OUMON my KNTKKl'KISK, FRIDAY, MARCH 1809 reon City Enterprise luCAL TRANSPORTATION LINES. IhCaKII I'axIHII.X ( All WAV ('OMCANV llAVt OREGON CITY PUflTLANU (Couch M.) r:iO ':!! ;.-" "I H 1:15 l. 43 ' ' 1 ' 145 .:. ;ij ': ) 5 'J- A. Mi 7:05 7 3" K J5 A. Mi ) 10,05 10:50 1:35 li.M V. M. I "3 I 5 33 3 jo 41-3 43" 533 7:'S B.jo out v n Mil Hullo 9 IS I" 3" I j.jo only lo Mil wank lo r. m. only to Mil sank la only to Milwaiikle 4S MINUtI CMCCJUll. ra"K t 1 r v f roHii.AMi kivkk ti.Ii m lllH'l AlluSA ! rtMTI f .1 4. ' lrl t It. Ml. onn nrV ?.ul r. gi.lli ue-l I i l in. wn.uur.nic fai.iji m y. J t..U... 1 mi iiia tti i 1 n.Lrti ri.L : o & iu. vi . ro. t t l 14 H 1H...I k M Iip0 " I 14 r. in. itiu a id " ( ii. tn. 4 4" (-0 " IU " I HI J. " 5: 11) t il . tiU " ltd f rt Un !! tiniif unlit t ft'rlo'l 1" ('I on and I '" J"U f t. I. J V. A KII UK. vrt. THE LOCAL NEWS. 'l.MION IIoahii lr. I.savltt, iA Mol t, aaalntoau Wr.lnrt.Uy to atieiid ilng of the medical lioerd of n n ; riaiuliii'ii cuiiiiMturd of I.'tors rrla, l-rayllt and Crtl. Several Iters of Interest to isMialoners ere idlng before Ilia hoard at this lime hiding the paaaing on (ha ilii alion oe parly for a M iiiiui. i 1 Ol 11 FANillNkl(jt'll TI(j"rKk". l Ida home of Mr and Mrs. W. Van Wry last Thursday, ss Ida -atoll of considerable aiM-ialiltiiy 0IU a number of Isdiea with nlinhln ;ers. Fvrrylody ranm lo liava a 4 lima ami they "brought their work ng." Men ware iiixm-i lo I de rrtd, hut it appears tliat to of Ilia esald wrre la attendance; whether lpciat credentials or not I wt ii. Iiv. II. Oberg ami Mr. afford weie tlii gentlemen II n A big dinner aa re'ved. rK AaTia Calico C'akxitai. ( a itclrtfaiinn o( a'tina frum Oic 1 City alien. Ir. a ralii-o carnival iilvcn MlUatikla tlio lat of Iho crk,ly jl a-inily Nj. 4. Portland ami fit to rr alaO HirrM'iilril. Tlia ila (rature of tint romin a an ad 4 ilidivrri'd by uraml artrnlary, uiila I. Mt-Kanna, of rurtlund. A iininlHr of ladira rrn rtncnl. i'f 1 1 10 regular irrm lind ton rni .'J a Hlcndid aupix'r aa arrvr.l, and it 1 ho iiiiinIu atnirk 11 1 fur dunrlnir. parllriprtiitt in tliln ilrHiirrnoye' Miiaclvra until a Into liiiiir. I'KMTY IhltTMItT AlTollNKY.-O. U. mil k lua lirn npK)lntrd deputy din i t iltoinpy under llio new law ly Iia i t Attorney Cleeton. Mr. Pimlrk Ima n fur d'liiietiiiio under the frr lyntrm imty, uivinii Kod lutihfuetlim. He no friend to favor or enmnlea to rxteute wlien It cornea to adinlnlHter- I thu law, TI10 apKiliitiiiunt ia well elved and will prove, an it haa In 3 punt, to bo worthily bestowed. The w law allows proceed! ion to be niadu Information without tlio Intervuntion the k-rand jury and thin wilt be tried. tbis UiHtrlrt. It la believed title ithod wail work well and coiiNidorabio i'Imk to the county can bo Hindu, K II Altl l!l.OV ON TDK Sl.OT MacIIINK. Tin law punned by thu lunt hukhIou of : lelHlnttiro, prolilbitlnu tlia tine of kle ln-blut , niiichiniH for gumhlliiK rpOHee bus been enforeed in thin city, o-e that hrtve been operating bure, vii not been running ainco the llmt of II week. JiiHllce of the l'eni e Subiiebel vlned the owners Monday to Ukn their whines away, It wa promptly row ed with. Several complaints bad un made to enforce the now law. The I !!