t OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1890. ; i !! ; (Concluded from pa.e one) Ciese two towns witb ttolJ them. snittcienl force to Otis." Flllplaos I'oinplelely llouled. Lostves. March 15. The Evening Sews thit afternoon published the fol doffing from Msnila: General Wlieaton lisa completely routed tlia Filipino, and lisa occupied Vlt, Tuin and reteroa. Several jundred of the enemy were killed and .as many were captured. General Ot ways this ia the greatest victory aim" Feb. 5. Tne Americana will now press towatds Agulnaldo'a headquarters. City Council Meet. A special meeting of the city council was helil Wednesday evening, the it ay or J. D. I.atourrtte, and all the members of 4lie common council, being present. The committeee on sewage reported saborably to the council, recommending a system more extensive than the one jorotxwed by the council committee the jireviou meeting. (5. E. llayee eudmilted a minority re port, opposing the system at this time, for the reason that the poor people are unable to pay for the same. A remonstrance from the people was read, having S5 signers. After a general discussion in which property holders participated pro atd con the matter mu continued until the next meeting; he committee and city engineer to 'make an estimate of costs of proposed plan, and prepare an ordinance for put sting it into effect. The Portland General Electrio Co., made a proposition to reduce the cost of lighting, 12' percent, the city to ad vance $t0t for poles as agreed, and de duct ruoctl.y installments from the bill ior lights until refunded. The company agreed to furnish three additional arc lights free, which amounted to a 12, per cent reduction, but on the basis of a three year contract. The offer was not accepted, and the recorder was ordered to notify the com pany the conned asked a reduction of 15 per cent. Some matters of roads aud lumber for .street work, was continued until next meeting, April 5. VThv Is Who. The matter of who shall be the snc -cessor as county school superintendent to II. S. Strange, deceased, has at last been settled. Two appointees, one made by the board of commissioners, -aod one by County Judge Ryan Thomas I. Ryan, were striving for the office. W. Bowland was nimed by the for tfoer, and J. ('. Zmser, by the latter. An opinion on the situation, favorable to N. W. Bowland, and endorsing tbe ction of the board has been obtained from the attorney general, of the state, which is agreed to by the state superin tendent of public instruction. It is understood that J. C. Zinser has withdrawn from the contest, since the above opinion of the case waa rendered. Sew ApalntmentA. Tbe governor has named J. D. Lee, of Portland, superintendent of the peniten tiary. II. B. Miller, of Grants Pass bas sbeeo chosen president of the bo.rd of Biorticultore. J tie state board ol education bas ap pointed II. E. Bickers, of Pendleton, superintendent of the reform school and J. Churchill, Baker City, E. B. Conklin, Union. Frank Rigler and R. F. Robin son, Portland, Thomas Kewlsnd, Kew berg, T. M. Gatch, Corvallis, L. II. .Baker, Lebanon, X. L. N'arrevan, Med- Jord and C. A. Hitchcock, Ashland to tbe board of teachers' examiners, and the governor has named A. W. Reed, of Gardiner, A.J. Johnson, Scio, J. II. Settlemeier, Woodburn, W. II. Weti rung, Ilillsboro and George Chandler "Wingville, Baker county, the new board of agriculture. , A Chapter on Good Roads. Highland, March 13. To the Editor We do not discuss the road question ontil the roads get so bad that we cannot xet to town. We do not talk politics ery much until a short time before lection, consequently oar roads and our politics are liable to be badly in need of repairs for a long time to come. We noticed an account of a meeting held by Abe business men of Oretron City for the purpose of building a road near