Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 03, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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mm mm
is the
"Best" is an easy boast. But there's no best without a test.
t something extra ot best J somctning extra in Drcaa irom
flour; something extra in wear from best cloth; something extra in
cures from best medicines. It's that something extra in Aycr's Sarsa
parilla that makes Aycr's the best That something extra is quality.
Remember it's quality that cures, not quantity. Geo. Smith of the
People's Drug Store, Seymour, Conn., says: "I have sold your goods
for twenty-five years and when a customer asks me for
The Best Preparatio;
for the Blood
I say: 'If you will take my opinion, use Aycr's Sarsaparilla; I will guar
antee that you will receive more benefit by using one or two bottles of
Ayer's than you would by using half a dozen bottles of some other kind.'
When they take it, I never hear any complaint."
Ayer's Sarsaparilla cures all diseases that have their origin in impure
blood: sores, ulcers, boils, eruptions, pimples, eczema, tetter, scrofula, etc.
It cures cheaply, it cures quickly, and it cures to stay. That's why it's best.
After twenty yean eaperience as druggist, I consider Ayer' Sarsaparilla superior to
any similar preparation on lh market, and 1 give it the preference orer all others."
A. C WOODWARD, Worcester, Mass.
In oar estimation, a regards Sarsaparilla, Ayer'i Is the standard. We hare never
heard It spoken of in other than the very highest terms."
W. E. TLRKIIX & CO, Pharmacists, 9 State Street, Montpclier, VL
"I consider Ayer'i SartiparCla the best blood purifier on the market"
Dr. GRISE 4 CO West Cardner, Mas.
During fifteen years of experience with Ayer'i Sarsaparilla, I hare yet to learn of a
alnr'.s case wSertin it failed to cure if nsed according to directions."
F. U. COLLINS, DrugjUt, raxis. Mo.
I belier Ayer'i SanapariTa contains wore medicinal value than any other similar
compound." JAMES DO A.N E, Dispensing Chemist, Kingiville, Ont
Tin. hours lylliliiy "- met
Ami IxtiKliK'r llv.nl III wont
fthnl t . Ihiil low '"'" "ml
litems mllii h'-arl tlirolisllrr.il.
Tl' will flmit M"iiiil I" the Hh-n.
Tl. ml. lit rn.i-il s. it.M Hi" I'lxl".
I f ti-h'rm-l lilKlUn niirrli-.!
Our IhhiihU 'il liorws liamiwl Hi !
(Vwii in III lirov lirtn.1" h" l""
We t.'Hlr.l llill tlm "
Ami liii'til ll' """ xn
A lulUl.jr whiml'iy asilmi
1 nh, im srt.lirr.l from wjf H
Ana v. .1 tlm ! I"""' " "' '"'
H 11 li im iuiir y .liimn il l''"
Kur x'U tu tMMii tw wnh nn'iiinrjr tmi
Ami ii"W J" peme-eom I1'1" I"
Tu till, Hi' ". 'I'" "H ""'' I'1"""""
Mr u ih iimaw ' tur l1'1''
Vihut rlianij tins own uimhi jruur I"?
titi. frieit.l lo l" sn.t 'HI I"
Tu liv 1111 rlmlt IiiiimI nf tt'alM
bolter limn la feel !
rors-vitlii I lh hnl iin
-Atlanta IVastllulluB,
Hot the Urrmt Irlast l eader tame
V.uxrr I'ullllrs.
Omrlm Stewart I'nrnetl was 5 years
oil ln-fore liw uuide liin entry into the
political arena. How tlie st.-p was taken
is thus d.riUd hy Mr R Harry
0 Hi ii'ii in Ins biography of the yrat
Irt-li leader
"Ono iiiylit during the p-neral rh-o-limi
of I Mi 4 rrn. ilmwl with hie ali
tor Mn Dit'kiiiMin. in Dublin AftiT
diiiiHT Oiptnin Dicklnm mill 'W1L
OmiUit. why limi t y K tuu nrlU
utciit T Why don't you stand fur your
native county T
"To tln eiirtiriiM) of eviry one t the
IhM.v I'Hrnrll eul.l iiuickly 'I 'ilL
Whuin oiiKlit I t- 't
" 'DU. ' Miid Dirkm-on. we will oe
Unit tlmt tmiKirriiw The ifrrat thing
is you Ikivo (li iclol to xtiitiil '
l w ill siUiut it tour?' anlil
rarnilt 'I have inado up my in I ml and
1 Won t wint Whom oiik'ht I UT
I tliit.k (Iniyof The I'rivnuii'i
JonrimL' auul John, who was also pris
on t
" 'W-ry w-flL' aaid PurnclL rUlng
from tlm tallo. '! ahall g" ,0 nil" at
oin iv Do you come with urn, John,'
The two tn t her then went way to
jrrthtT It 'u now 1 1 o'clock, and thry
found Gray at The Frwmnn'i oflioe.