(. in Kenerul are heartily In favor of 0 new law, nlthouuh it cIIWib conoid ibly the proprietors of the alTuirs wlio ro ru.ipinn a nice sum bom their earn- Tkaciikhh' Abhociation Mkt, Tho nchers AsHouiatiou of Clackamas unty met at Willainotto Falls Satur y and besides rendering an excellent ogruin enjoyed a social time and in dgnd in an outdoor bimij not . The sther was propitious for bucIi nn oc lion, and tho large nt tendance that is anticipated, reHpunded, Forty woro enotit. An appropriate program o( the llowing parts was rendered: "l'rimnry ork," Miss Llziisio McDonald j'.'ModeB," Hhlrley llnek i "levlr.. In Arithmetic," Miaa Jeimlii K, Kowen ; "liotiiliy," J. 0. inner. Mrs. Helena kiiinaon was down for "Thu Kipiilnloii of thu Trench From Acadia," hut owloK ) tho sick iir In br fiiiuily, kIid wua nuuble lo be preaont. I'ltl'l I.AU MSA'I UKS WHIU KlI'l.AINkll. Miinator (ieo. 0. Itrowned, of this city attend".! a meet Inn of the fanner I ItUein of Manpiam Hutuiday, and delivered an aldrca upon the various public ipies lions IbatCireet lha atrlrs of Claekainaa county. Tho meellna was lariily at tended by a rcprractitallv K'ltherlnK of cltlneiis and far rs. The senator nMike Upon the new t'OininliMilolirr bill, the county printing th melhod of theelei" tion of road siiiervlois by the Hvpln which was recently paed and other popular tiicumirel that were paaned st the lata wlon of lha statu li Kinlaturr. A K'eat deal of liiterit was taken in Mr, lirowiiell's remarks ami i-xnUnatlous, an llwastha first thua the i-eop'it were prlvllsued to bear of thco IhiiiKS from one ho reprexenled Ibelil in the state leglnlatura. llusok run Okkoom ('nr. Charles V. Oalloasy, sou of Ju lu (ialloway, of this rlty, was one of the siiccennful cotilfHt ants iu II. e recent delmio bel l at Forest tirove, U'tw-en the Ciilvrmiiy of Orr,oii ami I'anllc Cniversity. Mr. (lalloway's collraifilea were; W. L, Whlttlemy, and I'.. C. Jaikasy, 11 prvMii.llnrf the L'l.l veraily of (Ifrnii. 1'he ijuestion iehtil wss: "llrwilved, TiikI colonial tspsn Ion la Hot fur the beat Intrient of the Culled Ktalrs." The lieitlv of the qilentiuli won. A laige alleiidaliee Imienrd to the deleters, and i'omM-ti.nl ndk'i s decided lbs rnitroveriy tin Its inrrits, Jii Ik and Mrs. (Jallowsy were In aMi'lldane. The dehatn is aaid lo have l-ern the lst one, all (bin- con sidered, thai has ever w iaie.J in tlin statfl, tx-tarrn the n. Ilexes. Charles (iallowayls makiiitf ipiite a rrpila lm for himself In the art of of furenle ora tory, lie Won lbs (old medal in Ilia slsle oratorical contest held at Cortland two years stfo. Ths WVaa or Koenraa. I jt Mon day liliilit robbers broke open and en lerrd Fd. htory's h'. knillh shop, Slid Cli.it. Noblltl's lively stable adjoining it. Nothing of valuo has br-n mlsed a')el, bom either of the rstablinhmei.ts, si thoiigli the Iheivea undoubtedly bnd nine uiotivn fur commiltinK the ads. It Is presumed that the rohU-rs rnteied the blaikumith kIi for the porpoaeof finding cert4Hi siusll tool sbl. h cml l bued to advaiilatia in pi) Inn tin Ir vocation. 1 1 dors not apinsr wl.y they bloke 0ei Ibe ibsT of lliestsble. No chin to the robbeis was oh'ain-l al Ihmuti Niglitwa'chman Kl. Shawmide a (libgi-nt neiri'li for them. The build iliiis were entrrel betsreil U Mand 10:30 o'clock, Ihe job elni dim-overe, slioitly al'rr Ihe latter hour. Mepbeu HunKAle was deputised lo acil the nlhtwatcbiunn and the two made a careful searrb throughout the city, but without riled. A l.k(vi'HK ON Woolit HArT 0. W. Wheeler, bead lamp let tnier of I'ai ill.: division, Woodmen tif the World, sd dressed a laige number of members st Wtiinhaid'a ball Friday nignt. In addi tion to the eieflal remarks by Mr. Wheeler other features of tho progrsm bsd leeii prepsred by the committee having the matter In charge, (.total orchestral music