Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 24, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
utlthe1 Every Krldny.
I I. rOUrKK, l'i"fnt"i
, , A.
On yef
Kit n.itnth
i '
Iral .ubwripli lo month.... a,
for one vtar. 25 cnU for u monlhi, K
Mi l in advanc.
. . . I jkH iftj.n.
aia in miiK-w.
Adrrriimg rain Riven on application.
. .. - i..
8uorrihr ill nmi in. oai
within tao week anr a pavnient, aimlij
. .ii .(Ik it
notify ui aim we
Entered at tr pnt..rtlc "tn
Or., a K-onil rl matter.
Bearer Creek..
t'ntoti Mill...
Mr n ltrook
N Kra
Nn! mo
Kal I'mk...,
Hr. T. B. Thorna.
(ieo. KlUiTllt
A. Matlirr
.....'war in.:
It J. Trut.inrr
('ha. H'li
......NV. !v Net-rry
Henrr Muey
' V. L. Ku.M-ll
J. (J ..
T. H mar.
IL M. tHMr
A n 1 1 Mnlii'
...... K. M. Ilartci.au
It. J-iiiiji
..... Ilrnrv A. Sny.l r
I', J. IVM.n
. ... H. Wi'orni
...J- C. KlIK'tt
K. (i Ii
" ' ... tiro. J. Curnn
..Mr. M. J. Hammrr
AJulpli A'b"ll
T"Thf to InlU npOrfRonClij
U U rite Urrcou (tlj l'to joar
LOCI 1. MKlt K.
The aewioD of the UijisUture juat
cloaeJ a numUrof l'x al tiila that
are of ureal advantage to tl-il countr.
For year the country peojwle bave ol
jcted to rinjf governel by a county
jiid,re from Oreiton City, when they re
present four-fifths of the property anJ
ninety per ctnt tf the business tranMrtinl
by the court. The judge baa always
dominated the court and the country
eoole have bad just cauoe for com
plaint. Under the new law the third
member mill undoubtedly be farmer
and the tree men from the country can
look after the roads and other bunineM
of the county from the standpoint of
four-fj'ths of the people. This system
obtaina all throuh the Kant as the
county judge has nothinif. to do with
omnty atTairs. The additional cont of
another cornniinMoner will not be ILW,
and his will be more than saved on print
ing alone, besides the members from
this county reduced the salary of the
county offices W0 annually, as the can
didates in the lafct two campaigns have
aid the salaries should be reduced and
that they, the ctfkers. could pay their
own deputies. At the reflect tf a large
number of the farmers and heavy tax
payers, ibis was done, as we believe in
staying with all pledges made.
As to the queetion of printing the
Enterprise believed it should have had
all the printing that the republican
officials controlled. Or in other words,
the county court was republican and
controlled all the printing outnide of the
tax sales and other sheriff sales. The
Knterprine was the only paper that sup
ported the whole of the ticket including
the two republican members of the
court, but the Knterprine was not in
favor at this court and got no printing
except part of what republican officials
especially requested we should have,
outside of the proceedings of the court,
which went to us tinder the law as the
leading republican paper, in fact we are
the only republican paper.
The great item that the county is in-t'-reuted
in is the tax list and it has cost
a large sum of money to get this printed.
The matter was tanen out of the hands
of the sherUr, together with execution
tales for the purpose of getting more
atiefactory rates, if possible. If it had
been our purpose to control this it could
liaye been put in the bands of an official
who would have given it to ns beyond
question, but it has len left to the dis
cretion of the new board, and if the
Kuterprke gets the work it will do It at
a material reduction. This is the best
evidence that we made the change in
interest of economy and the taxpayer.
VVe offered to work on the same lines
with the luto court, but got no satisfac
tion. We offered to enter into a con
tract to do the printing at reduced prices,
but got no answer.
Hut the whole printing question is a
null item compared to the more impor
tant matters coming before the commis
sioners. We give these facts that the
public may know the correct yerBion.
