Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 10, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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t Tm,, wTTpnmifQi.? wninAY. FEUKUAKY 10,
A A X A. al ,
Li 11 A.
is the
"Best" is an easy boast. But there's no best without a test,
ct something extra of best: something extra in bread from
flour; something extra in wear from best cloth; something extra in
cures from best medicines. It's that something extra in Ayer's Sarsa
parilla that makes Ayer's the best That something extra is quality.
Remember it's quality that cures, not quantity. Geo. Smith of the
People's Drug Store, Seymour, Conn., says: "I have sold your goods
for twemy-five years and when a customer asks me for
The Best Preparation
for the Blood
I say: 'If you will take my opinion, use Ayer's Sarsaparilla; I will guar
antee that you will receive more benefit by using one or two bottles of
Ayer's than you would by using half a dozen bottles of some other kind.'
When they take it, I never hear any complaint."
Ayer's Sarsaparilla cures all diseases that have their origin in impure
blood: sores, ulcers, boils, eruptions, pimples, eczema, tetter, scrofula, etc.
It cures cheaply, it cures quickly, and it cures to stay. That's why it's best
"After twenty yean' experience as druggist, I consider Ayer's Sarsaparilla superior to
id similar preparation on the market, and 1 give it the preference over all others."
mujvmu v v A. C WOODWARD, Worcester. Man.
In oar estimation, at regard Sarsaparilla, Ayer'sjs the standard. We bare never
heard it spoken of In other than the very highest terms."
W. E. TERK1LL & CO Pharmacists, 9 State Street, Montpelier, Vt
I consid-r Ayer's Sarsaparilla the best blood purifier on the market."
' Dr. CRISE 4 CO West Gardner, Mas.
"During fifteen years of experience with AVer's Sarsaparilla, na Jei ,0 leara
ingle cae wherein it failed to cure U nsed according to directions."
6 K. O. COLLINS, Druggist, Parti, Mo.
"I belief Ayer's Sarsaparilla contains more medicinal value than any other similar
compound." JAMES DOANE, DUpcning Chemist, Kingsvilte, Ont
it AA. A. A. A. A. A. A, A. J.
A Personal Matter
A well painted how is like a neat,
ly dreed person always attract
ive and pleasant to look Uou.
Can be repainted and freshened up
at a very reasonable inlce paints
are very cheap now. Don't leave it
until the snn makes any more marks
and cracks in it.
leave Orders at
ly's Store...
1. 1, tan,
ttii Pai .ter .
Opp. Huntley's Drug Store,
(jreat Britain and America.
Do You
J Know the News jj
W'i ... ... ..
1 xou can nave ti an ior
laspeetors For Match Factories.
A deputation of women headed by the
afifld liaronuM EurdottCoutta ploudod
with the borne secretary the other day
for the victims of the match fuctoriea.
The barouoM, though urged by the home
secretary to apeak sitting, insisted upon
standing in order to be better heard.
The Countea of Portsmouth bIho tpoke
in behalf of the women employees. The
desire to have women inspectors ap
pointed and medical experts to look into
the sanitary condition! of the fuctoriea
wai eipresaod. Sir Matthew White
Ridley, said that be bad appoiuted two
women a inspectors and would make
farther appointment for the same de
partment. Ha 01 or I Collate' Widow.
Society ia all a-flutter at the report
that Mrs. Sumuel Colgate ii to marry
the Earl of Strafford. Mrs. Colgate ia
the widow of Sumuel Colgate, who ia
aid to have left her a fortune of f 10, -000,000,
all made from toap. She ii a
tall, handsome woman, very accom
plished and clever, and ai Mi ha Cora
1800 miles of long dis-1 mjth " !" ln..?ww
. . Tt.M fi.nfr Miut ul.n tuill urvtti ai.ll
for England strengthens the rumor that
he baa captured a coronet. New York
lm$kf and byineft,
Freight and parcels delivered
to all parts of the city.
in the Evening Telegram, of Port
land, Oregon. It ifl the largest
evening newspaper published in
Oregon ; it containa all the news
in 01 iae diio uu
' T-v it for a month. A sample
V. cony will be mailed to you free.
M Address
The Telegram,
Portland, Or.
tance telephone wire in
Oregon and WaHbington
now in operation by the
Oregon Telephone and Tel
egraph company.
