Oregon City Enterprise. VOL. 31, NO. 18 OKKOON CITY, OKKOON, FRIDAY, MAKCII 10, 1809. ESTABLISHED 18C0 rpill COMMIMClAL DANK, 4 or okkoon cnr. ii(t, .... 1100,000 Iran, mad. HIHt dl.wiuuud, MikH iwd lo.tlmi. Hurt and tall Iiani an all polol I" the I'Blu-l Ntaiaa, Kuruiit and lln Vii. N'HIU r..-ld iiilijM'i ta click It'll !- (row A. H, la 4 r. u o. UKMimrn, pr.idM. f. J. MKYRH lA.aitr, J)lt. 0K0. IIOKYK. ....DKNTIHT.... Cm t and ilrldgs work HiwHalty. work werreiilwl anil sallslaollon guarenlaad. Offlr III Caufi.ld lllk. All G K. HAY KH ATTOKNKY AT LAW. glvei uliaia ami I'robais binln.n txUe I'patalra, oimmhIi lluulffjr'a Book lor. ! l" HCIIUKUKL. ATTOUSKYATLAW. I ' 03m ovar MrKiltrlrk's Hh Hiora, hear Ilia Hank of Oregon Cliy. Oaauoa. lac. saoaaau. 0. ctiriiu, ATTORNEYH AT LAW, Otao ClVV. Oaaaoa. CVUIttfaMleataalllheeuarUaflBasUta. 01 tea, lu t.gS II bti.dlu. o Lack a mai amtbact a tki't to. 11 earl ami careful buying we p rnanajrwl to Ret a goixl (trick of jiujH'r lofiro priced aIvauc(xl. Ho oil are anfo with uh an far an priced are concerned. Our aortiner.t of delightful new patterriN is a treat to lover of floral dc!gni. Come and Inrimct our int'Tcnting flock who' her you want to hu or not. Dellomy & Buseh, The Hufijrnllir " V W''"'r W'V'V -VVVW VtTV'V "V "VV-tffl CONGKESSADJOUKNS Dramatic Scene Enacted Jiulh IIouhpM. In MI'KAKEK RKKf) IHS0KK.1 WliKCLKK ratrlutlcMeiir Hang During Ihe-L'loalag Hour Three I burn tor Dewey and the irwi and Xav. a Enl Says Is e o They all My that HARRIS' GROCERY Headquarters lor Hay, Land plaster, 8edi, Etc. CarrlM tha moat complete stork ot First Class Groceries to be found in Ilia City. ft imoi in a Mr a MNOUnilNOL: a rmUb, AM'arli. I halo, of Ttl'a. tWrla Utn, l-oaiis. lu.ur.i-ra. Pay Taia. Parfael 1 illaa. etc., ata. omra or.r fc.nk tit . oraa i:if. t t. t. CLAHK, Pra., and Mgr. aaeoacirv, .... oaeaoa. MM.I.KK, - DKNTIHT - I J1 riu (a of laih, gold crowns, all klndi o( ' SlUngs and bildgeaotk. Seventh tiL hear depot. Oregon City! Or. FIKK AND ACCiDKNT jl 1? rt 1 1 rai A r.l u I fx nil iitinf a Ttauf vaIao m F. E. DONALDSON WAniKOTy, March 4. Vice 1'real. limit IJobaM Jclaril (he atnaU of Ilia fjftlb coni(rat ailJourDml without day elglit mlnuU-i aftrr 12 o'clock today. It wta aflrr a continuoua awion brin oiriK at II o'clock Friday, with the e- caption of one hour recM during the forenoon. The day of final adjournment broke with the annate in eim.-otive eeoaion die poainK of a teiic number of nominatioua. When the door were opened there wai Men but a hamilul of tired and bauuard- I looking aenaUiri, who were waiting for the final report from tie confereon the two billa yet in dipute. Finally Hale appeared with both. Tbe de ficirney bill wat quickly paaeed, and then came the final and cloaing fight on the neral bill and tbe price of armor plate factory. Thia wm Anally oer,and and the weary aenatora took a abort re O.T. WILLIAM a. HIAL KTATI AMU LOAN AUKKT. A A" f 04 llaa el builaaaa. raaManea tad uburbaa i lrorir. arn rtopnj la Uarta to mil oa auj hin OorrMpandaora promptly 4aird. OSoa, ee ior auuta ul MikoIUMauiea. o D.A D.0. LATOCKITTB. 4TT0RNEYM AND COUNKEL0I18 AT LAW aim araair oaaooa citt, oaiooa. v- rjnh Abmaou et Tllla, Leaa Mooaf. fora eloaa Murtaaa, o4 traoaael OtavraJ t Law Mualaaaa. A.8- DHKhwKK, A TTi It V W 1 T I I U C:3ieorr MrKltirlrk'a Hhoa Hiore, n t lb Hank of Urriton City. Oaiooa Citt, OaiuoR. J' L. PORTER, ; ATTORNEY AT LAW AanaicTtor raoraart rvamiMiD. Cioe nail to Orrion Cllt Enurpri-a h t- Eaben; 0ubjibbir6 Co. 388, 300 Wathlnttton St.. Portland. Or. Oregon Phone. Main 87. Furnituro, UpholHtcry, Clothing, Dress Goods, Silks Cloaks, etc. WlTrfff III IJntiMt DM Wf Pirff ftmMtr Vt tfiV. Pira ... r. .aSE ajlTlTTTTTiTBTaW laaiilTWTl faTWTla :i. -L JJR. FRANCIS FREEMAN, ? DENTIST Graduate of the NorthweaUtrn Unlver- aitv Ihtntal School, Cbliaito. AIho American Uolleiteof Dental Hurgory, With Dr. Welch, Willamette Block. f a a. w. eworK, J ATTOUNEY'8 AT LAW. 3oIUctlona, Forncloetire of Mortgagee, and a Runeral law Imainnaa at tended to pronmtly. Main 8t. First door South of Methodist Church . jQANK Or ORKOCM CITT, Oldest BanklM Bousi !i Us Cttr. Paid op Capital. 