n OKEGON CITY KNTEItPKISE, FRIDAY, MAltCII 3, 1899 5 I jl'ersonal Mention . (jaw jm iuj, , .. II. .!.. . Ill I . i. i ), una. iiourri narner ia ipina aniiuuaiy Mr. IC. II. Tabor U l It with la The Infant child ol Jiilut Montgomery la lull nit k. i J. T, AMirwni returned from a trip lo a!ein HnI urilajr. ( Allrt TufTt, of Oawrgn, wa In the t lot III III WW'k, (Attorney A, H. Preiser, returned from lrii lo Halem Monday. j Mm, ami Mr. V. JUrrU ara now oc tipying tlm Put row collage. j tlr. 1'u-ey, ol Harlow, has ln visit X br daughter, Mr. W, I', Hawley. H.nry Will, of Aurora, wa a walcouio alli'f at the Fntrrprlae oihYe Monday, J!ra. Noble Heath, of l.('ama, well Ihown hare la visiting friend in thcclty, :iiKdna TUr ha been til(slck fliti tha drip, but la abla lo ha out again. Mra. Ilcrnell, of Beaver Crwk, It said 6 be very sick. Ilrr husband ia at ttaska. ! Key. V. II. Laloortitle will preach at da Baptist church Sunday morning ami oaliig. j A. F. I'aiker, of (ilada(ine, liaa Urn fry lick witb Ilia grin but la reported aa trOvlng. bloven Hungate, a ttirvryor from Mi klo I'ralne, waa about the rlty ll I lrt Of Ida week. . Mia Hlnlla Hum hut Iim boon angsgrd ta Ii Ilia handy echool. Tlia tain fglns March 0. f John Shannon, of Reaver Cfl 2"mnI through tlm city Monday on bia fay to I'urtlanil. ! Mia Kate I Man, formerly of Oregon Jliy, tui now of Portland, waa vialtlng .tenda here Monday. ( MSn Rom Morgan, of Forest drove ho baa been visiting Miaa F.dnaTa .or haa icluriiej bouia. Tliai littla aon of (irant OMa, of (iU. lone, ia recovering ironi Ilia severe kirn It received a abur t lima ago. roW-V ar-or try-ttr-lg,- (- ty T...1 LV. .h 4 i.v.-a j9tiPuet4. ertLVi.9i j.jh-i III llenry'a minstrel ara expected In Oregon Clly about Man h J()ih. lii oign Malett, of Mulalla, aged 20 yrara, died of consumption Haturday, tJ'Uta a number of tmoplo from this pUc attended Ihs ihi atra at Portland to bear Iba noted artora I hern Ibla week, Huliji-i tfor honday Christian Htlenca aervira Marrb 8, "Hubniarii a," Huuday achind at 12:10. A cordial Invitation ia eaten I lo all. A ctirmlileiahla corrrMiudnra ami other itiatiar win crowded out on ac count id apai'H. It will atMH'ar next Uaua. The atata arrretary of h Y. M. C. A. will ha hare i'uetday night and will give n llluntrated frea lecture on Halm erenery and Y. M. A. buHilIng. K. K Cuui,l-,n, of Lwicoln. X.b.. baa u ,0 en ( i'a'i"i iiir anil t ail ii iioriu over iif K, II. Cowing baa bon apixlnbsd by HherlfT Cooka collector of the bicycle tax. The collix'tor will be ready ti col led (be tax by the end of next week. The completion of the Oregon Tele phone Cornpany'a line between Astoria and Portland will b greatly appreciated br pimple of Oregon City. The aervlce waa completed Monday, The central elation ia located In C. 0. Iluiitlejr'i drug atore, on Main atreet, where Ore gon City patrona may receive direct communication with their friend In the city by the aea. jauiea aieyer, an employe oi Hie (piite Meyer, an employe Willamette Paper Mill waa eeverely burned about the face Hunday. lie bad been cleaning out one of the boilioa with coal oil, and when be bad flnUlied thotigblleady threw lliecoiileril . . i a 4i t a mi oi a can inw a mating furnace, me flame followed out and be wai covered with fire In an inalant. Ilia face waa badly burned and medical aaaiatance wa obtained. Friend of Mla Florence Pally, will A fJOOD RKMOl.l'TIO.V. Rrownell'i Reaolutlen Iddatlng lo Mafttrrlna; oat ef tlaalerr. Hie Mr. and Mra. V. A. Huntley hat jlven lip bouaekeepiiig and are boarding I 111 Mra. PiUbury. 