Portland, .Seattle, Spo
kane, Tacoma, Salem
Walla Walla, Pendleton,
Albany and 96 other towns
in the two (states on th
Quick, accurate, cheap.
All the satisfaction of a
Esrsonal communication,
istance no effect to a
clear understanding. Spo
kane as easily heard as
Oregon City office at
Huntley's Drug Store.
Portland, - - Oregon,
Changed Ilia Views.
Rev. Dr. Augustus II. Strong, pr ce
dent of the Rochester Theological sem
inary, who has hitherto been opposed
to coeducation in the University of
Rochester, announces that be hai
changed his views and will co-operate
with those who are trying to raise
$100,000 for the purpose of making co
education a fact iu the university.
The qnecn of Sium has received a gift
from ber royal husband of a thimble
made of gold in tbe form of a lotus
bud, the lotus being the royal flower,
and the thimble is thickly studded with
diamonds so arranged as to form ber
name and the date of her marriage, and
now the ladies of biiun are using thiin
blea Miss Lulu Muckey, court stenographer
of Trumbull county, U., was admit
ted to the practice of law in tbe state of
Ohio. Miss Mackey ia self educated.
She la a member of the Political Equal
ity olub of Warren. Q.
rh Famona nil Slarleal la l
i.me i nn With lh lrmnlt. !
found la tha Had Thai lla Had Mvl
Ilia Malrb al I haldaii.
What follows mlutos fr"
mi'i'ttiig of the Into il'iiry J. Hy'i
Hid Artemiis Ward. It was at lb" Hav
igi) club aft.r unit of thu Saturday din
nrrs, and Tom Robertson sunMed to
Arleiiius to have a till v. Ith livmn and,
if pibli, draw him out. The gwiiul
ihowmaii had only t' In Kiighiud a
h.wdiys. but ho kinw ilyron's "mo
hr" and went for him in this fashion :
"I fancy I havoiot'ii a face Ilk J yours
before. Pid you em have a brollmr
Aloiuo?" RolitTlsou was twhlud Arte
uius and winked at llyron.
"Alus. I lmU" n pllml the drama
llrt, iiiKtaiitly catching thu situation.
"Ho was a mariner, ugugd uu the
"That's ."
"You havin'l binrdof him for Ave
Dyrou alTio ti-d to lw lwl in rnrlivllon
and dt'libi lately rrpllml: "It's Ova
years ann Ibis very iluy. llow curious
you should mention it, sir I"
"ttVII. sir." replied ArtKUius, taking
out his hsmlkerrhnf and pretending to
wipa away a tear, "I nill the salt m
wiib your brother. We were wnx kd
together in the gulf of Mtiiirn, and be
fore help tame I killed and at hliul
TImi uiotueiit I suwyuu I rroognliud the
llkxneu. Hn was a (xh1 fellow, full of
lender feeling."
"I am glad you found him tender."
lnt iru ted lit run, also pulling out his
"Hut. sir, 1 am awfully aorry I ate
him," uil Arteinus iu the moat ltnjr
tnrlable fimliloll. "II id I known I
should ever meet bis I: .ther I am sure
I d have goi:u wULuitS Jool smio weeks
longer. Hut I was driveu to It, and you
will forgive m. won't you? I hkd
Aloiuo." and he offered his hand Iu
Ityron, which the latter shook with cor
daltly. "Kicuse my emotion, won't you?"
gasped Hyron iu his handkerchief, "lie
never wrote and told me what had be
come of bim. I hope ho agreed with
"A slight Indigestion, afterward. He
was a little tough," replied Artemus,
"but we'll not speak of thai. Wo both
suffered. Hi) suffered Moat. l!ut reluelu
ber, sir, the law can't touch me now.