Union Mills. At that meeting the opinion ex pressed by some was that tbey should give the farmers good roads. We ap preciate tbe good intentions of those men, but we would like to know if the people of Oregon City can give the farmers good roads, why is it that the farmers are powerless to make good roads for themselves. Now gentlemen ! jf yon want good roads, which you un doubtedly do, you bave only to adopt the Jfew England township system of local government which 2' yes us a road system similar to that in Wisconsin and many other states and the farmers will jnak tLelr own roads and have good ones inside of seven years. But let us keep on with the present system or any other that Clackamas county has had .and it matters not who the county court may be, we will never bave gjod roads. Stephen IIltchesson. Having bought a tract of land at the end of the suspension bridge near the 3f orcy barn, I will sell three or four lots at a very reasonable price. L. L. Pohteh. Died. MmiUY. At the home of his stepson, Geo. A. Ilsrdmg, March 14, I Him. Charles K. Morrav, aged 85 years aud 12 lays. Charlea E. Murray, an old and res pected pioneer of Oregon City, died at the home of his stepson, George A. Harding, at 10::t0a. m. Tuesdsy. Mr. Murry hd been declining for the patl three weeks, having contracted la gripe his debilitated physical powers were un able to carry him through. Tim deceased came to Oretron in 157, arriving at l'ortland, and soon after moved to Oregon City, wheie he has been almost continuously since.' He leaves two sons, one at Tacoma, Wash , and one in St. I.ouls, Mo. George A. Harding and Henry Harding are his stepsons, and Mrs. Yiselich, of Stockton, Cel., a stepdaughter. His wife died in lS'.'T. The funeral was held at the resi dence of George Harding Thursday at 10 o'clock a. m., Hev. 1. K. Hammond ollkiaiiiig, and the remains interred at Mountain View cemetery. Letter List. The following Is the list of letters re maining in the poittotlice at Oregon City, Oregon, on March ltl, 1S V: WOMEN' LINT. Blakney, Little Myers, Mai I Jones, Bertha Sarern, tlyrtls McDougal Jessie 2 Thornton, Grace men's list. Baylor. CW N oyer, TP Church, C Kan.lall, R H Cadonan, H Shaw, Thos Jschink. AI ShrppanJ, Jno McKinnett, A Tucketnan, Jos Morris, Robt E Wesling. H Wilton, J J GEO. F. MORTON. P M. "March king" Ceming. 'Sousa is Coming" is the glad tiding that will interest every lover of music in this vicinity, for the annual appearance of tbe "March King" and Lis men in this city bas already assumed the pro portion of an event of supreme impor tance both socially and musically. Nothing socceds like succees, and Sousa has succeeded in reaching the public heart, not only by the character of in spiring music, but by his magnetic per sonality as director a man so attuned to the spirit of bis work that bis every motion breathes through it and makes bis very presence ss leader of tbst illimi table band an inspiration. It ia parti cularly pleasant to find now and then a man who likes his work for the work's sske, the cheers of the multitude in ap proval of his efforts being more to him than the "jingling of the guinea." Having played with hardly an Inter rapt ion for more than six years under tbe discipline and guidance of the "March King" the Sousa band is probably as near perfection as it is possible to reach with a wioM orchestra. It is an orirani- lit ion of tbe mobt gifted performers on their respective instruments, as well as tbe best payed in the country. Their faultless phrasing and their characterise tic verve and swine in playing bas n- sured their popularity and fame. Mr. Souea is a varitable clairvoyant at guest ing the musical preference of bis a- trons and his programs are models of good taste invariably. The Sousa band will give Portland three concerts at the National Guard Armory on Monday and