Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 03, 1899, Page 6, Image 6

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    ( It J ( OBIICII Mi'fU.
Ther. was very Important business
Vor the city council to transact at ill
regular monthly meeting Wednesday
night, nd lull board of couneilrnen
.and th mayor, C. l. Utourette, wer
aire sent.
The tullowinn btisines waa disposed
Keiort of recorder accepted j show ing
several ctwi tried during the monin,
.And t-H recieved (or license laetieti.
Report o( finance committee accepted j
lso statement of treasurer (or mouth
ending December, 1 rVi.
On motion, $1000 waa accepted front
3lr. Dolan, as lull payment o( street
Assessment. Oilier notea due, wggrega
ting 7S5 muni I paid by the first of
June; the recorder to give notification to
that effect.
The Fire and Water committee re
3orte! 500 feet o( bone received on pur
hae to be unsatisfactory and the Mine
being returned.
On atreeta and public property the
ewer o,uetion waa considered, and after
aubmitting the report of the City Engi
neer. H. II. Johnson, the matter waa re
ferred back to the street committee to
make further investigation, confer with
residents affected, and to report at a
apecial session of the council two
weeks hence. The following is the report
of Engineer Johnson on estimate (or
the sewer system : ,
Pipe to be 6, 8. 10, 12-inch ; sewer to
be five (eet below (trade on Third and
Onter. and U (eet below grade on
Seventh and Center, which will give the
ewer a fall of 10 feet between Third and
Center and Seventh and Center. The
ottobe: Sewer pipes and branches,
42582; five flush tanks, o0;ten man
iioles, 200 ; steel pipe elbows, 100 ; tiling.
4.l); excavation, fooll; roc niitng,
J10O ; engineering and supervision, 1500;
attorney, $100. Which cost covers work
done to the head o( Weinhsrd's culvert.
A senerate oipe from here to tbo river
would cost $2til ; steel pipe and elbow,
45; excavation, fijO. The dUict
planned covers 2ii lots, 10 of which are
public property. An assessment of
436 54 per lot but recommend an assess
ment of $45 per lotto cover any emer
gency that might arise."
The proposition of a road in the south
end of the city, commencing from the
iutersection of Third mud Mais streets,
.along Third, under the track of the
Southern Pacific Railroad Co. and to
top of first bluff, was then considered ;
the road to he CO feet wide, and one per
cent tirade through Third street; and SO
tfeet wide and on a 6 per cent grade tbe
.remainder of the way; and to cost
-10W, $'J90 to be assessed on property
-adjacent to Third street. By redocing
tbe width above the railroad track to 20
feet to cost $7000. The property in line
of proposed road is now in litigatioo,
and title is not clear. Tbe matter was
.referred to a commiite, composed of
.Messrs. Charman, Koerner anl Milln.
A special committee was appointed to
confer with the Portland General Elec
tric Co., to secnre better terms on pat
ting in lights at Elyville. Falls View and
Kansas City. Koerner, Scbuebel and
Huntley were named as committeemen.
.Mr. Winkle, manager of a clothing
and novelty store was given a rebate of
one half of license money required for
conducting an auction of goods.
Tbe street committee was instructed
to remedy the defect in the drainage at
tbe corner of Eighth and Main.
Report of cemetery committee ad
opted. An ordinance was read and ordered
published, requiring places of public
gathering to be provided with at least
one lamp, besides the electric lights.
Ordered, to notify owners of property
to put in 4-foot sidewalks on Munroe
Mreet, west side, between Fifth and
An ordinance was ordered publisheh
requiring the city to deed Twer to E. G.
fun field a certain lot of the estate of
L,uke Comer, deceased, after tbe ad
tninistrator pays all taxes and penalties
on same.
F Miln. councilman, was given per
mission to cut down a locust tree that
stands in front of the Catholic, church.
It was ordered to purchase a cart for
tbe street cleoninir. department.
The Htreet committee was ordered to
submit a plan for the cleaning of Main
Tbe following bills were ordered paid:
XlrnraCnrrv $25 00
Cbas E Burns 67 60
E L Shaw 0 00
J Hartman 10 00
-M L Clark 20 00
Vaul Hemelgarn 25 40
Story Bros 405
O H Young f
JJellomy & Busch
John Diekleman 1 75
41 B Dimick 2 50
VEHyde 600
M P McCown 2 00
T M Miller 14 00
4 A Harding -. 1 60
Sjteve Hungate ; 150
jFountsin Hose Co 25 .