11 r. and Mra. Alex Tboniaa, wbo have en flopping for aometlma with Mr. Itbaiy, have moved to Poatland. ; i J.. i bard hcoll, the new connlycotn lleslooer apiwlnled Friday by Uovernc r letr, ijiialinrd for the dutiea of bia office onday. Jaiaca Itlntout, now on the colonel' UJat Manila, bat tabled hie folk lo bis city, that be will atart for bom arch 7tb. W. O. Vaughn, of Molalla, baa bean Jelling for aeveral day with bia brother- Iaf M. F. McCowan, voniUble of bia city. D. P. Price, young law atudent of Portland with City Attorney J. M. Long fa lo the city on legal bualneaa the .rat ol Ibe week. ! Jaroee Ogle, a farmer In from Mar Ham, reporta that fruit treea in that klnlty were not Injured much by tl a lie cold aptdl. i ! J. P. Fullam, a bright young man of tcdland, who la attending the Port tml Duainea college waa hero Monday n abort vacation. David Wilaon, of Highland, waa ex mined for inaanily Sunday evening nd adjudged inaane. Il waa taken lo he any I v in at once. 8ai Doilge, a ablnglo man of Heaver !rcek, waa bore Monday. He I trying o aeciire contract lo furnlah aome tele' hone polea for a Portland company. A. K. Tameiiu, well known bore, In turned from Haletu to take a poeition aclu'kfor Huntley' drug atore. Hi lany friend are glad to ace him among letn again. John Preaton, a lioaa machine nun in e Crown Paper mill hurt hie band sverely while making aome lepalra to le machinery, and baa boon unable to or a for aeveral day. Mlna Nora Conyera, wlo waa vialllng i tbia city limt week, left for Portland mi Jaw and after upending several dny ith her friend, Mra. F. A. Kancroft, ill return to lior home at Clatakanie. Rev. K. 8. llolllngor, lato of Aatorla, ia newly called paritor of the Congregn- onal church of thla city, arrived up ith hit family Tuesday, and tins on ired npon bia new charge, He will ion the pulpit Sunday, William Klaor, and Jack Finhor, have impletud their wootl hauling contract ith the Portland General Klectrlc Com iny, and have returned to their farm l the TuHlitan. They are making ndy for the apring work. Win; Barlow, the well known ploneor Harlow, waa In the city the diet of the ek, He eay ; "Tlio United State iouIJ annlhilute the rhillplnoa, give o neKro a portion of land and a govern ent mule, and let thorn work out their vn aalvatlon In the oriental ialua." County Rocorder Randall xnt Waah gton'H birthday with li la futhnr In-law , X. Mattliiou, of Hiittevlllo. Mr. uttbliiu wan injured by recoivlng a vore fall aevoral wooke bro, and hns h'h been conflnod to the house unulile attend to bia work. Ien aclncted for the princlpalabip of the Molalla echool. Miaa Pally baa len teaching at Mulino, but the recent realg nation of Pronator Coleman of the Molalla echool ojiened up a gooil op portunlty for the young echonlmiitrrae which abe waa fortunate enough to be abla lo avail heraelf of. Hie baa not been leaching but a abort time, having Hafab A. Maver ha commenced uil graduated at the Park place icbool not In the tlackama county court agalnat long ago. Ktbyler Hue and other on a certain Hank of Oregon City. He glvea leaaona In vocal culture and on the piano. Complaint baa readied Ihla office that null put In the porUilllce here Friday doe not reach Collon until the following Wedneaday. We do not know where lb fault Ilea but It ahould lie remedied. promiaaory nolo for the aum of f.IO), arcured by mortgage. The member of Kola Circle, No. 107, Women of Woodcraft, extend a cordial invitation lo ail woodmen lo bring a banket of lunch lo Willamette ball Tuee- body ha never Wo recovered. William Morlenaen, of Butte Creek, waa in the city Haturday looking alter the matter of hi deceated partner, Han en estate. Ilanaen waa drowned In Hutte Creek oyer month aince while attempting lo break a Jam ol log. Hi Mor- day evening March 7th. llie body 01 el r. Ilanaen waa found at Kcoll'a Mill Wedneaday, four milea leluw where it diaappeared in the water of Unite Creek, January 14. Ilan aen waa drowned while attempting lo break a jam cf log. tenaen & Ilanaen conduct a aawmill and logging camp. Ilanaen -waa a brother- in-law