Tnesdev, March 20 and 21, assisted by Mine Maud Reese Davies, soprano, and Miss Dorothy Holiniste. v The Star Concert of the Seasen. A rare treat is promised to the people of Oregon City on the evening of Tuesday, March 21 in the appearance at tbe Meth odist church of the talented soprano of New York, MollieAdelia Brown. She has witb ber two artists, who have became favorites with both press and public, Russell II. Ballard, cellist, of London, and G. Tugel Crist, pianist of San Francisco. The combination of voice, cello and piano promises a delightful enjoyment. Admission 35 cents, reserved seats 50 cents at Huntley's. FOR MEN ONLY is the lecture J-ierjry fM$ He boldly and without fear or favor discusses 6" in all its phases: Free Love, Love and the Law, Mairiageand Prostitu tion, Sexual Rights and Wrongs. Sex Idols crumble before his icconoclastic touch and the cause of "Youthful Folly" is described and how to avoid its terrible results. Also the attraction of the sexes, or whv the young go to dances is graphically detailed.. No man can aflord to miss this lecture. Owing to the free expression of his views as editor of the late "Firebrand" Mr. Addis was imprisoned in the Mult nomah county jail, but a storm protest from all over the! United States rolled in on the federal authorities and he was ! honorably discharged. Admission 25 cts. Only a limited number of tickets will bo sold. Como earlv. Lectures bofnns a 8 n m At Willamette Hall on "ieeaV lrU(riea. Laurence 8 tor lie, ilis writer, was the victim of the intensest poverty. A little time before bia death, Mug lu a state of destitution, he went one evening to borrow A'5 from bis frimid Derrick. Uhiu arriving, be heard niuslo aud knew that party was going on. lis beard the merry laughter, and, gently replacing lite uplifted knocker, retraced bia steps. We never feel our miseries so keeuly as when contrasted with the joys of others, and it is only then that we re alise Wordsworth's picture; And hnmelna near a thntiaand home stood Aud Bear a thousand tables pined ft fond. Another sliiry of this writer does pot evoke so uiucb sympathy. It waa kuowu thai Sterne used his wife very ill, and lu talking with (larrick one day lu Hue sentimental style of conjugal love and fidelity he said, "The uusbaud whole bsves unkindly to bis wife deserves to have bia bouse burn down over bis head." "If yon think so," said Uarrlek quietly, "1 bope yours Is well Insured." A Malay Saltan's Ifllfr. In tbe cover there were threw luolo soress formal letter of extreme politt Ueaa, written by a scribe; secondly, a letter written In my friend's own band; and thirdly, another paper, beaded, "Hidden Secrets," written also in the sultan's own band. At the top of the first psge of tbe second letter is writ lea, "Our friendship Is sealed in tbs Inmost receaaes of my bearL" Then Ibis. "I aend this letter lo my honored and renowned friend" (bete follow my name, designation and some conven tional ooniplinient). Tbe letter then oontinoes: "Yon, my dear friend, ars never out of my thoughts, aud tbey are always wishing yon wuJ. I bear tbst yon are ooming lo see me, and for thai reason my brarl is exceedingly glad, si though tbe moon bad fallen into my Ian or I bad teen given a cluster of flowers grown in the garden called Benjerana Sri, wide openlug onder the Inflnence of tbe sun's warm raya." "Cnaddreased Letters," by Swelten bam. Aw Aateaaptlal I'aasrslaaalaaj, "There is one question I wank to aik yon, deareat," said tbe beautiful girl as she toysd witb tbe diamond ring on ber third finger. "Wben we are mar lied, will yon expect tut to bake my awu bread? "You can do as yon like aboot it. darling." be replied, "but I certainly shall insist apoo your not baking mine." Chicago News. I'abapty lllada Wasava. Tbe Hindoo boly books forbid a worn an to see dancing, bear mnsio, wear jewels, blacken