li FRIDAY, MAIiCH , 1809 COHRESNffiDENCE Khutwl. Kiiiiih., Feb. 27. Emil llotnm-liuh ha just returned from Albany here ho bat been standing week with his sinter Mrs. 0. 11. Strevfeller. Pavld Moehnke mid Freddie Moehnke came down from New burg last week, to jf nd a few days with the folk at home. IVrry ihn km r, of Ilaael Pale, was in out town one day last week. Henry lloniM-huh and family, of Guru, were visitors tt ttie home of K. W. Hornsohuh yesterday. Miss Eva, who has just coupleted a term ol school in the llenrici district, Ik home snail). llolM-rt Ciinther attended the teacher's as xdation at Willamette Falls on last 6aturday. Wesley Hill, of Deaver Creek, was In ,)t'ted hi ranrh here lat week. Wes ley contemplates building koou. ChriB. I lorn -K-liuh, lost a horse lust wk. To discover the cause, ho parti.tlly dissecti-d the animal and found the lunijs and iU thcath almost chairvd blak. J Jlin Melt, ol liik'iiiiinii, was in our town buying ins last wttk. lie v. Knelbart preached an eloquent and impressive sermon in the Evangeli cal church yesterday afternoon. 8 hool closed here lust Friday after noon with an excellent program followed by graduating exercises. The class eon- eictnl of Kletha Cummins, Elnora Gimher, Luke 1 Hilly ami Hans Wittrock. The subject to each assigned, a final evidence of graduation, was marked with rxd sentiment and excellent delivery. Pirwtor Meve Hutchinson made the prvwiitatiou speech and also presented the diplomas. This is the first class eTcr irraduating from our school, and ili'S Harrington has earned the )est wishes of our district for the untiring ef forts she has put forth to establish a precedent, which, if followed, will stimu lae and create interest in our school, to a degree heretofore unknown in our district. Highland. Highland, Feb. 25. The rain of the lat few days has stopped the plows. Farmers ate wishing for clear weather. The health of the community is yery pxr. Mrs. Cbas. Welch, Mrs. Wallace and Jack Wallace have been quite sick. Little Clay Carl Miller is very low with fever. Mr. A. Nichols has been quite ii k but we are glad to know of his recovery. Mr. C. Krohn, who had his leg broken few months ago, is now able to walk without the aid of his crutches. This place was visited by a band of I'VUvvMbis' week. They went from b' use to house begging for food. They had with them four large bears and two monkeys, luey nave parsed on now and no one is sorry, (or such visitors are not welcome. Misses Tennesee and Arizona May field have closed their school at Spring water and returned Lome for a short vacation. Miss Minnie Harrington closed a successful school at Mink on Friday last. Mrs. Nettie Welsh spent Friday in Oregon City with her father, Mr. J.C. Taylor, it being his 86th birthday. Hohert Uinther, of Mink, spent a few days last week visiting friends here. Mrs. G. W. Grace, of Oregon City, has been visiting in this neighborhood for a few days. . Miss Rosa Bollard basgone to Oregon City to work. Varqnsm. Manijcam, Feb. 2l Senator (!eo. V. Itruwnell addrvrwd the people, at Msr qnam Salurnay evening, the 25111, Wm. Ohternhoiit ami Mis Comer were married lust Wednesday at the residence of O. 1. Khy's, tho justice of the peace, There is to he an exhibition on Fatter Sunday In the M. K. church at Mar qiutn. The school will close with a program next Fiiday night. Jaser Jones ia sick with the measles. J. M. Shulse held meeting here the past week. Albert Wade, of Maiquam, has moved to Scot Is Mills. Oiner Hainion was at home last week for a day or two. Clyde Marqtiam was obliged to close his school (or a week on account of the mumps. I Miss Orah and Mr. JetTcrson Skirvin, who have been attending school at Monmouth have returned home. John Nicholson is tuning up calves which he hopes to soli for a good price. Wm. and Johnnie Shulse have gone to Portland to attend school. Mis. Ucorgo Puulavy la slowing recovering. am IKner. IXjvkk, Feb. 2S. We have been hav ing very wet weather for the past few days, wnich is delaying farmers in their seeding. Mr. Cooer made a quick trip to Port land. N.Nelson exacts to take his daugh ter to Oregon Cit to attend school The Dover school closed on