OJlKGuN CITY KNTKKI'UISK, FRIDAY, FEimUAKY 24, 1890. 7 Mill WITCH'S CIII.HK. CLOOMVOLO Ltf.t NO Or THB TOWN ' OF UUCKIiPOMT, ME. "ti Impreral lima and Vtt,trf of " ln I iin.li-iiiiiril Minima iih lb li'ntTiilil llrllfit ,f m Ali-ana '' ttlvmlali uw ( ul. Ilut'b'a TonilialuN t, .y tin rutin try rmid nn tho nut--JtU of t It nii7 (Jil (u iiMirt (xwri df M k-jx.rt, on tin I'l'iiutwiit, down In Mlii",. U a m mi 11 fit in 1 1 jr tfUH'U'Ty. '"Jltliia the Itit'ltMttiro. with It high Inm mK", In tlm quint aul uIukmI gloomy ' vl., 1''I tlio Dm 1cm. tlm MiuiMimnIihI M 6 nrl, liMTitllu dull width llri-t a ttli l I t'lWII Blld iHyjtlKullnxl it tlii'lr liUIUO " tn l l'K"'L t( tlm mati tuna grown tullrt and rJtiiiuii ul tho lurgiwt mul mi-mt run- ( iii)n I a (.ill gnuiltii shaft in t.hilu "'J.t.if llm highway. On oho ulil'i In Inxci ljitl'iii: ' t. t', ft I t 4 I i Oil. J"MV IllTJC, . Tli I uIiikIi i i f llii' lif I. ! A. I). IMJ. I rn III ll.iv.il.lll, M., Kit ' In. .t Mki.'i I. l.uV i "fn th" nth.-r hl'l'i In i!i" ain::ln word .j Jili k," Mil. I uli. I IK ilili tlillig Ul I iivii.lit l.y tlm mnrliii wi.iki-r. n h ""VmtU iiifnrrt of Hi" U a !,.ln iMilliiic, Irrrfiili.r and l-r i tl (Uitt wlilili run vn Uly lm lii.iH'ini 'l lm lb" f..rtii i.f a fmt (.f iii.riiuil ln. ti" (i.ii.ii my (lint It Ua f t, l ilt j)'ji ut" if llm niti'rfitli'tin t'.nii f.'lk .ii Ix Jii'V" tli" I t'. ii I v Mi li d in li it oli-o rt-nk in If k-irt fur iimny ",'ar. I ..Tli'-y Ihnt (h-llght In ,wr-tiiatliiic '.( story any Unit (VLiinl Ji.mitlmii ' v k win a very t-iu and ImrIi twin 'fi th h-ndlng spirit of hin ilny and :C. iuti n. Ill word im law In thn uiniiiMiy. II" tlm lil.')iit in civil r-t!iiity and hi dit lilnii nw liiiiinivif , 4 a tlm icrnhlto hill lliut .m ii ji iu mp if llm northern hrl(mi. ln wiiaimxt I'tirltmili !, ami to lilui t luTuft km tli" I mar nut lull of Uu-'(i'iy.- Thus, ao tho t.ry iciixa, wlun , attain wniimii waa airum-d (if witch if t. at tli" AM clAiiiiirliiKiif tlmii "n Cil'ii" I Duck (ir.i-rcl ln-r ti U Mjiiil. an. I liitr. afti-r a imro lil of a tir'trlng, lm wba axiitrnml Ui xrt'titl an a witch. Hlin .ia.it to Hk fur lu r life but aa to a heart of Tha (J iy uf thn mcul.in tuiim Ai)4 Cutulolll'liil WiilliAII Went t 111" ul' 'yt rartitiK Imr Jiiil with am h t rrl r,l Inipr'ulliiii that tlm Hiiiit nhtiil- , ihL b'lt tlm liliiKttr.it! "tixxl ll II Hin ' ai"l 1'in'l" a alKU U llm ufllccra to 'V'li Dm nrtaiiKi'imtiU All wu fa.ly r U tllf luiiKUiatl wna alxlit to Jt ifui iil 'it Kn'Wwmitt duty win ii tlm wuIiiah iin to Ciilmu'I Itnrk Aint r.ililnK titte ,A1 tn In nvi n a if to llr"i t lnr limt c.Hi unrth jimtiimiiotl l!il aMi'iiml ' iroj liM yt J'Jooithnn Iltuk. Il-t.-n to tlntH dv tlm l.mt my tonKitn ahall ntt-r. la th" npirlt of tlm only trim Mul It v ''(j(l which I'lih inn n- iik thcin to fjL u will aimn ll a Over your mftViVthcy will rrcct a tiiiic. tlml all i. f toiiiw whero your Ixiiim are t rnin !