Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 10, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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Oregon City Enterprise
TimkCamk I'ahiniiir KaH.WAV CuVI'AIIV
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Famished Firry Week by the Clack,
ma Abstract A Trul Company.
K M .i kman lu M Peter, I arm
1 arc II. t 3 s, r 1 w Itixt)
1 Mary llolrr, liynlirnlT, to D llmklo
loia t, lo t, pi 7 mix! n. blk 27,
1 Oregon City 727
jOAC It K Co to J II ilaa tmi of
j aw 4' sec 5, t 3 a. rfte HO
H 1. Qlimhy to V J Johnson three
luurili acres In ic H, l 3 , 1 5 o
J () lloiinell lo 11 Wiasinger, tract
near Un.l, bk 2, . fU, dn.d 1
F U MoCoan, by executor, lo II (5
Stevens, lula in .U.Itonr o C
S M.McCown to II I. Kelly. trulc
lota in Oladstono 1
It JaggsrtoJ Caj.M ll, tola 3 ami 4
bik 3, Oregon City I'MXf
It M All-n to M li Miller f of r'4'
imv 14, 14 a, r 3 i :KX)
W II franklin to M I' Whto. M
acres sec 31, t 5 , r I t 7)
TRUST CO. are the owner of tlio copy
right lo iho Thorua system of abstract
indexes, for Clackamaa county, ami have
the only complete set of abstracts in the
County, can fuminh Information a to
tit Its to land at oner, on application
I-oafl, Invcatmnnla.Mal rulato, altracU
etc. Olllro ovrr lUnk of Ore iMn City.
Call ami liivcutUaUi. AJJrraa IkiI 377
OrcKon City Orpiton.
Itrauliilluiia of Condolnnri'.
V ii km kan, Hrotlmr William A. Frakoa,
ii mnilirr of llanlitiK (iranuo, 1. of II,
No. 12'.', IxKan, Orrtton, liaa benn calli-J
by tlia Pivlnf Matir from th flIU of
lila lalmra to the IiIkIiphI ami bfat life,
th r foro, Ito it
Kraolved, Ttmt hy the di'alli of
brother Frakua, ttiia uraiifo and tliia
community ha lout a highly rexpectod
Jttiaolved, Tliat tlila iiibordinatn
Itranuo tmidcru itadacpont (lynipatliloi to
tlia tx'rciavcd aona and diiiinlitor and
other rfluilvei of our d(cpa"ed brotlior,
and our linitire condolence and ftym
pathy for tlmlr Imiparnlile lona of a kind
father and loving rulalive, wIiohu ex
emplary lifu they will itreatly iii'iuh.
Ueaolved, That tlio charU-r of tlila
KraiiKO bo diapfld in mouniinif fur 30
daya in lionor of our deceaHvd brother.
Henolved, Tlmt IIichb reHulutionn Im
entered on tlio juurmil of thin uruno and
a copy bo went to tho family of our lain
brother and a ropy ' aeut to each of tho
following papc-ra for publillcation : Thu
Oregon City Courier-Herald, the Oregon
City KnteipriMo, Tlio Oregon City Presn
and the NortliweHt l'nciflu Farmer.
Wll.l.AMI) V, Al'HTKN,
Miiion Kaiii.kh.
ChriAtian Rciunco HervlcuM are held in
.Willamctto hall every (Sunday morning
at 11 o'clock. Subject for Sunday
"Mind." Sunday school at 12:10 Wed
nesday evening meeting At 8 o'clock. A
, cordiul invitation Is extended to all who
.-ucmre 10 aiieuu.
i . , , , i
Itnat aliave
in the city atJohn'on's
; bnrber eliop.
Plenty ol money to loan at 8 per cunt
n long or short time. Apply to G. E.
Hayes, olllce up stairs, opposite Hunt
ley's drug store. .
unaioeo trronTS.
l:il'iiHo m lh Nararrf I'rmllah
A rm r nraraWi,niN and Onlrfnor
SiMirla W iimrn I foreign Orilrra.
