Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 10, 1899, Page 6, Image 6

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    charged Into the church but were unable
a ascend the tingle flight o( step lead
to th floor above. When they had re
tired, company o( the Idaho anil Wash
inton guards, atallonoJ on either side
of the building, picked off the Filipino
they were anioked out. Many of the
arU-l. however, escaped Into the brush
in the rear of the church.
The Americana captured fifty-three of
4he nM ami, timing the flghtii'g about
the church, twenty of the rebel were
killed, home ".MX) women, children ami
tion combatants, were allowed to enter
the American lines after promising to go
to the house of friend and remain
Another intensely exciting Incident
occurred during the entrapment. The
Washington and Idaho, and compan
ies K and M of the Californiana, nude
charges aero the rice field between
IVoand Santa Ana, in tl face ol a
tcriific fiiMlade. The (rround to.lay over
which they pas-sod, ia covered with
lead and wounded native. The former
are Wing buried in groups of tive or fix
-about where thev lay, and tlie biter are
twing brought to the hospital. It
ait this of tlie fichling and at Cali
jcean that the natives autTVred their
heaviest loase.
The Fourteenth regular were in a
Varticularly tight place near Singalon
and Colonel Duhoce was compelled to
rush past them w itli reserve in order to
prevent the regulars from be ins p'r
la the last line twelve men were kiMel
iiefoie the rebel retired.
ISoth side cheered frequently during
the engagemet. The Ameruan" "hur
rahs" were almost invariably followed
by drrikive "vivas." Among the na
1 1 vet the Vyogotes were notable for their
fcravery.abot.t 700 of these raked lava
ges facing the artillery fire w ith their
ito and arrows.
The scene at Manila, when the alarm
was given on Saturday night, w as wildly
xciting. The American soldier in the
theaters and at the circu were called
out, and performances were etopd,
the Filipino scurry in everywhere aud
the rattle of musketry and the booming
of cannon outside the city was plainly
The residents of the outskirts of Ma
nila flocked into the walled city with
thcirarms full of article; all canbg's
disappeared as rapidiy as if by nisgic;
treet cara were stopped ; telegraph line
vere cut, and soldier hurriedly, but
silently, marched out of the city into the
Htations assigned them. The tores
-closed almost iootantly, foreign fliga
Mere to be seen flying from many win
lows, and quite a number of w hite rags
mere hangout from the Filipino huts
jnJ hocses.
Maml, Feb. 6. Careful estimate
tdace the Filipino loe. up to date, at
2,000 dead: 3,500 wounded, and 5,000
taken prisoners.
Hoso Kong, Feb. 6. The latest ad
vice from Manila say that the rebel
have been driven back ten mile, aud
their losses are estimated at 1,900
billed or wopnded. During the fkbting
tlie United States warships abelled a
railroad train loaded with insurgent.
Tbom J. D. HtMriiitrv. Dear friends
I extend to you my sinceie thanks for
the present gent me through Co. I. We
were very glad to be remembered by
your organtxation, and feel as though we
can never repay you fully for your kind
ness. With beet wishes, I am,
Res pectfully,
Manila, T. I., Dec. 27, '99.
Continued from page 2.
Ye join in, in giving thanks for the
welcome rain.
Mr. Tanzer. wile and child, of Oregon
Citv. have moved among u. They
occupy the Rotten burg cottage.
Mr. Charles Gallogly's family is on
4he sick list this week.
Miss Tucker, of Park Place was visi
ting among friends here last Saturday
and Sunday.
Mrs. Johnston, who has been confined
to her bed so long Is now able to sit np
S part of each day.
Airs. Moore is now having her turn
ocifh the trriD.
Mr. Mooris' sisters were visiting him
during the week.
Tipr is a couole of young men in
Kolrnn. II. and II.. that are troubled with
Itae itching of the heart in a violent
form. But then they are not to blame,
for their pretty lasses would set anyone
fjeart itching.