'Wilson & Cooke 220
Tope 4 Co.
7 42
-Cataract Hose Co 6 J
H Straight m m
.J C Bradley 78 62
tColumbla II & L Co
OO Treas.
9 CO
"Three Hose Co's $25 each... 75 00
IG E Co.... 178 08
J Bradley, 6ingar Hill work $102 50
.47 Williamson, cemetery work $5 50
Ci ttino To Mr. and Mrs. Orln Cut
ting, of Molalla, on Saturday a girl.
Lswis-Kissm. In this city at the court
bouse Monday, by County Judge Kysn
Miss Grace Kiser and W. F. Lewis.
Lami-ami In this city, Friday, Feb
ruary 24. W, T. Latoureite agtM w
Mr. I.atotirett is a cousin of C. V.
and P. C. I-atourelte, he died at tbe
home of bis sister.Friday of heart trouble.
He leaves a wife and two daughter at
Salem, Or. wher. be had formerly lived.
He was born In Michigan and remained
In the eastern states until after tbe War
of the Kubellion, in which he served five
years, and fought under General Grant. 1
He came west 18 year ago, and settled
in Oregon and bas made Salem his borne
the greater portion of the time. He was
guard of tbe enetentiary four yeare.and
served on the local police force there (or
several yeara. The remains were taken
to Salem for burial Sunday.
Not In Fgl Creek Saturday. Febru
ary 22. Kay Noe. aged 22 year,
ttay N d'ed at bis fathers home Sat
urday, of consumption, after an illness
of two years He was the son of Ell
Noe, a well known pioneer, and resident
of tne county. HU life had been die
paired of for sometime, since it became
known that the drea I, insideous disease
bal marked him for its victim. The
funeral was held at Eagle Cwk ceme
tary, Sunday at 11 a. m.
KiNSAR.oo In this city Wednesday.Feb
ruary 28. 18'rii, at the residence of
Mrs. S. M. McCown, Cornelia Kinear
son, aged 4 years.
Cornelia Hinearson was tbe only
daughter ofMr. and Mrs. George Ki
near son. sne was nrsi aiinciea wun
scarlatina, and finally with stomach
The funeral occurred Thursday and
was largely attended by friends of the
family. The floral offerings were beau
tiful. School KeporU
Redland school report, district No. 75,
5th month: So. days taught, 20 ; days
attendance, 5IW; days absence, 16; aver
age number belonging, 31 ; average
daily attendance, 30; time tardy, 1,
eight minutes. Roll of honor, Maude
and Win. Stone, Ora and Fred Wilcox,
Bert Hart, Gil. Belymer, Harry Mosher,
Mary Komiecher, Martha, John, Rosa
and Cbas. Steibriti, Everett, Ralph and
Manford Shiln. Visitors, Messrs. Tho.
Sbotkiey, Jos, Wallace, J. M. Behymer,
Geo Hicinbothem, D. C. Richardson,
Lycurgus Mosher, F. Wilcox and Abe
Kamnscber, Mesdame E- Stiebritx,
Sevier, Leek, Richardson, Stone, Mosher,
Shilts, Hicinbothem, Funk, Karauscher
aod Berkey, Misses Gaasie Funk, Gertie
Sevier and Annie Kamascber; Master
Earl Belymer, Jay, Willie and Cbarlie
Mosher and Arthur Funk. Patrons are
cordially invited to Visit our school at
any time.
Cuas. RcTrrtBroRo, Teacher.
Ulorleos Mews
Comes from Dr. D. B. Cargile, of
Washita, I. T. He writes: "Four
bottles of Electric Bitter has cured Mr.
Brewer of scrofula, which bad caused ber
great suflering for years. Terrible sores
would break out on ber head and face,
and the best doctors could give no help;
but her cure is complete and her health
is excellent." This shows what thou
sands have proved, that Electric Bitters
is the best b'ood purifier known. It's
the supreme remedy for eczema, tetter
alt rheum, ulcers, boils snd running
sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys and
bowels, expels poisons helps digestion
builds up the strength. Only50cents.
Sold by Geo. A, Harding Druggist.:
Preparatory to moving to our new location
N. W. COR. 3d & MORRISON Sts.,
about the 1st of March, We ofler our entire stock of
Hats and Shoes
Renumber mt; at ll you my
frienda. Dealb. is only a transition hlwen
mortality ami Immortality.