bereycLrowa, eat dainty food, sit at a window or view herself in a mirror during tbe abasoct of ber bus- band and allow bitn to divorce ber If she bat no sons, injures bis property, scolds him, qnarreJa witb another worn an or presumes to eat before be baa fin isbed bis meal. A ftewoastle (England) man wrote Ibis to tbe editor on a postal card "What bo. Mr. Editor, what pric Iblsf If tbe month is tbe window of tbe in tellect, tootbscbe most be a tort of window pain." Sloryef Slave. To be bound hand and foot for years by the chains of disease is the worst form of slavery. George D. Williams, of Manchester, Mich, tells how such a slave was made tree. He asys: "My wife boa been to helpless for five years that she co j Id not turn over in bed alone, After using two bottles of Electric Bitters, the is wonderfully improved and able to do her own work." This supreme remedy for female diseases quickly cures nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, headache, backache, fainting and dir.zy spells. This miracle working medicine la a godsend to weak, sickly, run down people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50 cents. Sold by Geo. A. Harding Druggist. Wanted-An Idea Who eaa think. of soma si mp la talu lu Datrait mxact jnar inrnt tny ms nnof ytm WMlta. M.I WKUDEKiiURN t CO., P.u-ol Alto Mblntum, u. v.. tnr tsotr ii.mi pria ol two kuadnd laTaaUoaa waaiaai. Bold and fearless, yet tender and touching, delivered by the noted orator 09 Sxoloy. The Sex Question Sunday March 19. SCARED TO LIFE. Mrs Fannta Smith, of Ten llsiite, had brrn for nun tlisil Irn ycu ronniird lo hrr bed, absolutely UnsM to move hand or fi Her caw was uttrily hnprlru, acctitilme l phr-ii-Uns .She aloiit one ilsy, whsn auildrnl the cry ot Hie was raiwit. The fire ptuvrd to be In an siljnin big hiue. and alliai tnl, for 111 thu hHni, lie atlrnlion of th family, so tliat thry did not think of Hi sick woman Ulan. Athrnrs grew Imiilrr with th Itirreas. n f crowd and th riisjnrs rumbled along the streets, ami the woman trained that the nie was cl.o at hand, hrr sgnny b. tame almost utiemlutat ' ' Suddenly, as Uit noises swelled into a ttt cry, and a he thontht she heard the hllnr of lh lUmes she leaped with a bound fioin th be J and ran down stairs. She had beea hiM-keil into life This t not a aoliury cse. Th story of this rvent in th newspapers called nut Crura vartmis sources aerounts of similar rrrnta In which cure had bren wroufht by strnnf rirltetuenl. These facts are import ant beraute they ptnv that there is a great reserve fore in nature upon which th sick can draw if they can our be brought into contact with that reserved force by tb ae of proper mesns. In a lare majority otTes. thes people If they could b actnl up.l by the required fore could he restored to a condition of healthy, happy living TUer is for thes, as there is for everyone, a ftest reserve fore in natarr. a great power of recupef. alion. when the proper means can be brought into ue. In caus this reserved force to flow ami In start ep tbe machinery of reciifteralion The great need of th drMiiing and helpless sick is Mora. But suppose your ra is consumption. Is there any hop for that t Ijtl us see. It is an idle thing to discuss the qiie.tion of th curability of consumption. When doctors disagree who shall decide ? I,t us Waiv that question entirely and look at the facts as they mr. Her are hundreds of eases of persons who have been desper ately ill. Thry had th scarlet color in th face, the drrnching night sweats, the wast ing away of flesh, harking cough, short ness of breath, tb spitting of blood, tht daily weakrning. which betokens consump tki. They believed they had consumption and said so. The doctors aatd they baJ consumption and could give MkiTiiKa Mora nob iiklt. Thrse people have taken Dr. Pleree'a Golden Medical Discovery and ar