of Morteneen and the latter in tinda to apply lo the county court for letter ol adminialratlon over the eat ate On Katarday February 2Mb Mr. Xemyre' cla of the Haptiat Sunday w-hool had a aocial lime at her borne on A warrant waa taken out in Juatlce Fight and Adama ttreet. It waa otiened rVliuelwl a court Mondar calling for the by ainging and a prayer after whbh arreat of F. M. Manning, a mail carrier, they played gamea. Then refreshment chargel with riding a borao upon the I were terved. Ttioee preeent were: Ada cilv aidewalka. The act waa committed Flemlmr. Nellie Auatin. Klnora Auatln. al Fly. The Union Vrterana' Union, that wa organ Ixml abort time ago In thla city, illmuaur In on Saturday March 4th, at Armory ball, under charge of Col. Prieatcr, mualering In and Installing of fice ra for the aUte. (ieorgie Grace, Mamie Cooke, Mary Sandal rom, Lela Uravee, Kdiih Cham berlain, Hattle Ringo, Lottie Hotel, Verne darker, Ella Darker, Flla Lut and Iena Neniyre. A company of boy actor laorganixed in the city, and the member ol it, are it appeara, making quite bit with their aliow. They appeared at U.e hall over the Seventh atreet bakerv Saturday A pleaaant aurpriae party waa given Miaa Kilen Puraiful at her bom in ta citV Saturday evenlnir. The aamiliut riendahad an enlovabla llmw ul.eimr DU P'Teu lo " . ' ' ' I vi. nr i.. t-. -i ... me after wLci re re huienta wen "w wl -,'.. trvrd r1, Sotne funny part were aacumed -' " on the atage, and ther aucceeded In nm laruow, oi an. I leaaam, wanta I keenlnv the audience In eood humor loknow Who la the oldeet man Ineach tl.ronffhoiil Ilia mrfonnanrn M..lr ret Incl of the county. If our correapon- Meldrum aamr "Yankie Duc-lle D.nd lemeor ou.era iniereaie.1 win aend in ,ith aucceea. voumr Miller made rwH.U the name of tbeolde.tlnhabilantoflhelr .ui.1 with hla -Dutchman" and other community una Iniormatlon can be Iur featurea were preaented. niaiieu Air. I'aruow. Senator fieorge C. Hfownell' reso lution duelling the Orrgon Vol tin. leer In the Philippine, which wa adopted by both liouaee of the leglala lure, I (aid lo have the eanction of Colonel Hummer, and It read aa fol-Iowa: "Whnreaa. It baa been (taled that the United. State government Intend lo muster out the volunteer regiment in the held at Manila at an early date; and "Wbereaa, The Second Oregon regl merit waa the flrat lo land in that coun try, and waa the flrat regiment lo atart in the great expedition which left San Franclsij) on the 25th day of May laat, and baa been continuously In the Philip pine Island, iM-rforrning eervice during that period ; and "Where, A large number of the men in aaid regiment bave lucrative position being held open for Ihern, also dependent father and mother who need their aaaiatance at home, and a great many more who are In the midet of their echool year, which they ahould be allowed to resume; and "Wbereaa, These young men (hould be returned to their home to take up their civil poaltiont aa aoon a compati ble with public intereit, aasitt in the care of their parent, and continue their Khool work where they laid it dow o ; and Where, It ia not the deeire nor the Intention of tbia regiment lo demand that they le moatered out, nor do they deaire to be relieved from duty before the government baa decided lo reduce the volunteer army, atill, a they were the flrat to land in Hie Philippine ialand, it I proper and right that they hould be mustered out in the same order in which (hey came into active aervice; that ia to aay, the first to arrive hould be the flrt ordered home; there fore be it "Reaolved, by the senate, the bouae concurring, that wa earnestly recommend to our delegation in congreaa that they uae every honorable mean that thi object may be accomplished; aod be it further Reaolved, That the honorable eerreiary or war oo requested