wss furnished and after the speaking the ball was cleared (or a I dance. Many enjoied ihe-usulvcs at this diversion. The lemaras of Mr. Wheeler on W'oodcraft were to tbe point, full of Interest and much appreciated by tbe audience, which was demonstrated by tho good will of bis bearers. In epesking of tbe work of the Woodmen in this state, be paid It a high tribute of praise, aud made hocfiil piedictions for Ihe future. He said in part; "Oregon has 10K camps. These camps have at the present time a united meinberbips of 8000. This means that a great amount of good Is tiring accomplished by these fraternal brunches. It Is hard to prop erly estimate the value of this work. Among 100 families which have been visited with that sadest of all calamities, death, we have paid JuO,000 In actual money." Mr. Wheeler make his head tjiiaiters at Spokane when be is not trav eling, although be Is on tbe road the greater part of thu time. His I'acilU: di vision coiisixta ol the states of Colorado, Idaho, Molilalia, Wyoming, NevadH, Utah, Washington, Utegoii and Cali fornia, was mv frrrnt Affliction for a rtTim- bc-r of years. Doctors did not help mo. liy a friend's advice I began uning your modicinos, and was perfectly cured after taking three bottles of t Aycr's apsaparliia." J. MUltrn Y, 173 Mulbsrry St., Nswsrk, N.J. fin. " T or jyoopie Ttiat Are PILLS Siok or " JuBt Don't Fool WoU." onlv oni ram a noma. Rtmoet Pimples, turn NMdachs, Dytpsla ts CoitlitnMt. 2ft cli. a Ihii at ilruunlnnor hr mail fesuijilfi jru, audrM Br. Bosaako Co. t'lala, l's a m A Af IC l" V 7 TJUrOF fif ( J Iv I H VL ?! t' 'tih fCJ f J ..?vv THE EXCELLENCE OF SYKLP OF IIGS la due nut only to the irlIiiii!i'y and simplicity of tho combiiiution, but aUv UtliO care and hklll with which it is niuiiufuct'irvd by im I. illllo prix emw s known V) tho Ol.iroiiNU I'M (jviil i Co. only, and wo wii.h to linprt-hS upon all the Importance of iun liiihlnjr the true and original remedy. As tho (Ten 11 1 nc Syrup of I'lrjs hi munufai-tured by tho Camkoiima Fii hritfr Co. only, t kiiowlcilo of that fact will anxlhl ono In avollinif the worlhleM bnltalloiis iniitinfiictiired by other par ties. The Mk'b stnri'llii of the CaI.i ron.nu Flo M in e Co. with the medi cal profensl.in, find the tntUfactlon which the (feritiine Hyrup of l ljrs lias j (riven to million of families, malics '. the name of the Company a ftiarany ! of tho escellenee .f Its remedy. It Is far in advance of nil other lasatlvrs, a it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without Irritating or weaken luff them, and It does riot (Tripe nor tiaur.ciito. In order to (ret lis Ix iielicial etTeeu, pleiiM) reiiieinU r thu name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAS f HAM IM . !. Lt uviLtE. ut. tw teiik. n.r. Vmn i.iIi.m. We bad come itit 1 '-. c.ireroin fr torjMdo" et lb" I.r-.'. lyn navy yard ami Ihe Uuk tuned t hi. h cipluivto. "We hev 1. 1 keep a li -rp waUh on tbeirnn coti.i:." ri.i I ot .f the if tin ners who were w ith in- ls w that it I dcx" not (fi t drr mi l d s not get Un t get too ! M-bl Tin-re Is infer a da? i'i-s ly on a liattl.hlp but tsr fi:l iiiKpection is j tnadu of tb stonn of fi-.n cotton. Pip I in a p !" of litmus pnN-r and sei if it roim-s out blue. If it d'-i. sll is well, but Iwwnre if it cum.-s tint ml That tm-ans arid, and acid innns danger." "What do yon do when it conn out red!" I askuL "Neutralise the acid. Yon see. (fnn cotton deU-rionit.