living in tbe activity of their business pursuits or their household duties. It may he that all th symptoms were fats, that all th doc. tors were mistaken, that the patients them selves were wrong, that tbey did not bave consumption at all. But the fact remains last they were aick, shut out from active life and losing with every day their grip upon the present It may be that they did have consumption and have it yet and are Wot cured, bat if there ia any medirinr that will do as the "Guide Medical Disco, try " has done for such as thes ; will destroy vry consequence of th disease and sweep away all its symptoms; will relieve rrota pain and put the life bark Upon the plane of perfect health, then th name of consumption becomes but a bug bear to scare the wrak. As a matter of fart, it iSfOf no moment what the doctor ball rail the disease that releases me from life, if t have lived ray life to the full limit of its year and to th full en jovment of its pleasures. Its labors and its rrtationa. Three phvsiriana trestrd Dsvtd Wsnsealult, F.a. of hrtnemskersville. berks Co., rs . sail tnld him there was so cure dr him. Thst wss yesrs sgo Today at n he writes his slory sad Mrs : " I then uvd Dr. Pierce s r'.nMca Meiucal LHicovery, and waa entirely cared. " As you kaow. ve years sgo th doctors nan givea m op 10 nie won cmnumumi, writes Mr. P. t. MrKinoey, of Ifernwslr fsyett Co. W. Va : "I took treatment froi Dr. R. V Mere, and am ennrelv well now. hsv tskea Mesdily, a directed, bia 'Uoldea Medical Discovery.'" t, D. Plnney. Ksn , of Amelia. AMrghaay I M. C. wrties: Aner recnrerina from a l of typhoid fever. I waa taken with a terrible cough. After trying seversl remedies snd sll tn no svsii I derided t try Dr. fierce Golden Medical Inicovery. Aner using on txKlle l irn greslly relieved, snd slter using seven bodies I wss entirely cured. Dr Pierce's mnUcine is sll It is clsimrd lo be. II Is worth Us weight it gola to suffering mutually. Jll'lluery Opnnlnc March 24th and 23th at the Red Front tore Oregon City, a fine diaplay of beau tiful halt aod a cordial invitation to come and inspect them. Our umal reasonable prices. Mas M, K. Hamilton. X Spring opening at Mrs. Bladen's Millinery I'arlors Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 22, 23 an I 24 of March. Ladies of Oregon City and Icloltr Yon are cordially Invited lo attend the grandest displsy of imported patern hats ever exhibited in the city Friday, Saturday, Monday and Tuesday March 24, 'i 27 and 28, JH0!). Miss (Julia (ioluhmith I will not be responsible for any con tracts or debts of my wife llattie Marrs, she having left me without cause. J. W. Maiihs. Wanted. Heliable men to travel in this and nearoy towns; salary and expenses weekly. Mate age and occupation. Address, Globe Co., . 723 Chostnut Hi., I'liilsdelpliia, Ta. mmlU and ai AbDDHaot tat re Insured only to those who sow our TKHTKD BKt'ns. Hen.l postal for our Illimiruted Catalogue and ave money by purchasing from the . PACIFIC SEED COMPANY Wholeiale and Retail Dealers 7a to 70 J H. Hncrrmiento, Cnl ALL 8KKD8 sold st lowest prices. AReiits s einf r. Liberal dix-oiliits, but NO 8KKUH sold on communion. OAfiTOniA. Boan ths m lha Kind You Han Always Bournl tisT -..- '- (lies me a liver regulator and I can l.i. il,. world " aald a s-miltis. The druggUI I l.lltle i'.arly Umers, the faiiunis lime 1,111a. ii. A. Hasimnii. A very lint Kieinway plsuo can I had un very easy terms ol Oregon t'lly Aui; lioll House. 