Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 03, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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fnrr rt,r Unfnrnricn
IutHahe1 Kvery Krhliiy.
l,. u roumt, rriT.
One year
hi i month
Trial subcnplioii, month.
f . t
I 00
a ,
A discount ' rent on til aulwripllona
for on ver, crnl lor ix month. II
paid in advance.
Advertising rain Riven on application
Suhscriher find tlie dl of ex Ora
tion stamped on their pii following
their name. II ti is dl it chngt
within two week! after a pvnient, kindly
nolity ui ami we ill look alter il.
Entered at II ponti'lllce- In Oregon City,
Or., a wvoiid class matter.
Beaver Creek
I'nion Mnls
Meadow Uroolt
Krw Kra
Park place. ,
Kafile I'reek
,lr. T. B. Thomas
(fO. Kllik'lll
A. Mather
..Oscar tsiiia-er
H. J. Trillit.:er
. lia. iioinian
W. fi. New turry
....Henry Miley
..K. 1.. Kiiell
J.y Oaue
.. 0. T. Jlianl
...U. M. Cooler
. . . . Aiunr c,,im'
. E. M. Hariman
ilenrv A.'sny'lr
"" 'iV Wiltwrn
, J. I. Miioti
r. iin iM'ii
Currinsville ieo. J. t nrnn
Oicrrrville Mrs. M.J. Hammer
Marniot Adolpli Aschotl
t7llieuj to build DpOrcRooCltj
Is to five Orrpon City I'eople jonr
Tiik 0. Ii. X. Kailway is rapidly ex
tending its of orations in building new
lines in the Idaho country, opening up a
country to eas er access that will be sup
plied by Portland and help to increase
butdiiess for the latter.
Sisci the law to tax bicycles is a fact
it is supposed a good path will b built
from this city to Portland. The tax is to
be expended on paths and none is in
greater demand than tbe one between
this city and Portland.
Thk new army bill will allow an army
"oiOO.OOO, but 35,000 will be enlisted
only until 1901. By this tirxe it ia
Loped that tbe statutes of oar colonial
possession will be fixed and the need of
an army of 1C0,000 men will be done
away with.
LitiT. Colonel Fife, of the Washing
ton volunteers it seems w as convicted at
the court-martial for debauchery on the
transport Valencia on Thank-giving
evening. The sentence is sunpeneion
for one month. This is considered light
tinder the circuniBtanees.
The house has attached to the naval I
bill an amendment creating the office ol
admiral of the navy. This means that
Dewey will be given the place and be
come head of the navy. This will find
hardly a dissenting voice among the
American people.
Another good law passed at this ses
sion is the one concerning mining claims
and water in connection therewith. The
Colorado law on this subject was enacted
almost ic it entirely. This now is im
portant to a large part of tbe state and
will become so to this county if any of
the mines located develop as they are
The law prepared by the American
bar aSHOciation concerning negotiable
instruments, was passed at the recent
session of the legislature. There are
very few states that have not passed
this measure and it makes the law uni
form on this subject in nearly all the
states. The act is very complete and
meelB with universal approval.
" It is said that Clark, of Montana,
Benator-elect has more money than the
combined fortunes of all the members of
b lh branches of congreBS. We would
respectfully call the attention of the
Courier-Herald to the fact that Mr.
Clark is not a republican and in its next
attack in the "monied power" to except
Mr. Clark. .
Tub stability of the French govern
ment nanus in the balance these days.
Any day may see a new order of things
set up but the indications are that the
new president, Loubet, is a man of force
and dicinion. The aristocrits of France
Leap their abuse on him but tbe chances
are he will prove tbe man for the hour
and a blessing to France.
I O ht.s of Clataop. says (hut he Is en
tirely responsible (or the defeat of the
law relating to mi I or boarding houses,
I w a the intention of the Uw to abol
iah them. We know of no one tlmt I
xting Hi wichlnu to divide Die renHinl
bility with him. .'iirtiK alao cliiliim tlmt
tin' fish law passed at thi selnn wa
jobbed in the hand of the engrossing
committee and I not the Mil agreed on
by tlie committee.
