructed to make said survey, profile an. 1 estimate Ol cost Of tald proposed road from tit limits lo tup of Law ton hill at not lo ex ctcd a aix per rent grude, rest of raid woik not to exceed (f50 Ally dollars. Iu I lie mutter of the application of W. A. (jeer for remission ol taxes This matter having been submitted and con sider! d and an order ol the board hav ing been made on Wednesday, the Mh day of Fehruaiy, ihW, that the petition er pay on saiJ taxv the sum of f jrty dollars and no more and that the re mainder thereof should be remitted and all tax sales of raid land, to-wit : all of section :fi, township J south, of range b east Willamette meridian, in Clackamas county, Oregon, should be net aaide ami void; and the said vv . A. tteer having paid the said 40 as required I y the or der ol the board on said 8th day of Feb ruary, P!t!i, it is ordered by the board that all claim' for taxes against said land now assessed or payable are hereby remitted. In the matter of the application of Mis. Patty for aid for Mrs. Oglesby, an WH. Wiggins H; nj,'n niii'tor ol the application f ir sit iiicnil-e In llm allowance, for Mrs. Willioit. a nullity ihurgn-liiipliiinl liMklng I it iniolo In the. hoard hv Mr. ... .i ii . tt ii i.. ... ..i. S. II lliimi K'oii mm .'us i lowiinco ol ft per month win IiimiIIIcIkiiI i to miiint lin I or, a she hsd toon I liinicl.i'lph"s,iiii. tlio hoiiril Imiiik' lullv SillisMcd, It Is oriioroii huh sun - snco be lin roHM- I to fH per lllol l!i. I lioin Mnr. Ii M, 1'!' In the mutter "I lh sul" t oldi li.itiiinv.irk In roml dislrlet Nn. ft Now iMincs .1, A lin hi'V he'om Hie boiiidsiiil areseiils s subscription list; with l.l.i mi and 1ft others olh'iiug lo d uiiite rhr.M worlli ol work on tho Uiehey Slid HiHilloV ll the county will give hii epiil amount; t Hi" hoard not heliiif lullv nitlll'"l , it i or dered thill mil. I mutter be laid over Un til the April li t n ( this hiMid In the mutter d the subscription llt of ilmiiition work o( J. S. KWIcy slid lift other for woik on river ami Oak drove lull -This mutter coining on imw rcgilhi'ly t hell I iind the board be ing duly advised, it Is ordered thul said petition U accepted slid Hint ihen'ilnlV give t-lHI toward reiaiiiug said load out of rmd ta (ioiii ilMtrtcts N' s. I sml in w hu b di'lricls said roml and lull are j located. In the mailer of ti e nl scripti'H" 1st ! of iloniitmn w,uk mi .M dalhi r.i.. t'tii ; llislter I'olnli g on rcgulslly to I heard Mild the survt y of suol toad not having ; been eclnpleted, it Is nu'end hythe th. l ii. I I t b. 'aid i.vei iliilll . the April tctlil i I this lauiid. i In II, e tnuller of the iiiplicn'ou I. , Msthcnii, an' indi.'ent pets n, f"r sid, ' it is onli le I I V the hi'lird thul sai l Ma- i Ihrou be given an order mi It . I.. iiu' si'll, of I'aikpUi r, for i worth ol groceries. In the nmtl.'r of tins IVrkle, s ei unty in DtM.i.-i. ...,!;, I .. in the noot.r oi mis i ersni. ei'iniv lifter M np.!lod, JOU fw!Q ,.,,,,.,(, Ill11,lt ,VI1K Uen mado U warming, M.tlun ln- ,,, ,,. ),,,, ,v Kidmg .v oi iimi said I lluonco. Its healing romotliosV IVikle lefue. d t pay a hill of v - I quickly iH'r.etnito tlown dot-p V mu d on account ol ssld IVikie's ll quickly juni'tnito tlown uot'p into tho in!lamt'd ti.-suos. l ain m quieted, Fon nosii ro- lii'ved and strength impartod. No plaster was ever crude like II. No plaster ever acted so quitkly and Ihoroushly. to plaster ever aad a:h complete vooirol over all kinds ol palfl. riacod over the chest It f a jiowtrful aid to Ayt-r'a Cherry lVctoral : roliovin congestion and drawing out all inflammation. row i a v i i rsewnT i e ors i ii I ..wr'i Mm I slice Ir.iin ti e I'oiititv, ll I ordered lV the l osrd ll.ut s u I l'cikl..'s ri hrilarv warrant f.r HOI turned over lo anl Killing A li. sud niter deducting the aui'.iint ol the hill tl.ey turn tin h ilauce over In said l'erkle; sud it i (urllier ordered that sal I I'erkle. Ui ordered In cine lo tn i; hi City for treatment for Ins hip- ilicea-e hy lbs eoiiuty pliyi eian, t 'sr!l A SiiMiiners 1 In the lustier ol the salary of deputy assessors This matter ruining on regu larly to l e heard ari l the hoard being fuliy advised, it is ordernd that the regular deputy bo pal l ill the rale of M) per month and the Held deputies receive f .l ner day (or each day employed. ' Iu the matter of the M'lot'tloti ol ollie ial newsoapor . ymlilish the (itx-ced-lugs of the board of ciniiiissiouci f,.r the ensuing year It apiearing to the Ix iirJ that it is the time llxed by Is for selecting the Ollicisl new.sM-r to publish the proceeding (if the hoard of front date thereol; that the Willamette Fu'p and 1'aiH-r Company shall keep strict sccoiint of the cost of said open- I .1.