A,ou,w,,ilu ,,K" '""7
an ini'ortnl on an Ion? that ba. Wo
denian.lcd for aonie ti.n.
i Anotln-r important n.rantir I. th bill
providing that hfrra'tirth litigant "hall
pay the niilarfu tn the ahi'iit!" hn
ummon.or eiioir.ia I. tit Into hia
; h.n.1. for n-nUv, Tbia ill ty fr
Urir trt of ti e dn'atv hir, if not all of
, , ,he .,,,1, ( ,hi. burdn
j ttiat bit brlofore Uflt aaddliM on
111. III.
Hereafter the county rouiniiionert
;m I.-.V .(i.r tl. Kiiaril ill I riaiiriera In
Irom parinn tin rxnorniiaiii mark, m
law ha heretofore, allowed the aheritr.
It .hould l done for one-half the price
already ail.
r u; a vh :it:m k.
(iiMRAL Kuui found guilty by
court martial of condurt uiiUoiiiing an
nlhYer and a gentlemen, arid rentt-nced
to le diFiiiixiM-d from the arm, Th
prviddfiit li commuted hia wntein- to
Miehiion from rank and duty for nix
yer. Iuring tbonj year be will con
tinue to draw a brigadier -Krneral'a pay,
U-m certain allow am e mad to ollicers
on active duty; but be will have no
work, and may not wear a uniform
I'uring tlii period the work that pto erly
fall to the romniii'ary-geiieral will!
done by the ollicer next in rank, for the
place itielf not being v ated by Hiien
sion cannot )e filled, nor nuv the otlicrr
who d'A-s the work of it receive the pay
that the work dem-rve. Them) are
among the minor Inconvenience of the
commutation of General Kagan'a fen
teoce. If th sentence a commuted is
fully carried out, General F.aan baa
probably done bia laat day's work as a
soldier. The riod of upennion will
carry him very cloe to. or pat, the a'e
of compulsory retirement, ilia punish
ment ill be criticised aa Wing far too
light, and it will be held that being
obviouily unfit to I in the army he
should be put out of It. If, however,
General Kagnn U as eeniitive to ce neure
as the fury of bis attack on General
Miles would indicate, his punishment,
so far at be in concerned, may be ample,
for it endi bis career in diitgrace.
T.ia "only" republican vheet aaiu
state by insinuation that we drew mil
a;e for 76 miles at the recent session of
the legislature. Nut only be lies but be
doe. it willfully and with premeditation.
If he wants to know the truth there in a
record to which he can go, but be does
not want the truth. As a matter of fact
76 miles is the correct milage but we
drew only (or 70 miles la-cause such two
by four people always take up these
ninety cent propositions and we did not
care to give them a chance to howl about
a difference ol ninety cents between
Iirownell's and Porter's milage. This
man made this statement for the same
reason that he claims to )e a republican
and then took money from the populists
to work against the republican ticket and
did work against the republican .ticket to
his limited ability. He cannot help. t, he
is made on this 2 by 4 plan and like the
ground-bog, having seen his shadow be
is entitled to retire for six weeks.
Tin Capital Journal (populist) sees
the recent session of the legislature in
the following light:
"The Journal believes it is clearly en
titled to call iUelf an independent paper
that fights jobbe.ry as a regular industry
and indulges in criticism of all that ap
pears to it to be wronk in the public ser
vices a regular recreation. It contends
furthermore, with sou:e success, if self
flattery for a good cause is permisnahle.
But it tnubt protest at the sweeping, un
reasonable denunciation of this legis
lature. "The whole legiblative system is w rong
in many respect. To send ninety more
or less inexperienced men to make laws
and conduct a state busineHH transaction
involving millions of dol'ar. and do it
all in forty days at 3 a day, and subject
each member to all the worry, pressure,
excitement, provocations, temptations,
influences, inducements and responsi
bilities that a session involves, in a
stupendous incongruity if not a cri'ue.
"We believe careful examination will
disclose that this legislature passed a
great many good laws a registration
law, a good road law, a text-book law,
a school land law, a six per cent interest
law, and a score or more of wise reform
measures for the good of all the people."
Senator Pouter, the joint member for
Marion and Clackamas, has madeagojd
conservative record on all matters. He
has championed a general bill to tax the
gross earnings of corporations, a measure
which if enacted would raise one fourth
to one-half of all the taxes Oregon needs.
But it embraces too much and the ecna-
tor. ill not ,r.-t hi. bill out ol the band.
of the commit!.- on coroatioiia Capi-
tal Journal
' , ....
The J.xirnai alioul.l nave f ai.i inai inr
C .iiinittci bad t'W inany corporation
men on it and fe(ued to repoit the bill.