I'Ulnlr Hraal Moral llilrn.
Among (ho sucenrsfut applicants for
aduilMilou to prncllfii law pHil hy thn
aupri'inn c;iirt coiiiiiiUainiii ra: yeMierday
m Mrs. Aiiiiiudn (J. I'cti-ra, formerly
IMIm Hlmy of thin city. Hhawns I ho on ly
vcoinali oiuong IIhmmi who took tlio i
auilnallon, but aha madn as rredltablo
a Khnwlrig as any cf tho rest, and al
though tlm timt was rltfld shs proved to
In soundly I'ljiilpjM'd In knowliwtgo of
thti law,
It Is inndi to tho credit of Mrs. I'o
ters that she was abtn to wut the etam
inntloti, fr whnt aim knows of tho Jaw
she Las learned by tier owu nfforts and
.1 v r ' .. .', 'i
, una. a. o cm 1:1,
without the aid of of!lii iustnifiioti i t
a i nlh Kluto nmratt f aiudy Whllu she
refilled in ran 1'ruucliu-o alio worked as
a rompMi('r mi a morning jajx r, and
tier hours i f h'laiire wum fw, but w hut
tl ma alio liml was spent In stndy. Iter
books. l'i. were few lii number, but she
lnnati r d thi in i no by oim and um-I up
her small saving lu tho iurchami of
A lltiln ov" r a yeur ag" Mi 8hay bo
caiim thu wiln i f O. K I'uiers, and lh
coliplo h'lnmril loliiur riaeervlllq. Kl
llorailo eounty, wlit ro Mr ('i ters was
ttaebllig ni'isil Together they con
tinned the Mudy of liio law, and thr-
luoiilhs ago tiny lamo lo this city to
reiar fur Ilia fxuiuiuutiou. ISotb
lkiM, ami I lie)- will now protably ro
main lu tlio rily. Suu Francisco Ki
KlIajafM la lb Xnnrry.
Tho uuraery Is iho child's microcusm.
Hem bo lgins to rni lira tho Rifts
and ifrnces which will aland hi in in
stead ut a later dny
lt tho rhlltlnn lo taught to arold
tho nao ( f slang It is as well that they
shall hove no epocil pet phrmao and
that their speech shall Ik) refined
They may piny as merrily as they
chooMi, but it Is well that Ihey shall
not be too rough or boiatemus. In go
ing uUttit u bouM) ( hlliln n aro not tho
gnimrslf allowed to tear from top to
bottom of tho stairs liko lit t las saragiw
or stitTcrcd lo shout at tho tops of their
voices or to Interrupt conversation.
A well bnd child will bring Its toys
anil to neither a trouble nor a tortuent
lu tlm drawing r sun whero bis mother
and her friends aro talking.
About children's questions as a
rule, they should bo auawered as fully
nml clearly as pcsnibks but children
should not bo encouraged in tho niero
aakiug of a long string of questions
simply fur tho auko of putting them
selves in evidence.
Ouo needs to exercise discretion In
answering the question that is ankod bo
can no tho child really wishes to know,
and to decide what answer to give when
tho child is simply determined to be in
tho foreground. It Is sometimes bust to
sny very plainly and candidly to a
child, "I cannot explain this to you
Iiow ; 1 shall do so when you aro older."
Euglirib children aro kept lu tho
nursery to an extent almost unknown
among us. They seo their parents loss
frequently than do American children.
Atainnia Is to them a sweet presiding
geuiiiH, something very liko a queen,
who comes In now and then, to whom
coniplalntsnro referred, who is tho real
sovereign, but is n it always at their
beck and call. The soft pillowy bosom
of nurse, nsuiilly n middle ngod and
comfortublo sort of pcrsoniio, receives
their littlo heads in tluir childish trials
ami troubles.
The uuriio takes tho children to walk,
attends to tlxdr meals, uiamiKca all
their affairs.