-11 ,.l..ti.i ri Bdl.l ' Oder 'ircou;. 'io ,u ' missloners hir CUckauis. coiiniy it tha.therost of said ot K .ball ordeal by tbsi.rd that the ,eg..n borne e.,u.l!r by the V,lUmette Pulp i ''-.( "' andPati-r Oompanv and thecounttof O.iy Knterpris. wn newspsper pub Clacaanias; provided, however, that l.-hed In Oreg m t.-.ty, llrego,,, ,n, luv n . f' shall not I '"a K"eral nrcuUnnn, he and they liable lor a greater amount therenl than ' ,,'f' "M'l'y . . irla.'brimai uriitnl V l.P imM ft air Iriilil ir)0; that upon the completion ol said , . ,i n . i- : -n . i ..( ii . r ....I I tin date for Hie publication ol said pro' tu ning ail that portion ol the present . . at the late ol 15 cenia per miusre ol ten Op' itii'igent person, it is ordered that the boRrd give an order lor f ) lor such aid In the matter of the application of I.eo Friede for the remission of taxes This mat .er having been submitted a d considered and an order of the court having Is-en made on Wednesday, the 8th day of February, 18'J9, that the pe titioner pRy on said taxes the sum ol twenty dollars and no more and the re mainder thereol should be remitted anil all tax sales of said land, to-uit: the southeast quarter ol west half ol north east quarter and southwest quarter ol northeast quarter of section '.M, town ship 3 south, range 8 1-2 east of Wil lamette meridian, in Clackamas county, Oregon, should be set aside and declared void; and the said I.eo Fricdu having paid the twenty dollars ho required by order of the court made February 8th, 18111, it is therefore ordered by the board that all claims lor taxes against said land now assessed or payable itre hen by remitted. In the niHtter of subscription list of doiistion work und request for plunk for three and one-half miles of road in road district No. ii Now comes John Iteve line, road supervisor of said district, and presents a petition and subrrriptioii lini of donation work to the board, of him self and 04 others, pledging themselve to do all labor required on snid road ii the county w ill furnish material (or the same. And the board not being lull) adv S"d. it i-i ordered that mid maMe. he laid over until the April term ol tli board. Iu the matter of the river r .ad be tweeii New F.ra and Oregon City Tnh mailer coming on to be bRrd upon ap plication of Willamette I'ulpand l'eper Company (or leave to open the above nii'iiiii.iieil roivl Irom the lirst . ronsing of the tailroad track at rHritigtowri to that portion of the road as surveyed August .rnh, 181)5, already opened ami lungedHt of the Crileser property, in all a distance of about IftlO (eel ; and the hoard being fully advised in the premises, it is ordered that Hie Willa mette I'ulp anil Paper Company be and it. is hereby authorized to proceed forth with to open that portion of said road surveyed August 5th, 1805, commencing Imin the point where said roml now traveled road lying west of the pi nion of surveved road of August nth, H'Jn, opened in arrordanee herewith lie and the same is hereby tacated. And it I further ordered by the board that Su pervlor Tabor, in whose district said road lies, lie appointed to oversee said wrk lor the county ol Clackauni. In the matter ol the otter to compro mise the rase of I'.occhmun vs. Clacka mas county Thin matter coming on now regularly to be heard on the written offer of Fen ton. lironongli A Muir, at. lorneya for plaintiir, to compromise siid suit lor the aum of -" and rls, aiiiountifig to $ Jl .