Feb. 23. Olie Bender, the teacher, returned to his home at Mt. Tabor.. He was well I ked by the people and children. Rev. Lew Davies, the new pastor in charge of the M. E. church at Viola, is here visiting the people. The sum of $V)0 has been raised toward building a M. E. church in this place. Mr. I'avie his a regular apiointment here twice a month. F. F. Sellman made a flying trip to Mt. Zion last week. Mrs. Ttstman is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Edna Peshaaer. A very sad accident occurred here on and common cim'Uwru'sa cnn maVo a combination st rone t'tiotih to dofy nil the liealing bkill of tho jiliyHiciun. Common careleiwiU'ss lots tho cold root uml rtow. Common carcli'twnosa nays, between paroxysms of cough ing, "It will ho u!l riht In ft day or two," nnd tho common end ia con firmed lung trouMo, porhaps con eumption. Tho common-Honso treat ment of a common cold Is ft prompt doso of Ayur's Cherry lYctorul. It is tho nuwt efficient und reliable euro for colds nnd coughs, nnd is con stantly prescribed by physicians. S. Hatnks, M. P, Riranae, N. Y, says r "I have tued Ayer's Cherry Pectoral In my practice sine lS.Vt, and hnva always founj it rclUbU for th curs of culJ. cuugKs, and all lung dUea." Ajjefs Chcrrg Pectoral Js now put up in ht.llV.zo bottles, for half price 50 cents. States build and own the Nicsrgua Canal?" It was decided in favor of the affirmative. The literary aociet wis aN favored by a song by Mis. Lapley, of I'ortland. Mrs. Welch is recovering from a se vere attack of the grippe. Alex Biker received a very bid cut while sswing a log on Mr. Resseleau's plac-. He was undercutting am) the tree fell on one end of the saw while the other end sprung upwards hitting hira in the under jaw. Four of the teeth went quite deep, two of which ex tended clear through his cheek. Frank Ott has returned home from Feb. 24. James Peshaier and Walter Wa-hington. where the grippe got a hold Damascus. Damasci's, Feb. 28 Not much of an exciting nature has happened here lately. Some sickness prevails, other wise the people in this locality are thriv ing and receiving full benefit of the pre vailing prosperity. Two lads of the Damascus school aie ex;elled from the school for one week, having tried to imitate the large colleges of fie country in hazing one of the boys who is considerable of a genius. The victim is now in Yakima, Wash. The authorities proceeded to paBS severe sentence on the lads by keeping them fr,'in school. Boone Johnson lias has sawmill in full running order and wiil accomodate you St nny time. The Sunnyside school, with Mr. Stahl oecker at the helm has launched teachers on the field of action by the wholesale. They are all very anxious to secure the Jlo.k Creek school. Mrs. Henry Breighthaupt is very sick wi h la grippe. Her many friends wind Jor her recovery. J. N.Tonghasa black eye from the effect of a cow Btrking him over the eya with her horn. At least that is what he tells. Last Sunday night was a yery stormy night, so think the church people that got a fecond baptising. The boy that had to go to Barton without an umbrella and hnd to walk three miles home, all the. way in the dark besides ; also the man that lost his hat and borrowed a lantern to search for it and then did not J n lit and had to go over half a mile vit'iout it. J.C. Elliott is just recovering from an atuck of the grippe. M. Faubian started on a hunting trip in the mountains, and when about two miles from Dover they decided to eat lunch. While climbing a log for that purpose Mr. raubian sl:pped. I he hammer of the gun came in contact with the log with such force as to discharge the shell. The contents entered the neck severing the great artery. Mr. De shaxer ran at once to his friend's assist ance, but found that life was already ex tinct. The body was taken to the home of James Deshazer, The funeral ser vices were conducted by Rev. Dick at the 1'leasant Hill achoolhouse. There miins were laid to rest in 1'leasant Hill cemetery. His home was at I'arkplace. j He leaves a large circle of friends who I esteemed him very highly for his many good qualities. He was born in 1H73, his age, at the time of his death, being 