1&0.000, Burplua, iM.m. UDaNT, CMAti.ii a. CArnauk, rtca raaaiuiNT, eao. a. a a am no. lAiHiaa, - a. e. CAuriau). I ganoral banking bualnnaa tranMcted, J, oo.lt. ranlT(finliiioi to ohaok. - norotad bill, and notea dlionnntad. JiMintyand city warranta bounlit. oana mtda on Available leourlty. "hna bought and .old. liiilaotlotil mads nromDtlv. iralta anbt avallanla In any part ol tha world B.Hnmpblo ainliaiiRe. .old on Portlaud, Han rniioo. finioaaoana naw York. itaraitpaU ou tlina dapoilta. 51 III 'III lllllll FARMERS WARBD to buy Syracuse Chilled Plows for which we are agents. Also full line of Steel Plows, Harrows, Culti vators, Etc. Wo sell IMPERIAL BIOYCLES quality highest;-price the lowest. We are agents for Simonds Cross cut Saws, and the "Z" brand of Sledges and Wedges. We keep a full line of Hardware, Stoves, Tin ware, Wagon Wood, Iron and Steel, Phi m hint a Specialty. POPE St CO. Corner 4th and Main Streets, - Oregon City. Li!. C. STRICKLAND, M. D. . Ilonnltal and Private Kxperlanoa.l Jlfrrs hla profi'HHloiial servlcf a to tho peo ple ol uroKun jiiv ana vicinity. t)enial attrition paid to Catarrh and J Chronic tlltieuHfs. llentof rofar 1 oni-es given. Olllca In Wtllaniatte BiiIIiIIiik Olllca hourai 10 to 12a. m., : 4 to o p. in. JOKOON CITY OUEOON V A N TK D riltVE It A t, T R tlfcT WOR r 11 Y 1' K 11 ' ion. lu thin atutn to niaiiMHa our lin.lni'M in i, sir own ud noarbr uoutitiu., It Lmnlnly of i a work couiliii'lud at hiitnu. Bnlary mmmlit "HI year mid Xinoi di-llnllu l in nnlldu, no 0' no b .nbirir. Monthly 175. Ibiforuii'TS. :nrlfa -nll-HiliiroiwiHl .lamwd anvalopa, Hor- tl K, lion, l'rHt., Du t M. Chlungo, tt-23 KUTTUEE GD1ED ,"o Itloncy Akel I ml II Cwro I llllecletl. We have aeonred at great cost tha services of one of the world's grealest specialist. He has testimonials from some ot the bent ieopleln tbe United States and Europe. Wonderful Cnwra! No Nurjr ml 0MrwlloiiI 1X0 hIiiI No IM-Ihj IVom lliiNlnraN! As an evldeiH-e that he has the ability to perform wbat we ad vertise, no recomnemie will be requited until the valient him seiracknowlegeaa loaltivecura. DOCTOR E. H. RATCUFFE Personally attends to all cases of Oleet llrilruoele HcUtli-a K lien Hint Ism NenmlKla lixiuia Qonorrhnea Blrlrtnr Varlooetle Blood Talnta Nynlillli Uma haok files Loot Manhood fciiiiaiioua Thirty years of prHctlce has made bun authority on diseases of this nature. Call or write. Free consultation. Correspondence solicited. Hew and elogunt parlors in the All.ky building, oor Third and Murrlion. Rooms ml 78:30 p. m. entrance, am niorrimm, opposite McAllen x McUonelra, Portland. Or Jiiu, iin.iiu. lane elevator. Hours 0 to IS a, m.j ! a Upon reaaaembling the annate took on a new appearancv, Tbe chanitr had iien cleaned up and the etna tors came beck to tbe cloaing meeting with a more spruce apiarance. home few altera pta at legialation were made, but all were Dnaucreeeful. Then the gal lent filled with gaily dreaaed visitors, who were there to awe the final ceremonies. They were not long permitted to enjoy them- selves, as an executive aesaion drove them into the corridor., w here they pa tiently waited for the doors to be opened. When thia waa done only a few minutee remained of tbe congretw, but the hands of the clock were turned bark 10 min ute, to give time for the nanal compli mentary r,eeoluliona and the aJdreaa of the vice-president. President McKinley and his entire cabinet had come to the capitol and were In the preaident'a room back of the sen ate chamber, where the varloua bill were harried for aignatare. Finally, the last big appropriation bill had received the preaident'a approval, and every I thing waa ready tor the cloaw. Tbereeo- , lutlona thanking Vice-President Ilobart and Frye, president pro tem, weie ad opted, and the vice-president responded in an appropriate address, and tbe aen ate, which had been in a turmoil for aeveral daya, quietly came to an end. Claalag Beaaaa