In spring flower come, in summer
they bloom, in autumn they wither, and
in winter they die so it I with us all.
Just one year ago today a little maiden,
trusting la her Innocence, playful In her
youlhlulness, hoKlul in the future, was
called from our midst mourned by all,
respected by all, loved by all. Her
absence fills the hearts of those that
were near and dear to ber with pain and
anguish, that even lime cannot assuage.
The w ound may heal, but the scar re
main. Tender woul are spoken but
a mother's heart refuses to be comforted,
the grave Hut holds ber precious darling
also holds a mother's heart. A mother's
heart still bleeds (or you. little one-
watches (or your coining, listens (or your
merry laugh, sob at your absence, then
break down in despair.
You are missed at the flresido by your
loved ones, at school by your plat mates,
in tbe world by all. Little friend, the
world is better (or your having lived in
it, the shadow of your presence fell on
tbo around you like a ray ot sunshine,
causing pleasure to lake the place of
pain; you were always gentle, always
loving, always kind. Spring'ime in all
her beauty and splendor, with all ber
joy and her pleasure lias come again
little one, but your merry laugh is
bushed, the flowers bud forth, but
(hey mis your geotle touch; the bin!
seem to sing lea sweetly than before.,
your kindly greeting is tulsaed by all.
Your ''good bye Mamma" will be heard
no more, every body and everything
mourns your absence It seems like
yesterday, little one, that you were wuh
os; that your familiar footstep brought
for to a mother ' bear', yet lender
blade grow upon the httl mound that
mark the spot where loving bands
placed your mortal remains. Is this all
there is of life? Not God forbid.
There is a life beyond the grave a life
eternal. May your life here be an ex
ample for those you left behind. May
your angel band guide them through
life and when they too must pass be
yond the great divide you can meet
them on the other shore and conduct
them to thai heavenly rest, where serr
ation is unknown.
Sunday, Feb. 20, 1SW. M,
Sorrl Scneel Exercise.
The observance of Washington' birth
day at Park place school was unique
Professor J. W. Grey, principal, baa
introduced a novel method of awakening
interest in rhetorical work among the
lower grade.
A piece for declamation is assigned to
each room. Tbe pupils are drilled both
in concert and by private coaching
Then a contest I held to determine
which two of the grade shall represent
the class and meet again in general
assembly to have judge decide which
one of the two from each grade doe the
A great deal o( interest and competi
tion was awakened among the pupil in
the recent exercises.
Tbe following program was rendered
in the presence of a large audience:
Opening song, "Mount Vernon Bells;"
elect reading 'Washington ;" recitation,
Frank McAnulty; "Washington' In
augural Address," Lltzie Evans; song,
primary pupils; dialogue, Anna and
Alice Rail.
After bearing the declamations from
each grade the judge then gave the
following decision: Seventh grade,
Mary Kamlstrum; sixth grade, George
Mathew; fifth grade, Maud Merrell;
fourth grade, Elsie Fredrick; third
grade, Arthur McAnulty ; second grade,
Otto Purcell; first grade, Edmond
A range.
Mens and Boys Clothing,
Gents Furnishing Goods,
A Nlee f.Ml1Klat tmw 0r.
A businiMi man ha a daughter and
also a confidential clerk, and the confi
dent Ul clerk baa for some time Wn at
tentive to the daughter, but lie hu Mot
or had not a month ago-stiftlcleiit
courage to com to the point, though
the young woman, gtxnliiees knows, ba
never done anything to scare him off.
fur he is a first dim fellow In every re
pevC The other evening be was mak
ing a call and about 9 o'clock ber fa
ther came In.
"Ah. George." he said, "how aKmt
thnt deal we were talking almt this
afternoon t Did yon see the inrtyT"
"Yea, sir." rcpliM George, "and I
expected to see you this evening and
tell yon alxmt it"
"My dear." said the father, turning
to bis daughter, "will you retire for a
few minutes? George waul to speak
busineMi for awhile,"
The daughter rose np, bnt hesitated.
"Why do I have to go?" she aked
"Uecaiise, dear." smiled the father,
"you are not liitennk'd. NVhydojrou
want to stay?"
She blushed and started onl
"lltvaiimi. pupa," she twit tered. "I'd
rather like to hour George talk business
Just once."
Then George got red and the father
looked at them Mil significantly, and
the girl fled. London Answer.
rmU Kor Ike Ulaka.