1 ti of ti e let Uwa paed at tin'
recent n-i".i of the !-:iidatiirr ia the
1 t.ne nukiiitf interest ui pr cent on the
a.d.o.,1 fund. Therw ia now alut IHO,-
; . . ... , . .....
0.1) on hand that will 1 loaned at thia
'figure. Tina will lend lo keep all
j interest down and the monied men will
have to loan at the same lifc'iire or nut at
'all a 1 nrf Ihrre are fund, in the
I M'hool fun.l.
T.ik salary of the county jud.-e would
have been reduced if it baJ not been lor
jal.'k-al complication that m.ke. it of
Jotiriti.il Ityality to lower tne aaiary .
an flhVer ilnriiiK hia term. Thiawill
probably l-e avttled by the next aer-nion
an.l then or at least at the end of the
prevent term the salarv will be .e.li.cul
to something like I VI a month aaving
ffiiJO a year to the county,
Till death of the president of th
French and the election by the general
avsetiibly of a liw president, M. Ia)uIhI
has nearly oveiturned the Kveinuietit.
France is traveling a hard road and any
day may bring change in the itoyern
ment. The Dreyfu. scandal l a Urge
factor in the public deinonstrationa.
T.ia district attorney bill panned the
senate with just a majority. It did n.
have a vole to spare. We did not vole
for the bill as it should lie county attor
neys. The matter may be slightly
better than the fee system but county
attorneys would have ln-en much l-tt-r.
P.kkork farn er buy a new wagon
they should investigate the new law
relative to the introduction ol wide li.es.
A considerable rebateon taxes is allowed
to people using broad tire wagons.
Tub Oregon troops have tK-en ordered
to the front and will now see active ser
vice. There will be many an anxious
heart in Oregon as a result.
i "
Tna general appropriation bills carry
a little over a million dollars. Not to
bad a showing as was made a few years
Handkerchiefs of all description cot
ton, linen, embroid'riied swi-s, for
ladies g-nts and children at the Racket
No. 2-mOGL.n
cml inn (j
vam ilea una
No. 3-IlIQGLn
the world-the hlfent paper of it xle In the United hliile
cf America haviuovcra million anda-hulfreg-ulur readcri.
a YEARS (remainder of !). I'", Wt, i and kij) will be aei.t by mull
to any addrenn lur A DOLLAR BILL.
Cample ol FARM JOUHNAL and circular deacrlhlng CIGOLC BOOKS free.
ariciNaoji. Addrew, FARM JOl'HNAI,
"The Shoe Man,'
Sole Agent,
I usk m.i i.ir it !:!.
A fair youi- imulirr raln.ly read,
Vlill out Land rm f. llii-t ra il l-l
Wlitra bat tlrllKrn al'pt away
, Tu
K'M of a iitiiir day .
."lii- i ail. !) llir pa r lurnr.l
Till "Lalrnl War .VMt. diM-ernrd;
"Our mail." ili'pati '" '
"A kiriniili, and one ml.lirr ilra.l."
Tliry ironlili-.l l ot lo ylv hii namr,
(r Ilia troop Irnni which d raliif,
Kur alio, rrj.iiclii In uc"-.,
l'are if llitr t on prnaia li-?
I .inly a Kl.ll-r Ijrinit tlirr.
vv ,,,,,,,, ,.,, ,,
1 Witt, no kul frirnd l. rai hi. lira I
r trramr th word h tai l.
Oli happy mother lo you kn..
That l.i't o many year. a.
Tt al volilirr aa a tiat.v, lis,.
Will, lac a aarrt an.l rtr. a. t.l.i
A. Ibi ailhli. you cra.ll tln-rr,
An.l knr a mother tfiul.r.ar,
Who nor n.l rp
lnati h wakr. not from hi. tlrrp?
And oil.rr Ihotiia.id. alo .aid :
"I'l.ly a prltrat .ilr I,"
Without a a. K t'"' K('t that h
Jl h'l.l n ( uaturr'a not)!, h.
. r that Hi wor.L that lu contain!
Would wrrvk a lf that yrt remain-!.
Hi. mother aaii. for hi... In vam,
For h. hr only child, I. .Ian.
Jita I'll L Wiisc, l ('til. !, IW.
MntalM. may
p.4lr, ami 1.k--tora
pro, and
K.mc annul
7 n 'As ".::'n r..h""
I "fX bil and
iZFS2y W-m. and a
. inanlt n'a llpa
7 -V arr cherry rr.!.