to co operate in the wiihea of the people of the dale of Oregon eo far aa reUtea to thla matter, and that the eecretary of atate hereby requested to furnish each member of onr delegation in congre, and the eecretary of war, with copiea of Una resolution." I'oadltloM of the Market. Floor I quoted 15 cent cheaper than laat week. The condition of the egg and butter market la Inclined to be alow. Hotter la not being received from out ide very freely; Importation7 bave ceaed. Meata are maintaining itiff I price. SUII-fed cattle are atill being Xr. t'lark'a flood lurk. Dr. Darrin'o treatment ha been marked witb good reaulta. Not only is bo crowded with patient, but the roar yelou result achieved In bia new treat ment by electricity la almost Seyond be lief. On caao In particular I that Mr. S.K.Clark, of UkUli. Or., well ami marketed. Later Price of meat are avorablv k nown. whnan rin l(lr ara expected to raise. The 5tr I'onmlaaloner. Richard Scott, of Milwaukee, haa been Henry Yoder, an 18 year-old boy liv ng at Harlow, waa coo vu led at the latter place recently for Healing a pair of I'P0'"!"! "7 Governor Geer, third com- ordinary anectaclee. Justice of the miaaioner lor Ulactamaa county. The peace W. W. Jeaae eentenced the lad to Piwnlrooo ol Mr. Scott waa made I ri 30 dava In the county Jail. He ia now aJ on Ul9 ,Ml dJ ,e'r governor lo n the Oregon City Jail doing bia lime. The Portland (Hour milla atarted to grind again the first of laat week. Ow take action on the matter. A great ef fort waa made by certain force hereto fore dominating the county court to have a man of their choice avlected, when It waa learned that the bill bad finally become a law. Communication from Influential citixen. both within Ing to a continued dullneaa in the flour market of late, the mill bave not been doing any grinding (or over month. There I. a large .upply of wheat on hand ,nJ Goy, ....... """."..m, ' ogrv..,iu. ernor GwlBb(lhaf of their restive John Wall, a farmer from out on the favoritea. When the new of the p- Sandy, brought In five coyote acalps the polntment became known It waa highly laat of the week and received hi bounty gratifying to the majority of the people, money for them from County Clerk who are willing that any part of the Dixon. He eaya Ihore are plenty of control of county affair ahould be eovotna In the muntv. ia.i.flil1 in id. placed In Mr. Scolt'a hand ..i..i.,ii. ul-i...- n Richard Scott la well known through vicinity, the coiUrarjrmjtatanding. 0(t U)8 coun, tnJ BUte , Hoae Company No. 3 held meeting wl'8 cquaintance with affair of the l..t week and elected the following offl- ?J2ft cor for the enaulng year: Wheeler by holding the vice-prceidoncy of the Church, president; John Jonoa, (ore- atate board of agriculture. lie ia also a man; Gua Zimmerman,' first assistant prominent Odd Fellow. Having been forwrnan. an.l A. wiekee. -ne.,,,,1 I wunty cominias oner before, to hi.credit, ant; Bruce Zurawalt eecretary and Will Green, treasurer. By permission of the county court, Gtiatave and Hedwlg Stein have adopted James Edward Hlnnchard, a 4 year-old he ia amply qualified to act in any finer goncy of the otlice. He Uvea with his family on bia large farm at Milwaukie and pay hoavy taxes. Beaten at Last The Oregon City Y. M. C. A. basket child who wa duserted by its parent ball team mot the Y. M. C. A. team of shortly after it waa born. The boy baa Portland at Pope'a hall Saturday night, since that time boon an inmato of the and to their sorrow were defeated by a Buby Home at Portland. The child's score of 13 to 10. It was by all odds tho name waa also changed to Kenneth hardest contested game of the kind that Ferdinand Stein. Mark L. Bussard, of Eugene, has re cently moved bore and Is going to com mence the erection of a farmers' feed stable at the corner of Third and Main