The blhop of never mind where
tieing a newcomer and somew hat trou
bled with a neglected diocese, thought
to luxpire bia clergy to take occasional
ervie during the week by periodically
visiting out of the way parishe and
taking one himself.
On one of these occasions, having
formed unit a gissl congregation and
having leeii moved to much eloquence
in his w ruwu. bo felt a little not un
natural dir to know if be had made
any imprenniou on the nsnally nnlm
premtionnMe yokels, and put some lead
ing qniwtioiia to the old clerk, who wa
helping him to nnrolie In the vestry.
"Well I boe they've been pleased, with
yer." said the old man (Mttronlsingly,
"and I'm sure we Ink It werry kind o'
yer worship to come down and preach
to us, but, yer knaw, a worm on
wonld ha' done for the like o' we, if
so be," he added with Uooiulng humil
ity, "one could La' bin found. "Liv
ing Church,
ManrlU Twr la Kaalaaa.
Whatever may have leen tho defen
sive value of uiartello tower a century
ago it ha entirely evaporated now.
There are a good many of them on the
coasts of Essex. Suffolk. Kent and Hns
sex. Them massive round tower, some
40 feet high, were regnrditl as and vety
likely were splendid defense at tbe
time they were erected, bnt they bav
long been used only for coastguard jmr
piste. Their name ia derived from tbe
Italian coast tower which wet e erected
a a protection against pirt. Warn
ing that a suspicious craft was in sight
waa given by striking a bell with a
martello or bamuier. It waa the power
ful defense made in 1704 by Le Telller
at tbe tower of Mortella with only 88
men against a slmnltuneons sea and
land attack, led by Lord Hood and Ma
jor General Dumbu, which brought
them into favor in this country. It was
thought that they would be a splendid
defense against "IJouey. " London
Aarlrwl ttlasamaklaa;.
When the council of ten ruled Venice,
they issued a decree regurding the art
of gbwmiaking. It rnns? "If a work
man carry his art beyond the limit of
bis country to tho detriment of tbe re
public, be shall be d.wlrod to return. If
be disobey, bis nennwt relative snail
be imprisoned. If, in spite of their I in
prison went, ho remain obstinate In hi
wish to live abroad, an emissary shall
be told off to kill him."
Krenrk llsmoe.
Modnme (to Iht Imnilx riiiuld) Jus
tine, the doorbell rung.
"Is inudame sum it wasn't the
"Couldn't bo it is only qnarter of
"Yes, bnt rnndaiiiH knows the clix k
Is fast!" Echo de Paris.
The little Japs Hrn nUmt ns free from
the vice of drunl.'i.nii'v-H ns uny people
in tho world. In fart, it I the mrcM
thing in the world to mi im limited
snbject of tho mikado. ili unlive
drink, "saki. " is nwil iiUiut imt 'iihi
this country, and it is but little, more
All owner of property on the blurt"
from Seventh street south to Third
street, and from the blnlT east to Jack
son street, are requested to meet at the
council chamber Saturday evening, March
4'li, at 7:30 o'clock to discuss tho pro
posed sewer in the district above de
scribed, and to appoint a committee to
confer with the Committee on Streets
and Tublic Property.
Plenty ol money to loan at 8 per cent
on long or short time. Apply to G. E.
Hayes, office up stairs, opposite Hunt-
ey'i drug store.
mnlll ant an Ancndant Harrest
are insured only to those who sow our
TKHTKD BKk'DH. Bend ponlul r0r
our Illusnrated Catalogus and
save money by purchasing
from the
Wholesale and Retail Dealers
75 to 739 J Ht. Baoramanto, Col
ALIi HKKDH sold at lowest prices.
Agents wsnted, Liberal discounts,
but NO fcSEKDH sold on coiiiuiibdIoii.
Bsanth jf Ham kmit Boupil
Itit Kind You Han Always
til'TV'l f AM..
Nttnr toll In language solemn
1,1 (r Is l)iilniii'ly ilrrsm,
Utl ws tin our ttnty tirsvsly,
And mass truth dsvlns, our llisms.
Hosisltiilrtiltorills itiillss,
Full of yoiiihful flm snd 'rtl.
Ws lisvs Isksn up Ills' Utiles
Moving onrl, side y sl.l
From III ilswn of ssrllnl school ilsys,
l i titilii III rnl inn,
W h itrlvsn logsln knowlrtlga
Ami to nisks our lls tutillms.