The cold weather of the last few days
j. . noma cr . ADnlefl. Pota-
tJIlS UUIIB LUUtU wm--0-- -rr - -
toes, canned fruits and house plants have
uffered. About six incne w -
tfhlu writing.
F. J. Walkley of Salmon, was a guest
of I. U. Revenue, Sunday nigut..
cwo. ia vt vnrv far from well;
,rave fears are entertained by his many
Ifriends as to his recovery.
Adam Kotzman is well on bis was to
n, a vera attack of pneu-
Strouse and Johnson have orders for
all the Railroad ties tbey can cut in the
.next nme months, insuring -
The mail for Sandy i being carried
by Cart, Instead of Stage, a It ha bete
tofore been, the contract price w ill not
permit ol feeding static horcs.
February it, 1SW.
Needy News.
The unusually cold weather ha mod
erated at last, and left in its wake froien
potatoes, bunded egg and other minor
mishaps. The murcury stood at four
Mow xeroon the 4th hint. The snow
was only aMiit two inches deep, but
that was siithVicnt to protect the ground
from serious injury.
The youngest child of Mr. Kymandied
of pnemonia last Sunday, and wa hur
ried the following day. The parent
were too ill to attend the luneral, both
having la gripim.
SuiHrvisor Smith had a force of men
cutting and laying corduray on the Itock
Creek hill two or three day last week.
The work was needed, a the hill was
nearly iupaasible.
The school known as PI closes this
week. I'rof. Kocher, the teacher, seem
to have given satisfaction, a he has
been employed in that diattict (or nearly
two years.
The (hooting match on the 4th wa
not largely attended. If the weather
had been favorable there would have
been a big crowd and lota of ort. Mr.
Nelson, the manager, had sixteen tur
keys for the contestants.
Mr. Andrew Thompson has returned
to Monmouth, to finish his last term and
get his diploma next commencement.
Feb. 8th, IW.
Povkr, Jan. 30. The weather for t!ie
past week has been very mild and pretty
for the log-rolling which is all the go.
Joseph Deshayer had a log rolling last
Friday ; there were a good turnout and
a lot of work done.
Mr. Kitzsmilter't are preparing to
have a quilting and a log rolling the 3lt.
Mrs. Kitzmiller is going to start for the
Fast in a few days to visit relatives and
friends; every otie wishes her a pleas
ant trip.
Mrs. P. iVshszer was visiting with
her daughter in Powells Valley not long
N. Nelson is commencing to build a
fine milk house br his well.
Jacob Deshazerof Firwood, is talking
of having a log rolling before long-
Mr. Carter of Douglas, was visiting
with fnends of this place last Sunday.
Mrs. Ward of Powells Valley, spent
a few days in visiting her mother and
brother of Firwood and Dover.
Mr. Joseph Deshaxer made a flying
trip to Rocky Point.
C. Bowman is going across the moun
tains to the John Day river to go to
Feb. 7. The weather has changed
from mild to now and freezing.
Mr. French started last week for
California, to look at the country.
Joseph Deshazer and Walter Faubion
were hauling bark on a sled the other
day and had the misfortune to onset
tw ice on their trip, but neither one was
Born to the wifa of Ira Cooper, a
twelve pound boy.
Reliable man for Manager of Branch
Office I wish to open in this vicinity.
If your record is O. K. here Is a good
opening. Kindly mention this paper
when writing.
A. T. Mohkis, Cincinnati, O.
Illustrated catalogue 4 cents postage.
Buitk yplhi Kind Yon Haw Ulnars Bougnt
Preparatory to moving to our new location
N. W. COR. 3d & MORRISON Sts.,
about the 1st of March, We offer our entire stock of
Mens mid Boys Clothing,
Gents Furnishing Goods.
Hats and
Kprll (urriiuiiilruc I'ruut Ilia I.rglf
Ulursat Nalrm.