la tha Haaaa. Wearily the house aat through tbe ailent watcbee of the night, recessing from lime to time, while awaiting con. ference report upon the appropriation billa. The floor of the house waa lit tered with waste paper, which drifted ankle deep about the desks and made tbe ball look aa if it had been awept by a anow itorm. Still tbe weary and heavy-eyed legislator kept to their poU through the night. The leader open whom the attain and burden of tbe cloaing hour full moat heavily, and the speaker, who bad the greatest reeponsi bility of all, remained constantly In their place, watching vigilantly the progress of tbe contest between tbe two houses. The final agreement on tbe river and harbor bill, containing the compromise on the Nicaragua canal, was secured about 3:30 a. m.; the sundry civil bill, in which the bouse forced tbe senate to surrender the provision for the laciflc cable, about 6: the District of Columbia bill, with the provision for sectarian institution eliminated, about 7 o'clock j the" deficiency bill at 8 :30, and the final conference report uoon the na val bill at about 9 :30 a. m. The ball presented a aodden, bedrau gled looking scene until the daylight, sifting through the ground-glass ceilings, diaim d the vellow light this morning. Outside a fine, drixiliug mist was falling, completely shrouding the top of the dome, and gluing the wet, half-masted flags over the two wings, to their staffs. The red-ered members sat listlesnly In their seats and the few persons in the galleries slumbered peacefully. About 7 o'clock Henderson aroused the house by an electric speech. It waa one of the most eloquent of thia congress. The surroundings added imDressiveness to his utterances. The disheveled mem ber and the wreckage of the night were about him. It was on tbe question of sectarian institutions in the District of Columbia, provision for which had been stricken out of the district appropriation bill." With force and pathos he de nounced the bigotry of the conferees, who, he said, were willing, at the be hest of a secret organization, to turn the homeless and friendless Into the streets. The scene vias dramatic in the extreme wlten Henderson recalled the dark days of the war, when the white-capped Sis ters of Mercy were administering on the I battle-field to the sick and dying soldiers. With the advent of the day the house axsln tk on the appearance of life. Mmbra went below for bath and breakfaal, and returned refreshed ! their stations. A early a 7:30 the people bifn to pour Into the galleries, the firat party to arrive being a dozen ladies, who took their places In the pub lic galleries. The Important bnsineas of the boose had been virtually complete. when the bouse recetaed for an hour at 9:30. All that remained was the enroll ment of bill and the final ceremonine. At 10:30, when the houae reconvened, tbe galleries were again packed to the door and the hall buzzed with confused murmur of voice. An American flag had bee lowered from the pre gallery above the speaker' chair. The cloaing scene in tbe bouse were of more than usual interest, After all tbe bill had been paaaed there followed the usual resolution. That offered by Bailey, thanking Speaker Reed, and tbe remark of the minority leader were of a character to lend a dramatic turii to tbe proceeding. The action of tbe bouse and the apeaker reply aroused t'j house and spectator to enthusiasm. After adjournment, member and vis itor joinod la singing patriotic airs. Laal Day la Iha Haaaa. The house proceeding lagged after midnight, aa the conference committee on tbe various appropriation bill were not ready to report. Time waa con sumed by frequent recee and the member were kept in good nature witu oup and atone. At 4:30 A. M. tbe 'river and harbor conference report again waa reported by Chairman Burton, sod waa adopted. At ft A. 51. Boutelle presented a par tial conference report on tbe naval bill. Tbe bouse refused to receds from its op posit ioa to an armor plate plant and also insisted upon it poaition a to ship and