20 DATS SII0I5 SALE All of our Fall "'! Winter st.K-k to mako rtHun for jirinn (iootk Our Mf n't ,1.00 1 In tM now $.V,M i,',0 " " " 4.00 " " .f..i " .1.00 " " .' S.I O -'I " J. 10 " " 1.00 Hig rcilui'tioii tui l.mlin't Fall ami Winter Sltor-s. Hee I'riivH in our Wimlow KRAUSSE BROS. Local NotlccH. Liquor bailee. Th undersigned will st plv lo th mayor and city roiini'll ol tlregmi I lly lor a mil' llmisni-s ol his l.iiMor Hi suss In hi prvwnl plsm ot budness, lo lsk l'lai-e from April Vim JOHN UKII.I.Y. M qniHt lii th rirrull r nirt of th stats of Oregon for lb county of I'larkarnaa. Vtaagi K. hask. piaintirf, . Harry Kssk. defeiiilanl. luimuons. To Harry Mask, dslsndanl In lbs ahov milled suit : In Hi nam of Ih slat ol Dragon you r hereby required lo aiar and aosaer to Hi complaliil tiled sgalnst toil In lb aluiv tntille.1 suit by Moiolay, May I, II ' bald suit IS com luetic I hr Hi plsiolill ottainil you for a divorr and II )oi lad to ansnrr tie t seen no and said llin lor aanl lirof th plalnlilt will tsk judgment against you fort ill force and Hit disailulton Ol Hit marrta now eiliiing Uetsesn sou and said iilauitlrr. Tins sumnions Is srvl by publication In pursusiic of Hi or.lsf mad by Id Honor, aril I bos. A. Mi llrid, JU'lgsof ti,a rtrcuil flxirt of th slat ol ilregun, for th ci-iiily ol Clackamas. HaU.1 Ids IMh dayol Mareb and ardered lbs first pulilli slloii o b mad on Hit 1 7 1 ft dav of March. ! nrKN'CKil.t Mot I Kit. Atloriieys for plalnillT. HI .nnoaj. In th rirrull court of th state of Oraiin for lb county of Clackamas. Mrs. M.J. Itoen, plsinlilt, rs. Jamsa (1. O't'onnsr. fstrlck 1. u t'oon.r, Wtlllaui . O 'Conner, Mary J llraly and Jain llradv, brr busband, K. K. Kilty, Tlioinss Cbar man and r'red ('i.a'mail as partners dolus; business under II. firm nam of t'harrnan fo". Thomas Cbarman, Kral Cliarman and W. 11. Ke. Uelsndanta. To VV. . Un and I bonus Charman at named dliidnU: In tb nam of Hi state of Oron you and each of you ar barvb riiird Ui ap pearand ansvsr ibeoniiilalrit fiil airsli.si you in lb above untied sou on or fx for lb last day of the Inn tirsrrlbJ in in order lor me publication of ibis sun, mens, namely: Mil siircsl week. . Ih Hrsl iMtusofsaid publication lo b da(. Manb li, lw, and ssld publication to nd with lbs Issus data.1 April H, u And if you fail lo answer for want thereof lb plaliitllt Will apply to tlx court for tbe rslisf nrsrsd lor In hsr said eomplslnl, namely: for uecre tKslnst Jamss t. U'(niir, Patrick T. o'Coiimr. William P. O Conner. Mary J. Brady and Jam Bradv'. bar bushs ml boot nanien usitnaanls for the sum of lVJ, ami Interest thervoii sines) July 111, IfO, at ID r cant pr annum, less $U paid Oil said Interest; for Hi iiini ol I'lim tale paid and Interest slur Jan. II, I Win, at legal rat; lor sum olf nfll tax paid and Im.r st thereon sine March 3, mu. at lal rata nu ior in mm ol UU as ailornayt few In aid cilt and for br costs and Ulsliur- oursenienis Herein. That lbs mortaa aivsn he i..i named defendants to taid plaintiff for e'Mj on ma imn usy or j my pen on lb fo Iiiwiii. , i . . ... .... . .irwv imn,, naiiisiy : i n n. r.. ii'iarter .u . u' ,.K 'inarter of ae. h Tp. 3-H,.of 1 ? K- ,M 8. W. iiusriar . 5 V ' 1 ,lll,r,r and tl.s . half in in rr. quarter nl sec. !l In Tp. 5 8. of It. S h, of lbs Wlllametia Meridian, tb am being the borne.isad of William O Conn.r. Alaoth.H. W. quarter ol sec. Ill ol Tp. 3 8. ol K. 3 K. of th Willam.u Maridian. ths asm Iwlnx part ol ins I). L. UoMioorget). Hmlth; both tracts oonlaln IngSi'i ai res, more or less, may lie fore, closed and that laid land b sold by the heriftotClackamai county, Oregon, accord ing to law, aud the proceeds therefrom be applied to the payment of the costs of said sal and ol this suit and to Id satisfaction of the above named mini due ths said plalntlir and that said dehjndaiile and all persom claiming under them either as purchaser, encumbrancer or otherwise In. eluding any and all claims by and on the part of laid Thomas f'lisrtns,, ,,,! (Miarman partner at above designated, K. t: J. Brady, W. II. Kee., ThnmaaUiaruianand Kred Charman may ne narred ami foreclosed uf all rlirhla. olaim or equity of redemption In and to aald premise ami evry part thereof: that pialnttlis