At the session of the house last even
ing the time wa taken up in the read
lug of city charter hills, this morning the
time is largely taken up in second read
ing of house bill and report of commit
tees. The evening session of the senate was
largely occupied iu local measure, a few
lulls however paasvd among which was
Loono) 'a bill providing lor ihowoiktug
of convict in building road leading
from one slate institution 1o another
making in all about ten mile. The bill
called for an annual appropriation of
.'000 for uiatvrlal and other necessary
The morning hour haa been taken up
by reports, introduction of bill, a resolu
tion calling for a constitutional amend
uir lit, the initiative aud rrleicmluiii, to
be toted on by the people, at a regular
election passed the senate tins morning.
Itoth houses of the legislature got down
to hard work Uii afternoon and a lot o(
bill were disposed of.
No. 1&5, House bill passed as follow s :
Umiting appeal to fH) or over iu
money judgment.
No. 67, To prohibit the adulteration of
No. 2ti3, Salarie of District attorneys.
No. 73, Keipiiring tieet railway com
panies to provide weather guard on
treet cars.
K rening session of house, Senate bill
No. 7, l'eudleton i barter.
House bill No. 4, To protect budges
and regulate trawl on Mine
No. tt. Salaries of county treasurer.
No. 241, Fixing salaiies of clerk and
and sheriff of Lincoln county.
No. 177, To amend law, relating to sig
nature to petition for taloon lie use.
No. 20. To prohibit (ale oL4itior in
side rooms of resturants.
No. !M, To prevent sale of liquor by
the gallou without license, also tha sale
of cider.
In the senate most of the afternoon
wa taken up with report of committees
and a few charter bill were passed. But
the most Important matter for consider
ation during the afternoon session wa
bill No. 69 by Joseph!, providing among
other thing for the conveying of Inssue
patients to the acylum. AttendenU or
nurse especially for the purpore shall be
sent from the asylum to any part of the
stale for persons committed from the
different counties section 3 of this bill
provided, that when relatives of an in
sane person were able they should be
compelled to pay for the keeping of such
Insane person. The bill was rigourously
debated for and against and after the bill
was amended by itriking out all of sec
tion 3, the bill pasted the senate,
Brownell made a good speech favoring
the bill.
Great enthusiasm wa manifested and
much applause was made when the chair
announced the ratification of the Paris
Peace Treaty, by the senate of the
United States.
A number of resolution bearinuon
the question, and congratulations to the
boys at Manila were pasted.
Thia evening shows bills to tlie number
of only 24 have passed and become
Senate bills are as follows :
No. 91, Uillsboro charter.
No, 108, Lakeview charter.
No. 189, Monmouth charter.
No. J74, Providing stenographer for
supreme court.
No. 7o, Repealing section 2788, code.
No. 181, Woodburn charter.
No. 152, Jefferson institute to transfer
No. 1, Antelope city to construct water
No. 1(H), Phllomalh city chatter.
No. r.'.t, Making Clatsop county
ihore a public hlghwtv.
No. 1MI, Amending Oregon City
No. 131, Amending Orant Pa
1 I. til Hit 1,111. as follows have passed
Itoth house.
No. Mil, Incorporating Collage tirov.
No. 1st, Amending Prsln charter.
No. t7, Incorporating Albany.
No. 41. Creating ohVe of statd biolo
gist. ,
No. 71. Incorporating Nehalem.
No. K", Incoipiiialing New Astoila.
No. 15H, Incorporating part of Tilla
mook. No. 2sl, Incorporating Wallowa city.
No. 1N3, Fixing salary ol Jacku
county assessor.
No. 211, Oold bill charter
No. 313 Marshtleld charter.
No. W, Reapportionment, senatorial
and rrpiCH'litaliv dislrli t.
In the senate Procm-IcI' bill prohibit'
lug link In in the slot machines ami
Kmlling with same, with punishment
lor the same passed.