1 am! a young
)) Mman'a rvra
' . a I ji. . . I. .
Ml II .( llr, IUM
W J ....im .he I...I.
1 . t j ....I I ...... K .M
-Jf k. and kis
av tin.
And where, rnod men, i t'.r harm If the
kisM-r an.l kissers lr hrallhv, ami true
love Uinl fpo.i.ir. It la tuilywhen 111
hellh h.in bUlrd Ihr awert cleanl'nr" of
yuth that draih Inrkn upon it' l.pn. The
deadly genua of dread cui.MiiuM.i.n are a.
barmlrsa at June t.iue bulle.mi to the
young man or woman who i (Iioi..ukIiIv
clean, aweet and health In erry fihrr and
liu. The a. rms of d.srasr n.tly alUck
that which l already p.ittly d. cavrd.
There in a great nirdicinr that i a mirr
and certain pmlecti.ni uxainst all grim,
and a npeedy cur (itt all germ iliseawn.
It is Dr. 1'ierce'a tVihlrn Mr.lual l)iro.
rry. It given youthful leal to the appetite.
It correct all fault of the dlgr.tn.n. It
aid atmih.tion. It fill the M.nmI with
the vital, life giving element of the food.
It build sweet, clran, hraltliy tiur in
rvery part of the Inwly. It drive out all
dineane germ. It rurr prr rent, of all
caaea of hronchi.il, throat and lung allrc
tion if taken in time. All g'd nirdu ii.e
dealer aril it, and have nothing "jut a
Mr. Joa. Ilrn.trrann Dirhl.in. of vt J.nrphli.e
Street, New Orlean. !. . wnlr : f mn n.lti.K
fiir ni.ie two yen., ulh-rhig .rum ilviI-i.
tired 1,-eliug. and i'"w energy and niitK-tite
I tried one kittle of Dr. Pierre (inl.lrn Mnhi-al
Itrovery and liM.nd grriit rrltrf. I (is.k two
jmre Isitllra. three In all, and one or two v.nU
of the 'I'rtlrU,' when I wa in 'l heulll.
in. I renimmend Ir. Pierre', (.ul.len M"H
tal Iicuvrry lo do all that It iaclal.nrd Ui do"
A man or woman who neglect
conntlpntion nufTrra from slow
poi willing Dr Pierce' I'leanant
relict cure constipation. One
little "Pellet" ia a gentle lata
live, and two a mild cathartic.
All medicine dealer aril them.
ho other pill are "just an good."
fa -M
A Farm Llbrar? of unequalled Taluc fractlcal,
Up-to-date, Concise and Comprehensive Hand
somely printed and Beautifully Illustrated.
AM n.Kjtit llorw a C'immnn Srnne TreatlM, with orr
74 llluttri.tiou ;a ntaudurd wnrk. Price, y Cent.
Alli.lioiit growing hii.i.ll I'r.iltn rend nnd h-nrnhnw(
colored lilivlikr rrprixlui tlotmol nil lending
lui uincr iiiuMruinmn. i'ricc,yjLcui.
All nlKiut Poultry : the brat I'miltry linok In eal.trnre
; wlthl culorrd lilr-llkr r i.rMlin linn
r all the pi hiLlpul liicid.; ttltl. I. J other llll
I'rltr, f Cent.
All ulxiut Cow nnd the I i. 1 1 y limine. having great
file; ontniii Scolorrd llff- like reproduction, of, taih
tjitcd, with 13J other illustration. Price, y, Ceut.
Jutoiit. All nhnut IIokh Ilrtcding, reeillrnr, Ilutih
ry, blvu-x-n, lc. Ci.nliiln over Hu Ixnutilul linlf.
ton a und other cagrnviii);. Price, yi Cent.
The 1110(11.13 BOOKS ore un1ciic,orlylntil,u-fiil-you never
awnnything like . hem opmcllinl,noenllile. They
lire having in. enormou wile Knit, Went, Ninth nnd
South, p.vrry our win, keep a Horn. Cow, ling nr
Chicken, or yrnvrn Kmnll I rull. ought to lend right
away fur the BlUULli HOOKS. The
In your paper, made for you and not a ml.fit. II in n year,
old : it In the Krent boiled-down, hit the-i.fii-on-the head,
quit-nfter-yoU'linve-naid-it. l'ar.n nnd Itouartiolil nnner in
. iM h AlilT THAT DtVUOi'ti.r.. quickly am. au-eiy .