stroets. It la intended lor the accommo dation of country people. Stalls will be arranged suflk'lontly to lake care of 70 head of horses, It will be a one-story frame. The work of blasting away the rock (or tho (oundation of the new Y. M.C. A. bus been finished, and tho concrete will ba laid the first of tho week. Lumber and other building material has boon oidorcd and will be on the ground In another woek. After the superstructure Is commenced It is expected to be com pleted within five weeks. has occurred between any of the teams of the state this season. Oregon City had, before, tieuten every contestant that It went up against. A tour through the valley made a short time ago was one of victory and triumph. The home boys beat everything in the field and losing Saturday's contest waa consequently a disaster. The last half was Oregon City's by one point, but they wore four behind on the first. It is generally the belief that if the umpires had not been imported, the result would have been different. Pro fessor Ringler, physical director of the Portland Y. M. C. A., was one, and Mackie (P.) the other. T. J. Gary (0. C.) acted as referee. Marshall (0. C.) and Johnson (P.) were score keepers and Williams (0. C.) time keeper. Utter From I'apUla Plcke . Maxil. r. I., Jan 20, 1899 Co the Ladie of Meade Corpa Vol. Auz. Dear Friends: Your box containing tore for the sick reached ns in good condition. Many thanks for same: they ar just what we need. We are now get ting from the government a great many delicacies for the sick in the regimental hospital, but not all we need, by any mean. So we can nee what you aent ns very nicely. Our funds a'e a pretty nice thing lo supply these needs, but we bave not spent our money foolishly. We now bave enough to keep the eick comfortable for many week to come. You may not know that our govern ment does not recognixe audi an organi sation aa a "regimental hospital," aucb ia the caee however, so you see we bave to depend npon our own reeourcee for most things, although aa I said before they are giving ns considerable aid, which ia purely voluntary ; we do not keep our worst cases but send them to the division hospital. The regimental hospi tal ia a aplendid thing for our sick in quarters. They get excellent care and what wonld be many a long sickness is thus nipped in the beginning by baying prompt and proper treatment always at hand. We undoubtedly save many lives by this method, and it is worth a great deal lo feel that we can do these tilings. I hate been ill for two weeks, therefore I could not write you before. There is no serious sickness In Co. I. We expect to get started for home about the last of March if things keep quiet here with the Filipinos. Extend thanks to all who contributed to our sick supplies. Very truly yours, L. L. Pickens. Host Of All. To dense the system in a gentle and truly beneficial manner, when the Springtime comes, use the true and per fect remedy, Syrup of Fig. Buy the genuine. Manufactured by the Califor nia Fig Syrup Co. only, and for sale by all druggists, at 50 cents per bottle. Fifth Anniversary. Pioneer Chapter, 0. E. S., celebrated its fifth anniversary In this city Tuesday, night. A large number of members and friends assembled at the Masonio hall to do honor to the occassion. A supper whs given and a general social time was had. Manila. LeeM. Travis will give a lecturo at Weinhard's hall on Friday, March 3, for the benefit of of Meade Corps, Vol unteer Anxiliary. Mr. Travis is a gradu ate of tho State University, a good speaker and Rives a good Idea of army life In the Philippines aa well as a fine description of those Islands. O'fgoa City Market Report. (Corrected weekly.; Wheat No, 1 merchantable, M centa per bushel. Flour-Portland, $3 30; Howard' Bt, 13.30 ; Fisher's Beat, $3.30 ; Dayton ; 3..V: Peacock, 