lie wm amaiM wlu-n I'ariii'11 rnt'rl
ami aiiiiL '1 have com to any. Mr
(irny. that I liu'iin to stand for Wick
low aa a Home Knlrr ' "
It was only th yenraftr that on the
d.-atti of John MitchcL l'arnill was re
tarn.Nl for M"th- At Brut it U plain
thut Parnidl hd few If any followrr
The aliility of the rvprwiitative from
.Mi'ath wan qntioui tiutt wa then
tho controlling power It wm ouly in
I $10 that l'arnell Ut ame the loader
A Personal Matter
A veil painted hou is like a neat
ly dre.el i-erson alaays attract
ire and pleaatit to louk ujIjii.
Can be repainted and freshened lip
at a very reasonable prire paints
are very cheap now. Don't leave it
until the sun makes any more marks
and cracks in it.
Leave Orders at
Ely's Store...
1:. 1 Mm
'Tranfet1 and is$tt$
Toj Pai iter.
Opp. Huntley's Drug Store,
Great Britain and America.
Do You
Freight and parcels delivered
to all parta of the city.
Know the News g jj
You can have it all for
n the Evening Telegram, of Port
land. Ore,tm. It is the latest
evening newpp-aper published in
Orcgci; it contains all the news
f I'T Stst nl of tlie Vinn.
Tr it for a month. A sample
,py be maik-a o you iree.
1S00 miles of long dis
tance telejthone wire in
Oregon and Washington
now in operation by the
Orceon Telephone and Tel
egraph company.
Portland, Seattle, Spo
kane, Tacoma, Salem
Walla Walla, Pendleton.
Albany and 96 other towns
in the two etates on the
Quick, accurate, cheap.
All the satisfaction of a
personal communication.
Distance no effect to
clear understanding. Spo
kane as easily heard nf
The Telegram,
Portland, Or.
3j Huntley's Drug Store.
Q 1
A W all Paper Trlrk.
"An old fellow came along the other
day." auya a Phihidflpkia rtwUnrant
lif iH-r. 'who gave im a )int-r I bad
m vi-r tlrcaiiiiNl of. He rame in and of-
i ft-ritl to (uttch np all the bud pliicoe in
inr wall Mip-r and ho xkillfnlly that I
cunldn't fiixl a jLico after it wm done.
Well. I luidn't any patching, to do, bnt
I U't the old 1 hup a qnartT anl his
dinner that he conldn't do what he
aaid. I tore a pat h out of the wall
jiapor. and whpn he wae throngh eat
ing hi' went to work.
"The nmt thing he did wu to cut a
piix-e of thin wall pup-r big enough to
coVit the hulu and piu'te It over. Neit
he took a braidi and pitinUd a pronnd
the name a the other pajNT. Then, kick
me if he didn't take other brn.'.hea and
ctilors and paint in the rleeign of the
paper. I willingly yielded np a qnart-r
with the dinner and w-as aatixfled when
I ki tho alitcrity nnd enie with which
the fellow did his work." New York
Tribune. '
Win l ad.
"What will happen to yon if yon are
a good little boy T" a-ked the kindly old
"I'll get a stick of candy fur being
"And what will happen to yon if
yon are bad!"
"I'll get two sticks of candy for
promising to try to be good." Chicago
It .
Squaring l.
Freddie's Papa V hut do yon intend
to do with the tune in that doiighnnt
when yon get all the cake eaten from
aronnd it!