Tiu senate of tlie I'nited State doea
many things that the people ilo not i
prove, tint the insiatanee they have
shown in enacting legislation that will
build the Nicaragnan canal the people
will approve. The house defeated the
ranal amendment hot the senate has
put it hack by tlie decisive vote of 50 to
3. Unless the house accepts thi it will
mean another delay in building
Tiik CVikikk iay that the at'loxil
anpeiinteiHlenl'a aalary waa rai?sl $4iK).
fhe kin! of truth tl.ix heel dt-liuhla in
I Riving ia coiitaiiunl in that atiteinent.
. . ... . . . .
The salary of the tiMriuteiideiit ui
tOxK), hut peniuixitiea and fees run it up
to ficoo. Theae are pemicioua and the
i .
! idea of the law Is to rut them off and
n''ke ,lie !'' ' ,lie ""IH-rinteiulent
)'fn,'n''Jr 'rJ'i hllt nut ,0 Increaaa It.
;Thi was the change.
Tin governor baa vetoed the ta col
lector bill for Multnomah county on the
ground that it is anconatitutional be
raiuie the conatilution provides that no
spevial law shall be passed concerning
taxation. This Uw may violate the con
stitution, but the delegation from Mult
nomah were almoet unanimous for it,
believing it would save the country
thousands of dollars. They say there
was nothing in it inimical to the interest
of the taxpayers.
Tin governor has vetoed the law creat
ing a board of equalization, ct.nsiating of
the governor, secretary of state and
treasurer for the reasons chiefly that the
bill is incomplete, uncertain and obscure
in its provision. No clerical aid was
given. This should nave been given as
this is an impoitant work and unless
we Lave a board of equalization it will
be a race by the different counties to see
which one shall secure the lowest ameas
nient to avoid state taxes.
Gebma.vy wants Chamliers, the chief
justice at Samoa recalled. Theae islands
are governed by Fngland, Germany and
the United States jointly. The thief
justice is an American and wrote a
letter to his brother criticising Germany.
The letter was not in eood taate as
Chambers is responsible to a certain
extent to all three governments. He,
like a?ople closer to home, was too an
xious to me In the presa. They are
Knrrv ,h )irt
The friends of Ir. W. E. Carll are
urging him to stand for re election at the
coming school election and we under
stand he has decided to allow his name
to be used. Dr. Carll has made a very
efficient member of the board, always
taking advanced steps for the better
ment of the schools, compatible with
economy. He has especially given his
attention to matters of sanitation
and those pertaining to the health of the
pupils. We do not know of the can
didacy of ar yone ele at this time.
Dkwey has aked that the battle-ship
Oregon be cent to Manila and he is
right. Probably no vetiHel in any of the
navies ol the world is eo well known or
would be more dreaded in a naval com
bat than the Oregon. Complications
are liable to occur at any time in the
China sea and tbe great powers are
massing their naval strength more and
more in that quarter. The Oregon would
command the renpect of any nation that
she might encounter In thone waters
and the moral effect can hardly be ap
preciated. liOAIH) OK t'OMMISSIONKUH.
Gov, Geer could have made no better
selection as commissioner than Kichard
Scott. The appointment will reflect
credit Dot only on tbe executive but on
the county. No man has the confidence
of bis associates to a greater extent than
the new commissioner. He has been a
citizen of the county fpr a long time and
never during that time has there been
any ground for saying oilier than that
be was' a man of honesty and integrity.
He has made a success of his own busi
ness and has the ability to make a suc
cess of the county's affairs with the neces-
. "i
Mry puah and intevitv to rarry It to a
! sutx-eraful termination, llavinif N-en
once a coiumiaaioner and being thor
oughly acquainted with the county and
poaacaajng the determination that can
not Ihj easily swayed, he will make a
commiaaioi.er that will be a credit to his
constituents. He takes hi sent with the
entire confidence of the people.
The other two members of the board
are men in whom Commisalonnr fcott
will find efficient and honest eo workers.