, LVV-.".. .
.r.i wired.
. l hrli One
.n ..i
I lri iinl
lllltl. Mll l ' Hir..
. . . ....... it ivh a ii"
unil !""' -t
I lu ! .
.-wrv gtvnt diov. ry In Hi" w.-rld'a
.... ..I. I a u.. u.u't.Hl-
hi.l..ry bun M.HiKin " , , , I
llM.t llir.-i.W-ii ilrlval ..j.lnu. . ut tnrf
, I.,. r.l.l.'.iUf ll" f'r north It
a known a Hi" h..hlt." and U
. aiiid lo ! Iticuriti'l'V a r.i -
Th. r. aro im.i.y r.lr..g. thl.itf. In
tho Klondike. " .ld II ","r. "'"'J
.H-thal II." tr..ng.-t and lln.l si"1"!
hl. h notbliiKlmal-n wrltl. u . far.
In tl.. lU-ip'ill"H cmi.o-1 by 't"K
. . i. I.m lli.r
.now III til" norm. -
. .. I l..u I
.u.i.o. t. r r-.o to- ' "
, . I . I. I.L.. III.,
iTi. M III..I.IIHII1 oi nin. in ..
t.il. It ll H'ni. "ii liitl.iiuiiiiitio.. t" th"
p, tl.lt
t. iu-1..' ....d it I I.....-M !
i.. mi. ii. 1. t!n tli'lt
an . .1.1 tlm. r t if. r ii.-wr.'iu. r in IU'
n i,.i. I. ifc...'t .-.a Th-r. r.
no ii in ti .it ""t.itty. ' r .
lni-1 i'iiii.-r. now w.-iiU. i ft- i.iln-.t',
fir.-.. h..- f ill .ui t"i"'l 'linvtly
to tin- tliii.' I In y I...MH iiniii' lil" Mi"
Th loiitt- r' li.m n l'"t I'1"" '"'
v.-ti t.-l. hot th" wl. l.ti'l wli.iln.vr.
n; n.Hint tin- n.tt'jiH't l.V t Ti.it tin- f
t.r i f th. .! till nr.. rt. h with .iiln-r il
,l,...it Hhi.li nr- lio: .n-t..iiily
wi..i.d i!uii fr..m tli- .i..iii.t.iln A
i. rt .iu r nt "f th'" nun' "l l" t il"
Int.. th.. ntr wh.n Vi..r ri. n.ni in"
' . . i ... 1 1. it
mmiv i ..iii.-h it..r- ..
iTIi.r.' h.iM- v. rl f ill f r-d
!ai...w n.ar I'.i.nt !..rr..v. tin- 1 - j - t
N itu "f r..l li.h l r..wt. f. l. r, il'i.- n
j tiri ly to n.in. ial Tim ll " "
i tlmt fM-r.n fiitin li.r;.. n'ntiitt. i f
tin- n.n.w t.ik.- into In ti i.t it t.irr
inline nto..''iit of iniii. r il- "
Wlnl.. ...ii. iu' !'iwii thi't'i r riv.-r
Ut nprinit thu iinrriit..r t .inn' ti'ti
J-.ttty ..f tiiiti. r li. r mil. v diiii
frmii tho IT. t of fiitinrf Mi .w II.. hud
t n n Imrd iltinltrr. tut h i l run ' -rt
of uhiky. Hi tt.il t Ui i.iii" tim ii.tnr
al'lo mid M,l",rtr,M m arin 111 imd-wlnti-r
ho h l tk. .1 to ii'ililf n.i.'W.
S.l he) luilll.d il r ll. V. d III llpl lit"
for tin. lnji...r. hut In ri.iupui.i..ii no-tin-d
that hi api titx f.-r th" .i w In-(-r-Ml
until h wn tiMi in I tic r.i'r
nioti ei'iiiiitlt.ii. Orn.ln.illy hi akin,
whit 1. wm dark hr.ii.i'. Kf"w 1'kIiI.
hi PiJfK',t ati.tnr.. Inu.hh' l nt. Mid
fv.-n hia l.arli Voi.-o (h.nf.l to thu
.ffi-liii.iut Mu-iik of nil old Moiii.i...
ill ntr. nth kh'- '.v. t'd hia ''..
