Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 24, 1899, Page 6, Image 6

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    coim COIRT
r tae Eeralar Ttkrnarj
Ii.ii, IkM
Whit Pf!
A L Larkine
Jair Truuinger.
Will Moore
II DLoooer
John lnn:a...
I Jacob Yt
(Cor.lintied from Ut week )
In the tntt of ih pavment of (!imi ' John C Cop."r
ki'e.1 aiat Ctckama countv. Th ' J J Miller
arointy court hiving examined said V J M her
.rlairr and b:rg fully satisfied, il ie or
dered by the court that the clerk shel : Ttal
aue warrant on the general fund ia U-1 No 24
wor of the pr.n for the amount here- Joooph Myer .
in'tT apecstied in payment of sad John Kramer. ..
-lim: Sro Ku.?.'Sn
J ti Porter, jeeor 7H 00 pvi.l Miller ..
K:i Will, am " U't 00 amul Watnch
eo L- Jvory. rad end bridge .. U ') B F .m'th
Jo M Chaae 00
I j ' oP t th nri" "''' pri "tp.
w Uli bor of I! Ibmind e.rfow ML
' fural wnl. wbil th gurglini tf till
9 IX) UaklJr frnrth Ihr-Mi, lb " wall.
Arthur J. riirm In Ikmkin.
in ja
e no
3 i )0
2 0)
A F Parker
-iro Lairlie
Jam' CjO
i W K idler
1 W Wl roo
J Kverhart
U'ea Boolean
WW Mver
yv A "Ukwe:her
U A Honiley. s'atiooary
li:i& PruiiKioime, tut
eiVwrier- HraM. atat A printing..
lUixruft-Whitoey A Co iur
'of A Co, ronrx house
J P T Cable Co, circa;t eoort . . .
"fofephone, oart boose.
J C Haiaee, J P court
luK Aa-ttio
J K. Wori.ir.."..n
4) I) Ebr
Pi Riding"
W k Garrett jr
J L FfUKlT.:irk
Ls'i flAOkia "
lnC "
i H Yootiir, pafr
F William "
K L M'M&ua "
4-1 A " Tiir.r. ir.ne
J J C4e.
Wm WhiU...
J II I1!;
2 ?
; )
t M
8 -JJ So T.
! PB lUt ...
2 2i,C K Your ...
2 ,
HCo, ToUl
12 V) No?
li 75 0 D V i!oa
Mat Lia
II nmnn Murlrlf,
Tlirr ! I" iiiMlrlp !
Ill ol.jwli of lli Ihiiiiaii Ku lnty.
fiilliiinii Iniin lhn ruiinlllull'in i
ilill llm limllrr :
Arlli U I
Tim rum of llil hi My U llm ( l a
maa ('iiiinijr Human hirMjr.
AilirU II
Tim ol.jwl nfllili a-H i.-lyla tlia ("
vriitiini ol rrnt'lly l rtj HIU '"''
turn l.jr all pi"r mrana, liiclil.lmg
liiiinana riluratlun.
Arllila III
Portion 1 Any rtn ma U.wna
ami rontiniia to t a ini-iulwr of thl
. itr lijr ai((nin Ilia roiitltullon ami
ay ilia; M) cpiiU annually into Hi trrac
i.r.J 3
T X Wait. J P coort
XSm kni,.t
H J tjtmnjn
Prt. atat A printing
J Srhrvo, ro'l A bri.lre
; ,vl gW. J Y fra, tut ? Mar
l F M-Coan, ronUkil
B Inmirk. dat atty
xlinbf I. fn-a, ta'e Franklin
il F Mct'owo. ci..atable
i B Im'ck. el t atty
U S-rinr!, tr-K, t'ata rt HiI,fe. .
M F yi."on, coaubla
YAur Na'tl-, itnti.
in-r N itrle "
ln Hoio "
Dirk Arm'tronj "
"T 51 In "
Jr Broke "
Mr r.arklr
11-nnr B'Kkl "
L W I'.in.l-yj.li, joror
J W irout
K L Biui "
II KoUtron "
tl Jewell "
ti B Ihmick dijt atty
; Prtintj- jeea auteri Jiggir..