( Into (lliut. Hut lift t l.n tlmt .i" tlm Tin print of my fit t will a ,ir, Iml for nil time. I'm nfti-r ymir i"irMf I men hn rlnhl from thn fcfl tlitt curtli, will tlm kmii1i from fur , Jl war know that you uuinlcrixl a I 9ti'i Iti'liiclnU-r Well. Jnlmtlmn Vk, ti'liminlH-r Weill" ,flml alio turim.1 to ln-r rxnrntloncni il niithiT act. onnof tlm forever In ', tci'iiMo lOiiln, waa iiiiiiI" a I'urt of ''ti'i iciin rolmilul hlHtory. rim "wit Ii'a rnrw," aa it wa rail ami in to thin ilny, win uliiuwt for jtcntintilmiiny yeurNitfti'rwAril.whin Oi tiioiiumt'iit wiia crit l'tl to tlm im iii- 'of ltiicknHirt'A fniimlcr. It IihiIIm-cii ''jH.-ltii'ii Imnlly Ainuiitli wln n a fiilnt illim won diNcoviTiil n jh.h it, Tli In "iilunlly ktcw morn uml more dlNtinct til aomn mm mudo tlm aim tliiitf din n'i'ry that it wiia thn oiitliim of a foot ,iich hoiiut aiiiMTiiatarul ilrift.iiiinn jd traced on theKTAtiito. The old 1"K 'A win revived and tlm llnek cciim l7 f"r y,'"ir tlm Muci n of thu ait y rctild iiia and ctirloiiA for imIIca around. lTho 'wltch'a enmo" hml lieen ful "litl, thy wild. An attmntit wiia mndo 'roinovo tlm Htain, Imtull ( (Turin tcinl n. only to liriiiK tlmoutlino out iu Inild- rtillcf. Tlio Htuin or whatever It wiia nie4 to Huetrato to thu very center I tlm Aldtm. (Tlm liliiK'1'H of tlio lil kI" lmve fnl; "d fr tho hint tlnm to ndniit a lek. j. Tlm hint of th ruco Ima lnen ,ld to rent licnciith tlioonkrt mid ma ec, and tlm Auttinx un thrown thn "fldow of tlm onco mighty Coloind iiiuthnn Knck'n monument uthwurt ill exrrtliiK bin nnthority, mid tlm jno roya llht that niynterioiiM truclng ld np to tho view of nil that pin mid ,pieiA alonir tho duidy turnpike. Tho imprint of tho foot in a fact, and 1 tlmro today ua plain ua ever. Tho jrciidof the "wltch'a rnrne" may or ay not be n fart. Tho fanciful defend W legend, bnt thn prnctlral point out )o apparent (llHcrep-ncy between tho ites of tho era of witchcraft pernocn ion uud tho ret:imo of Colonel Hack, bey pay that tlm nlaln la Almjily un .H Lloiitul funlt in tho irrnnlte, ui'd that 'in legend wan mudo to lit tho foot and )t tlm fiMit tho li'Kelid, Hut tho foot 1a Vro. riilludelphlH Inqnlrer. A Willy riollerr Jol. ! At $ performance of "Finmt" In Cork, rl.-.ad, thn gentleman who enacted tlm trtof MephlHtophuleA wan aoHtont that to trapdoor wiia ton Binnll to permit U deHcent to tho infernal rcKloim, and .1 i f bin permm ubove tho waiHt wiia Vinlblo over the HtiiKO. Ono of tho lery gods, notlrlnK hia dllmiimn, ex- diuciL "Begorra, tho pluco la fulll" 1 Wilcfljfo Tribuuo. A llaaalvd Hum, "Tlm liiiillil'tl liuinm in IhU ciiii'i, " Wild til" old colh'K'i lii'in. "Wlin o i lii! d Will M all I alll aa llppiirlaallf Ar ly a Very ciiiiiiiI.I" and t ii t J H ; n t j tl Kur nr. K iitl"iiinn. II" did not Ix lli vn in I Tlm Aruh who Ima aiiK'-r'-d aciimol Kliiwtn, Iml twonllilA luol mud" him will throw hln dotlma iiihuj tlm Rronnd, look old mid iiirew.irii, ami lln rn were md tlm InfurluU-d In-iint, afU-r Atiimr) ccrt.iliily loud. ntriiii" mid atiii lllii!( on thmu and tcnrlii tlmm wxinnl-r in. !