may have ilt.ilci.nr. i,i....... "i-nlnnt James (). ll'f Itflflfir f'ailssii.l T OConner, William 1', O'Com.er. M.rv l' Hrady and James Brady, her I and ror sny (lellclency that nilirlit remain .Iter .. I' ylUK all the proceeila of (aid sal ai ahavs allnired lo the aallsraciinn i,t .i.i a. and for such other and further rallef In ths i"Hinwin iu equity may ierlaln. I'libllshed pursuant to an order of th Hon. 1 nomas. A. McllrMn l,t. ni ahove entitled court. Dated March II, IMei. B. K.A 0. W. HWOI'K, Attorneya fur plaintlll, Ailiiiliilalriitor' Nalfi. Ill the COIintv court nt iha .i.i. n for Multnomah 00.1,, Mi",,..;,n,ieHrsed! MUlS r K"'"'" estate hereinafter de.nrlhed on the lollow IliR Urm luhlecl to lha oohflrmetinn ,.l in. IUjaa as, til ..... a. vTsisiunii iTtiuri: Cor hilt 111(1 Muni Hon land claim of J.'g. "rf " . "J Clackamas CiiiiiiIv. fw.,,.... i. " three chains east of i "5 ""'" 2 E. of V illamettc meridian in aald county runiiinif thence H.kii l. aji ...i. u ., "ly! M,IOt) ..baitii. thence iTim " I and JO Km chains lliioir-s u m i ...... r., L. 1 l,r'Mrty li situated In ca::Kadlli,,t"i,oro'w"! It. LIVIXOHTONK, n.i i . ,ln,l"'H,ralorof said estate. Dated, March HI, w, AiliiilNlalristor'a llc Nolle Is derail glvsn that Ilia ,,, .... - """- - ' .iKn.s.1 has been LV r"iir r,.il.f landed him a iMillln ol ISi" lit s l( n1 -h iiu'V s'iiiui t,f mlnistrator allh "is am snosie.i , , estaia of Julia Ann Meh all. deieaMwiiiit all (arsons lint liisl elalms aaalnsi tl, eiiaie ar hereliy noiill.'d In presr,. a sine lo tl'i'v venlled at the rifll s SV 1,1. tl, , Wl Hani", lreou I lllf. C'eKni,,, n ait mo ths Iroin ilalf liereol, ll ' Haled March II, l" , ii m i i a si rit ii A.liiilnlatralor allh II' will Julia An" Mn all, d. eased, iiin i r" no lbs Malice. in or lb a d s All persons liavlnaj ClSl'IIS sai esiai in i.ose i mow', i., -i w., m.w liotlfle'l lo present same allh prniei iien. era In Ih tiiiilersliiil, Wllhlll ill i,J '" Irom dsl lliereof, i K. II, (Ml'KIK! ! Almliil.it , llieson City, Hresoii, Feb. 0, wl i . . . I I I ' . .1 I , Sl VIVIOK. 'I I III In th circuit (vnirl for tli slaleof i. lor th county ol Ciackanias, id I M. H'f kstelu, vs. rarab llu. Ktsndsnl. v I Ilis nam of Ih slat nl Hresjoi. i, You ai lierehy r''ilrd In aiq-t nsaer the coini'lallil Iliad analust i.sln ins a'sv inltit suit on or twinr n.. day of Men-li I '. and II you fall k' I aiitaer. Ir asm ineisoi, in piaini.t apply lo Ih ro ut lor ilis rsllrl ptanwi.1 In th rsiini'lalnl, I i. a dissnlulniii , meirisil ronlrs-l llsllna' between ' and Hi I'lauillll. Hahl enmplalut "V t'isl oU and lb plailitifl wr h.s'ik Warsaw. Itmsie. on tn day '. Il, and Itial r slop .that Him brra and now ar husband and wi ape Thai soui lime In lb year lw, , itliout any ra ise or provocation aiij" lewrt and ansndon the plallillrt l ' and ever line !' Iliad eri," at ari Irom Iiini ailhoul cause or "v'f Hun. That h Is now and for mors . one year last l lias been railt , Ih stala of tl'rl'Oi, , i You ar iMilliled Dial Hit sunum I iniiilisli.! by nr.ler of Hon T. A. U' a,. Jid-ol lb eourl, said ordr S,i. tieeu melt and iileil In Mil rsn 11 Ih ZMh day of Januar. wl. re-. JT1 this siiiiimiMis lu U puhllslied III II Jjht (on Ciiy K.olerpriM, Clsckamas i f( tat of Orearnii, one a week for all ,. Hi first poUlii-sHnii beli'l on Ih iU W uf Jsnnary, M'l and tbst on ssil tty. mnns tvlosj piiliilaliSHl as uMl on or Mlor Hi l'"h dav uf March, thai you aiq-esr and answer saidroun McsrMV. lis.. io I 8ar and C'oviat A imn sms. dc. Ailomey'l fur I'lsi .'V, .'allesi far I'tsWIIrallaa. if Id Und lirflce al tirecoit City, treofi"t 77 MH. i" Nunc 1 hrhy givvn thai lb fol.