3.C0 v:a in ax, wmie, tent per bushel, gray, 45. MillatufT Bran, $17.00 per ton (horta, (18.00 per ton. Potatoes 70 to 75 cent per sack. Egg, 20 cent per doxen. Butter Ranch, V to 50 cent per roll. Onions, 90c. per rack. Green apple, 60 to $1.23 per box. Dried FruiU Apple, onbleached, S eenU; 50-pound boxe, evaporated, oc. proneo, 2 to 4 cent; plum, 2 to 4c. Bacon llama, 8 to 8 centa; aidea 8 to !,' ; ahooldera, 7 to 8 ; lrd 8 to 9 Livestock and Dressed Meat Beef, live, V-i lo 4','c; bogs, live 4c; hog dressed, b lo 54' cent; iheep, $3 to $4.00 per heed; veal, dressed 7 to 7c. Poultrr Chickena, old $3.50 to $4.00; turkey, alive, 12 cento per pound. The Cmmlsslorrs Meet. The county commissioner' court aa lately reorganise, met at tho court bouae Monday to do bualneaa. The full board waa preaent. consisting of Meeir. Mark and Morton, and Richard Scott, the new appointee. The matter of passing npon the accep tance of the Clackamas bridge, recently repaired, waa the first busineaa dis posed of. A trip wa made to the bridge and each commissioner thorough ly examined tho atrocture. All repair were found made In a aatisfactory man ner. New needle-beam, oprighla and i ringer bad been put in aod the atruc tore waa well braced. It waa accepted and an order for $300 waa drawn on the county treasurer in faror ol Contractor J.C. McCoy. Next, the question of the new bicycle tax waa taken np. The proposition to tax each bicycle $1.25 to create a fund for building good patb for wbeela and pedestrian throughout the county and state, waa heartily endorsed and the as sessment waa levied. No other baai- nee waa transacted. publish helos The art of curing disease by electricity ean be clamed with the other dl trover lee of the day, and who know but what all diseases and ilia of tho flesh wi'.l be con quered by tbia subtle forc7 It I a theme for study and reflection. Ukiah, Or., Jan. 12, ISM, Dr. Darrln Dear Sir My health haa greatly Im proved aince I wa at Pendleton. I bave gained very fait tbo last wiek. My cough haa about (topped, and my heartbeat very good now. I have a good appHit.' I feel very hopefol and think I aoon will ha good health again. Mr. Clark tenda hi best wisbea to your self and wife . Respecfullr yours. Ma. S. K. Cvauk. !lafcarglBf Kara Cared. To the Editor: I wish to make knowd throiKh yonr widely circulated paper what Dr. Da rr in haa accomplished in my case, that other aimiliarly afflicted may avail themselve of the doctor'o great skill. For many years I hav been annoyed with a loathsome discharge) from my eara from Ibe effect of meaalee. All remedie I bave tried aeemed lo fail ontil I went under Dr. Darrin'a electric and medical treatment. I am now enred and feel yery thankful to Dr. Dar rln, my bearing ha greatly Improved. I reside at Adam, Or-, wbero my father keepatbe Hotel Oregon. Can be re ferred to by letter or in person. Bcbt Kiaar. Dr. Damn give free consultation at 205 Morrison treet, Portland. Or., from 10 lo 5 and 7 lo 8 daily. All carablo chronic, acute and private disease con fidentially and successfully treated. Circulars and question blanks sent frea to any address and correspondence solicited. Moat case can receive homo treatment after one visit to the doctor'o office. Batterie and belt furnished, with full direction for their use. Diffi cult (urgical opererationa acientificUlly performed. Rapture, varicocele, hydro cele and nricture cored and guaranteed in every case. Letter List. Tbo following is the list of letter re maining in the pontortice at Oregon City, Oregon, oo March 1, 1899: mxs's LIST. Lee, Grant H Slorr, Chat Moody, Win Jones, O W Mathiien. K Bardin, E P Smith. C E Wright, Ed J womxns'ust. France, Mrs R, Beeler, E E Brown, Sarab Beeaon, Sarah 8mith, Ruth GEO. F. H0RT0N. P M. State or Ohio, City or Ton do. I as. Lccaa Coi'xtt. ( Frank