'jtcCoan, cunatabla
i B Ihmick, atty
Z hhneblf let ftateri Eowan. .
M F MrCowb, rooaabI.
Fraok Ppawn, witneea
Arthur mith "
J C Bra-iley
T D Corr an
T B Hankina
4ieo Laxei
i; W Midlara
C f;lkirly
liB Dirr.ick, atty
H Mraight. -anper
I G J 'inn red, J 1 eoort
L. G Carlson "
a'iiiliert JonBrl "
J 'it Powell, insane
J W NoiTia, "
4JBIiioick, "
J MShntse, "
Y. P liDl, aurreyor
lira L Wioielt
i it Strane, iapt
II A Webster, feea itate t Imel
'Tony Foster, constable
II A Webster, feea.itate ti Welia
Tony Foster, constable
O B'Dimick dirt aUy
3 )
3 00
2 00
2 00
3 W
2 -
2 W
40 w)'
4.) oo;
40 on;
Id 0i
5 uj
20 00
6 0J)
5 on-
3 w)
2 On '
2 i") '
7 on!
5 i
2 'J5i
A Fortnor. jB
( H l-orrj
J K llatea ...
A K F,rl ...
C Ford
J Aruitronf...
C bann)n....
Aa Coon
A Coo
C HiirmTi. . ,
I) N-lunn
A Bullock
r, Kir
W W tikrt
TH Akaat laalkorwl lift Tkal
Ar rlr lr4 al arbaal.
I Ixra ar a ni ! (1 n 1 1 li 'tin of I it norma
"" .. 1 -.,! La ..I
111 tJ ,ft aj'lirar in AwrnaH -
3 75 1 ,,Tb.plinrtiwhl. harr drawn tlimnKh
7 SO' fU-na with anr.Hil arrrarfoof timtx-r-3
t . tar ar rallI i-t th. rtn.
Si'! UMhorm ar lin n.nnortlnif
. fli,a hann lh iwtii in-an lmra-
lar f. fartu oUr rt.U. aa thwhl
J3 0o'' ,h ut", r annimrr
I nntha. t.
75! "If Bp a map all rdarxa harinir
1 .V) the aatua nvan triiijratnr are o n-
2 not toil by linm. anth lino ar rall.l
' lith-rmal litw i aimnlo lunthorma"
14 25! TV X.Hn,ti.,r,- t-rt i.t tk ! Yrl aanlli. wn.lW'lly
truth, bol a.il tho wh..o .f it It may
Dot ba a ITToat raUmlty. bnt th fart ta
that nvt !' and KirU l.-aro n bnol
with a miiuoi'ti. o aa t what an
Uthorm ia, au-l tlwy rarrly flud ont in
Utor yori
TVy all kniiw that two clomobta.
latitn-la ant altitndo. ro tho main fac
ta in dotonmnin tbo uwan toinpt-r-atan
of a pU-. that tho frtlwr a
placa ia fmm tLo o,p jt r nl tho hihor
it tanLi al'iro lor J tho nUr it
c lima to U But th y d t-l kn.w that
Lthormie ma t.tko int a4-nnnt clr
ooa of thoao 1 nioiit ail tht it Utt
Kcfil NoticcH.
All ('' hatlof claim r l ,t
ll lil I. 'it ('in, iliw., ii( ,,
fiKiirt' l Ui .mi auit r.i.f
iihla hi iihi
Haw la I'rr I'aoiimaiiU.