-ij( nauiil settler lis IIIshI Imlir of bis ' lion to mak ttnal prool In aui'lurt l claim, and tbst Ssld prool will b ma for Ih reamer and reewlter at O," Oiy.Ofn.. on April s. i, vli: , rr CAKI. A ItATII. ..jj II. K Ilrrr fur lb K. H ol S. f. t, n.v, W. i ol X. K. H l. Tp. J. P II nsitiw in foliowiiif wliiiewV prov hi ronllnuous ridnc Oimj"' 1 eultivaiion of said land, vis : Y, John C. Traejr, of I'urrliisvlll. Of n m , men M. Trai l, ol Currlnsvllle. Og . L.. , Jfsn,oMtur(, n; John A. Wa- v' ol lisorg. Un. I ll AH. II. MoOKK'TK Mr, .'"allea at .4 pawl alette at In I Nolle Is hrti alien tbsl lha ulrr1' isjued bas bswnduly tppolnlwil avlnilijdnt lor of the estate of Christian Morlil"Ni coaassl.and all i sons hailns claims s, th salil esta' ar reiiiird lo present to tli undersign!, at hi resl.lenr. at r"' land, Or., with pror ourlirs llw"lX within sis months (n.ra th dale brso ti itu urej-on t its nil inl its of ..) Ism. Admliilatalor of said !' U. B. tumka, An y for A"T 3 S 1.31. lVt, reed i:aeelra alle. In U.e County Court of Clai kamssCo 8late of (riton Bji(j in in iiiaitar oi ins estate of It B d Cauneld, derwassd. M!i NOTICKI8 IIKKKBYlilVES' Tht. nnders(nl has rttex) tils dual rape eiecutorof th laal will and Imlam'1' 1 said decrassvl, In ths atxiv nlltld f Id snd th court bas named th 17th a I), April, INtat, at Ih hour of I o'clock P c, a day and lima lor bsrn aald repam0 111 for ill selieninl of said eals'e, i It I'll A K LK8 MKNKY CAI'KIK I.I odl' Kiecutor ol said r.a... v. II v . ...... . .. ' March l. la-it. IK- ... .,., aiuFinrr ior in siaw . "Ol "'I t Adralnlalralar's Male. "Ol In th ooiinty court of th Hate of l "It lor th county of t'lsekamaa. ly. " In the mailer of ths tate of Chrin'tf Swarit, deceased. ' Notice is hereby silvan that In punr'" of an order of ssl mad and entered tl Wl county court of the enmity nf Clerktved staisofllreitmi, on lb Snllnlay of )k"K, iHiri, In the matter of the estate of Chri' , rlskrli, dereasoil. ths undersign.! ad'i ' tratorofsald estat will sell at pulilui.to linn, snhjeet to ponllrmatlon by said rTI the fol Ins-1 n. described real satat. Ki.i, A trsct of land sllnsled In section 13, l," 1, 8. or K. 1, weal of the Willamette Mi-r ' 1 snd mora particularly described by Itrd. nliixatlha northwest comer of rlaln"Of Wsml iioillliallon No. l.irv as desig n . in plats and sorveya of the United ri.1,, thence east 21 Id chaini to Henry It. U AI northwest corner; thence 8. 13 ilex. nVrnri west IH .'Ci chains; thence west 'U III d"V, lowest boundary of claim; thence m,ini i.mh nuaini to the place of peKlnnlnn' cent one and one hall of an acre dee.lr drc riliool district No. 2,1, recorded on If Ujl snd HIS In bonk "II" of record of L,u of Clackamas county, Oregon, noma . to acres, more or leaa: also the lollf tract of laud situate (n section il, in'? 8 11 I W. of the Willameite Merits' "Nt lurthertlesfrlbeti by beKlnnltiR at the t "I terseciinn corner tin line between lef,,, It ami 2.lof the aforesaid township ; P-,"' (1 weat by way nf aald section hn mi tticJulii to the line or It. V. Hhort's claim; V "It south tun chains lo the northwest or vv o. ."9.r!,nmM ,UrV theiiff.,,' 2i.W chains lo the center of ths Il 11 rsrry and l'ortlsml road ; theiina noioimy and den. K. tl mi chains to the llnr It. twesn sections U aud Z nf laid twi a , thencs west by way of aald llns 7.H.I d" , to th place of heKlnnlnw, contalnlnK J0 acres, more or less; aald aale will b " W on ths 1,1th day of April. I. at II 0 nxc n. in., at the court hon door, miiiu. ooutity and state. Terms of sale csh. , . . , , CIIAIlLKrJT.TiMl'"" ' Atliiiinlitrntor nf ths i.i ni chriit "I n ownrip., dcci-ftsioil . p I, - - - - vHV VI V ll,.,! ll.. o.L I m s . W 'n-i n e run usy or .March, istw, I S(U! '."Id: OillM CHj TrcuHurrr's Sollce. Nullcs liarehv lu.. ik.i il.aira. "L sttlllclent funds on hand In lhsifi"'Nf ruiidoftiri'Kon city to pay all oiii i,. warranti endorsed prior to July I, !? ,, ,' Inlnrent clnea vln. n,. ,i.i.nrn,n not W Oregon City March 1ft, J h k . "Yc II K. WTRAKiHi ' City treau