Freddie (aftr serions thonght) I
gness I 11 give it to little sii-ter. to pay
Oregon City office at
Portland, - - Oregon.
The chronicles of 1 4 "0 spvak of ISO
veiwvls in its basins and of German mer
chants carrying away ovrr S.0UO plervs
of cloth to the diaUut lands of Kuasla
and Poland. It was the exchange of Ku
rope, possessing In the fourteenth cu
tory ti guilds and 130,000 Inhabitant,
mors than three times as many as It
now r tains Among It wares we read
of leather from Spain, wool from Kng
land, silk from Italy and Persia, llneo
and cloth from fjrabant. bemp and flat
1 from Holland, wins from Portugal,
Greece and France and hardware from
Germany, which included every variety
of object in Ivory, bone. wood, plana,
tin, copper, lead, iron, silvrr and gold.
It bad tu factories, its curriers. Its dy
ers, and its taxation considerably ex
ceeded that of Ghent Hut t the com
mencement of the fourteenth century its
troubles began troubles from within
and from without
The Sovue was rendered useless by
the Invasion of sand as far as riluis
(Eclote), treachery, slaughter and po
litical jealousies and rivalries completed
the fall, and iu 1244 its inhabitsnts had
diminished to 7,606. Then came the re
ligious wsrs and persecutions from 1867
to IZHl, the fanatics and the Guiox de
stroying wbst remained, leaving little
for the French revolutionist. Good
Tk Swiss I'arllamrat.
Switzerland differs from other coun
tries in many things, and oue of the
most remarkable is the way la which
its psrlismentary debates are conduct
ed. A Swiss member of pat (lament can
express himself in French, German or
Italian, and the privilege Is freely used.
When the president of the federal as
sembly speaks In German, his remarks
are translated by a secretary in close
proximity to bim. AH the laws and
resolutions, before being votud upon,
are drawn np in, French, German and
Italian, and every 'official report Is pub
lished in these three languages. Dir
mlngbaui Post.
MsMaa It Clear.
Somebody bas discovered that a Ber
muda onion eaten raw will clear the
bead. A Bermuda onion eaten raw will
do more tban thai It will clear an en
tire room. An active Bermuda onion is
a complete clearing bouse all by itself.
Take one Bermuda onion only oue
and let the lips of boauty close upon it,
and love will tarn to hatred and honey
to gall and bitternesa
Clear the bead? Why, a Bermuda on
ion In fairly good health will clear the
head of navigation I Exchange.
The lli.inelli'.t Man hi On K 'ii t'lly.
As well llm liuiulnoiiitiit, sn l otln'i
are Inviled to rail oil any iImikhUI and
u.,t (....1 a trial bnttli of Kelilli' IUtslil
for Hits Throat ami l.ungs, a t tv that
! Kiuiaiileed lo flirt" ami rellevu all
riminie and Anile ('oiitfl.s, Asthma,
llroiirhill and Consumption. Trit e -V
and iW.
As lh season of tl" y' "'"N
loieiiiiinni. I grip;, sorn throat,
ciinghs, fold, catarrh, bronchitis and
Inns' troubles are to bo guardo I skuIhiI,
nothing "I a Aim substitute," will
answer the piiipnan," or Is "Just as
Kix d" as (nn Minnie Cmigli Cure. Tlisl
is the one liilulliWn lemedt f. r all long,
ihrnut or ImuiiUI timibles Insist
titjorousty iikiii havliiK it II "somelliliis
else" Is oll'ered yoll.
(iio A. IUhihko.