Yon ar i-rliar af" H' I""""
moiila alaaya ro-ill f""
from an alia, k A la Kriff. I'.irit. Il.a
r.t.loi.il of larl'i- a lw yrar ai
l.oiiaiiiiianr iao ro.nlio.l In ''
iniiiila, II waaoUorvnd Ibat lli atta- k j , t, i, uu.l.ii .
a nff ("lloaod br that dio. anon i,.,m iui
CliamU-rlalii' l,i."l H-i"" 'T
It , o.ii ti.r, i any lomlii y ol a rold or
la Kri. to roaull In thai .laniforo.i ilia
It lb bol rrmo.ly In lb amid
lor bad rold and la C'l'l. K.rofj
ImiIII aranto.. For aal by ''
. J On
. 3i0
. 6 00
HI 00 j
. 21 on j
. 2 00
13 00 '
1 so
3 00
2 00
23 2.
1) SO
I would not nlr on my Hit of frlcmU
Tlionfli (ra.'l allli kiIUIiI iiiaiinri
and fin m,
th man
Who n.liljr (.Mil ni-on a aorm.
- Cir.
FiTt..-Mi- Jn mik. In Drogon City
rol.rnar) Iv.ai, Mim Fmma Agnoa
MH.rl.l.io and Mr. Kit hard rroyi.
AtSoVl.a k Punday afternoon a Tory
i rollr aodding ot. urred at th lioino of
Mr and Mm. John M.-lirti hlo, alien
their eldoat lUiitfblor, Fniina Agnea, aaa
onito.1 In marriago to Itirliard Frotag.
Th brldl ciMii'le atiKxl ondor a loalt
lul Auiorkan fl.g, abirh wa artiatirally
drauo.1 boiaoon tho fulding doora, and
7 W tod TboT el iiiinato iho it,i!i.-ti.o . f on -ltj,Pf ,,) rhirrt 'erna and carna
I ) nlutmlo. Tboi-'h.nn tuig .,rr tho ,lon, (( gTthtr. 1), :., Mont-
'-' l,,niJ ItKo t.-sK L. ,1 Kllc.W mo I
.,- r - .... irwnery, ptor
IS.) -" icbunh i-.ko
I wu.n attm t.rtt tar , r I l.iii litMin l 1 1 1 r -T - i
2 LV atarw,nl.lb inthati...ml;-tonoi.-h '' ."""ounced the.., man and wil.
" . . ..... . . , . . i f,.. ,i . .i . i .i ii . , , .-.i
onrbuol II tne ub'l. ln-t,i .i ruinx " "r l",M " "" !'
Ilia l'rob)torian
I nprvuir aurd
J Waakor 5 T Coooy Wjn.L
C Cbildf
J O'Brien.
I. W.ldorf
J k Hart
12 75
9 00
3 00
6 00
20 00
hu'h atTe the -a. at tho b-vrl ..f Irotnod to rol(io a Ij'inrned loth
d.ning rmifii a her an elegant luncheon
aaaarved. The b. I.Jr and gr.jum bar
a boat of If lend alio a lab lliem a long
and happy waddod life.
1 90 : No 31
2 50 j P A B.ker
4 15 j John Hai
4 50 CI, a 1'olifka....
2 MlZax Kl!Tn ...
7 OO'Cbaa Waxner ..
W) (Jo P'ein
17) I'aal K;cl.:e
70 j Tu'il
70 j jf 0
i' A A Ire
:,J Clirie
Bortie Cliae ....
2 ! M.ir.or Ko'iT.in.
20 i P,! iJmilt.
ll 00
1 20;
W Total
. -WlLe-i F.rh ...
X2 1?!T B Killin...
2 15
! No r-
F Bro,k
T Miior
A U Aoorjon.
J PCook
G Krase ..
11 25
12 00
15 75
3 00
12 00
.$-4 00
FRID-tT, riB. 17.