The plan has hoinr tliii'" to bo said In
Ha favor, for certainly n i.uld mauuered
and equable nurso i lietti r fur a child
than a wearied nml half hysterical
mother. Philadelphia I'n x.
RnalUh Arinjr Nurara.
Ameriou, strictly speaking, la no
armv unrHos. Wo have I'rotlclciiC nurses
woo ouro ror llio ills of imtiects in nut
and cougfm and ull luny; troubles
(tlscpry Pcci0P8l
is tho standard remedy. It is now
put up in half-size bottles.
m !
Is duo not only to the originality and
simplicity of the combination, but also
to the care and skill with which it la
manufactured by selcnllflo processes
known to the CAi.ironsiA Flu tirmr
Co. only, and w wish to Impress upon
all tho Importance of. purchasing the
true and original remedy. Aa tho
genuine Syrup of Figs Is manufactured
by tho CAi.iroiiMA Flo Hrxup Co.
only, a knowledge of that fact will
assiitt or.o In avoiding the worthless
Imitations rnunufueturcd by other par
lira. The high standing of tho CaM
roH.viA Fio hriit l' Co. with tho medi
cal profession, and tho aatlsfacllon
which the tfenuino Syrup of Figs has
given to million of fumilies, maUrs
the iiuino of the Company a guaranty
of the rscellence of lu remedy. It Is
fur lu advance of all other luxatives,
as it acta on tho kidneys, liver and
bowc Is withuut irritating or wruken
lug them, and it dues not grl n"r
Iimum ste. In order togct its bcnef.clal
effects, please rrmeiulier the name of
the Company
SAM rUASdat), Cal
Lot'lSVILLC Uf. kKW VOHK. . r.
I -zrAN
It will pay you to come to Portland
and tturchaso of us
Than anv other store in the state
and wo will pay faro to Portland and
return on all purchases of $5.00
or over.
HEN. SELLING, Manager.
city hospitals and In private tumnics.
but they have not received tho particu
lar training that is essential to life and
work iu overcrowded wards and hospi
tal ships. Fifteen years since the Eng
lish government recognised the fact tlmt
it was iicccMtary lo give women special
training for military nursing, aud tho
queen founded Nelley his-pital soon aft
er Florence Nightiugale'a magniflocut
work iu tho Crimea. Tbo stmlents al
Netley aro taught with scrupulous caro.
They aio required to work iu tho hos
pital, first na probationer, and then as
registered nurses, from Ave to six years,
and the government gives no diplomas
until tho severed examinations have
been passed. Onco graduated from Net
ley school, a woman becomes a part of
the Uritihh army, subject to the com
mands of her government aud pledgen
to bow to tl: J peculiar discipline nudcr
which the army muses uro held. At any
day or any hour, on a moment's warn
ing, flic imn-t be ready to embark for ouy
pint ol tho world whero hur services are
required. To tho shore of thu Kile, the
jungles of South Africa or to tho fron
tiers of India. Like a soldier, she wears
a uniform- mid travels with the least
possible luKguge. In tho hospital sho
wears a print gown and white apron.
Her voyagi g toilistitut hinds aro usually
li, ado in hospital ships, aud sho plays
no part on (ho ti Id ct but lie. Her duty
is to lervu in hospitals near Iho scene of
combat, to which tho wounded nro sent
She is in no sense a doctor, hut she is a
surgeon's assistant. When tho govern
ment issues it call for an ill man to be
scut homu from u fineign station, Not
Icy nurses go out on a vossul to bring
him home. For this reason they aro
obliged to bo capital sailors, aud they
know a ship from stem to stern.
Springfield ltcpnl liciiu.
Women mid Outdoor Sports.