Mr. Marks is the olJeat member of the
board aud therefore its chairman. He
has alwayi ln honeat In his endeavor
to help the people in the county govern
ment. Mr. Morton in the short time he
has M en a member of the loard has
made every effort to help the fanners in
their struggle for better roads. In sea-
... , .,
W'Jll lini uui vi Bvmvrtt bhiivu, inn-v....
the other interests of the county, he baa
talked and worked for Mter roads. If
Clackamas county does not have better
rosds at the end of Couimiasioner Mor
ton. s term it will not be his fault.
It is confidently believed that under
the new board that the people and larni
ers especially will lie brought in clom-r
touch with the county government and
the reapouhihility of rightly administer
ing county affairs and as a resultant
better government, lower taxes, better
toads and a board of commixidonrrs
made up Iroui and by Iho farmera of
Clackamas county.
Tue Prkds man is a blackmailer, pure
and simple. During the laat two cam
paigns be has "held up" members of all
parties for whatever he could get. We
know w hereof we speak for we contribu
ted with the others at the laat campaign.
Our part of the blood money wss 20,
This was not to help elect the ticket but
to keep w hat the people are now told is
a republican paper, from attacking the
republican ticket. One of the maiuge rs
of the populist campaign tells us that he
paid him 3 00 to work sgainst the re
publican ticket. He took both of course
We will have to admit that the ops had
the best idea of the goods. This week
he attacks the attorney of the school
fund on his charges on foreclosures. On
looking into the matter we find that his
charges are about "'x per cent of the
amount involved, but the attorney took
his ad out of this sheet. This man has
constantly Insinuated that we. took brilajs
at the legislature. He does not say so,
he does not dure to. What be wants is
money. We wish to say once for all
that hit statements are as uIhc uh the
hellish motives that prompt him.
Friday February 24.
Insurgents at Manila attempt to break
through the American lines but are
driven back.
Otis cables that a determined effort
was made to burn Manila.
Aguinaldo is not recognized in the is
land of Negroa. They witdi to come
under American protection.
Gov. Geer vetoes the tax collector bill
for Multnomah county on constitutional
The bouse favors the Naval bill which
has a provision creating the office of
A compromise has been effected in the
Army bill and it will be composed of
100,000 men, 35,000 to be known as the
provisional army aud to be enlinted only
until 1901.
Tbe funeral of Faure, president of
France, was held Thursday with military
The Shoe Man,"
Sole Agent,
The election fraud i-uaet are on trial
at Salem.
, A. Secktem, of F.at Poithunl waaahol
and painfully wounded by two thug In
an attempt to roh hi aalix.il.
TheO. H. N. railroid is rapidly
building along the Snake river to Iwia
ton. Saturday Febrtury "3.
Dowry tun aked to have the Oregon
sent to Manila.
The senate has put the ranal amend
ment lo the river and liarlmr bill if thn
bouae accepts it, it will mean the build
init of the canal.
Johnson of Ind. (rep.) aud defeated at
the laM election, bitterly attacked the
president on the queation of axpanaion.
A plot to overthrow the government
jand set up a new oue was fruairated at
'"'' Two meml-era of tU
chauilwr of deputies were the leaders
anil they have M'en ordered prosecuted
by the chamM-r.
(ten. Gomes and bis troops have en
tered Havana with an American eacort.
Stock is faring badly in F.aatern Ore
and tt:er will bo quite a x$ canned by
the storm.
The peach crop ta reiKirted as greutly
damaged throughout the state l.y thu. re
;C'nt cold weather.
The government fa getting a settle
ment w Uh the Central Pacific on a satia
factory basis.
Sunday February I'D.
The American II ig has been rained
over the island of Cebu, of the l'lnli
pine group.
The revolution in Nicaragua has been
quelled. Keyer the lea ler U-ing de
feated. The cotnpromlne army
bill la being
discussed in the senate.
The Khalifa is gathering another army
to attack the Fngliah in Faypt at
Two convict eacaped from the peril
tentiury Saturday.
Monday February '.'7.
It 1 reported from Madrid that troops
from European ship have landed to pro
tect foreigners.