-10. with the under- standing that il it it not accepted by the board, it shall not be used against the plaintiir, Bnechman, or prejudice him in the least, and the hoard being lolly advised, it is ordered that tho clerk is authorized to otter sai l Koechman, through bi attorneys, Fenton, Itron ough A Muir, $.'500 to settle said ease, ami they are requested to let the board know, tl possible, tomorrow, the llth instant, if they wish to accept said offer. In the matter of the indigent soldiers', fund Now comes Jacob ."shade, treas urer, liefore the hoard and represent lo the Isianl that the indigent soldiers' fund is exhausted; and the board being fully advised, it is ordered that the treasurer transfer from the teneral lo the indigent soldiers' fund the mm of ($100) one hundred dollars. In the matter or the application ol Tom I'. Haiiilull, county recorder, for an allowance of 't'2 per month for deputy hire or salary of K. I'. Dedman a dep. uty recorder Now comes. Tom I'. Han dall, countr recorder, before the board and presents the following application to the board : Gentlemen: At the last session of the legislature )' .Oregon the duties of theollice ol recorder were increased, and I find that under said changes it U im possible lor me to conduct the ulllee without an increasu in my clerical h.rce. in accordance sith my promise to the people in the hist canvass. I have paid for all the clerical help required to per form the work ol the ollice, mid would have felt obligated to continue to do so under I he same laws mil conditions as l lo II pievu.h'd. But ith t'ie change made as slated above, I do not lei I t liat 1 could continue to do so cither in jus tice to myself or to the service mat. should be remlured the county ; and so Itru-tyoiir honorable body ill grant! me the following Kpp'icafion : ioiii you c I'inrm my sp .oinrmeni oi ivu.inl '. Deilrinm as deputy recorder and that, he j lie allowed Ilie sum o $52 per month us I Hillary from and after February st,j I Mr. I, And the board not being full v advised. it is ordered that said application Im laid over until the next regular term of this board. In the matter of tho double assess merit of W. F. and J. V. I.e'ii Now corner V B. Wiggins, and represent to the board that he purchased the above named persons' properly at thoiiix Pttle held on October 22nd, 18118, as follows; I respectfully ask that you ii-iuod taxes to the amount of (I 75, same be ing double assessment on lots 1,2, U and 4. block 9 1-2, Oregon City, and that you strike Irom the lax sales book for the vear 1807 the same. And the board being fully advisi d, It Is ordered lines of brevier type, newiipapar lues ure, or lt equivalent In the matter ol the fee for marriage licenses ll is ordered by the board that Hie clerk ln instructed to roU-et an ad di tional 25 rents for t!ie atlidavit wfien making out mairiage licenses In the matter ol the reports of olfli-era for the in mil of Febmary, lsici Ihu board Laving ex unined the reHirts of the collections of the clerk and recorder (or (he month ol Fetir.itry. 1 tin. and being sstislled, it is ordered that the same be approved. The report show ('Ihi'liono as f ilpiws, to-wit Clerk. ...tlsO.Ul Recorder.... $t.U 00 In the mailer of the mileage and per dietn of county commissioner lor Dm sisjcial February and regular March terms, it is ordered by the board (hat the mileage an I er dietn of the county Comiilis-ioliers lie allowed a lollow (special term, February K. F. Murks, 3 day and 24 mil Ill (Ul J. It. Morton, 3 day and 20 miles. 11.00 It Scut, 1 day and IS miles 4 N) Regular .Ma red term S. F. Marks, 4 days and 2D miles. $14,110 J. It Morion. 4 days and 20 mil 14.00 it. Hcott 3 days and lit mile 10.80 The hoard now adjourned to meet at call of chairman. Hp, man Moehnke and Ed. Hettmau went to the party at Fred Henrici's last crosses the railroad truck at Stringtown, i.