J. Cheney makes an oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney A Co., doing businesa in the City of Toledo, County and State afore said, and that said firm will pay the aum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrah Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, . D. 1S9G. A. W. GLEASON, seal NotarjPublic. Hall's Catarrah Cure Is taken inter nally end acts directly on the blood and mucous surlaces'of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F.J. CHENEY, A CO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family rills are the best. WANTED. 100 watches to repair at $1.00 each. C. A. Nash, at the Poetoffice. iiirl Wanted. . To assist in general housework, not over 15 years of sge. CO. Frxdkbick, Ely, Or. Notice. Sealed bids will be received at the office of the county cleik for all county and legal printing for the period of one year. Said bids will be opened by the county court on the first day of the March term 1899 at 10 o'clock a. m. The court reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of the county court Feb. 18th 1899. Elmkb Dixon. Clerk. Pure Tea in packages at grocers' Schillings Best To-XIght and To Morrow 5lrkt. ' And each day and night during thi week you can get at any druggist's Kemp's Balsaro for the Throat and Lnngs, acknowledged to be tho most successful remedy ever sold for coughs, Cronp, Bronchitis, Aitbma and Con umption. Get a bottle to-day aod keep it alwayt in the boose, bo you can check your cold at once. Price 25c and 50e. Sample bottle free. TELL TOIR SISTER. A Beautiful Complexion ia an Impossi bility without good pure blood, the sort that only exiat in connection with nod digestion, a healthy liver wod bowels. Karl's Clover Root Tea acta directly oo the bowels, liver and kidneys keeping; them in perfect health. Price 25 eta. and 50 cts. C. U. Huntley. DrmrsiiL Now is your time to buy ihoeo. Krausse Bros, hare come to the front with a 20 days special shoe sale, For prices and particulars, see their display ad in thi issue. U'ANTED SEVER AL TRUSTWORTHY FEB ' sons lu th a ui- to man , our btwii. a .a Ihjlr own .nd nearby Cuunii . ft is mainly u-n-e work eonl urted at horn. Salary a r ulit IM year .ml aipena a Jrtioitt t DnfiiKno o-, D01. asMil.r7. .Monthly 1: J. Roiern-n. Ki el ell-'l kmkI .iam d rorWoi. H t twri K. Ha. P.eal . Peit U. Ctticagj. J-O OASTOXIXA. Baantk lad Yw Hi) Alwart kaftt Beautiful Skin y Lldi6S ,f you desiro a transparent, clear ; and fresh complexion, Use Dr. Bourdon's French Arsenic Complexion Wafers . the only reliable beautifler of the ?om pltxiou, skin and form known. In tho direction lor which they are Intended, their effect is simply magical The most as tounding transformation in personal ap pearance is brought about by their steady use. Possessing the WIZARD'S TOUCH in producing and preserving beauty of form by urely developing a transparency and pellucid clearness of complexion, shapely contour of form, brilliant eyes, soft smooth skin, where, by nature, the re verse exists. Even the coabsest ad most BtrouiVB skis marred by r riches, moth. BLACKHBADS, riMPl.ES, and VULOAB BIDMIM, TBLLOW AND MUDDY SKIN, Slid Other FACIAL DisriuuBKMKSTS are permanently removed and a dehciously clear and refined com plexlon assured, enhancing lady' loveli ness beyond her most extravagant expec tation. Iidlea, You Cast be llewutllul, no matter who you are or what your dis figurements may be you can make your self as handsome as any lady in the land by the ne of Dr- Bonrdoi'i Arsenic Coi.pI.iloi Wafers. Used by men the results are equally fa vorable. Price, small box SO cents. Large rox $1.00 or special order of six large boxea $".00. Sent to sny address under plain cover on receipt of the above amount. Write for circular. 1111: lMitiwiA.t iiiti u o. 131 Montgomery Street, Ban Francisco.