Kiliioli trii.l to hn-uk him of thi'h.tl lL
Hu wi.nl. 1 lie on hi pull, t nod twnn
llitlfujy f,,r
' TI-Ttu
liioiitlif ill of nlnivv id.. I
rtiitnty .II r.-d would nt. ..l
' t .
nu.iliM-rv.-d to th doorway u.id K'ulp
down lnitf hiiti.lfiiln. At lil. .fiii(
(l.i.th wit lli.-vitul l", hi riiiiipniil.il.
all.w'i-il hiii. t)n n.i.iw, li...lti to pro
l.ni hia lif-. It pr..VMl iiii.iVnlhnt;.
huWfVrr, and on.' morning thu inmi wu
f.iiiri I d.-iid.
Tln-r urn n.iiiiii nit or. tin' ('np-r
riv.-r whi-ro tin. Miow. whrti nu lt.. a.nl
Htriiiii.-d throtixh nil. dli. ahow H.rr..
tiMin..f initi.-nilH. n.id oftrti fold
In full ii. I j.li.ntifiilly iiiti-ri.iU.il. hut of
conro not in nyiiii(iiiii.itili.-. VI..-r
tht t'l.nii-n from inn niyrti ry, Imt it
limy 1 hroturVt from thu f.ir ii..rtl. hy
tint li.'iivy winti-r H.il'-a thnt aw.i-ji nv.-r
tlii purt of tli roiuttry. It In. Ii-n
Miid thut if tin. ntiow t oiitd U. lu. It. (I
awiiy It wonld l. i.vx il. iti of inlllioiia
of dolliira in K"l'l lnft on tho crrotind.
Th mirrnt'ir had n rhra. rail hiinw-lf
from falling n victim to th n.mw liahlt.
"It waa in tin wlnt.-r of IMMl 7." ho
wild, "und I wna m-w to tin conntry.
An nM mi ni-r n.-nr Ihiww.r. had wnriml
mo i.ca i rut cut Inn mow, hut I, with my
partner, hud K"'n t'lirk Into tint hill on
a tiriti titi! totir mid had M rmtKht
in a l.lixxnriL W w.to nhy of jiro
vihioiiH nnd on our way tip l.mt thn
iackuKii contuiuiiiK our t-imklntt tit-n-aik
Thin we roiii'iliid ly htuiliiiK i tir
ciMik.il f.xxlrt, hut wu had tiothl.i In
which to melt tin i miow. It U t li.iui.il
that melted anow U Imnnl.i, n. tin)
iiiftnllic d.'MiiU It cotitai.m nluk to tlio
but tout of thu rii-ejitiiclo.
"Wo di'i ld.il to try it 'rnw,' nnd we
did. Whether it Wan tin. food or t he
miow I duti't know, hut during tlio
wt'i'lt wu wnlt.il for n t luinc to K''t nt
wu had n ever im-ri'iiMlnj( tlilrnt, until,
when wtt wore finally nhl to ntriku tin)
trull, wo wcro coiiniiiulnir miow at a
fri(htfiil ruto. When wo romh.-d otir
Cointninioiiii, wo attempted to iiwiuik'.)
our thimt with water, hut it did no
KxL Wu had iii-itiiril it tnnto for thn
frozen wnter, and it aeonii'd to hnvu In
vipCorntiiicf (ii(ilitii-H. At iiltflit wu con Id
not Hlnt'p onion wo took our miow.
"Wo waro fi.Ht uppromlifritf tho do
wnerato hIiiko when I reachi d n n-ali.-
in H.-iino of our I'oiiilitinn nnd nnd.T
took to hri-iik off. I ln-Kiin
und worked down, hut up
moment I left thu country tho
hi. HiKht of
the mio always ruined in mo an lnur
dinato ciuviiiK. It rout mo tiiany hie. p
Icmh tiixlitM and weary dayH to rcntrain
iiiyKolf. Hud I kIvcii way to tho linl.it
1 would, liko ninny nnothcr jKmr fellow,
hare hmt nil umhition and flll.'d.un un
known Kmvo jn that frozen wild.-rn.'HH. "
Cli.vcland 1'liiill Dealer.
l namll.