W lisv plsyed. snd li studied,
V ! Irsrtil lli lessons !!
What Uielr li)ttait nfl ' futui),
(inly llin alonsrsn ii.
Ilulstls.llh time lias riven,
Ws nitol Irsrs our sidiiMilnniiii ilesr,
And fuinil Hi call of duly,
Kor lilrh naiur plcl
Ws mul purl frtini on another,
As llel lo ilu'y's rail,
K.srh on tatlllng txdd nd fearless,
In ilieeoinninii ram of all.
Hani lll nil Hi wilt roil rum,
Tlier his mlml aill do Its heal,
Kor III hlglisr eauss of manhood,
'Till olilsg shall Md llm rL
l.uk will lake tils lac In ('ongreM.
W her de'll tlx hi llli main and might,
Kor Hi esua ol human Juatle.
And Hi rails ot human rlgtit.
In Hi Held of duration,
Wlier (a livwled woman' rare,
Ther you'll always find Klelha.
Working bravsly yrryadsr.
Djwii among (lixl'i yom( rreailon,
Don among Ills girls and hoys,
You will llud Klnora al)S,
llrlnging lov anJ boundleai joys.
8o si will laisir tiravsly
In the catiM lo ' h saalg'iel,
'THI w enter heaven's Mrtala,
To njy l t o of mind.
Juat on word befor coialiisiuii
Kor Hi sld which kindly s ldd,
To our worth and ba'lnsa.
I'srenls, tesrhers, lrlndi and nelglibors,
All who gva heldng hand,
Our bal wlili for your welfare,
And al Istt Hi prunilaed lnd,
Kl"B Oibtsvub Oisths.
4liutl Oregon.
flrsdualliK rlsaa. Feb 21. Irll, Mink
Th Appetite f a (ot
Is envied by all poor dyspeptics who
Htomacb and Liver are out of order.
All such should know that Dr. King's
New Life Pills, the wondeiful htomach
and IJyer Ketnedy, gives a splendid ap
petite, sound digestion and a regular
bodily habit that Insure perfect health
snd great energy. Only 21c at Geo. A,
Harding's drug store.
Notice is hereby given to the legal
voters of school district No. 62 of Clacka
mas county, State of Oregon, that th
Annual school meeting for said district
will l-e held at Willamette hall to begin
at the hour of 7 :30 o'clock p. m. on the
first Mondsy, lieing the nth day of March
A.D. IHiki. Tbla meeting is called for
the purpose of the transaction of any
buiines which my properly come be
fore it.
Dated this 23rd day of February, IHicj.
W. K.Cu.,
Chairman Ilrd of Director.
H. M.Mi-Cowm.
District Clerk.
District rtcheol Elertlo.
Notice la hereby given to the legal
voter of school district No. 112 of Clack
mas county, Oregon, that an election
will be held on Monday, March 13ih,lHW,
for the election of one director lo serv
for thiee year and one clerk to eery
for one year. Said election will lie held
between the hour of two o'clock, p. m.,
nd six o'clock, p. m., of said day at the
following voting places:
First Ward Cataract Kngine House-
Judges Max Schulpitis, F. A. Toepel
man, John liittncr. CIrk-.M. K. Wil
lotighby. Second Ward Fountain Kngine
House, Judges A. W. France, D. W.
Kinnaird, G. II. Wishart. Clerk
C. H. Dye.
Third Ward Knuine bouse on J. (J.
Adams stroot, Judges M.M. McOuehan.
T. It. Hankins.C. W. Fredericks. Clerk
Chris 6uhuclcl.
W. K. Cani.i., Chairman,
8. M, McCowx, District Clerk.
"Give me a liver regulator and I can
regulate the world," said a genius. The
druggist handed him a bottle of DuWill's
Little Fisrly Hitters, the famous little
pills, Gko, A, Hahdino.
Johnson has tbe best lmlr cutter in the
All of our Fall and Winter stock to
make room for Spring Goo1h,
Our Men's COO lines now $3.90
4.Z0 " " 3.G0
" " 4-00 " " 3.1S
' " . 3.00 " " 2M0
" " " 2,2,1
' " 2.60 " " 2.00
Big reduction on Ladio's Fall
and Winter Shoes.
See Prices in our Window
3, 1899. i
I'lrrinriii Flection JM'r.