-s a lot in anacldaolu tiun." "I)o you always keep the (ran cotton WetT" "Alv ays. That's one of tho first principle. When it's wet. It's aafo;do not eat (rrapr-s, tomatoes, figs or when it'a dry, it isn't Let it hav all ; frniU ctmtaining little seeds becanse of the water it w ill soak np, which is I a fear that Iheee awtls will hslge in the aUmt iltl is r cent" I apts-mli and canso apw-ndicitia. ' ".Sntiise run were to tincli oil some gun oittoii h re on the KfoumL what Would hiipj n V j "Nothing at all if It wasn't ctmflne.1 Yon might burn a ton of it like cord- j w.mhI iu a Ismfire. Uut la k it in a tin ; Iki, even a lliuisy one. and yon 11 havOj fun. And. of course, the stronger the ' box the mure fun you'll toU (jlolsv huvo." Doe- t atlrraroaarf tarla. The Paris of the pavement, (ray. bright and exhilarating, is fairly fa miliar to ns all. but underground I'aris, dark, solitary and damp, extruding ' liilles, is n-mparauv.-iy uusnuytu. tioni, yo luy take are not Roing to paitofthisnieaisdevot.-dtotbocata- klV0 ,. froIll n.iit-itw if yon are cciinU -a valley t,f dry Ik.ii.a a garden jg()in( fo ,mve jt- T,u, im.x,,licHllie of thodeml:ther.t aKardenstiUn.ore)tll.ni,lowhii.h th(, Illajlffity of CMM vast provi.les for tho wonts, or rather , attributable viuii..t U guard,d the luxuries, i f tho living it is devot ed to muhhnsim cultum These subter ranean gardens extend fur some 20 miles under the gay capital and are from SO f.-et to WO feet beneath the surface. It is very ilifhVnlt to obtain permis sion to visit them, and even when per- misMou Is obtained it requires soino courage to livnu oneseii or it, iot in only entranco is a circular oeniug liko the mouth of a well, nut or wlin ti a long hi1o standi. Through this polo, fastened ut tlio top only, at fairly long Intervals, sticks are thrust. This prim itive ladder, the base of which swings like a pendnlnm in the impenetrable darkness Ndow, is tho only me m of reaching tbe caves. "Here," again cried our guide, with a b.irst of cheer fulness, "see this doorl On the other side are the cntacomlsi as full of bom's as this placo is of mushrooms. i e imiltHl. e were not afraid or bones with an iron dour betweou them aud us. Strand Magaxine. The l'lrf John Jitpub Aslur, Although Mr. Antor hud letl a life mainly devoted to tmsinrM iiiteresta. he found great pleunnro in tho society of literary men. says Mrs. Julia Ward J Howe in The Atlantic. Dr. Cogswell , made his homo with ns fur some years , after the closing of his famous school, J but finally went to resido with Mr. As tor, Httnicttnl partly by the hitter's1 promise to endow a public library iu the city tif New York. This was accoin-' plisbed after some delay, niul the doc-1 tor was for niany years director of the Astor library. 1 le used to rtdate soino j humorous nutcdotes of excursions which he niiido with Mr. Astor. In the course ; of ono of these the two goiitloinen took , Bupjier together at a hotel recently opened. Mr. Astor remarked, "This man will never succeed. " I "Why uotY" ititjuiml tho other. I "Don't yon see." rcplietl tho flntin-, cler, "what biri?" lumps of sugar be ; puts in the sn'ar bowl t" Once, us they were walking slowly to a piuitbont which the old gentleman hud chartered fur a trip down the liar-, bor. Dr. Cogswell said. "Mr. Astor, I have just been calculating that this : boat costs you 25 cents aiiiinnte." Mr. j Astor nt unco hiiHtened his puce, reluc tant to wetito no much money. i llriellril Hie I'rl Hlllrii, A well known i;,,t Jji.l di-U.r tells a sbiry f bis erprim iitiu;; (hivs wleu Mt ''11''"' A. KiH whom ho kii"W mid abuireil hud a t-t kitten that in fi t kin uround broke mni of It-i loud e;;a. 