It was stern newssily, and necessity, as
you may have beard, knows no law.
Hut I am willing to pay you damages
for the Ions. About what would you
think a fair oompemslioti?"
"lion't mention It," said llyron. who
now thought It time to turu the tnbloa.
"1 think your uamo is Ward?" said bo.
"Artemus Ward?"
"Quite so."
"Yon bad a father?"
"I had."
"He was a Yankee peddler iu bis own
country, was bo nut? Sold bug plain
and fine tooth combs?"
"You've hit the comb 1 meau the
nail on the bead."
"He died in the black country of
England, did bo not?"
"Ho did."
"Well, I killed blm. I knew yoo
wore bis son the moment I laid eyes on
yoo. He was a nice old gentleman, aud
I made bis acquaintance in Stafford
shire. He wished to go down a deep
coal mine; so did I, and we went down
together, bad a good time, esplored,
lunched with the miners, drank more
than was gixxl for ns and proceeded to
return to Mother Earth's surface. After
you bave been down a mine you are 1
fond of your mother, I asuro you. The j
prodigal felt nothing to what I expo- j
rienred. We onternd the huge banket .
and were being slowly drawn toward j
the mouth of tbe pit whim I saw thu j
old rope was about to snap under the j
strain. It was a perilous, a horrible, a 1
critical moment. Tho weight of two
men was too great, aud your futhnr was
a broad, bulky man. tielf preservation 1
is the first luw of nuturo. An instant
more ami we were both lost. We seemed 1
to be about CO feet from tho top.
I hastily cuTled your father's atten
tion to something implored him, In
faot, to look down the mine. Ho did so,
and as I gently tipped him overlie went
whirling aud crushing to the bottom.
It was rough on him, but I saved my
self. I ciphered it out 011 Uitr instant
like this: He is an old uihii, ueurly
buld, deaf in one ear, two teeth gone in
front, with only few years to live. I
am hulf bis age, strong and healthy,
the father of a young family, with a
career buformo, a comedy to finish for
the Haymnrket aud a burlesque accept
ed ut the Strand. Now, I ask you, un
der thu circumstances, did I not behave
"Yon did, you did I" sobbed Arte
niUH. "I would have acted that way
myself. "
"I am glad to find yoo so intelligent.
Yon ate my brother and found him
tough, and I am tho bhshhmIii of your
deur old father," continuod Hyron,
keeping up the furce of pretended emo
tion. "We are both avenged. Let os
draw a veil over the past aud never
allude to these bcartroudiug incidents
"Agreed. We cry quits. Shake I"
roared Artemus, extending both hands
aud dramatically dashing a flood of im
aginary tears from his oyes. Then he
summoned a waiter, glasses round were
speedily ordered, and everybody was fall
of congratulations upon the ready man
ner iu which the two wits bad conduct
ed their impromptu chaff. Exchange.
Mrs. McKliilcyHd.mllloU a hoi i4
Choice, exolics fn m the 1 010. rval.'ih s
of tho White llon.o should l'
Miss Il.11 rl. tCiu.lt. who was years ago
Mrs. McKinlcy s 1. 1(. Iu r at selnml. but
whoa few y.ai. 1.1:0 enl. red '!' her
term as peaio ,i"iei at Mi. lla, I'. A
pcMomil i" I" f l'l"il"" l"v"m
puiiled (be fb.wi i"
Two young l.nglih women are going
to atahliah a Hindoo convent at I'al
rutta for tbe spiritual regeiieiatloii of
llillilooislll. I'tltl of these. Women l
uradmito of Caiulirlilgit and while In
I ..null. it u na Id Kiitlliod with thu worn
a n - -
nn's suffMH" movement.