-.' In IU tittle, Tin y would ( -111 lime with hi teeth, goca on hlAway, and rlht up to tlm Hum tlmt ai.iim one i-n-: 1 1 driver In llmreafli-r iiilt unfit, aa It t"nd tlm hiiunti.l room, hut tli" on ' ,;n to I m nn ax loin with tho raiwl liiifof tlm door wan tlm aIkiiuI for a tlmt no mini hll In. out In jatII of lifo Hunt o..re.vit nlli licit. . tw, 0 fr oim ofTi flwi, "lliilf adnn nof iia colleen fellow Tlm cuimd lntiiiid. aava when anjfry, Hkt imtiiiUIoii to liivenllit.., and It lw i),eii aeeiiin to hiKoiim almoat jirtv wa Kindly Kranted. V wnlt.w till wu rnuturul In nirryliiHj out Ita vetiKiful heard tlm iioU-, and I aur yim tlmt fl,,,!,,, Talrava relatea tlm following tlurn wiia jdeiity of it. It continued tin 1 ,u,ry of a caun I'a rovcn, which aervm lilwuliiid crej.t tiitiilia, I. ut cu-d llutrAtt tliln point; "A lad of li win n wn i ntend tlm Attic, Wu waited j,nd conducted a lariicaiiiid laden with th"r without rcn.ilt till l.lx lli l-n of ,! W,H1 from one villago Ut another at a tlm f.M.tlmH team, (Arrl"d out a j.lmi ! half hoiir'a dlAtaiica. A tha animal Wa rl.ircd tho allilu to tlm dark Innt-f n, I lolterM or turned out of th way lta Aliuiitii.'d tlm door le-Uily, an UioiikIi conductir atruck It reieatudly and l.-iivln, and then act tlml down to it. mrder than it acemed to have thonRht l'ie iitly tlm in.lt Iick'aii. Wu II.ihIiihI m XM , rK,t u I5t not finding tlm IlKht Iu IU duel linn, mi l tleni v.un , (MxMnlnu fuvoraMo for taklri Immo a iK r .IIiiik lurk and f'nli rnr i Mr. j diiitotiita It 'Uxlo Itatliiits' TLuttiuio tlm hamllit atriklnif tlm fi.a.r with a y,M not lom in romliiK. I"1"' th'id. A few day lutT tho aamo lad had 'M.i-t In ilritn In that Jutf.' to recoiidm t tho I- at, Imt unladen. Vt I.im.-Ii- 1 I I r Ilickn, hut hin I uili v. ;m a 1,1 own villain. Win n tin y wcro aUtit In in !.. 'W..1I mi 1 h M ko with half way on tlio road and at aoino dia- mi., cf iia f. mi. ma kl. In that Inilt. -red tlm n in an ii r vitLvl. Tie n evi ry fi-llow . t ... I i )'1I and Joii.jkI ua tlioiiKh llj II: ( t'l kit' U l leilii ill III" T'K'f. A r.it h i. I iruul'd Into tie. jn mid had l . ii l.m.l.i iilly trj in lo gi I out. )i tr.,it rpf rri-.m. Ik. I'lalfiirm Woman, Tlm .iAf .rut woman m v. r Inn lut u I a rr-.li I t .. Imt ev. r a Mot ut-m. Ann-r-1 I. an w.iiumiliianl. I iiiAko lliini in.iatir nuiii im iii irom a T..inu ii..wiio wr, tho vIIIako. an thonKh nothing of tlm Ictnca which thcwi women leave. -.r tho mattir. till aonm men, who I-hind wln-n they k to tin ir inert- lai ol. rvel tlm whole, though nufor liirfn." wrll.A I'lward Iok in Tlm La-1 tnnat. lv at t.i irr.iit a di"tance to Ij (li.' II. .me Journal. I liava a.t-11 llm naiin or llmir , Iintiii-a left in wild diw.ril.-r; I have " u their -rvaiiU ulttin In Ml. n. with Voik oil every hand to do; I liivo in in tlm i hildren ui k'ht tel and Ii ft to tln-lr own device; I hate heard IninUilliU euk In di-rlalon of llielnotlveaof their wivea. No woman In a happy American In mm ran ever afford to llnteii to tlntm parAJilt.ti of her a.x. Fortunately, tlm platform woman"a influenco ia atradlly on the wane. Sim wa never a jtower. 