Roughly estimated, it is perhaps a
(lecadu since woim u beg..n to take an
active part iu miuo thuu two or three
sports. It lniH been predicted time and
time again' Hint their interest was only
a caprice, that outdoor exercise was
only a fad. These predictions have
grown fainter and fuiutor, until they
aro scarcely heard at all. Iustoad of
flarhiH ud aud out. tho interest wonu'
aliovv In suitamo sKrls lias steadily
du "tied and broadeuil. Kvery year
woineii have a greater choice In the
mutter. A few years ago (hero was prac
tically nothing but funis and bowling
ojeii to Ihctil both loo violent to be
poaalble for iniiiiy women. Tlmt rather
dubious din t cf iithletiu blessings has
now grown to n lift of very respectable
b n;th, so thut It seen:s as if almost any
woman might iudulgn in thut "much
biitling about i,i the open air" which
mi eminent (ii immi phyalcian has do
i lured to bean aentinl to good health. :
In thu nutiirn of thlcgit, sailing is slow '
it I huii most sports lo f-ulist iho active
participation if women It is making'
auru if slow headway among them, bow- ;
ever. At Newport this scsann there ,
wero several luces between SO footers -
sailed by women. At Jamuica bay tiers ,
wssoue yacht race with eight entries, !
all of tho boats being "manned" by
women. According to the rules, only
one man was allowed on each yacht,
Lut tho course was can fully patrolled j
by the bout of therignttu committee in
order to guard ogaiuat accidents. To
the credit of tho women trews be it said
tho patrolling fleet found Its role purely
urn u men tab Harrier's Pazar.
U'oiara la t'orrlito Ortlrr.
In thu world of utt iim ii still monop
olie to a gnat d'grw the orders of dis
tiiu tion Only i,iiut iiJ foreign orders
sro open to win.! u. tin -.) Udng strictly
( lilim d to a n: uJl I l. M
III Fliglatid. if the Or r i f tho Una
pitlll cf ht .Joiill of .leriiMih -n l. lf'1'.r
i-d, only Ihrw hi "omry tit!e can be
conferred cn tli ceniP r r-.-t T.r ,n ai.
the Crown of linns, tho I'.-iyi-l i. -l. r of
Victoria an I Alhrt uu-l the l.'-yul IV c
Cross. Tho I- IjI iirii.Ix :i tf v ;:
in iIiiimi ord-ri i : t :')'), i f v. i: i
7u am of roytl bl o : .-r J t.vt .
j of tlm hritiah govern- r f In li.i or hi
I ill Ull tirlliee'i' III u-l! lit''"' f'l'
Clothing Co.
3rd and Oak Streets.
Dr. Darrin's Place of Ilusliiess.
Dr. Darrin can lie consulted free at 2uo
Morrison street, Portland, from 10 to 12;
2 to 5; 7 to 8. He treats all curable
chronic, acute and private diseases, with
electricity, and scientific medical treat
ment, such as Rye, Kheumatism, Asthma,
Consumption, Catairh, Dyspepsia, Indi
gestion, Scrofula, Female Weakness,
Deafness, Sexusl Diseases, Lost Man
hood, Malaria, Urinary Troubles, Tiles
or any other curable disease. Low
charges, wuhin the reach of all, com
bined with the best medical skill. A
friendly talk may save you thousands of
dollars or years of suffering and perhaps
your life.' Young, middle-aged or old
men soHoring from the effects of follies
and excesses restored to perfect health,
I manhood and vigor. Each visitor seen
privately, and all communications re
ceived in sacred confidence. Out-of-town
patienU can write lor question
blanks and circulars free. By that
means many may be saved the expense
of a trip to Portland.
Sick Headache absolutely and per
manently cured by using Moki Tea. A
pleasant herb drink. Cures constipa
tion and indigestion, makes you eat,
sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction
uiiarauleed or money back. 25 cents
and 50 cents. Geo. A. Harding, agent
Johnson lias the best hair cutter in the
every where for "The Story of the
I'hilipiilnes" bv Murat llalstead, comioia
aiooed by the (lovernment asOllleial His
torian to the VYsr department. The book
was written in army camps at San Fran
cisco, on the Pacific with General Merritt,
in the Hospitals at Honolulu, lu Hong
Kong, In the American trenches st Manila,
iu the Insurgent camps with Aculnaldo, on
the deck of the Olympla with Dewey, and
iu the roar of tmlile at the full of Manila.