In the matter of tbe payment of claim,
tiled against Clackimaa county. Tbe
county court baring examine said
claims and being tally satisfied, it is
-ordered by the court that tbe clerk shall
iafcae warrant on tbe general fund in
favor of tbe persona lor tbe amounts
hereinafter specified in payment of said
claim :
Dirt So 1
Tlmer Mullen 600
W'rn Krog-r 1 50
Jefie Coato 3 75
IV H CcMinaell 15 00
Total 126 25
Dint Mo 2
K IJ Burghardt, general luud.... 9 12
1 A Bvers 6 00
J P McM array 1 50
Warren Green well 1 50
FA Burghardt 3 00
Cbaa fcurzhardt 4 50
Wrn rkirvin 75
A W Cooke 2 00
2 95
2 50
5 05
9 40
1 70
1 TO
2 40
2 40
2 40
2 o
1 20
' CoTt convened panoant to a.Jjoarn
"JJ I ment and no boiineaa aprarinz, court
' adjoarued to meet tomorrow, Feb. 19, at
3 00 i n .nn . m
1 11
2 00
5 00
5 0)
8 I) J"'r;'lar7 01 s'aie.
25 .V)! In the matter of the county and legal'
JT-j ! printing: Wa ordered by the court I
mat ino ciera a.iTeniw iot oiu lor an ,
roontv and leiral printing, biiia to bo j
ope ned at first day of March term at 11
In the matter of printing repaired in:
recess: It is ordered by the court that
the ronntv ntT.i-f r be aof horizjui to bro-!
cure any printing or nppliea they may
icjtjire at present.
Mileage and per diem of cornmlsaioners
adjonrned term : S F Mark allowed 2
dajt 2; miles, $3 00; J K Morton, 2 days
and 20 miles, 4 00.
D yuQ ao the roa.. n fr thin? It
maybe eaoily expUino,l Mot t tho
land if But mm o high aSiT tho aee,
that tbe torn porat are U grtly affn-tol
ly altita.1. To the majority of man
kind latitade 1 a far tooc imrxUnt
climatic elomoet than altitado. Now.
the efferta oa temporatar of both lati
tude and altitaile cannot woll bo shown
on one man, and U'tbortnic mapa wor
dVrtwd t show th efTocta of latitodo
and acme other elomoet. turn a por
tion c ar the sea or in the far interior.
An b.thormic lino, therofure, &w not
show the artnl moan touif-ratar of a
place on it nnloaa that place ia at so
IotoL Bnt it Lt ea-y to doduce from the
U'tborm tho art nil moan tempoTatnro
2 .V)' of a pUco. if we know it elevation
2 50 above the sea. How thia U done la Tory
1 25 cloarly erj.lained by Dr. IL R Mill
! the Ilritih goographor, aa folLiwa:
1 00 j The air gmws coolor by 1 dogrre F.
i for every 27o feet of elevation abuve
ae Wei. but iytbormic linea show tbe
aea level troiporatare. In axing inotb-T-
15 36 mv- laim w ma inoreiora mnnoirr
5 00
. J ,
2 25
1 50
2 25
2 r.
75 i
IU 75 j
5 25
5 VI
J that placea 600 feet aN,ve tbe to lovi
have a temperatnre 9 degreoa lowor
than the iaotberma indicate; plarra
6.00 feet above the aea. JJ dogrooa
lower; UxaM 12.000 feot above the tea.
45 dVfrre lower, and tbe mountain
alupea 14.000 feet above the aea bo im
than M oVifreea lower than the aea level
tomporatore shown by tbe leotb-rma.
Thia account for tbe fact that none of
the important town in the temperate
sne ia sitoated more than 2,0u0 foot
abr re the aea, while in the tropica they
sm-RDAT. ar built at a great elevation aa 8.000
In the matter of tbe new eornmisaioner ' or 10,000 feet
bill: Ordered that Jadg Ryan procure i Weather chart are an exception to
a certified copy of ;! law from the 1 thU rule. Ther reod the actual
thormjmetriral realings at tbe point
of obaerration. New tork Sun.
AmiL M IIOO L MttllMi.