I'lirlslun women aro wearing h"s
and storking to match their gowns, lis
innitlu and iieani tones this will do,
but when it c- ej In bright greens, reds
aud blues tho woman of really refined
t,o.lo shudders al tho mere thought of
such a lad.
Tho tuuprcss of Austria left a will U
queathlngber Jewels, valued at J,oU0,
000. to ihnrltlea, Aelilllelon, III Ihej Is
liiud of Corfu, she 1. ft to I'tIiic. m Os
aula. The bulk of her lorluim 1 Hldcd
among her grandchildren.
Pniusou Is one of Ilia autumu shade
It hns a great deal of rich, dcepcilmstMi
In It and is a'U Iu rich autumn materi
als In silk aud wooL
Hanlel William, at lh noitlinaal to
her of Onlor and Seventh slreela, liaa
choice and ell selei led slis k of Mini;
s-rocerlc wlilrli lie U selling at Ve
reasoiisblu tatea. Ills motto Is "II
and U live, ltli honest wrlgbts a
aanies". (IimhIs delivered to
,,Hrt of the l ily.
Tin; lihwi'Y
T.oih;ing iiousi
Cv, .. ... ..,.,.1
S. W. tr. 4lli mid Yanihill K
iVntritlly l.icttl'd.
.'tl'y' Yamhill HI.
Clean and airy Im.Iioiiis
(omit bed lor W rents wr lilgbt. I'arl
IwilriMima fa) cent per night. Ore
City people are rrqileated to give in
call Ma r'. A. I.aa, l'r...,
jA.AAili a-IH-A. JV AA
The curse ol overworked womankind
ire quickly and surely cured by Karl's
Clover Rul Tea, the great blood punller
and tissue builder. Money refunded II
not aatialactory. 1'ilco Stt cl., and oO
eta. C. U. Huntley, the Piungist.
Wllllam, Kidney Pill
linn mi rouul lu diM-ttM-a of lne
KlilneyHai d I'rlnary Organ Have 1
ymi iieglei U-il your rameyr imr a
ynu overwurkiil vour iiervmia ay-
(.in aud cauwsl tnmblo with y"ir
l.'l.lnnt a ami Illiul.U-r? Hare Villi T
pains In
and bladder? Have ymi a flul
iv.Mniiiivi ,tf tlu .,... tnlau'lallv
I - - - - 1 - 1 y
under the ryeaT Tiai frequent de-J
fairo puna ur.lie r iwiaiii a rviunej v
I'lIU will limiurt new lifts Vt tbedia t
raMHl organs, time up the ayatrmA
aim iiimhd a iinv iiinu vi juii. i.
inuil ru oenta M-r Uu. r
Wiu.Iams Mrii. I U.. rav. CtoValaod.O.
the loin, aide, back, gmtus
fy::' practical
Csrnr a eom.et Una of ('a,
kels, t'.'ltioii. It..l ami I.IoIiiks
of iiinf iiishly and Miixl
IlinUrrsI prliea.
' ir 'y VAe'V cf
Koraale by C. (1. Huntley.
All kinds of ('stria- and Ittpalr war1
Httop I'Mti snd Msln strvats. I
Has the greatent number of advantage to ll crcti'
of any of tho Huburbs of Oregon City. It will -t
you to investigate thin jirojiorty. (Sok1 clear, lota
reasonable prices on easy instalment. Call on
T. L. CHARMAN, Trustel
Charman Bro's. Block,
Oregon Cit
A lleaaon.
The Sweet Young Thing But why
should not women enter politics?
The Savage Caobelor Too many
bosses there dow. Indianapolis Journal
Special Offer.
whereby we can
havo been inadt?
Wws u Me&M mm)
Oiler free to all new subscribers and all
who jay uj and renew their subncription'
to the Kuterpririo at$l.fi() per annum.
Devoted to tho Farm, Orchard, Garden.,
Poultry and Household j
Better Yet!
Wo will Bend you tho ENTKIt
JOURNAL one year for $2,
Cash in Advance