Ilonanza for agents. Brimful of original
pictures taken by government photo
graphers on the spot. Large book. Low
prices. Big profits. Freight poid. Credit
given. Drop all trashy unotllcial war books.
Outfit free. Address, F. T. Barber, Seo'y.,
Star Insurance Bldg., Chicago.
Mokes the food more delicious end wholesome
Tft a.wi
femnimlerlire ot "liigri rtistinctton."
Thero are now ti i-'reneliw ium n wbo
Ixdong to tho great national Order of
th le gion of Honor, and eight other
legionnaires have be-u riuoverl by
death. At the htud of tho lii-t stands
limn. IComj lii.iibeur, the gn at painter.
Tho award of tho French Jury, which
gave to her tho grand prizo for "The
Ib,re Fair, " carried with it tho cross
of tho Legion of Honor. The docoration
was refused to her on acuuut of her
sex in IH'iH, but was ultimately con
ferred upon b r in tG5. fcho was pro
moted to the rank of officer in April,
111)1. Frenchwomen nif.y also rr-et-fvs
the distiuelion of becoming o!Acir do
1'irutruction pulliquo or of being tlcct
td olhcier de l'ucadcmiH.
I'Ulnlr Hrra.rU llo,al (kllilrra.
Those wise littlo mothers who decry
tho American l.atiit of ov. rdievujg veo
bits of bul.ii will be Intcrcs' ed to know
that I'riiiMt All.ert, the small mite of 4
years, who is iu tho direct lino of suc
cession to Iho throne of h'uglund, Wears
tho plainest kind of frock and bonnets.
The children of the royal family are
always clothed simply. Their little
arms aro nt.hampcred with frills and
furbelows, and rinLons and bows are not
continually getting into th'.-ir precions
mouth or tickling their soft, pretty
necks. Lit tie I'riuco Albert wear tucked
skirts of pique and blousi s of the same
material, trimmed with braid of thin
while or turkey red. The children of
many of the well to do Americans are
costumed in small 'garments every bit
as costly.
I'riuoo Albert's youngest brother,
Prince Albert Frederick Arthur George
of York, who is ono yejr younger than
the eldest baty of tbo hnko of York's
interesting family, plays bis baby
games in ordinary frocks cf nainsook,
trimmed perhaps with a few dainty
tucks or edgings of delicate hand em
broidery. Tho little sister. Princess Vic
toria, who was 1 year old April i3 last,
has for everyday wiar plain, fine little
slips that have neither heavy lace trim
med flounces to hamper her small legs
ocr elaborately made yokes t J fret her
infant mind. Pittsburg Dispatch.
Flower Raths.
It Is not stated who is responsible for
the latest fcipiuiue caprice in the mat
ter of baths. Neither the beautiful
Mmft Recamier, however, nor Miss
Anna Held, our modern authority on
bathing as a flue art, is associated with
the newest expedient for rendering the
skin soft and smooth and fragrant as a
Dut trne it is that the flower bnth bas
won tho fasbiouatde maiden's approba
tion for the moment To be sore, there
Is a smart bit of expense attached to
such immeasurable luxury, but bene
ficial effects are sufficiently pronounced
to justify the curtailment of expendi
ture iu another direction and the open
ing of an account with a florist.
The method of preparation is extreme
ly simple. Hoses aud violets bold sway
in this as in numerous other features of
"my lady's" toilet To properly im
pregnate tho water for the bath at least
two dozen roses or half a dozen bnncbes
of violets are required Inclosed in
liuen bug, they should be placed in an
larthcu vessel, covered vitb two quarts
df water aud allowed to siruruer until
the fluid is heavy with their fragrance.