Notice ia berof.y given to tbe legal
voter ol bool dut ru t No. K2 of Cla ka
rca county, Plate of Oregon, that th
Annual school meeting for said district
will l held at Willamette ball to begin
at th hour of 7 .30 o'rlork p. m. on the
6rt Monday . being theMhday of March
A. I. st. Thia meeting is called fur
the pure of the tranaartion of any
bustnea which may properly come t
kr It.
Iated this 23rd day of February, I.WJ.
Chairman Board of iHrector.
Is. M.M.-Cow,,
DiatrU-t Clerk.
A very fin H'elnaay piano ran U l a I
onveryay term ol Oieg-m City A on
lion IIimimi
lar a llrlppe
Thoi'iaa Whil.eld h Co., 210 Wabah
av., loiner Ja. kn t., on ol Clncago'a
nldeal and ni"t prominent .IriigKl),
rrHOIiiineiid Cliainliorlain' Congb Uom-
.y for I grit'i. a It n only give a
proinpl and complete relief, but al-i
Ciiinter. ! any tendency of la grlp to
roaiilt In pneumonia. For aalo by
A. Hunting.
lion ih km it nirK.
lias hl.-l her beauty? If eo. (W
atiiHitlon, Indigestion, Pick Headache
ar th principal ano. Karl Clover
U.xil Tea ha rnred the ill fur ball a
century. Price 25 rU. and W rta.
Money refunded If reaull ar hot aatia
factory. C. l. Hnntley, Iruggil
For Infants asd Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
k . CArriKi.ii
)''. i Cliy, ifg'Hi, Ki l', li
.Ilf fm
Bears th
Blguator of
9 00
3 05
1 20
3 0
1 20
2 50
He PhrenologUU locate benevolence
exactly at the top of the head.
She Yea, a far from the pocket-
boijt a poMible. Lp to Date.
Won rraSVrlng- f AIL
Johnny What's a hypochondriac?
Papa He's a man who mfTi ri ter
ribly from things that don't ail Um.
San Francisco Examiner.
Dist No6
Joel Jack, (fn fund....
V E Markeil & Co
Marvin Dickereon...
.28 37
J li Revenue 2 00
ToUl 10 90
Preparatory to moving to our new location
N. W. COR. 3d & MORRISON Sts.,
about the 1st of March, We offer our entire stock of
Dist Xo 10
JAlrvin.. 1
Wm W Davis 1 50
Marion Davis 1 50
Oiifl Duncan 75
I J Davis 1 00
K3 13
Vf H Bonney
J L wa3ord 2 00
Jota Bankey 1 w
Win Fmher 1 30
Ho V6
'JTraUger Bros, gen fand 20 91
Mtlino Lumber Co 2 &2
O C Dean 3 75
ieo Lo;;r 00
Jjotwi Meyers. 1 w
Mm Elmer M
flenry Kleinsmith 1 W
A L Worxleide 1 60
August Erickson 1 50 J
Mens and Boys Clothing
Gents Furnisliing Goods.
Hats and Shoes
Flre-aea Cleetioa 5lte.
Notice i hereby given that thr will
be a firemen election held in Oregon
City, Oregon, Monday, March 16.18'),
between the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.
and 4 o'clock p. m.. for which election
the FounUin Hoae Co. 'a room on Main
street between 7th and 8th street ha
been designated aa tbe polling place.
At said litre and place the following
officer of the Oregon Cliy fire depart
ment will lie elected by the qualified
voter of the said fire department: A
chief engineer for a term of one year, an
aseitUnt engineer for a terra of one year,
three member of the board of fire com
missioner for a term of one year.
There ha been appointed by the
board of fire commiaaioner of Oregon
City the following persons to act a
judges and clerk: U. B. Dimick and
John Jonee judge, J. E. Rhoade clerk.
Published by order of tbe president
of the board of fire commissioner.
C. D Latoi-iktts, Pre.
Bbice C. Ct ar. Sec'y.
Oregon City, Or., Feb. 20, UW.