Tbe Oreifon
February (Hh.
arrived at Honolulu on
Mankind nerilj
a herald, like
llir Ik nilda of
old, to pro
claim no tlmt
atl may hear, the
vital importance of
health The avrr
aire man of to day
llimka it benrath
hla dignity to twther
alxiut hia health until
It ia E'ine. Kvrn then
he only takes mraaure
to rratore it in an In
different, coittctnptu
ou aort of way.
Men cannot learn
too aoon that health
la Uic mom import.
2f t initio iii uic ia
1,1,, in iul:. , 1,11. Ml(
it the mont brilliant
man will he a failure,
and the moat rohuat
man will riiniiUv In
come a physical wreck. The mini who
n-lect the little ncad.ichra, the lots of
appetite and alerp, nervouaneaa, hoi miali.
iiiK, cold chilla. heavy head, lax ttiuacli-a,
and the iiitiltituile of had ferlinira that are
the 'herald of approaching aiikura mid
diaeuae, tntiat pay a treiuendoua penalty.
For men who suffer in thia way there is
no medicine e(Ual to Dr. Pierrt'a (Oldca
Medical Diacovery. It aharpma the ap
petite, correct all disorder of the ilige.
tion; Inviirorute the liver, ninke i'le aa
siinilatiou of the food perfect, pmilica the
blood and enrichr it with the lif Riving
element that build new, healthy flenh. It
ia the great blood-maker and flesh. huilder.
It cure 98 per cent, of all ciue of con
sumption and is the beat of nil known
remediea for ncrvoua trouble. Tlioiiaand
huve told, over their own abiiiatiirea, the
storie of the wonder it haa performed,
Honeat dealer will not unre a aiihatitutn
for the sake of a little extra profit.
Thntnaa I1ti-her. of Clifton Btntlnn, Fnlrfa
Co., Va,, writeai "I mild-rcl terril.lr torturr-a
for fi-n yr,im with 'KutrnlKlu ' (1..1I11 In (lie
almnnch). I llien took nix M of I.r. I'lcrce '
(;.)lil.-n Mrdicat Llitcovery, which completely
cured mr."
When the bowel are regular the body
will feel good nti'l the mind will he active,
Dr. Picrce'a 1'leawint I'elleU cure con
Mipatlon. One little " Pellet " ia a gentle
laxative, and two a mild cnlhaitle, They
never stripe. All good dealer aell them
aud have nothing clae "jint aa good."
Itudyaul Kipling U very slrk In New
Votk will) InlliiiiatloM of (he Inn''.
H .yllala "Kl"l'"rl,",M,",',r, l""11l11(.dal. Thn woi.t rold car iiWla r..f
and a vlnon.ua .pu't!" l """
auppr. HHiuiy deiiitui-tiiiUon nicy
dome laylven a l.nmpiol at Havana
.y .iin-ili iia and Cul-aiia,
Th nliiilliil foiivelilioll of the Y. M.
C. A. clou d at Salmii Holiday. 'I he
neaaluli waa a very aurivanful ono.
(ireoii is taken earn of In a very fair
xlmpo l.y thn liver and haih'T Mil, Ret
tiiiK oii half a i.llll'.n.
Tiienl.iy IVluiiaty i'H.
The war d. partuietit anya that the alt
nation l Manila rail f-ir no uneaalneaa.
The hoilo coiii'tillteit h.a pmpoaed a
S'll.alltulil f..r lh ranal Mil. Tim hill
will piohahly he di fewled.
The niliipri'liil"" aimy hill lia paawd
(he aeiiulu ,
Kavne Moore la hem1 reliled In New
libera Ve'oi'N I l.o (Ult"l hillldintt hill
III Waahltiw'!"".
I'.ranloii llm l ane roimly mnrderei
will huiiw', fj H e lii nil e iiiiil ilnl.h a
Wedneaday March 1.
Gerinuliv iacl',a ail her Wariaela
from llm I'l.llippii.ea. I J1
Coiiri"! appiwpiiatea in 'hey f .r a'f
number ol public huhling. j$
The Sampum St hl.-y controveray g.'la X
In thn Heinle and pri'triit a Voto la-li.g ' y
taken for tl.eir a l vaiiccnn lit. ; j,
Vl.ii tt'ol' 'ea 'ulatuie killa tin man- ;
man rate bill.
lit tin) -.tj-in rlcctii.lt fraud raaca
ltich.u.liiu aaalii. d and the j l lje di
rected a verdict of not guilty.