81m waa nver even ptcturewHin. Her worat Injury waa wrotik'ht upon certain weak women who f.ar thn time alio deluded. Jtnt even with them ahe waa .in rotctrdod with wonder rather than with intercut; with tnaplciuti rather than with roiin.leuee. Tlm dinappearance of the platform w.e mnn I a raan of a Mot bcln;r Molted out" Tlm aniMtiou ainau-nr went to ace tho n pcrleticed theatrical maiiAKer. "I want to lm a tr act rcaa," alio aid. "What do VnU advinn In" to dot" "H'ni -have you ever had an affair of tlm In-art T" lm anked. "Well." aim ai!ii rcd. "twoorthreel . II a i l ft .1 yimn.r leui.w aro nr.aainif wiwr u.arw or. ' a.x ,1.. yonrown heart lirok-n." hoaal.l. "and tln-n rinim a wain " She had heard aimethlnj like thi ln-fiir. and aim went away with her rhin in tho air. A year later, however, alio returned. "Well. "aim auld. rhokinjr down a anh, "1 have mine hack to yon heart hroken. I nmrriid ono of thie yonnu men. Ho t rental mo ahaiuc fully and Iiiia de,rti me I" "All. that in aoiliethiuK like,"anid the maniik'i-r, rulil'inK Iiia han.ln togeth er. "Wo arnjrettinon. Only one thin more In ii(viwary. my dear young woman- jct ym divorir, and then we ahall want you," t'hinirfo Trilmuo. Landmark. Fvery town li.ma liar or two, a amurt Ahrk, miiiio pretty k'i'k more loiifer than Jt iieixln, a woman or two that tat tli, an old foy that thu town would lie U tter off without, men who Aland 011 tlm afreet rornera and make reiimrkn ulnuit tho women, a mnn who latik'liA an idiotic laiiKh every time he auya unythimt, eroreA of men with the ciiInnmu of their trcinnTH worn HiiuHith an Iaaa and tnen who run tell yon almiit thu weather mid how toruu other MHipl('a InihiiiivtH, but who have mndo ailixinul failure of their own. North Kirt Newa. Wealed Romelhlna Qelrkee. Roiiio few yiwa hko I IaaiksI a imllry on tlm life of n mini who wiia fur from bcliiK a iikmIcI hnnliiind. I railed for tho premium every week and rarely got it without n frrmuMo from tho wifo. The hint limit I culled aim aaid: "I ain't K"n'ir to pay yon any moro. Thero'a Mm Smith only hud her old mnn in M. 'a aoricty tluvo uumtlia, nud I l...- .1 1 1 ... . .1. . - f" .. ' .GdouMnrowof iiionav iuoiiiiiIa, iia if . .r,A,. ,. ,.. .,1,1 ,,. iti ii.. -,1. f lie a (lean noil nue n uot mu iiioner, l ill 111 .1. .. I I .1.... t .1.- ' ' " "M you iiecdii t call nuin. Liverpool . Mercury. The Time II Worked. Little Johnny nlwitya wunt(l to sleep In tho morninx. and finally Pupa Mo-! jl Bwatter wondered how ho would ever) f) get tho boy np bctimea. At luat be j atrnrk upon tho following: : 7t "Johnny, tlm funmco tire 1a all fixed. I fl and tho hoIica have Imen carried out. . ) nud tho leaven raked, most over and only IlreaKfant ia nl three pancakes left" Johnny foi'trot lilt ablutions In hia J hurry. Hy rucime 1 lerald. An Antique Weapon, "You oro nn icelwrgl" exrlaimed her elderly but well preserved adorer, palo 1 with anger nnd mortification. "A dozen Cupidn, with a hundred arrowa each, . could never ilnd 11 vulnerable iilace in' vnnr llintv liMiirl.l" ' ' "I'ot if they nurd an old boan to shoot with, Mr. Wellup," coldly replied thu yonnsrnnd beautiful MIha Flyppe. CAMELS HARBOR HATRED. t.iin ii from any haliitatioii, tlm cumi-1 mddi iily toj.atl, looked di lilx rati ly round in every ilii.'i linn to amuru It m If that no on" wan in aif'ht and, find- iiH tlm road rii-nr of inpv--iliy, tnado a (... f..rU'Mr.l Mj.i.wt (I... ffit.lti.'I'V Iw.tf'a lead iu lla iiioiinLroUA luoutli, and, lift ing him up iu tlm air, fin ii him down akiiIii on tlm earth with tho npicr r.art 0f hU ckuli i-ompleli ly torn off. H,,vlt, thun Mtirfl..l hin revenue, l,rut. ijuielly ruiu-l itn mro to-i ),) t) hn,lfl tlnn-ly help, raum np and ! killl it - Indoll T( leifTaph. Wt Oiilaloa. 