This evening ImIi Iiouh are holding
sessions ami a Urge number of bill are
being read lbs! and second time and re
ferred so that In a few day a largn num
ber of hills will be ready lor their third
reading and final pjsnsge.
loiie spent atiout all the morning
hour hearing reimri of committees, in
the afteruiMin. Kruse got hi bill peri l
ing for the building of a tWhway over the
fulls at Orrgoii City, calved up ami
pji-d. Thompson wai not o lucky, (
his b ll regulating M:0 trvel of thresh
ing engine over county bridge failed to
pans the houms so that k lla it for the
Seu.ie bill, by Hroansll, providing
for the loaning of the irreducible school
fund at ail percent passed, getting every
vote present.
Thia morning both brancbea of the
legislature are hard at work on the third
reading ol bill.
We notice Sheriff Cooke among the
Oregon City opln hare thia morning.
The overland last evening brought
Cit. J. T. Anoeraon. who la on the
lookout for the Agricultural school.
Another (iead Hill.
Senator Brownell's bill to permit the
loaning of stale school money at six per
cent iu order to lighten the burden on
DiorlKager of home and to create a de
mand for the money now accumulating
in the treasury, pasted Tues-lay aiur-
noon by large vote.
A Frightful Illaider.
Will often cause a horrible Burn.Kcald,
Cut or Bruiae. Bucklen's Arnica halve,
the best in the world, will kill the pain
and promptly heal It. Cures Old fore,
Fever Kore. Ulcers, Boils, relon.
Corn, all Skin Eruption. ei me
rum on e rih. Onlv2.')Ctabox. Cure
guaranteed. Hold by Oeo. A. Harding.
Johnson has the bcsl hair cutter in the
Deafues Cannot be Cured
by locl application, as Ihey cannot
reach the diseased portions ot the ear
There is only one way to cure deafness,
and that Is by constitutional remedies
Deafness is caused by an Inflamed con'
dition of the mucous lining of the KU'
stachlan Tube. When this tube gets in-
rtaniAd vou have a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing.and when It Is entirely
closed deafness is the result, and utile
the intimation can be taken out and this
tube restored to its normal condition,
hearing will be destroyed forever; nine
cases out of ten are caused by catarrh,
which is nothing but an infUmed condi
tion of the mucons surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hairs Catarrh
Cure, fcerid for circulars, free.
F. J. CHF.NKY A CO. Toludo, O
Sold by druggists, 75c,
Hall's Family Pills are the bent.
, Bnowl Blush I Mud I The time of year
has come when you must have overshoes
to protect your health. We can fit you
with rubber goods which are unexcelled.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Iluw to Prrrriil Pneumonia;.
You are rlia V"n'
ni,,iiU slwav result from mid or
(, an attack of la grippe. During the
pi.l ic of la trl-i-o a lew !' '
when so many cases resulted In pn.oi
monl,.,ltwobservi.l that the atla- k
was never followed by that disease when
riiitmhcrlsln' Cough Remedy wa use-i.
It counleiacl any tendency ol a coin or
la grlpK to result In that dangerous di-
.0 It I the best tcmciiy in in
. . , . i.' -
for bs.l cold ami la gripi. r.v.-.j
tlln warranted. For sale by
A very Hurt Sluiiiwey piano rail I had
. l. ...a. . fill A III)
on verv easy lerms """ -
tion Ihi'ino
tor 1.1 (irlppe
Thoms WhitHeld A. Co., 2 1" Wabash-
i .. ..f I 'I.,..,.
av., coi ner jsi simn., oi- - -oldest
an I iiiosl proinhient druglsis,
recommend ChsinlH'ilaln'a Cough Rem
edy for la gripH a It not only give a
prompt and cmiip'ele reller, lull also
rjiinteracl any len iency of la grlpi to
result In pneumonia. For sale by tieo.
A. Ilinllng.
U'NTF"- srvrini.Tm"TwiiiMii
Ill lh ! I 'HIbi B
III ,.. In fi-Oill. H miIjr
'Ik fiili'1'n Hit ' l" . NIMT '"
"o-. mil' I. 'I Mui.liiylV II-1-ii
K"rl - rl'-vl MH.I' im "I 'Uoliti. II"
tri K. II. f m ils I H thl'-l '. '
IUT lw Ml 1 1 ll
A grand old rnnedy for Cough, Colds
and Consumption; uwd through U''
world for half a century, ha cured In
numerable tsr of I in Iplelit colisiimplb
on and relieved many Inadvenced slages.