Nolle I hereby given lbs! there w t
be a firetiiens elwllmi li'l l In (begng I
. i . .. ti ....i. . I
City, Oregon, .VH'iioay, .'" " , ml, i
U'tween Hi" hour or it) ocbili . m,
nd 4 o'cl's k p. in. " 'icli eleeiloj
,K Fount!" I1"" I
... . I U. I. . 1 - . . . -
treel Udweeil 7lll street nM
Ihi ll ileignled as the Hlllng place.
At ssld tin Slid pise lh followl(i(
m.ers of th ttiegoll City lb depart
inent in lf "' 'r'nnd
Voters ol the said fir deprlmnl! A
cl.ii I eiigim ef for a term ol one yrsr. i ',
saalstant engineer (or leini of nun y,f( t
three inembei of ll" board of llr rune i
mlsalmier for term of on year, j
There bss been pMdnlrd by Ilia -Isiald
ol llr eniiHiilsaloner of Oregn f
City h lollowlng persons lo act at ;
judges and clerks: U. II. Dln.lik atnl j
John Joiie Judge, J. K. Ilboadesi liok. f
Published b order of th prvidnttt
of the board ol fir romuilssloner. j
C. D l.iroi kail, Pre.
list i S ('. Cl kV. Kee'y. (
Oregon City, Or., Feb. 20, h'M. :
- - ' i
A very fin Hieinway pUmi rati b Ia4 !
on very esay lenns ol Oirg hi City Aoe . I
tin llotiae. i
Lctxnl NoticcH.
All rxn bating rlsliu sgalml
114 '
rtisie ill I, ike (nn , ilei., r berth; '
holinxl i rnt asm with protr vouck.
r In the ini'lvralK tx, Wllhla ill inonlU '
(rum dsU Ibemf,
K. II. CAfriKI.lt. I
0rin CHv, Oregon, Feb. 10, ln. I
n lb rlreull enurl f.ir lb slat of OrM,
lor the count el l'is kmt.
M. Il.e k.lrln, vt. Harsh I. kitaia, f,
tiidani. (
.i lli nan of iheatataof Orern, ,,
Voii a lirbv rm'ilrel lo si'ar tn4 .
naaer Hi rin.lainl llll eami y.,u ll
in aiie miiixi anil on or llur Hi lis v
lav ol March loi, and II foil lall . lo,
anawr. bir waul lier.il, lb lalnllfl all.,
apply lo Ibe court .i lb relief rsyd lut "
In h eniilalnl, vie. a iliaeolntluii ot IImF
marrtait romrarl eliding blaii yost
ml lb .lamiirl. Hi.l omtilsliil ailrtta
I'.al v u aii'l I lie .anitirl war lnarrl-1 ti . '
Wartaw, Itiutla. nn lh djr ol Va 4,1
Kk, tnd I hat evr alnr .thai llmsbsrta!
Iirri and now ara titithand and all
That aom llm In lb year l4i, you di:,
without any ra ise or priiViM-atitin willful'
leeert ami snamloo Il.e alnllft baraia
and vr sine hav Iliad (rat aail
pari Imni hi in itlmul ran or .ro.w J
lion. Thai b It no ami (or mor rar j
on year pad baa bn rldiil 1
Die Hate nt Orron.
Yon ' iiolirlpd that tbla aiimmom Uln
liiilithe.l bfor.ltrot Hun T. A. McllflJu
jinlK ol lb ativ roil r I, aMordr balw.,,
Iiran mult ami nlr. In hi rant at
lb 2.Mh ilsy of January, r-uinail
Ibis umiiion to ( iublltbtl In lb i ft I
on City K.iilerirta. I'lackamaa euunlrvv
alat u( Ornn. one wri lor all wti
lb Aral publtrUoii blii on lb 2'lb da f
of Janiiaff, Istat, and Ibat on aid msb''
niona bring iilillthe.l aa or.lrl, lo M
on or oetor Ih I'Mh ilar ot March, M' fu
Dial yuu 'lar ami anawar MUlcotin.laiOi. ,
McsrHV, liaout ,t Hwstt, J4'
nd CoViir A Hurl T", J'"
Aiioruey' for I'laltlff. r
In lb I'lmiit Court ot lb Hiat of Ortfgr,
(or lb Cumy o( CisA-karuaa. J1"
Frank Kraua and Kst Krausv, I'l'llTi. V
vs. k '
Anton Mullr, Tbervala Miiellar, olkrwtMa
known at Tbereaa Mullr ami John
ler, lluilaiiU. I
I n lb nam of lb Htal n( Oregon :
To Anion Mueller ami Tbvreala y utile,
others Iw known Thereta Wuller, IV?