'Jlainly," aaid raruicr CVrnUaiMd, who had If-en P-ndiiiK tho )( k patf.n of a iiuiKuxiun, "cf a runtum Iwtll at tho rato of CO mih-a an hour waa ahi.t from the Lack of a train K"'n 00 mile an hour, where would the cannon ln.ll liKhtt" "1 dnnno exwtly where 'twould JtKht."idie anawiTeL "Imt I kin proph ecy that it 'nd do a lot o' damaKO. It rou 1.1 n't Lit nowhere without hnrtin a lot o' people that wa atandio anmnd without anything Ix-tUr to do than tkleat"on jrnj' axh doin'a." Wab ln(ctin Hlar. Javealle Dlalamarf. Mother I icave each of yoo boya an orane. Cliarlio, yon a id yon wouldn't eat your until after dinner. And you. Jack, aaid the aume. Have you deceived ineT Charlie No, mother; we didn't eat our own orani;i-A. I ute Jai k'a and be ato initio. Sydney Towu uud Couulry Journal Lrller Lint. T()a ((,!owin , ,,, mt 4 Uer, "'' - '"I 1" l P-'"""" l "w"" jO"a0n, on Fel-fu.-y '.'I, 1J: wcuksh' lit. ' It eoti, Harati liiiitlnrrr, Ktnora I vian lnr, W II Mn Krimvrr, IVarl Online, I'.io Mrs MXl'n MAT. Itnrwn. A 8 Kiwmaii, J Colo, Chan II uKha. Claud (iFO. F. IIOKTONM' M. lii"CerA ef the (Jrln. ' j , . ; LaCiripiH- The Rreatent danger from i of ita reultiiur in pneumonU. If rt-anonalilo rare ii upoiI, however, and riiaiiiherlain'a Cmiifh lJeme.ly taken, all 1 ii. 1 ; 1 .1 . ! (Unrr will I avoided. Anionit the ten j ul IhoUHAiiila who have url tin reineiiy for la k'lippe we have yet to learn of a initio rae liavinu reHiiltiil in pneumonia which uliow ronclunively that llii remedy ia a certain preventive of thai dmcron d'eane. It will cure U fi in lotA time than any other treatment It ii pleasant and Attfit to take. For aale by (loo. A. HAnling. Harpers Bazars A lliuruunliljr up to dtt wrektjr iwriodical dcvuini la fohioni lor wama, Iw, during ih. hcrviol.ire, A MINIUM OF FASHIONS ticlu.lr mcxleli ol un. Irnm Prii, London, anil- New York will t puliU.hrd cn wnk. The Paris Letter The London Letter f Trt-i The lt a. k. (..uvk.ii ill ld woattn In ill iIkk rcc',,,I. i Cut Paper Patterns - Outline Patterns ul tclcclcd gnwiii lie lur nulled mill ht publiilird Irra every other t noniiii.il ctul. week In lupplcnicnury lonn. COLORED FASHION PLATES pultliiiiec. onct a month, wnmen In selecting th proer color for dreti. n FICTION j jt kit Kennedy The Meloon Farm S. A", L'KOCKK rr Rr MAKIA LU.C'ISE IVOt. A Confident To-Alorrow Kr fiftAXnElt MA TTHK B'.V re three terul ttorien lu ipp"' In i.ig that htv teldom been equalled in pint and trralnient. , Kiih.iiut ll l;oint SHORT Christina T. Horrlck Mary E. Wilkin Rita W. Peittla Marlon Harland I fl M"1 li. H ilkim 18 SPECIAL The Busy flother The Deaf Child fiyA.HW. t CLLOrar fir .Vrsr. A XX IE HAMSEr Women Parnlnjr a In tildiliun loiliete there will Ortn.lat Mmthewi Addre HARI'UR A Iti-d Hot t ram Thn (ion Wan tlm Lull Hint hit (i. IS. Ktet,.'iinn ofNeaark, Mich., In llm Civil War. It cui'' horrlMo L'leera that no treat- ! iiiaiiI liclped for ''' yrn. Thru llm k lriAnii(A Halve cured him. C'urei ( lit, Itruinen, fiurliA, I'.'lln, relolin, Cornn, Kkln Krujitionn, Iltnt I'ilo euro on earth, .'