'J'lm f.iir iuitrewi was In die tip.ilr nod in etii'iiiiiy aikcd le-r ineil h nl student admirer to try his sl.ill on tho i" t. He ciUM iiti'd and Vit bis 1 f.kther's rn--Hi-n;; r ly, who was nw-d ' to the e!f;'Ty, to apply the aiuintlietic. The d' tor made the amputation and was sewing up the fhip Ixautifrilly, when the boy n yell and said the cat wiot ib-ad. It hud bccti chloroform ed to ib 11 th. The dix tor knew that the di rnl-ie of the pet would kill bis hopes with the lnlHtrs. He bad only rne alternative, artilliial P-epiratloii, and s-linx the forepaws he wt Ut work. In t-u min utm be saw be was saved, for the kit ten If'K'iri to breathe. It was pit'nd. In in mt one of Itur-lawcrs, to t!tr jdrl, who bevi-r knew bow ii'-ar it i urn to 'u burled In thu ba4 k jrard n. rittnhur I Difpatch. A tliBmaler'a Arruaala, There was a shiM-maki-r I met n'rt Ioiik" ao. says a w ritT in ChambTs' Journal, who bad a tn't elilMiriite tnetho'l of ke vUil bis "Ixioks. " Azairwt thu wall of bis workhop be had a larj?e bonnl -n tb whii b Iih painted black. Into this K.ard be tivA Ut drive bob- tiails, tiK-ks, br,i-s and htl rivets and other nails tnwd in bis trade to repre sent work dune. For Iritain e. the soi ling of a pair of l.ot w-oud m repre-m-nti-d by a small if of b-nthi-r tai-k-fd on to the Uuird by means of a bra rivet, lit If the lusts were bobnuiletl. then a ludiiail was nwl inxtend of tbe brans rivet A et-l rivet lndicab-d a patch on the sohi. and a patch on the npp-r was shown by tb aMition of a piw-e of thin b ather. New lioots were shown draw u in chalk, as were also tbe liicrojdyphics repn- utinjr tho cusUjuj its' naim-s. S'iiie "nliarity .f niAnnr-r, dross or snrroundintf was chown to indicate how account it was. The parson's ac count wue placed nnib r tbe ronh draw ing of a cbnrch; Uie enrate, who wore ghismi. Was represented, by a sketc h of them a con pie of circles, ono blank and ono with a dot in the cefiW, atood for the prwtman, wlio had bstt one eye. A lst-r barrel was tbe inukio-per'a sign; the village pump did duty for tho milk man, while tbe schoolmaster was per sonated by the drawing of a cane- The old man was a great we-;, but he never had his arc .tints chnlleiiexl in spite of their quaintm-A. CoarrralK A pra4lrlla. Vr. II. IL Lemen of Alum. Ilia., says: "I often meet ptsiplu who have such whli-Mme fear of apiiendicitis that they iieneviT 1 near a person say ne di nies biniw-lf frnits lscanse of this fear I take occasion to assnre him thut it is nscb-es to tako any such precau tions. If you like fruit, eat it, for ap pendicitis, seven in ten instances, is due to other Ihn.gs than aceils. Little particle of f.sslof any kind can lodge in tho appendix and produce appendi citis, evt u a bread crumb Ix-ing capable ot it In addition, a great many canes are caused by something entirely ont sido the appeudix. something causing the inflammation. "To nil I would any. 'Oo ahead and Mt anythinjc y. Uko. for aU precan- again.st, aud it is Um Ii-kj to light the miuority." XuIUIiik Sprrlal. Library Adi-tant (b visitor who is wandering about in a puzzled manner) Can I help you T Are you looking for anything special T Visitor (absently) No, thank you. I was only looking for my wife. Library Journal a!' IF YOU 5-5- OVERCOAT, MAOKINTOSCH OR SUIT OF CLOTHES It will pay you to como to Portland and purchase of us, . OUR PRICES ARE LOWER Than any other store in the state and we will pay fare to Portland and return on all purchases of $5.00 or over. 