armor plat. The two boar from 5 M to 7 J30 were spent in recesses, reassembling every now and then to see if the work wa ready. At 7:35 the District of Colom bia report waa presented and adopted. The conference resort noon tbe defi ciency bill containing a fall agreement upon all disputed point waa presented at 8 o'clock and agreed to. At 8:30 o'clock tbe final conference re port on tke naval bill waa presented by Bootelle. He ei plained that the sen ate had yielded to the house a to the number of shin to be authorized (12), andtbe boaae bad confirmed the armor- plate provision so aa to limit the cost o( armor to $300, bat bad secured elimina tion of the proviaion for an armor-plate factory. Tbe report was adopted and the house recessed again until 10:30. At 11 o'clock a resolution wa adopted directing the speaker to appoint a com' mitlee of three to join a similar com- speaker had retired to his room and, Pyne, speaker pro tem., wa In ih chair. Dalxell, In the center,annoonea.l that the committee had fulfilled It doty, and the president had made reply that he had no further communication la make. "The president reo Tested a to etats." be continued, "that the Wth eongre had performed it extraordinary duties) manfully, and be requested m to- tend to each and every member hla best wiahe for a safe return home.', But five minute remained. Initwae enacted one of the moat dramatic acenea ever witnessed in the ball of representa tive. I'ayne summoned Dockarv Mm. - - , -B7 Mo.) to tbe chair, and be in torn recog nized Bailey, the minority leader In ibia congress, to present a reflation thank ing the speaker for the Impartial man ner in which he had presided over lh deliberation of the house. Bailey said r "It i an admirable trait of the Ameri can character, and it is one which will tend to tbe permanence of our iaaiita tions, that, no matter bow we conteod against each other over our difference ol opinion, each is already to accord to tbe other whatever praise may be de served. This commendable spirit hae led some shallow men to criticise o be csuse they could not comprehend how we could ao strenuously combat th principle of oar adversaries and atill re pect those adversaria tbemaelret. Tbeee men do not know that a largo majority of tbe men In every other party are earnestly anxlou to promote oor country welfare. (Applaoae). And it i oat of this broad spirit that a contort, ha grown which la aaold astbehouso itself, that in tbe closing hour of every seaaioo there shall be offered a resolution like that wbicb I now send to the- clerk'a desk." The resolution waa read, aa follow : "Reeolred, That the thanks of tho boose are tendered to the Hon. Thomaa B. Reed for the able, impartial and dir- nified manner in which be baa presided over it deliberation and performed th arduous and important duties of chair man." The reading of tbe resolution waa greeted with tamoltuoa applaoae. "Mr. Speaker," continued Bailey, "we bare not always agreed with lb aistingniabed occupant of the chair, and we have taken more than one oecmaioa to emphasise our dissent; bat, remem bering tbe momentous questions which have confronted os in thi congreaa, sod remembering, too, the intense eieito ment which tbey arouaed throughout Uo country aa well as la this hall, the won der i that those occasions were ao few. and in this hour of impartial retrospect I do not hesitate to say that he baa been mittee from the senate, to wait upon the president and inform him that the two bouses bad completed busineea and were ready to adjourn, nnless the president bad some further communication to make to congress. The speaker ap pointed Daliell (rep., 5. Y.), Reeve (rep., Ilia.) and Lanham (deru., Tex.) and another recess for an hour followed, when tbe bouse reconvened for the last time, tbe hour ot final adjournment be ing but half an hour away. Tbe engrossing clerks were now the busiest people about the capitol, and al most every minute one of them rushed in with belated measures in his arms. The last legislative act of the house was the passage of