A Mason and Hamlin Organ in ex
cellent condition, for sale ot tbe Oregon
City A action House. tf
A BiaoAix. A 28 acre tract three mile
south east of Aurora, on the Kilverton-
Barlow road. Fie acres cleared, froit
of all kind, good farm house and out
buildings, good well and spring. Fight
acre of Beaver-dam land, daily mail by
the door. Ibis tract and improvements
for only loOO. Inquire of C. II. Dye
Oregon City.
U'l..n it.. ., I ,
mi mm i'u anu cones in
bicycle Waring are tempered, irregular
ities of tbe surface follow. In many
wneeis they are left rough and irremilar
In Crescent bicycles, price 135 the bear
ing are all ground smooth after temper
Plenty ol money to loan at 8 per cent
on long or short lime. Apply to (J. E
Hayes, office op stairs, opposite Hunt-
ey s drug store.
100 watches to repair at fl.OO each,
C. A. Nah, at the Postoflke.
Johnson ha tbe l-t hair cutter in th
Tm Wars f II.
A high army fflcrT wht fad wa
ventilation w one day making an in
sprt tiun of a frontier pt which wa
ninth in need if rir. In sum place
tbe roof showed the bin sky ovrrhead
and the walla were omamonted with
Tbe brigadier goneral wa eomrtcd
thrungh the building by the colonel in
charge, a aergi'utit going on Ivfure, aa
ia th enstotn. In warn th men to stand
at attention in honor f the general
A they proceeded the general aaketl :
"And how i the ventilation, colo
nel T"
Before the colonel could reply the old
sergeant, with a familiarity born of
long service, said:
"Sure, general, and th ventilation 1
bad. sorr. rerra ld. eorr. Tbe phw e I
all full of hole, aorr." Detroit Free
Th Kotnan n-l little stonoa-cal-mil
in counting, and hence Ih world
Desfao ( annat be ( area!
by locil applications, a they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deaftieaa,
and that I by constitutional remedies.
Deafnes I caused by an liillam.-d con-
lilion of the mucous lining of the Ku-
stachian Tut. When thia tube tints in
flamed you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect bearing, and alien it is entirely
clooed deafness it the. result, and unlesa
tbe intimation can be taken out and this
tube restored to its normal condition,
bearing will lie destroyed forever; nine
case out of len are caused by catarrh,
which is nothing but an infl lined condi
tion of the mucous surface.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Ieafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Haifa Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars, free.
F. J. CI! FN FY A CO. Toledo, O.
Pold by druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
.V.lir I hiy ' Hit! I am
10 ii I ny I nl, al H riif ii,
In Mrrli, l" hit a li'.' lu toll i ,
..r m ii. in. ili at l-m in i,
4 'li r, I !". m Mm mini, lt
Kill'. "rt "iiiii ea. II. i ,
I i o rmiH Mr a It.
1 17 J. I. MIL
hi nniiu,
In lli rf ill eii'l fn Ifia of ii,,
Iur llimunlr (' .
M. lKkUin, . lU'sa k.
I't th iiti uf iat'ai4 in,
it a' hrb ro- il'l tn it Kir
II. rin'loil fl 11 ii. ll ) ,
Ilia ' rnililel ill u u4 trnl'Ht ll
lay uf Mtn-h MM. an) H yu U.I
.r. tir i.l i. . tli Iii.ii1
ai ( la Iho r.,.,n i fc rnl .
In I'm eoi.i.int. i a tiniiii
nn'fur nmr't l'ii. h i,
(ml id ,lii.ort nt .mi,iiii i
l'il )oO ' I '! Iu,lilt 9fw nxrna
Hr. K'i'. Ih day ul
i, ..! ilii tr tine tbl tin I
tmmn ami imi ar baht im all
Tbi em. tin. In II. yr un,
IIIkmiI any r im of peixoraluin a .:
iloMrf anl a'ml'Mi is p ain.l1 I,,
an.l r i m ! Inej ri
l art Ifint .) UtKxil rt tm of n.i
I inn. ftit h la i-o 4 I t nuir I
on ir ! pl a bovw ri l.