.'iiti a hox, Curo giMmn teed. Hold y (jeo. A. Harding, I'llfKIHt, Kvi ry J lot in llm ruimt of a ('rMc-nt hlcyi In irjc, .( ff l reinforced. Iid you ever In-ar of a Ciom ent Irvine l.reak InKor imlling anrt? (?) 0 mi. rnokf a tha het iora ia a great life re nee In I'HO ro I'.L'TTON-l. Call and ac-e nam ifi' and do tonvliieed. oi i:vi:nv iioiti.k. Of Hlilloli' C'oniiuii.t!on Cure lathi KiUMiiti-e : "AllaoA'-kof youltoue two third ot tlm rontentA of tl.in IxAtle i Althfully, Mien if you ran Ay yo'i are not ! liem-llti'd return tlm UitMo to your Ifrng ! Kit n I lm riMy n fuiid tlm price paid." I'rlee '.'5 rt., M r.'n. and 11 f 0. C. 0. . II. if, III V, liniL'Kt. To ('urea Cold In One ll.iy. Tak" Laxative Ilrouw (juiiili.e Tnl.le!! All ilMi,'itA refun l invimy if lailn to cure. Tl.u geiiiiiim I. an H, Q ,0 tntli-t. CAITUHED SWEETNESS. Koture has been drawn on with no "paring hand and the a.Aort ment of orders in our Perfumery drpartincnt ernbracci the ncenta of the woods, tho Ikldn, and the gar den. They arc all triple extracts and very lading. Our line of Toilet Soaps is of excellent quality. CHARMAN & CO. Cut-Prlce DniKgint. Corvallis & Eeatern R. R. Co. WILI.AVIKTTE Bl VKR DIVISIO ; Steamer Wm. M. He a?. (Capt. Ceo. IUabe) Kui.ninK regularly between Tortland and Corvalli, Btoppimt at all way landinir. HIVF.H SCHEDULE Down river, Tuenlavg, Thnradays and SaturdavA. Iavea Coryallie 6 a. m.; , Albany 7 A m. ; luiena mu a a. m Independence 9 a.m.; Salem ll) a. m.; Ni wderg 1':30 p. x.: arrive at Tortland 4..;ftp Up river, Mondava, WedneAilAya and Fridays. I.eaveA 1'ottland 6 a. m.; ;7,,"K,1U'".A; Independence 5:00 r. - .3 ,, M , AllianyO: .New liertt 10 a.m.; Salem 3 :30 p. u m ; lluena Viata ::0 p. m. ; arrive at I'orvallin 11 -.00 f. M. Thin Meamer has been equipped with tlmt rliiK accommoilationi, iiicludinx an elecvnt iiiano I'licurpanwil for carry ing both freight and imocnip'rs. J. Ti'rnek, Agent, Albany, Oregon. KDWIN STOXK, MaiiAger, Albany. Or. 0 ft. COKKR, Atrent, Toriland, Or., font of Yamhill street. New York Letter A XX IE T. ASH MORE J lill p.'in lnliUm nuiltrt thai r likh help- "'i uicucu in guoa id.io. 3T0RY CONTRIBUTORi Harriet P. Spofford Margaret S. Brtscoa Carolina Tteknoe Ruth MeEnary Stuart ARTICLES TO APPEAR Living After College, What? fit IfKI.EX POfCI.AS BtAnALIXE W.STERLIX' ixa ft he many other, all ot instructive value to women. A SI'ITCIU. OFFER ! f) HOLK WUUKi FOR 0 CtS. It 10 ( a Cm t4 00 Ynr fl I1R0THHR5. Publlihen, New Voik. N. Y. fl 9S WANTED IMiuMn nun for Manager of Ilraiich Ollletj I winli lo ihti in tl.ln vicinity. If your record In O.K. hero In a K'khI opcfiiriif. Kindly inemion ltlii jni(-r Alien writing1. A. T. M'iiiai, Clin li.nati, Ov Illiintriti'd caIaIouh 4 renta .oUi(ii. u'antkii-akvkihi, TMitnwoiiniy ir.. " "in In M (aifl " rnaiiKK i i ur lmi .. w li fi.nlr .,n n I ncarlji c.ynii. . ll j moiilr f II' well ri.ai cu.1 ii. I-I rr ft I'l.i )ajrr n l (j..aa- lirjn t n-'iij. iii':i,oil lv,. M -u.l.lf I.e.. Hfi..., K 'I -ir-'lr a"i irii-.').i. llir lrt K. II , frvf.., l. p-. M. C.ncf t'U OREGON SHORT LINE ho RAILROAD -: Tll HiaKCT LINK TO Montana. Utah, Colorado, and all Eastern Points. Give rholre of tv o favorite route, via the UNION PACIFIC Fait Mail Line, or the RIO GRANDE Scenic Line. Look at the Time li Days to Salt Lake 2 Days to Denver 31 Days to Chicago 4j Days to New York Free Reclining Chair Cam, Upholstered Too rut Sleeping Car, and i'ulhiiau I'alacc Slei-peri, operated on all train. Por further information, apply to C. O. TF.RRY, W. K. CO MAN, Trav. I'aAa. At, Gt-n'l Agent. 