This extract, imparted to a tub of tepid
water, is prououueed superior to any
similar toilet preparation one may
purchase at a shop. New York Herald.
WIlhelmlBW la Brows.
A bronze figure on exhibition now at
one of the big silversmiths represents
her majesty, Wilhelmina, and her dog.
The broaize is by a Dutch sculptor, and
the straight, stolid little figure and
ronnd, placid face look very like the
photographs of tho little sovereign. The
costume, portrayed as conscientiously
as if intended for a pattern for the la
dies of tho Netherlands, is very pretty.
It is a princess dress, made apparently
of brocaded silk, the design small but
intricate. The bodice and skirt open to
show a front of some soft material,
probably chiffon or niousseline, and the
edgca of tho silk in front aud nround
the yoke aro bordered with an ostrich
feather trimmiuir. The sleeves have
bauds of this trimuiiug at intervals.
Tho little queen's hat is a Ehudy affair
trimmed with feathers and ribbon, and
her hair is drawn tightly back and tied
with a bow. The dress reaches to her
shoo tops, and the "common eeuso"
shoes cover feet longer aud broader tbau
those of most Now York gills. Tbo dog
on whose betid rests tbo hand that rules
tho Netherlands is a big aud 6bac,gy
setter. New York Commercial Adver
A ttnteh Sapper.
Bicycle trips and costumes suggest an
informality which is not altogether in
aeoord with a caterer's spread served at
one's home tablo, yet whut party, large
or small, makes a bicyclo run without
coming home ready to eat n substantial
meal? A Dutch supper, as some ono has
chosen to call an informal spread of
wholesome and toothsome dishes, makes
a pleasant variety for an evening spread.
At this season au attractive center
piece may bo arranged of fruits, aud at
each place a stein is plnced to suggest
tho "Dutch," if uothiLfi more. TLo
viands served st ouo such jolly party
wero lettuce aud bam sandwiches made
with brown bread, toastod crackers with
cheese, sardines, pretzels aud potato
ara y , a.w tom.
Sunday Services.
KKAN I M MANUAL lllf KCif-CoretS
Kiiffith siel J. II Adams streets; p.v.
Krneal J. W. Mark, tator. hniirtsy school
n lo A. M., weekly services svsry 1 Imriday
st H I'. M. (irrman school tvsry Hsiurday
from 9 to 12. Kverjtxxly Invited.
ST. JOHN H fllfRCir.CATfTOUr.-Rsf. A.
lln.i.iaasi, faa;,r. On Mun1a, mast at x sad
10S a. ST. fever arrond anil frmrth S'lnriar
(irrman arrmon after (he s o'clock nana
At ail other maaaes Korll.h srrmnaa. Huiclsj
Srh'Kil at 11 r. M. Vaaters. aaUgeocal
ulileeu and Benediction at I.Mr. u.
01rv, Ha.'.or. M'lrnliif aervlre st 10 C
Suo'lay Hclniol st l . I'Uu neetins after
muf ul ut aervle. t.'enliis aervlea al
i-KMt mee'iiK sunaay veuinr mt
I ). frarer M-rtine Thiirailar Tuln i
I huraijar tveoirif St 7ac
ttraugera eorllalir luvlted.
J. Montomi-ry, Paao.r Hervirei al II A n. ami
7 SO r. . saliiiath S'h-wi! "i t h. Y-.ina;
Pwijile a Hiriety ut i,hrl.iln Fmleavnr metat
STtrjr Suinlsy evenlns st S Mt. iMitftay
Svenlns prayer meeting al I 'M. 8si tree.
F.rl-- . Paator; J. K, Khkkt slOoil.
Pn-aehiDs .ervlcea evrrr Ritnlay at 11 A. Jt.
and 7 ..Vi ?. it. SaM.atb ar-Kmil every Sunday al
10 A. M , M'. Zt'iiDirn,au Siil. grayer Meetlnf
every 1 burt lay evening.