Dynamite exploder, ho rapidly that it
forco iH exerted in tlio direction from
whit:h the f,Tentent pri-MHiiro come. Thnt
1h, if tho dynamite ho placed on tho
ground tho uxplonivo forco 1h down; if
it ho I11111K iiKiiiimt a wall its force flt
tuclit tlio wall; if it Imi hun under nn
ohject it a force in tipwurd.
Thn curriniH fact that corn, tiotntooa
and other iihintH thrive better when
placed in row ruiinliiK north ami Month
Iiiih been proved by Dr. Wollny of Mu
nich. Thin rednce tho HlindlriK by each
other to aiuinimuin, more nniforui and
regular light, heut und nioihture reult-iiig.
M(k III! All H UM.
Th i ur of ovi rwoiki'd womankind.
i I i .. i .. :
('lover lloot Tea, Ihn irr. at IiIimhI puilil,,,
'and tiaaim blllMiT. Molmy ll'llltliled
; not aal !! t" y '.. and U
cla. (Ml ll"iitl7. IMUt.'giM.
,os Mil- HlltlkK lull
Muddy coinpleaiiili", NUelililliiall'
.,,,,,, ,ri)llli.o,,i,. conailpall .... Karl','
'Cl - er rr. I- sn .UJ ',r
u. ..h.,. old f-r fifty ) -m an ,U
i,.,,, rai,trH. I'll. .'. and f.Ocl.
(, im,.r, prugu'lat.
Vt ll V Y. HU I I. l " ' 1 1 r I
.tmal.n i.r Mi'.y of II. i
I'lillll pli '" t'V M'l'nl HaU.ra.l, r .in in l .
ilniied hy Hi lii'iiiii" I'lltil! lu
liirlnn to ll' W' I". prtlnelll 111. Ih.
a. wiltlri. I'l a... iv ..... at fan rr..'
cl.i.i on IL rail.ii' "i.r. rnu
... II, a liiniill.l.
Il.iiniliilii, In llm ,
I l ii. ll. r All, ni. all l.ei.i hr. al Manila
i v: : k ...
... ii.. i. ..ii.ua., I . an.... alUi A I'u'l.n .lii. in
ma .in k ill in io.ii l HI. ! , a. f
... .... ...; ..! ; '
...... I.v ri,.,lllill,,.il I, I. ..I.j
p.ri.irr p ,
Krai'lir' .11 ll.e tpol I fe l".k. I.i.
e. U tl I '"' ' l-a-t. '"'l.
.,i..,a'l .''. Oi. ml 4. I....v
... 1 . . . . .
l. .l! Ine , I lrr r I Ii' il, r-.l)
Mar ln'ir'.' I . (
VV V- '.V K-
J. 'ifjjilyiirijtiil
Wj;oi Mak.r.
On Vii I Hy. (
j 4'.h and Mam t
( lll jMlllllllotl
Fine Siaiioneryw
1 1
T.i!.'t Arli.l.'-, ;a.
t .rniriM Jk' l.tnlrli'j'
nnl Nnvt lti.'S ut
(i. A. Ilanlins.f j
A tl yUld of both
profit and Mtitrtion
will rrault if you plant
H 1
FERRYS Seeds r
TVy ar alwar Ik k.
th, i,,. a.-iH mmt u.it.
tuo-hu). unit .,,1 i'errr'a.
KM l. all rtmlsra. W lit. lur
11m . Annual tlvaw
0 rtRT4C0..D.trlt.atla.
i "
pAKMERS . . .
j 1
Your ti'ittn will have the l
ofcftroatul f
Full Measure of Feed ri
At lho I 1.
City Stnblc i
W.H. YOUNC, Prop., J i
?ff?!-. W. H. Cooijj"
Livery Riga on Short Notice j ,,)J
Telephone No. 42.
- titli
W SZ '
k IV.
k 7
Karl's Clover Root Te vO
Ih-iiuilile, t,9 CM.iple.l.in. I'lirlil". r .,0,
"'.l,lvr.ri-li,llriirSI'ln. Ii.'"1"; J .
l-atl".., ln,i;K..i...., nnd nil l'.ni.ll''"'l . rl
' Skin. An aiireenhlii I.iihiiO" J"",' l'rl''
III. mi I
Sold nil Hl.mh.1 a-iiarniite t'X '
iItuhkUI, ( afic, nnc. and I.M,
ok noRiiroNa