- ..!i,i h rei ort havliiu had a 1 hence along said surveved line about I ueiw.ii; u.b-v laid fM.t lni.r,tii,...ll..i. milk ll..,, ....,!,. ,l...i ..: i ." i .. '.. .. . .. oni HniR I"" (iviie.ii i iimvnaiii requtMi ue KrailUMI, anil llm goooun.e. ..1,.hi."1 surveyed road of August 5lh, clerk is hereby ordered to cancel same The Misses and Calla Hornschm h , i8,j5i l)0W orerii at)( to ()e 0(U,ie, at 1 on said tax "sales book and to ssuH a and Ida Guentber. stent yesterday efter-j )ettl,t 20 leet wide, cleared of brush and warrant lor said amount in favor of W. noon with their friand Elnora Ouenther. made passable for teams within 00 days li. Wiggins. Who I to llhims. Kidney troubled has becomo so prova lent that it is not uncJtnmon fort child to he Isirn allicted w ith weak kidneys. II the cLili) urinates too of Urn, if the urine scalds (he flesh, or If, when the child reaches an age when it should he aqle lo control (lie passage, and it is yet afllicled with bed-wetting, diqiend upon it, the cause of the difficulty is kidney trouble, ami the first step should be to ward the treatment of these, iuiHirtunt organs. This unpleasant trouble in due ton diseased condition of tho kidneys and bladder and not a habit as most people suppose, If the adult bus iheiiiiiiitiHin ; pain or dull iiche Iu the liack ; if the water passes In irregular quantities; or at irregular intervals or has a had odor; if it stains the linen or vessel the color of rust; if the leet swell ; if there are piilfy or dark Cilcles under the eyes; your kidneys are the cause and need docU-ring. Treat ment of sorno diseases msy he delayed without danger, not no with kidney disease. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root tho great kidney, liver and bladder remedy promptly cures the most distressing cases Its mild utid extraordinary ellect is soon realised. Sold hy druggists in 60 cent and $1 sizes. You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet telling all about it sent free by mail. Address Ir. Kilmer A Co., i'.lngbampton. N. Y. When writing mention that you reitd this generous offer l,n tho Oregon City Enterprise. Columbia make of bicycles only $20 Charman &, Co the cut rate druggists. New arrival of nlady tnudu dress skirls Irom $1.00 to $3.00 jut tho Racket Store. CASioniA AWwcUilc Preparation firAs-.5!mllntlii?UicKHHlfliktKi-tfuLt-ling Hut SUinuuJis nikl lknwb mil 1 1 mmt 111 1 iTTVI i.1 I aVlllHHelvLI I Tomoti- ! litiction.r Jrr r ft J -iMrMnisllatntdlnnrltlrr Oi'Miin.M"n,,,llM? lur itoviu- ()T NAM C OTIC. Jmrim SJ- -a.4 a ' uu (ViM k" . Ais-rfifl Hi-ntf Jy forConHli(v.v lion. Sour SlDiiwich.Diatittisia Worms jCnviiLsums.l'eTrih ticss oihI Loss orSutr. l5inW 5iiudur of -fi-n 'rrr Tii 1 1 For Infantg nn J Chlldrcr. R The Kind You Ha Always Bought . Boars tho Signaturo of uuct copy or Vruprcii., Ai Kin You Hav- ir Always Dough emoiiii FOR PERFECTION IN BAKING IT IS WAR RANTED Til E REST. Uso Patont Flour ! I V- Tl Hi Manufactured m By Portland Flouring Mills J Tl Co., OrogonCit: o. I I "ton k) til "wt Itv Do You Nood Any . w xi Jrau tirojj til "r' Cm m a I Ik It 3 Doors, Windows, (Jlass, Moulding Or Othor Qulldlnc Ma tor la I. C. II. Bestow & Co. Corner llth and Main St. Ong.,11 City, Orrgon, THE torn it'bui latl SiWeekly Ira Ocean I LARGEST CIRCULATION Or ALL FOLITICAL PAPERS IN THC WCST M ltvi 3iiy art; aXaM Always American Always Republican'' I IPM, rr THZ WEEKLY INTER OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL THE NEWS AND BEST CURRENT LITERATURE ? F-vcry Cohiirn ii Brijrht, Clean and Packed with. Ncwsg The Literature of Its columns h equal to that of the bent nittga tinea. It Is Intercstlns to the children as well as the parents. V-i.e-l jofoi IUI joml inaU1 uylt boop Cli rpIE INTER OCEAN I. a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, and wbik WUI r.:r.itn tht rxt and able.t diicuwlons of all qurttloni of Ihe day, It 1 Iftrc . !vV.uywlth the ideas and aspiration of Western people and disc 1: ... . 11.'e and politic from the W.-t.,.- .i,--..i..i .j.jj jjitcl; .CJ PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR$J.OO & A : THE OAltY N0 SUNDAY EDITIONS OF THE INTER OCEAN ARE THE BEST EVER SEEN IN THE WEST. extoi tlll'M ; A rinf-n, THE INTER OCEAN'S NEWS IS EXCLUSIVE. V. -'7,i":: I'rlca of Dully b ma unn 2 'llie l.UyV:i.i:;:;:::::.:: ZZxlz I Vl. t.MKMM ' ' . f Ul The Inter.Ocean will bo given a. Premium to each new lubscrlMf.1" The Enlerpri.e . clttl"