If you are not sat mlled with the results
we will refund yur immrv. Priced
eta. , and M ct. and 1 (HI. C. 1 1. 1 1 untlry,
the Druggist,
Lenl NotlccH.
Ml Vf MOM.
In tht Circuit Court ol V Hiattuf (TfKon,
fur IlisCjuniy ol (' kimx.
frsnX Kraus ami Ksia Knuw, I'I'iDi.
Anton Mimllsr, Ibi-mls Murllrr. niln-ralx
known at ilivrrsa Murllar ami Juliu Jluil
Irr, iMtmlanls.
In tha nam of thtriialaof Orrgrni:
To Anton Miirllsr am! Thsrvxlt Musllsr
iitlitmlvs known tf Thrrvia Muthtr, lv
You and twh ol yon ars hritiiv
rsiiuirml to l anil i irsr In tha sixits
millril roiirl on or bclora tha I'tlli ilsjr ol
Mrcli,lM, to nisks auswar lo I lis non
plaint ol plaintllts ttlnl In Ida timvs an
tillnl rs'iw. ami If you tail In so sptr
plaintllts will apply to tha court for tha
rsllal dainaiiilatl In Ilia complaint, P rll:
Kor a ilrrr ol tha tan! court iulrtlng
plalntlll lllla to llis folio Ina ilesi rilinl
rval roirty silusia In tha onui.lr ol
I'lacksinst, and stats o( Orviron, In all:
rWainnlng at a iioliil IU ) i) rdalnt
North, and II chains Ksal ol Ilia North'
wrst cornsr of ths houth-wat iiiarlr ol
action i in Town I, H.mth. It suns r.ssl
ol tha Wiltanislis nurl.lisn, running
l ha nra Kast It so ii rhalm, iiisnra
.North IS IS-In I rhsiiit, Ihriic Wrst
llMln) rhains; ttisiua H.iuili 11 p
chnlus to the plart ol tirgl lining, contain
lii Ti arret mora or st.
From Hit atxtva couvsyanca Is siori Uil
nna-haif tht width of a strip convrynl lo
Clackamas cuuntr lor usa as a rotil, so
Ions a lh ssms thtll b usrd br tald
county ami tht Public as a public road.
And for a provision hi tha stll ilm-ras
rsmovlug Hi clouil of iln'rinlaiits' claim lo
tha said rtal property, and lor a J'iimnl
(or costs ami nistiursrinaiits, ami lor such
other and furihar rallrl as to tha court shall
sarin nirct and tpiiiablt In tha premises.
This puh'li-stlon Is muln hv or lrr ol Hit
Hoiiorahla Thomas A. Mcllrlils, ol ths
Circuit Court ol tht county ol t'lsrksmas,
ami slata of Oregon, mailt In the abort
entitled cans on Ilia isth ilsv of January,
Hsow A Mi-Casust.
Aliornavt lor Plslmllti,
Pat of First publication Jan. T,, 'li.
In the Circuit Court ol tin Hun uf tire
gon, lor Clackamas County
John Wilson, plslntitt, v Mbble Vsuglin
Wagner ana Dr. Clinton Wtgnrr, her
Uiisliand, (lelemlants.
To I.I bliio Vaughn Wagner and Or. Clin
ton Wsgner. ilelemlanls slxivs naiunil :
OKKUON you and e h ol you are hsrehy
iUuinioiieU aud rtipiireil to apar anil
answer to the complaint Died igsinnt you
In tlie abova eutillnil suit on or before lbs
expiration ol six wesks Irom the ilsieol Hie
hrst piihllcatlou ol this summons, which
data of first publication Is the Mill day ol
January, I WW. Ami If you fall solo aptiear
and answer, for want thereof, the pltintlir
will apply to tain court for me rebel tie
tiiamleil in tht complaint.