26 years, 3 months and 24 days. 0 i him and he thought home was the b -st place after all. Lettrr Ironi a Mllwaokle Hoy. Eagl Creek. Eaolk Cheek, Feb. 27th. We are having lots of rain again so the formers cannot do much at their spring work. A very sad accident occurred between the Douglas settlement and Firwood last Friday. James Deshazer and Walter Faubian were out hunting and stopped a little beforenoon to eat a lunch, and were standing on a log when Walter's nun went off and killed him almost instantly He was buried at the cemetery in the Douglas settlement Feb. 20. The fu neral was largely attended. Riy Noe, who has been sick for two year or more, died last Friday, so you see that grim monster death has been visiting our midst again. The funeral took place Feb. 201 h, and the remains interred in the Forrester cemetery, Mr. Udell, of Wasco, Or , formerly ol this place, is down at Eagle Creek on a business trip. The party at Mr. Cassedy's Hattirday evening was well attended and every one seemed to enjoy themselves. Elder 8. G. Dix, of Hood River, in holding meetings at the Douglas school houe. The meetings close this week. Mr. (lofrmeister made a business trip to I'arkplace and Gladstone. He reportn the roads in a very bad condition. hunnrslde. Si-nnyhiob, Feb. 20. The measles are travelling around the country and have given Sunnyside quite a lengthy cull us most all the school children have had them and some of the older ones too. I'rof. Stalnaker's little boy is slowly recovering from a severe attack of fever. Mr. Byers has just completed a new fence in front of his residence. Miss Wiles has recovered sufficiently to enable ber to return to work at her trad . 8he has ben in poor health for the last year or bo. Several of the people from Sunnyside a'tended the Teuchers' Instituto at Wil lamette Falls on Saturday last and re port a pleasant time. The subject under discussion at the Manila, I I. IVc. 23. ISO. Dear Sister: Yonr letters of Octoler 23, ami NovemW 10, duly received. There is quite a good deal of sickness here, hut mostly skin and blood diseases whicn can be avoided. We hav a fountain with a large basin in our court yard and bathe in it or in the bay, and I am learning to swim pretty well. We are not bothered at all by lice, crabs, or fleas, but there are lots of bedbugs in my room, though they have not yet gotten on my bed. Small mosquitos are quite thick during the niichte but we have been issued mosquito netting. I would like to know bow Frank Walsh is. When we left he was said to have Brlght's disease. This was after he had the measles. We were vacci nate) a few days before landing here,' but it did not take on me. I have eaten all the fruit I could get, and have not had on my abdominal bandage at all and have been entirely well except that my liver is a little sluggish, but they have medicine in the army that will wake op any kind of liver. The heat is not all oppressive We have a good deal of rain w hich preven's the weather from getting much hotter than August at home. Your letter of November 10, came yesterday. The government has charge of the postollice here, so it is a United SUtes postoflice and postage charges are the same as to any city in the United .States. I do not know anything about the way and time mail comes heiebut I believe it is quite irregular and all steamers from San Francisco to Manila oarry mail. Answer when you wish: put your letter in the postoflice and of course it will come by the next mail. The boys say that mail came for mo while I was at Ran Francisco, but was sent back. Will Lehman received a letter that came here, was forwarded hack, und again forwarded here I liko the natives; they are very friendly, industrio is an 1 honest. I am jetting so I can talk pretty well with hem. Almost all of thu soldiers dislike the natives, and they are almost all miite lomesick. Most of the talk Is uhoi t ,'oi ng home. The natives are considerably Hinaller ban Americans, notwithstanding state ments ol travelers. Iheir habit of car rying burdens on their heads gives them, en)eijilly the women, a inort ungraceful gait. Their dresses are low in the neck and high in the sleeves, but otherwise