Itev. p. K. Ifammonil, Hector. Hervicea
very Hn ulsv at 11 a. m, and 7:tp. m.
ti'inday school at 10 o'clock, htrvice everv
Friday r veninjj st":."0. (uher service as
may he announced. All fe.its free, ttracf;
ers cordially inviled.
jreKaiional chiircu. Ilev. P. hick, alr
rerviee svery Hutiilay al 11 A. M. Suntirw
school at 10 A. M.
Christian Science meetings at Wilder
ette ball, Sunday morninj service, IB
o'clock ; Sunday school, 12; weekly meet
ings. Wednesday evening at 8, except
first week of each month, when meeting
will be held on Thursday evening at S
A. O. U. W. meets every Saturday
evening in the A. O.' U. W. Temple.
Geo. K. Califf. secretary.
Rebekahs Willamette Rebekah Lodge
No. 2 meets second and fourth Friday of
each month at I. O.O. F. Temple.
Malta liodiry, secretary.
Court Robin Hood No. 9, F'oresters of
America, meets fir -it and third Friday in
the month in Red Men's Hall. W. B
Staffjrd secretary ; F. T. Rogers, chieS
Meade Post No. 2, G. A. R., meets
first Wednesday in each month at Wil
lamette Hall. G. A. Harding, com
mander. Clackamsa Chapter No. 2, R. A.
meets on the third Monday of earfe
month in Masonic Hall. M. Bollack,
Pioneer Chapter No. 23. 0. E. S. meets
the second and fourth Tuesdays in eachi
month at Masonic Hall. Miss Jennisjr
Rowen, secretary.
Oregon Lodge No. 3, 1. 0. 0. F., meets
every Thursday in Odd Fellows' Hall.
T. F. Ryan, secretary.
Falls Encampment No. 4. 1. 0. O. F-
meets first and third Tuesday in each
month. J. A. Stuart, secretary.
Redmen Waeheno Tribe No. 13, Imp.
0. R. M., meets Saturday evening 7:30,
at Red Men's Hall. N. M. Moody, C.
of R. ; Chas. Woodward Sachem .
Multnomah Lodge No. 1, A. F. A. 3s,
meets first and third Saturdays ineach
tnooth at Masonic Hall. T. F. Ryaur
Mead Corps No IS, W. R. C, mm
1st Monday in each month at the Will
amette Hall. Mrs. Fouls, president.
The Auxiliary meets the third Monday,
at Willamette Hall.
Artisans meets first, second and fourth
Thursdays in each month at Red Mea'ts
Hall. J. T. Searl, secretary.
Catholic Knights of America St. John
Bianch No. 647, meets every Tuesday of
the month.
Tualatin Tent, K. 0. T. M.. meets io.
Red Men's Hall, on second and fourth.
Wednesdays G. H. Hyatt, reordt
Willamette Falls Camp No 14R, W. O..
W. meets 2nd and 4th Fridays in the
Willaraette Hall. Clerk J. K. Morris.
Plenty of money to loan at 8 per cent
on long or short time. Apply to G. H.
To Cnro a Cold Id Oue Pay.
Take Laxative Bmno Quinine Tablets
All druggists refund money if it fails to
cure. 2"c The genuine has L. B. Q. or
each tablet.
Dr. Williams' tnrfn Pita
Ointment will cure Blind.
UieeUinsT and tuning
Piles. It ulisnrlwthetumora.
aUuys tbe lu lling al once, a-Jta
:-i & T"j.ie- -ive le-oi"t re
lief. Ir. WililaniH'Inillrtnl'ileOint-'
mont la prepared for Plies and IU'h-
Ins of thu prlvfttii parts. Kvery box tw
warranted. By dnit'Sists, by nmil on r
of prtce. 60 cent and il.OO. WILLIAMS
f ACiUHiNS CO., Proiw.. Clevetauu, oan.
For sale bv C. G. Huntley,