Th relief dsmamleil In said complaint It
t decree ol tuts court adjudging ami its
creel nit that tht plainllfl Is tlie owner In fee
aim pie of Hit northwesterly two-flfllit ol tht
following uusorioeii real estate situated In
the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon,
to wit:
KeKlmiing at a polntrleven and ..1 ll .'WJ
chains south and three ami .00 (3.0AJ chains
east ot tut quuriertection corner on the line
between section twelve 1 121 ainlll.'ll In town
ship two '-' south of range one II east of the
W lllamntie mnriiiian and running thence
south tixty-six I'Ki; degrtes and llfty-two
iniuiiies west iiiiriy-uiie ami .a) l.ll.i'i
chains to a steel urni in a solid rock on the
right bank or tuo Willamette river; thence
northwesterly following the meanders of
said river to Hit southwest corner ol a tract
uf land owned by Whipple and Robert:
thence north sixty-six tklj degrees ami
thirty 301 niiuutos east thirty chain to
tha northeast corner of the tract of land
herein described; thence south forty-four
Tij m-Krura rn suveiiienn 1 1 1 Chains and
sixty-nine I'Jil links to the place of begin-
iiiiik, uoiiianiiiig uiiy .o acres, mors or
less, said tract or land beluga part of th
Htepnen walker donation laud claim Iu sec
tions twelve 12) ami thirteen llljln town
ship two (2) south of ranire one (11 .
that plalntlll la In the rightful and lawful
possession of aid premise, and that the
title to the same be qulbid in him; (ud that
It be further adjudged and decreed by this
court that the said defendants, or either of
mem. nave no right, tine, or Interest In or
to said premises, or any part thereof, as
against this plalntlll, and for a Judgment
Kinst said defendants for tht costs and
uinuiirsemiinis oi tins suit
This summons is published In the Oregon
v.. j.iiiBiiiinr. . iiuioiniicr I'uuunnei
Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregi
howgpaper published at
iamaa County. Omuim
by an order of the Hon. Thomas A. Mo-
Urkle. Judire of the above entitled nmn
made on llieDtu day of January, Ihm.
u. w. AI.I.KN,
Attorney for Plalntltr.
1-13 2 24.
'Mhll ll ll'llte
Win n the pr.wldi iit I alhoiuotoorf.
vrul hi.ndr.HUud omelm-o thot.aati.1j
f g.l.U In lhl" eVel.ll.K. Il Uqtllte
n .nry that the airangemeiiU for re
celvlng an many H.pl" bouhl he In
tha hands of man akllM ll f
flra Well, they arn. Colot.-I Ihr-slore
A llltiglmi.i I tlm " ",,,,,"1r:
,tnda just how a Hit im.h .houM
U, huhdlml. Private H.s rotary I ufK
w ho U really r.,MH.slbb f -r IhU future
of White llmin Hf". ba so inthr 'lh'T
and more ImiH.rtni.td.dallsto l-s.k afb-r
that he innld hardly I rp l.I to 011
,lli position HoColoiml Itingham haa
r.-ti 1 In us hi a-s lal asnlsUlll
llelatlm imoiti-rof rvreiuoiilo Hhe
(Xeclltlva fillirllolia
C.di.n. 1 lUngham I '" " ""7
.1 f I. In. 1 kllll a
tis'lal pH-rieire, oi i"'n - -
Que iH.is..nal apl"-aram . It la he who
ItitJiSkL TtlkolMillS A. WMoilAM.
maki th" Intri-luctloh t the prnal-
ht and receiving i-srty JIlaslsl
Ku tht ..m. by Captain J i tlllnw.
Jr . and It tinlvrrv'iy reinnrkot
on New Yrar'a dny thai tho KTvi crowd
which ctlle-l t thn prrsildetil wa
Mianage.1 In a inajiti-rly inaiiher.