'Moyer Clothing Co. BEN. SELLING, Manager. 3rd and Oak Streets. X Ar.soivnv'Pvr.e Modes the food more A nmk WtnM, Close U the wairon we niet a bnh woman, one of Indowyoka's people, re di'd br starvation to the uuwt ernacl-at'-'l omrpitiablo condition. Her hns Imnd bad be-n kill'"! by lions some days In-fore, though she hTsdf bad ew-ajel with her life. On h'r back and shonl-d'-rs were the marks wb'Te the same lion had ripp-d away irest strips of flesh. Ing clots of blooil had dried 00 her body; the wound hail not t-ven U-en waMheiL I gave b'T some meat, which site seiz-l upon and at once ate ravenously. The bone were almost throngh her Cltby skin; bT little be;idy ey-s st-t close togetlnrr nndi-r a low, re treating forehead, her ' flatU-in4 noe and large protruding li;, concealing what little chin she p.-!, gave her ' a bs.k most uncanny am. repellent. AlUigether more l:ko an animal than ' Human is ing, sue s-rm-! w mo me , lowet type "of womankind that it haa ', ever kwn my fat to look on. There an tjnmts-rs of tmrhmen and their wiv-a who live in this miwrable condition. w-Biid'-ring throngh the reldt with no other means of subsistence than such tra-h as w ild rs-its and Is-rrii-a. Koine of the men have guns and ammunition, and they api-nd their whole time In ahootiug. When they kill a buck within rearh of water say ten mil the whole family conT'-gab-a on the spot aits round the body and gorge itself until every scrap of fln.h and skin has disappeared blac k will's Magazine. XA!Y A 1.0 Villi. Has tiirne-l with disgust from an otbetwire lovablf girl with an offensive breath. Karl's Clover Hoot Tea purifies the breath by its action on the bowels, tic., as nothing else will. Bold for years on absolute guarautce. l'rice Z its. and 50 eta. C. U. Huntley tbe Diuggists. If yon bsve a cough, throat irritation, weak lungs, pain in tbe chest, difficult breathing, croup or boars ness, let us suggest One Minute Cough Cure. Al ways reliable and safe. Geo A. IlAJtnixa. Best shave in barber shop. the ci'y at Johnson's A fine parlor organ for sale on essy terms at the Oregon City Auction House. Money to loan lIcuoES Jt CiairrirH. at lowest rates. A fine parlor organ for sale on easy terms at the Oregon City Auction House. Three papers on eighth page. for f2. Kead our offer For frost bites, burns, Indolent sores, eczema, tkin difease, and especially PI es, PeWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo stands first snd lest. Look out for dis honest people who try to imitate and counterfeit it. It's their endorsement of a good article. Worthless goods are not imitated. Get DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Geo. A. Harmnu. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind Yen Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of WANT 5-5 delicious ond w I lolcsomo Sunday Services. OK li if AN' KVAS'i.Kl.lfAb I.tiril KltAN IMMAM'Ab Mt I:t H-l orr.t L'.if.il. I II A Iaium airwl Krnsai J. W. Mack, aior. SuiMny khixA St I'' A. M., wrrSljr rrr r trry J littr:Uy at S P.M. lirrmai) scIkmiI rvrrv Pjturlay from 0 to I-'. Kvrrjlxi'ly Innieil. ST. Kill.V H f'Uf'Rf H, C AT H'lMI'..- !.. A. lin, !, ii, I'ir. On n iicUy n.ii i s ml Mi M . Kefjr -ii'l nil ('.'it'll mri'lay i;rrmn t-rmnn a'tr ili S otIikS n Al sll irthr ma'M-s KrijIUti wrmom. Hur.:y H-li'il si 'J mi r. . Veirs. i'.l"ne J ijUiwi anil beutjle'.loo t 7 30 r. u. Wr.TItoriHT EPHOOPAL nirkCfT.-R-r. II. Oiwr, P'..r. Moriilur rtirs si lie. Hub'Wf n le.,l at l' '). ni.