IM-rmrrid l.j a Momaii.
Another gre4t discovery haa Urn
mado, and that too, by a lady in tin
couulry, '"Diaeafe fatened its clutrhra
upijri her and for aeveii year ln with
stood ita r-evereat leMa, but her Vital
organs were undermined and death
seeliie-l iuiuiluet. For thren lliolitha alio
coughed ine"ntly, and cnild not alerp.
She Anally diaeoverrd a way to lerovrry,
by pun l.aiiiu of n a U.ttlo ( Dr.
King' New Diai-overy f. f Conuinp!ntu,
and waa so much relieved on taking fir. I
d we, lhut she r t all nltilit i an I with
two tallica, haa M-en absolutely rurrd,
Her name i Mia. Arthur l.uU." Tliua
write W. (' .Hamuli' k A Co., of Shelby,
N. C. Tiial tattle freti at Geo. A.
Hardin' Drug St'. ll'-tfuUr i
fjov and 1 Ml. livery b.llte gnataiit e..
r Voung Men and Young rfnmen.
There i in. thing that w ill arotme th i
Ii") of a Young man or woman o (jniek a
to have inferior laundry work put off on
them. They tuny dreaa ever o well,
but if their shirt front or ahirl waiat la
liiuaay their neat npa!iiaucn I bki!c,.
The Troy laundry umkea a specialty of
btdien' and gentlemen' (Inn work.
There can be no la-tler work than I
douo at the Trov. 1-eavn y,,ur older at
JohiiKOu' barber shop.
A Maaoll and llamliil Organ In ex
cellent condition, for salt ot the Oregon
City Auction House. tf
A IUkoai.v A "8 acre tract three inlle
aoiilli cant of Aurora, on the Silverton
Harlow road. Five acres cleared, fruit
of all kind, good farm homo and out
building, good well and spring. Fight
acrea of IVavcr-d.nn land, daily mail by
thu door. 'I his tract and improveineul
for only V0. Inquiiu of C. II. Dye,
Oregon City.
When the steel cup and cones in
bicycle tauringsurn tempered, Irregular
ities of the surface follow. In many
wheels they are left rough and irregular.
In Crescent bicycles, price .'ti the lcar
ing arc all ground smooth after lumper,
HandkerchiefH of all description cot
Ion, linen, einbroidiuied swlas, for
ladies gents and children at the Kackol
Special Shoe Hale at Kraukse Ilroi.'
For Sai.k. A No. 1 rr.atch spun of
driving liorsei with dotihlu hack harness
price 75. Worsen also suitable for light
farm work, or will Inula for a laruer
teuin and pay tho difference. For Infor
million call at this officn, or address C.
P. Pou, mi n, Willamette Falls, Or.
Tho chainleas bicycle is the coming
wheel. Its mud proof, dust pr.jof gear
Ing is as much of an Improvement over
dirt-collecting chain hh bicycle bear
ing is over tho bearing of a wheelbarrow
Go in and exainiiiii the Crescent Chain-
less at Huntley's Hook Htoie. Price liK),
if tired out with your days work and
too nervous to sloop well, Dr. itarkers
Celery and Kola Compound will glye
. ..! , .
you rumiui steep anii restore your
strength. I' or Halo only by C. G.
Ifuritlny, Cut rate Druggist. Price (Win
for the Dollar size.
IlibboriH, luces, embroideries. 1 lOHiirv
and notions of all kinds at the Km ket
Money loaned on or lifo Insurance
policies bought for cash. C. (). T. Wil
liams, office upstairs, next to Methodist
church, Oregon City, Or.
no ton mow. I,
Iptloll la pieVelilabli'T Helen, If
n ItiMt, Mini a I ho tlmt ih'kIiwi '
Conn mi
hit" I"VI
,, ,.IIM., H,, h.W, Co il, and ('..,
Mil in l ion Clin'. "old UH poallive gi.
aiitiMt for over llfiy years. (), iJm
Huntley, IhlllKKiat. I-
ov rut ir.