frnilanta: U
You and each ol you ar lisrt ln
reiUlred lo t and a.iear In lb aiwfh
enllllnt mnrl on or befnr lb 1th day
ilarch, Ki, loniak anawar lo lb ms ,
pisinl of plaiiillfta filed In lb isir411'
tilled rauae. and If you fall ID so S'l V
lilalnlllls will spply lo tha oourl for U 1
rll( ileiiisnileil in Ih complaint, to-wlj
Kor a (Irere ol lb tai.l enurl quletl". ,
lilaltitirl'i lltla to Ih following uesrritr""
real iroiriy tltuai In lb ooui ly
i.iama'iiat, ana tlsle nr Ureiron. lo lt; nr
lii-Klnnliig at
at a imlnt ID ,M Ilk) rtnifi,
tl i L . .. V .-11
North, and II rhalnt Kaal of in Nor it
weal corner of lb Houlli-wsat iiiarlr sTt
aerllnn 25. In Town I, 8 mth, ltng 'i. I
ol tlie Willaiiieti inrrl'lian; rnnnl cue
Ibsnc Kl 14 l 100 rhalnt; Ibesn,.,,
North M IS-Itt) chains; thence Wu"
IISfUKl rhalns; tlienr Moolli HKIl"
rhslus lo Ih place of beginning, eonial vlf
Ini 27 arret mor or leas.
Kriiin the alsiv oonveyanr It noei'le
one-half Ilia width of a atrip conveyed hit
Clackamas county for us aa a mail,
long aa the nam absll b Hard by M
county anil th Public aa a nubile road. r"
And for provl.lon In th aanl ilrcMnu
removing Ihe cloud of ilefriidania' rlslmlrril!
the tahl real properly, and (or J'idmrm,
for coala and illahuraf uieiita. ami fur uf
other and further relief at lo th court ih 1'
em uieKt and euiiahl in Ih preinl"1'
ma iiiiiiicniiiin it man nr trier or 1'incJ
llonorshl Thomat A. Midlrhle. ol Ik.....
Circuit Court of tlis cotitity o( Clackams- .
and stale of Oregon, rusda In th ilw"''
entitled cause on th IHth dsy of JantiarsJin
ini. Hnow A McCamast. r, ,
Allornava for I'Uliilllli. . .
Date of Klrst publlcsllon Jan. 27, 'IW. L
y 1
police for liibll-Mlou.
n n
27 'ixm l Uf,'K" Cl1'' t,rrK"' r'ro I
isoilne la hereby given that Ih followlm'1'0
named settler has tiled nolle of hi liilr K
Hon to tusk llnul priMif In supiort ulltiiK'
claim, and that said proof will b msl'tw
lore lb register nd receiver at Orr. ,
Uy. on April H, lH, vis: "k
H. K. 1107.1 for lb K. u 0( N. K. U and''
Vf. 4 ol N. K. i of Hec' 14, Tp. , B. It. 4tril '
II names th following witnesses ly
prove his ooutlnuoui reaideur upon t',ar
cultivation nralti land, vis: '
John C. Tracy, of Currliisv'll, Ogn; K"'
man M. Trsey, ol Currlnsvllle, Ogn; Ihn-Jwi
Jiaen,olOoorge, Oirn; Jiilin A. Marsh,
of lloorgs, Ogn. CM AH. H. MoOKICH.
iloglsisf On
. 1 jj
Notlee ot ipiiiiliitiiirm. ,,,,,
Nolle Is hereby nlvan tlmf tli niiil'll,,,!
signed has lieen duly appoliilod adinlnllr, ,,,
tor Of th eatst of Chriatian Morlok.
ceaaiid.andall puiaoiiK having elalinsaKsli'hiol
uie sain esini are reitilrud to present tiin in
to tho undurnlgiied, ut his residence, t It'j, y
land. Ore., with proper voiuilien Ihiim ' ,
within six nioiilhslroin the date hereof, "v
Dated Oregon City this !lrd (lay of Manlo t
I8!!). ANllIIKW DKNOI.KIl, rn6
Aduiltiisirninr of ssld esinVg ..,
. . U. II. Dimick, Att'y for Adii .