Kvrry aroM'n the list tf While 1 1 oust
f.tlvltlc la a l"tii( on, and this ia no
riit-ption. Tha New Year's riptloo
waa rely a Nglnning Mnnrra.
crptloit and lrvn.-s fulluw each other In
rapid tuicewlnn. andra h meana vast
amount of preparatory work by Coloul
llllighalil and Captain (IllfiHiMt
Tho nisrwlty f..r a new ami larger
honsn for lb" presbleiit l-uire more
and mora evident as the yex go by
No trslem. no inatt.-r how carefully
thonght ont. will prevent tho rrowrdlng
aud discomfort at oflU-lal rerrpllona o
niarke.1 on New Yi-ar'a day. and enlrf
talnlng at th rxn titlva tuanalnn most
lack distinction and eWaix-e until th
president la provided with a borne Urge
enough to meet all the restilrwirut
We aro democratic impn. It la trna.
prealdehtlal palaco might to ui
what of a paradox, but It la demanded
by thia very democracy of oure which
ial tha Indlvidtial b) Insist that on
of hi privilege Is tho right to file Into
the Wht to House along with thoa
sand of his pri-r to shake the presiden
tial bam! at least twb o a wack daring
tho coiigrrsniioiml aeaaun.
. j :
a llbrlsjilsfct'e Katorlla riassal.
The young que n uf Holland I Very
entbuslastlnabout horticulture. Her fa
vorite flower I uot unnaturally the
tulip. The royal gardener make super
human efforts to keep thews Dowers in
bloom all th it year round tu view ti the
peculiar favoritism which their nils
tress ha for them. There it one speclsl
variety of tulip railed Queen Wllbol
miiia, of which she I particularly fond.
Il I brilliant orangn, with flame colorod
Mis Fmily Tha keray Is doing a good
work among tlm Navajo Indluua, par
ticularly In tho hospltul which ha re
cetitly Imn ii Itil'.t. Tho Indian them-
Ivos selei tnl the site. The building I
of white stiiim, which la found In that
locality, Th n Imllnti aeemiMl much
phmiH-d tohavu sulni tliing built express
ly for their own ui
All persons having claim against lh
estate of I, tike Com', deceased, are hereby
iiolilled to present Mini with proper vouch
ers hs the umlsrsigusil, wllliln tlx months
from date thereof,
Oregon City, Oregon, Feb. 10, JM!I.
Ml .H.IIO.N.
In the circuit oourt for (lie title of Oregon,
lor the county of Clackamas.
M. Ilmkstrln, vs. Harsh Uucksleln,
In the nam of the state of Oregon,
You are herebv required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you In
the aliove entitled suit on or before the 10th
day of March lH!m, and If you lall so to
nswer, lor want thereof, ths plalutin will
apply to tht court for tht reliuf prayed lor
In the complaint, viz:, a dissolution of lh
marriage contract existing between you
ml lb plalntlll. Bald complaint allege
that you ami the plalntlll were married at
Warsaw, Kusnla, on the day ol May
Iffwi, and that ever sine .that lime have
been and now are husband and wile.
That some tlm In th year IM81I, you (lid
without any cause or provocation willfully
desert and abandon tht plalntlll herein,
and ever tince hv lived seperat and
apart from him without causa or provoca
tion. That he It now and for more than
one year last past ha been a resident of
ths state of Oregon.
You are notified that this summons Is
published by order or lion. T. A. McUrbla,
Judge of th above court, tald order having
been made and entered In thia cans on
tha 2fttb day of Januarv, 1WXI, requiring
this luminous to be published In the Ore
gon City Knterprlse, Clackamas county,
state of Oregon, one a week for six weeks,
the lirst publication being on the 27th day
of January, lwill ami that on said eum
mons being published as ordered, to-witi
on or before the loth day of March, 1H!H),
that you appear and answer said complaint.
Ml III'llY. Union r Ai Hwstt
and Covkht Btafi.xton,
Attorney' for Plaltlir.
fcbeir mill and laborers.