If Hhilnh'a ('mull ami Consiiinpii,,
('urn, w hu ll i sold '"' the anull pnu
cent ami M eeiita an. I l.li, ilua i,, '
i iiro lake the Imttln I'M. b nml we will irb
fnii.l your money, Hold for on r lln V
yean Ml thla Kiliranlxn, l il o I'iJ ,Ti
in i
and TO rent, t.li, llnntley, llm I ri4,
giat, 3 I
i . . - i .. 1. 1
4 t-r i v i:
HiH.icrrtiuM w am i
n.lll'.ln" l Mural lll'ia.l, i-om.mh.J,
l.ilir.l l ' Hi U.neriiiiiBi.l a I Mtlt t
lurlaii to Hie Wnt 1 pallium!. III. 1
a wrlllrn n a'in n i at I t, lit 6':'
(two, mi tl.a I'ai tile '" livnaral Mi-f 111 tl
In l. a li,..,ii: ai II.iohIiiIii, In II,,,,
Kii(, III I'1" A Mir rl. mi lirln lin iuti ,
in tl, liiaiiruvnl i.i Willi Aiiliiiaiil,i, u J
Ilia ilrrk ,il lllMii U Willi l.fi,, -In
II. r mar til haida a !. la'l ol .M.,!.
Il.uiai a lnr ai'ri.n. IUiinl.il of ui..i,, V-1
,. lurra lakao l' (! arninrnl I" J
kra.ir "II ili l I a'r" '""k li,.
I II. r. Hrf l lnll'l. r'l'l. '.l I l I. rr, I ,
llun.all fa-lf 'i' Ill.l war I...I;
ii.,ui (rr A I It.. I T. IU'i.r. H, 'j
1 riur liiaiirai.ia I ' . I jf , I tin ' ,.
vy W o y
Wagon Makr,
r lu
Ougou City, j' x
i I
i 4 '. U and Main t
v. 'k fft ,,v. . ,w e.
- ?
1 t
.1 T l'n scritiiiin
V."0. Carefully
Oil) jMlUlltlttl
i om
Toilet Artiil.-H, kt
Inij:i:its' Suiulrierlehi
uixi Novt itioi ut y y
(1. A. Ifanlius
...... rre'
U ii
V y",,iatl,ll'l. J
I m-U Irir "t H ' Jitill,
I I nl r- . ll, I '. I
u 1..1 ti. iitMi I ion I'
k..e. l J II. 0 H II i
it Mil
fjftrih, t tww fascia l1f
tan fWhm A ! at lb
4 rli. Uk.
JbiTi 1
Ilin.lr FARMERS . . .
Your tenin will have the I
trh 1 1
teen I
of care aiul
dill Moiciirn nf Tnnrl it:
I Ull HIlsUOUl o ill I fclU I,.
lis n
At Iho
Ing th
City Stnble
tho pi'
W. H. Y0UNC, Prop.,
on Infi
fi,00?r".rJL0 W. H. Coo: of the
Livery Rig" on Short Notice J
Telephon No. 42. isavln
' A II
1 -The
n Ha.
Coujjli and
nncumnlirkn Ith"
pile J
Inion i
Thlaia heynnd nueatlnn llio
miwl aneee(iil l i,uw)i Mrili.
eln ever known to at'lvncr: a
loaf loea In viirinhly cure the
wnl in lei t'niiL'li, frmip
and Htnnchliiii, wlnlo Ita wm
ilerdil an, l ea In Ilia euro l
('iiniiiiiiiii,, la wiu.out a pat
nllel III tlin hlatoi y of tnrilii nm.
Win a lia flint diacovrry II Inm
heen aiild on a iriiiiranira, a
fit which no ut her inedtehin
can aland. If y.ni hava a
CoiikIIi we earneally aak y
toll y II. In I'nited Sliiiraaiiil
Canada tf.V., Uhi. and $l.l, ami
In I'iikIhiuI la. K1,, M. IM. ami
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