a joint resolution au thorizing the acceptance by the United States of the cession of a tract of land from the state or Massachusetts, nee-led to extend the lines of Boston navy-yard. It was now 11:45 by the clock, but the assistant doorkeeper with a long pole set back the hands 10 min utes. This raised a loud laugh. Immediately afterward there waa a most dramatic episode. General Wheeler, who has carefully refrained from exercising his privilege as a mem ber of tbe bouse pending determination of the question aa to his right to hi aeat in the house, arose from his old seat down near the front on the democratic Bide, and loudly asked for recognition. "Mr. Speaker," he called. The speaker's face was flush slightly, but he looked straight ahead aa if he did not hear. "I ask unanimous consent to speak for five minutes,' shouted the general, but tbe speaker disregarded him. Every eye was now riveted upon the diminutive figure of the grizzled old veteran of two wars. The situation was Intensely dramatic, but Payne, the floor leader of the majority, hurried to the rescue. lie moved a recess for 10 min utes. Tending that I ask unanimous con sent to speak for three minutes," de manded V heeler. The speaker then turned toward him for the first time.and, looking straight into the gray eyes of the general, iguored Lis request completely, putting the motfon of Fayne and declar ing it carried. As the hands of the clock pointud to seven minutes to 12, although it was really three minutes past the hour, the committee appointed to wait upon the president marched down tbe aisle. The ' as fair to oa and our tide aa any of as. were oar poeition reversed, would bavo been to him and to bia aide." (Load applause.) The chair called, for a rising vote. Every member was on his feet, ana tho resolution, w a unanimously agreed to amid prolonged applause. ' Dockery, when the applause had sab sided, appointed Bailey, Bell (pop. Colo.) and Paine to escort the speaker to th chair. A moment later aa the speaker emerged from the lobby, escorted by ti e committee the cheer that greeted hi appearance made the rafter ring. Slowly the speaker ascended the ros trum, gracefully Dockery informed him of the action of the house, and then re linquished the gayel to him. Aa th speaker faced the house, the stillness ot death settled down upon It. People in the galleries seemed to have ceased to breathe, so oppressive and impressive waa the silence. The speaker fairly tow ered over the surroundings. Slowly and with great deliberation he returned thanks for the compliment the house had conferred upon him. Half a dozen tiiuesoluring the progress of his remark! the speaker was obliged to pauue.owing to spontaneous applause. wbictt arose from all sides, and when ho concluded with the announcement that the house stood adjourned sine die the applause and cheers were deafening. The galleries joined In the outburst. Suddenly some members began singing, and above the din arose the strains of "My Country, Tis of Thee." The air was taken op, the galleries caught the inspiration, and as one man eveiybody rose and joined in tbe singing, until in one grand chorus thousands were voic ing the beautiful words of the national anthem. It was a scene to live a life time to witness, and a fitting and patri otic climsx for the great war congress. When the anthem was concluded, General Henderson started "Auld Lang Syne," and it was also sung with a will. Suddenly John Murray Mitchell waved aloft a small American flag, and mem bers and the galleries went wild joining In singing "The Red, White and Blue." While the singing was in progress Mr. Hull, of Hull bill fame, jumped npon a desk with a large red, white and blue streamer, waving it to the rythm of the air, and redoubled the tumultuous na ture of the demonstration. A voice in in the gallery thouted, "Three cheers lor Dewey," and they were given with vol canic and explosive vigor. Then came cheers for the army and navy, and fi nally for Joe Wheeler. Tbe demonHtra tion concluded with the singing of tho doxology.