114 Third St., Portland, Or. mm. Iiir.ar TIKE W'liriiDLia Aaatri toa taua i'ukTLahu. raua I rtMil rl Laka, i-aam Kant Mail p. m. Worth. Omaha. Kan. w . Citj. Ai Loo, lhieaioai.d (. lp..kao Walla Walla. Hpok-, BooLana Vl ar Hinnaapolia, at l'ol, l)e Vlfl-ni. Dalutb, Milwauke. ijlo. Chl a-o and taak Dallra 0 l :i Loetl 1V. Bonn ell 1, 1-e4 I . m Ma.iDon.ah r tl.C Ju p. ut. Ei.Suuilai e l Ux-k-, tad U -ua Ei.Aaudnf huDJaf K.eer. ruudar 10 a. m, 7 I. m. I p. m. I p. m. Oreaa Sttaauhlpi For ?ao Franeuco Every fire day 7 p. m. To Ala ka J p. m. 5 p. re. Colombia River I p m. Etbundajr bteamen Ex.rumia) 'attirdny To Aa'ori and Way 10MJ p. m. LunlicR. 6 am. Willamette River "Alp-m. Ex.bandaj: M"n. Wed Orecm City, Newherg, and Fri Valero and Majr.Ltnd a 7 a.m. WlilanietteanUYaaihlil Xp.m. Tuea, Thur Hirer T..e. I har, aodaai. Oregon Citr. Iajtoo. and Sab and Waj.Lanairira. Willamette River 4:p m. Tuu.lh.r I'ori .iia 10 Cjith1:Ii . ua.lho. iniri', ul W y Laud hi ga a u sal. Laara Snake River L- a Ktiana I-wiKtJU l:kia m. Kiparta to Laaiatoa S a m. ia;ly Kx. U lly Kx. BiU.rday Ftidai W. II. HURLRCRT, Gen. Paea. Aent, Portland, Or. F. E. DONALDSON, ABent, Oregon City. EAST AND SOUTH vu THE SHASTA ItOUTE Of the SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. Express Trains leave Portland Daily. Soa.h 1 I North. SOuf.M. Lt fortlaud Ar S.iKU.a. 6 Wr. . Lt Orae iuClty Lt 8:40 a. a. 7:45A.M. Ar B. Frauclm-o Lv 8-We.w The above trains stop at all stations be tween Purtlanil, Salem, Turner, Marion, Jefferson, Albany, Tangent, Shedda, Halsey, HarrisburK, J unction City, EtiKene, Cottage drove, Drain, Oakland and all sta tion from Rosehnrg to Ashland inclusive Kebate tickets on sie between Portland. Sacramento and San Fruncisco. Net rates Ili.lXI tirst clans and 11.00 second class in clmllng sleeper. Kstes ami lirket 10 Emtern points and Kumpe. Also JAPAN, CHINA, H0NO- I.U I.U and ATSTRA I.I A. Can be obtained from E. . U0YD, ticket auent, Oregon City K03EBUKG MAIL ( Daily 1. 8 SO, at, I :2:U. M. I ).r.. 1 Lt PortUtid Ar OregouClty Lv Kokoburir Lv 4;S0 r. a 8:H6r. i:91)l.l Lt Ar Weil Side Dirlston. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND CORVALLIS. Mall Train, Dally (Except 8uni1av.) 7S0a.il. 11 IWi A. M. Lv Ar Portland I'oryalli Ar Lv l:Wr. 1 J0e. At Albany and CorvalMiconueot with tralat 01 Oregon Leutril & E.moru Kauroad. Exprea Train Dally (Except Bunday) 4:Mr.M. I 7: f. M. I 8 SOr. M. Lt Ar Ar PortUnd Ar MoMlnnville Lv In lew" li uoo Lv ft.2A.e IS .Wa. I:50a.m R.KOEHLEg, Manager. C .ll. MAKKHAU, Aii l 0. F. and "aa. Afe.nl 'Ipliilr Line. i I . PORTLAND TO THE DALLES liy the fat an'! corn modioli! Atcamer Regulator leaven Portland daily except Sunday at 7 a. rn. T hia in the Oreat Sci nic Ilouta. All Lourint admit