Ili t llwfm,
V.i.i r ti.Hirl.! I' at tl'l niaii
imi.ini.el ty lr ot ll a X A M II
pxlrf of id !' re.rt. . n'if h
(Mi. n.i a 'I ii'l la lint r i.
Id I.ih .lai uf J ". I". r, i
llilt miinix. Ul tie ..iNuh. t I!,
f t Ci'y K iiori'r.ao. ri.kn.a c-"i
119 ot I Irvf'O., i.- k)..fll
11 flr p ii.ii. t on Ih .Vlfi
uf imiry, ! -1 ial on i
nn bt'( ii.i'io. a o l'el. o
in r hlM th I'fk ir uf M'ei,
llit )nu i r I Mi lmmi i,
wtarai. His A lairr
and C nr A ir riiT'..
Aliofncy's for Plai'l
a ttH.
In Ih t'lrrml I'.ei'i uf h yi ate of Or
for Hi 1'ximy uf (' k a, .
Fran K'au n J Kie kniv, PriC.
AMnn V '.'!'. Tbonu M .tlr, n:k"
k'uisn a. lh'a Mul.f ti4 M V
tor, KtnluU
In Hi rama vt tl. ot Org.ia ;
To AnUm Mul!ef an l Tbeia V n
otliriw knuan a T'.' M ai r.
Vim and each ol yn a' t
riiiir.t to b r.J at par In Ih a
eftiillexj eonrl un ar btlurf IM tUh di
Mrcli,'l. ton.it tu tk
plaint f piainiiftt HI-1 In Ih atnvi
liilil run, anJ if on lail lu o ,
lilainlilt i:l apply lo If. amrt (
riif ilitiiiill In lb OMnplaini, .r
Fur a trro tit tho mm) court qn t
liaitiH ml i n. r,iiuoifi( tUmt
rval pMiiriy tituat In lb , n
l'lrknia. anj tint ot u-i,, uym
lUgtiinieg al a (tfMnt 10 ) r .
North, and II rl.a n ti at in N i
el foir or Ih H.x.lh'et uri
rrtlon V in Toon I, (tooth, itanr J. I
nl Ih Willamette narrtlan. rum
ihnr KaM 1 1 m I'D rbm; im
.North IS Kl'JI rbaiiis, Itvonr I
tlwlm rbaii.: thnr K.mtli III'
rbaln In Ih plar of beginning, font
IH( Ti err nior or I.
Krnm lli tn eo.iTyanee I tcr
onehi Ih out Hi of a strip cuev
Ciarkama county tor um aa r.,
long a Ih an. aball b aH by i
munly and lli public as a pontic rna.1.
And for a pruvition In 1'iaaaildo
rii.ovln( th clou I of dlii.)ni' rlam
th mi. I rl prorty, ami for a J'i.1-
for rMt and tiahurniiit. ami lot
othr and further riif a to in court
m mert and -lltahl In Ih pfml
thl puU'lealinn is mail b or ir t
MoiMir!,! Tli.nna A. Mrllride. of
t'irriilt Court of lli to.inlr oM'ickn
and a tat of Oregon, liiad In Ih al
milled can un Ih Hlh day of Jnu
I-". Ksioa U.i'tMisT.
Altorntvs fur I'lainml
(st of First publication Jan. 27, 'tri.
ProiDsritj and id Atuil.it Eanes!
are Insured only to those who sow m r
TESTED 6Kk'DS. Send postal for
our lllusnraledCatalogim and
sav money by purchasing
from the
Wholesale and Retail Dealer
Ti to 79 J t. Hscramento. Cnt
ALL 8EED8 sold at lowest prices.
Agents aanied. Liberal discounts,
but NO 8EED8 sold on coimiinsion.
All of our Fall ami Winter stock to
make room for faring GimmIh.
Our Men's 5.00 lints now $3.00
" 3.50
" 3.15
" 2.50
" 2:25
" 2.00
Big reduction on LadVu Fall
and Winter Shoes.