-ln st'. iii..rlili' rtlis. f. vlllliK -rirU' si 7 - .w. Vityrt M-riin "'- cr.iUUy Ii riwnu lsiic mr'tuia s iB Uf rvuiiiir as Ihuflni tinAut st i w- uviicl. m.T j.kK.;tvTEKiA J ( t:"i:c:i.-i:sr. a 1. Miiinc.m. rjr. -.t.r. tM-rrm at 11 a . sail Yv,t , winy nl i.ri.ti.n Kii,tc..r nw trrj stneir otmni m it n. .i.: SVtblu( rt:r vci,uj si m. kiii ireu. fcVA.NO'CnOAr. CllfaCn-OKKJIAN-E F.rlei;. Ptntor: J. K. KHtrT A I Mnl. pp--hin( M-ry. titty Hini'laf al 11 A. U. Sn4 7 i P Halil.elh rhMit tti-ry H'iniUy at MA.M .Mr. .;".m-in.u Supu Prscr Met'.. eg itr J bui.U; tf nluf . HT PACI.'H EPIHCOI'AI. tllL'KCIl Itev. I. K. Hammond, iii-otor. rWyic STcry liiu.ilajr at II a. in, aii.l 7:.lop. ni. H-mday etiol at 10 o'rtot k. ht rvice yrv Kriilav eriii"K at7-iO. Othsr r bj n.ar U siirioiiiir.ii. All aU frrs. fcUAng en cordially invltrd. GEUMAN LI'TJIKFtAN ZIOS'U CON jrrgalional chiircn. Kev. K. hs" S, Kr. brvut svsrjr hunday at 11 A. M. Hau isv achool at ID A. VI. Chrittian Science meetings at Willam ette hall, Sunday morning service, 13 o'clock ; Sunday school,! 2; weekly meet ings. Wednesday evening at', exrep first week of each month, when meeting will l held on Thursday evening at ft o'clock. Lodge. A. O. U. W. meets every Saturday evening in tbe A. O. U. W. Temple. Geo. K. CaiiJ. secretary. Kebekahs Willsmette Rebekah Lodge No. 2 meets second and fourth Friday of each month at I. O.O. F. Temple. Matt Godfry, tecretary. Court Hobin Hood No. 9, Foresters of America, meets first aud third Friday u tbe month iu Red Men's Hail. W. E. Stsfford secretary; F. T. Rogers, chief, ranger. Meade I'jst No. 2, G. A. R., meetw Crut Wednesday in each month at Wil lamette Hall. G. A. Hirding, com mander. Clackaruis Chapter No. 2, R. A. ST.. meets on the third Monday of eacls month in Masouic Hall. M. Eollack eecretaiy. 1ioneer Chapter No. 28. O.'E. S. me;t Ihe second and fourth Tuesdays in encti month at Masonic Hall. Misa Jennie Rowen, secretary. Oregon Lodge No. 3, 1. 0. 0. F., meet every Thursday in Odd Fellows'.Hall, T. F. Ryan, secretary. Falls Encampment No. 4, 1. O. O. F . meets first and third Taesday in eacbi month. J. A. Stuart, secretary. Kedmen Wacheno Tribe No. 13, Imj. O. R. M., meets Saturday evening 7 :3U. at Red Men's Hall. N. M. Moody, C ofK.;Chas. Woodward Sachem. Multnomah Lotlge No. 1, A. F. A. M., meets first and third Saturdays in each month at Masonic Uall. T. F. Ryan, secretary. Mead Corps No 13, W. R. C, meet 1st Monday in each month at the Will amette Hall, Mrs. Foutt, president. The Auxiliary meets the third Monday at Willamette Hall. Artisans meets first, second and foartss Thursdays in each month at Red Men's- Hall. J. T. Searl, secretary. Catholic Knights of America St. Jobn't Bianch No. 017, meets every Tuesday ot the month. Tualatiu Tent, K. O. T. M., meeti i Red Men's Hall, on second and for.rtl Wednesdays G. 11. Hyatt, record keepei , Willamette Falls Camp No 148, W. O. W. meets 2nd aud 4th Fildaya iu the Willamette 1111. Clerk J. K. Munis. Flenty of money to loan at S per cent on long or short time. Apply to G. l-. Hayes. To Cure a Cold Iu One Pay. Take Lixitive Bromo Quinine Tablets. All drugiigts .refund money if it falls tt cure. 2 ic I tie genuine nas l b. oik 1 each tablet. MOTT'S PENNYROYAL FILLS Tti-y overcome Weapai, lir.'iia ll lit Mi 0ll.l-.lIV-V . '-- lid bunm "Iihi'ni of utn't.n tloa." Ilir r "lAf avi-' toirlrt omnh"a. seli'st d Trluixiient of arfut nil tiuuji. un. kmB rm.l fur w t.ut lliin. Ciib a h-l'- S nimrf a plalirw. Wl r NaL h mnll. "ia by dm irl-.-JlOli (;HalltAlC0,u- For aale by C. G. Huntley. Mi