that the Bci ntry on the Middle Columhia is not fix-celk-d for U-autr and grandeur in .1 T . S f. w . a tne unit'-.i Mates, full irirnrmiv tion hy adre!inff or calling on J.S. liOOTIf, Agr rit, Tel. 914. rurt.'and, Or., Often and wharf, foot of Oak St. i4 j it sr. t -ArW. FOR CLATSKANIE Steamer G. W. Shaver, LEAVES Portland foot of YVaxltlnirton street Tues day, Thursday and Sunday evening at 5 o'clock Returning, leaves Clatekanle Monday, Wednesday and Friday evea ings at 6 o'clock. Will pass Oak Poink about 7; Stella 7:15; Mayger 7:25; Rainier 8:20; Kalama 9:15; St. Helen 10 :30. Arrive in Portland 1 :30 a. ra. Tli is ii the nearest and moet direct route to the great Nehalem valley. Shaver Transportation Co. SCHEDULES OF TIME HOCTHnu PACIFIC RAILWAY Aoaru sorD. California Expre fthronub B:.'Wa,m. Uoburg Lxi (aay station) 3 34 p. m. fofTH aolSD. Roaebut lcal 'asv station' - 9:24 a.m. California Expres 'through' 6.&2p. m. POSTAL SCHEDULE, at sorriitaji rACiric biilboad. Mail cloe g-diiK North. . . 3:fipra Mail close (oIiik Sooth, 9am and 6:111 p m. Mail diKirlbiitrd (rotu North 7:30 ptu. 10;.K am. Mail ilisiriliuled from Souib 9:10 a nv. 3:40 p m. BT EAST SIDE IlElTtlC II5B. Mail closes for I'ortland and distributing, point. 12 111. Mail cloe fur Miloaukie onlr, 9 a ni. Mail arnves froiu I'ortland 1:30 p m. side autre Oregon Citv to Ely, Cams, Mulintx Liberal and Mollala leaves at 12 iu, audv arrives at 1 a m daily. Oregon Citv 10 Beaver Creek, 8hubel, Clark. Meailow Brook, Union Mills and Colton leave at 8 a 11) Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and returns on following davs at 4:33p ni. Oregon C ity to Viola. Logan and Redland leave Oregon City Monday, Wednesday and Fri.lay at 1 p ni, leaviiig Viola larua davs at 7 a ni. Oregon City to Willamette, Staltnrd, VYilsonville and Oraetue arrives at 10:30 a ni and leaves at 11 :30 a m daily. General delivery window isoien on 8ua day from lo 10 11 a m, All letters droppeck into the box at the door is promptly sent off Sunday as on oilier days. All eastern mail that is delaved and tails to arrive on 9:30 8 P. train will come Oil VI o'clock or 6:52 S. P. train. NOBLITT'S STABLES Livery, Feed and Sale Stable ORECONCITY. LOCATED BETWEEN THX BRIDGE A KB uarOT. Double and Rinfle Ttitnj nnrl mil. die horseH alwiivs nn hnml of tKA lowest prices. A corrall connected :.i. iv . 1 1 . wiin uie uarn ior loose Btoca. Information regarding any kind 0 stock promptly attended to by person of letter. Horses Bought and Sold Iloreea Boarded and Fed on reason able terms. 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE Traoc MaRKft Designs CovaiaHT Aa Anyone en11nf a aketi-b and deanlptton nia qnli kly aarertain our opinion free whMtier an. ltiTfnilon n pr..Mhly puten'ahle. Oniinunlra. tl..iianirit-tlviN.tiniiiitiW. iljui.ovi.h ,mi vmifutM em frm. Oliteal airem-y for awmnuK patvuia. 1'atenta takun tlimuiih Munu A Cw retulr ajwrlol Bulk, wlthuut cliarve, la the SclMtiflc flmcricatie A handsomely lllunlrntM wevklr. lamat etr eulatlim of any xrlnittUo l,arriai. IVrma, U at ywiri four montha.IL ekila byall twwailalem. mllNH & Co.3e,B"'New York Branch Offlcv, fiS F 8t, WuhlUfiuo, ll. U VV ---- - "V