CTI VK Htl 1. 1 C I Tt H M WANTI'll
Psiilel Williams, at Die lioillual
Her of (Vnler ami Hevelilh Streels,
choice and well selects.! slot k of 1,
iirisetlea wlili h be I selling a( v
rrasotisble rales. Ills mnilo a
and let live, with bonest weights i
inessiiiea". (IikhIs delivered to (
part of the illy. j
riiH,.inM" liv Mural llalsira-l. i-onmns-
lour I liy III iliitpriiiiieui as umnai nix
'irlsn lo lbs W'sr l.sriniiuil. The lM'k
s orltleii In srinv raiiiiw al Hsu Fran-i-lM'O,
011 II. e I's. llli' l"li llnrsl Mrrrnl.
in lh l.n litis al II0110I11I11, In 1 1 st
kni'K. In Hi Auieriran Imii'liM al Manila,
111 Ilia InsuiKriil cami'S al'.li Aiiuliisl.lo, oil
lh iliM'k of Hi lllvmpla allli Pov, and
lit Hi roar of haul al lbs 'll f Manila
llousi.it for siinl. Ililiuful of nna'iiisl
pl.lurrs Iskfii ny g.iriiusiil photo,
grspbsrs on h st. I 't I"""
i.rlers. Ml prolln. Kriirlil l"'i'l. t'rdll
Kin. Propaillraiby uimltl Isl r Ixmss,
Oullllfre. Ablr, t. Hsrlwr. Ho'y
Siar liiiuranr IIMg., t'bb
For a piick reinrxty and one that Is
perfectly safe for children let us revom
nnnd One Minute Cough Cur. It Is
excellent for croup, lioaraenrsa, tickling
In the throat and lounlis.
(iko, A. Hasoiko,
Jlolf s Ncnxrine Pills
I ration arj
i all nsrvoOi
diMaarsd th
s gcnmtlvs or-
tmuiMHM.KiuMi ins of ciihsr
srx, och u Nervous Prcotraiion, Failing O
kt Manhood, ImpoUncy, Nljrhlly EinJ
ttons. Youthful Fmn, MrnUl worry,
csiv use of Tobacco or Opium, whic
Wad to Consumption and Insanity. ilJX
pet box by rruili bum Inr J5JXi.
mm cHiMicAi co, prop t, cistiuim otiia
For sate by C (1. Huntley.
Tills 1)!:WI:Y 9 !
H. W. C-r. 4tli and Vmnliill
(Vntrnlly I,tK-"l. j
:'hI'' Yamhill hi. j
Clean and airy hlroouit
furiilibx for 'J"i rents er night. I',
blrooms M t enia jr night, Or
City people a'e rr.jonnled to gls t
tall. Mas V. A. I.ss, I
Carrie a rom.rt tins of Cat
ku, I'oitlhis, Itoivt an.l Mnlert
of iiii-riior .(usliljr and niut
niol(sis prlcs.
Wav t sr-vr-
y-v v wwvx a"
All kin.lt of C'srrlajts snd ll-alr tu
Hhop I'Mb and Msln strls. if
Has tho greatest number of mlvantagos to itfi cro
of any of tho suburbs of Oregon City. It will (
you to inventigato this projiorty. (5ok1 clear, hit 4,
rea?onablo pricen on easy instalments. Call on
address ;
T. L. OHARMAN, Truste
Charmaa Bro's. Blosk,
Oroson Ci
The Germans have introduced what
amonnU to slave labor in their eit
African crdoniea. Each native village
tiinut fnmlli rt.iln nnmli..r i.f In.
fer the bito she jfimmo out of her ap- , ha,)iUlnU to laK,r for tho 1,,, gov
pie. Chicago News.
Germany bus a superabundance of
rnce horw'e and an insufficiency of
heavy h.rs. The latt-r are unnjially
imporW m large
ernment. on plantations or elsewhere.
withont pay
others are a drng in the market
A man who is overxhrewd In his
bn.-dne relations U irettvnre to h-arn
numbers, while the j In the coon) of time thut the world is
Damlioopen still retain their hold in
India, w here ther have been in tue for
more than 1.000 year.
shrewd enough to protect Ibself against
him. Somerville JonrnaL
Gumbling debta are recoverable by
law in France, Spain, Venezuela, ami
in suuie canes in Gcrinuny.
Special Offer.
SjK'cial arrangernent.s have been mad C:
whereby we can ai
f Co
Oiler five to nil new subscribers and a
who pay up and renew their subscription m,
tit Mm v Ci r. I
w omwj.nu ttljl.uy JII.T IlllllUIII.
Devoted to tho Farm, Orchard, Gardei
Poultry and Household
Better Yet!
We will send you tho KXTKIl
GONIAN nnd tho FA KM
JOUItNAFj ono year for $2,
Cash in Advance.