See Prices in our Window
VI . . -
. i: "lr"',r",yKivsiilhat I will apply
if? iV? Ltjtu uiic , si It. tvK,ilar meeting
March. 18MI. for a 1 cenu, i ..i , ...
six months at my sahxin In Oregon City
Oregon, on 7th and Main sts. Bald lions
io usie iroin March 1st.
11 J.W.COLE.
Bsan tk -tlf H" Always Bougfil
Notice Is hereby given that I will apply
o the City Council; at its regular meeting
n March, im, for a license io sell 1(,uor
ru ,. -". loon III Uregon
City, Oregon, 7th Hireet and Itailroad
M'n"j IICe"M 10 d"e from M,rch
In th Circuit Court ol Ih rHaiaof (
gon, lor Clackaitia t 'ouniy
John Wllaun, plainlilt, a IJIilil Vil
Warner ami Dr. Clinton Wagner,
buaiiaiid, llii. lama.
To l.ibnl Vaughn Wnr and Ir. C
Ion W'sKnrr. .Ilinlaiit aiMi namo.) -
OKKUON you and li of you ar tun
siliiiiiioued and rr.iuirel to auiwar i
anaorr lo Ilia coin plaint filed aKainal J
In lha abov iiiitlrd suit on or belor
eililrailon ofsil wrks from lb data ol
tirtt .iililirUon litis summon. b
ilatsulltrai puhliraiion ia Hi l.ltb day
January, lu. And If you fail o to ajp
and answer, (or want Ihsreof, III plain
illappl t j tai l cori for ih relief i
tnanilel In lli complaint.
The rhrf (Irr.ainl! In aald complain:
aUarre ol Una court adjudging and i
t rrring that Ih plainlilt Is Hi ganrr in 1
linple or lha iinithoraiorly tao-flllba ol '
lolloaliiK deacrihed real tal siluslnl
the oounty of Clat kamaa, slate of Uref
lo wit: V
lleKinnlng at a lint eleven anil .TM 'II,
chain aomli and Ihrr and .Ui (.l.uuj Ij)
aal of Ida iisrtrclion corner on ths i'
between secllons twelve IlL'l an.lf 1.11 In lo
hip iwo .'j sou il. of rang on III eaalofij
V lllamrli meri.iun and running Hit .
soiilh iiily-ali iij drKre and Olty-lwn 1
miiiiilea wait Ihirty-on and .3 I'M
chains lo a aleal drill In a solid rock on i
right bank ol th Willamette rivr; ther.
north weaierly following Ih nifaiidrri.
aid river to the southarst corner of a W
m una owned by Whipple and llobtl
thence north slily-su ulj degrees
thirty :w minutes eat thirty .10j cbaim
the iiortlieaat comer of the tract of 1
herein described; thence south forty l.
(llj degrees rsal seventeen 1 17 1 chains
lxiy-niieiaij links to lb place of beta
iilng. containing fifty f.vi acre, mnr.
less, said tract of laud being pari of
tllephen Walker donation land claim In
lions twelve d U.lrUan ILIJ In toC
ship two (.') soutn of ranir on (I) t
that plainiiiru io Uicrigtitful and law
IKMsesaion of aald premiee, and thsl f
title lo ih tarn t qui ted In him : and t'1
II be further ailiU'la-e.1 and decreed bv Uj
court that th said defendant, or ei(hev
them, bav no rlcht. till, or inierest In
to said premises, or any part thereof,
sksIiibI this plaintiil, and for a judgm'
SL'Sinat said defonilnla for Ilia r.iall '
diabursemeuU of this soil.
This sutiiinoii u published lu th Orei
City Kiiterprise, a newspaier iubllsli
Oregon Cily, Clackamas Omniy. Orer t
by an order of the Hon. Thomas A. H
Hrlde, Judge of the above entitled coiii
made on ths (Hh day of January. lti a
Attorney fur Plain"' '
1 13 2 21. il