quite respectable. I think the natives are superior to the Ilawiians, except in their home Huiroundings. The Filipinos live very plain and dirty. The Spanish soldiers sro small men. Three or four good Americans can go through most any crowd of natives or Spanish. I had quite along conversa tion with ono of Agnirialdo's men not long ago. He said that Aguinaldo had a million men not long ago. I guess he Ciin'iot count very well. He was verv phstlcallv upon my saying that when I I In littMllt e would "iiiucbo , combat." Considering the opinion most of the soldiers have of the natives 1 am afraid it will b the story of lb AtiH'ilciin Indiana over aguin. Jan. 1. The mail lor United States closes l o'clock tomorrow, so I will tluUh my loiter now. The Catholics hud gorgeous proces sion this evening for the New Year. A double hue a half mil long with a number of elegant banners and standards ami thro brass bands; on of thetii, Aguinaldo 'a which consisted ol alaxil 40 men goigcoimly attired. Aguinaldo, translated Into English means "Christmas gift" and by the way "l.adrone" mean "thief." On our voyage w passed a group ol Islands called Farrallon d 1'ajaroa meaning Highway of Birds" and we passed a volcano In action alsnil ! o clin k In lb morning. The Oregon regiment is ramped In lb old Spanish quarters, Curtel d F.spaii. Co. F Is detached from Hi regiment and la guard for lb headquarter of tb Eighth army corps and department of the I'aeihY. At least M coiniiiihned ollicers have their ollicca In this build In.', tb palace or AyuntaiuiViito formerly the Spanish executive building, the military governor, proviwt marshal, rourt martial, quartermaster, paymaster, surgeon, engineer and other ollicers are her. Christmas day w were paid for lb month ol OcloU-r. Day before yesterday we signed the pay roll and this week w ill I paid for NovcmlxT and Ivceuiber, United States money is not used hero except in dealing directly with I mted States officials. U. S. gold and silver changed for Spanish or for Mexican money at the rale uf one American dollar (or two l'e or Spanish dollars and five renravos or cents. Tb l.unetta a driveway along tb bay, ia crowded with cat riages every evening. The Spanish women are much Ix-ttcr looking than the whit women at llono- lolu. Tbev stay In the house nuwt of the day and there complexion is clear The Chinese women and children here aaist the old men as the native do. They do all kinds of work. Teaming done with bull carta. A cart has two wheels two shafts and a Wd. The liar ness is a pine of rope tied to one horn or to the nuM for guidance. A crooked slick with the bow up la lied across the ends of the shafts This rests on tl buffilo's neck and a rope passes from on shaft lo the other under III neck that Is all. They haul Ave or six bun dred oiinds to a load. Manila has a yery good supply of poor water. Tho streets are sprinkled from the hydrants by a hose. The streets are cleaned by a gng of natives who sweep the streets with brooms made of a handful of fine tough splints. For houses they have brooms made uf toiigli grass. So far as I know they have only one fire engine, very small, and twi !ioe carts. Almost all of the buildings are of stone or concrete, and none are morn than two stories high except the belfries of the churches. I Uiil'ose they are afraid of earthquake All lumber sawed by hand, two men to a saw, saw ing horizontally. Only one Christmas box that I ssw containing raw fruit arrived In good con dition. (ieorge Miller's box was a mass of rotten apples and others were worse But the Sell wood boy's box came all right. It ia of course not necessary for me to say that I have wished you a Merry Christmas and a HappV New Year. Fmank F. Ml'I.LAN. last debate was "Should the United friendly and said "No! No!" quite em- I'arsnlp Complexion. A mujorily of the Ills afllicting people to-day can 13 traced to kidney trouble. It pervades all classes of society, in all climates, regardless of age, sex or condi tlon. The sallow, colorless-looking jieoplo you often meet are afflicted with "kidney complexion." Their kidneys are turn ing to a parsnip color, so is their com plexion. They may sulTer from indi gestion, bloat ing.sleeplessness, uric acid, gravel, dropsy, rheumatism, catarrh of the bladde., or irregular heart. You may depend upon it, the cause Is weak, unhealthy kidneys. Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble and both need tho same remedy, I)r Kilmer's Swamp-Root, tho great kidney, liver and bladder remedy will build up and strengthen weak and unhealthy kid neys, purify the diseased, kldney-pois. oncd blood, clear tho complexion and soon help tho sufferer to bettor health. The mild and tho extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing caries, such as weak kidneys, catarrh of the bladder, gravel, rheumutiHiu ami Blight's Dmcase which Is the worst form of kidney trou ble. At druggists, llfty cent and dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle by mail free, also pamphlet telling all about it. Address Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, N, Y. When writing please mention this paper. Happy is the man or woman who can eat a good hearty meal without suffering afterward. If you cannot do it, take KonoL Dvsriii'siA Cubk. It digests what you eat, and cures all forms of Dyspepsia and Indigestion. Oko, A. Haiioino. r. I'f t- S As" lM . y..v - 1 A:1i Vr Tho Klml You la iio for over Hitvo Always IouIit, nixl which ln hecu 110 yeiirs, hit lorno mo sigimiiire, or nml hut been iniuio unner ins per. s s . .a . It. I.... J-fl' aoiml atiprn li)ii ii"o n muuiey, vUc&U Allow no ono to deceive you In this. All Coimtorft U, ImlUtlonn nml Hulstltiitr mo but 1.x .M rlmeiitn Hint trlllo wMi iumI rn.hinurr the l.cnlll, f Infiuits iiimI Chlldrcii-lUprriViico iiguinst LiMrlnienU What is CAST ORIA distort. Is n aiibstllolo for Castor OH. rrrrorl( Drop, u.ul Hoolhliur Hyri.p. H U Harmless nml 1'lruMiiit. It coiituliin neither Opium, Morphine nor other .Vircoilo lutntnneo. It o U Its imnuitre. It dr.troy. Worm, niidnily reverlsluies. It cnn nml Colic. It relieve Teething Trouble, rurr Coiitlputloii uml riatuleiicj. It lmlhite tho I'imkI. rnruLttr. tho Stoma, h uml IloweN, iflilniT heulthy nml imluml alrrji. Tito Children' I'ttiuuert-Tho Mother' Trleml. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears tho Slgnaturo of I The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. tt m$m s ,ul i J ku (A I; U ! ii' : irio U' ftt la llii U vot jA. 'J ip i ifjl h.k irsl M t. gl !Jo aiw FOR PERFECTION' IN BAKING IT IS WAK-KANTKI) TIIK BEST. i'Mi My Slim I MI (ho -' ! Th om ! urn j M, 1 1 ret lUi ;!' fen i 1::. 'iisi.: leer ot Jai bis arc Uso Patent Flour Manufacturod By Portland Flouring Mills fin flrnrrnn Pittt W. isill ! Isc fcrt! ;jr: pam kin me c IJ.l Udi. . in.l I o c On. "3 Iniini L.i . Do You Nood Any Doors, Windows, (ilass, Moulding Or Other Dulldlnu Matorlal. --C.H. Bestow & Co. Cornr r i ith and Main St. 0rrKOII c(,yi Otrn. nd a i ar 8an peeli h0M A.l I. .11 .Hi."'"" II do puny bom - Joh : ; : THE i Weekly Inter Ocean LARGEST CIRCULATION Or ALL POLITICAL PAPCR3 N THC WBT Always American 'lie Ci SI !he in Jirork : 1 Mis . "ithii Itllldi Always Republican f THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL THE NEW3 AND BE8T CURRENT LITERATURE ith rtlllrc Rev ?a ilonal Vitb 1 Every Column is.llright, Clcnn nnd Packed with News lerod pon l Tho Literature of Its columnt h equal to that of the best nmt,. Hues. It Is Interesting to the children as well as the parents. It THE INTER OCEAN U a WESTERN NFWAPTO . nt. brinpi to the fimiiu Tun full symifavwlth ih M j 17" ""wm 01 M u u m , . , -- iwa IIU f Wil join pi Jrith t jinny, n tl fendy Wm i I'.ar h'.ruture .! )s ny who ine iiku and uolriilon. w... . " and politic, from the .tld ' ! 7" "TJ H.' CO-PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR-$,.0( ;L 2 THE DAILY AND StlNniv rniimu. . ' 5 tut rur Vrti li... ..... " J nt m i m OCEAN I ...jfj, "tK UN IN THE WEST. iTfl' : S CIITHE INTER OCEAN I, Nru,o ' V H ! VAtitt Prk. .nia.iv h.-.. " - .i.wv.2 VA H ; m l Price nl .Humlav b, n':.' ? " J H 7. . T la tan. U.......L.. S .00 por fir a if I J W SI J KNIIMI1 II v niMii . ' - - su.uo rxr The Inter-Ocean will be given at a Premium -The Entorprlse .tiflitnt swn s Cou sngton X yar IaltD 'evert to each new subscriber HCfl I b uttf